1 Yes at a point this will intersect with Episodes 4 and 5.
2 Was not planing on doing it, but maybe.
3 Three acts, but the first act was like 30 pages in Microsoft Word, so this is not going to be short
4 Kind of, he is a small character in the game State of Decay, being a sarcastic military asshole who grows to become friends with you, his jokes at times reminded me of Omid, and he was the best overall character in the game, hell that game got me through June when I had to be off the forums to avoid 400 Days spoilers.
Well I am going to be uploading another chapter soon, well for one I am downloading Origins map for BO2 right now, and the site is giving me problems again, and I can't find a picture of Oberson that is not zombiafided, but other then that its all going real well.
Sorry it took so long to upload, I just broke through writers block, school is back, and I am still pissed on how one of my favorite zombies series, COD Zombies, ended, hope this good short chapter makes up for it.
A Meeting of the Minds
Booker wanted into the office, he looked around, it had no windows, it was
somewhat small, it had a large desk in the center, behind it was a tall man with black
hair, a coat, and a mustache. “Sit down Mr. DeWitt, we have been expecting you.”
“How do you know my name, I only told Nate that once?” “News travels fast in
Crawford, I am also perceptive enough to see your name on the revolver you clearly
own. How rude of me to not introduce myself, my name is Crawford Calhoun Oberson,
former principle and now leader of the Crawford district in Savannah. Why are you here
today Mr. DeWitt, are you thinking of joining us?” “I don’t know, on one hand I want to
join so my group can survive longer, but on the other hand I do not have a good track
record with your people. That guy Nate, he tried to rape my own daughter, and another
member shot and almost killed one of my most trusted members for no reason” “There is
always a reason something happens, the only variable is how valid the reason is. Nate is
a little bit hard to control I hear, I promise you there is no one else like that here in
Crawford and if he was to do that again, I would have to kick him out. That member
that got killed wouldn’t happen to have been wearing a hood?” Yes he was, why does it
matter?” That was one of our more untrustworthy members, don’t worry I won’t string
you up for killing him, it was in self-defense anyway. Anyway if you want to live here
you must prove your worth, I am sorry but since we have so many members we need to
know more about you, other than your name.” “Well you know my name already, I
served the US army for a year, I was a private investigator in New York, I have survived
the loss of family and friends, I am good at killing things in basic words.” “Where are you
from Mr. DeWitt, I need to make a file with all the details, every member has to have a
file about their medical records, past experiences you understand.” “I was born and
raised in New York City, my family is from Marietta, is that enough information Crawford?”
“Please just call me Oberson, people refer to my last name often because our settlement
is called Crawford, funny coincided. Since we still have internet here I will just look up all
the other details, I get Cany and Nate to walk you to the cafeteria, we have some good
food down there. I must say, the rumors about you seem to be true Mr. Dewitt, it will be
an honor to have you with us if you decide to join.” “Thanks Mr. Oberson, if what you
say is true, then me and might group will be coming soon.” “How many members do you
have,?” “Ten, four are teenagers that are really good at building and maintaining, they
will fit well here.” The door opened and another man walked in, with a military uniform,
Booker got up and walked out into the long hallways. Cany and Nate came by and
The next chapter is up, I do believe I Waste My Time is going to love this chapter, if possible can someone tell him if he is online. Cany will also love this chapter to.
The Smell of Ribs
Booker walked into the cafeteria and saw just how massive it was, it could likely
hold about 100 people if it needed to, but there was only 50 people here so that was not
a problem. Cany walked up to the chef handing out the food and asked, “Andrew, what
is todays special, as I could go for something meaty after standing out in the heat all
day.” “You’re in luck, todays special is meaty ribs, we found this in a truck near the
supermarket today, help yourself. Who is that sitting next to Nate, is he a new
member?” “Not yet, he is the leader of a new group that Nate found, quite the
interesting one.” “Well give him these ribs, nothing convinces a man to join faster than
good comfort food.” Booker sat down beside another man reading a book, he had a
white jacket and a green shirt beneath it, he was Asian. Booker was just sitting there,
waiting for Cany and Nate to get the food, he personally thought this was not a bad
place, Oberson was not like Comstock, Cany was pretty nice for a guard, and he still
hated Nate for obvious reasons. The man to Bookers right turned around and asked him,
“I can see you’re waiting for someone, should I just get up and go to another table, if so
I am okay with that.” “No its fine, well since it looks like I might be joining soon I might
as well ask what is your name, I have not seen anyone else here that is from Asia, no
offense.” “None taken, my name is Oliver, Oliver Oberst, no I am not related to Oberson,
hell I am not even from Savannah.” Where you from anyway if you’re not from around
here?” “I am from Macon, quite a long way from home, you from around here sir?” “Call
me Booker, and no I am from New York, I know that feeling to be away from home with
no way of truly knowing if anyone you know is alive, you know.” “I have a brother from
Macon, I don’t know where he is either, getting out was so hard, the road was stuffed
with cars, people could not even open their doors and the amount of noise was defining.
The walkers they, they started attacking the cars, the people inside were safe, they
could not break through the glass, but people panic and make mistakes. I hitchhiked a
ride with a family off four, when the walkers attacked the car one of them pulled a pistol
and shot at them, it only let them into the car. I saw that there were no walkers on my
side of the car, so I broke the window and leaped out, when I turned around I, I saw
that everyone had been eaten, the mother the father and the two kids, gone. I kept
walking for what felt like days until I was found by a patrol in this city. I am so sorry if I
depressed you with my story, all I want to know is where my brother is, family matters.”
“Yes it does, family is all I have left anymore, this world has taken my friends, my
parents, my wife, even my hopes and dreams, all that remains is my daughter and the
small group I have left. Well I can see those guys coming with food, you want a little
bit?” “I am good, I’ll just leave you to talk with your new friends. Cany sat down and
told Booker with a smile on his face, “ You’re a lucky man Mr. DeWitt are chef Andrew
Burns just gave you a free dish of fresh pork ribs, they don’t make them like they used to
right.” “Sure, I guess, Nate why did you go after my daughter, just tell me straight to
my face why?” “Why so serious Mr. DeWitt, you need to lighten up a little bit, and I am
sorry if I went after your daughter, I guess it’s been way to long since I had a girlfriend
or anything, I like you so can we just let that stay in the past, I am sorry.” “It’s not
something I can forgive in a day, but if you truly mean it, then I guess we can be on
better terms Nate.” “That is all I ask, just a chance to show that I am not an animal,
you going to eat those ribs because they look mighty tasty.” Booker took a bite out of
the ribs, he liked ribs, just looking at the ribs reminded him of Arlington and his love of
New York steaks, for a moment Booker thought of no one but Albert, hoping that he was
okay at the moment. “It’s good meat, I should know as New York made some of the best
meat a man could ever eat.” “I agree, the only time I was in New York I never wanted
to leave after trying there street hot dogs, I hope it’s safe there now.” “Me to Cany, me
to.” As they were talking Booker noticed the man in the uniform walk into the cafeteria,
he asked Cany, “Do you know that guy over there, I saw him walk into Oberson’s office
when I left, he important?” “That guy, I don’t remember his last name, all I know is his
first name is Edward, he must be someone important, I see him walking around with
Oberson all the time, I think he is in charge of all the guards.” “I though you told me
that you in charge of all the guards.” “I meant in charge of all the guards in the outer
areas, like the front gate and all, I think he is the security chief, as least he dresses like
he is.” He walked over to Booker and asked him in a rather think German accent,
“DeWitt, Oberson wants you in his office now, he has finished the file and wants to talk
to you.” “Okay, I’ll come right now, Cany you stay and finish those ribs with Nate.”
“Yes sir Booker, we will do are best to defeat the rib threat.”
I Wonder if more will happen with Oliver. (Also. two errors is that he's too polite -that can easily be acquanted to teh acpocalypse changing people, he might just act like this when he's certain things are okay-
and the jacket colour -he could've just found a new one-)
For Canysupport, I'd want to chain him to a wall and beat the hell out of him, knocking his teeth out. Then, I'd slowly dismember him like the St. Johns but without the morphine. Then, I'll gouge his eyes out with a shard of glass like Michonne did in the TV Show. Finally, I'll cut his head off with a clean slice from a kitana. Then I'll leave him in the room to turn. When he turns, he won't be able to move and will spend the rest of his life as a decapitated corpse like the guy from TWD Webisode Series:Cold Storage (which is pretty good, if I do say so myself).
I Wonder if more will happen with Oliver. (Also. two errors is that he's too polite -that can easily be acquanted to teh acpocalypse changing people, he might just act like this when he's certain things are okay-
and the jacket colour -he could've just found a new one-)
True, to answer the question its 7 days in, so that is why he is polite here and not so much later on, and he just found another jacket, he must like jackets, and for the record just because you are a member of Crawford does not mean Cany is a bad guy, maybe he is maybe he is not, you'll just have to wait and see.
Still, I want Cany to die. Evil beast, working for Oberson! He kills innocent people! He steals from old people! He prank calls the police!!!
Hand him to Nate! Tie him up and throw him to the walkers! I don't CARE! HE DESERVES TO DIE FOR WHAT HE DOES!!!
Man, you're suicidal :eek:
Maybe Crawford at the beggining wasn't THAT bad and they changed the rules later. Think positively
True, to answer the question its 7 days in, so that is why he is polite here and not so much later on, and he just found another jacket, he must like jackets, and for the record just because you are a member of Crawford does not mean Cany is a bad guy, maybe he is maybe he is not, you'll just have to wait and see.
a little Trivia when it comes to my characters. Is Oliver has the most noticable changes in personality.
compare the him from 'Home Run' to The Oliver in 'Enemy Territory'
Maybe, maybe not only time will tell, and DAMN Cany not quite a fan of Cany Dance, not that I blame him, only at this point people are not talking about Oberson in hush tones, perhaps they don't know yet, maybe he is a good leader for now and we might see that change at a point, maybe.
Okay then, since you asked I will make another chapter today, what do you think so far I Waste My Time?
I Really like it. Crawford's a intresting Character, as is most others. I haven't actually played Bioshock so i doubt i'll find many references to teh thing. And frankly References are things i'm rarely comfortable with. But it's nonetheless a Great Fic.
Good to know, somethings will go over peoples head, but its not required to fully enjoy the Fan Fic, and I am trying my best to make Oberson interesting, I mean for the record is really should be canon that his middle name is Calhoun, it fits him.
2 Was not planing on doing it, but maybe.
3 Three acts, but the first act was like 30 pages in Microsoft Word, so this is not going to be short
4 Kind of, he is a small character in the game State of Decay, being a sarcastic military asshole who grows to become friends with you, his jokes at times reminded me of Omid, and he was the best overall character in the game, hell that game got me through June when I had to be off the forums to avoid 400 Days spoilers.
Four days went by fast, it was morning, and Booker DeWitt knew what had to be done
the moment he got up. He put six bullets into his revolver, he put his Skyhook back onto
his arm, and he walked out to the front gate. Dempsey on watch, there were no walkers
in sight for some reason, maybe because the generator was off but he had no way to be
sure. “Hay Mr. DeWitt, I noticed that in one of the runs we made we found some targets
from a shooting range, and there are no walkers in sight, you get the picture.” “How
could I not Dempsey, I got a few hours to kill before Nate shows up, I can fire a few
rounds, let me guess five bucks for who can shoot straighter?” “Like you read my mind, I
say you set it up in the backyard and we shoot from up here, nothing passes time like
having a beer with friends, and shooting shit.” They soon set the target up, they were
really far, at about 50 feet, I could not see them without my glasses, and they were on
the nightstand. Dempsey went first with his Remington 1875 revolver, “You might want
to just give me the money now, your gun is out dated by 24 years, this is not even going
to be a contest. He fired his six shots at the target; he walked toward them to find a
nice group of 4 bullets in the chest, with two in the head. “Beat that DeWitt, I doubt
you can, nothing beats a marine in a uniform from the Great War, nothing.” Booker
walked up to the tree house, he pulled out his revolver like he always does, he took a
deep breath, and slowly pulled the trigger six times. He walked to the target without
saying a word, he pointed to the target, there was a hole in each eye and in between,
one in the chest where the heart would be, and one in the lung. “Five dollars Dempsey, I
don’t have all day to wait.” “How the fuck did you, I don’t even know how you did that,
I will give you credit, that was badass. Here is your five bucks, not that it has any use
anymore. I have to cigars left in my bag, you want one?” “No thanks, I prefer to die by
bullets and undead creatures instead of cancer.” “Suit yourself; we are most likely going
to die long before the church bells start ringing.” Time pasted, and time pasted, before
long my watch said it was 12:00 PM, it was time. We could hear the sound of the winds
blowing ageist the buildings, it felt as if time itself had stopped for just a minute. A
moment later we all could hear the sound of music, Dempsey knew who the artist was, it
was Dan Sartain, one of Dempsey’s favorite singers, he would have been high fiving
Nate’s hand if he had not known what he almost did. He turned to see Booker with all his
weapons visible, “Get in paco, time to meet are crew of survivors.” Booker got in; he
dreaded being away from Elizabeth and the group, all Nate would need to do is just pull a
pistol he can’t see and it’s over. “Lighten up a little bit man; it won’t be that, I don’t
even know what your name is friend.” “My is Booker DeWitt, I am the leader of the
group that lives in that house.” “Booker DeWitt, quite the strange name, but I am not
here to judge. Want a nip of this whiskey I found, they are at a premium now.” “No
thanks, I don’t drink unless it’s for something important.” “Well now is one of those
moments, come on I risked my life for this junk, suit yourself. I got some advice for you
DeWitt, you want to hear them?” “Do I even get a choice?” “Nope, not at all, this is my
car and my rules and I say you have to hear everything I say. That daughter you have,
what is her name?” “Why the hell should I tell you that.” “Well I am sorry, maybe I will
just tell Crawford that you don’t want to live in safety forever.” “Fine, her name is
Elizabeth are you happy.” “Elizabeth, she is quite something, I mean that is a pretty
name I must say, my favorite color is blue you know. I got a thing for old time dresses, I
don’t know why but I do, her rack might be pretty small but the tail makes up for that,
good work with that one I must say.” “Do you want me to put a bullet in your shady,
sleazy head, because you keep talking like that about the only family I have left and you
won’t be having much use besides being a speed bump.” “Sorry it’s the way I cope with
things you know, maybe sometime I am a little, forget it.” He turned on the music and
turned the volume up; the music was not to Bookers taste let’s just say. The car
stopped at a large gate, he stuck his head out and yelled to the guard with a large
assault rifle. “CANY let me in, we have a guest today.” “Is it the one Crawford wanted
to meet?” “Yep, who the hell else would it be, let me in, you owe me for beating you at
poker last night.” “Fine, just remember that if it’s not the guest then tread real
carefully.” The guard let the gates down, he walked up to the car and said, “Okay, I am
going to walk you to Crawford, so everyone knows who you are. My name is Cany Dance
by the way, don’t even ask how I go the name. I am in charge of all the other guards, I
get the distinction of guarding the front gate.” Booker noticed that he was armed to the
teeth, he had a black vest that was bullet proof, he was carrying a M16 rifle and he had
two Beretta M9s in each pocket, he had pale gray eyes with dark black hair, he was
unique person. Booker saw how the whole operation worked, they had enclosed the
whole square with fences and stone walls, they had a lot of members, 50 plus from first
sight. Their main operation was in a school near the center of Crawford square, it was
really large and the lifeblood of the community. Cany showed Booker the bedrooms, they
were all bunk beds like you would see in summer camp, it was surprisingly comfy and
allowed more people to stay, it was smart. Nate showed Booker the nurse’s office, he
introduced him to the staff. “The head doctor is Doctor Walter Ashe, but he prefers to
go by his nickname, doctor Logan, don’t ask why. Are back up doctor is over there, his
name is Dr Conrad Vernon, he has a small group that came here to Crawford, quite
helpful. Lastly we have are nurse, Miss Malinda Hutchinson, personally I think she is the
best of the three.” The nurses office was small, with only enough room to handle one
person at a time, it worked I guess, there was power here, just like at the house, only
lights were not the only thing it powered. All the equipment was being powered, it
worked a lot better than are medical area back at the base which made Booker happy to
no end. Nate turned and told both Cany and Booker, “Well I got to go do a little
inventory down in the mechanic shop, see you later, I hope YOU Booker DeWitt, becomes
a new member real soon.” Cany walked Booker to the heart of Crawford, the leaders
office, it had a very strong looking guard in front, Cany walked up to him like he was a
friend and said, “Ryan Bauer, how you doing today?” “ Pretty well I guess, the coffee
was a little strong but I am good, are friend here wants to meet Crawford.” “So this is
are guest, Crawford he is here.” Booker turned to the door and heard a deep voice say,
“Good let him in, I am ready to begin.” The guard got out of the way, Cany turned and
saluted Booker before walking down the hall, and Booker stepped into the office of the
most powerful man in Savannah, and maybe even Georgia.
A Meeting of the Minds
Booker wanted into the office, he looked around, it had no windows, it was
somewhat small, it had a large desk in the center, behind it was a tall man with black
hair, a coat, and a mustache. “Sit down Mr. DeWitt, we have been expecting you.”
“How do you know my name, I only told Nate that once?” “News travels fast in
Crawford, I am also perceptive enough to see your name on the revolver you clearly
own. How rude of me to not introduce myself, my name is Crawford Calhoun Oberson,
former principle and now leader of the Crawford district in Savannah. Why are you here
today Mr. DeWitt, are you thinking of joining us?” “I don’t know, on one hand I want to
join so my group can survive longer, but on the other hand I do not have a good track
record with your people. That guy Nate, he tried to rape my own daughter, and another
member shot and almost killed one of my most trusted members for no reason” “There is
always a reason something happens, the only variable is how valid the reason is. Nate is
a little bit hard to control I hear, I promise you there is no one else like that here in
Crawford and if he was to do that again, I would have to kick him out. That member
that got killed wouldn’t happen to have been wearing a hood?” Yes he was, why does it
matter?” That was one of our more untrustworthy members, don’t worry I won’t string
you up for killing him, it was in self-defense anyway. Anyway if you want to live here
you must prove your worth, I am sorry but since we have so many members we need to
know more about you, other than your name.” “Well you know my name already, I
served the US army for a year, I was a private investigator in New York, I have survived
the loss of family and friends, I am good at killing things in basic words.” “Where are you
from Mr. DeWitt, I need to make a file with all the details, every member has to have a
file about their medical records, past experiences you understand.” “I was born and
raised in New York City, my family is from Marietta, is that enough information Crawford?”
“Please just call me Oberson, people refer to my last name often because our settlement
is called Crawford, funny coincided. Since we still have internet here I will just look up all
the other details, I get Cany and Nate to walk you to the cafeteria, we have some good
food down there. I must say, the rumors about you seem to be true Mr. Dewitt, it will be
an honor to have you with us if you decide to join.” “Thanks Mr. Oberson, if what you
say is true, then me and might group will be coming soon.” “How many members do you
have,?” “Ten, four are teenagers that are really good at building and maintaining, they
will fit well here.” The door opened and another man walked in, with a military uniform,
Booker got up and walked out into the long hallways. Cany and Nate came by and
walked Booker to the cafeteria.
on the subject of the thread however: A Very intresting Chapter.
when a writer oficially has no ideas for what to do in a story.
Which i had. but don't anymore. BP.
The Smell of Ribs
Booker walked into the cafeteria and saw just how massive it was, it could likely
hold about 100 people if it needed to, but there was only 50 people here so that was not
a problem. Cany walked up to the chef handing out the food and asked, “Andrew, what
is todays special, as I could go for something meaty after standing out in the heat all
day.” “You’re in luck, todays special is meaty ribs, we found this in a truck near the
supermarket today, help yourself. Who is that sitting next to Nate, is he a new
member?” “Not yet, he is the leader of a new group that Nate found, quite the
interesting one.” “Well give him these ribs, nothing convinces a man to join faster than
good comfort food.” Booker sat down beside another man reading a book, he had a
white jacket and a green shirt beneath it, he was Asian. Booker was just sitting there,
waiting for Cany and Nate to get the food, he personally thought this was not a bad
place, Oberson was not like Comstock, Cany was pretty nice for a guard, and he still
hated Nate for obvious reasons. The man to Bookers right turned around and asked him,
“I can see you’re waiting for someone, should I just get up and go to another table, if so
I am okay with that.” “No its fine, well since it looks like I might be joining soon I might
as well ask what is your name, I have not seen anyone else here that is from Asia, no
offense.” “None taken, my name is Oliver, Oliver Oberst, no I am not related to Oberson,
hell I am not even from Savannah.” Where you from anyway if you’re not from around
here?” “I am from Macon, quite a long way from home, you from around here sir?” “Call
me Booker, and no I am from New York, I know that feeling to be away from home with
no way of truly knowing if anyone you know is alive, you know.” “I have a brother from
Macon, I don’t know where he is either, getting out was so hard, the road was stuffed
with cars, people could not even open their doors and the amount of noise was defining.
The walkers they, they started attacking the cars, the people inside were safe, they
could not break through the glass, but people panic and make mistakes. I hitchhiked a
ride with a family off four, when the walkers attacked the car one of them pulled a pistol
and shot at them, it only let them into the car. I saw that there were no walkers on my
side of the car, so I broke the window and leaped out, when I turned around I, I saw
that everyone had been eaten, the mother the father and the two kids, gone. I kept
walking for what felt like days until I was found by a patrol in this city. I am so sorry if I
depressed you with my story, all I want to know is where my brother is, family matters.”
“Yes it does, family is all I have left anymore, this world has taken my friends, my
parents, my wife, even my hopes and dreams, all that remains is my daughter and the
small group I have left. Well I can see those guys coming with food, you want a little
bit?” “I am good, I’ll just leave you to talk with your new friends. Cany sat down and
told Booker with a smile on his face, “ You’re a lucky man Mr. DeWitt are chef Andrew
Burns just gave you a free dish of fresh pork ribs, they don’t make them like they used to
right.” “Sure, I guess, Nate why did you go after my daughter, just tell me straight to
my face why?” “Why so serious Mr. DeWitt, you need to lighten up a little bit, and I am
sorry if I went after your daughter, I guess it’s been way to long since I had a girlfriend
or anything, I like you so can we just let that stay in the past, I am sorry.” “It’s not
something I can forgive in a day, but if you truly mean it, then I guess we can be on
better terms Nate.” “That is all I ask, just a chance to show that I am not an animal,
you going to eat those ribs because they look mighty tasty.” Booker took a bite out of
the ribs, he liked ribs, just looking at the ribs reminded him of Arlington and his love of
New York steaks, for a moment Booker thought of no one but Albert, hoping that he was
okay at the moment. “It’s good meat, I should know as New York made some of the best
meat a man could ever eat.” “I agree, the only time I was in New York I never wanted
to leave after trying there street hot dogs, I hope it’s safe there now.” “Me to Cany, me
to.” As they were talking Booker noticed the man in the uniform walk into the cafeteria,
he asked Cany, “Do you know that guy over there, I saw him walk into Oberson’s office
when I left, he important?” “That guy, I don’t remember his last name, all I know is his
first name is Edward, he must be someone important, I see him walking around with
Oberson all the time, I think he is in charge of all the guards.” “I though you told me
that you in charge of all the guards.” “I meant in charge of all the guards in the outer
areas, like the front gate and all, I think he is the security chief, as least he dresses like
he is.” He walked over to Booker and asked him in a rather think German accent,
“DeWitt, Oberson wants you in his office now, he has finished the file and wants to talk
to you.” “Okay, I’ll come right now, Cany you stay and finish those ribs with Nate.”
“Yes sir Booker, we will do are best to defeat the rib threat.”
and the jacket colour -he could've just found a new one-)
True, to answer the question its 7 days in, so that is why he is polite here and not so much later on, and he just found another jacket, he must like jackets, and for the record just because you are a member of Crawford does not mean Cany is a bad guy, maybe he is maybe he is not, you'll just have to wait and see.
Man, you're suicidal :eek:
Maybe Crawford at the beggining wasn't THAT bad and they changed the rules later. Think positively
a little Trivia when it comes to my characters. Is Oliver has the most noticable changes in personality.
compare the him from 'Home Run' to The Oliver in 'Enemy Territory'
What if Booker's group will join Crawford? Would you want them all to die? That would be over for this fanfic! You want to destroy Bioshock's fic?
What about Molly?
And if she did?
Molly would beat him up and run away.
The german dude from black ops zombie mode?
There will always be a Lighthouse
Booker walked into the office of Crawford Oberson, he was sitting there with a
large folder with a photo of Booker on it. He got up and closed the door and asked
Booker to take a seat, he sat back down and opened up the folder. “Well I finished
making a file on you, and you are quite the interesting person, you being in a large
massacre, getting the medal of honor and you losing your wife and child. Well it’s all in
order except for one part, you said your family is from Marietta, well I checked the
records and it says there was a DeWitt family there, and that family also had a Booker
DeWitt under it. Only there is a slight problem, this ‘Booker’ is listed as being born on
April 19th 1874, now clearly you are 38 and not 139, care to explain? “I don’t know what
to say, maybe because the apocalypse has begun information has become inaccurate?”
“I would say the same thing, except it mentioned that this ‘Booker’ was present at
Wounded Knee, and that massacre killed 300 Indians, you said that 300 civilians died in
the massacre you were at, and there was no Medal of Honor giving out in the last
century to anyone named Booker DeWitt, there was a Medal of Honor giving out to a one
18 year old Booker DeWitt at Wounded Knee. I checked all the current and past
mercenary groups and found there was a Booker DeWitt in the Pinkerton’s agencies and
was present at the Homestead strike. This Booker DeWitt also had a daughter named
Anna DeWitt and a wife that died during childbirth, and was kidnapped in 1893, and this
‘Booker’ supposedly found the floating city of Columbia in 1912. You said you were a
private investigator, and there is records of the same Booker DeWitt being a private
investigator, hell the cloths you are wearing matches the cloths you wore in a photo
dated 1911, care to explain all of these coincides?” “How do you know all these things
Oberson?” I told you, I am a perceptive man Mr. DeWitt, I never miss small details, now
I am not even going to ask why or how you are here in this time period, but honestly to
me it does not matter. After reading the information I think you are a prime candidate
for a new member of Crawford, what do you say Mr. DeWitt?” “I’ll think it over, I have
seen the members and it seems nice and all, but I have to talk to my group, they are my
family at this point and they deserve to have a say in this.” “I understand, you believe
in the idea that family is all, I get it, well we have nothing else to talk about, I hope to
see you again soon, you would have a better life here, I promise you that.” Booker got
up and started to leave, Cany saw him and walked him to the gate. “You enjoy your
stay here Mr. DeWitt, you thinking of living here?” “I will talk it over with my group, we
will see, I never asked you what do you of Oberson Cany?” He took Booker to a small
side of the building where no guards were and whispered, “To be honest, he get things
done, and I don’t have to do much, but there is just something off about him, when I
first came here my wife was beside me. When we got in we were checked for bites,
they said they found a scratch on my wife. I did not see it, I checked myself and could
not find it, they took her out back and shot her, I don’t know if she was scratched or
not, Oberson said there was and it was done. Don’t tell him that I said that okay, he
would believe I blame him and want him dead, I do not I just wanted to know and found
it strange that I was never shown.” “I see, well I have seen my fair share of crazed
leaders wanting nothing but power, I don’t think Oberson is one of them, I mean he was
a school principle and I see kids around here, nothing that I can see wrong.” Nate
walked by and told Booker to get in the car, he got in the passenger’s seat and looked
out the window as the school got smaller and smaller, he turned and looked at Nate just
drinking his bottle whiskey before just resting his eyes for the first time all mourning.
other chapter, i'd like one?
Edit:Ok IWMT you win this time. Damn you slow connection.
I Really like it. Crawford's a intresting Character, as is most others. I haven't actually played Bioshock so i doubt i'll find many references to teh thing. And frankly References are things i'm rarely comfortable with. But it's nonetheless a Great Fic.
Booker woke up to see Nate still taking a sip of his whiskey, and they were in sight
of the house. He got up, dusted himself off from all the crackers and alcohol stains and
got out of the car. Nate tipped his hat and yelled, “Hope you enjoyed your stay at
Crawford, please come again soon.” “ I might, just give us sometime okay.” “Fine by
me, see you round DeWitt, I am going to go get more whiskey.” Elizabeth came running
out of the house yelling Bookers name, she hugged him as Dempsey and the rest of the
group got came to watch.” “Booker, how was Crawford, is it safe, does it have power, is
it really what Nate said it is?” “Elizabeth, it has power, a wall, top notch security, and
great food, it is a decent place to say the least. I am just glad to be back, what time it
is Tyler?” “It’s 4:25 sir, you have been gone for quite some time.” “How was everything
while I was gone, I can see things did not fall apart while are leader was away.” “It has
been fine Booker, Dempsey did all the guard work and got to kill a few walkers, Nikolai
was just getting to know everyone, and Tan was talking with Arlington the whole time.”
“How is the Weasel anyway, how is his statues, can he walk yet?” “He has made great
strides in the past four days, he is well enough to use the crutches he got from the
hospital.” Good to know, I am honestly not sure what to do, on one hand if everything is
right then we might just be able to survive through all of this, but on the other hand it is
a little too perfect, other than Nate everyone seems a little too nice. I am putting it to
a vote, I abstain, Elizabeth?” “I think we should try it, maybe be cautious like leave
some guns or food in case we have to leave but I think we should try it out for a week,
Dempsey?” “I say let’s do this, if there is a problem we will just fight are way out, we
can handle it, Takeo?” “No, we have made a good run of it, and are leader is fair, there
are so many moving parts and pieces that can and maybe will cause problems, Nikolai?”
“I am with Dempsey, let’s try this, what is the worst that could go wrong we lose some
food, Tan?” “I am not sure, I will vote whatever Albert says, we have become great
friends in such a short amount of time, I’ll go get him.” Chill got up from the couch and
walked into the yard, he said, “I think we should stay, I have read enough about people
that when shit gets real, they can and will do unspeakable acts of violence and worse,
Booker won’t kill people for fun I vote no, Noah? “I think we should go, I am not sure we
have enough food or space for ten people, let alone for years, if something goes wrong
we leave, you said this place is fair, Melina?” “ I don’t know, I am not an active of this
group, I abstain.” Tan came down with Arlington’s hand around Tan’s shoulder, like those
old Civil War pictures of wounded soldiers. Arlington spoke up, “I vote no, this might
sound silly and trivial but what if the remnants of the police is there, they want to put
me back in jail or worse yet kill me, I might sound paranoid but I have gone so far just to
be killed by someone that still believes in the law, Tan?” “I say no, the guy that shot
Albert was from Crawford, just because the leader said that he was loose cannon does
not mean there are others like him.” Booker looked at me, and spoke with a speech like
voice, “You’re the swing vote Tyler, what do you say this all comes down to you?” “I
don’t know, I want to abstain but I don’t have a choice, I agree with Dempsey and
Elizabeth, let’s try this for a week, let’s leave half of are guns and food here in case
something goes wrong, if nothing goes wrong we get the guns and food, but if not then
we get are stuff and just move on.” “Okay then, it’s settled, we are going to Crawford
for a full week, if by August 7th we see something that is not right we leave, now pack
your things, half are guns and ammo stay along with half of are food, everything else we
take with us, let’s get a move on we might get there by sundown.”