Which first episode was better?


  • Is this a joke?

  • No one was better than the other.

  • I love TWD, but the first episode of The Wolf Among Us was much better than the first episode of TWD imo.

  • I love TWD, but the first episode of The Wolf Among Us was much better than the first episode of TWD imo.

    I agree with this!

  • TWD of course

  • Honestly TWAU came with strong writing for a thrilling, action-packed first episode and TWD is second of course.
    I have to agree with @roco300 and @Davisx3m
    TWAU, in my opinion impressed me greatly with it's character development and delivered a strong opening.
    But, honestly...they are two completely different things so you can't compare that much.

  • TWAU is a good way to pass the time while we wait for TWD. but in my opinion, TWD is much better.

  • Well, I'm going to say The Walking Dead created The Wolf Among Us. We should always respect our elders so I'm going for TWD in respect. I'm NOT saying The Wolf Among Us is a bad game, I loved every second of it.

  • I think TWAU improved on a lot of things. I still love both games, TWD especially for introducing me to this type of game in the first place.

  • Both were great. But they went into different Directions already. Wolf is more like classic Point and Click Adventures with the criminalistic Aspects. Really like this Setting.

    They very different and unique in their own Ways. Can't say which is better. More Episodes of Wolf will maybe show it.

  • You can't really compare the two. The only things they really have alike is:
    1. Some voice actors from S1
    2. How the gameplay works(some of it)
    3. The graphic style.

    That's about it. It's roughly a tie in my opinion, but i remember when i first played TWD and nothing beats that TWD feeling so they win by like 2 points. TWAU still a terrific game 9.5/10

  • At the moment TWAU is getting off to a better start then TWD ever did.

  • edited October 2013

    I have to say that i liked TWAU first ep more than TWD.

    @WalkingDeadFan1911 I don't see how they're not comparable, they're both point and click, story driven games made by telltale.

  • I love TWD, but I honestly think episode 1 of TWAU is better when you compare the two. I've replayed episode 1 of TWAU several times whereas I never had the desire to do that with TWD episode 1.

  • I honestly have to give the Ep. 1 comparison to The Wolf Among Us. When The Walking Dead came out, I think Telltale was well aware of the fact that a lot of the people who downloaded it had never played one of their games before. They may never have even played an adventure game before, period. So The Walking Dead went to great pains to introduce players to its interface. The problem with that is that some of the point-and-click instances came off as busywork as opposed to problem solving or interaction, so much so that it dropped the IQ of one of the characters to the basement to give us an excuse to point-and-click (I'm looking at you, Miss I-Don't-Know-How-Batteries-Work).

    But The Wolf Among Us? Now Telltale is in the position where most of the people picking it up have played one of their games before, so it's more confident and assured. The point-and-click instances are much less forced, much more organic because both they and the game's perspective audience are on the same page. Though the set-up of a mystery where you go from crime scene to crime scene (where you're supposed to snoop anyway) lends itself to pointing and clicking more than a straight narrative.

    So I'm giving the Battle of the Episode Ones to The Wolf Among Us. But comparing the Episode Threes? That one ought to be interesting.

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited October 2013

    OlDoc has a point here, although I don't see it from the same perspective. As an old time adventure gamer, the 'puzzle solving' parts of A New Day actually seemed one of the best parts of The Walking Dead experience to me. Their gradual loss during the Season and of course their almost total absence in The Wolf among Us' first episode Faith is a huge blow to me. So, for the still remaining problem solving parts of TWD episode 1 alone, I should say that the zombie game Season had the better opening.

    There are other things to consider though. Telltale also did not know where to go with their choice and consequence mechanics by TWD ep1. What they ended up doing was to create a lot of choices the consequences of which may or may not be shown in subsequent episodes. Naturally most of these choices were presented to the player as ultimately important life or death choices, and that meant that the player built huge expectations as to the different results of his choices in episodes to come. And at the end of practically all of those expectations stood disappointments.

    The Wolf among Us is more modest in its choice mechanics. The choices don't try to trick the player into trustfully thinking that each and every time, here and now is the choice that changes EVERYTHING in the game. As a result, the choices actually do matter in Faith as opposed to A New Day. And that is where I say, the mechanics of The Wolf among Us will prove vastly superior. Telltale has stopped promising such a damn vast array of life changing consequences to the player, promises they could never keep in The Walking Dead anyway.

    But The Walking Dead still IS the franchise of life or death choices, so I'm sceptical if the approach taken in The Wolf among Us, which I do consider more satisfactory, can and should actually be transferred to TWD Season 2.

    The things above considered, I'm still very much on the fence as to whether A New Day or Faith is the better episode and Season opener. And just like OlDoc, I believe that comparing the third episodes might be the REAL puzzler.

    Heck, it's an exciting year. ;)

  • The Walking Dead every day of the week

  • I wouldn't say it was MUCH better than the first episode of TWD, it was just better. Perhaps what made the first episode of TWAU seem better than ep 1 of TWD was the cliffhanger ending. Both episodes were great in their own ways and both are pretty memorable.

    roco300 posted: »

    I love TWD, but the first episode of The Wolf Among Us was much better than the first episode of TWD imo.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited October 2013

    I'd say that Wolf Among Us Episode 1 was more polished and had more variety in game play than Walking Dead Episode 1, but that being said Wolf Among Us largely benefitted from Telltale having the knowledge and experience of what made Walking Dead work under their belt. By TWAU Episode 1, Telltale got to implement and improve upon an already tested and successful format rather than finding their footing like in TWD Episode 1.

    Saying that only the cliffhanger made TWAU Episode 1 better isn't giving the game much credit, but that's ok, because as I said earlier Wolf Among Us gets a huge foot up anyways from improving upon and adding to the Walking Dead gameplay,

    I wouldn't say it was MUCH better than the first episode of TWD, it was just better. Perhaps what made the first episode of TWAU seem better t

  • i think there about the same there both very good games

  • In my opinion, TWAU EP 1 blows TWD EP 1 out of the water.

    The latter was awesome, the former was phenomenal.

  • edited October 2013

    Telltale was breaking new ground with the Walking Dead, so I feel like The Wolf has an enormous advantage over it from the get go. It plays amazingly and is a lot of fun, but I'm not 100% endeared to the characters like I felt when I first got to know Clem, or Kenny. That first pharmacy scene was so intense. Standing up for Kenny's family, putting a bandaid on Clem's finger, trusting Carley are all really fond memories that come to mind when I think of episode 1.
    The wolf had some great action, but not as many likable characters (though they are a little more interesting) and I'm inclined to really like Snow because of her similarity to Elizabeth from bioshock. I'm hoping these aren't really as they seem (ie, smoke and mirrors) because it's depressing when all the characters that are interesting to talk with are getting killed off really fast and off screen.

  • i feel that twau is moving faster then thw twd did was that the fans of twd got it and they can say from the makers of 2013s game of the year and the differences is that twau is a dream of being a detective like the old films and they made the story branch more i love the five choice of who you think did it i getting on ios when it hits

  • I started replaying TWD episode 1 last night and I do think TWAU's first episode is stronger ... but mostly because the game mechanics improved throughout TWD's run. I've been trying to make Lee a bit of a jerk in this playthrough but the options don't always give me as much freedom to do so, without going totally overboard.

    I remember reading somewhere that telltale looked at the decision results from the first TWD ep and saw that it was really lopsided and so decided to make decisions a bit harder in the future. Which is why the later episodes of TWD are better than the first and which also helps TWAU get off to a great start.

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