Walking dead season 4 trailer
So, who else noticed Michonne pointing in a map on Macon in the trailer? Maybe we will see some familliar places in the tv show

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I will hear no badmouthing of season 3, my favorite season. :mad:
Okay, I see. I get defensive over this show sometimes because I love it so much and it gets a lot of hate. But yeah, it looks like its ramping things up. We have a lot of new people in the group and I noticed that scene with Tyreese beating off walkers is straight out of the comic. It would be neat to tie the game in some way, like maybe Sasha could mention her college professor Lee Everett. I dont know.
It's clearly a high quality show, that's why it gets the ratings and reviews that it does. When you see a lot of vocal hate against something it's usually because they don't like something that's popular. It also has a very high standard to live up to from the comic (of which some fans will hate every change) and the game. Basically you'll never please everyone.
I personally thought the last episode of season 3 was a pretty major anticlimax and it's left a bad aftertaste for me. I liked yesterday's trailer a lot though so it's restored a big chunk of my faith.
If they do end up in Macon a little reference would be nice to see. Is TV Glenn's backstory the same? He'd be likely source if it is.
You know, I dont think we got very much backstory on Glenn at all from either the game or the show or even the comic. He was a pizza delivery guy and he had a mother and sisters. Thats all I know. To paraphrase Katja, that guy is a puzzle.
Daryl and Glenn at least are not untouchable. I don't see why you wouldn't at least give it a try but eh.
As for the whole prison thing, I think it's good that they planning to make it into two seasons, because the whole comic story won't fit one season of TV show. They would have to add Hershel growing food, Tyreese battle with zombies, death of the kids at barber shop and battles with Governor. It's not possible to have all this stuff in one season, and I think they made an excellent move by moving the Woodbury survivors into the prison, because now we might see cutted heads of two poor kids maybe, which won't happen in the original crew from season 3, but now it's possible with newcomers, and I even saw kids in the trailer.
And Rick won't die, they wouldn't make so hard difference from the comics. People would rage.
There is some reading about TV Negan: http://renegadecinema.com/11247/walking-dead-negan
And Negan is totally Bruce Campbell. Kirkman probably based Negan on Bruce Campbell, his character is funny and dangerous, and he really seems to me like Negan.
Edit: I just found somewhere that even Bruce Campbell tweeted that he wants to be in Walking Dead.
Yeah, 14 million people do. And killing off Shane was a good idea. He died way sooner in the comic.
Seriously?! How is that even possible it's freaking cable.
Faith in humanity = Lost.
What do you mean how is that possible? There is more than one way to watch a tv show these days. I dont have cable and I bought eps off ITunes.
I'm talking about live numbers. True Blood is on cable and gets about 4 million viewers per episode which is considered pretty successful. I just can't believe 14 million people tune in for TWD. I refuse to believe that!
In saying that, I'd not want it reversed. Game -> show. Not at all.
And it could all be a huge tease. I'm just pleased Gimple has taste. He obviously thinks highly of this game.