"Telltale should make a ____ Series": Post your ideas for a new Telltale Series here. (Unofficial)



  • I feel that Telltale Games has started to put their own formula to series it doesn't belong to so...

    The real question is that what series work with Telltale's style instead of ruin it.

    I think Star Wars with Darth Vader as the protagonist would work fine. It could be set to around the first Death Star to his eventual demise (and alternative endings that aren't canon.)

  • This may sound strange but how about a soap opera?

    Clord posted: »

    I feel that Telltale Games has started to put their own formula to series it doesn't belong to so... The real question is that what serie

  • Hotline Miami, i guess, might be a crazy idea, but if you ever played the game, it's filled with a great story.

  • and Telltale Star Wars

    AngeloMC21 posted: »

    Hotline Miami, i guess, might be a crazy idea, but if you ever played the game, it's filled with a great story.

  • I would love to see **The 100 **as a game.

  • Hi guys, i have a game idea i believe would be an awesome concept for a brand new video game series from you talented legends. Final Destination series. So imagine that, pretty awesome right? Who dies and who lives? Who is death out for? Can you skip or beat death? It's all up in the air. I think it work best as an original series separate from any of the films but maybe you can put nods in to bits from the films. I think this has a lot of potential.

  • that sounds amazing!!

    Scotty5 posted: »

    Hi guys, i have a game idea i believe would be an awesome concept for a brand new video game series from you talented legends. Final Destina

  • edited December 2016

    Thread You know what series I think would be cool as a game if Telltale decides to do it?

    I'm unsure if anyone already made a post about this, and sorry if this is the wrong thread? But I would* love* to see Telltale make an [Alien vs Predator : A Telltale Series] game with you playing as a different character with their own take on the story; and if it's possible, imagine managing to ally with one of the Predators like how Lex did in the movies?? That's one of my top fives I wanna see telltale make, they already did Batman which is what I was most excited for when it was first announced. And Gurdian of The Galaxy( makes me wonder if we're going to play as a different character? Or one of the mains?]

    --- If they make a Deadpool one oh boy, oh boy

    oh man I wanna play that

  • An Indiana Jones series, or a James Bond series.

  • I'm unsure if anyone already made a post about this, and sorry if this is the wrong thread?

    For future reference, this is the correct thread to use.

  • I think Gremlins or a Harry Potter game focusing on the Marauders would be cool.

  • there should be a Naruto shippuden episodes

  • Teen Titans: A Telltale Games Series

  • Two words:
    The Thing.

  • As you can tell by my username I love Planet of the Apes (mostly the original and Rise/Dawn). Dawn felt like a Telltale story to me but I would love for Telltale to really make one.

  • A Dexter Series

  • Could we get an epic one based on dungeons and dragons?

  • Maybe it's just me, but I would love to see what Telltale could do with a game based on Survivor. A reality game show where literally everything is about making decisions? This is right up their alley. I don't know if it is possible, but if it is, I would love to see how they would do it.

    Either that or a story-based game for Criminal Minds. I'd take either one (or both).

  • A Lord Of The Rings series.

  • enter image description here

    Since you on TT already has proven you can do very good zombie games. :)

  • I would like you to go back to telltale faces of comics and a perfect exemblo would be a hellblazer gameJohn Constantine, you would make a story that would leave the movie in the slipper, it's only a Brazilian fan review used google translate

  • Personally i think thats going too be so much awesome to be (kira) and choose the right decision...and watch what end i am going to have while being Kira (what you think???)

  • Stranger Things would be amazing

  • They should make a dragon age game in my opinion

  • Made an account just to post 1 thing: Oregon Trail
    Can you imagine this already choice heavy game in the hands of Telltale?
    To this day i have fun with this game.

  • Tell tale presents 5 eps of debbie does dallas

  • edited December 2016


    Something like Akira could be interesting if it could be pulled off.

    The Godfather.

  • A supernatural game would be pretty awsome

  • Doctor Who. nuff said

  • They should do a Game of Thrones season 2

  • I think it would be cool if they did something like Star Wars or Dr. Who

  • PULP FICTION!!!!!!!!PULP FICTION!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • edited December 2016

    Well, I would indeed love a Telltale Star Wars game. I know that's a cliche answer, but it's cliche for a reason: it would be amazing.

    Also they mentioned they wanted to do a 007 game before, I would be so damn excited for that.

    Also, I personally would love to see a Telltale Mortal Kombat. I can understand it would be hard to advertise that considering it wouldn't be a fighting game but I think the series has a pretty expansive lore that's full of stories to be told.

    A Telltale Scream game would be interesting, especially considering the voice of the killer is a part of their regular VA posse. I guess that series has a bit of a clouded future though, with Wes Craven's passing and all (RIP.)

    Lastly, I'd love to see something original from Telltale. Their stories are phenomenal already, so I'd love to see what they could do without being bound to any specific canon.

  • A good The Walking Dead season 3 :)

  • Spider-Man please!

  • I would love to see Telltale to make a game of any of the following:

    Tomb Raider
    Doctor Who

  • Tron
    Doctor Who
    Star Wars
    Star Trek
    Judge Dredd

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