The Walking Dead: The Will To Survive Fan Fic



  • edited August 2013
    Why not, I can make it work, there will be others but this is the 'Savannah Group,' the way similar to the Macon group and the Atlanta group.
  • edited August 2013
    I am back and have the next chapter here and now

    The Dearly Departed Goodfellas

    I sat on wooded box near the ‘campfire’ of sorts, which was really nothing more than a

    tire set alight, maybe not the wisest of choices but I did not care. I glanced a bit to my

    left and looked at Arlington, there was something not right with that man, and it was not

    the fact that his cloths looked like something from one of those old gangster movies my

    dad would make me watch. He saw me and said in a slightly squeaky voice “Hay kid my

    name is Albert Arlington, but you can call me Al or the Weasel, You know why don’t we

    just tell a little bit about ourselves, not like we are going anywhere, I will go first. Gather

    round ladies and gentlemen because you will be here for a while. I was from Brooklyn

    New York, I lived on the nicer side of town, not that shit you see in the movies, and

    unlike most gangsters I attended college and passed, surprised? When I was looking for

    a job afterword’s, my dear friend from my neighborhood by the name of Michael ‘Finn’ O

    Leary told me how to get money fast, and I more than ever wanted money fast and easy

    and I was told this was the best way, and that my friend was the Mafia. Now I grew up

    watching the great gangster movies like the Godfather and other greats, so I wanted to

    be unique and be remembered, for better or worse. My plan that made me unique in the

    mob world was that I would wear 1920s clothes and use old fashion tommy guns, if it kills

    it works. Besides my job was not to kill people, I was the beat the shit out of you guy,

    and the money handler due to my smarts, and no I did not wear my gangster suit when I

    was doing money handling. I was also a con man that got a lot of extra funds for the

    family, granted it was not a shit ton of money, but ever bit helped. The main hitman for

    the group was a man named Billy Handsome, I don’t know why they called him that but

    he got the job done pretty well, the cops still have no idea exactly how people he killed.

    My friend Finn was a racketeer that handled gambling, he did his job well enough I guess.

    The Don of the family was a Sicilian named Salvatore Deluca; he was the man of beer

    drugs and gambling, I respected the guy but at the same time feared him. I was riding

    the money wave, I had no wife or family but I was getting there, but the lure of money is

    stronger than love, that and I was not really the person that wanted long term

    relationships. I once stole a man entire wallet once, it was in the subway waiting to

    catch a ride and I was bored. He turned around and asked my who took it; I put on a

    happy simile and pointed at a business man with a large suitcase. By some extreme luck

    he believed me and ran right at the guy, and beat the shit out of him, when this was all

    happening I just booked it and ran. Later I told Finn what had happened, he said

    “Arlington, how the fuck did you weasel your way out of that.” That’s how I got the

    nickname and I still have it to this day, not that it matters anymore. A few weeks later I

    was giving a large job that handled a lot of money, how could I resist? That job was to

    help rob a bank in Los Angeles, It all went smooth for a little bit, until the bank teller,

    who was a real hardass and did not want to comply, pull a weapon and shot me in the

    leg, he did not live long enough to celebrate that fact. The cops showed up and I was

    to slow, they got me for one count of heist and murder. I got a life sentence and was

    sent to the state prison in Georgia of all places. The prison was rough but my friends

    were not far behind, Finn got ratted out by his wife, Handsome botched a hit and Sal

    was caught with a firearm on him of all things. I had nothing to do so I thought of how

    to escape this prison, I had always dreamed of doing it as a kid. After a month I thought

    of a plan that was insane but if it worked I would both get out and history books

    everywhere, also one of my great dreams. I thought of making a plane, made out

    everyday items that would be built on the roof and we would fly away. I told the gang

    and they thought I was crazy, but Finn thought it could work, so I started making a

    blueprint with chalk. I needed five items to get working; I needed rope, clothes, an

    engine, a power source and some leather. We needed the wardens key to get to these

    items, one more challenge for my mind. Finn worked in the machine shop, and he had to

    get the key or make one to get to the next step. I came up with a plan, we got Billy to

    swap with Finn at machine shop, and we wait till four o’clock when the warden checks

    the shop. Billy got his attention while I quietly pick pocketed him; when I was done Billy

    hit him with a wrench, starting a battle with the guards. I gave the key to Finn, who

    started molding a copy of the key. He made it as fast as he could while the fight was

    going on, when he was done he handed it to me so I could put the real key back on the

    floor. The fight ended as fast as it started, the warden had a bloody nose but it was

    worth it. Billy got a month in the hole or as they called it, salutary confinement. He got

    to the work over the weeks getting the supplies; I got the rope from the dock because I

    got the dock job, priceless I know. Over a 5 month period we got all the items, we

    stored them in a small hole in each of our cells, waiting for the right time. That day was

    yesterday, July 23 during a thunder storm. It was lights out at around 9:30 PM and are

    guard Stanley Ferguson was doing his rounds. He was one of the few decent guards,

    perhaps because he had a family but who knows or cares? He walked by Deluca’s cell,

    he started talking to him. He said in his think accent “How you doin’ tonight Ferguson?

    Family good?” He tells him “They’ doing great, Mr. Deluca. My boy Tommy? He’s almost

    six.” “Aint that swell?” Deluca kept drinking from his coffee as Ferguson went by. He

    pasted by Finns cell with him on the shitter, he asked “Hey Finn, got that tip for

    Saturdays race yet?” “I’m workin’ on it, right now.” At that moment I started to yell in

    pain to get him to come over, he walked by Billy as he told him “You gonna shut him up?

    Or do I gotta do it?” Ferguson took his baton and hit his cage bars telling him “You know

    the rules Handsome. No talking.” He went to my cell as I laid on the ground in pain

    crying for help, he said “God damn it Arlington.” I said in a swirl voice “You got to get

    the doctor I need help, it’s serious.” “This better be for real.” As he came over I

    grabbed my knife, all it was is a piece of glass with black tape for a handle, I found it in

    the yard. I stabbed him in the throat, blood went all over and he hit the ground dead. I

    did not hate the guy, it was all business, he was just in the wrong place at the wrong

    time. He was the only guard that night in are cell block so we were on the home run. I

    got his keys and unlocked the cells to my friends, they got out and grabbed there items.

    We silently opened the contraband room and suited up with are guns and outfits, happy I

    made that stop. We soon made a mad dash to the roof, one of the guards heard us and

    start looking around, and it was not long until he found the body. We started putting

    the parts on to the plane, the Icarus as I called it. It resembled a homemade Wright

    Brothers plane, all the way down to how it flew, I was not sure if it was air worthy but

    there was no time left. The engine started and all four of us jumped on, it was not soft

    but it worked. The wind pushed my plane into the air and like that we were soaring like

    an eagle. The guards faces as we flew away were worthy of a hall of fame as they

    could do nothing to stop us. We got far and it looked like we were in the clear, we were

    above the trees as happy as could be, until Mother Nature turned into a bitch. A gust of

    wind hit the plane, tearing the clothes right off, I had not thought of wind being a

    problem. We went down in the middle of a forest; I had no idea where we are or

    anything other than we are fucked. Then everything went downhill from there even

    more. Deluca was pissed at me; he said that it was my entire fault and that we would all

    die because of me, he Billy to turn on me. Deluca told Billy if he kills me they both will

    make it farther then if I am alive, so Billy ran at me with his knife draw. Finn held him

    back but Billy turned his knife on him instead, stabbing him in the chest. I grabbed a

    rock and in a rage smashed him in the face. There was a loud crack and he fell dead but

    Deluca was still there, and he had Fergusons pistol. He fired a shot and it hit me in the

    shoulder but it did not stop me. I stabbed him with the glass knife in the chest; I pulled

    it out and continued to stab for a minute. I yelled at him, "I knew you never liked me, so

    you thought it was the best time to turn on me, why?" "You were unpredictable, I could

    not have that while in charge, i paid the teller in advance in hopes he would kill you, I

    wish you had died in that bank you scum sucking son of a bitch." He was barely alive so

    I grabbed the handgun, put the barrel in his mouth, and said “Pop goes the Weasel

    mother fucker.” I smiled as his brains went all over a nearby rock. I turned to Finn, who

    was still alive, he told me “I bleeding out, I don’t want to go back to jail, I might not

    even make it. You got to shoot me friend, it’s the only way you can help.” I took a

    deep breath, promised that I would survive, and ended his sorrowful life. That was the

    last bullet I had but I kept that snub nose revolver as a weapon, just in case. I made

    one last look at him; he was resting ageist an oak tree, he looked like he was resting. I

    gave a salute to my departed friend and walked away, not looking back once. I walked

    through the trees for hours; I went to sleep under a weeping willow while the heavens

    wept for both of us. The next day I was on the outskirts of Savannah, by this time this

    was breaking news everywhere. Almost the whole country knew my face so I thought I

    would not make it far. But I did not count on the apocalypse happening, I did not plan

    for this but I made it farther then I thought I ever could. In the city I was checking into

    a hotel, the Marsh House I believe, and that guy over that Mr. DeWitt, he found me and

    told me that for my safety I should head to a garage, this garage. Well he was right, as

    the whole city went to shit not long after; it’s good to be alive isn't it? That’s the end

    of my story for now, any questions, because I am not going anywhere for some time and

    you are going to have to put up with me for quite a bit.”
  • edited August 2013
    by the way.

    Is it okay if one of my Characters have a little cameo at some point in this?
  • edited August 2013
    Okay why not, which one do you want to use?
  • edited August 2013
    don't really mind. Liam, Mackie, Sally, Oliver, Any of those four.
  • edited August 2013
    Just a heads up, the next chapter is about the back story of Booker DeWitt and Elizabeth, which WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS for Bioshock Infinite, it does not spoil every single moment, but at least half of the game is spoiled here, it is also extremely long, the longest chapter in the fic so far, just a heads up it will be uploading very soon.
  • edited August 2013
    so, which of my characters is getting a cameo?

    You can PM the answer if it's spoiler or something.
  • edited August 2013
    Can you state which character does and is what?
  • edited August 2013
    Explain further?

    That could mean, there status in my fic. What they do In this one, Or something else.
  • edited August 2013
    Not status, more like descriptions, because if any are from Savannah then sure.
  • edited August 2013
    well,All of them were in Forsyth, But on their Travels they might have went into Savannah. with the plan of finding a boat in this alternate universe.

    These are the same guys from my fic. I thik i'll just PM their Details
  • edited August 2013
    I guess maybe Oliver might have a cameo, maybe, I will think of which one by the time Crawford comes around.
  • edited August 2013
    This is a interconnecting chapter, it's is pretty small but don't worry, the next chapter will be up soon, remember though, spoilers to Bioshock Infinite, and some things will be different, it's up to you if to guess if I changed them or if Booker is being a unreliable narrator.

    A break for drinks

    I stood there say and doing nothing for a little bit, I had no idea what to say but I knew

    one thing. This man was in many ways similar to characters from various gangster

    movies, pretty much life imitating fiction. Noah seemed happy he said “That was a great

    story, can you teach me how to stab something to death?” Arlington stared at him for a

    moment then saying blunting “No, not today not tomorrow never, that clear!” I looked

    around and saw everyone was still there, I asked if anyone want to say anything else.

    Arlington agreed and said “Yes that would be fun, hay Dimwit you got anything

    interesting?” He said back “My name is DeWitt Arlington, Booker Dewitt, get that right

    next time ok!” One of the Military soldiers, the American, Dempsey I believe, said in his

    gruff voice “Don’t we get a chance to tell are story? It may be short but it’s good.”

    DeWitt said back “Why not, you can go after me since I am the leader of this little

    group.” “You know what, I tell my tale at a later day, I’m going to get another tire, be

    back in a minute.”
  • edited August 2013
    Hey Bio how many Acts are there?
  • edited August 2013
    Three, act one is the beginning to Crawford, act 2 is Crawford to episode 4, and act three is episode 4 and 5. By the way I am uploading the next chapter right now, it took forever to edit and do this, it does contain spoliers for Bioshock Infinite, sorry that I keep telling you that, but if you have any care about that game then please play the game before reading and now I am uploading it.
  • edited August 2013
    I've watched it on YouTube and I don't give a sh*t about spoilers.
  • edited August 2013
    I know you know everything, just other people, and it's going be interesting to people who have played it as it does not go the same way it did in game, so it's up to you to decided if I changed it, or if Booker is lying.
  • edited August 2013
    The Clash in the Clouds

    “So as I said, you all know my name, but you know nothing about me. I am 38, and have

    seen and done things that can never be redeemed. I had a family, I was the only child

    but my life was good for some time. My mother was Native American, I did not mind but

    people would always antagonize me because of that. I knew the Sioux language and

    English; I was talented and did well in school. My parents died when I was 16, it does

    not matter how they died, just the fact that my only family was gone like that when I

    was still in school. This was the first incident that would ruin me, it did not end there. I

    had no idea what to do what to do with my life, so when I was seventeen I lied about

    my age and joined the military. I had always dreamed about the military, it’s were I

    thought I would belong, it was not to be. I came in with no friends so the only thing a

    cared about was training for battle. I was a natural at shooting guns and went through

    boot camp without many problems. Before I go further into my story I have to say

    something, I will not tell you which war I fought in, it’s personal and no one will ever

    know, it does not even matter as war never changes, there all the same. You join

    because it’s cool and before you know it your best friend is on the ground with a bullet in

    his head. I was part of a recon group; I had to recon areas and then join the main

    group. One of my squad mates was a soldier by the name of corporal Jonathan Banes;

    he had no family left also and like that we soon the best of friends, the only friend I had

    in the military. The missions started becoming more of the same, the life was easy and

    though I could do this my whole life. A year after deployment we had to attack a small

    town in the middle of the plains, it looked like it would be an easy day. The houses were

    made of wood and were very rudimentary at best; there were about three hundred

    people in the village. The first thing that went wrong was that most of the inhabitants

    were civilians, and there houses were being hit first. I saw a group of civilians near a

    house that was in the line of fire, so I went over there to get them to safety. They

    were agreeing with us and it was going well until there was explosion and I fell to the

    ground. Everything was static, I could hear nothing, I looked around for my friend but he

    was no were to be found. I looked down on the ground and saw his dog tags and bits of

    him all around. My commanding officer came by me and mocked me in the middle of the

    battle for not saving some of these civilians; he then brought up the Native American

    part of me. I was seeing red, the only friend I had was dead and command was being

    asshole. I saw people in another house and shot at them without hesitation, they fell

    and started running and firing at anything that looked human, there was a woman and

    child hiding by a house, and all I did was shot and stab them like they were combatants.

    I even burned a man alive, his screams for help still echo in my mind. I did not even

    realize I had been shot by one of the few enemy soldiers there. After the fighting died

    down I took out my knife and started scalping the people that I had killed. The solders

    around me were disgusted and one even threw up, I did not care. The battle was

    labeled a victory but I know it now as a massacre, out the 300 people that lived there,

    none made it out alive that day. Only 20 were enemy soldiers. I was giving the Medal of

    Honor of all things, what a tainted relic that thing must be by now. I left not long after

    that the ‘battle’ and went back to New York; I had no idea where to go again. I joined a

    mercenary group were I thought I was doing good things, I was sent to break up strike’s

    for major companies, the pay was good but the work was terrible. I once fired my gun at

    one of the workers at a rather large strike, he died and the rest of my group started

    firing to, the massacre repeated itself. I was racked with guilt from these two massacres

    so I turned to religion for help. I went to a river were a local church was baptizing

    people, I joined in. I said yes to all things they asked, but at the last minute I thought

    to myself how would a little dunk in the water cleanse the sins I had done. I ran off and

    did not come but I could hear the priest yell that was to be dammed forever, he was not

    wrong. I hated my job, I could not quit but I felt that is was losing my soul, or whatever

    was left. I was stuck at the train station once; I had to break another strike but the

    train was late, that day I met my future wife, a year from that day we were happily

    married, I thought my life was changing. Not long after I quit my job and became a

    privet investigator in New York and we moved into a better house. Something later I

    found out I was about to have a baby girl, I named her Anna, I was on top of the world,

    but my ugly past was about rear in’s head back into my life. The day Anna was born I

    was late to the hospital do to work, I came there to find out my wife had died during

    childbirth, the baby had lived but that moment just broke me. I started having memories

    of those massacres I had done, I had repressed them the best I could but now nothing

    could keep them down. I sank into a deep depression were the only thing that kept me

    going was Anna, even with her I spent a lot of my time at bars, drinking and gambling my

    life away on horse races. Less people wanted help for me, so I started making less

    money so had to move out into a very small house with three rooms. A year later I did

    not have the money to pay off my drinking and gambling debt, I was afraid someone like

    Arlington would come by and beat all the money out of me. One day a man told me that

    I could repay the debt by giving my only child up. I did not want to but it was my only

    choice, I could do nothing as they walked away with my baby. I regretted my choice

    almost instantly and ran after the man. He was in an alley way with another man, much

    older with a long beard; there was a hole in the wall of a building that looked unstable. I

    punched the man in the face but he did not let the baby go, he jumped through the hole

    just as the building collapsed. The building fell on the baby’s pinky finger and cut it off,

    that was all I had left of my daughter. The police found no bodies so she had to have

    survived, but I knew it was the last time I would see her. The drinking and gambling

    became worse, I had thoughts of suicide all the time, I had no right to be alive, I

    branded myself a failure in, not deserving life. The lives of the people I had taken could

    have been better than mine, the priest was right. My life was going down the toilet and

    to make matters worse my debt had not even been repaid; I was still in the danger zone.

    20 years passed with my life sinking deeper and deeper, I was about to give up and hang

    myself when the same person I had handed Anna over to came to my door. I wanted kill

    him so badly and was about to when he told me that my debt would be repaid and my life

    would become better if I kidnapped a girl from a city. I don’t know why I agreed but I

    did, not knowing what was in store for me. He and his sister rowed me to a small light

    house off the coast of Maine. I brought the family revolver with me along with a box

    with my name on it. It had ammunition, a picture of the girl when she was ten, and a

    code for the light house. I walked through the light house to find the person I was told

    would bring me to the city, he was dead with a knife in his chest. His eyes had been cut

    out and were on floor bleeding profoundly, a note on the wall said stop him from entering

    the fare city. I felt sick knowing yet another life had been taken because of me, I

    reached the top of the light house and put the code in. The sky flickered red and the

    door opened all I found was a chair with the roof missing, I sat down thinking about what

    to do when the roof closed. A loud voice started yelling out ascension, I quickly realized

    I had been tricked and that this lighthouse was not a lighthouse at all, more like a

    shuttle. It went up yelling out 5000 feet, 1000 feet, 1500 feet, I was about to pass out

    when it went through the clouds and I saw something I would never forget. A city in the

    sky, floating above the clouds, I had no idea why this happened and still don’t but for a

    moment, I knew my life had changed. I might sound insane but there was really a city in

    the clouds. It landed in a park, I had landed in the middle of the city of Columbia, I

    learned that it had been created back in 1893 during the world’s fair, it had left the

    country ever since. The date was July 8, the day they had left the union; it was a

    Holiday for them. The city’s style was more early 1900s; everything from buildings to

    clothes and technology seemed to be from 1912. The city seemed almost perfect with

    everyone I met being nice, something was wrong here. I have had a rule that I have

    followed since my first day in the military, either you draw first when something is not

    right, or you don’t get to draw at all and I was pretty sure I would need that skill soon.

    The city was in its most basic form, hundreds of floating islands with buildings,

    connected by lines of wire. I learned it was ruled by a religious dictator that went by

    the name of Farther Zachary Hale Comstock; he had been the leader for 30 years. The

    people talked about him like a god, and the religion was manly worshiping the founding

    fathers of our country. At the entrance to the fairgrounds I got letter that told me not

    to pick 77, I went by the raffle and picked a number and guess what, it was number 77.

    I won this lottery and what do you think my prize was, money, fame, no it was ability to

    toss baseballs at an interracial couple until they were dead, you can imagine the horror

    having just learned what the secret was. I instead tried to toss the ball at the

    announcer, but before I could the police grabbed me, yelling out I was someone called

    the False Shepard, one of them came by with the Skyhook the same thing I am holding

    now. I over powered the officer with my strength and pushed him into the hook, let’s

    just say it did not end well. It started a long battle between me and Columbian police

    department. I may not have had a good at living life, but I damn good at taking lives.

    Long story short I found out the city is manly racist because there leader said it was the

    American idea and that its gods will. I made it to Monument Island, the place where the

    Lamb otherwise known as the girl I had to rescue was being held. I going to say this

    sounds like a fairy tale but that’s really how they held her, strange. I broke into her

    home, she was not what I would call happy at all, but I convinced her by pure luck that

    this was the right thing to do. I learned that her name was Elizabeth and she was quite

    an interesting person. She had a free willed almost childlike spirit but she was also

    somewhat mischievous. She had a biting wit and sarcastic humor; she called me out on

    my mistakes without hesitation. She possessed a massive amount of reserve and

    determination as she was able to focus on her goals and move past stressful situations

    without many problems. She is a fountain of information, ranging from lock picking to

    geography to medical treatment. However she is reckless and does not think plans

    through, she is also very naïve. She had a great distaste for killing, and won’t kill

    anything wither it be a bug or not. We got off the island and ended up on a small beach,

    how a beach works in a floating city is beyond me. At this point people were on the

    lookout for me so we had to more careful, it was not ease. There was a dance on the

    beach with Irish music, I could not keep her away from it and she danced there for a few

    minutes, she tried to get me to dance but I, don’t, dance, ever! I had found out she had

    a huge love of Paris, maybe because of all the culture and heritage but she could not

    stop talking about Paris. So I lied and said that one of the many zeppelins was heading

    to Paris, she lit up like a Christmas tree, she ran off toward the tickets booths. She

    went to the ticket booth not far from the beach; there was no line so before you knew it

    we were getting the tickets. The man giving ticket was saying strange things that were

    very suspicious but I did nothing as I did not feel like killing anymore. He pulled a knife

    that stabbed into my right hand; I shot him with my revolver before pulling the knife out,

    everyone in the station pulled a weapon and started shooting. One of the grabbed

    Elizabeth, she kicked him in the face before running off without me. The police in

    disguise pose no problem but one of them dropped a lever action shotgun, I grabbed it

    and still have it to this day, if it hurts it still works. I ran after Elizabeth and found her in

    a gonadal trying to pull the lever down, she was not strong enough. She pushed me

    back calling me a murderer and a bad man, I just told her “You think that those people

    would just give you like that after keeping you for 20 years, you either draw first and

    survive, or you don’t get to draw at all, I was slow this time but I won’t be next time.”

    She realized that she was wrong and wanted to do something to help, she starred at my

    hand which was bleeding all over my revolver, she grabbed a hand warp and wrapped it

    around the wound, she told me “If you ever get hurt, I will try to find something to help,

    from here on out we have to be a team.” We started to walk through a place called

    Soldiers Fields, Disney land of the sky really. One of the places was an area known as

    the Hall of Hero’s, a museum full of information that has been twisted to what Comstock

    wanted it to be, not the place I would normally go to. I would have kept walking but my

    former commanding officer, Capitan Cornelius Slate was in this area, and he had declared

    open war ageist the city for some reason. At this point I found out about the ongoing

    civil war, the Founders were the people who were running the city, and the Vox Populi,

    Latin for voice of the people, were the lower class people fighting for equal rights or so I

    thought. I confronted Slate in an exhibit dedicated to the massacre I had committed 20

    years prior, only this time the information was all wrong. To them, it was a real battle

    and Comstock was a great hero that saved many lives, you already know the truth. I

    started having the memories resurface again; the only thing keeping them down was the

    job at hand, Elizabeth knew something was wrong. She looked at me with her blue eyes

    and told me “From the look in your eyes I know you were there, the horrors you saw, I

    am sorry for you.” I replied “I don’t need forgiveness; it was an event that I wish had

    never happened, I try every day to forget my actions that day, you try living with that

    much guilt.” She did not seem happy about what I said but she carried on regardless.

    We walked by an exhibit dedicated to Comstock’s now dead wife, when it mentioned

    them having a child. I put to and to together and figured that Elizabeth was the

    daughter of the great and holy leader of this city, this was why they were trying so hard

    to kill me. I found Slate in the center of the exhibit, he told me that Comstock had

    stolen his military career and tarnished it; he always took his job to seriously. He told me

    that I was still the same person I was 20 years, he thought that the man he called the

    White Ingen was still in side of me, I wanted to prove him wrong. He had come here to

    die, he wanted me to kill him and his soldiers before Comstock’s men kill him, he was

    clearly not all there. A large fight started with his men attacking me and Elizabeth, they

    all died except for Slate. He was wounded but he did not care, he handed me a his

    handgun and told me to shoot him, I wanted to prove to him the old Booker DeWitt was

    longer alive, so I just walked away and left him alive. I and Elizabeth walked out of

    Soldiers Field and onto the First Lady airship, I put in the location to New York and sat

    back, I just did not count on Elizabeth knowing what longitude and latitude lines were,

    she knew I was lying and that we were not going to Paris. I felt strangely guilty for this,

    but when I tried to help she pulled a wrench and hit me in the head. When I woke up

    the airship had been taken over by the Vox, they told me that if a gunsmith in the

    factory district would help them, I would get the air ship back. I was at the docks in the

    factory district and Elizabeth was nowhere to be found. I found her a little farther up

    the docks, she was still very mad at me for lying to her. She did not seem to care what

    happened to me, the only reason she was still with me was I was the only person that

    could get her out of this godforsaken city. We made our way to the gun maker but

    before I could talk to him, a dockworker pushed me off the dock, and who of all people

    saves me, Elizabeth. I apologies for lying to her, normally a person would have rejected

    it, but she for some reason she did not and pulled me up. We made to the gunsmith and

    asked if he could make the guns, he agreed as he wanted to do this for some time, I

    asked Elizabeth “Do you think this is the right thing to do?” “What could go wrong, they

    are doing these for equal rights and Liberty’s, they remind me of several characters from

    the book Les Miserable.” As we walked out I felt very tired, the day had been very long

    and taxing, so we slept in a small shack in Shanty town not far away. The next day I

    awoke to gunfire everywhere, I thought the police were after me again, in turned out

    that the first batch of guns was made that quickly. It was open war; people were being

    shot so we ran back to the factory district. We came in just in time to see the owner

    get shot in the face; we walked by the gunsmith to see what he was doing only to find

    his body on the ground. Elizabeth looked very guilty telling me with tears in her eye

    “This is all my fault, if I had done nothing he would still be alive, why did I compare these

    people to the great literary saviors.” I hugged her trying to comfort her; I could not

    believe I was becoming friends with someone I would soon get rid of. The leader of the

    Vox was a young woman named Daisy Fitzroy, a smart person but also a brutal person.

    She justified her actions by saying that the Founders are like weeds, and the only way to

    kill them is pull them up by the root. I saw her in a small building holding a small child

    with a pistol in the other hand, Elizabeth freaked out. She told me to push her up into

    the ventilation shaft; she came out and stabbed Fitzroy in the back, killing her. The look

    on her face was indescribable, she knew she had screwed up big but did not know what

    to say, I told her the airship was right over there, which made her feel very slightly

    better. We got onto the airship and set the course for Paris, Elizabeth ran into the back

    room and did not come out for five minutes. When she did I noticed she had cut her

    hair, tosses her old cloths for cloths that matched her mothers. Everything was going

    well when the airship started nose diving into
  • edited August 2013
    massive double space text wall.
  • edited August 2013
    I know right, there was no way to make that work, I am surprised that I did not hit a character limit for a post, well take solace in the fact that they never get bigger then that ever.
  • edited August 2013
    why not try to put in a new line every time they speak.
  • edited August 2013
    Okay, space down each time dialog happens, got it, I am not the best with paragraphs, writing itself is not a problem, just the paragraphs.
  • edited August 2013
    i'm no paragraph expert. so i mainly just do that, if not. i do basically the same style i'm using for my fic.

    It was hard for me to actually adjust to that style i was using.
  • edited August 2013
    So yes it was a lot of text, but it is a really important chapter, hence why it is the longest, it tells you why Booker is not a happy man, short answer is because life was not easy on him. It kind of defines him from this point onward, and here is something for anyone that did finish Bioshock Infinite, I changed somethings that were not in the game, as I said before, it could be my writing just changing it, or it could mean that Booker DeWitt is a unreliable narrator, coin flip.
  • edited August 2013
    Okay next chapter is almost up, it's relatively small again, but the next two won't. There will be four chapters today okay, and Kenny you want to see what the final chapter is when I post it today.
  • edited August 2013
    Food and Shelter

    I had no idea what to say after hearing this story, Chill was out like a light, he seems

    tired after a long day. Noah fell asleep half way through the tale; he never pays

    attention to anything if it depended on his life. Melina was talking with Elizabeth for

    some time and I did not pay any attention at all to what they were talking about. The

    bedding was somewhat rough, what do you expect when you are sleeping in a car

    garage. I did not sleep all that well, I woke up two times from some terrible dream I

    cannot remember anymore. I woke up around 8:00 to see everyone eating bread right

    where they had been yesterday. I sat next to Chill and started eating the bread that

    was right in front of me, it was sourdough, I hate sourdough but I ate it because I was

    starving. Booker told everyone “We are going out to scavenging for supply’s and a

    better place to live in, this garage is both small and unprotected, Arlington you coming

    with me, Dempsey, Masaki, Belinski, you are in team two. Elizabeth you are going to

    stay with are guests, keep your eye on the small one, he could be trouble.” You could

    see it her eyes that Elizabeth wanted to come with him, but she said nothing and started

    talking with Noah. Booker handed Dempsey a small radio as they walked out, he turned

    around and said he would be back in a few hours, and like that he was gone.
  • edited August 2013

    and indeed, it is short, looking forward to some big chapters today as well.
  • edited August 2013
    Okay, get ready to see two chapters with only two characters, you will not be disappointed.
  • edited August 2013
    Great story, I'm thinking about buying Bioshock infinite, because of you :p
  • edited August 2013
    Okay, I did not spoil the whole thing, just bits and pieces really.
  • edited August 2013
    In a State of Decay

    Booker started walking out with Arlington, he held his prized revolver with his right hand

    and pointed out that the battle for the city was still going on. Arlington asked “Is there

    anything we can do, or is this city just fucked?” “The military will won’t hold for much

    longer, with the amount of soldiers and supply’s they have, two days is the best case

    scenario.” “How do you know these things exactly?” “I don’t, Elizabeth took a good

    guess after seeing what they are capable of.” They walked down the main road with

    nothing in sight, only the wind kept them company along with the sounds of gun shots in

    the distance. “Where did you learn how to scavenge Booker? I don’t suppose the

    military taught how to survive in a city full of undead.” “They did not, when you are in a

    floating city that is hell bent on seeing you die and you only have two guns you have to

    learn how to scavenge or you die, and as you can see right now I am still here.” “Sorry I

    asked, what should be looking for as there are a lot of places to go.” “We are going to

    try to find a supermarket and hope it still has food, I am going to clime that radio tower

    and find see if there is any else in the area.” He started to clime the tower, he had no

    fear of heights after what he went through, but the tower was old and withering in the

    wind when he started to go up. After two minutes he reached the top of the tower, he

    could see quite far into the city. He pulled out his binoculars and started scouting out

    what was were, he was a Kroger’s up a block, but what got his attention was a house

    about two miles from the garage. It had a stone wall around it, a large front and back

    lawn and he saw no movement anywhere. He climbed down the tower slow as a snail,

    but seems to be happy, something Arlington had never seen in the short time in the

    group. “DeWitt, you look happier than a man who won the lottery, what did you see up

    there.” “I saw are food source and it’s very close, but better yet I saw are next base of

    operations not far away.” “Well that’s just great; maybe we might survive this after all.

    “I would not go that far yet but it’s a step in the right direction.” “You know what I

    could go for right now, a New York porter house steak that is medium rare with

    seasonings. I have not had one since prison, and after eating that shit and flying the

    coop I deserve something good. You know there was this stack restaurant only two

    blocks from my house in Brooklyn, I believe it had a really simple name, Tommy’s I

    believe. Anyway the spices they would put on the steak was amazing.” “Arlington, shut

    up before the dead get their own New York porter house.” They made it to the

    supermarket a little bit later, the radio crackled to life with the sound of Dempsey’s

    voice, “ Hay guys, we just found a gun store that has not been touched, we going in

    out.” The market was empty with the lights still on, the sound of undead groans was

    nearby but not in the store, they went ahead and started looting the place. Arlington

    went to the pharmacy and grabs as many pills as he could, pain pills, sleeping pills

    everything he could grab. Booker went into the canned food area, he came out with five

    cans of soup, five cans of fish, and some meat, he then grabbed two bags of potato

    chips, and he knew that the new members would love that. Arlington starting grabbing

    some food to, he did not have a lot of space in his pack but there was some space. He

    grabbed some fruit of all things, saying “I always loved fruit when I was in New York, all

    the apples are on me Booker.” As they started to leave Arlington went back to the

    pharmacy to cheek if he missed something, he found another door he missed the first

    time, it was locked. Booker looked at the door with wide eyes and said, “Arlington, don’t

    open that door, the alarm system is still on.” “Don’t worry, I can pick a lock pretty well.”

    Booker stood there for about three minute as Arlington picked the lock on the door, when

    he did open it the alarm went off just like Booker said it would. Booker yelled to him,

    “What the hell was that, I told you the alarms were still on and yet you still tried to open

    the door!” “It was a risk I had to take; you never know what could be beyond that

    door.” “I don’t care what is over there, get your ass out or we are going to die.” The

    sound of glass being shattered was all around them. Booker turned around to see a mob

    of zombies had made it into the market; he grabs his shotgun and told Arlington, “I can

    only hold for so long, if you are not done in two minutes I am leaving with or without

    you. His shotgun tore open both the head and stomach of the zombie, he pulled the

    lever back just as one lunged at him, he smashed it’s head open with the barrel of the

    gun. Arlington was freaking out as he knew that Booker meant his words, he looked

    down to find a small metal box and bolted out of the room. Booker had switched to his

    revolver and had just put the barrel in a zombie’s mouth when he saw Arlington. He ran

    with him out the back door and out onto the street, when they got to an alleyway he

    turned around and hit Arlington in the mouth. “Do you know how stupid that was; I did

    not know any collages accepts people like you.” “Get of my ass, I did just find you a box

    of supplies that might save lives, you know you need to lighten up some days.” Booker

    saw the size of the box and told Arlington “I don’t give a damn never do something like

    that again, or it’s not just the zombies you have to worry about.” “I understand, now

    let’s go check out your base so we can go home and burn yet another tire.”
  • edited August 2013
    A calm port in the middle of the hurricane

    They reached the house without much time wasted; it had a tree just inside of the

    confines of the house, looking over the gate with a great view of the area. In the tree

    was a small tree house, a good makeshift guard tower. Arlington was just staring at the

    tree house before uttering “I had a neighbor who had a tree house when I was kid, I

    always wanted to live in that house so you got a thumps up from me already.” The wall

    was in good shape, in could be climbed over but with some wire it would be safe. The

    yard was very large, perfect for setting up some facilities. They continued to walk

    around the place, there were no zombies to be found, everything seemed pretty good.

    They walked into the house, it all looked about right but the owner was nowhere. They

    walked into the dining room and saw a steak still on the table, Arlington ran over and

    grabbed the steak as Booker grabs his revolver and started walking up a flight of stairs to

    a bedroom with the door open. Booker walked in to find old man on the bed, barely alive

    with a small bite on his hand. Booker knew what had happened, he had been bit by a

    zombie and would be dead soon. Arlington walked in with the steak still in his hand

    saying with meat in his mouth “You find anything good in here, this steak is so damn

    good you want som- what the hell happened here?” “He has been bit, he is alive but

    only just, I do not think he is even awake.” The moment Booker said that the old man

    quietly uttered the word Crawford before dying. Arlington then started searching his

    body, Booker angrily told him “What the hell, you almost got us killed before why risk your

    life?” “It takes a few minutes to come back, I will be fine, besides money is never not

    useful.” He continued to search the body until he found the old man’s wallet, it then

    sprang to life and grabbed him. Before it could bite Arlington Booker shot in in the head

    with his revolver, he coldly told Arlington “You owe me now.” They walked out with

    Arlington still in a bit of shock and Booker in a slightly mad tone, “I am not even going to

    question your stupidity so forget it. Do you have any idea what Crawford means

    because I have a no idea.” “ How the fuck is I supposed to know, I have been in this

    blasted city for one day why would I know the area or its leaders or anything.” “Let’s

    just head back to the garage and tell everyone to move to that house.” “For once I

    agree with that plan besides. It has a garden and there is still a bit of that steak.”
  • edited August 2013
    This is the final chapter for the day, and I will give a shout out in one of the chapters if you can guess who the character at the end is.

    Hours Before

    Chill looked barely awake, he looked over at his new baby sitter and then looked at the

    floor. I was sitting there still eating the bread that I despised; I asked Elizabeth “How

    long will Booker be gone?” She responded quickly “Knowing Booker, he won’t be gone

    more than two hours.” She got up and walked toward an old radio that had been lying

    there for some time. “Clearly you four are tired and have nothing to do; I am going to fix

    that now.” She grabbed a wrench that was under a car, and started opening up the

    radio, we had no idea what she was doing. Five minutes went by and just as we were

    turning away we heard the sound of music and voices. She got it working, god knows

    how but it was playing. I ran up and asked “How did you do that?” “With 20 years of

    nothing but a bedroom and few rooms what do you think, I studied as many subjects as I

    could. History, Science, geography, medicine, fixing stuff you name it I could do it, that

    radio was not even a challenge.” Chill looked up and asked “Then I guess you have

    played chess before right, I saw a box over there so I was thinking…” “Chill, you have

    not played chess before in your life; the closest you ever came was watching chess.”

    “How hard can it be, it’s just like Checkers with different pieces right?” Elizabeth agreed

    and grabbed the box and started playing chess. It seemed surreal, playing chess with a

    radio playing modern music; if I did not notice the rubble and destruction around me then

    I would not guess the apocalypse was even happening. Chill lost in about five turns,

    give or take, maybe less, you should have seen Chill’s face after he lost that fast. We all

    were laughing at Chill for about a minute, he got up and said “Can you shoot something

    straight and kill, since I know I you did not practice on that.” Elizabeth had never fired a

    gun her whole life, she had only killed one living person and she was horrified at just the

    thought of doing it again. She told Chill “Have you honestly ever killed a person?

    Because I have and it’s not like in your games where there is a little bit of blood and they

    are unredeemable. I grabbed those scissors and stabbed Daisy right through the throat,

    I knew the human body well, but in the haste I thought it would not kill her. I saved a

    life at the cost of another, she may have wanted us dead and she was a monster who

    wanted to see Columbia burn, but I feel pity for her. I cut an artery and blood gushed all

    over me, I watched her bleed to death quickly but I know it was FAR from painless. I

    never like murder or war or anything like that, so no I have never shot a gun in my life.”

    “ I am sorry for bringing it up I just like to dominate things, games to conversations, I

    met no disrespect.” Noah came over and said “He never admits his mistakes; he is really

    a soft heart when you know the guy.” “ At a point I got over the idea that you must

    hate people that kill many, Booker killed his way through Columbia but I understood why,

    I guess I just do not like the sight of blood. It’s just a fear we got to get over some time

    or another. I guess I should stay positive right now, it always was would I would tell

    myself in the tower some days. I know a few songs and there is a guitar around here

    somewhere if you want. “Nah I think we are fine for now, maybe later when Booker

    comes back.” Do you ever wonder what this place was like before all of this, as it

    intrigues me that at one time there was a minor band, a professional chess player

    someone from a tire store all within sight of each other.” I nodded and started walking

    to the radio; do you think there could be any news on this radio Elizabeth? “There could

    be something, the military does Morse code during situations but I can understand it. I

    use to play a game so I could memories how Morse code works it, I would sing it with the

    words being small dot large dot and stuff like that, that was back when I was 15 so

    that’s not going to happen today.” She got on the radio and started turning onto

    different frequencies, she found the frequency and started to write down the letters

    and before too long she had the massage. She said it a slightly depressed voice, “The

    military is pulling out and evacuating people on the Talmadge Memorial bridge with

    helicopters. It’s too late for us to get out but we do know were the army is.” “So we

    are not going to leaving anytime soon, shit, I know this happens all the time in zombie

    related stuff but I never thought it would happen in real life.” Chill walked over to the

    radio and turned the nob to a heavy metal station, and started talking to Noah about

    games. I did not care so I walked over to the door; it was still shut with no sounds of

    walking anywhere to be heard. A minute went by and I heard footsteps coming, so I

    opened the metal door and when it lifted I found a gun pointed at my face.
  • edited August 2013
    One of those are correct, the person is male.
  • edited August 2013
    Nope, you have two guesses left.
  • edited August 2013
    You...are sadly...WRON-correct.
  • edited August 2013
    Okay then, should I just upload the next chapter now, if I do be warned, Nate is going to be Nate.
  • edited August 2013
    Okay this is just yet another heads up, if you really want to read some of the chapters in the voices of some of the characters, they just use Troy Baker's voice for Booker DeWitt, Steve Blum for Dempsey, Thomas Kane for Takeo, Fred Tatasciore for Nikolai, Courtnee Draper for Elizabeth, and Joe Pantoliano for Albert Arlington, just a heads up for Cany, Kenny, and anyone else reading.
  • edited August 2013
    By the way I would like to thank the community for making this my most highly rated and read thread, thank you all for taking your time to read another Fan Fic of which I spent half a year making, you are all great people and it has and will continue to be a honor knowing you all.
  • edited August 2013
    COD zombie mode characters? Nate? It's just getting better and better :D
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