I've had a look at my list of threads that I've done and I have come to the conclusion that this is my most successful thread so far, with 121 posts and 1,545 views. I feel so special and so happy
Wait why did the argument start in the first place?
*looks back at first post
Oh I thought it wasn't sensible of Carley to be shouting at Lilly whilst she was paranoid...
Wow it did blow up a bit didn't it...
Wait why did the argument start in the first place?
*looks back at first post
Oh I thought it wasn't sensible of Carley to be shouting at Lilly whilst she was paranoid...
Wow it did blow up a bit didn't it...
It goes to show how much we care about these characters .
I don't hate any of the characters. I like all of them, or most of them and just don't care about some.
My thoughts exactly
Can I just say I have never seen a video game (aside from WoW but WoW creates trolls) cause so much arguing and hatred from folks. I don't dislike anyone. They all play a purpose to the big picture. Lilys job was literally to be hated. I am surprised at how may love her. She was never really created to be loved, at least I don't think. She is more like Shane/Gov. Never accept any one new unless it benefits you, never do anything that may hurt the group. Make self the leader and make everyone feel guilty for the choices they personally have to make. Assume every little thing you do is for the good of all (Oy how real life is that) When she took off with the RV I was all like "see ya bye" she wasn't important to me. She let emotion and anger affect her mind, sure she was depressed but that is no excuse as everyone has lost someone at this point. The whole dang world is probably depressed. just saying.Also I am glad she isn't like the Lily Kirkman wrote in "Road to woodbury" I am not impressed thus far with her, though I now understand the animosity people have towards Kirkman's Lily Caul and TT's Lily. I retract TT's Lily was much better. But still Kirkman in the end calls the shots, as it is his franchise. Weather you like it or not.
as for her father he was created to be the big bad jerk of the group. He was going to die regardless.
and my father hates hates hates Kenny, but honestly, his choices do not surprise me. He does what anyone else in the world does. Thinks only of himself and his family even if that means letting others die in the process. In his mind, no one but Katja and Ken jr. mattered and once they were gone, he had no more reason for living. My second play through Kenny was by my side at every chaotic moment. My first play through I did what pops told me too and Kenny left me on my own at the end.
Ben was a nerdy, probably bullied scared little boy who didn't have the cajonies to man up when need be. I saved him though I realized it wouldn't have mattered. The biggest redeeming moment was him saying Drop me so you can live. If no one noticed that as a redeeming moment they weren't paying attention.
Christa and Omid were a great addition as was Chuck. Christa, being with child, had crazy momma instincts going, that is why she was so hard on Lee. Any mother would understand that feeling, if your not a mother you won't understand ( oh and to the one that said they would stab Christa's baby..... Really..... Karma is gonna love you when she comes callin).
Omid was just friggin hilarious idk y but I liked him the most.
Molly had a reason to be hesitant as she was, after all her sister was basically murdered by the group in crawford and she was left to die. Fend on her own. She was there in every moment Lee needed her, even more so than Lee's own group. I didn't dislike her at all.
Vernon. Greed got the best of him and judging by Boyds comments, Vernon ran into Karma and lost. You always reap what you Sow.
Lee was hard to read as only bits and pieces come out on who and what he was before the ZA but he should be redeemed by doing all he did for a little girl he was not obligated to save and care for. The stranger, well he just went nuts like lily and took it out on Clem and Lee. Punishing the entire group in the process.
Bonnie, depending on how you played her is either a home-wrecker or naive.
Dee is jealous and also was blaming the wrong person for her husbands promiscuity. Take two to tango.
Vince was cool. I didn't bond much with him as his story was probably the shortest of all of em. Danny was a perv and I shot him first chance I got. I have a deep seeded hate for rapists. (huh whaddya know a character I hate) Justin stole money and that was bad but honestly it is the ZA it is not like money, if stolen again, would do him any good. So ya I went with him.
Russell was young too and had a bad taste in his mouth in the way of groups. He just wasn't interested in becoming a monster in the name of survival. I can respect that.
Nate was just well..... I personally would not associate with a person like that. So I payed no mind to him and left him high and dry and if the chance arises I will probably not hesitate to kill him. It may be a ZA but if he is a bandit from Season 1 and he had something to do with the rapes Jolene suffered, why would I want to save him again? ZA is no excuse to hurt women to please your libido. I don't hate him I just don't care if he lives or dies. so long as he leaves me alone he won't die by my hand.
Wyatt and Eddie were typical stoners trying to survive the ZA I lol'd a lot. No reason to hate them there. But damn did they p'o nate or what lol.
Shel and Becca, now that was a tough story. kill or don't kill. I figured he spoke English chose not to and figured he would return with buddies to get their supplies. I didn't like it but I did not release him. Later Eddie referenced him so we know he knew English now. But I just could not justify offing Stephanie. All she wanted was to leave. Granite she was taking our supplies but Roman done lost his rocks and was becoming worse that Gov.
Becca unfortunately is having to go through teen angst in a ZA so of course she is going to come off brash and annoying. If you think Clementine is going to be a sweet innocent little girl forever you have a rude awakening coming. And that is if TT even goes that far with this game series.
But again this is just a video game. computer generated graphics. At the end of the day they aren't real and their story doesn't affect my real life. I like the game and am looking forward to more episodes as Telltale sees fit to release. (also does anyone else wanna go back and save Boyd from Roman? I do lol)
That was a giant wall of text, Carodwen, but it was well worth reading.
I agree with most of it too.
I also think some would be more sympathetic to Ben if Telltale had left in more of the lines describing some of the harrowing shit he and his school group went through re their bandit situation. No fucking wonder he wanted to placate them with supplies when in Lee's group.
The only members of the main group I think were really intended for some unanimous hate were Larry, and Episode 4's Ben. Kenny and Lilly's disposition towards Lee is too malleable to say that either was fully designed for every player to completely hate them.
I also think some would be more sympathetic to Ben if Telltale had left in more of the lines describing some of the harrowing shit he and his school group went through re their bandit situation. No fucking wonder he wanted to placate them with supplies when in Lee's group.
We already knew what the bandits were capable of. Emphasizing it just grants even more of a reason not to keep a deal with them a secret.
They needed people to hate him so that they would drop him in Episode 4, which is why they didn't do much in the way of making players sympathize with him. I think every single playtester saved him, which is why they specifically added in him leaving Clem to die at the start of the Episode.
We already knew what the bandits were capable of. Emphasizing it just grants even more of a reason not to keep a deal with them a secret.
Which just comes back to Ben and his huge streak of naivety and lack of judgment, perhaps also clouded in part due to having watched many of his 40 odd classmates murdered (and one raped repeatedly and presumably killed) if the cut dialogue is anything to go by. Still, I was never a Ben supporter. He is one of three characters I hated on first go. Not so much anymore, however. I'm certainly sympathetic.
They needed people to hate him so that they would drop him in Episode 4, which is why they didn't do much in the way of making players sympathize with him. I think every single playtester saved him, which is why they specifically added in him leaving Clem to die at the start of the Episode.
That was a giant wall of text, Carodwen, but it was well worth reading.
I agree with most of it too.
I also think some would be more sympathetic to Ben if Telltale had left in more of the lines describing some of the harrowing shit he and his school group went through re their bandit situation. No fucking wonder he wanted to placate them with supplies when in Lee's group.
LOL sorry about the large amount of text. When I get going I just get going. (Being a blogger it happens alot haha)
Why don't you just say Lilly is better then Kenny, or say Lee sucks as a character, or even say Clementine is over rated, you will be at 3000 views really fast if you say any of these options.
Why don't you just say Lilly is better then Kenny, or say Lee sucks as a character, or even say Clementine is over rated, you will be at 3000 views really fast if you say any of these options.
I prefer Lilly to Kenny but that isn't saying much...
Kenny is the only character who I really hated...
So rehashing the same thing is not happening so, why not have the same war reversed, I take Lilly's side and Hudomonkey takes Kenny's side, okay that is to extreme for me and Hudo so, why don't we say Nate sucks, everyone likes Nate so that will get everyone coming.
So rehashing the same thing is not happening so, why not have the same war reversed, I take Lilly's side and Hudomonkey takes Kenny's side, okay that is to extreme for me and Hudo so, why don't we say Nate sucks, everyone likes Nate so that will get everyone coming.
Nah it has to be something original like say Larry was actually right and had the right to kill Lee and Larry should of been the main character .
He got his 2000 views I'm not going to start any more wars they are a bit tiring...
Wait, what?! *checks thread views* I have 2,000 YES! YES! I'd like to thank everyone for checking out the thread and I'd like to thank Kenny my best friend.
Thank you for posting it wouldn't have so many posts if it wasn't for the Lilly war so you don't have to apologise.
That's true.
Don't forget about me !
*looks back at first post
Oh I thought it wasn't sensible of Carley to be shouting at Lilly whilst she was paranoid...
Wow it did blow up a bit didn't it...
It goes to show how much we care about these characters .
That may be Ironic that I just defended his killer...
Well it is because I am a forgiving person...
Yeah thanks Kenny and Lilly (even though I hate you Lilly) and you two.
Not forgetting you master psychic.
My thoughts exactly
Can I just say I have never seen a video game (aside from WoW but WoW creates trolls) cause so much arguing and hatred from folks. I don't dislike anyone. They all play a purpose to the big picture. Lilys job was literally to be hated. I am surprised at how may love her. She was never really created to be loved, at least I don't think. She is more like Shane/Gov. Never accept any one new unless it benefits you, never do anything that may hurt the group. Make self the leader and make everyone feel guilty for the choices they personally have to make. Assume every little thing you do is for the good of all (Oy how real life is that) When she took off with the RV I was all like "see ya bye" she wasn't important to me. She let emotion and anger affect her mind, sure she was depressed but that is no excuse as everyone has lost someone at this point. The whole dang world is probably depressed. just saying.Also I am glad she isn't like the Lily Kirkman wrote in "Road to woodbury" I am not impressed thus far with her, though I now understand the animosity people have towards Kirkman's Lily Caul and TT's Lily. I retract TT's Lily was much better. But still Kirkman in the end calls the shots, as it is his franchise. Weather you like it or not.
as for her father he was created to be the big bad jerk of the group. He was going to die regardless.
and my father hates hates hates Kenny, but honestly, his choices do not surprise me. He does what anyone else in the world does. Thinks only of himself and his family even if that means letting others die in the process. In his mind, no one but Katja and Ken jr. mattered and once they were gone, he had no more reason for living. My second play through Kenny was by my side at every chaotic moment. My first play through I did what pops told me too and Kenny left me on my own at the end.
Ben was a nerdy, probably bullied scared little boy who didn't have the cajonies to man up when need be. I saved him though I realized it wouldn't have mattered. The biggest redeeming moment was him saying Drop me so you can live. If no one noticed that as a redeeming moment they weren't paying attention.
Christa and Omid were a great addition as was Chuck. Christa, being with child, had crazy momma instincts going, that is why she was so hard on Lee. Any mother would understand that feeling, if your not a mother you won't understand ( oh and to the one that said they would stab Christa's baby..... Really..... Karma is gonna love you when she comes callin).
Omid was just friggin hilarious idk y but I liked him the most.
Molly had a reason to be hesitant as she was, after all her sister was basically murdered by the group in crawford and she was left to die. Fend on her own. She was there in every moment Lee needed her, even more so than Lee's own group. I didn't dislike her at all.
Vernon. Greed got the best of him and judging by Boyds comments, Vernon ran into Karma and lost. You always reap what you Sow.
Lee was hard to read as only bits and pieces come out on who and what he was before the ZA but he should be redeemed by doing all he did for a little girl he was not obligated to save and care for. The stranger, well he just went nuts like lily and took it out on Clem and Lee. Punishing the entire group in the process.
Bonnie, depending on how you played her is either a home-wrecker or naive.
Dee is jealous and also was blaming the wrong person for her husbands promiscuity. Take two to tango.
Vince was cool. I didn't bond much with him as his story was probably the shortest of all of em. Danny was a perv and I shot him first chance I got. I have a deep seeded hate for rapists. (huh whaddya know a character I hate) Justin stole money and that was bad but honestly it is the ZA it is not like money, if stolen again, would do him any good. So ya I went with him.
Russell was young too and had a bad taste in his mouth in the way of groups. He just wasn't interested in becoming a monster in the name of survival. I can respect that.
Nate was just well..... I personally would not associate with a person like that. So I payed no mind to him and left him high and dry and if the chance arises I will probably not hesitate to kill him. It may be a ZA but if he is a bandit from Season 1 and he had something to do with the rapes Jolene suffered, why would I want to save him again? ZA is no excuse to hurt women to please your libido. I don't hate him I just don't care if he lives or dies. so long as he leaves me alone he won't die by my hand.
Wyatt and Eddie were typical stoners trying to survive the ZA I lol'd a lot. No reason to hate them there. But damn did they p'o nate or what lol.
Shel and Becca, now that was a tough story. kill or don't kill. I figured he spoke English chose not to and figured he would return with buddies to get their supplies. I didn't like it but I did not release him. Later Eddie referenced him so we know he knew English now. But I just could not justify offing Stephanie. All she wanted was to leave. Granite she was taking our supplies but Roman done lost his rocks and was becoming worse that Gov.
Becca unfortunately is having to go through teen angst in a ZA so of course she is going to come off brash and annoying. If you think Clementine is going to be a sweet innocent little girl forever you have a rude awakening coming. And that is if TT even goes that far with this game series.
But again this is just a video game. computer generated graphics. At the end of the day they aren't real and their story doesn't affect my real life. I like the game and am looking forward to more episodes as Telltale sees fit to release. (also does anyone else wanna go back and save Boyd from Roman? I do lol)
I agree with most of it too.
I also think some would be more sympathetic to Ben if Telltale had left in more of the lines describing some of the harrowing shit he and his school group went through re their bandit situation. No fucking wonder he wanted to placate them with supplies when in Lee's group.
We already knew what the bandits were capable of. Emphasizing it just grants even more of a reason not to keep a deal with them a secret.
Which just comes back to Ben and his huge streak of naivety and lack of judgment, perhaps also clouded in part due to having watched many of his 40 odd classmates murdered (and one raped repeatedly and presumably killed) if the cut dialogue is anything to go by. Still, I was never a Ben supporter. He is one of three characters I hated on first go. Not so much anymore, however. I'm certainly sympathetic.
True. I just wanted ALL the details.
LOL sorry about the large amount of text. When I get going I just get going. (Being a blogger it happens alot haha)
I was being cheeky, so I should say sorry
Also, I really like Boyd. He's Mr Integrity and a good soul, so, yes, I would have liked to have had him with me.
Or me , you and Bioshock Infinite WD can start another war over another character .
What do you think of the puppy in Shel's story?
I think he is the best character in TWD yet...
It was worth a shot
I prefer Lilly to Kenny but that isn't saying much...
Kenny is the only character who I really hated...
Nah it has to be something original like say Larry was actually right and had the right to kill Lee and Larry should of been the main character .
Wait, what?! *checks thread views* I have 2,000 YES! YES! I'd like to thank everyone for checking out the thread