Debut Trailer
From IGN:
Looks incredible. Hopefully "Premiering soon" actually means soon. I can't wait!!
Looks incredible. Hopefully "Premiering soon" actually means soon. I can't wait!!

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/edit: Still hatin' the IGN player to pieces. Who ever told them that thing would work?!
Nitpicking: there is a general lack of depth of field on scenes (the cinematic value of focus is often underestimated), but as for 400Days I know you always trimmer these things near the release date, so I'm optimistic!
Perfect palette and lighting. And it's good to finally see hi-res textures!
BTW I got my credit card ready!
Bring on the next WD.
Other than that, it looks amazing. It looks exactly like the comics.
Also, the first episode is called Faith. Is that a subtle jab at those of us who were starting to doubt that this game was actually going to happen?
The voice of Andy and Leland right? Cool! Hopefully Dave Fennoy is some character in the game too
You know, the other day, Adam PM'd me thinking I was Sean Vanaman.
It was great.
i'm kinda leaning towards x360
Otherwise, it's looking pretty amazing. I can't wait for Soon.
I think Troy Baker or Steve Blum would make a great Bigby, doesn't sound like either of them in the trailer though
I'm sure once you play the game, the character's voice will grow on you (I wasn't sure about Telltale's choice for Tycho at first, but by the time I really got into Poker Night at the Inventory, it just felt natural).
that happens to me with morgan freeman/glados(ellen mc' clain)
Probably. The voice actors do sound good, just... not quite what I was expecting. But like you say, I'll probably be used to it by the time I finish the first episode.
Then whenever they make the Fables movie, I'll be like, "No! That's not what Bigby sounds like! He's supposed to sound like the actor in The Wolf Among Us!" Just can't please everyone I guess...
I think it sounds fine. I imagined it a little deeper because Bigby is such a gruff character but he has his soft side too. I'll have to see some scenes of him talking to really get the feel but so far Im thinking it'll work.
Is Adam Harrington voicing Bigby? He posted "Time To Howl! ::wink!::" on the Facebook page, lol.
Something sounds off with the voice for me too, but Jennifer is probably right. The same thing happens with actors people don't initially like in a movie or a tv series too.
Definitely check the first volume out. It does a really good job of setting up Bigby and Snow as characters. It also seems like the plot for TWAU will be similar to the first volume (solving some sort of murder mystery).
If past experiences are any indication of future results, we'll probably get a two-week heads up.
bad wolf ?
Especially the laugh at the end