My lee Made it as far as episode 3 where he died in the Bandit Raid.
I don't recall exactly which episode it was and what part, but it was one of those scenes where you're having a calm dialogue and suddenly shit hits the fan and you have to hit qqqqqqqq. I was only holding my mouse and had the other hand off the keyboard completely, so by the time I got to mashing q, it was already too late. I think it might have been the beginning of episode 2, where you chat with Katja and suddenly get attacked by the legless dude.
I don't recall exactly which episode it was and what part, but it was one of those scenes where you're having a calm dialogue and suddenly shit hits the fan and you have to hit qqqqqqqq. I was only holding my mouse and had the other hand off the keyboard completely, so by the time I got to mashing q, it was already too late. I think it might have been the beginning of episode 2, where you chat with Katja and suddenly get attacked by the legless dude.
Yeah the guy you's bring back from the woods turns and attacks Lee.
Yeah, I remember that, I just don't recall if it was an instant qqqqqq event, or did you have to click something with your mouse first. If that was the case, I should've survived and might have died somewhere else. Anyway, later in the episode, I was also shot by Brenda for taking one step too far. Then I also got shot by the bandits once in the raid, AND I got shot by Vernon in the bunker. My Lee apparently sucked vs bullets.
My Lee made it too his actual death in episode 5 because I'm badass :cool: Not really my Lee would make it to episode 4 in the bell tower, my leg was trapped and I spent to long trying free it, when I looked up there was a walker in my face and I couldn't react quick enough so it launched itself on top of me and tore out my organs. Goddammit Ben!
It might have been at the babysitter part, I think I panicked. I'm not sure though since I played the demo before buying Episode 1 and I am not sure if you get up to that bit in the demo or not, but I am pretty sure I died there.
You think that is shameful, my first time playing I did not expect the cop to come back so when he did I panicked and dropped the Xbox controller, when I picked it up I was dead, my first death was the first possible death.
I also did, about 10 times, I did not realize what I was doing wrong for ten deaths, and I never even said put the gun down bitch, I still did better then Nova did on that part, I mean really, did it take him 25, 50 try's?
Well I did not die on that one, I died on the cop which is really embarrassing to say the least.
Well,it is understandable,I am just always ready,except when walking towards an armed gun woman,I never expected one more step would have me getting my brains blown out.
Well,it is understandable,I am just always ready,except when walking towards an armed gun woman,I never expected one more step would have me getting my brains blown out.
You've got odd priorities Always ready except when walking towards someone with a gun pointed in your face? I think I'd be extra careful on that one, myself
You've got odd priorities Always ready except when walking towards someone with a gun pointed in your face? I think I'd be extra careful on that one, myself
Well,and add the fact that she was a cannibal and you can see that I was being really stupid at that part,I guess I thought she may be a bit scared to shoot me, I don't know why though.
My Lee was first killed by Sandra the babysitter at Clementine's house. He slipped and hit his head, and the walker was crawling after Lee with his vision all distorted, and next thing I knew, Lee was dead. That would have been so tragic if it were canon.
If I only had one life, Lee was shot and killed by Brenda St. John. While still being able to kill Danny before he died, it is not enough as Kenny is then shot by Andy and the entire group killed save for Kaatja, who spends her last days as a cow vet for Maybelle before finding a way to kill herself.
I spent half an hour trying to figure out what to do.
I figured pretty early on that you cant be a baddass about this, as brenda seemed really on edge, what got me was walking twards her and getting shot all the time, then it occurd to me that you should stop when she tells you too lol
I died the moment the policeman rose from the dead and I didn't die too often after that. Also got the impression I had to grab Molly's hand the moment it touched mine, rather than before and fell to my death.
My only death was when that walker grabbed Katjaa, but I don't count it because a glitch happened 'cause I actually made a response to her question, lol. I couldn't do anything, so then I died. (GODDAMMIT BEN, YOU MADE ME DIE!!!!)
BUT if you don't count that, my Lee was a BADASS and made it to the end w/o dying.
LIKE A BOSS! :cool:
I don't recall exactly which episode it was and what part, but it was one of those scenes where you're having a calm dialogue and suddenly shit hits the fan and you have to hit qqqqqqqq. I was only holding my mouse and had the other hand off the keyboard completely, so by the time I got to mashing q, it was already too late. I think it might have been the beginning of episode 2, where you chat with Katja and suddenly get attacked by the legless dude.
Yeah the guy you's bring back from the woods turns and attacks Lee.
So not far at all, really.
*hangs head in shame*
*Hangs head in double shame*
I was shot too,it was quite annoying replaying whole thing like 5 times :rolleyes:
Well,it is understandable,I am just always ready,except when walking towards an armed gun woman,I never expected one more step would have me getting my brains blown out.
You've got odd priorities
Well,and add the fact that she was a cannibal and you can see that I was being really stupid at that part,I guess I thought she may be a bit scared to shoot me, I don't know why though.
Me too.
Well then I guess it's less embarrassing now.
hahah same....PUT THE GUN DOWN BITCH....oh......
I figured pretty early on that you cant be a baddass about this, as brenda seemed really on edge, what got me was walking twards her and getting shot all the time, then it occurd to me that you should stop when she tells you too lol
And promptly shat my pants.
A dozen. Bloody. Tries.
Did you know you can select her hand as soon as you start running, and you don't actually have to time the jump as a result? 'Cos I bloody didn't.
Maybe Ben would have saved everyone.
BUT if you don't count that, my Lee was a BADASS and made it to the end w/o dying.
LIKE A BOSS! :cool: