Yellow: Also two people share an intimate moment/kiss/fuck.
Blue: More like smug-dick-whom-AMC-has-a-raging-boner-for-and-tries-too-hard po… moreps in to ruin the moment. "You know what would make this show even better?" they said. "Granting our actors celebrity status!"
Season 4(of the TV show): mostly yellow. Seriously, who gives a shit about Brian?
Well Brian had potential to become really interesting (story of the whole show in a nutshell) but instead he just decided to become the Governor again.
Yellow: Also two people share an intimate moment/kiss/fuck.
Blue: More like smug-dick-whom-AMC-has-a-raging-boner-for-and-tries-too-hard po… moreps in to ruin the moment. "You know what would make this show even better?" they said. "Granting our actors celebrity status!"
Season 4(of the TV show): mostly yellow. Seriously, who gives a shit about Brian?
He did have potential. AMC was already going off the rails of the comic, what with spoiler and spoiler. But for this, they had to be true to the comic. It was unavoidable. But seriously? You make us sit through all that and then golf scene? You assholes owe me 3 hours of my life back.
Well Brian had potential to become really interesting (story of the whole show in a nutshell) but instead he just decided to become the Governor again.
I know I just made an "Overly Attached X" meme, but here's Overly Attached TellTale with the dead guy from S1ep5/S2ep1
EDIT: Removed the text that says "telltale games"
get used to downvotes because some people only do it to troll you...
like you could say the funniest, sweetest thing ever and one or two people who just don't like you because you don't agree with them..on some stupid subject will just downvote it... or they'll suddenly start insulting you for no reason other than you disagree/ don't believe them...
sometimes i wish it named them as well.. true some people might go on a pm rage fest but still it's nice to know who... but there's always guessing..
{EDIT} I removed that Pic, makes it seem like I'm hating on the walking dead which I'm not,Who ever mad that pic is dumb lol
New pic
Oh,Bt… morew thanks for my first down vote
I put the Lori pic as a template so I could find a New TDWG Pic :P no hard feelings unlike some other people might have here...
* I don't know why but I find this friggin hilarious!*
I know I just made an "Overly Attached X" meme, but here's Overly Attached TellTale with the dead guy from S1ep5/S2ep1
EDIT: Removed the text that says "telltale games"
Well Brian had potential to become really interesting (story of the whole show in a nutshell) but instead he just decided to become the Governor again.
He did have potential. AMC was already going off the rails of the comic, what with spoiler and spoiler. But for this, they had to be true to the comic. It was unavoidable. But seriously? You make us sit through all that and then golf scene? You assholes owe me 3 hours of my life back.
C'mon guys. More models please. I'm pretty sure I've killed at least 3 zombies twice by now and I haven't played season 2 yet.
and alvin should be pussy ass nice guy
get used to downvotes because some people only do it to troll you...
like you could say the funniest, sweetest thing ever and one or two people who just don't like you because you don't agree with them..on some stupid subject will just downvote it... or they'll suddenly start insulting you for no reason other than you disagree/ don't believe them...
sometimes i wish it named them as well.. true some people might go on a pm rage fest but still it's nice to know who... but there's always guessing..
the words
if it ain't broke don't fix it spring to mind...
or maybe they are saving the newer models for later episodes like they did with season 1.
Alt text
That isn't a picture, it's red words saying "Alt text" and when you hover over them it says "Ben"
X.X i clicked on play when my mom was in the room.. so i clicked as fast as possible on a normal video
thank you..
You only played through one episode and already judge the whole season? That's a little harsh, don't you think?
My bells hurts from laughing HAHAHAHA XD
I didn't mean to make this a reply but anyway.
and unlimited heads and necks..
How do you know i don't?
well when you 'come back' i will
twd doge
seriously downvoters...
much sadness
very beans
so cry
If Kenny comes back in S2 he's gonna have aneurism
Sam belongs in the pantheon of American pop culture's most evil canines, alongside Cujo and the demon dogs from GHOSTBUSTERS.
The Walking Doge*
I apologize, buddy. I assumed everyone in the thread was of age for a little sexual innuendo.
don't get it
wow 5 downvotes..
the meme mis spells original but in the comments it is correct ?
Did you make this? Because I swear I once made one of these...
My friend sent it to me, maybe it's yours? if it is sorry for not giving credit.
"Oh, you are not sayin' what I think you're sayin'!"
Y'know Telltale should add italics to their subtitles.
80's action hero turned middle-aged family man. Mullet, mustache...moxy. Unlike Mr. Private Poopy-pants there.
They are all so funny!
When you are posting look at the bar just on top of the text "bubble" you are typing in. It's the fourth from the right.