US Goverment Shutdown [Discussion]



  • If you don't like it being called Obamacare, then don't. It's called the Affordable Care Act. And it ALREADY PASSED. Talking about implementing it is moot. Talking about paying for it SHOULD be moot.

    This shutdown is not about the Affordable Care Act anyway. It's about getting back at the President and being purposefully disagreeable to the Democrats.

    Stop playing the blame game. Stop listening to Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. If providing health care to millions of WORKING people who couldn't otherwise afford it is a bad idea, then we can alter it or change it or improve it later. But it hasn't even been active for a week yet.

    This shutdown and these threats are just Tea Party spite. I wish you'd shut up about whether the Affordable Care Act should be implemented. It already has been. Period. Your congressmen were not elected to behave like babies. We should expect better of these people than to threaten us like this.

    MtnPeak posted: »

    Ok, I didn't realize you started the petition. Well, that's your right. Here's what I really think: many Democrats who otherwise wouldn't w

  • edited October 2013

    Oh, shut up already, MtnPeak. Stop being so spiteful and bitter.

    MtnPeak posted: »

    I have something I know you guys will like. Take a look at what the official telephone hotline number for the disastrous Obamacare spells out:

  • ooh. it spells 1-800-D1VA-LYN.

    Maybe Obama is having an affair with some fashion celebrity named Lyn?

    The number is 1-800-318-2596. 3(DEF) 1(no character) 8(TUV) 2(ABC) 5(JKL) 9(WYZ) 6(MNO) Usually when writing "words" in phone numb

  • I'm going to go ahead and close this, since it's degrading fast. Everything that needs to be said about the topic has already been said.

This discussion has been closed.