Sam & Max 205: What's New, Beelzebub? - Reviews & Discussions w/ Spoilers

edited April 2008 in Sam & Max
There is no way to give a good non-spoiler review, so this is just for people who have finished the game and wish to post reviews or discuss the new revelations in the game (and there are quite a few).

----Spoilers included, so play the game first

I just finished the game and Telltale has truly outdone themselves with this finale. It's the longest of any of the chapters which makes up for having one less episode this season. Many found the previous episode to be the best so far, but this one is the crowning achievement for the series. It's perfectly paced and with brilliant writing and acting. Of course they connect in the "future" from episode 201 where they save themselves from the lava. Some were worried that was going to be a big anticlimatic climax, but it was handled perfectly.

The big reveal of the Soda Poppers as the villians behind the whole season wasn't something that I saw coming, but it makes as much sense as anything, I suppose. When the chair swung around it could have been anyone, but they did have it planned from the beginning where the Soda Poppers were inexplicably standing outside Santa's Workshop. There's probably more clues if I went back and replayed the season.

The other semi-"big reveal" was that Bosco's mother was responsible for his paranoya over for 40 years because her store was vandalized and she hired Flint Paper to find the culprit. ...but doesn't she complain about the store being vandalized to Sam & Max in episode 204 when they time travel back to her store? Wouldn't that mean the incident happened before Bosco was born because they were collecting DNA for the baby-maker at the time? I don't want to nitpick, but maybe I missed something and someone can explain that.

One other slight nitpick, if female Stinky was just a "cake of the damned" and the real Stinky even said she didn't kill him, then she really didn't lie very much to get the coal. She may have cheated at trivia and for some reason the "Sal" she was yelling the orders to doesn't exist, but otherwise she wasn't that bad of a person/cake. So did she deserve a lot of coal in her stocking? or any at all considering she's not even human?

Satan's hints at their involvement in the future which will probably play a big part in season 3. Since the final scene (if you watch past the credits) kills off the annoying Soda Poppers for good, eyeballs floating in the lava and all, their souls are going to be in hell and future cameos are possible, but not outside of hell. I also think that Bosco now (audibly) snapped mind could turn him into a villian somewhere down the road.

Overall the puzzles were intuative, fun and somewhat challenging; not overly easy like the first season. Also the hints that Max tosses off seemed so conversational and vague. From "Let's get out of here" if you're wandering about in the wrong place to "I feel like fishing" followed up by "I can't believe the subway to hell was right under us all along" for solving the puzzle of how to get one of the game cartridges from the other side of the tracks. I really loved the indirectness of the clues because I'm not sure I would have thought of that.

I know the limit for involved puzzles is greatly hindered by the episodic format, so there's only so much that can go into them. They also write the games with no "dead-ends" so it's impossible to trap yourself in a no win situation. So whenever you get something to happen, you know it's right, while in full length games you're always wondering if you did it right or at the right time. It's very user friendly and welcoming to non-adventure game players, but I do miss the deaths and consequences that poorly thought out actions can bring.

My only suggestion would be for a full length game or even a reworking of a full season into one seamless game. Expanding the puzzles adding some scenes to flesh out the game so all the locations of the season are explorable and can be used to create more intricate stories and puzzles. You can tell that I'm missing the old long Sierra and Lucasarts adventure games, and would love to see these snack-size games merged into a giant reimagined feast of an adventure game like the original Sam & Max.

However, for this format the Sam & Max team have hit their stride in the second half of this season and have come a long way in crafting puzzles and stories. I especially like the cliffhanger endings of 203 & 204. Every episode should end with a bit of a cliffhanger leading us right into the next episode. I hope they will from now on.
I'm very happy with the quality of these works long after the adventure game was declared dead. They are only getting better and thank the gods (a.k.a. The Telltale Staff) that the adventure game is back! :)


  • edited April 2008
    Well, this is a spoiler thread, so here's my dump.

    1. Gotta say, wasn't expecting evil Soda Poppers... They had been taking so much time building themselves up as incompetent idiots.

    2. Full of awesome. Although I do wish that the bell-book-candle exorcism you did on them wasn't so... dull-feeling compared to the one they do on you.

    3. Lots of niggling plot details. Stinky's a cake (WTF), the volcano eruption got moved to hell where it finished off the soda poppers, and for some reason "late last year" is "a long time ago" to sam. Also, it would appear that, in the spirit of time-traveling portals, the portal they went through on the Mariachi's spaceship sent them forward in time. No other way they could have experienced the timeline they did and still end up with the finale in September. Momma Bosco, as I expected, hired a PI to try to find her own son, and we team up with Satan to restore the natural order of things. Hell freezes over (in one of the more bizarre scenes). And of course, we finally get to see how the first several episodes tied in in a more-than-trivial fashion. Plot summary in retrospective of the season follows.
    • Soda Poppers send SCP to Santa (meant to go to Satan) to improve productivity
    • Events of Ice Station Santa, which include:
    • Sam and Max, via the Ghost of Christmas Future, save themselves from the pit.
    • Mr. Spatula is sent back from hell to arrange a volcanic eruption so that the Mariachis will be summoned and get their stone heads
    • Events of Moai Better Blues
    • Volcanic Eruption triggers abduction of Moai heads, goes through portal.
    • Jurgen is hired as a contractor to collect souls for Hell with his Soul-crusher
    • Events of Night of the Raving Dead
    • Bosco, Jurgen are abducted by Mariachis
    • Events of Chariots of the dogs include:
    • Momma Bosco's store is wrecked in the sixties by time traveling bosco, triggering Flint's investigation
    • Egg is received from future Sam & Max in exchange for Boxing Betty Remote
    • Sam and Max go back in time and prevent the Mariachis from playing for the Soda Poppers, get stuck in past and rewrite the latter section of Season 1 in ways unknown
    • Typewriter Ribbon is sent back to table in Jurgen's Castle
    • Featherly is removed from the beginning of time, where he was sent while filming Midtown Cowboys, the movie
    • Egg is placed in the beginning of the universe, causing life to form when the spaceship self-destructs and causes the big bang
    • Sam and Max go through portal, wind up in Hell's subway station
    • Events of What's New, Beelzebub, which include:
    • Sam gives egg laid by featherly back to the Sam/Max from Chariots, receives boxing betty remote
    • Sam and Max disrupt equilibrium in Hell, triggering Soda Poppers takeover, which is foiled.
    • Sam and Max are dropped into the pit and rescued by their past selves from Ice Station Santa
    • Volcanic eruption from Moai Better Blues destroys the Soda Poppers once and for all.
  • edited April 2008
    I should note that the "edited" version of "More Than Jerks" is absolutely hilarious. I was NOT expecting that. :D
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    Muaha I'm glad that Jared and Randy had time to get that in.
  • edited April 2008
    Wow, 205 cleared up everything. I'm both happy and sad about The Soda Poppers being killed off. I never expected them to be behind Season 2!

    The above posts contain my sentiments on 205! Now, please rethink Season 3 in '09---make it Fall again!
  • edited April 2008
    Great game, great way to end the season. Loved the reveal of the true evil in season 2, and thought it was a great idea to have Max finally answer the phone only after Hell had frozen over.

    And the wedding scenes at the end were funny too, especially Max's interception of the bouquet.
  • edited April 2008
    zterrans wrote: »
    Great game, great way to end the season. Loved the reveal of the true evil in season 2, and thought it was a great idea to have Max finally answer the phone only after Hell had frozen over.

    And the wedding scenes at the end were funny too, especially Max's interception of the bouquet.

    I also liked that earlier Max had made a comment expressing his opinion that Jurgen might be a girl, and then at the wedding we see him amongst the ladies trying to catch the bouquet... I love how paying close attention reveals even more jokes and humor that gets worked in subtly.

    Oh, and I hope we see Grandpa Stinky a lot more from now on! He's my new favorite character (besides Sam and Max of course). His face also looks like it's been modeled after that old lady from the Bone series (haven't played it, just seen her face in screenshots.)
  • edited April 2008
    raistlin75 wrote: »

    The other semi-"big reveal" was that Bosco's mother was responsible for his paranoya over for 40 years because her store was vandalized and she hired Flint Paper to find the culprit. ...but doesn't she complain about the store being vandalized to Sam & Max in episode 204 when they time travel back to her store? Wouldn't that mean the incident happened before Bosco was born because they were collecting DNA for the baby-maker at the time? I don't want to nitpick, but maybe I missed something and someone can explain that.

    at the start of episode 204, when you enter the spaceship, Bosco explain how he tested the T.H.E.M destector device o n himself. the card time printed led him, in the store in the 60ies, beforehe was born (the card was printed because, later this day, the baby maker would be used by moma Bosco, making it in fact the first bosco birthday) . When he got out of the elvator, he saw his mother,he paniked and in his panicked run shoved trashed somme shelves and splied milk in the father sample tube, ruining the father saliva sample and leading to the whole Boscow thing...
    Sam ans Max first arrived in the past store five minute after bosco's got in here (despite the fact he wasn't even borned at the time: ahh the marvelous language of time travel !).

    One other slight nitpick, if female Stinky was just a "cake of the damned" and the real Stinky even said she didn't kill him, then she really didn't lie very much to get the coal. She may have cheated at trivia and for some reason the "Sal" she was yelling the orders to doesn't exist, but otherwise she wasn't that bad of a person/cake. So did she deserve a lot of coal in her stocking? or any at all considering she's not even human?
    The coal was due to the fact she kept lying about how she obtained element of the the decor, and about all the "celebtrities" that she "met", i think.
    Satan's hints at their involvement in the future which will probably play a big part in season 3. Since the final scene (if you watch past the credits) kills off the annoying Soda Poppers for good, eyeballs floating in the lava and all, their souls are going to be in hell and future cameos are possible, but not outside of hell. I also think that Bosco now (audibly) snapped mind could turn him into a villian somewhere down the road.
    Wich does lead to the interesting question:
    If you die in hell were do you go for punishement ? (The answer would be most interesting to know given the fact that the only place worse than hell, i can think of is ... the S&M neibourghood.)
    Maratanos wrote: »
    Well, this is a spoiler thread, so here's my dump.
    [*]Mr. Spatula is sent back from hell to arrange a volcanic eruption so that the Mariachis will be summoned and get their stone heads

    oh, so that's why ! I though he escaped or something .

    All in one, congratulation to telltale game for a devilishly good season finale.
  • edited April 2008
    smuchmuch wrote: »
    Wich does lead to the interesting question:
    If you die in hell were do you go for punishement ? (The answer would be most interesting to know given the fact that the only place worse than hell, i can think of is ... the S&M neibourghood.)

    I do think that the Soda Poppers will be added to the Sam & Max Wing of Hell. They did die and certainly proved themselves evil enough to go to hell and they were killed during one of Sam & Max's cases, which qualifies them their own cubicle in the special wing.
  • edited April 2008
    ShaggE wrote: »
    I should note that the "edited" version of "More Than Jerks" is absolutely hilarious. I was NOT expecting that. :D

    Where was this?
  • jmmjmm
    edited April 2008
    After switching the censored list, you can listen the song at Stinky's
  • edited April 2008
    I dont think bosco will become a villain because he has been around way too long, and you see him so much. After snapping he seems to go back to normal. Without clothes. Any way only be worried if he opens a motel, or a dress wearing psycho is on the loose. Those references actually made me burst out laughing. This episode actually had me laughing more than any previous episode. well done telltale! And timmy two-teeth said flipping. made my day. I feel special. And i didnt even think putting the new list up would change anything BUT the song when i put it up :)
  • edited April 2008
    I dont think bosco will become a villain because he has been around way too long, and you see him so much.
    on the other hand, the sodda poppersz were here since the first episode. but i do agree that it's unlikely to see Bosco as a villain for next season, tough. he is way to paranoid to actualy move enough out of his store to becomme dangerous.
    Now, the new stinky duo , brrrr , those two are scary.

    I liked the episode a lot exept, for abe bachelor party. Honestly having Flint (even considering he may have been stoned drunk) cheering before the dancing monster just seemed out of character. (I mean, flint kisses lady, real ones, dammit !)

    Ps: Is it revealed, who superball worked for in 204 ? (i guess it may have been the sodda popers or simply hell but i don't remeber being precisely sais somewhere )
  • edited April 2008
    ah, where one loose end is tied up, another one opens, to great delight!
  • RazRaz
    edited April 2008
    Just finished playing it, very happy with the way it worked out! ... Brilliant story writing with intricacies I could've NEVER thought of myself, still fairly easy to play, but that's OK, I had no idea how to get rid of specs till Max randomly started mentioning fishing! :D

    Absolutely terrific, worth my very very hard earned 8.95 indeed!

    Thanks guys, you make me proud! :D
  • edited April 2008
    205 is a lot nastier than than every game before, some parts even more than the comics. everything is darker, the humor and the scenery. the whole plot with bosco and his mother turned out to be quite tragic and he's not one of the bad guys so you don't get this "serves-him-right"-feeling. also, the first time shooting the monster made me a bit :eek:. of course it was the first thing i tried, but i didn't expect to get such a blunt reaction. it was funny, but also mildly disturbing.
    the whole plotline that even reached back to 101 was awesome and a lot of loose ends got tied..well, expect for superball and the fact that it has to be the 6th of september in 205..
    i wonder how much was already planned during season 1. for example: was brady culture absent after 101 because he was already supposed to be dead? and where the poppers in 201 because they were intended to be the villains. would be interesting to know..
  • edited April 2008
    There was one plot flaw, though. We'd already established that the Soda poppers birthday was on December 21st. But since the time elevator was in our office, that means it's September 6, Superball's birthday.

    That wouldn't be a problem, except that it's apparently the Poppers' birthday in the closing scene with the cake and the candle.
  • RazRaz
    edited April 2008
    I'm pretty sure time as we know it doesn't work in hell... it's 4:59pm there forever you know...

    The calendar on the wall ...
  • edited April 2008
    wisp wrote: »
    i wonder how much was already planned during season 1. for example: was brady culture absent after 101 because he was already supposed to be dead? and where the poppers in 201 because they were intended to be the villains. would be interesting to know..

    My guess would be no and yes. After 101 Culture simply became irrelevant, and I think that at most Telltale kept him in the freezer for possible later use. When they got around to planning the rough storyline of season 2 they probably did have the ^@^&; Poppers in mind as villains. Keep in mind the production schedule of the seasons.
  • edited April 2008
    Well it was a great season.. That episode was pretty long, I think it took me about 7 hours over a few sessions.. My favorite episodes this season were 202 and 204, 201 behind that then 205 and 203.. There was some really hilarious moments in this game.. Loved the bachelor party :D:D:D Characters who should have been finished after 1 episode becoming the evil masterminds behind 2 seasons of games? Can't say I was happy about that.. The final scene was pretty sweet though, I enjoyed that.

    Overall season 2 was a very nice improvement on season 1. Kudos to telltale :)
  • edited April 2008
    One other flaw: When asked about his 'fro, Brady says that he used elf tears. But elf tears ONLY work on plants.
  • edited April 2008
    One other flaw: When asked about his 'fro, Brady says that he used elf tears. But elf tears ONLY work on plants.

    Have you not seen the plant in S&M's office? Maybe Brady has some culture of his own?
  • edited April 2008
    wisp wrote: »
    i wonder how much was already planned during season 1. for example: was brady culture absent after 101 because he was already supposed to be dead? and where the poppers in 201 because they were intended to be the villains. would be interesting to know..
    to the second we can probably say yes. For what i understand, the plot for the whole season is created before they actually strart to make the episode (kinda make sense since, after th'eyll be working one two, even three episode at a time, so they wouldn't have time to create plot as they go.)
  • edited April 2008
    just finished it. overal season 2 was very good.
    I was kind of hoping this episode would be more based in hell, or perhaps even having more rooms to base the puzzles in. I'd hate to say it but I'd be willing to sacrifice game length if it meant more valuable time in hell :)
    One thing that particularly bugged me was the usage of the giant robot. I was expecting for sure that Sam would control the giant robot in the end in an epic battle with Satan.... but all he did was retrieve a coin...
    anyway, the credits were awesome and I cant wait til more awesomeness in 09
  • edited April 2008
    I had a hell of a good time and this episode floored me. so many great things coming together and the satisfaction of the end credits and last triangle portal !!!!!
    This really made me wanna play more and I can't wait for season3. take all the time you need to get back to us with another good seaon. I will be paying much more attention now during each episode ;)
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    for example: was brady culture absent after 101 because he was already supposed to be dead?

    No. Actually several of us were hoping to get him into the 106 closing credits, bald, but there wasn't enough time to remove the hair from his model. :p
    and where the poppers in 201 because they were intended to be the villains.

    Yes, that was planned from the beginning of Season Two.
  • DanHDanH Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    Marty wrote: »
    One thing that particularly bugged me was the usage of the giant robot. I was expecting for sure that Sam would control the giant robot in the end in an epic battle with Satan.... but all he did was retrieve a coin...

    ...and kill a multitude of rats, and spout hilarious song lyrics, and provide a friend for Tiny Timmy, and encourage people to dance the hokey pokey....
  • edited April 2008
    Could somebody please put Sybil and Abe's wedding up on Youtube? :D I thought it was a really nice and heartwarming end to the season, and it lagged and spluttered on my PC.
  • edited April 2008
    Teeth wrote: »
    Could somebody please put Sybil and Abe's wedding up on Youtube? :D I thought it was a really nice and heartwarming end to the season, and it lagged and spluttered on my PC.

    My computer had the most trouble with the Bachelor party, probably because it had 6 NPCs PLUS Sam and Max in the room at once, all being rendered in a small area. Either that or the Garbage Collector was freeing up memory during the entire scene (programming reference, don't worry if you don't get it.)
  • edited April 2008
    Emily wrote: »
    No. Actually several of us were hoping to get him into the 106 closing credits, bald, but there wasn't enough time to remove the hair from his model. :p
    right, i remember that being mentioned back in the day..
    Emily wrote: »
    Yes, that was planned from the beginning of Season Two.
    must've been hard for you to explain why the poppers were in 201 in those interviews when it was released...:D
  • edited April 2008
    I bet Superball will be the main villain next season.
  • edited April 2008
    Sammy wrote: »
    I bet Superball will be the main villain next season.

    I doubt it. He's always been no more than a tool.

    ... Although I guess he was acting in his own self-interest when trying to win Sybil's affection in 203.

    Still, I couldn't imagine him as someone in charge.
  • edited April 2008
    Who knows? I don't even think that those Soda poppers will be this season's main villain.
  • edited April 2008
    What can I say? Simply fantastic. Quality-wise it picked up right where 204 left off, but it was longer and more difficult. In fact, I felt like it was a good hour-and-a-half before I got to the first big set of puzzles (the dioramas). But it was cool, because there was so much story to cover. And really, there was TONS of dialogue; kudos to the voice acting staff for managing to get it all done in such a relatively short amount of time. (Even though I'm sure they didn't do it all in a month.)

    My one criticism is something that I was surprised to see in the Destructoid Review because it was exactly what I was thinking: Peepers shouldn't have been in Sam's hell. As funny as that was (and it was very funny), it definitely blunted the impact of their big reveal as the season's villains. Since both plot aspects are so funny, I'm not sure how to resolve that. But I think the big reveal would've ultimately been stronger.

    Still, it's hard to complain about an episode that feels like a worthy finale to BOTH seasons. I just wonder what's left for season 3.
  • edited April 2008
    Wel... Satan asks Sam to think something really terrible for him and probably models the personal hell in the shape of the Sam thoughts.
    Sam selected Peepers as partner, he could not select something who never saw... and honestly restricting the choice to the game character I can't imagine anyone worse.
  • edited April 2008
    ezzetabi wrote: »
    Wel... Satan asks Sam to think something really terrible for him and probably models the personal hell in the shape of the Sam thoughts.
    Sam selected Peepers as partner, he could not select something who never saw... and honestly restricting the choice to the game character I can't imagine anyone worse.

    It's not that I don't understand it... it's just that as perfect as it is, it does make it less shocking when the three soda poppers appear as the surprise villain. It's hard for them to surprise you twice in a row, even though technically it made sense and technically it was actually a demon version of Peepers.
  • edited April 2008
    What about girl Stinky then?
    Sam:- We are back to the office. It does not seems so bad, right little pal?
    Demon Stinky:- Yes, dear.
    Sam:- What the hell? Since when I have a female partner?
    Demon Stinky:- I am not sure what you mean, I am a guy. You know. We take bath together.
    Sam:- ARGH...
    Demon Stinky:- Stop slacking, let's work in the case.
    Sam:- What is the case again?
    Demon Stinky:- The commissioner wants us check the <boring paperwork>.
    Sam:- I miss the old days, when the cases were more shooting and less writing.
    Demon Stinky:- We never used the guns in a case, what are you saying...

    ect ect
  • edited April 2008
    Everyone is raving about the stag party, am I the only one who feels sorry for the monster? Reanimated soulless beings have feelings too.
  • edited April 2008
    That bachelor party and everything about it is going to be ingrained in my head for the rest of my life. It was simultaneously the most hilarious and disturbing thing I've ever seen. The fact that the monster even teased taking his hand off just made it worse.

    That said? By the gods, this was the best game of the series. Which is saying something when I thought Chariot of the Dogs previously had that title! So, some quickie notes:

    -That was the longest period before the opening credits yet! I loved it.
    -Maimtron 9000 returns! And I'm surprised that when controlling Maimtron and clicking on Satan, Telltale didn't go with the obvious "Please allow me to introduce myself" joke. Did anyone else click on as much as they could while controlling Maimtron?
    -I clicked the "Laugh" option on Brady Culture far too many times, hoping for another punchline. Telltale, you spoiled me with the "Them" joke in 201! Between this and "Superball" from 203, I'm getting disappointed. I was also disappointed there was no punchline for asking Bosco who's watch him, either.
    -When I "fixed" the swear list, I couldn't wait to hear little Timmy swear. And loved the results.
    -There were two times that I inhaled in horror, mouth gaping, eyes wide open and pointing at the screen. And BOTH of them involved the &%*$ Poppers! The alternate intro credits was hilarious. Plus, GIANT MAX!!
    -Awesome design work on everything, especially the big red guy. For some reason, I even thought the design on the carpet in the lobby where Juergen (sp?) worked was quite good. One of those little things that made me realize just how much hard work the team put into the game.
    -I had to use Max's hints a few times (like the game cartridge puzzle). Had a hard time trying to figure out where to get a rib bone, too.
    -The places where you couldn't touch the evil entity in the sexual harassment poster was hilarious.
    -The wedding/reception at the end had me in tears of laughter for some of the parts of it.

    All in all, a great ending to a fantastic season. Telltale's really hitting their stride, in my opinion. Season 1 was good, but if you compare the first episode with this one, you can tell that they've improved in leaps and bounds.

    Can't wait for the Strong Bad games! I'll be ordering that season soon!
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    Hey out of curiosity, did hearing the Mimesweeper music playing on the Corporate Presence's computer in the Hell main office help you guys figure out the "violin duel with Specs" puzzle?
  • edited April 2008
    Maratanos wrote:
    There was one plot flaw, though. We'd already established that the Soda poppers birthday was on December 21st. But since the time elevator was in our office, that means it's September 6, Superball's birthday.
    One other flaw: When asked about his 'fro, Brady says that he used elf tears. But elf tears ONLY work on plants.

    One more from 203-204. It was never really explained how Max got back from being a zombie. He didn't catch his soul in 203 (after chasing it in the cliffhanger) , and then is shown on a presidential speaker's booth AS a zombie in the end credits.

    One thing that really suprised me was how useless the Flint Paper character turned out to be. From the beginning of 201 when we see him "questioning" a suspect in his room, I thought this character would be somewhat essential to the plot. He was not.
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