The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • Y u remove rewind telltale.

    Your daily crispy Kate meme.

  • This isn't helping anything. Stop egging things on and try to avoid this drama with ZombiePizza and other users. Take that as a final warning.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Maybe those certain users would disapprove of it because maybe he called them immature but proceeded to post an immature joke himself. That could be why, right you catching on?

  • Hey, don't worry I'm not starting anything it was a joke. Bit of truth behind it but it was a joke nonetheless. Don't worry, won't happen again. Can't promise anything about non community related stuff, though.

    This isn't helping anything. Stop egging things on and try to avoid this drama with ZombiePizza and other users. Take that as a final warning.

  • The post didn't come off as a joke. Look, it's better for you guys to just avoid PMing each other and avoid commenting on posts that could potentially lead to arguments. We're already derailing the topic enough. Just avoid PMing each other, and if you publicly comment on a post, don't troll or leave any comments that can start an argument.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Hey, don't worry I'm not starting anything it was a joke. Bit of truth behind it but it was a joke nonetheless. Don't worry, won't happen again. Can't promise anything about non community related stuff, though.

  • Oooh


    ZombiePizza posted: »

    That's the joke bro. It follows the 'back in my day...' elderly reminiscent style of comedy.

  • Jesus mods get triggered so easy

    The post didn't come off as a joke. Look, it's better for you guys to just avoid PMing each other and avoid commenting on posts that could p

  • edited May 2017

    I legitimately spit my drink

    Also it's Krispy* Kate

    Your daily crispy Kate meme.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited May 2017

    I've been dealing with dozens of other arguments of theirs for several days outside of this thread too. This wasn't a response solely to that one post lol.

    Jesus mods get triggered so easy

  • enter image description here

    Pls someone replace it with Ben as AJ and Lee as Clem.
  • The moderator did nothing wrong. He was merely asking him to stop causing problems.

    I've been dealing with dozens of other arguments of theirs for several days outside of this thread too. This wasn't a response solely to that one post lol.

  • edited May 2017

    My best piece yet! This is Mona Lisa material.
    enter image description here
    This is a way of saying... Our friendship is urban. Is it sad that I watched one episode of this and already know all of their names as well as the bad guys, and other minor characters?
    All characters were place with their meaning...
    AJ/fluttershy: the shy character who seems to be quite happy at times
    Kenny/applejack: the redneck sounding loyal guy or whatever.
    Lee/Twilight sparkle: the leader and the one who keeps things together
    Clementine/Pinkie Pie: their names kinda have a half rhyme and she used to get excited and joyful, but now tries her best to look out for her friends.
    Javi/rarity: both was hooked in his fame and/or wealth
    Jane/rainbow dash: kinda strikes me as a LGBT so why not? Mixed societies and all that.

  • They probably didn't want everyone to dump K8 after the car accident.

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    Y u remove rewind telltale.

  • ...

    Melton23 posted: »

    My best piece yet! This is Mona Lisa material. This is a way of saying... Our friendship is urban. Is it sad that I watched one episode o

  • Yes, I know you are speechless. Such beauty. Very urban.

    Connora711 posted: »


  • enter image description here

    Conrad will lose one eye while trying to stop some mean people. I'm calling it.
  • god is real. conny is our god confirmed

    Conrad will lose one eye while trying to stop some mean people. I'm calling it.

  • Imagine if that was actually Sean Vanaman though?...just having some weird existential crisis.

    These threads are getting worse everyday..

  • why

    Melton23 posted: »

    My best piece yet! This is Mona Lisa material. This is a way of saying... Our friendship is urban. Is it sad that I watched one episode o

  • A fantastic writer limited to poor punctuation and grammar? Honestly it was quite freaky. The real Sean Vanaman's Twitter was active long after this thread opened, and it wasn't active for at least a few days. I was thinking 'What? Is this for real?' He probably saw what they did to the series and freaked.

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    Imagine if that was actually Sean Vanaman though?...just having some weird existential crisis.

  • I know right? It's almost as if one of the writers of ANF posted the comments...that might explain the sloppiness and poor sentence structure.

    A fantastic writer limited to poor punctuation and grammar? Honestly it was quite freaky. The real Sean Vanaman's Twitter was active long af

  • [removed]

    A fantastic writer limited to poor punctuation and grammar? Honestly it was quite freaky. The real Sean Vanaman's Twitter was active long af

  • Couldn't get any worse tbh

  • Someone would need the original or the heads would have to be bigger than Ben and Lee

    Pls someone replace it with Ben as AJ and Lee as Clem.

  • The real question is why not :3


  • enter image description here

    Here is the original just in case someone​ is willing to do this :P

    Sparkeagle posted: »

    Someone would need the original or the heads would have to be bigger than Ben and Lee

  • Oh man. Haha

    These threads are getting worse everyday..

  • enter image description here

    Not sure whether or not I posted this before, but here it is.

  • The one on the right is a selfish bitch

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    Not sure whether or not I posted this before, but here it is.

  • I've heard people sometimes call her Jane but i can't figure out why.

    The one on the right is a selfish bitch

  • ...I see what you were going for there, but as an unofficial brony myself, I can't help but think some of these are weird, though I acknowledge that you set a limited range for yourself. Clementine as Pinkie in particular is just "Huh?"

    Melton23 posted: »

    My best piece yet! This is Mona Lisa material. This is a way of saying... Our friendship is urban. Is it sad that I watched one episode o

  • You mean they both aren't?

    That's a joke, btw. Of course not-in-the-right is.

    The one on the right is a selfish bitch

  • How that season 3 flashback should've gone.

    enter image description here

    If you are to look at this I must insist you have this playing while doing so.

    I should also insist that you have headphones while listening to that, 'cause it gets weird. You've been warned.

  • Pls someone replace it with Ben as AJ and Lee as Clem.

  • Well, I should have taken your wearing headphones advice.

    I'm pretty sure my entire neighbourhood heard them sexual moans at 1:10 in the video.

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    How that season 3 flashback should've gone. If you are to look at this I must insist you have this playing while doing so. I should also insist that you have headphones while listening to that, 'cause it gets weird. You've been warned.

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