Why did most players try to save Larry?

edited August 2013 in The Walking Dead
Most people tried to help Lilly save her dad rather than help Kenny prevent reanimation. Most of they players who did help Kenny felt regret and told him that "We
up" instead of the "I'm on your side" thing when Kenny asks for your opinion. But why? Even though everyone hates him, why would they side with Lilly in the meat locker? I just, don't understand.


  • edited August 2013
    I wasn't about to help Kenny kill someone, no matter how I viewed them before. If there was a chance to save someone, I took it. Right then, I switched sides from being pro-Kenny to pro-Lilly until Carley's death.
    Most of they players who did help Kenny felt regret
    Um, I don't think so. Most of them are the people happily going "Team Kenny!" around in the forums. :rolleyes:
  • edited August 2013
    Perhaps most people thought braining a guy while his distraught daughter is at his side attempting CPR, was a little, I don't know, impetuous and/or in bad-taste? That's putting it mildly.

    Anyway, I think it's pretty clear; the results did not surprise me.

    Having watched almost every zombie film known to man, the idea of a hulking undead version of George C. Scott in an enclosed space with Clementine caused me to reluctantly side with Kenny. Subsequently, with how it played out, I felt like an utter jackhole. Regret? Yep.
  • edited August 2013
    I helped Kenny, and even though I'm on Team Kenny I felt regret. I didn't kill Larry because I hated him. I killed him so that he wouldn't kill us. There's nothing to be proud of in that situation.
  • edited August 2013
    Well sh*t I guess you can tell what I did just by looking at my name. You know after I helped Kenny I didn't feel that much regret, maybe little. I did it for Clementine.
  • edited August 2013
    You're lying! You did it for Kenny!
    More seriously, I wasn't sure if Larry was dead, so I tried reanimating him. I was slightly more pro-Kenny at the moment, but that made me be full neutral. It also helped me see what kind of man Kenny was. He does what he thinks is right, but if you go against him even once, he'll hate you, despite what you did before to help him or what you do trying to repair your relationship.
  • edited August 2013
    I'm not lying! I didn't do it for Kenny!

    Wait hold on a sec, this is my 1,000 post, I've reached a 1,000 posts! Yeah! Hooray! Haaz!
    I'm gonna look for a picture on the Internet to celebrate.
  • edited August 2013
    I'm not lying! I didn't do it for Kenny!

    Wait hold on a sec, this is my 1,000 post, I've reached a 1,000 posts! Yeah! Hooray! Haaz!
    I'm gonna look for a picture on the Internet to celebrate.

    You know that Kenny had some influence on you're Chooooice...( not sure why i did that)

    personally i tried to save him. I personally just wasn't going to let someone kill another due to a paranoid conclusion.

    That reasoning is the same i used when Lily shot Doug/Carley.
  • edited August 2013
    Kenny didn't even try and confirm Larry was actually dead or beyond saving. He didn't even make the most cursory attempt at determining whether the smashed head was necessary.

    I didn't help kill Larry when Kenny demanded it for the same reason I didn't side with Larry when he wanted Duck thrown out without even checking for the bite. You don't start smashing heads until you're absolutely certain there's no other way.
  • edited August 2013
    I certainly didn't
  • edited August 2013
    You know that Kenny had some influence on you're Chooooice...

    Don't judge me by my name, you weren't there when I played the game, don't judge me by a hutch. Maybe he did affect my choice a little......
  • edited August 2013
    People tried to save him, because Larry has Charm coming out of his Ass. Natch. ;)
  • edited August 2013
    when i first played i expected a zombie fight if you tried to save Larry, and i didn't want to just take massive risks just so i could say i was an awesome human being (plus get a cool zombie fight) so i went for the salt lick, so when i tired my second playthrough it was a massive shock that kenny just did it anyway
  • edited August 2013
    I helped Kenny kill him. I'll try to explain my rationalization by providing my counter-arguments to points made by other players in this thread.

    "I wasn't going to kill someone over paranoia, before making sure he's really dead, especially since I gave Duck a chance and booted Lilly off the RV when she killed someone over paranoia"- yeah, I made the same choices with Duck and Lilly. But that was different. In Duck's case, we weren't even sure that he was bitten. Or hurt. In any way. And even if he was, Duck is a little boy and we had weapons. I think he was a bit less of a threat than Larry. While in Carley's case, do I even need to explain this one? She wasn't even a threat.

    Now Larry. We were stuck in a small, confined space with him, with no weapons, him being stronger than all of us, and on top of all that, CLEMENTINE WAS THERE. Say, he woke up. I bet using a salt lick on a moving target who's actively trying to kill you and is physically stronger than you might just be difficult. Who knows who'd have gotten bitten/killed before we finally brought him down?

    "Kenny didn't try to confirm Larry was dead or beyond saving". Now I'm not an expert on medical procedures by any means, but what I do know is that CPR is unlikely to restart the heart. It basically extends the clinical death period (when your heart and respiratory functions have stopped, but your brain is still alive), until proper medical procedures can be applied. Since I don't suppose the St. Johns had any defibrilator units lying around, (cattle prod probably wouldn't work to shock a person back to life eh?) Larry was VERY unlikely to live just by means of CPR. So, do I take the extremely small chance that he might make it and put myself and everyone else (again, in caps lock, CLEMENTINE) in danger? No.

    "I'm not gonna kill a dad in front of his daughter who's trying to give him CPR". Well yeah, it sounds terrible, but if it means putting everyone else in danger, including said daughter, just because of moral qualms, ain't that a load of shit? With my actions I tried to save everyone in that locker, including the daughter. No, I'm not expecting her to thank me, or even understand. Not for a long time anyway. But it was the right thing to do.

    However, yes, I did pick the "we fucked up" option when talking to Kenny later. Mostly because the other two choices are unfitting in my eyes, because they affirm you supporting Kenny as a leader. Which I never did. I see Kenny and Lee as equals, but Kenny in no way is more fit to be a leader than Lee is. So I wasn't going to pledge him my loyalty in THAT way. In "we fucked up" dialogue option Lee tells Kenny that they did the right thing, but he regrets having to do it, which is precisely how I felt. I may have disliked Larry, but I never wanted to kill him. Nor did I ever want to get off the fence in the Lilly vs Kenny squabble. But in this case I chose not the person, but the right choice for the safety of the group. I sure as hell don't regret that.
  • edited August 2013

    "I'm not gonna kill a dad in front of his daughter who's trying to give him CPR". Well yeah, it sounds terrible, but if it means putting everyone else in danger, including said daughter, just because of moral qualms, ain't that a load of shit? With my actions I tried to save everyone in that locker, including the daughter. No, I'm not expecting her to thank me, or even understand. Not for a long time anyway. But it was the right thing to do.

    If this is referring to my post, I helped Kenny dispatch the old bastard, so, not sure where you're going with this point, other than I already made it up-thread. Well, kinda. I prioritized safety first. Still, felt like a shitbag afterwards. Bad situation all around - for everyone in that locker.

    However, I think it's a no-brainer why many people would choose not to side with Ken hence my first sentence in my initial post.
  • edited August 2013

    My accidental puns just get worse and worse. I need a filter.
  • edited August 2013
    Good one :D
  • edited August 2013
    I saved him because I felt that it wasn't Kenny's call to decide whether Larry dies or not. It was Lilly's, and with time, perhaps she would have understood that there was no saving Larry and would have decided to do the deed herself.

    My first time playing, I did think that he wasn't going to die and I tried to save him regardless, but the 400 DLC finally confirmed that people can return as walkers sooner than I had thought, albeit still not immediately after their death.

    Granted there was probably no way to save Larry, but messily killing him while restraing his daughter from trying to resuscitate him did appear rather poor in taste. And yes, he was a rotten person, but siding with Kenny to help him deal with Larry had felt more like murdering him out of petty vengeance rather than the risk of him coming back as a walker. Had I followed with Kenny's idea, I would have proven Larry right.
  • edited August 2013
    However, I think it's a no-brainer why many people would choose not to side with Ken hence my first sentence in my initial post.

    I almost chuckled at that.

    I helped kill Larry because Clem was in the room. I didn't think Larry was dead but I ask myself this every time: What if he did come back? What if the first thing he did was kill me... or Clem?

    While a lot of my decisions are pro-Kenny and I have a great admiration for that stache, I still think Kenny acted too quickly. I know if I was there in person I would have had a lot more to say before I finally conceded.

    I think that's what really got to me. There was a lot more to be said and we were never given the chance to say it.
  • edited August 2013
    I guess most people don't want to kill someone in front of their daughter unless they know for sure it needs to be done.
  • edited August 2013
    i killed him...yup didnt even hesitate all i could think of 300 pound pissed off zombies' going to kill clem. that i was not going to have happen. so yes i killed him.
  • edited August 2013
    I tried to save him, looking back maybe it was stupid but Kenny was acting too quickly. People can take hours to turn and at most Lilly would be bit before we got the situation under control... I'd also just done a CPR course so I knew that we could easily revive him with a little luck I remember yelling at Lilly "Just doing compressions isn't going to work you silly girl you have to do mouth to mouth" :rolleyes:

    Then Kenny went and ruined it and became arsehole Kenny for the next 3 episodes until Ben put him down. :D
  • edited August 2013
    In Kenny's defense, David/Travis turned in the span of a minute. Jerry, (the guy who got choked out on the prison bus in 400 Days) turned in even less time than they did. So it doesn't take hours, it takes minutes to turn if you just "die". Maybe not even that.
  • edited August 2013
    I remember keeping silent for that dialogue choice. I didn't think we fucked up, I wasn't a Kenny loyalist, and I certainly didn't believe that things would be fine. It gave Kenny and Lee a moment to silently reflect on the choice that they made.
  • edited August 2013
    I saved him because he is Lilly's father and "a walking pile driver".
  • edited August 2013
    Big surprise there.
  • edited August 2013
    I saved him because my Lee tries to save people.

    He wouldn't kill clem's father in front of clem, and he wouldn't kill Lilly's father in front of Lilly.

    In addition, if you try to save him, he takes a breath/starts to say something just before the salt lick lands. Kenny killed a living man. Simples.
  • edited August 2013
    Ehkay wrote: »
    I saved him because he is Lilly's father and "a walking pile driver".

    So you risked allowing yourself to be trapped in a room with a zombified "walking pile driver" because you liked the guy's daughter.

    And you dare call yourself a survivalist? *spits*
  • edited August 2013
    The reason most people hate Lilly is because she killed doug/carley.

    She would not have gone crazy if she had not witness her father DYING in front of her as a result of a member of her own group.

    You shouldn't hate Lilly. You may hate what she did or what she became, but before that she was just a girl trying her best to keep the group together and protect her father.
  • edited August 2013
    When it comes to Ehkay and Lily these are my usual 4 stages of reaction....
    3pgyu5.jpg STAGE 1
    3005-jackie-chan-meme-why.jpg STAGE 2
    jackie-chan-meme-why2.png STAGE 3
    images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQJblDXu7YfJvaVxgOuKV5z67fL3qe86JbsU5kOZ-9oSUoVyC-1 STAGE 4
  • edited August 2013
    Logic isn't Ehkay's best friend .
  • edited August 2013
    Logic isn't Ehkay's best friend .

    True but still glad to have him around,adds a bit of spice and controversy to the discussions! :D
  • edited August 2013
    Crixus wrote: »
    True but still glad to have him around,adds a bit of spice and controversy to the discussions! :D

    Yeah and also being the reason why my " Drinking Game " thread is closed . Oh Ehkay . :D
  • edited August 2013
    Yeah and also being the reason why my " Drinking Game " thread is closed . Oh Ehkay . :D

    That game had to be closed for safety reasons otherwise everyone on the forums would have alcohol poisioning! :D
  • edited August 2013
    Your drinking game was too dangerous. I'm pretty sure I could have gotten shitfaced drunk over the "Drink when Ben does or says something stupid" part alone.
  • edited August 2013
    And Kenny fights better when he is shitfaced anyway.
  • edited August 2013
    Crixus wrote: »
    When it comes to Ehkay and Lily these are my usual 4 stages of reaction....
    3pgyu5.jpg STAGE 1
    3005-jackie-chan-meme-why.jpg STAGE 2
    jackie-chan-meme-why2.png STAGE 3
    images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQJblDXu7YfJvaVxgOuKV5z67fL3qe86JbsU5kOZ-9oSUoVyC-1 STAGE 4

    Exactly what happens to me, accept normally I smash my face into my computer screen or put a bullet through my brain at stage 4. I survive through cause I'm DeadPool! I'm also Batman, and I can do a neat Bane impression and..... What am I even talking about now.
  • edited August 2013
    They thought if they help save Larry, "Lee is getting that puss tonight"
  • edited August 2013
    fabi777 wrote: »
    They thought if they help save Larry, "Lee is getting that puss tonight"

    Puss, gross! :P The last thing you want in an apocalypse is puss. xD
  • edited August 2013
    Pretty much, it will be the death of you.
  • edited August 2013
    If i'm honest I tried to save him because 1) Clem was in the room and I didn't want her to see me kill him without trying to save him first or confirming he was dead. 2) Lilly was in the room so I was compassionate and empathetic. 3) I wasn't convinced that he was beyond saving. Maybe i'm a hopeless optimist but a lot of my choices were inspired by things I saw Rick attempt in the comics and I wanted my Lee to behave like Rick because I like Rick's leadership style and personality.
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