That redhead thin dude? (he is my suspect #1)

edited October 2013 in The Wolf Among Us

He shows up throughout the entire episode.

First we see him is when Snow says: "good morning, or evening" to him. Then Snow shows Bigby the head of Faith.

Second time we see him, he is standing in line to Ichabods office.

Third time we see him, is in glimpse while Bigby is chasing Dee from prince Lawrence's apartment. Pay attention when struggling with the couch.

Who is this dude? He is near all the crime scenes. He is my number one suspect.


  • edited October 2013

    I know, there's been a few topics on this and like others i think that he may be the boy who cried wolf. A reason for this is the fact that his tie has crook symbols on it usually associated with shepards, he seems to be following Bigby aswell, but to be honest I wouldn't call him out as the murderer. It's likely that he's in on the plot due to the fact he might be asking the killer, to kill those who begin to trust and like Bigby. Then Bigby wouldn't have anyone as his friend, leaving him in the same situation as the boy who cried wolf.

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