205 Reviews & Spoilers

edited April 2008 in Sam & Max
Hey, just so you all know, there are some EXTREMELY spoilery reviews showing up for 205, so definitely avoid the reviews this time around them if you don't want the end of the game ruined.


  • edited April 2008
    yeah.. i would add my thoughts on the game to somewhere on this forum, but there is absolutely nothing i can say about the episode that is not a spoiler... other than the fact that it is awesome (sorry guys)
  • edited April 2008
    Hmm... how can I rave about 205 without spoilers?

    I'll have to settle for: "That was epic!" :D
  • edited April 2008
    I thought it was the best episode of the season, but not as good as Episode 106.
  • edited April 2008
    I think it's better than the last 10 episodes.
  • edited April 2008

  • edited April 2008
    its pure awesome
  • edited April 2008
    Coldyron wrote: »
    I thought it was the best episode of the season, but not as good as Episode 106.

    i thought it was alot better, they actually explained everything alot clearer in this Episode
    was that kinda a spoiler?
  • edited April 2008
    How can anyone talk about it if it's not even out yet?
  • edited April 2008
  • edited April 2008
    Well Telltale is getting better and better, this is really one of my favorites of all time, i really has alot of the good stuff :) if its continue last this, Season 3 is gonna be a blast. :D
    Just tobad there wasnt a little role for agent superball other than the outtro :) oh well.

    I have both gametap and season 2 :)
  • edited April 2008
    *cough* spoilertags please
  • edited April 2008
    RMJ1984 wrote: »
    Just tobad there wasnt a little role for agent superball other than the outtro :) oh well.

    Ah, but
    in the last episode, if you talk to Superball-of-the-present long enough in the office, there's a foreboding exchange - Sam says something to the effect of "After working for Jurgen, it must be nice working for the good guys again," and Superball replies, more or less, "Oh. Yes, the, uh, 'good' guys. Right." So Telltale is probably saving him as a villain for Season 3.
  • edited April 2008
    This Episode = Best episode in the series. What a way to close! Haha
    Peepers eyes floating around in the lava = priceless.
  • edited April 2008
    Well the thread already says this is spoilery so i wont bother with tags. TAKE THAT POPPERS! DIE, DIE, DIE! Also there was hardly a thing about the midtown cowboys movie. I was hoping jurgen or featherly would say something about it. You tricked me, 205 trailer!
  • edited April 2008
    cekman wrote: »
    Ah, but
    in the last episode, if you talk to Superball-of-the-present long enough in the office, there's a foreboding exchange - Sam says something to the effect of "After working for Jurgen, it must be nice working for the good guys again," and Superball replies, more or less, "Oh. Yes, the, uh, 'good' guys. Right." So Telltale is probably saving him as a villain for Season 3.

    Mhmmm, but
    did anyone notice the other cubicle in hell? You can't get to it until the endgame with the popper, but where Max answers the phone, i'm sure the nametag says 'Chuckles'. Probably not to do with Supes though, perhaps something they removed? Superball still got a few mysteries though!
  • edited April 2008
    Mhmmm, but
    did anyone notice the other cubicle in hell? You can't get to it until the endgame with the popper, but where Max answers the phone, i'm sure the nametag says 'Chuckles'. Probably not to do with Supes though, perhaps something they removed? Superball still got a few mysteries though!
    Chuckles was the secret service agent with the president in 104 and I think he had something to do with the toy mafia in 103. He was riding on the shoulder of the Abe Lincoln statue when it was blown up at the end of 104. He pops up from behind the cubicle wall when Satan is demoting Brady Culture and then wanders over the to kitchen never to be seen again.
  • edited April 2008
    I was right about the Soda Poppers :D
  • edited April 2008
    Good episode. Quite hard and a lot wider than previous episodes which is good.
    Getting out of Sam's personal hell could have been more difficult,
    but there is a lot to see when played again. It's best to save at both "ends" of the game when stuck cause moving between
    the street
    diorama room
    takes a long time.
    *%/& Poppers
    !!! Can't wait for Season 3.
  • edited April 2008
    Noobius wrote: »
    Chuckles was the secret service agent with the president in 104 and I think he had something to do with the toy mafia in 103. He was riding on the shoulder of the Abe Lincoln statue when it was blown up at the end of 104. He pops up from behind the cubicle wall when Satan is demoting Brady Culture and then wanders over the to kitchen never to be seen again.

    Ah, yeah, I remember him - though I must say I missed his appearance in 205 altogether! Cheers!

    As for
    getting out of Sam's personal hell
    , I rather liked the solution! It took me absolutely ages to figure out, because it's so obvious! I thought of trying it early on, but guessed that that would be far too easy, so kept hunting! It's a nice touch to twist expectations!
  • edited April 2008
    Yeah, as soon as I saw the safe hanging from the ceiling I figured there would be some ridiculous Rube Goldberg-ing involved to destroy Demon Peepers, and I thought it was hillarious that all you actually had to do was get Max in there. XD
  • edited April 2008
    Yeah, as soon as I saw the safe hanging from the ceiling I figured there would be some ridiculous Rube Goldberg-ing involved to destroy Demon Peepers, and I thought it was hillarious that all you actually had to do was get Max in there. XD

    Ditto. They should do more misdirection puzzles like that. :)
  • edited April 2008
    Just wanted to drop in and say that you guys really knocked this season out of the ball park... All the episodes were extremely solid-only 2 was a bit on the weak side, but still great- and this finale was just fantastic some truly epic and disturbing shit.

    And the best part is that it feels like you guys are JUST hitting your stride. Things are only gonna uphill from here. I seriously can't wait for the next season. Thanks a lot for bringing back an awesome dead genre back into prominence. :)
  • edited April 2008
    After you switch the lists with Hugh Bliss, Timmy says "melon" unbleeped even though it is on the list. Same goes for the line in Max Max World in Stinky's diner.
  • edited April 2008
    I haven't told you this much, but Telltale Games...

    I love you.
  • edited April 2008
    Zeek wrote: »
    After you switch the lists with Hugh Bliss, Timmy says "melon" unbleeped even though it is on the list. Same goes for the line in Max Max World in Stinky's diner.
    OLD NEWS. Will and Scott totally drank your milkshake, dude. They found that one MONTHS ago. ;)

    But as I explained:
    Timmy says "melon-farmer." The word on the list is "melons." It's completely different.

    And also:
    Voice had already been recorded, on the day there was a big storm in the Bay Area so it couldn't be rescheduled. I told Will & Scott that if anybody complained on the forums, I'd be the one to take the fall.
  • edited April 2008
    Way to take one for the team, Chuck. :D
  • edited April 2008
    Friggin Sam & Max are wicked awesome. Particurarly this last episode

    Every night before I fall asleep I thank God that someone had sense enough to bring them back from the depths of cancellation.

    In this highly corporate world where people who have no idea what the hell they are doing make decisions based on graphs, charts and heaven forbid Market trends and kill original and great artistic efforts, its great to see this GEM of a series break through.

    Heh just realized I just kind of mimicked the theme of the last episode lol.
  • edited April 2008
    vektsilver wrote: »
    Heh just realized I just kind of mimicked the theme of the last episode lol.

    Note to TTG: Please keep the SCP away from your offices!
  • edited April 2008
    Chuck wrote: »
    And also:
    Voice had already been recorded, on the day there was a big storm in the Bay Area so it couldn't be rescheduled. I told Will & Scott that if anybody complained on the forums, I'd be the one to take the fall.

    What does "voice had already been recorded" have to do with failing to bleep something? Does someone actually have to stand in the recording booth with a buzzer? :p
  • edited April 2008
    I think they have to train a monkey to make that sound..
  • edited April 2008
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    What does "voice had already been recorded" have to do with failing to bleep something? Does someone actually have to stand in the recording booth with a buzzer? :p
    Err, if we bleeped Timmy saying "melon," then you wouldn't get the idea that we'd changed the situation so that he's no longer bleeped.
  • edited April 2008
    Chuck wrote: »
    Err, if we bleeped Timmy saying "melon," then you wouldn't get the idea that we'd changed the situation so that he's no longer bleeped.

    I got it when I talked to him again and noticed his dialouge tree changed. The first question I asked was how he was feeling, and boy was I smiling when I discovered he was unbleeped. :D
  • edited April 2008
    Here's a question.
    How did the model volcano get into the office between episode 204 and 205? Sam and Max couldn't have done it in either episode, and I don't know who else would have.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    Surely season one Sam & Max did it on their time traveling adventures which you never saw, after stealing the time machine from Embarrassing Idol. ¬ ¬ Yeah, thats it.
  • mremre
    edited April 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    Surely season one Sam & Max did it on their time traveling adventures which you never saw, after stealing the time machine from Embarrassing Idol. ¬ ¬ Yeah, thats it.

    Was that a defensive developer rationalization, or a fanboy one?
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    mre wrote: »
    Was that a defensive developer rationalization, or a fanboy one?

  • edited April 2008
    It's great! It's awesome! It's Sam & Max!

    Really liked all the time traveling and paradox stuff and of course the Stinky Mystery which was solved quite.....unusually :)

    I have told all my friends to support the game and I of course will buy the 3rd season, too. When will Season 3 come out?
  • edited April 2008
    MarkoH01 wrote: »
    When will Season 3 come out?

    2009 is my bet.
  • edited April 2008
    Season 1 started in 2006, ended 2007, Season 2 started in 2007 and ended in 2008... actually, my best bet is either very late this year, or sometime in 2009.
  • edited April 2008
    We already said 2009.
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