If you could extend/shorten one character's story in the game,who would it be?

edited August 2013 in The Walking Dead
I would have made Mark live to at least Episode 4 or 5.
And for Ben I would have made it so you could have to choice to throw Ben's ass off the train!!!

And keep Carley alive till Episode 5 and be alive with Christa and Omid ;)


  • edited August 2013
    Extend Carleys life ofcourse, because she is awesome.
  • edited August 2013
    I thought Mark could have got a bit more screen time
  • edited August 2013
    I agree. I really liked Mark and I felt like he was turning out to be another bro
    Me, Kenny and Mark, the three bros <3
  • edited August 2013
    Extend Carley and Dougs life #Darley
  • edited August 2013
    Storywise I think Larry had the most potential for progression so him, though if I had to choose based on opinion I'd say Doug even though his usefulness to the story wasn't great.
  • edited August 2013
    Extend Kenny's character story so he doesn't sacrifice himself! And survives the entire season.

    Shorten, I um will have to think about that one.
  • edited August 2013
    Gotta be Carley for extended life! If Lily hadn't shot her, then chances are she may have been able to stop Lee from getting bit and Carley, Lee and Clem would be a happy little family (well... as happy as they can be in the zombie apocalypse that is.) CarLee <3

    Other than that... I agree probably Mark. He was a nice guy and had your back so it is a shame he only lasted 1 episode though I would have liked to have known a bit more about him/seen how he joined the group.
  • edited August 2013
    I hate Carlee.

    Doug doesn't need to live longer, but more screen time. Kat needs some to. The only character that should have lived longer was Mark.
  • edited August 2013
    I mean no one even cared that he died.
  • edited August 2013
    Extend? Lee. Lee all the way.
  • edited August 2013
    Well that's an easy one. Shorten Ben's lifespan to zero (have him get eaten along with Travis and/or David. Consequently that will extend the lifespan of Doug/Carley, Lilly, Katjaa, Duck, Chuck, Brie, Kenny, possibly even Lee (if those people had lived, Clementine might not have been kidnapped in the first place with so many eyes watching over her, thus, no bitten Lee! Ben's death benefits everybody.

    And if I were to pick one to be extended, anyone who ever reads my posts would see this coming- Carley. Lee deserves a little happiness. Plus, that would make Episode 5 less of a goddamn sausage fest.

    Mark is a close second. I really liked the guy. But in my playthrough Lee already had one bro, so saving Carley brings more balance to the group. Bros before hoes? Eh, not this time.
  • edited August 2013
    I mean no one even cared that he died.

    ^This. (as long as you mean extend...) I mean, it still kinda bothers me that Clem didn't even mention him despite the fact that he saved her life. For the sake of my sanity, I imagine her and Lee talking about it off-screen and that being one of the main reasons why she says "I don't want anyone else to die."
  • edited August 2013
    ^This. (as long as you mean extend...) I mean, it still kinda bothers me that Clem didn't even mention him despite the fact that he saved her life. For the sake of my sanity, I imagine her and Lee talking about it off-screen and that being one of the main reasons why she says "I don't want anyone else to die."

    Well maybe Lee did tell Clem and she doesn't want to bring up Chuck because for sentimental reasons .
  • edited August 2013
    I am kinda irritated that some of these characters aren't mentioned ever again after their deaths . Mark isn't mentioned ever again after episode 2 , Carley/Doug aren't mentioned in episode 4 and 5 and these two are the only people that Lee ever trusted . Ok in episode 5 Campman mentiones them just to criticise Lee and Carley is a option for " Have you ever hurt someone you care about " conversation but you get her as a option if you accuse her of stealing which is unfair .
    I wish we had the option to tell Omid and Christa in the attic in episode 5 about Carley/Doug , Mark , Chuck and the rest and how did he personally feel about them and grieve .
    But you never get that option and it makes Lee look like a robot who only cares about Clem and doesn't care about anyone else but Clem .
  • edited August 2013
    ^ Totally it's like "Oh yeah Mark's dead..." and then everyone just moves on, I mean seriously. Not only that but he also SAVED LEE AND KATJAA AFTER HE BECAME A ZOMBIE.

  • edited August 2013
    Okay, make Lee or Kenny's lifespan longer, and make Lilly's lifespan shorter, having her die before Lee finds the supplies in the bag. :D
  • edited August 2013
    Mark, I can somewhat understand. Might be kind of a sore spot...

    Lee: So hey, about the guy that you all ate...
    *Everyone gives Lee a death glare*
    Lee: Nevermind.
  • edited August 2013
    Carley is a option for " Have you ever hurt someone you care about " conversation but you get her as a option if you accuse her of stealing which is unfair .

    Incorrect. In my playthrough I sided with her, never once did anything hurtful to her and admitted that I liked her, I still got that option. It's not about "hurting" her, if you choose that option, Lee expresses regret that he feels he didn't do enough to protect her.

    But yeah, having a scene in the attic where you could remember the fallen ones (I mean, WE knew Mark for a few hours tops, but the group has been with him for a long time, and he gets forgotten immediately after?) At least with Chuck they never really got to know him long enough to grow truly attached, but he still deserves a mention.
  • edited August 2013
    Incorrect. In my playthrough I sided with her, never once did anything hurtful to her and admitted that I liked her, I still got that option. It's not about "hurting" her, if you choose that option, Lee expresses regret that he feels he didn't do enough to protect her.

    But yeah, having a scene in the attic where you could remember the fallen ones (I mean, WE knew Mark for a few hours tops, but the group has been with him for a long time, and he gets forgotten immediately after?) At least with Chuck they never really got to know him long enough to grow truly attached, but he still deserves a mention.

    Well i treated Carley as a princess , and i never got her as a option .
  • edited August 2013
    I know, maybe if Kenny is alive in season 2 we will be able to tell new survivors about Carley and other group members.
  • edited August 2013
    Strange, as I picked Carley and I never disagreed with her once, odd.
  • edited August 2013
    Mark, I can somewhat understand. Might be kind of a sore spot...

    Lee: So hey, about the guy that you all ate...
    *Everyone gives Lee a death glare*
    Lee: Nevermind.

    Yeah . It's really a shame how Lee doesn't get a chance to share his thoughts with Omid and Christa about his old group and it makes him look a like a emotionless machine .
  • edited August 2013
    I'd extend Mark's, Chuck's, Doug's and Molly's stories.
  • edited August 2013

    I found him to be the comic relief of the group (until Omid shows up to replace him).

    Calling Larry a dick; Admitting he was weird; Eating the Muffins; Not knowing his way around the Dairy; His laser-pointer; Fixing the Solenoid; etc.

    He made me laugh many a time.

    He started to develop more as a character in Episode 3 by confessing to Lee that he felt useless, shooting a Bandit, telling Lee where to shoot, and finally joining in on the group discussion whilst on Kenny's RV.

    He had so much potential.

    I can imagine him one year in - kicking ass, taking names, and cracking jokes...

    He was too good for this world.
  • edited August 2013
    Actually I would have loved for Larry to survive into episode 4 or 5,I love having an antagonistic character in the group.
  • edited August 2013
    Doug, Mark and Charles.

    And more info re: Omid's Cat.
  • edited August 2013
    I wouldn't have minded having Chuck and Larry survive for longer.
    Seeing Chuck continue to act as the tragic mentor of the group and having the antagonistic relationship with Larry continue for better or worse? Lots of potential there.

    Really, the gist of what we know about their pasts is that they sucked. Could have been some interesting backstory to uncover.
  • edited August 2013
    Bah, now that I've read all these, I suppose I could say that I'd rather they had been around longer about any dead character. Mark, Larry, Doug/Carley, Chuck, they all had potential, only to be killed off early. I could also say the same about many characters in the TV series. Fuck the Walking Dead :/
  • edited August 2013
    I wish Larry had lived longer...he could have turned into a great guy! :D
  • edited August 2013
    I would say Chuck. Carly could have died in his place, in the sewers after saving Clem, Lilly could have left the group after attempting to kill Ben and Chuck could have gone into season 2.

    Here's a crazy scenario i'll throw out there. What if Larry survived ep2, Mark was in the meat locker with the group and was killed by Kenny with Lee's help or not if Lee tried to keep him alive. Brenda could have slipped and fell on her back when going up the stairs and accidentally shoot herself through her chin into her brain, freeing Kat. Lilly could have ended up getting separated from the group when the bandits attacked. Larry remained with the group and had the conversations with Lee and Clem that Chuck had on the train about Lee preparing her for the ZA and he could have saved Clem and died in the sewer instead of Chuck being in the game at all, redeeming himself as a character. How's that for character development? Oh yeah and Carly could have died where Bree died, making it a tougher choice to make over letting Ben fall or saving him.
  • edited August 2013
    If it were up to me Chuck's life would have been extended, and he would have survived the game. Instead of two silhouettes on the horizon in the epilogue, it would be three: Christa, Omid, and Chuck.

    For such a small role he was a great character. After Lee, he also arguably had the most impact on Clem's future.
  • edited August 2013
    He really did, in my eye's he saved Clementine just as much as Lee, shame that he died so soon after being met.
  • edited August 2013
    I would have Chuck live longer as well, he was a good guy and we never had the talk about him staying like he said.

    I wish Larry had lived longer even though I didn't hesitate to smash his head in with Kenny. It would be interesting to see what would happen if he escaped the meat locker and attacked the St. Johns with us. Would have also been interesting to let him see his survivalist mentality in action at Crawford, and also he could have had the option to join you on the rescue mission.

    I wanted more screentime between Danny and Vince after they escape the prison bus, as they struck me as a Lee and Kenny type friendship in an odd way. Also would have been cool to see more of Wyatt and Eddie, particularly when Wyatt is saved by Vince.

    Vernon should get enough screentime in season 2 to get eaten by a walker.
  • edited August 2013
    I would have Mark live longer because he's a bro.
    and Larry die from the first heart attack at the drug store. Hate that asshole
  • edited August 2013
    I would have killed Lilly after Carley, and maybe made Chuck live a little longer.
  • edited August 2013
    I would have killed Lilly after Carley, and maybe made Chuck live a little longer.

    ...Why would you not just extend Carley's life rather than exact revenge after the fact?
  • edited August 2013
    Well you do have a point, but some people just want to see the world burn, or in this case, a single woman.
  • edited August 2013
    Seems you liked Doug as much as I did.

  • edited August 2013
    I freaking liked that guy. He had this certain aura and he gave a lot of good advice which made significant difference in Clementine’s character development. The way they wrote him off the story somehow seemed really sudden and heartless since nobody even mentioned him (except Lee if you make him) after they got separated :(

    Compared to Carly his development (in episode 1) seemed really... lacking. Although there likely are some people who save Carly just because of the "hot chick" status, I think what affected the choice more was how they were introduced. Carly spent much more time talking with Lee than Doug did and she even joined Lee in their little mission. She also repeatedly showed her capabilities with shooting a gun. The whole "tough decision" wasn't really that hard for many since we really didn't get that many opportunities to bond with Doug. Missed opportunity to make this choice a REALLY tough one.

    I would have liked to keep him around since I really liked him as a character. He felt genuine and real and would have made a real bro for my Lee. The way they used his character as a plot device, however, kinda felt like a waste. If his story was even just a little bit extended, his red shirt status wouldn't have been as obvious which, in my opinion, makes for better storytelling.
  • edited August 2013
    Molly and Chuck should exchange duration of screen time.
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