[Isn't 17 too young to drive? Maybe in the US it isn't. Anyway, in that case, Wade also has a car that, like my car, can sit either 4 adults or 5 SMALL people, assuming you don't take a lot of stuff]
*James is working on bashing the wall, making the hole bigger*
Wade: My gun's running dry, how's the progress over there?! *Keeps shooting at downstairs*
*Wade runs out of bullets* Ass! *Kicks an approaching walker, sending him back downstairs. The stairs now have many walker corpses on them, slowing the other ones down. Should buys us some time. Wade runs back in the room*
Wade: We good to go? 'Cause they sure as shit ain't stopping.
[I have to drive out now, so the story will have to continue without my input until I get back. Assume Wade and James move with the group. If we end up driving out of here, they can take up two three extra people in their car, up to you which]
[Fabi, do try to make your posts a little more detailed. When you say someone's shooting walkers, point out where the walkers are coming from. The rest of us can't react to walkers without knowing where they are and how many there are.]
*Wade keeps covering the staircase, firing on any walker that starts climbing up. But they're not stopping.*
*James also runs out into the hallway and starts looking about*
[Guys, does our group have any cars or other transportation? Or are we on foot?]
Lucy: Do you know whats wrong this him?
[I Edited after realizing something diferent happened]
Ann:it could change in any second.
[Ann and Sam have a car, but it has only 5 places.
*James is working on bashing the wall, making the hole bigger*
Wade: My gun's running dry, how's the progress over there?! *Keeps shooting at downstairs*
[sooo... what's in there?]
Clara: Can we go now?
Lucy:...Anthony! How many Walkers!?
Wade: We good to go? 'Cause they sure as shit ain't stopping.
[I have to drive out now, so the story will have to continue without my input until I get back. Assume Wade and James move with the group. If we end up driving out of here, they can take up two three extra people in their car, up to you which]
Brad: Clara..Guy! Come on, Sam ann! You two!
Grabs Guy by the arm and starts running.
Ones you made.
Anthony:*runs after them, shoots walkers*