The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • I bet it was aj, that little terd

    DabigRG posted: »

    Funny, cause I think it could also be someone else's constipation.

  • "Ew, I think I just stepped in it."

    NorthStars posted: »

    I bet it was aj, that little terd

  • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

    DabigRG posted: »

    "Ew, I think I just stepped in it."

  • If I can hold my computer at an angle I can see the brush strokes of where you covered the logos. Not trying to be mean it's just kinda funny.

    Not really a "fun" post, but I made a pic of Javier and Clementine's concept arts standing next to each other without logos

  • I forgot to save the project or I'd have just removed the elements. But I didn't notice how obvious the paintjob was until later.

    If I can hold my computer at an angle I can see the brush strokes of where you covered the logos. Not trying to be mean it's just kinda funny.

  • Gameover Ent, theorized he may have been lying about being a doctor for people to protect him since he has a daughter and would probably want to have a safety net of being a doctor so people won't get rid of him.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Trust me, it'll be ridiculously clear that he was lying that he was a doctor. You know, just because he seemed to be skeptical about

  • enter image description here

    Michonne, stop staring into my soul.

  • You're welcome.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Way to kill a bone, dude.

  • :confused:?

    Davissons posted: »

    Puberty. Not even once.

  • enter image description here
    The things a random Google search will get you

  • What is this? Road to survival?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Michonne, stop staring into my soul.

  • What did you search for?

    DabigRG posted: »

    The things a random Google search will get you

  • Why, cuz he looks like Luke?

  • I have no idea, but that's a random google search got me.

    What is this? Road to survival?

  • A picture of Nick with his hat off.

    What did you search for?

  • edited December 2016

    enter image description hereenter image description here

    Add the Machete and it looks pretty close to me.

  • Man I'm liking this game more already!

  • Lol

    DabigRG posted: »

    A picture of Nick with his hat off.

  • It's funny that you say that since in the trailer when you see him pointing the gun for a split second you find out he's pointing it at the guy talking to Javier from a distance (like the bridge scene in S2)

    DabigRG posted: »

    More like the Nick, if even that.

  • edited December 2016

    They look like bobble heads. Wtf did they do to Carol. It should be a meme.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Michonne, stop staring into my soul.

  • He looks like Spencer to me...

    DabigRG posted: »

    Add the Machete and it looks pretty close to me.

  • Well, that's a good sign. :lol:

    xValkyx posted: »

    It's funny that you say that since in the trailer when you see him pointing the gun for a split second you find out he's pointing it at the guy talking to Javier from a distance (like the bridge scene in S2)

  • The Walking Dead: No Man's Land

    What is this? Road to survival?

  • December 19th VS December 20th

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • Use this instead for maximum effect.

    enter image description here

    December 19th VS December 20th

  • Road to Survival is like this game, but based on the comics

    What is this? Road to survival?

  • Yeah most of them look so ugly

    NorthStars posted: »

    They look like bobble heads. Wtf did they do to Carol. It should be a meme.

  • One of the things I found while searching that
    Image result for Twd Telltale Nick no hat

    DabigRG posted: »

    A picture of Nick with his hat off.

  • Idk If it worked but it's Ben taking an axe out of the Don't Open Dead Inside door

    One of the things I found while searching that

  • Uh, no didn't. I can't even see the address.

    Idk If it worked but it's Ben taking an axe out of the Don't Open Dead Inside door

  • edited December 2016

    I'm going to post this now, because I'll be playing the game tomorrow and this'll probably be pointless afterwards, soooo, here's some laugh for you guys.

    Also I'm going to have to drop off the forum now and the internet as a whole, to avoid A New Frontier spoilers. See ya soon:

    enter image description here

    Javier: So there any hot ladies staying around here?

    Clem: No, not really. It gets cold here at night, especially this time of year.


    Clem: Oh ok so, over there are the horses reused from Game of Thrones at our stables. It's not actually got gas, unless you go there on Tuesdays evening for the weekly Cans of Bean Eating Contest. My friend Poppy won it 3 nights in a row; she's really good.

    Javier: guys actually sit around eating cans of beans, with horses?

    Clem: We don't have TV. Things can get preeetty boring around here easily if you’re not careful.

    Javier: Well that just explains it away...

    Clem: Anyways. Right here is our community bathhouse that this guy named Thomas came up with after reading it in a manga. Apparently it's a Japanese thingie. It's pretty cool.

    Javier: If it's a bathhouse, why is there a 'Pissers will be shot?' sign hanging at the entrance?

    Clem: Because people usually wander over here from the bar across the street after having one too many, and used to use it as a toilet, so Thomas had to put his foot down.

    Javier: Smart guy.

    Clem: Uh huh. It's all fine now, but they still come over shitfaced for baths. We’ve made it a nightly routine to sneak into the bar at night and tie people's shoelaces together under the tables, so when they wander out later drunk, you can sit up on the roof there and just watch them hop around and fall over themselves trying to get here. We place bets on the local drinkers to see who gets to the bathhouse first you know.

    Javier: Boredom?

    Clem: Yup.

    Javier: Thought so...

    Clem: So if you ever want to participate…

    Javier: I’m good.

    Clem: You got sporting skills; it could earn us a lot of goods here.

    Javier: Goods?

    Clem: Canned apples.

    Javier: Oh…still no.

    Clem: Fine. But speaking of baths you should probably use it pronto before you see anything else, because the air around you is toxic as the walkers.

    Javier: Thanks for the sarcasm peach, but I already washed today.

    Clem:...Then what the hell is that smell coming off of you? It reeks!

    Javier: That's cologne!

    Clem:…that stuff they use in a toilet!?

    Javier: No! It's like, like guy perfume.

    Clem: But it's smells like skunk piss!

    Javier: Well the ladies would disagree.

    Clem: Duh, lady right here. It’s bad, shitty bad!

    Javier: To your juvenile nostrils it is. And I don’t care what hell you think. It’s staying on.

    Clem: Not if my shotgun has anything to say about it ಠ_ಠ

    Javier: Seriously? You'd shoot somebody cause they stink?

    Clem: And drank my juicebox.

    Javier: You left it on the side of the road! Who the fuck does that?

    Clem: Somebody off to take a pee. Who the hell wanders up and drinks a half-drank box of apple juice in the middle of nowhere anyway!?

    Javier: I…I-I was thirsty...

    Clem: [Cocks shotgun] then repent motherfucker. It’s bathtime!

    Javier:...Perra loca…

    Clem: What was that!?

    Javier: P...Pears local. Local pears! Y-You got any?

    Clem: [Fires up at the sky]

    Javier: I'M GOING! I’M GOING!

  • So I go to TWD Road To Survival Wiki and I'm looking at Morgan. I pass list of killed victims. One of them says "A few dogs".

  • Oh that's not cologne, pretty sure that's the pot from earlier.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I'm going to post this now, because I'll be playing the game tomorrow and this'll probably be pointless afterwards, soooo, here's some laugh

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