The Walking Dead Fan Fic Preview

This is not the full fan fic, just a preview to give you a little taste. I currently working on it right now but I've taken a break to let you know how I'm doing with it. For any one who doesn't know, the fan fic is on how Kenny survives his 'death' so far I have done 463 words and 4 paragraphs. Not much written down I know but I am trying my best to find time to do it. I have it planned out. So the preview I'm going to give isn't really a spoiler spoiler for the fan fic but maybe for the game if you haven't played episode 3 so Game SPOILER.... maybe. The preview is from around the end but as I said before contains little spoilers for the fan fic. So I should just stop ranting and give you the preview. Enjoy. (if there are spelling mistakes, I apologise)
Kenny found himself walking on a path threw a dense wood. He could feel the twigs and crisp leaves crackle under foot. The sky was red, tinted with orange and gold. The hot sun was setting on the distance, turning the trees around him into black silhouettes, their branches twisted and deformed. This forest seemed all too familiar, as he reached a clearing. Two ominousness shadows stood in amongst the trees but as Kenny drew closer, the distorted figures became clearer. A woman and a young boy, Katjaa and Duck. The two greeted him with warm smiles, beckoning him towards them, calling his name. Kenny rushed forwards, he yearned to be with them, hold them once again. Kenny happiness was drained from him, as the mud around him began to sink, he began to sink. Kenny continued towards Katjaa and Duck, they held out there hands waiting for him. He waded through the mud which had now reached his top half. He had almost made it, he was almost there, he was so close to them he could almost touch their hands. The mud swallowed him up, Kenny began to drown.

Kenny's eyes rushed open as quickly sat up, his hands drawn to his neck as he gasped for breath. He sat in a darken room, blood trickling down the side of his cheek, which came from a heavy trauma to the head. Looks like Kenny wasn't ready to die, not yet.

That's the preview didn't want to give to much away. Suggestion are appreciated, if you see any spelling mistakes you let me know :) If you see anything I should change let me know too, I don't really mind criticism but sometimes it hurts a little inside. Thanks for reading hopefully I can finish the fan fic before Season 2 comes out, once again thanks for reading look forward to reading peoples post, I'm off to write some more on the fan fic, bye :)


  • edited August 2013
    Sounds interesting so far,looking forward to where Kenny goes next. :)
  • edited August 2013
    Glad you liked it.
  • edited August 2013
  • edited August 2013
    Thank you :)
  • edited August 2013
    I like it, first time with a Fan Fic, and is it okay if I demo my Fan Fic on this thread, even if it's yours.
  • edited August 2013
    Demo your fan fic? On my thread!!!!!!! Yeah cause you can :D
  • edited August 2013
    Okay then, and good work on the Fan Fic, do you have ETA for the Fan Fic, or are you going to be Telltale.
  • edited August 2013
    Um I'm not really sure what you mean by the question Bio.
  • edited August 2013
    What I mean is do you have a date for when the Fan Fic comes out, or are you going to be like Telltale, just say it comes when out when it's ready and say nothing.
  • edited August 2013
    I'm gonna be like Telltale, keep you all on your toes :p
  • edited August 2013
    Okay, so I am expecting October along with everything else Walking Dead.
  • edited August 2013
    Hm maybe :D
  • edited August 2013
    Well we can hope.
  • edited August 2013
    Well I am on page 19 of my Microsoft Word, and there is no double spacing, with 14,734 words, so it's going well, you want to know were I even got the idea, I had to make a zombie story for school, and this was days after Episode 4, so I wrote it, I then wanted more so I added a little bit every so often, I stopped for couple of months, and by then Bioshock Infinite was out, so I thought of why not add that in.
  • edited August 2013
    Wow, three posts in a row, well sorry but I have to say this, Kenny tell me if this is a alright line up of Characters, you got me, my best friend from Colorado, he is a fun type of guy who always wants to win, my other good friend, he is like the other one only he is short and runs really fast, and does stuff before thinking about it, my girlfriend, who is somewhat quite, and there will not be the whole romance thing at all, I am sick of that stuff, then the big hitters, Booker DeWitt and Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite, are beloved Walking Dead cast, which includes Nate and Crawford, Sargent Eric Tan from State of Decay, the best character in that game, he is sarcastic about everything, and Albert Arlington from COD Black Ops 2, shoot me, I hate COD but Zombies is the only thing that is good and he was my favorite anyway, does anyone want to add anyone else noteworthy from zombie gaming?
  • edited August 2013
    I'm gonna be like Telltale, keep you all on your toes :p

    As long as us European readers don't have to wait an extra month to read your stuff thats ok! :P
  • edited August 2013
    Okay... I will take note of that for whatever reason.
  • edited August 2013
    I don't, and I will be killing myself for not getting it, I call myself a hardcore zombie fan, well shit, Resident Evil 4, maybe?
  • edited August 2013
    I'm a cheater. Lel.
    Left for Dead. :)
  • edited August 2013
    Which Left for Dead, I have both and I played so much of both of them, how did I forget that?
  • edited August 2013
    Right, the Savannah level, they really screwed up Savannah but it was still a ton of fun, now if only Valve could count to three...
  • edited August 2013
    I know right, I find it funny that a small company like Telltale recreated Savannah almost to the street, and Valve screwed it up, funny.
  • edited August 2013
    Wow, three posts in a row, well sorry but I have to say this, Kenny tell me if this is a alright line up of Characters, you got me, my best friend from Colorado, he is a fun type of guy who always wants to win, my other good friend, he is like the other one only he is short and runs really fast, and does stuff before thinking about it, my girlfriend, who is somewhat quite, and there will not be the whole romance thing at all, I am sick of that stuff, then the big hitters, Booker DeWitt and Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite, are beloved Walking Dead cast, which includes Nate and Crawford, Sargent Eric Tan from State of Decay, the best character in that game, he is sarcastic about everything, and Albert Arlington from COD Black Ops 2, shoot me, I hate COD but Zombies is the only thing that is good and he was my favorite anyway, does anyone want to add anyone else noteworthy from zombie gaming?

    You said I could be in the fan fic or did you already mention me, I just quickly read through.
  • edited August 2013
    Well this thread got side tracked pretty quickly :D
  • edited August 2013
    I know right, I am way to good in it, and what type of role do you want, and does it sound good so far?
  • edited August 2013
    Yeah it does sound good, my role should be I end up dying around the end, I shall let you kill the character vision of me, but can I go out with a bang and heroically like Kenny (if he's dead).
  • edited August 2013
    At what part do you want to die at, were do want to show up at, what is your character name, your traits and what you wearing, these all matter.
  • edited August 2013
    Around the end.

    I wanna turn up alongside Kenny, whenever he comes into the story.

    My characters name, um Samuel (that's not my real name, just to let you know)

    My traits, do you mean personality? Um I am kinda a coward at times (like Ben) but make tough choices (like Kenny) I wanna be good with a gun and a knife

    What I'm wearing? Um a black jacket (:cool:) and jeans

    That's it, is that ok?
  • edited August 2013
    Okay good with me, do you want to be in Lee's group or apart of Savannah, after that I just need the deets on how and when you die, and that is it.
  • edited August 2013
    Well when Kenny is separated from the group, I come across him later on after he escapes so, I'm apart of Savannah I guess.
  • edited August 2013
    Okay, I will put you into Lee's group, say you became good friends with Kenny, and you go after him when he jumps into the alleyway, he is alive and you save his life at the cost of yours.
  • edited August 2013
    Yes that's what should happen to me, awesome :D
  • edited August 2013
    Well I will do it for ya, if you are going to be a part of the old group, then should I just say you were a third classmate along with Ben and Travis?
  • edited August 2013
    Yeah that sounds good, I'm sorta of a friend of Ben but not Travis. I will be a classmate it sounds like a good idea. Can I be trying to free David when the group come across us unlike the others who just stand there :p
  • edited August 2013
    Yes, we won't see it but you will mention trying to get your teacher out of a bear trap, while the other two guys just did nothing, and you will vote to get rid of Ben, because he is the worlds greatest screw up, I am trying to think of a way to kill you off that fits with the alleyway, got any ideas?
  • edited August 2013
    Lee is on one side of the gate while Kenny's on the other side in the alleyway and I say "What the f*ck Lee you let him do that" (or something along those lines) I manage to climb over the gate, and then.... I don't know what should happen after that. Can there be scenes of me and Kenny being bros?
  • edited August 2013
    Also do you think we should continue in private messaging?
  • edited August 2013
    Yes, you will be agreeing with Kenny and you and Lee will be the only friends of Kenny.
  • edited August 2013
    Well now I can't wait to read your fan fic, I bet you feel the same way about mine right?
  • edited August 2013
    Pretty much, and I agree, lets do private messaging.
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