Favorite quotes

edited January 2010 in Sam & Max
what is/are your favorite quote(s) from Sam and Max?


  • edited April 2008
    "I could do this all day! and I intend to!" - Max (asking Bosco for verious random items over and over and over in 101 I think) more that I cant remember, though I love all of sam's exclamations on the phone

    I know my most HATED quote "Hi! I'm hugh Bliss"
  • edited April 2008
    Hey, I like that one.

    Favorite Max quote: "I'm a trout, stupid!'

    Not sure what my favorite Sam quote is, though.
  • edited April 2008
    Ashton wrote: »
    "I could do this all day! and I intend to!" [...]

    Probably my favorite (or most memorable) quote of the series, I've actually used this quote several times IRL.
  • edited April 2008
    Sam: where is the rat?
    Max: I let him go.
    This commando reference never becomes old... :D

    Max: If you were planning to bribe us, now would be the appropriate time.

    Hugh: Okay! Pick a color, any color!
    Max: Ochre, ochre! No, mauve! Burnt sienna!
    Hugh: Uh... how about a color I've heard of, hmm? Pick a color, as long as it's red, green, or blue!

    Sam: We need to have a private meeting with the President. National security.
    Chuckles: Go right ahead.
    Sam: I meant "private" as in "wait outside and we'll call you when we need you".
    Max: And "national security" as in "we need to clobber the President on the head to break his hypnotic trance".
    Sam: Your gift for subterfuge is uncanny, Max.

    and finally a simple proof of Sam culture:
    Sam: Hey, Specs. Max, you remember...
    Max: Ahem.
    Sam: Most Omnipotent Exaltedness Max-sama, Overseer of the Nine Cosmic Planes, you remember Specs, the "other" Soda Popper.
    Max: We vaguely recognize our loyal subject.
    Not many people can invent a such title in few seconds :)
  • edited April 2008
    104, at Sybil's

    Max: "I don't have a personality matrix so much as a personality vector."

    The resonance of multiple meanings are priceless.
  • edited April 2008
    So inappropriate, I had to use Spoiler tags. :D
    Answering Machine: Hello, this message is for President Max? We appreciate your generous donation at our last blood drive, but we prefer that people donate their own blood.
    Max: (disappointed) Aw, now what am I going to do with all those gallons of monster blood?
    Sam: You could open a grotess slip-and-slide.
    Max: (excited) That's a great idea! I'll call it "The Birth Canal."
  • edited April 2008
    Another one I loved:

    Sam: didn't we destroy the internet?
    COPS: Al gore was able to recreate theinternet from hsi original plans
    Sam:What's on the internet that woudl interest a Zombie?
    COPS: All gpre rebuilt the internet in his own image.


    oh and @ the bliss fans: Hugh was gennerally funny, but it annoys me that he had to introduce himself (with verbal 'sparcles' around his own name) every time you see him (iirc max got tired of it too) and he was so flaming that it really started getting on my neves (no, nothing against gay ppl, I'm not 100% straight myself, but I just cant stand flamers for some reason...)
  • edited April 2008
    From 204: When looking at the "Suck Button"
    Sam: "It says 'Suck'."
    Max: "By the looks of this place, sombody's been pushing the hell out of it!"
  • edited May 2008
    Stinky's the last person I would've figured was secretly a cake!

    THIS is why I play sam and max.
  • mremre
    edited May 2008
    I don't remember the exact quote, but I think there was a gold one when talking to the ocean chimps in 202... Something about children whose parents don't love them... I do remember that I choked on my coffee though. :)

    A little help, anyone?
  • edited May 2008

    Harry Moleman: *Don Cornelius (?) impersonation* Everybody get ready to get on board, 'cause we're about to take a ride on the Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooul Traaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain. *Sam & Max enter* Next stop, we're going straight to hell, baby!

    And some others I can't remember at the moment.
  • edited May 2008
    From Memory:

    Sybil: Coffee makes you jumpy and restive.
    Max (Hopeful): Is that what happened to me?
    Sam (Dryly): Wouldn't it be beautiful to think so?
  • edited May 2008
    Using the coffee mug on the empty coffee pot

    Sam: (At the player) THAT IS NOT HOW YOU FILL THE POT!
  • edited May 2008
    @ zeek: heh gotta love breakign the 4th wall

    I love about 5 lines from "world of max" too, but I'll refrain from quoting it since alone the lines make ABSOLUTELY no sence...
  • edited May 2008
    Ashton wrote: »
    @ zeek: heh gotta love breakign the 4th wall
    Or breaking character like Max did at one point in 205. (Which would have been funnier if William used his normal speaking voice instead of Max's voice.)
  • edited May 2008
    Bosco: This ain't a store!
  • edited May 2008
    Santa: Sam and Max it's up to you to save Christmas!
    Max: We're screwed.
  • edited May 2008
    mre wrote: »
    I don't remember the exact quote, but I think there was a gold one when talking to the ocean chimps in 202... Something about children whose parents don't love them... I do remember that I choked on my coffee though. :)

    A little help, anyone?

    Sam: How come you guys never looked as good in real life as you do in the ads?
    Chimp3: Our young very delicate. Require pefect condition to grow.
    Chimp1: Yah! We only reach full size when raised by children whose parents truly love them.
  • edited May 2008
    Max: I'm married to my career.
    Sam: They had the ceremony in Canada because it's legal there.

    Suggestive AI: Mmmmm....time stream altered.

    Max: I don't have a personality matrix so much as a personality vector.

    and of course my sig
  • edited May 2008
    Brady: No! Worship me! WORSHIP ME!
    Max: Ugh! These former TV stars just CANNOT let go of their catchphrases!
    Sam: You crack me up, little buddy!
    Jurgen: Novun...truly knows me...
    Monster: Onti-postewwww!
    And of course:
    Sam: B'naaaaang!
    Max: Hehehehehehehe!
    Sam: B'naaaaang!
    Max: :D
    Sam: B'naaaaang!
    Max: :/
    Sam: :mad:
    Sam: B'naaaaang! B'naaaaang! B'naaaaang! B'naaaaaaaaaaang...
    Max: :eek:

    I'll give more when I can think some up.
  • edited May 2008
    -"WOW! My very own pet unicorn! I'll name him... Horny!"
    -"You do that..."
  • edited May 2008
    Hey Jimmy, want to feel my unicorn?
    Beat it!
    No, just feel it.
  • edited May 2008
    @ molokov: I missed that one!

    I still love "I'm not THAT desperate...... yet...." lol
  • edited May 2008
    Max: 'Awkward!'
  • edited May 2008
    Timmy Two-Teeth: God f*** us, everyone.
  • edited May 2008
    Yes, but he was really saying "God frik us, everyone" remember when censorship ends in 205, he's never REALLY been cussing... cant say the same for Sam and Max... lol
  • edited May 2008
    Well seeing as I haven't played 205 it's hard for me to remember!
  • edited May 2008
    And I do believe somebody on the development team stated that Camen wa indeed saying some rather censorable things.
  • edited June 2008
    Sam: That's Pandora's box, old pal, you have just unwittedly liberated all the ills and horrors of society
    Max: It's Vagas, who's gonna notice?
  • edited June 2008
    Sam: Afraid? We're too damn ignorant to be afraid.
  • edited June 2008
    I have several... thousand.

    Sam: Where's the rest of the noose collection, Max?
    Max: It's a surprise!

    Max: I can't hear you, I'm dead.

    Max: I have to point out, Sam, that we could have avoided this gruesome accident if you'd just let me drive.
    Sam: And I have to point out that we could have avoided this gruesome accident if you hadn't jumped on my head shouting "Jersey Devi! Jersey Devil!" and firing your gun out the window.

    Sam: My whole life is flashing before my eyes... I wondered where I'd left my wallet!

    Sam: I see you're still using the internet to do research!

    Lincoln: *about the zombie factory* You mean a factory that comes to life after it has been shut down. Cranking out products in a hideous parody of actual production, destroying other factories it comes into contact with?

    Past Max: *after being memory-wiped by Superball* This is not my beautiful house!

    Bluster Blaster: *giggling* You guys, you guys, I'm in so much pain right now!

    Sam: Enjoying all of this quality time with Sybil?
    Monster: Please kill me.

    Max: *about the monster's heartbreak* She's the first girl he ever saw who wasn't a zombie or Jurgen! He's a girl, right?

    Sam: Oh, I, er, must have left my change in my other suit. Max?
    Max: I'm naked.

    Harry: An assistant, a partner, would help everything!
    *Sam looks at Max*
    Sam: Yeah, that's what you think at first.

    There's more, but I can't remember them all word-for-word and that makes me sad.
  • edited June 2008
    Just thought the telltale might enjoy this one from Hit the Road:

    Sam: Do you know watching too much TV is super bad for the eyes?
  • edited June 2008
    SAM: "Not'chos..."
    MAX: "They're mine, not'chos!"

    Played that one 20 times over.
  • edited June 2008
    AussieEvil wrote: »
    SAM: "Not'chos..."
    MAX: "They're mine, not'chos!"

    Played that one 20 times over.

    Must admit, that is one of my faves also!! I keep saying it but no one else gets it...
  • edited June 2008
    I liked reality 2.0
    Sam: Do you have any... dual-core processors with 512 MB cache?
    Bosco: [with bad 'medieval' accent, wearing 'elvish' ear] Nay!
    Sam: Do you have any chimpanzee-sized diapers?
    Bosco: Nay.
    Sam: Do you have any barbecue plankton chips?
    Bosco: Nay.
    Sam: Do you have any keychains with a +8 modifier to dexterity?
    Bosco: I wish.
    Sam: Do you have any... self-respect?
    Bosco: Nay!
    Max: Ha, ha... tricked you!
    Bosco: No, I understood the question. I understood it all too well.
    Sam: You sure do know how to suck the fun out of everything, Bosco. Do you have any... lembas?
    Bosco: 'Tis stale!

    Also when Sam sees Boscos password?(Dont know word for word)

    Sam: Bosco?
    Max: Bosco!?!
    Basco: What?
  • edited June 2008
    Sam: Actually, don't try this at home, leave it to professional bone heads.
  • edited June 2008
    Sam: Not'Chos free toilet brush with every purchase.
    Max: Free Toilet Brush! Im sold!
    Bosco: Used Toilet Brush.


    Max: I think ill pass.
  • edited June 2008
    Max: Thats the 2nd best trance I ever seen.
    Sam: What the first?
    Max: Watermelon.
    Sam: *Chicken noise*
  • edited June 2008
    One of my favorite Sam & Max quotes would have to be what one of the fridge repairmen says in the first episode of animated series, when they reach their hideout in the fridge dimension.

    Fridge Repairman: What's the password? And if you say swordfish, I'll lose it!!!!!

    I guess it's more of a fridge rapairman's quote, rather than Sam or Max quote, but I'd say it still counts. And the haggis bit that follows is just priceless. It cracks me up every time i hear it.

    Game show announcer: The password is "haggis"
    Sam: BoOooOooooooiiiIilllllL *while doing a squeezing motion with his fingers*
    Max: [a fraction of a second later] HAGGIS!!!!!!!

    Best jokes ever.
  • edited June 2008
    I have the memory retention of strained noodles. I'd pick something off Wiki Quotes (like I did when this question came up in American McGee's Alice), but there aren't any for S&M.

    Offhand, I'd guess it was either the conversation about the bullitin board (because I also bought one for post-its I'd never look at again) or the one about the pile of videogame cartrages (because geeks love videogame history).
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