Most hated character of S&M series?

edited April 2008 in Sam & Max
I know all those characters are cool and funny, but… Whom you disliked most? My personal hate list is as follows:

Sybil Pandemic. A real bitch. Anyone else tried to shoot her and felt really sorry Sam was saying “Better not”?

Рeepers & Whizzer. I don’t know why, but Specs is okay for me. :) But still he’s a jerk

Perhaps, that’s it…


  • edited April 2008
    I think I'm one of the only people who doesn't mind any of the Soda Poppers ):

    Most hated characters for me would probably be Sybil and Abe, but that said, I don't really mind them too much.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    I wasn't too fond of Brady at first, but then I grew to seriously miss him.
  • edited April 2008
    I feel the same way as Jake, at first I didn't really like Brady but then he kinda grew on me, sorta like Hugh bliss...

    I would say the soda poppers but they're already cliche in S+M hate circles
    though I love whizzer's fire-pee ability in 205! lol

    I never really liked Stinky or Abe (though I can accept abe, stinky is annoying and says such stupid (though funny) things... you wonder if her dad dropper he on her head as a baby
    or when stinky was baking her he used expired yeast...

    really there's not a character I absolutely hate, some are annoying but most of them are just silly at worst.
  • edited April 2008
    Ashton wrote: »
    I feel the same way as Jake, at first I didn't really like Brady but then he kinda grew on me, sorta like Hugh bliss...

    I would say the soda poppers but they're already cliche in S+M hate circles
    though I love whizzer's fire-pee ability in 205! lol

    Aye, I miss Hugh and Brady, too. They were a little annoying at first, but I grew to like them with their absence.
    And when Whizzer declared his power "It burns when I pee!" I immediately laughed out loud! Not just because it's an amazing power, but also because it means Whizzer probably has Infernal Prostate Cancer!
  • edited April 2008
    I never cared for that Max guy.

    Actually, my least favorite is probably Sybil. She was great at first, but her act has worn a little thin.

    Although, without Sybil, we wouldn't have Abe. (c'mon, a stone Abe Lincoln head is one of the coolest things ever!)
  • edited April 2008
    @ chagge: no, ZOMBIE lincoln is the cool one! lol, I think it owuld have been more interesting if sybil had hooked up with him (though not nearly as wacky, which is more the idea I think)

    and I agree sybil's bits ahve run dry, that's why I suggested in the season3 thread that she and abe elope to vegas or LA and hte possessed desoto drive off while they're asleep and strand them there for a season!
  • edited April 2008
    Ashton wrote: »
    @ chagge: no, ZOMBIE lincoln is the cool one! lol, I think it owuld have been more interesting if sybil had hooked up with him (though not nearly as wacky, which is more the idea I think)

    You think marrying a Lincoln head statute is more wacky than marrying a zombie Lincoln. I believe both constitute quite a bit a wackiness.
  • JaiJai
    edited April 2008
    Clearly, there aren't enough characters for me to choose a "most hated" one!


    Well, okay, the truth is that I can't pick a least favorite ONE because I would have to choose ONE of the Soda Poppers. They came to a nice conclusion, mind you, but I didn't like seeing them time and time again until this latest episode.

    Sybil is ok, but I think she needs a new profession. She's starting to get boring.
  • edited April 2008
    ya, i'll vote sybil also. I dunno... she was to serious. and the whole sybilXabe stuff was getting kinda annoying at season 2...
    I also didn't like the poppers very much untill 205. now I can suffer them.
    hmmm except sybil... hmmm... hmmmmmmmm..............
    oh! harry moleman was kinda annoying here and there. dunno why... ohoh! and mr hugh "gayprill" bliss. he was freaking annoying! XDXD
    oh, and mr featherly was also kinda annoying.
    ya, season 2's character were a lot better than season 1's.
    guess telltale needed some time to get the hang of it. ^,^

    so, as long as these characters are out of the list for season 3, we're ok:
    -featherly (and all other characters from 102)

    umm these are ok.
    I personaly don't wanna see any used character (except sam, max, bosco and flint of course).
    also, no used screen would be great. ^^ get a new look for everything.
    oh, wait, you can bring jurgen back. XD
  • MelMel
    edited April 2008
    I feel the need to throw some love Sybil's way. No, she isn't perfect, but she's not a bitch either. :(

    Then again maybe I'll just think of Sybil and the 'b' word in reference to the Meredith Brooks song. :)
  • edited April 2008
    Yeah, I like Sybil too!

    There's really no one I really hate, either, come to think of it.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    I too shall join the Sybil defense force.
  • edited April 2008
    Will..... I have reread that post a couple times now and I keep seeing "Civil Defense Force".

    As for least liked, Abe. I could take him having a jackhammer accident in stride.
  • mremre
    edited April 2008
    Yeah, Sybil's okay. I think it's good to have a character to slow things down a bit, and she can be comedic gold when she gets to react to some of Max's suggestions. A bit overused though.

    For least favorite... Since the Soda Poppers feel a bit taken, I'll go with Jurgen. Sorry people, but to me he's just annoying. Not funny annoying, just annoying. Besides him, Harry Moleman isn't too high on my list either.
  • edited April 2008
    mre wrote: »
    , I'll go with Jurgen. Sorry people, but to me he's just annoying. Not funny annoying, just annoying. Besides him, Harry Moleman isn't too high on my list either.

    Heretic! :p

    I think I like Jurgen so much because I spent my teen years in the goth scene. (Yeah, I'm not proud... there's nothing wrong with the culture, but the dress code is pretty awful.)
  • mremre
    edited April 2008
    ShaggE wrote: »
    I think I like Jurgen so much because I spent my teen years in the goth scene. (Yeah, I'm not proud... there's nothing wrong with the culture, but the dress code is pretty awful.)

    Heh, yeah. I guess the fact that I'm one of the few who has Featherly as my all-time favorite recurring character might have something to do with the number of drama students in my current dorm... :)
  • edited April 2008
    Hehe, so the stereotypes are true?
  • edited April 2008
    Jurgen for sure.
  • mremre
    edited April 2008
    ShaggE wrote: »
    Hehe, so the stereotypes are true?

    Of course they are. :p

    I remember one particular instance when one of them had gotten some homework to make a short play/stage act to introduce themselves to the class. Her's included a Nietzsche quote. :D
  • edited April 2008
    The most obnoxious characters have to be Max in the far future, as well as the S&M "instances" that hijack the time elevator.
  • edited April 2008
    mre wrote: »
    Of course they are. :p

    I remember one particular instance when one of them had gotten some homework to make a short play/stage act to introduce themselves to the class. Her's included a Nietzsche quote. :D

    Bahaha! A cliche using a cliche? My head just exploded. :p

    If I ever quote Nietzsche in my writings, I will vow to never put ink to paper again.
  • jmmjmm
    edited April 2008
    Hate is too strong.

    Some Dislike: Abe, Myra!, Jürgen
    Strong Dislike: Moai Head #3 (Grumpy Moai, when not in "Basalt" state)
    Hall of Fame: Specs and Peepers

    Sybil needs to either take a long absence or just change and DO something (other than being with Abe or behind her counter)
  • edited April 2008
    My least favorite characters are Mr.Featherly and Stinky.
  • edited April 2008
    Jurgen, you say… Well, except for Sam and Max (these two have be my favorite because I logically associate myself with both of them), it is Jurgen whom I like most. He’s… he’s cool. Just cool. :) I’d really like to see him in Season 3, please Telltale guys make him live again and get him back form hell.

    Then goes Superball. I like the way that guy speaks. As for “speaking” in general, I also enjoyed the way that nameless guy in yellow teddy bear mask was talking to Sam (remember, in S1EP3, when S&M just arrived at local mafia hub, that guy right behing the door). He was speaking like a pro, I almost laughed my guts out. :)
  • edited April 2008
    I think perhaps hate is a bit of a strong word. But characters I wouldn't mind never seeing again include:

    Abe Lincoln's stone head
    Soda Poppers, hopefully s2 put an end to them for real
    Jurgen (I'm with ya on that one, mre)
  • edited April 2008
    They left us forever:

    The bureaucracy won again. I love this country. ;)
  • edited April 2008
    Who are those "Poppers" anyway? Please someone explain a guy from Russia who isn't familiar with the US culture. I know them as "Soda Poppers" from S&M series, but that's it. Do they appear somewhere else, on a TV show maybe? Why license?

    2 ezzetabi Still that's a good news, he-he. :)))) So evil I am. LOL
  • edited April 2008
    Who are those "Poppers" anyway? Please someone explain a guy from Russia who isn't familiar with the US culture. I know them as "Soda Poppers" from S&M series, but that's it. Do they appear somewhere else, on a TV show maybe? Why license?

    Nah, they're just characters created for the games. I don't know if it's an America-specific phenomenon, but it's a common joke that child actors cling on to their fame long after it's gone, leading to mental instability.
  • edited April 2008
    @ shagy: um... apparently not, look up at the post that ezzetabi linked, apparently they're being used on lisence from somone else...?
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
  • edited April 2008
    Will wrote: »

    ...I jsut got pwn'd didnt I?
  • edited April 2008
    Like a n00b at a Halo tourney. :p
  • edited April 2008
    My vote is for Hugh Bliss. Can't stand his disgustingly fake cheer, it's like fingernails on a blackboard to me. The Poppers are a close second.

    And keep Jurgen! I happen to like his parody-of-a-goth persona.
  • edited April 2008
    I don't really hate any of the characters... but there are some characters for which my enthusiasm has worn thin. Namely Abe and Sybil. I've seen plenty of them for the time being, and would love to have a break from them in Season 3.
  • edited April 2008
    I'd have to second that sentiment, I'm hoping that Sybil and A.L. go on a sabatical for at least part of season 3. I want the Desoto back before they go though.
  • mremre
    edited April 2008
    Avel wrote: »
    I'd have to second that sentiment, I'm hoping that Sybil and A.L. go on a sabatical for at least part of season 3. I want the Desoto back before they go though.

    I could picture quite a few gruesome ways both of those could happen.
  • edited April 2008
    I still like my idea of them eloping to LA or vegas or soemthing and the possessed desoto stranding them there and comming back on it's own. both problems solved! they're gone for atleast a few epps AND we get the desoto back!
  • edited April 2008
    I do think that Sam and Max needs to remember its roots else it will fall too far from the original model and fail. Variety is the spice of life. Sure Sybil is a bit lame and bitchy, but she always had a wacky new scheme. Also, when it gets right down to it every character in Sam and Max, save for Sam, is imbalanced in a way that makes them unbearable. This is of course done on purpose, and is probably satire of the amount of morons we all deal with on a daily basis. The reason why S&M works so well is that they always end up snubbing or otherwise destroying the really annoying people. It's a sort of tension/frustation based comedy, followed by a cathartic and chaotic ending.
  • edited April 2008
    I used to hate the Mariachis, after missing the one in 201 and having the one in 203 spoiled for me by the walkthrough, but in 204 I really grew to like them.
  • edited April 2008
    I *absolutely* hate Hugh Bliss! Hypothetically, I would beat my head with a shovel whenever I hear that hideous, high-pitched voice of his!
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