What Locations Do You Want To Visit The Most?



  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    Have you played Sam & Max Season Two? We just did that one recently, albeit without Strong Bad :)
  • edited April 2008
    Sterrance wrote: »
    Good point. But considering what he was about to do with the Poopsmiths shovel in email Virus (before being being attacked by the Ugly One) I think the worst part is over.

    The reason I think he has a poopsmith is because he eats so much, and, well, put those together.;) >_<

    Also What I really want to see is a episode where they go into the trogdor universe (as see in PQ) and the town would have to get out using random PQ items that would be awesome ^_^
  • edited April 2008
    MarkDarin wrote: »
    If I were the Chapmans, thats exactly the sort of thing I would specifically NOT do. In fact, the more people tried to impose some sort of continuity and turn the one-off jokes into canon, the more likely I'd be to make a new cartoon that intentionally destroys the previously established continuity! But then thats just my way of saying "Relax people! It's just a cartoon. Have fun with it!"

    I've actually had an idea in my head for a while for a character - a nerdy being who would enter the universe from outside it with the intention of fixing continuity. The character would be a nasty, petulant nuisance with a complete inability to actually enjoy the universe - an obvious parody of obsessive continuity nerds. Being an incurable continuity nerd myself, the character helps give me a bit of perspective.

    I'm not sure if destroying Homestar Runner's continuity would be a good idea. It would depend on the percentage of fans who obsess over continuity. I wonder what that percentage is. I've seen them described on the forum as a 'small but vocal' group - maybe the Homestar Runner Wiki just makes them seem like a large group.
  • edited April 2008
    Drouge87 wrote: »
    Also What I really want to see is a episode where they go into the trogdor universe (as see in PQ) and the town would have to get out using random PQ items that would be awesome ^_^
    The problem with this kind of stuff is that Strong Bad or Homestar or anyone has not and could not have been in that kind of situation. It wouldn't make any sense at all in a point & click adventure game starring Strong Bad in his own world. It's just not the right format for those things to be done within. Does anyone else see this thread as sort of ridiculous?
  • edited April 2008
    I don't understand the hostility towards people who care about continuity. For some people, me for example, it makes it more fun to try fit everything that's been said so far together. If I just relaxed, I'd actually enjoy the toons less. As long as they're not annoying the people who find it more enjoyable not to think about continuity, what does it matter? I don't go around telling other people to nitpick things just because I prefer it that one.

    And the people who let this stuff interfere with their enjoyment of the toons are in the minority. There are other types of Homestar Runner fans than the people who hang around the wiki. Though I really like a lot of the wiki editors.
  • edited April 2008
    The Chapmans have done a great job with being original. They're consistently making original/clever content that doesn't unnecessarily refer back to something they've already done, instead of just deciding to "draw Trogdor again!" Sure, they make inside references, but only when it's called for. How would Stinkoman or Old-Timey people or Trogdor fit in a laid-back, point-and-click-em-up adventure game seemingly centering itself around a lot of one-line jokes and an easy-to-grab-on-to story? Of course, it could never hurt to find little allusions to these things somewhere along the way.

    What I'm not talking about is continuity, it's about sensibility.
  • edited April 2008
    Juhsayngul wrote: »
    How would Stinkoman or Old-Timey people or Trogdor fit in a laid-back, point-and-click-em-up adventure game seemingly centering itself around a lot of one-line jokes and an easy-to-grab-on-to story? Of course, it could never hurt to find little allusions to these things somewhere along the way.

    Keeping to the established realities and themes of previous cartoons while including some new content is just common sense and courtesy. By not messing with things that have already been established, you're treating long-time fans who have followed the series closely with respect and not messing with what they love, and by introducing new content you present them with MORE than just a playable cartoon.

    If the only difference between the site and the game is the point-and-click-ability, I wouldn't spend money on the game at all. You can just go to the site for free and get the clicking out of your system with the easter eggs and Halloween 'toons.

    There definitely needs to be new content and I really hope that Telltale and TBC will work together to be really creative with the episodes. I want some adventurous creative excursions, not just "oh, look, you can go to this universe that was in this particular email and mess around..." As a pretty devoted fan, as long as you don't drastically change what's already been done, I am fine with some experimentation as long as it is in the spirit of all that has come before.

    So yeah, in essence, I am hoping for a lot of "new" with the "old" in this game. Continuity is only one of many factors I'm concerned about, and it isn't everything.
  • edited April 2008
    Shwoo wrote: »
    I don't understand the hostility towards people who care about continuity. For some people, me for example, it makes it more fun to try fit everything that's been said so far together. If I just relaxed, I'd actually enjoy the toons less. As long as they're not annoying the people who find it more enjoyable not to think about continuity, what does it matter? I don't go around telling other people to nitpick things just because I prefer it that one.

    And the people who let this stuff interfere with their enjoyment of the toons are in the minority. There are other types of Homestar Runner fans than the people who hang around the wiki. Though I really like a lot of the wiki editors.
    I think we're thinking less of the 'Hmm how can I rationalize this that'll be a fun time-waster' types and more of the "ZOMG YOU HAD BUBS EATING KETCHUP WHEN [obscure easter egg in a hidden toon] CLEARLY SAYS HE'S ALLERGIC TO TOMATOES YOU RUINED THE WHOLE SERIES WHINE WHINE WHINE*" type.

    *This is exaggerated and entirely fictional, but you get the idea.
  • edited April 2008
    If it's even possible, I would like to visit Sweet Cuppin Cakes area.
  • edited April 2008


    I wouldn't be too surprised if the bridge was there. Whether or not it serves a purpose, though, I can't say...
    Whatever. He'll take what he can get.
  • edited April 2008
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    I think we're thinking less of the 'Hmm how can I rationalize this that'll be a fun time-waster' types and more of the "ZOMG YOU HAD BUBS EATING KETCHUP WHEN [obscure easter egg in a hidden toon] CLEARLY SAYS HE'S ALLERGIC TO TOMATOES YOU RUINED THE WHOLE SERIES WHINE WHINE WHINE*" type.

    *This is exaggerated and entirely fictional, but you get the idea.
    Hmm, okay. I might've got the wrong impression about what the topic was about when I posted that. I was really tired.

    But I don't know anyone remotely like that in the Homestar Runner fandom, and I know of a lot of people in the Homestar Runner fandom. I think it's because you need to have a healthy sense of humour to like it in the first place. But there still seem to be too many people who go "I enjoyed this email less than last week's email! HOMESTAR RUNNER HAS JUMPED THE SHARK!", which is kind of annoying.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    Heh yes, given that there are hundreds of cartoons at this point, citing one in particular as ruining things is kind of silly.
  • edited April 2008
    nhaingen wrote: »
    Personally, it's not my favorite feature, but I appreciate the occasional Old-Timey toon. Ballad of the Sneak is wonderful and it sticks in your head like superglue (if you were to stick superglue in your head, that is. Please don't.) Oh, and The Homestar Runner's deadpan drawl coupled with the inept camera work always makes me laugh.

    I adore the Cheat Commandos and I want to see them somewhere in this, though it's hard for me to imagine how, seeing as they're a cartoon within a cartoon. Maybe a Crack Stuntman appearance? :D I can't thank him enough for extolling the virtues of knife safety.
    This is an excellent example of the range of Homestar Runner. I love the Old-Timey cartoons, and couldn't care less about the Cheat Commandos.

    I do have to insist, however, that anyone who doesn't find the line "I'm an abomination!" from Gel-arshie absolutely hilarious is absolutely bereft of a functioning sense of humor.
  • edited April 2008
    With the way that strongbad fantasises so strongly when answering SBEmails, it wouldn't be too hard to have a mini adventure in any of the side-universes from H*R, just by having him answer a sbemail, and whoosh, into old-timey verse you go (though I don't know if SB is aware of old-timey or stinko-verse).
  • edited April 2008
    Quuux wrote: »
    With the way that strongbad fantasises so strongly when answering SBEmails, it wouldn't be too hard to have a mini adventure in any of the side-universes from H*R, just by having him answer a sbemail, and whoosh, into old-timey verse you go (though I don't know if SB is aware of old-timey or stinko-verse).

    The old-timey and Stinkoman universes are actually special cases - rather than being alternate universes, they're actually parts of the main timeline. The old-timey world is the past of the main universe, so the main universe characters could easily find out about it with a bit of research. The Stinko-verse is actually the future of the main universe, but it also exists as an oddly prophetic anime in the main universe.
  • edited April 2008
    Wow, I would would REALLY like to see the whole map of strong bad and homestar's houses. maybe behind the consession stand? But yes, the oldtimey,stinkoman,and TGS enviroments too.
  • edited April 2008
    These games can't be over 40MB, y'know.
  • edited October 2008

    Planet K A.K.A. 20X6 Free Country U.S.
  • edited October 2008
    I'd like to see a visitation of Sweet Puttin' Cakes. I know it was only in one Sbemail (Mini-golf) but it's such a wacky out-there environ that it's just begging to be done.
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