Pretty good progress so far, and I am currently trying to find the fabled Kenny appreciation thread, it's out there somewhere.
To be honest, I've yet to hear of a sole Kenny appreciation thread. But there was a "Fuck Kenny" thread back in the day which contained both Kenny hate and support.
I do have to wonder how a thread titled F*uck Kenny has more pages then any other Walking Dead thread, and there was a Kenny thread, it was just two pages long.
Guess people like hating on Kenny, it hurts me when ever someone insults Kenny, I can feel a miner disturbance in the universe when ever it happens causing me great pain and sorrow.
I do have to wonder how a thread titled F*uck Kenny has more pages then any other Walking Dead thread, and there was a Kenny thread, it was just two pages long.
After episode 2, there was a lot of interesting discussion on the forum. More people sided with Lilly in the meat locker, and there were general topics of "I don't care what happens to Kenny." I was one of them.
Needless to say, Kenny didn't have the support he has today.
Kenny always had my support, never been a moment I hated him, although episode 4 was a tough time in our friendship, I was worried about him, he was a ticking time bomb, and in deep depression. But we stayed strong.
In hindsight your pretty much right, still the biggest thread on the Walking Dead forum now is the Season 2 page that was made in I think August, and it's still not as big, goes to show how much hate Kenny got for sometime.
Do you mind if I kind of preview my fanfic?
I don't want to make another thread to let people preview it. It's pretty short so far, and it's inspired by the setup in Visambros' The Walking Dead: Real Monsters.
Since I am friends with Kenny, you will be allowed to preview the Fan Fic, the real deal has to have it's own thread but demos and previews are okay here.
Okay, then.
Really short but I hope this is somewhat or somehow promising.
Yes, this is another "KENNY IS ALIVE!!!!!!!" Fanfic.
Also, this takes place when Kenny mercy kills Ben.
This game series adapts to the choices you make.
The story is tailored by how you play.
The Walking Dead; To Hell and Back
Episode 1; Buying Time
KENNY stood in an alleyway, fighting off walkers. It's too bad life could never be easy on him.
But good friends don't get eaten. Not today and not ever.
It wasn't his time to die.
(o) SHOOT Walker
KENNY aimed for a demented Walker's head, and pulled the trigger. He only had 4 bullets left, now. The other Walkers didn't care:
They just kept walking. The reason he was in this mess was because of his pity...
(o) LOOK AT Walkers
There was about 15 or so walking bodies covered with blood, wounds, and other gotesque
coming near KENNY. KENNY only had 4 bullets, and no melee weapon.
[KENNY]: There's no way I'll get through that f***ing horde.
(o) SHOOT Walker
KENNY once again aimed at a walker's head. He pulled the trigger, leaving
14 more walkers to come. He needed to keep them back, but that wouldn't happen. These creatures don't care if they die. All they wanted was to eat.
(o) LOOK AT Ben's Corpse
KENNY looked at Ben's now dead body. He was impaled through the chest, falling
a good 5 feet or so. His chest was covered in blood, the rest of his body covered with rubble. KENNY had already used up one of his bullets putting him out of his misery, another for a Walker. Kenny just looked away, unable to look at the poor kid anymore.
The walkers started to near KENNY at a dangerous range. KENNY needed to back
up away, else he'd end up dead.
|/!\ Use the (S) key to back away!|
KENNY started to back up to the end of the alleyway. He aimed once more at another walker; and pulled the trigger.
He wasn't going to get through like this. He needed a weapon.
(o) LOOK AT Hammer
KENNY looked down on the hammer. He grabbed it, ready to smash some rotten skulls in.
(o) SMASH Walker Head
Kenny brought up his hammer, and smashed it into the Walker's head, impaling it through the skull into the brain.
He quickly yanked it out of the head and then was ready to smash another's head.
Yeah, sorry this is short. But this is a really rough draft as perviously mentioned.
I might make more...
Here's a more polished yet still rough draft of the beginning. I think you'll like the ending.
This game series adapts to the choices you make.
The story is tailored by how you play.
Games presents
In association with
SkyBound Entertainment
The Walking Dead; To Hell and Back
KENNY was at the brink of death.
His pity and feelings had brought him into this mess;
all because of BEN. He didn't regret it though.
He wasn't sure about BEN, though.
Whatever BEN had felt, it didn't matter now. He needed a way out of here, fast.
It's a good thing for KENNY that good friends don't get eaten.
And they may never will.
DAY 126
KENNY backed up from the walker crowd as he slowly approached the end of the alleyway.
[KENNY]: Fuck.
KENNY needed another way out, fast.
(o) LOOK AT Walker Crowd
That walker crowd was just getting closer and closer to KENNY. It was full of Women and Men KENNY would never know about.
And right now, he really didn't want to know. He needed to focus on something much more important than examining dead bodies and counting his seconds
to death by bites from a horde of Walkers.
(o) LOOK AT Hammer
KENNY wasn't sure how this had got here, but he didn't care. As long as it saved his life, it didn't matter and neither
did those goddamned walkers. KENNY grabbed the Hammer, ready to smash some rotten skulls in.
(o) SMASH Walker Head
KENNY quickly swung his hammer at an incoming male Walker. It looked like this person was a supermarket worker before the outbreak. He hit it's head with his hammer, causing a bit of impact, though not enough to kill it. It stumbled back, but came back, unfazed as if it never felt pain.
(o) SMASH Walker Head
KENNY swung once more at the reanimated supermarket worker, and it fell on the ground. It wasn't dead, so KENNY crushed it's head under his foot.
He was now ready to swing at more forbidden and godforsaken monsters.
(o) SWING HAMMER AT Walker Crowd
(o) SMASH Walker Head
KENNY kept on swinging at the walker crowd. He just kept swinging his hammer, penetrating skulls causing the dead cannibals to drop down dead.
KENNY ended up killing 5 of those walkers. Not much effect on the crowd, but all he needed now was time, and his sill-somewhat injured arm-chest wound wasn't helping him swing his hammer.
He went for the alternative: The gun. He was just lucky LEE had given him those extra bullets.
He took out his gun and started shooting at the crusade of walkers, aiming for the head on all of them. He missed one, but that didn't matter much. He just hit it with his steel hammer, killing it.
All he needed now was a way out. His shooting sadly just attracted more Walkers. At least, it bought him some time.
(o) LOOK AT Building
KENNY looked at the building. It seemed there was a way in. Maybe he could just open the window and climb in. Whatever was in there, he didn't care as long as it wasn't
as bad or worse than the situation he was currently in. He just needed a way out of this mess.
(o) LOOK AT Manhole
KENNY peered over to a Manhole somewhere in front of him. In this postition of pulling the Manhole out, he was vunerable, but maybe there was a better
situation in the sewers than up HERE.
KENNY, with his time ticking down, decided there was 2 options; The Building or The Manhole. Giving Up and Dying was NOT an option in this situation,
at least to KENNY.
|(o) OPEN Window or LIFT Manhole|
(o) OPEN Window
KENNY decided to open the Window to the building. He tried to push it up, but it seemed it was stuck. He tried again; and then he knew what to grab: The hammer.
(o) GRAB Hammer
KENNY quickly grabbed the Hammer he dropped on the floor of the alley. He went back to the window he was trying to open, and craning his hammer to the side, ready to strike.
(o) BASH Window
KENNY quickly brought his hammer to the window, smashing it. The glass went everywhere. Just as he was going to get in, he noticed boards covering the frame of the window.
|GODDAMNIT!| <----
KENNY cleared his head for a second just as a walker creeped up on him.
KENNY tried with all his might to push the walker away, but try as he might, he could not.
Suddenly, a gunshot shot the walker straight in the head.
|Who the fuck are you?|
|What the...!?| <----
[KENNY]: What the...!?
A figure looking similar to KENNY came, shooting the Walkers in the way.
[LENNY]: Hello, brother.
This is my demo for my Fan Fic, it is the backround of one of the many characters, it is a full length chapter and does appear in the fic, it is still a rough draft just so you know, it is the back story of one Albert Arlington, a gangster from New York, it is told from his prospective. without saying anymore here is the demo for The Walking Dead: The Will to Survive.
Bioshock Infinite WD presents.
The Walking Dead: The Will to survive
I sat on wooded box near the ‘campfire’ of sorts, which was really nothing more than a tire set alight, maybe not the wisest of choices but I did not care. I glanced a bit to my left and looked at Arlington, there was something not right with that man, and it was not the fact that his cloths looked like something from one of those old gangster movies my dad would make me watch. He saw me and said in a slightly squeaky voice “Hay kid my name is Albert Arlington, but you can call me Al or the Weasel, You know why don’t we just tell a little bit about ourselves, not like we are going anywhere, I will go first. Gather round ladies and gentlemen because you will be here for a while. I was from Brooklyn New York, I lived on the nicer side of town, not that shit you see in the movies, and unlike most gangsters I attended college and passed, surprised? When I was looking for a job afterword’s, my dear friend from my neighborhood by the name of Michael ‘Finn’ O Leary told me how to get money fast, and I more than ever wanted money fast and easy and I was told this was the best way, and that my friend was the Mafia. Now I grew up watching the great gangster movies like the Godfather and other greats, so I wanted to be unique and be remembered, for better or worse. My plan that made me unique in the mob world was that I would wear 1920s clothes and use old fashion tommy guns, if it kills it works. Besides my job was not to kill people, I was the beat the shit out of you guy, and the money handler due to my smarts, and no I did not wear my gangster suit when I was doing money handling. I was also a con man that got a lot of extra funds for the family, granted it was not a shit ton of money, but ever bit helped. The main hitman for the group was a man named Billy Handsome, I don’t know why they called him that but he got the job done pretty well, the cops still have no idea exactly how people he killed. My friend Finn was a racketeer that handled gambling, he did his job well enough I guess. The Don of the family was a Sicilian named Salvatore Deluca; he was the man of beer drugs and gambling, I respected the guy but at the same time feared him. I was riding the money wave, I had no wife or family but I was getting there, but the lure of money is stronger than love, that and I was not really the person that wanted long term relationships. I once stole a man entire wallet once, it was in the subway waiting to catch a ride and I was bored. He turned around and asked my who took it, I put on a happy simile and pointed at a business man with a large suitcase. By some extreme luck he believed me and ran right at the guy, and beat the shit out of him, when this was all happening I just booked it and ran. Later I told Finn what had happened, he said “Arlington, how the fuck did you weasel your way out of that.” That’s how I got the nickname and I still have it to this day, not that it matters anymore. A few weeks later I was giving a large job that handled a lot of money, how could I resist? That job was to help rob a bank in Los Angeles, It all went smooth for a little bit, until the bank teller, who was a real hardass and did not want to comply, pull a weapon and shot me in the leg, he did not live long enough to celebrate that fact. The cops showed up and I was to slow, they got me for one count of heist and murder. I got a life sentence and was sent to the state prison in Georgia of all places. The prison was rough but my friends were not far behind, Finn got ratted out by his wife, Handsome botched a hit and Sal was caught with a firearm on him of all things. I had nothing to do so I thought of how to escape this prison, I had always dreamed of doing it as a kid. After a month I thought of a plan that was insane but if it worked I would both get out and history books everywhere, also one of my great dreams. I thought of making a plane, made out everyday items that would be built on the roof and we would fly away. I told the gang and they thought I was crazy, but Finn thought it could work, so I started making a blueprint with chalk. I needed five items to get working; I needed rope, clothes, an engine, a power source and some leather. We needed the wardens key to get to these items, one more challenge for my mind. Finn worked in the machine shop, and he had to get the key or make one to get to the next step. I came up with a plan, we got Billy to swap with Finn at machine shop, and we wait till four o’clock when the warden checks the shop. Billy got his attention while I quietly pick pocketed him; when I was done Billy hit him with a wrench, starting a battle with the guards. I gave the key to Finn, who started molding a copy of the key. He made it as fast as he could while the fight was going on, when he was done he handed it to me so I could put the real key back on the floor. The fight ended as fast as it started, the warden had a bloody nose but it was worth it. Billy got a month in the hole or as they called it, salutary confinement. He got to the work over the weeks getting the supplies; I got the rope from the dock because I got the dock job, priceless I know. Over a 5 month period we got all the items, we stored them in a small hole in each of our cells, waiting for the right time. That day was yesterday, July 23 during a thunder storm. It was lights out at around 9:30 PM and are guard Stanley Ferguson was doing his rounds. He was one of the few decent guards, perhaps because he had a family but who knows or cares? He walked by Deluca’s cell, he started talking to him. He said in his think accent “How you doin’ tonight Ferguson? Family good?” He tells him “They’ doing great, Mr. Deluca. My boy Tommy? He’s almost six.” “Aint that swell?” Deluca kept drinking from his coffee as Ferguson went by. He pasted by Finns cell with him on the shitter, he asked “Hey Finn, got that tip for Saturdays race yet?” “I’m workin’ on it, right now.” At that moment I started to yell in pain to get him to come over, he walked by Billy as he told him “You gonna shut him up? Or do I gotta do it?” Ferguson took his baton and hit his cage bars telling him “You know the rules Handsome. No talking.” He went to my cell as I laid on the ground in pain crying for help, he said “God damn it Arlington.” I said in a swirl voice “You got to get the doctor I need help, it’s serious.” “This better be for real.” As he came over I grabbed my knife, all it was is a piece of glass with black tape for a handle, I found it in the yard. I stabbed him in the throat, blood went all over and he hit the ground dead. I did not hate the guy, it was all business, he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was the only guard that night in are cell block so we were on the home run. I got his keys and unlocked the cells to my friends, they got out and grabbed there items. We silently opened the contraband room and suited up with are guns and outfits, happy I made that stop. We soon made a mad dash to the roof, one of the guards heard us and start looking around, and it was not long until he found the body. We started putting the parts on to the plane, the Icarus as I called it. It resembled a homemade Wright Brothers plane, all the way down to how it flew, I was not sure if it was air worthy but there was no time left. The engine started and all four of us jumped on, it was not soft but it worked. The wind pushed my plane into the air and like that we were soaring like an eagle. The guards faces as we flew away were worthy of a hall of fame as they could do nothing to stop us. We got far and it looked like we were in the clear, we were above the trees as happy as could be, until Mother Nature turned into a bitch. A gust of wind hit the plane, tearing the clothes right off, I had not thought of wind being a problem. We went down in the middle of a forest; I had no idea where we are or anything other than we are fucked. Then everything went downhill from there even more. Deluca was pissed at me, he said that it was my entire fault and that we would all die because of me, he Billy to turn on me. Deluca told Billy if he kills me they both will make it farther then if I am alive, so Billy ran at me with his knife draw. Finn held him back but Billy turned his knife on him instead, stabbing him in the chest. I grabbed a rock and in a rage smashed him in the face. There was a loud crack and he fell dead but Deluca was still there, and he had Fergusons pistol. He fired a shot and it hit me in the shoulder but it did not stop me. I stabbed him with the glass knife in the chest; I pulled it out and continued to stab for a minute. He was barely alive so I grabbed the handgun, put the barrel in his mouth, and said “Pop goes the Weasel mother fucker.” I turned to Finn, who was still alive, he told me “I bleeding out, I don’t want to go back to jail, I might not even make it. You got to shoot me friend, it’s the only way you can help.” I took a deep breath, promised that I would survive, and ended his sorrowful life. That was the last bullet I had but I kept that snub nose revolver as a weapon, just in case. I made one last look at him; he was resting ageist an oak tree, he looked like he was resting. I gave a salute to my departed friend and walked away, not looking back once. I walked through the trees for hours; I went to sleep under a weeping willow while the heavens wept for both of us. The next day I was on the outskirts of Savannah, by this time this was breaking news everywhere. Almost the whole country knew my face so I thought I would not make it far. But I did not count on the apocalypse happening, I did not plan for this but I made it farther then I thought I ever could. In the city I was checking into a hotel, the Marsh House I believe, and that guy over that Mr. DeWitt, he found me and told me that for my safety I should head to a garage, this garage. Well he was right, as the whole city went to shit not long after, it’s good to be alive isn’t it? That’s the end of my story for now, any questions, because I am not going anywhere for some time and you are going to have to put up with me for quite a bit." END OF DEMO
i would rather wait until TeamKennyAlways says i can. But, i suppose he won't mind if you said i could.
This game series adapts to the choices you make.
The story is tailored by how you play.
In association with
Episode 1: Home Run
Day 4
Liam Dentlee Was Sleeping on the Coach while his House Phone Continued to Ring.Walkers were Outside, Either Trying to eat his Window or trying to bust through, There was a Note on the Door and The television was still on, it was on the news Channel, Reporting Numerous Incidents involving What appears to be a Undead Epidemic. And How you should Steer Clear from anyone you suspect to be Infected.
"Bites Appear to be what mainly Causes The Infection to spread..." RING RING "(AAAH!) (GET IT OFFA ME!!!) I...I need to be going now. WABE wishes you as much luck as the-AARGH!NNNGH!GRRAA!!"
Liam Sprung Up. The Scream from the News Reporter Ringing in His Ears, (RING! RING!)
(o) Look at the TV
The TV currently displayed an empty Blue Screen that News reporters always stand behind.Liam Shuddered at the Screams from the TV before It turned to Static. Liam wondered as to why he had the TV on in the first Place, It wasn't like (RING! RING!) he watched it that Much, Guess his parents ignored him and put the NEWS on while he was asleep and forgot to turn it off.
(o) Look at Remote
The Remote was laying on the Table near a Smoke Tray and Empty Cola Bottle. Liam Remembered that it was Universal, Too bad he didn't know any of the Codes.
(o) Pick up Remote
Seeing it as pointlessly Lying there, Liam Picked up the Remote. The Television was nothign but Static,
(o) Turn of TV with Remote
Liam Aimed the Television Remote and Pressed the Off Button. Nothing Happened, Batteries Run out. Liam Guessed, He got off his Chair and Turned the Television Off Manually (RING! RING!). He Stood up after Turning it Off, and Lept back in suprise as he saw his Neighbour's Grandma, all Rotted and Bleeding from the Mouth, without a Arm, Trying to Climb over the Fence.
"What the...?" Liam Asked. Walking Backwards and Nearly Tripping over a Video Cassette he lazily Left on the Floor Earlier. (RING! RING! RING! RING!)
"We're sorry, you're call cannot be taken at the moment. Please leave a message, after the Beep. BEEP!" Liam's Answerning Machine Went.
"Sue, Sue Honey, This is James! I'm Calling from Macon, Things are, Things are really out of control! The Things you've heard on the News, they're Real! In fact, They ate my Boss! Things are getting really-Really Bad here. Take Liam and Cindi and get far away, Get far-aaaaagh!!!" BEEEP!
Liam stood still, As the Message Continued, allowing him to hear all the ungodly sounds occuring as his dad was eaten alive by some strange creature. he heard raspy breathing from the Kitchen. He looked in, the undead Grandma from next Door suddenly Jumped at him. Trying to get a Good shot at his Neck. He Managed to Take a Few steps back in suprise, the Granny fell down. Slowly Hauling herself after him.
That's about all i got.
To be honest, I've yet to hear of a sole Kenny appreciation thread. But there was a "Fuck Kenny" thread back in the day which contained both Kenny hate and support.
After episode 2, there was a lot of interesting discussion on the forum. More people sided with Lilly in the meat locker, and there were general topics of "I don't care what happens to Kenny." I was one of them.
Needless to say, Kenny didn't have the support he has today.
I don't want to make another thread to let people preview it. It's pretty short so far, and it's inspired by the setup in Visambros' The Walking Dead: Real Monsters.
Just remember that this is a pretty rough draft and will be changed for more details later.
Really short but I hope this is somewhat or somehow promising.
Yes, this is another "KENNY IS ALIVE!!!!!!!" Fanfic.
Also, this takes place when Kenny mercy kills Ben.
This game series adapts to the choices you make.
The story is tailored by how you play.
The Walking Dead; To Hell and Back
Episode 1; Buying Time
KENNY stood in an alleyway, fighting off walkers. It's too bad life could never be easy on him.
But good friends don't get eaten. Not today and not ever.
It wasn't his time to die.
(o) SHOOT Walker
KENNY aimed for a demented Walker's head, and pulled the trigger. He only had 4 bullets left, now. The other Walkers didn't care:
They just kept walking. The reason he was in this mess was because of his pity...
(o) LOOK AT Walkers
There was about 15 or so walking bodies covered with blood, wounds, and other gotesque
coming near KENNY. KENNY only had 4 bullets, and no melee weapon.
[KENNY]: There's no way I'll get through that f***ing horde.
(o) SHOOT Walker
KENNY once again aimed at a walker's head. He pulled the trigger, leaving
14 more walkers to come. He needed to keep them back, but that wouldn't happen. These creatures don't care if they die. All they wanted was to eat.
(o) LOOK AT Ben's Corpse
KENNY looked at Ben's now dead body. He was impaled through the chest, falling
a good 5 feet or so. His chest was covered in blood, the rest of his body covered with rubble. KENNY had already used up one of his bullets putting him out of his misery, another for a Walker. Kenny just looked away, unable to look at the poor kid anymore.
The walkers started to near KENNY at a dangerous range. KENNY needed to back
up away, else he'd end up dead.
|/!\ Use the (S) key to back away!|
KENNY started to back up to the end of the alleyway. He aimed once more at another walker; and pulled the trigger.
He wasn't going to get through like this. He needed a weapon.
(o) LOOK AT Hammer
KENNY looked down on the hammer. He grabbed it, ready to smash some rotten skulls in.
(o) SMASH Walker Head
Kenny brought up his hammer, and smashed it into the Walker's head, impaling it through the skull into the brain.
He quickly yanked it out of the head and then was ready to smash another's head.
Yeah, sorry this is short. But this is a really rough draft as perviously mentioned.
I might make more...
Where to start?
This game series adapts to the choices you make.
The story is tailored by how you play.
Games presents
In association with
SkyBound Entertainment
The Walking Dead; To Hell and Back
KENNY was at the brink of death.
His pity and feelings had brought him into this mess;
all because of BEN. He didn't regret it though.
He wasn't sure about BEN, though.
Whatever BEN had felt, it didn't matter now. He needed a way out of here, fast.
It's a good thing for KENNY that good friends don't get eaten.
And they may never will.
DAY 126
KENNY backed up from the walker crowd as he slowly approached the end of the alleyway.
[KENNY]: Fuck.
KENNY needed another way out, fast.
(o) LOOK AT Walker Crowd
That walker crowd was just getting closer and closer to KENNY. It was full of Women and Men KENNY would never know about.
And right now, he really didn't want to know. He needed to focus on something much more important than examining dead bodies and counting his seconds
to death by bites from a horde of Walkers.
(o) LOOK AT Hammer
KENNY wasn't sure how this had got here, but he didn't care. As long as it saved his life, it didn't matter and neither
did those goddamned walkers. KENNY grabbed the Hammer, ready to smash some rotten skulls in.
(o) SMASH Walker Head
KENNY quickly swung his hammer at an incoming male Walker. It looked like this person was a supermarket worker before the outbreak. He hit it's head with his hammer, causing a bit of impact, though not enough to kill it. It stumbled back, but came back, unfazed as if it never felt pain.
(o) SMASH Walker Head
KENNY swung once more at the reanimated supermarket worker, and it fell on the ground. It wasn't dead, so KENNY crushed it's head under his foot.
He was now ready to swing at more forbidden and godforsaken monsters.
(o) SWING HAMMER AT Walker Crowd
(o) SMASH Walker Head
KENNY kept on swinging at the walker crowd. He just kept swinging his hammer, penetrating skulls causing the dead cannibals to drop down dead.
KENNY ended up killing 5 of those walkers. Not much effect on the crowd, but all he needed now was time, and his sill-somewhat injured arm-chest wound wasn't helping him swing his hammer.
He went for the alternative: The gun. He was just lucky LEE had given him those extra bullets.
He took out his gun and started shooting at the crusade of walkers, aiming for the head on all of them. He missed one, but that didn't matter much. He just hit it with his steel hammer, killing it.
All he needed now was a way out. His shooting sadly just attracted more Walkers. At least, it bought him some time.
(o) LOOK AT Building
KENNY looked at the building. It seemed there was a way in. Maybe he could just open the window and climb in. Whatever was in there, he didn't care as long as it wasn't
as bad or worse than the situation he was currently in. He just needed a way out of this mess.
(o) LOOK AT Manhole
KENNY peered over to a Manhole somewhere in front of him. In this postition of pulling the Manhole out, he was vunerable, but maybe there was a better
situation in the sewers than up HERE.
KENNY, with his time ticking down, decided there was 2 options; The Building or The Manhole. Giving Up and Dying was NOT an option in this situation,
at least to KENNY.
|(o) OPEN Window or LIFT Manhole|
(o) OPEN Window
KENNY decided to open the Window to the building. He tried to push it up, but it seemed it was stuck. He tried again; and then he knew what to grab: The hammer.
(o) GRAB Hammer
KENNY quickly grabbed the Hammer he dropped on the floor of the alley. He went back to the window he was trying to open, and craning his hammer to the side, ready to strike.
(o) BASH Window
KENNY quickly brought his hammer to the window, smashing it. The glass went everywhere. Just as he was going to get in, he noticed boards covering the frame of the window.
|GODDAMNIT!| <----
KENNY cleared his head for a second just as a walker creeped up on him.
KENNY tried with all his might to push the walker away, but try as he might, he could not.
Suddenly, a gunshot shot the walker straight in the head.
|Who the fuck are you?|
|What the...!?| <----
[KENNY]: What the...!?
A figure looking similar to KENNY came, shooting the Walkers in the way.
[LENNY]: Hello, brother.
Bioshock Infinite WD presents.
The Walking Dead: The Will to survive
I sat on wooded box near the ‘campfire’ of sorts, which was really nothing more than a tire set alight, maybe not the wisest of choices but I did not care. I glanced a bit to my left and looked at Arlington, there was something not right with that man, and it was not the fact that his cloths looked like something from one of those old gangster movies my dad would make me watch. He saw me and said in a slightly squeaky voice “Hay kid my name is Albert Arlington, but you can call me Al or the Weasel, You know why don’t we just tell a little bit about ourselves, not like we are going anywhere, I will go first. Gather round ladies and gentlemen because you will be here for a while. I was from Brooklyn New York, I lived on the nicer side of town, not that shit you see in the movies, and unlike most gangsters I attended college and passed, surprised? When I was looking for a job afterword’s, my dear friend from my neighborhood by the name of Michael ‘Finn’ O Leary told me how to get money fast, and I more than ever wanted money fast and easy and I was told this was the best way, and that my friend was the Mafia. Now I grew up watching the great gangster movies like the Godfather and other greats, so I wanted to be unique and be remembered, for better or worse. My plan that made me unique in the mob world was that I would wear 1920s clothes and use old fashion tommy guns, if it kills it works. Besides my job was not to kill people, I was the beat the shit out of you guy, and the money handler due to my smarts, and no I did not wear my gangster suit when I was doing money handling. I was also a con man that got a lot of extra funds for the family, granted it was not a shit ton of money, but ever bit helped. The main hitman for the group was a man named Billy Handsome, I don’t know why they called him that but he got the job done pretty well, the cops still have no idea exactly how people he killed. My friend Finn was a racketeer that handled gambling, he did his job well enough I guess. The Don of the family was a Sicilian named Salvatore Deluca; he was the man of beer drugs and gambling, I respected the guy but at the same time feared him. I was riding the money wave, I had no wife or family but I was getting there, but the lure of money is stronger than love, that and I was not really the person that wanted long term relationships. I once stole a man entire wallet once, it was in the subway waiting to catch a ride and I was bored. He turned around and asked my who took it, I put on a happy simile and pointed at a business man with a large suitcase. By some extreme luck he believed me and ran right at the guy, and beat the shit out of him, when this was all happening I just booked it and ran. Later I told Finn what had happened, he said “Arlington, how the fuck did you weasel your way out of that.” That’s how I got the nickname and I still have it to this day, not that it matters anymore. A few weeks later I was giving a large job that handled a lot of money, how could I resist? That job was to help rob a bank in Los Angeles, It all went smooth for a little bit, until the bank teller, who was a real hardass and did not want to comply, pull a weapon and shot me in the leg, he did not live long enough to celebrate that fact. The cops showed up and I was to slow, they got me for one count of heist and murder. I got a life sentence and was sent to the state prison in Georgia of all places. The prison was rough but my friends were not far behind, Finn got ratted out by his wife, Handsome botched a hit and Sal was caught with a firearm on him of all things. I had nothing to do so I thought of how to escape this prison, I had always dreamed of doing it as a kid. After a month I thought of a plan that was insane but if it worked I would both get out and history books everywhere, also one of my great dreams. I thought of making a plane, made out everyday items that would be built on the roof and we would fly away. I told the gang and they thought I was crazy, but Finn thought it could work, so I started making a blueprint with chalk. I needed five items to get working; I needed rope, clothes, an engine, a power source and some leather. We needed the wardens key to get to these items, one more challenge for my mind. Finn worked in the machine shop, and he had to get the key or make one to get to the next step. I came up with a plan, we got Billy to swap with Finn at machine shop, and we wait till four o’clock when the warden checks the shop. Billy got his attention while I quietly pick pocketed him; when I was done Billy hit him with a wrench, starting a battle with the guards. I gave the key to Finn, who started molding a copy of the key. He made it as fast as he could while the fight was going on, when he was done he handed it to me so I could put the real key back on the floor. The fight ended as fast as it started, the warden had a bloody nose but it was worth it. Billy got a month in the hole or as they called it, salutary confinement. He got to the work over the weeks getting the supplies; I got the rope from the dock because I got the dock job, priceless I know. Over a 5 month period we got all the items, we stored them in a small hole in each of our cells, waiting for the right time. That day was yesterday, July 23 during a thunder storm. It was lights out at around 9:30 PM and are guard Stanley Ferguson was doing his rounds. He was one of the few decent guards, perhaps because he had a family but who knows or cares? He walked by Deluca’s cell, he started talking to him. He said in his think accent “How you doin’ tonight Ferguson? Family good?” He tells him “They’ doing great, Mr. Deluca. My boy Tommy? He’s almost six.” “Aint that swell?” Deluca kept drinking from his coffee as Ferguson went by. He pasted by Finns cell with him on the shitter, he asked “Hey Finn, got that tip for Saturdays race yet?” “I’m workin’ on it, right now.” At that moment I started to yell in pain to get him to come over, he walked by Billy as he told him “You gonna shut him up? Or do I gotta do it?” Ferguson took his baton and hit his cage bars telling him “You know the rules Handsome. No talking.” He went to my cell as I laid on the ground in pain crying for help, he said “God damn it Arlington.” I said in a swirl voice “You got to get the doctor I need help, it’s serious.” “This better be for real.” As he came over I grabbed my knife, all it was is a piece of glass with black tape for a handle, I found it in the yard. I stabbed him in the throat, blood went all over and he hit the ground dead. I did not hate the guy, it was all business, he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was the only guard that night in are cell block so we were on the home run. I got his keys and unlocked the cells to my friends, they got out and grabbed there items. We silently opened the contraband room and suited up with are guns and outfits, happy I made that stop. We soon made a mad dash to the roof, one of the guards heard us and start looking around, and it was not long until he found the body. We started putting the parts on to the plane, the Icarus as I called it. It resembled a homemade Wright Brothers plane, all the way down to how it flew, I was not sure if it was air worthy but there was no time left. The engine started and all four of us jumped on, it was not soft but it worked. The wind pushed my plane into the air and like that we were soaring like an eagle. The guards faces as we flew away were worthy of a hall of fame as they could do nothing to stop us. We got far and it looked like we were in the clear, we were above the trees as happy as could be, until Mother Nature turned into a bitch. A gust of wind hit the plane, tearing the clothes right off, I had not thought of wind being a problem. We went down in the middle of a forest; I had no idea where we are or anything other than we are fucked. Then everything went downhill from there even more. Deluca was pissed at me, he said that it was my entire fault and that we would all die because of me, he Billy to turn on me. Deluca told Billy if he kills me they both will make it farther then if I am alive, so Billy ran at me with his knife draw. Finn held him back but Billy turned his knife on him instead, stabbing him in the chest. I grabbed a rock and in a rage smashed him in the face. There was a loud crack and he fell dead but Deluca was still there, and he had Fergusons pistol. He fired a shot and it hit me in the shoulder but it did not stop me. I stabbed him with the glass knife in the chest; I pulled it out and continued to stab for a minute. He was barely alive so I grabbed the handgun, put the barrel in his mouth, and said “Pop goes the Weasel mother fucker.” I turned to Finn, who was still alive, he told me “I bleeding out, I don’t want to go back to jail, I might not even make it. You got to shoot me friend, it’s the only way you can help.” I took a deep breath, promised that I would survive, and ended his sorrowful life. That was the last bullet I had but I kept that snub nose revolver as a weapon, just in case. I made one last look at him; he was resting ageist an oak tree, he looked like he was resting. I gave a salute to my departed friend and walked away, not looking back once. I walked through the trees for hours; I went to sleep under a weeping willow while the heavens wept for both of us. The next day I was on the outskirts of Savannah, by this time this was breaking news everywhere. Almost the whole country knew my face so I thought I would not make it far. But I did not count on the apocalypse happening, I did not plan for this but I made it farther then I thought I ever could. In the city I was checking into a hotel, the Marsh House I believe, and that guy over that Mr. DeWitt, he found me and told me that for my safety I should head to a garage, this garage. Well he was right, as the whole city went to shit not long after, it’s good to be alive isn’t it? That’s the end of my story for now, any questions, because I am not going anywhere for some time and you are going to have to put up with me for quite a bit." END OF DEMO
i would rather wait until TeamKennyAlways says i can. But, i suppose he won't mind if you said i could.
The story is tailored by how you play.
Liam Dentlee Was Sleeping on the Coach while his House Phone Continued to Ring.Walkers were Outside, Either Trying to eat his Window or trying to bust through, There was a Note on the Door and The television was still on, it was on the news Channel, Reporting Numerous Incidents involving What appears to be a Undead Epidemic. And How you should Steer Clear from anyone you suspect to be Infected.
"Bites Appear to be what mainly Causes The Infection to spread..." RING RING "(AAAH!) (GET IT OFFA ME!!!) I...I need to be going now. WABE wishes you as much luck as the-AARGH!NNNGH!GRRAA!!"
Liam Sprung Up. The Scream from the News Reporter Ringing in His Ears, (RING! RING!)
(o) Look at the TV
The TV currently displayed an empty Blue Screen that News reporters always stand behind.Liam Shuddered at the Screams from the TV before It turned to Static. Liam wondered as to why he had the TV on in the first Place, It wasn't like (RING! RING!) he watched it that Much, Guess his parents ignored him and put the NEWS on while he was asleep and forgot to turn it off.
(o) Look at Remote
The Remote was laying on the Table near a Smoke Tray and Empty Cola Bottle. Liam Remembered that it was Universal, Too bad he didn't know any of the Codes.
(o) Pick up Remote
Seeing it as pointlessly Lying there, Liam Picked up the Remote. The Television was nothign but Static,
(o) Turn of TV with Remote
Liam Aimed the Television Remote and Pressed the Off Button. Nothing Happened, Batteries Run out. Liam Guessed, He got off his Chair and Turned the Television Off Manually (RING! RING!). He Stood up after Turning it Off, and Lept back in suprise as he saw his Neighbour's Grandma, all Rotted and Bleeding from the Mouth, without a Arm, Trying to Climb over the Fence.
"What the...?" Liam Asked. Walking Backwards and Nearly Tripping over a Video Cassette he lazily Left on the Floor Earlier. (RING! RING! RING! RING!)
"We're sorry, you're call cannot be taken at the moment. Please leave a message, after the Beep. BEEP!" Liam's Answerning Machine Went.
"Sue, Sue Honey, This is James! I'm Calling from Macon, Things are, Things are really out of control! The Things you've heard on the News, they're Real! In fact, They ate my Boss! Things are getting really-Really Bad here. Take Liam and Cindi and get far away, Get far-aaaaagh!!!" BEEEP!
Liam stood still, As the Message Continued, allowing him to hear all the ungodly sounds occuring as his dad was eaten alive by some strange creature. he heard raspy breathing from the Kitchen. He looked in, the undead Grandma from next Door suddenly Jumped at him. Trying to get a Good shot at his Neck. He Managed to Take a Few steps back in suprise, the Granny fell down. Slowly Hauling herself after him.
That's about all i got.
A Few familiar faces will pop up here and there. Maybe Kenny, Lily possibly, Maybe the St.Johns or someone from the comics?
But yeah, Thanks.