Telltale never made false promises, as the PlayStation Vita release was never confirmed to be released with the other versions, and our unofficial FAQ has stated since the beginning that it will probably get released later since it wasn't one of the first announced platforms. A good rule of thumb with Telltale's releases is that if the platform is announced after the first announcement, it will probably release a little while after the other releases.
I closed your other thread, since we don't need two release date threads. We keep the release date thread updated with the latest known information. If you don't want to read the thread, just check the thread title as that will be updated with the latest news on release dates for versions when they are known.
As for your second concern, I'm concerned as well that spoilers come up through the feed even though they are properly marked. I brought up the concern to staff, since the spoiler system definitely shouldn't work that way.
Also, kind of wish you'd mentioned that in the thread for the Vita release. The other release date thread is full of spoilers that show up in… more the Feed of anyone subscribed to it, which you have to be if you want to know if someone replied to your post. It's kind of said that the thread got ignored when this information came to light.
That's it. I'm just done. I asked the mods and got permission to create my thread, solely to avoid this. Now you're telling me I have to go back to Following that huge, spoiler-ridden topic that's already ruined Episode 1 of Season 2 for me, where Vita players are looked down upon-their posts swallowed up in seconds. It's not fair that EVERYONE ELSE has a thread they can talk about the release dates in, except the Vita players. I'm getting really sick of this bias.
I mean, it's just not right. Everyone else gets a thread. The Vita players? Nope. Just read the thread title-you don't get a place to discuss the game or any news about it. Sucks to be you, huh? It's bad enough that Telltale doesn't seem to respect the Vita players at all, nor a lot of the members here, but now a mod too?
Telltale never made false promises, as the PlayStation Vita release was never confirmed to be released with the other versions, and our unoffi… morecial FAQ has stated since the beginning that it will probably get released later since it wasn't one of the first announced platforms. A good rule of thumb with Telltale's releases is that if the platform is announced after the first announcement, it will probably release a little while after the other releases.
I closed your other thread, since we don't need two release date threads. We keep the release date thread updated with the latest known information. If you don't want to read the thread, just check the thread title as that will be updated with the latest news on release dates for versions when they are known.
As for your second concern, I'm concerned as well that spoilers come up through the feed even though they are properly marked. I brought up the concern to staff, since the spoiler system definitely shouldn't work that way.
There's no need to have two posts for release discussion when it's all taking place in a single place (that's the reason we have release discussion threads in the first place, to keep multiple threads talking about release dates from popping up). Plus, there's no guarantees that your other thread would be spoiler free anyway, so it's creation wasn't needed.
You can discuss the Vita release there if you want (it's for every release, especially for those that didn't get release dates yet such as Vita and Ouya). I, myself, talked about the Vita release there yesterday.
I purposely added Vita to the release date thread title yesterday as a concession for you, so that you wouldn't have to read the thread if you don't want. I'll update it with news as soon as it comes out so that you don't even have to read the thread if you don't wish to do so.
That's it. I'm just done. I asked the mods and got permission to create my thread, solely to avoid this. Now you're telling me I have to go… more back to Following that huge, spoiler-ridden topic that's already ruined Episode 1 of Season 2 for me, where Vita players are looked down upon-their posts swallowed up in seconds. It's not fair that EVERYONE ELSE has a thread they can talk about the release dates in, except the Vita players. I'm getting really sick of this bias.
I mean, it's just not right. Everyone else gets a thread. The Vita players? Nope. Just read the thread title-you don't get a place to discuss the game or any news about it. Sucks to be you, huh? It's bad enough that Telltale doesn't seem to respect the Vita players at all, nor a lot of the members here, but now a mod too?
The point of the thread is not just to get news, but to DISCUSS it. There is every reason to have two thread, and I even pointed out several. The biggest reason is the spoilers. My thread has rules saying no spoilers, which are enforced by the mods-the mods who said it was okay for me to make the topic in the first place and even stickied it for me. I did this WITH PERMISSION. I deserve to be able to discuss the release date just as anyone else. So do the rest of the Vita players. I don't know why some people here have such a bias against us, but it needs to stop. I'd like my thread fixed. There is no reason to lock a thread okayed with the other mods before creation-it is a mod-sanctioned thread.
There's no need to have two posts for release discussion when it's all taking place in a single place (that's the reason we have release discu… moression threads in the first place, to keep multiple threads talking about release dates from popping up). Plus, there's no guarantees that your other thread would be spoiler free anyway, so it's creation wasn't needed.
You can discuss the Vita release there if you want (it's for every release, especially for those that didn't get release dates yet such as Vita and Ouya). I, myself, talked about the Vita release there yesterday.
I purposely added Vita to the release date thread title yesterday as a concession for you, so that you wouldn't have to read the thread if you don't want. I'll update it with news as soon as it comes out so that you don't even have to read the thread if you don't wish to do so.
Darth Marsden said that a mod might come in and de-sticky it (and I did). I'm sorry, but we don't need separate threads for release discussion when there's already a thread that's designed solely for that. We try keep the forums neat and easy to enjoy for everyone, including Vita users. Multiple threads that contain the same information just makes it harder for everyone to follow, and makes the forums not as fun to enjoy. That's why we have one central thread for release discussion, so we don't have a ton of posts that contain the same thing with a bunch of people talking about the same conversation in separate posts, since it's really hard to follow the conversation that way.
You can freely discuss the PlayStation Vita release in the release discussion if you want. There's no bias towards any users there. I posted about the Vita release myself there yesterday.
I'm going to move this discussion out from the thread now, and close it as the no spoilers thread has been derailed enough as it is.
The point of the thread is not just to get news, but to DISCUSS it. There is every reason to have two thread, and I even pointed out several.… more The biggest reason is the spoilers. My thread has rules saying no spoilers, which are enforced by the mods-the mods who said it was okay for me to make the topic in the first place and even stickied it for me. I did this WITH PERMISSION. I deserve to be able to discuss the release date just as anyone else. So do the rest of the Vita players. I don't know why some people here have such a bias against us, but it needs to stop. I'd like my thread fixed. There is no reason to lock a thread okayed with the other mods before creation-it is a mod-sanctioned thread.
They usually release new episode 4-6 weeks after the previous one aired. So I estimate Episode 2 (or 7?) to release sometime between January 14-28. Hope that helped.
Leaving the forum might be the only choice after all. There are spoilers everywhere, and now my other thread has been locked and some of my posts deleted.
Thanks for the heads up. I'll update the topic title with the info. It's great that Sony has got their act together this time to allow the North American and European PS3 versions to release so close together.
Sorry if this is slightly offtopic, but where's the TWD Meme and Fun thread gone? It's not in my Followed Discussions anymore, I couldn't find it with search.. it can't just be gone... right?
I'm waiting on the season pass to and I posted on here and the Playstation forums trying to find out. I was told here that they are working with Playstation to get the season pass up as soon as possible and haven't heard anything back from Sony yet. I'm guessing this problem is on Sony and not Telltale but hopefully we don't have to wait til Friday again. After TWAU I can't believe they forgot the season pass again and apparently it's available on EU PSN but not US which I think was the case with TWAU to.
I'm just curious about the season pass i can't wait to play it but i wanna get the season pass so um could anyone tell me anything about when it's coming out i'm thinking friday because i think they did the same for TWAU
Sorry if this is slightly offtopic, but where's the TWD Meme and Fun thread gone? It's not in my Followed Discussions anymore, I couldn't find it with search.. it can't just be gone... right?
EDIT: Just saw you're from Ireland. Unfortunately, the Xbox Marketplace in Ireland doesn't seem to have it yet, since the product page doesn't yet exist.
Grrr so annoying!!! 'Cause my computer language is Dutch, it takes me to the Dutch Xbox site and let's me buy it. Then when I click purchase and it sees I'm in Ireland, it says Not available in your region!
How is it out in the UK and the Netherlands but not in Ireland!!!!!!!!
What part of Europe are you from?
Here's the links for the UK, France, Germany, and Italy.
EDIT: Just saw you're from Ireland. Unfortun… moreately, the Xbox Marketplace in Ireland doesn't seem to have it yet, since the product page doesn't yet exist.
I am from Ireland too, and it's not fair that I am a hardcore The Walking Dead Game fan and seeing everywhere else around the world get the game before me, Telltale said on their twitter "Xbox 360 WW". How come world wide doesn't include Ireland? Will someone please give me some info if they have it? Does anyone know if this is Telltale's fault or Microsoft? Either way I am NOT impressed!
I feel your pain, well logically I would guess it's Microsoft's fault as they are responsible for putting up the product listing page for download, which they haven't done. Please sort this out guys because the fact is you haven't released worldwide...yet. Any response from TTG would be awesome.
Grrr so annoying!!! 'Cause my computer language is Dutch, it takes me to the Dutch Xbox site and let's me buy it. Then when I click purchase a… morend it sees I'm in Ireland, it says Not available in your region!
How is it out in the UK and the Netherlands but not in Ireland!!!!!!!!
Telltale never made false promises, as the PlayStation Vita release was never confirmed to be released with the other versions, and our unofficial FAQ has stated since the beginning that it will probably get released later since it wasn't one of the first announced platforms. A good rule of thumb with Telltale's releases is that if the platform is announced after the first announcement, it will probably release a little while after the other releases.
I closed your other thread, since we don't need two release date threads. We keep the release date thread updated with the latest known information. If you don't want to read the thread, just check the thread title as that will be updated with the latest news on release dates for versions when they are known.
As for your second concern, I'm concerned as well that spoilers come up through the feed even though they are properly marked. I brought up the concern to staff, since the spoiler system definitely shouldn't work that way.
That's it. I'm just done. I asked the mods and got permission to create my thread, solely to avoid this. Now you're telling me I have to go back to Following that huge, spoiler-ridden topic that's already ruined Episode 1 of Season 2 for me, where Vita players are looked down upon-their posts swallowed up in seconds. It's not fair that EVERYONE ELSE has a thread they can talk about the release dates in, except the Vita players. I'm getting really sick of this bias.
I mean, it's just not right. Everyone else gets a thread. The Vita players? Nope. Just read the thread title-you don't get a place to discuss the game or any news about it. Sucks to be you, huh? It's bad enough that Telltale doesn't seem to respect the Vita players at all, nor a lot of the members here, but now a mod too?
Thanks for the heads up.
I'll update the thread title accordingly.
There's no need to have two posts for release discussion when it's all taking place in a single place (that's the reason we have release discussion threads in the first place, to keep multiple threads talking about release dates from popping up). Plus, there's no guarantees that your other thread would be spoiler free anyway, so it's creation wasn't needed.
You can discuss the Vita release there if you want (it's for every release, especially for those that didn't get release dates yet such as Vita and Ouya). I, myself, talked about the Vita release there yesterday.
I purposely added Vita to the release date thread title yesterday as a concession for you, so that you wouldn't have to read the thread if you don't want. I'll update it with news as soon as it comes out so that you don't even have to read the thread if you don't wish to do so.
The point of the thread is not just to get news, but to DISCUSS it. There is every reason to have two thread, and I even pointed out several. The biggest reason is the spoilers. My thread has rules saying no spoilers, which are enforced by the mods-the mods who said it was okay for me to make the topic in the first place and even stickied it for me. I did this WITH PERMISSION. I deserve to be able to discuss the release date just as anyone else. So do the rest of the Vita players. I don't know why some people here have such a bias against us, but it needs to stop. I'd like my thread fixed. There is no reason to lock a thread okayed with the other mods before creation-it is a mod-sanctioned thread.
Darth Marsden said that a mod might come in and de-sticky it (and I did). I'm sorry, but we don't need separate threads for release discussion when there's already a thread that's designed solely for that. We try keep the forums neat and easy to enjoy for everyone, including Vita users. Multiple threads that contain the same information just makes it harder for everyone to follow, and makes the forums not as fun to enjoy. That's why we have one central thread for release discussion, so we don't have a ton of posts that contain the same thing with a bunch of people talking about the same conversation in separate posts, since it's really hard to follow the conversation that way.
You can freely discuss the PlayStation Vita release in the release discussion if you want. There's no bias towards any users there. I posted about the Vita release myself there yesterday.
I'm going to move this discussion out from the thread now, and close it as the no spoilers thread has been derailed enough as it is.
Hey, I am from Denmark too. Good to see a fellow dane :-)
Not availiable in Russia on PS Store again... Thank you TTG =(
Thank You
Leaving the forum might be the only choice after all. There are spoilers everywhere, and now my other thread has been locked and some of my posts deleted.
Thanks for the heads up.
I'll update the topic title with the info. It's great that Sony has got their act together this time to allow the North American and European PS3 versions to release so close together. 
Sorry if this is slightly offtopic, but where's the TWD Meme and Fun thread gone? It's not in my Followed Discussions anymore, I couldn't find it with search.. it can't just be gone... right?
Ios is out! See you all in about three days!
I'm waiting on the season pass to and I posted on here and the Playstation forums trying to find out. I was told here that they are working with Playstation to get the season pass up as soon as possible and haven't heard anything back from Sony yet. I'm guessing this problem is on Sony and not Telltale but hopefully we don't have to wait til Friday again. After TWAU I can't believe they forgot the season pass again and apparently it's available on EU PSN but not US which I think was the case with TWAU to.
It's right here.
Anyone got a link for where I can download it on Xbox 360 for Europe? Can't find it on the Marketplace anywhere!
Not available In New Zealand on Xbox Live again.... Thanks for the shit end of the stick again TTG. Worldwide release my ass, fuck I'm disappointed.
Well WORLDWIDE release for them is releasing game in USA and UK and fuck all the rest of us right =(
February, it's not posted yet anywhere on Xbox for some reason. I'm in Canada and have been waiting all day.
CA is Canada right?
Got one for Ireland? :P
I can get one for US & UK. Not for Ireland
What part of Europe are you from?
Here's the links for the UK, France, Germany, and Italy.
EDIT: Just saw you're from Ireland. Unfortunately, the Xbox Marketplace in Ireland doesn't seem to have it yet, since the product page doesn't yet exist.
You're a doll! I found it by searching, it's finally there!
Grrr so annoying!!! 'Cause my computer language is Dutch, it takes me to the Dutch Xbox site and let's me buy it. Then when I click purchase and it sees I'm in Ireland, it says Not available in your region!
How is it out in the UK and the Netherlands but not in Ireland!!!!!!!!
Thanks for looking though!
Ireland is once again behind. I hope I get to play it soon. I've been talking about it all day at work!
I'm sad :P
Another Irishman here, me and a friend have been checking xbox live throughout the day, not a thing. Woo bloody hoo...
As yet another Irishman, this is one of the many reasons I'm a PC gamer- just saying...
Grrr... Why are we always left out?
I don't blame you man, it's just I had completed season one on 360, saves and all that jazz.
I've been threatening to go PC for a while now.
I'd love to work for Telltale now, I'd tear someone out of it at Microsoft
I am from Ireland too, and it's not fair that I am a hardcore The Walking Dead Game fan and seeing everywhere else around the world get the game before me, Telltale said on their twitter "Xbox 360 WW". How come world wide doesn't include Ireland? Will someone please give me some info if they have it? Does anyone know if this is Telltale's fault or Microsoft? Either way I am NOT impressed!
I feel your pain, well logically I would guess it's Microsoft's fault as they are responsible for putting up the product listing page for download, which they haven't done. Please sort this out guys because the fact is you haven't released worldwide...yet. Any response from TTG would be awesome.
I tweeted both TTG and Xbox. We'll see
That really sucks
I hope they release it for you soon! I'm sure it can't be more than a day or two? Did this happen last time?
Russia and New Zealand are the only countries it's unavailable for on PSN according to the Playstation Blog.
Glad I could help.
Clem "wait don't I get a vote?" Lee "NO!"
Still zilch here in Ireland, and not a solitary shit given.
did you try and search it through your xbox that's how others found it when it didn't show up
UFSW? Does the acronym mean anything to you?