i can't honestly remember...But i'm gonna guess brenda in ep2 as possibily accidently picked the wrong option or in ep3 going to investigate the front of the train and you find the car with a walker guarding the biscuits.. i know i totally misjudged the timing to kill him and he got me...lol
note to puzzlebox/other ttg staff... can you guys/gals put in a little 'post credits' stat page of when we died ? could be fun !
I honestly thought I would die around the beginning at something really stupid but no, I make it to episode 4. That was my only death I was so close to going through the whole game without dying I wanted to be a badass *sighs* I guess there is only one person I can blame and that person is...... GODDAMMIT BEN! You don't have to be a shamed like Bio said there are other people who died at that point
Just kidding. I didn't actually say that, but I might as well have. I didn't stop walking forward, which is how I died. And TeamKennyAlways, you aced the train station on your first go? Share with me your secrets!
Just kidding. I didn't actually say that, but I might as well have. I didn't stop walking forward, which is how I died. And TeamKennyAlways, you aced the train station on your first go? Share with me your secrets!
Yeah I did I um my secrets hm I guess Kenny taught me well No Clem was in danger I had to protect her no one harms Clem! I back up to the door grabbed Banana (that's my nickname for my monkey wrench, I name my weapons ) and battered the f*ckers and then I grabbed the keys from Clem opened the door and got the gun and shot it. Saved Clem no one I mean NO one harms her.
Yeah I did I um my secrets hm I guess Kenny taught me well No Clem was in danger I had to protect her no one harms Clem! I back up to the door grabbed Banana (that's my nickname for my monkey wrench, I name my weapons ) and battered the f*ckers and then I grabbed the keys from Clem opened the door and got the gun and shoot it. Saved Clem no one I mean NO one harms her.
Well, that was the last place I died, so at least I was a badass when it REALLY counted. I wasn't going to let those stairs beat me. I will never lose to an inanimate object again.
My only in-game death was in episode 2, the infamous Brenda hallway. I reacted too quickly and pressed the wrong button ("Put the gun down, bitch!") and got shot.
If we're playing it realistically as well as with 1 life, though, I doubt Lee would have just accidentally blurted out that instead of a more calm sentence if he had intended to calm Brenda down (as I had.) So probably not until episode 5.
The first time I remember dying was when Danny shot me in the Barn because Kenny didn't back me up. He told me to check on Danny, he saw me struggling and he hid and I got shot in my face.
the babysitter killed me because i was using the cursor keys when i first started playing the game, so when all of a sudden i had to bash the Q button i was like "WTF the Q key??" and then i died, after that i had to switch to using the stupid WASD keys GODDAMMIT BEN! i wish that you could change the controls
Ha. Funny thing is, that jumpscare where the policeman reanimates got me. I couldn't find the shotgun shell because I was playing with minimal hints and couldn't do anything but watch
Ha. Funny thing is, that jumpscare where the policeman reanimates got me. I couldn't find the shotgun shell because I was playing with minimal hints and couldn't do anything but watch
when i first played that, i was a bit on edge trying to do it quickly cos i didn't know how long i had, so i actually missed the hotspot at first and thought great i'm so dead here, got it in the nick of time i reckon.
so is there anyone who DIDN'T die from brenda regardless of whether or not is was their first death ?
when i first played that, i was a bit on edge trying to do it quickly cos i didn't know how long i had, so i actually missed the hotspot at first and thought great i'm so dead here, got it in the nick of time i reckon.
so is there anyone who DIDN'T die from brenda regardless of whether or not is was their first death ?
I managed to not get killed by Brenda on my first time,just went real slow
Out of curiousity was anyone's first death the walker trapped in the car in episode 3? If that death was canon it would be so lame that Lee died for a box of animal crackers!
Out of curiousity was anyone's first death the walker trapped in the car in episode 3? If that death was canon it would be so lame that Lee died for a box of animal crackers!
Brenda never touched because my bro Mark was there, even as a zombie he still helps me, so he ends eating the woman who ate him, ironic don't you think.
the mind boggles what that hand was doing
note to puzzlebox/other ttg staff... can you guys/gals put in a little 'post credits' stat page of when we died ? could be fun !
don't laugh.
Me to, along with Puzzlebox, no laughing coming from here.
I honestly thought I would die around the beginning at something really stupid but no, I make it to episode 4. That was my only death I was so close to going through the whole game without dying
Just kidding. I didn't actually say that, but I might as well have. I didn't stop walking forward, which is how I died. And TeamKennyAlways, you aced the train station on your first go? Share with me your secrets!
Yeah I did I um my secrets hm I guess Kenny taught me well
Well, that was the last place I died, so at least I was a badass when it REALLY counted. I wasn't going to let those stairs beat me. I will never lose to an inanimate object again.
Oh my god he did GODDAMMIT BEN! I'm gonna make a social group about him.
If we're playing it realistically as well as with 1 life, though, I doubt Lee would have just accidentally blurted out that instead of a more calm sentence if he had intended to calm Brenda down (as I had.) So probably not until episode 5.
Joined the group.
That was fast well welcome to the GODDAMMIT BEN group
when i first played that, i was a bit on edge trying to do it quickly cos i didn't know how long i had, so i actually missed the hotspot at first and thought great i'm so dead here, got it in the nick of time i reckon.
so is there anyone who DIDN'T die from brenda regardless of whether or not is was their first death ?
*Raises hand*
\( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I managed to not get killed by Brenda on my first time,just went real slow
\\ ( ° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(_ _)/
Thanks bro