[ Okay, Guy and Clara can go with Wade and James then]
[Wasn't available for a while. Assume Wade's driving and following the other cars. So your chars are with me then?]
Wade to James: *throws the gun his way* Load it up will ya.
*James starts working on the gun*
James: Only enough bullets for half a clip.
Wade: What? You gotta be shittin' me.
James: Well, you wasting shots back there didn't help nothing.
Wade: I missed -one-. And what else were you gonna propose me to do? Fistfight them?
James: Dunno. I'm just saying there ain't many shots left, is all.
Wade: Fuck it.
[When you confirm what other people are in my car, we can start a conversation]
[Wait, didn't we start the story like, 40 days in? How are there still radio broadcasts? Or did the background chance and we're at the beginning of the apocalypse now?]
Radio:...Eeer.... (AAAGH!) (GET IT OFF ME) Albany, Level 13! Bloomingdale is a Safe Zone, This RadiO Station, is a-..OH GOD...A AAAGH!!!....***************
Wade: Level 13? That even exists?
James: Gotta give the guy credit for trying. Sounded like there was a walker on top of him. So what now?
Wade: Hell if I know. Still got plenty of gas, we could go far. But it sounded like it's the same shit everywhere.
Lucy: Wade hasn't said anything in a while.
Brad:Where are we going anyway?
* Atlanta, level 10 Disaster, Georgia level 8 emergency, Forsyth, Level 4, Augusta, level 9 catastrophe*- Radio,
Brad: Yeah, a few minutes ago it was confirmed that Atlanta was the worst one to go to.
Sam:*Looks at Guy*
Lucy: Level 4 is still a thing.
Brad: Turn the Radio on again, we'll go the place that's the lowest catrastrophe.
"It's not just covering Georgia then" Lucy guessed.
Ann:but it will..
Radio:California,Florida, and All of Canada have been succesfully quarantined, but they're all level 10's.... [Town This story's set in] Level 8...
Lucy: Oh Caul...
[one of you get the place with the lowest number]
Noah: Texas. with it's guns. makes sense it'd be among the lower catastrophes.
[Wasn't available for a while. Assume Wade's driving and following the other cars. So your chars are with me then?]
Wade to James: *throws the gun his way* Load it up will ya.
*James starts working on the gun*
James: Only enough bullets for half a clip.
Wade: What? You gotta be shittin' me.
James: Well, you wasting shots back there didn't help nothing.
Wade: I missed -one-. And what else were you gonna propose me to do? Fistfight them?
James: Dunno. I'm just saying there ain't many shots left, is all.
Wade: Fuck it.
[When you confirm what other people are in my car, we can start a conversation]
Ann:that's not that much.
Brad; wasn't expecting that.
Radio:South Dakota, level 3...
Radio:...Eeer.... (AAAGH!) (GET IT OFF ME) Albany, Level 13! Bloomingdale is a Safe Zone, This RadiO Station, is a-..OH GOD...A AAAGH!!!....***************
Ann: oh shit.. *Turns off*
Lucy: wade, what do you think?
Noah: why do you keep asking him?
James: Gotta give the guy credit for trying. Sounded like there was a walker on top of him. So what now?
Wade: Hell if I know. Still got plenty of gas, we could go far. But it sounded like it's the same shit everywhere.
Noah:...Have you ever Noticed there's actually 2 Savannahs?
Wade: Well that's easier said than done. We've already proved that houses ain't defensible, we need to find someplace sturdier.
[Actually, where the hell are we now?]
Brad: those are the two i just listed.