Are they working on WAU and TWD 2 concurrently?

edited October 2013 in The Walking Dead

question to telltale

do you have 2 sets of teams working on 2 different products , or the work on TWD2 only comes after you are done with WAU ? if so I guess it will take a very long time till TWD2 comes out


  • Although I don't work at Telltale, I CAN answer that question for you.

    Telltale has a team of about 30 people, which means they can work on three or four different projects at the same time.

    So in short - smaller groups of people working on different projects at the same time.

  • Telltale Work On Both Games

  • Most recently they mentioned working on TWD S2 Ep1/2 and TWAU S1 Ep3/4.

  • There's more that could be said about the matter which I didn't really think possible a week ago.

    The Walking Dead Season 2 FAQ in fact estimates an episode to come out every four to five weeks. It wouldn't make any sense if The Wolf among Us episodes would come out on another schedule with longer time frames between episodes. So Telltale not only plans to release the Season concurrently, they ALSO plan to do it on the very same schedule they have been from 2006 to 2011.

  • I wonder how long we will have to wait for season 2 to come to the ps vita.

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