If no walkers showed up, I would have given him the water, pumped him for information, then done to him what I did to Sam before Pete and Nick realize he is alive.
Well not really. But I wish I had the balls to do something like that. More than likely I would actually have just called Pete and Nick over, then they would have more than likely shot him after taking him back to the Cabin.
I have the scavenger water to get her to tell me what happened with Christa. Afterwards it would be fine by me to just take a knife and you know..... her
It better not be. I am so certain it is Kenny (I loved that character and how he developed throughout the season) that I will probably go into shock if it isn't him. I just want Clementine to have someone with her who considers her to be family. Basically, I just want hugs for Clementine. There ain't been enough hugs in this game since Lee died god dammit.
Its no use Reasoning with Antisocial opinionated assholes like yourself
But no your obviously the winner in this arguement
Im sure youll… more be a great replacement for [Insert Hardcore Conservative Here] once they die and youve moved on from pony hating to gay bashing
IM almost certain that your only saying that to seem like less of an asshole and to make it seem like you are the good guy here
Someone who can't handle an online community of people who watch a show made for a different intended audience Couldn't possibly be tolerant towards Gay people
BTW The G that appears on the TV when the show comes on stands for (listen closely this is important) GENERAL AUDIENCES
Meaning that its intended for a broad range of people
No. Like i said i have no problem with gay people . Their "target" audience are children not adult males. Even if its general audience ,brony faggots make it seem like watching that shitty show is best thing ever.
IM almost certain that your only saying that to seem like less of an asshole and to make it seem like you are the good guy here
Someone who… more can't handle an online community of people who watch a show made for a different intended audience Couldn't possibly be tolerant towards Gay people
BTW The G that appears on the TV when the show comes on stands for (listen closely this is important) GENERAL AUDIENCES
Meaning that its intended for a broad range of people
No. Like i said i have no problem with gay people . Their "target" audience are children not adult males. Even if its general audience ,brony faggots make it seem like watching that shitty show is best thing ever.
No. Like i said i have no problem with gay people . Their "target" audience are children not adult males. Even if its general audience ,brony faggots make it seem like watching that shitty show is best thing ever.
No. Like i said i have no problem with gay people . Their "target" audience are children not adult males. Even if its general audience ,brony faggots make it seem like watching that shitty show is best thing ever.
Note that im not even a brony and Ive stated that at least once
Also yah I saw that original post
You bet your ass that would have gotte… moren reported
Telling me to go kill myself because I don't like Bigots
Im done with your "Brownies r gay ass fagets" rants
Note that im not even a brony and Ive stated that at least once
Also yah I saw that original post
You bet your ass that would have gotte… moren reported
Telling me to go kill myself because I don't like Bigots
Im done with your "Brownies r gay ass fagets" rants
Can't be Carver because Clementine knows whoever this person may be. My money is on Lilly, simply because if it were Kenny I believe Clementin… moree would have been happier to see him (after all, Kenny and Lee were close which must have affected Clem's relationship with him as well).
I believe that it's Kenny as well, and since I've posted my reasons for why elsewhere, it would be ridiculous to post all of that here again(because it is quite a lot), so if anyone really care's then here's a link:
I don't think so. He looked like he was having trouble breathing and couldn't stand up and was riddled with bullets. If he miraculously gets better and appears in episode 2 fully fine I will be calling massive bullshit. Also zombies were pouring out of the woods and probably started eating the bodies, that dude is totally dead.
I think people are latching on to him purely because the Stranger appeared out of nowhere back in season 1 and was related to what seemed to be an unrelated choice. That is not something you can do twice and expect it to have the same emotional impact, doing twists like that multiple times is a sign of sloppy writing which is why I don't think it's him.
I think it's Lily, giving her more time for redemption.
I'm still a Kenny fan through and through, and i definitely believe he's alive, but I believe it will be at the most dramatic & unexpected time that he returns.
@jillValentine wrote:
Here are the possibilities who Clem thought was dead:
*Pete/Nick because maybe they did not survive and ended up surviving somehow
*Michelle maybe she ended up surviving the gun shot. Maybe Krista interrogated Michelle about her group's where abouts and let her go
*Krista because maybe Clem thought she was dead. Also the bandit by the river had Clem's backpack which means she might be with Carvers group
*Lee as a zombie slave like Michonne in the show uses to keep zombies from her
*Kenny because Krista probably told Clem Lee told them Kenny was dead.
*Kajaa because we never even see a bullet shot in her. All we see is a gun and blood next to her. Maybe she did shoot herself and was unconscious for a while making them think she was dead. They never even gave her or duck a proper burial they just left them there. She probably got back up and ran into the woods and found Carver's group
*Maybe it's one of the bodies you investigate by the river she thought was dead. Like the Roman looking guy
*Or maybe it's Campman's son. Campman told Clem about his missing son and probably showed her a photo and thought he was dead. Campman's son was probably the one who was looking at Lee bury the kid. That's why we couldn't see his face because he's a mystery character we will meet in season two
*I would like it to be Carly but she died . I would be happy if it is her though she's pretty badass
I'm 100% sure it's Michelle who Clem thought was dead. She was there when Michelle got killed so there's a chance it might be Michelle. Krista let her go after questioning Michelle about her group. Krista found her group which is Carvers and told the bandit by the river to look for Clem. That's why he had her backpack. Krista made a deal with the bandits to save Clem.
Wasn't Luke with Carlos and Alvin? I haven't seen the preview in a while.
BTW I hope you aren't right... I mean, good for you and all for guessing, but if you are, that just seems really disappointing for it to be Luke. Kinda pointless, actually, building up all that intensity then having it be Luke.
Stranger's son is stupid, zombified Lee doesn't make any fucking sense and he wouldn't even be there, Michelle doesn't make any sense, Clem think s Christa is alive, Pete will die before the scenario occurs if you saved him, because he was bitten, the bodies by the river were all deceased. It's Kenny, or it's someone we don't know yet.
Lol relax friend I know it's stupid but just thoughts stupid thoughts. Who knows TT games likes screwing with the fans so any thing is possible. Shoot they might even have it be Duck if they wanted to lol.
Stranger's son is stupid, zombified Lee doesn't make any fucking sense and he wouldn't even be there, Michelle doesn't make any sense, Clem th… moreink s Christa is alive, Pete will die before the scenario occurs if you saved him, because he was bitten, the bodies by the river were all deceased. It's Kenny, or it's someone we don't know yet.
And Katjaa.
Like, seriously?
Lol relax friend I know it's stupid but just thoughts stupid thoughts. Who knows TT games likes screwing with the fans so any thing is possible. Shoot they might even have it be Duck if they wanted to lol.
Sooooooo then what was the point of that video?
To poke fun at yourself........?
If no walkers showed up, I would have given him the water, pumped him for information, then done to him what I did to Sam before Pete and Nick realize he is alive.
Well not really. But I wish I had the balls to do something like that. More than likely I would actually have just called Pete and Nick over, then they would have more than likely shot him after taking him back to the Cabin.
No it's not. You are basically riding pony dick , that's what you are saying.
Old news but I found this.That boss is doing some good work
Make fun of autistic brony retards like yourself.
It better not be. I am so certain it is Kenny (I loved that character and how he developed throughout the season) that I will probably go into shock if it isn't him. I just want Clementine to have someone with her who considers her to be family. Basically, I just want hugs for Clementine. There ain't been enough hugs in this game since Lee died god dammit.
Its no use Reasoning with Antisocial opinionated assholes like yourself
But no your obviously the winner in this arguement
Im sure youll be a great replacement for [Insert Hardcore Conservative Here] once they die and youve moved on from pony hating to gay bashing
You know the Sheriff dawg. The Sheriff watchin. Chu think?
I have no problem with gay people actually , my real problem is you and rest of mlp idiots
Does he watch everything ?
IM almost certain that your only saying that to seem like less of an asshole and to make it seem like you are the good guy here
Someone who can't handle an online community of people who watch a show made for a different intended audience Couldn't possibly be tolerant towards Gay people
BTW The G that appears on the TV when the show comes on stands for (listen closely this is important) GENERAL AUDIENCES
Meaning that its intended for a broad range of people
The Sheriff knows yo. He or she knows
No. Like i said i have no problem with gay people . Their "target" audience are children not adult males. Even if its general audience ,brony faggots make it seem like watching that shitty show is best thing ever.
Dawg you must stay cool yo. Don't attract the Sheriff
Im done with dealing with people who don't understand subjectivity
I even gave you a link to the definition but you obviously haven't read it and just state your opinion as fact
Also "yah fuck the definition of General audience it doesn't count for bronies cuz I don't like them"
Are you a friend or a troll? Identify yourself
Whatever dude. I got tired of you and your "poniez iz da best xD" rants.
The Sheriff is neutral yo. Bronies ain't the enemy. We good homie
Note that im not even a brony and Ive stated that at least once
Also yah I saw that original post
You bet your ass that would have gotten reported
Telling me to go kill myself because I don't like Bigots
Im done with your "Brownies r gay ass fagets" rants
Yeah that was waay rude and i edited that out .
Literally just scrolled my finger off getting past this argument. Break it up everyone.
I just did.
My pony thread got taken down immediately
Yes it's him. I've found proof.
As far as I know, Lilly has yet to be confirmed unlike Kenny. Clem also, for the 400th time, HAS NO REASON TO BELIEVE SHE IS DEAD!!!!!!!!
I believe that it's Kenny as well, and since I've posted my reasons for why elsewhere, it would be ridiculous to post all of that here again(because it is quite a lot), so if anyone really care's then here's a link:
I don't think so. He looked like he was having trouble breathing and couldn't stand up and was riddled with bullets. If he miraculously gets better and appears in episode 2 fully fine I will be calling massive bullshit. Also zombies were pouring out of the woods and probably started eating the bodies, that dude is totally dead.
I think people are latching on to him purely because the Stranger appeared out of nowhere back in season 1 and was related to what seemed to be an unrelated choice. That is not something you can do twice and expect it to have the same emotional impact, doing twists like that multiple times is a sign of sloppy writing which is why I don't think it's him.
Wow kenny got buff as hell
I think it's Lily, giving her more time for redemption.
I'm still a Kenny fan through and through, and i definitely believe he's alive, but I believe it will be at the most dramatic & unexpected time that he returns.
I HOPE it's Lilly. Or maybe Christa.
Still think that Kenny's reviving would totally chliche, we already saw in "The lord of the rings" with Gendalf.
@vivec You have any problem with me? You think that I have no right to Express mine opinion, or what?
Flashback scene - it's an old cliche trick, which is typically used if screen writers are too lazy to do more interesting explanation
Wasn't Luke with Carlos and Alvin? I haven't seen the preview in a while.
BTW I hope you aren't right... I mean, good for you and all for guessing, but if you are, that just seems really disappointing for it to be Luke. Kinda pointless, actually, building up all that intensity then having it be Luke.
Lol my mistake it's not Luke I just rewatched the trailer haha.

Everyone but Luke, Zombie Lee, And Katjaa make sense
Yea lol I just noticed hehe
. I didn't watch the trailer befor making this thread I'll change it up a bit
Stranger's son is stupid, zombified Lee doesn't make any fucking sense and he wouldn't even be there, Michelle doesn't make any sense, Clem think s Christa is alive, Pete will die before the scenario occurs if you saved him, because he was bitten, the bodies by the river were all deceased. It's Kenny, or it's someone we don't know yet.
And Katjaa.
Like, seriously?
Lol relax friend I know it's stupid but just thoughts stupid thoughts. Who knows TT games likes screwing with the fans so any thing is possible. Shoot they might even have it be Duck if they wanted to lol.
I'd literally stop playing if it was that stupid. They won't have it be that, ever.