The Walking Dead Fan Fic Preview
This is not the full fan fic, just a preview to give you a little taste. I currently working on it right now but I've taken a break to let you know how I'm doing with it. For any one who doesn't know, the fan fic is on how Kenny survives his 'death' so far I have done 463 words and 4 paragraphs. Not much written down I know but I am trying my best to find time to do it. I have it planned out. So the preview I'm going to give isn't really a spoiler spoiler for the fan fic but maybe for the game if you haven't played episode 3 so Game SPOILER.... maybe. The preview is from around the end but as I said before contains little spoilers for the fan fic. So I should just stop ranting and give you the preview. Enjoy. (if there are spelling mistakes, I apologise)
Kenny found himself walking on a path threw a dense wood. He could feel the twigs and crisp leaves crackle under foot. The sky was red, tinted with orange and gold. The hot sun was setting on the distance, turning the trees around him into black silhouettes, their branches twisted and deformed. This forest seemed all too familiar, as he reached a clearing. Two ominousness shadows stood in amongst the trees but as Kenny drew closer, the distorted figures became clearer. A woman and a young boy, Katjaa and Duck. The two greeted him with warm smiles, beckoning him towards them, calling his name. Kenny rushed forwards, he yearned to be with them, hold them once again. Kenny happiness was drained from him, as the mud around him began to sink, he began to sink. Kenny continued towards Katjaa and Duck, they held out there hands waiting for him. He waded through the mud which had now reached his top half. He had almost made it, he was almost there, he was so close to them he could almost touch their hands. The mud swallowed him up, Kenny began to drown.
Kenny's eyes rushed open as quickly sat up, his hands drawn to his neck as he gasped for breath. He sat in a darken room, blood trickling down the side of his cheek, which came from a heavy trauma to the head. Looks like Kenny wasn't ready to die, not yet.
That's the preview didn't want to give to much away. Suggestion are appreciated, if you see any spelling mistakes you let me know
If you see anything I should change let me know too, I don't really mind criticism but sometimes it hurts a little inside. Thanks for reading hopefully I can finish the fan fic before Season 2 comes out, once again thanks for reading look forward to reading peoples post, I'm off to write some more on the fan fic, bye
Kenny found himself walking on a path threw a dense wood. He could feel the twigs and crisp leaves crackle under foot. The sky was red, tinted with orange and gold. The hot sun was setting on the distance, turning the trees around him into black silhouettes, their branches twisted and deformed. This forest seemed all too familiar, as he reached a clearing. Two ominousness shadows stood in amongst the trees but as Kenny drew closer, the distorted figures became clearer. A woman and a young boy, Katjaa and Duck. The two greeted him with warm smiles, beckoning him towards them, calling his name. Kenny rushed forwards, he yearned to be with them, hold them once again. Kenny happiness was drained from him, as the mud around him began to sink, he began to sink. Kenny continued towards Katjaa and Duck, they held out there hands waiting for him. He waded through the mud which had now reached his top half. He had almost made it, he was almost there, he was so close to them he could almost touch their hands. The mud swallowed him up, Kenny began to drown.
Kenny's eyes rushed open as quickly sat up, his hands drawn to his neck as he gasped for breath. He sat in a darken room, blood trickling down the side of his cheek, which came from a heavy trauma to the head. Looks like Kenny wasn't ready to die, not yet.
That's the preview didn't want to give to much away. Suggestion are appreciated, if you see any spelling mistakes you let me know

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As long as us European readers don't have to wait an extra month to read your stuff thats ok! :P
Left for Dead.
You said I could be in the fan fic or did you already mention me, I just quickly read through.
I wanna turn up alongside Kenny, whenever he comes into the story.
My characters name, um Samuel (that's not my real name, just to let you know)
My traits, do you mean personality? Um I am kinda a coward at times (like Ben) but make tough choices (like Kenny) I wanna be good with a gun and a knife
What I'm wearing? Um a black jacket (:cool:) and jeans
That's it, is that ok?