Yeah, Mama's cookin' up a big meal for them. It'll be a good one.
I can't believe your family would go to so much trouble to help a group of strangers, especially in troubled times. People like you and your family help make the world a better place.
I can't believe your family would go to so much trouble to help a group of strangers, especially in troubled times. People like you and your family help make the world a better place.
Don't say that. Danny and his family are going OUT OF THEIR WAY to help. A little gratitude is the least you could give them. Maybe once you sit down to eat, you'll change your mind. Danny says it'll be a good one.
Sure! Sounds great! Always wanted to go to a dairy farm, look at the cows and the hay and the barns and the trees and various other darily good things.
I know you will. Look, that guy with Katjaa...what's his name? He locked it up real TIGHT the second we came in. I definitely heard a noise back there, Lee...
I never thought of that. You know, Danny, you're a pretty cool guy. Those folks on your farm right now are lucky they met you guys.
Don't worry, there's nothing to be afraid of. We'll look after you...
I can't believe your family would go to so much trouble to help a group of strangers, especially in troubled times. People like you and your family help make the world a better place.
Thanks for your appreciation!
Don't say that. Danny and his family are going OUT OF THEIR WAY to help. A little gratitude is the least you could give them. Maybe once you sit down to eat, you'll change your mind. Danny says it'll be a good one.
Shut up! *hits the man in the face with a shovel, knocking him out*
...if I didn't believe that most of you don't even know there IS a General Chat section.
Errr, happy Birthday! :cool:
How 'bout you come on over to our dairy? Mama's makin' some good grub!
happy birthday again, its not a real party until Danny St. John stops by to barbecue huh
Can I come too?
More the merrier!
Oh these guys are TeamKennyAlways,Cactus Sauce, and Rock114!
Why howdy, honey! Danny, introduce these people to Lee and the others!
Sure! Me and Mama are just preparing the meal for ya'll!
It's my JOB to be paranoid, Lee. I got my whole family on this damn farm right now. How about you? What about Clem?
Yeah, OK.