you're searching the reasons for your getting caught on a technical level. In this particular case, nothing could be further from what actually happened. No IP comparison led to this identification, as none was needed.
I think you made an interesting attempt at reintegration into the community with your second account. The problem was, quite unfortunately, that we can't hide who we are on the internet simply because that's not what we want from the internet. We WANT to be ourselves.
So... Please resolve this! I need my old account back by Friday.
Because that's when I will be playing the S2 premiere!
Oh, right. Of The Walking Dead?
Yes Best game ever!
In your opinion.
Dear Alexia,
you're searching the reasons for your getting caught on a technical level. In this particular case, nothing could be further from what actually happened. No IP comparison led to this identification, as none was needed.
I think you made an interesting attempt at reintegration into the community with your second account. The problem was, quite unfortunately, that we can't hide who we are on the internet simply because that's not what we want from the internet. We WANT to be ourselves.
Best of luck in the future - I mean it!