Jake wrote: » my stomach growling
metalkombat wrote: » Red Wings Over Baron - Powerglove Its hard to find other people who've heard of them....
someguyfromazoo wrote: » http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqIYHPVwPX8&NR=1
Dr. Zoidberg wrote: » I read about them in Game Informer a few months ago.Final Fantasy licks through a power metal filter?!MIND OFFICIALLY BLOWN.
someguyfromazoo wrote: » Dare to be SStupid-"Weird Al" Yancovick.
tabacco wrote: » And a surprisingly good live act, if you get a chance.
16_BIT_MARIO1 wrote: » Especially when he does Albuquerque, I hear.
georgeapples57 wrote: » Ben Folds rocks. So does Death Cab. And ACDC. And a lot of stuff. If I listed it all, it would take up too much space.
redmartian50 wrote: » oh no you didn't, song from the mercs 2 comercial
Hehe, good one.
I went to a Bryan Adams concert with my sister yesterday. Good times.
The bonus disk was so much better than The Else.
I read about them in Game Informer a few months ago.Final Fantasy licks through a power metal filter?!MIND OFFICIALLY BLOWN.
I was so excited when I saw that article that I nearly went into a state of extremely abnoxious variations of screaming "YES!"
It's still hard to find people who have heard of them, let alone listen to them, though...
Annie are you OK,Annie are you OK,are you OK,Annie!!!You've been hit by...You've been struck by
Heh yeah that song is pretty extreme
Also, currently listening to: free* (album) by Jim's Big Ego.
I could post the link later...MAN I LOVE THIS SONG!
I'm listening to lots o' Iron & Wine