Hey!! Dont fret, because its the 5th of January, and Telltale specifically stated that their next update on TWAU would be in EARLY January. Woohoo!! i hope they offer discounted season pass to compensate for this wait......
I bet the update will be: "Here is two pictures of the game, wait a month and we will have another update". :P
I really don't want to sound like a douche but this silence is driving me insane.
A reason why Telltale didn't release it in December could have been because of Twd 2. I understand how a company wouldn't want to release two games at the same time. However, I still think Telltale should give us more updates.
With all due respect. I'm curious Puzzlebox, if it's delayed to a glitch, or some software. Why not just say that. If you did, we would openly… more embrace that and wait with paitence. A month ago, you said you were in polishing stage. Is there anyway we can get any details, so we're not constantly expecting it to be released soon.
Just a tiny, tiny drop of information of state of game, is all we need.
Hi guys! Telltale community person here, just catching up after the holiday period.
Please be assured that the team is hard at work on Epis… moreode 2 of The Wolf Among Us (devs were working through the holidays!), and we'll have further news as it becomes available. We know you're waiting eagerly, and really appreciate your patience as we work to get the next chapter to you!
Isn't what where doing now feedback. This seems to be more of a fan community than developer to fan community. There not communicating with us (much) but perhaps they do listen.
It isn't the word 'soon' that people hate on so much as the context in which the word 'soon' is used. 'Soon' is used as a way of interacting with the community in a way which is pretty much void of any actual content, offering no actual details and leaving everyone in the dark. It's generic PR stuff which comes across as more dismissive than comforting. I mean, with all due respect, in your post above you told us:
1) The team is working hard on Episode 2
2) Developers were working through the holidays
3) There is no further news
The first one isn't news; it's what people are probably expecting, and certainly no game developer is about to announce 'Sorry, guys, our developers are slacking off big time.' The second is kinda news, and I appreciate the dedication, but it still feels largely like filler interaction.
What people are asking for is honesty and substantial interaction. The second episode has either been delayed or Telltale has a much longer development schedule now for episodes. We assume the first, but we the customers don't know because Telltale isn't saying anything beyond the generic 'soon' and synonyms for it. After having been told the next update will be in early january, we're now moving on to January 6th without so much as a word beyond the generic info you just gave us.
Not blaming you for the situation, as I would expect you're operating under constraints as to what you can and can't say. But whoever over at Telltale has decided that the best way to treat your customers and soothe ill feelings from an obvious delay is to act like nothing is wrong and pretend your customers don't exist between episodes needs a crash course in basic public relations.
They hired George R. R. Martin as their PR guy.
''Episode 2 is on it's way. It's coming, and it'll blow your minds. There's gonna be wieners-a-plenty. That's what you all want isn't it?''
You hit the nail on the head with that one masamune. +1 - Big part of the problem right there.. Not all of it.. As there is also just a lack of professional foresight and forward planning.. Otherwise there wouldn't be a delay, or at least, very minor.. Especially if that one comment I read about when they actually started this is all true.. it was in another topic.. I think the episode info/discussion thread
It isn't the word 'soon' that people hate on so much as the context in which the word 'soon' is used. 'Soon' is used as a way of interacting w… moreith the community in a way which is pretty much void of any actual content, offering no actual details and leaving everyone in the dark. It's generic PR stuff which comes across as more dismissive than comforting. I mean, with all due respect, in your post above you told us:
1) The team is working hard on Episode 2
2) Developers were working through the holidays
3) There is no further news
The first one isn't news; it's what people are probably expecting, and certainly no game developer is about to announce 'Sorry, guys, our developers are slacking off big time.' The second is kinda news, and I appreciate the dedication, but it still feels largely like filler interaction.
What people are asking for is honesty and substantial interaction. The second episode has either been delayed or Telltale … [view original content]
Telltale just doesn't interact with the community like this. It's nothing new, and not really that outrageous.
Telltale doesn't want to give out information without having something 100% solid. Right now, we have information saying that there'll be an announcement sometime after the holidays (which just ended four days ago) and that the next episode will be out during Q1. There's simply nothing else to say that's certain.
If they said they'd have solid information by a certain date and they weren't able to meet that date, people would freak out much more than this. We just have to accept that this is the way that Telltale communicates with their fan base - with long stretches of silence that they only break when they're absolutely certain about something.
And given the rampant cynicism and bitterness evident in this forum, how is that 'don't interact with your community' policy working out for them?
You don't have to give concrete dates if you don't have them. But if your game is delayed, tell everyone 'the game is delayed', at minimum. What, do they think if they don't use the word 'delay' people won't notice how long its been? If anything, not using it leads to dangerous assumptions, such as that 3+ months is what we should expect as a gap for all future episodes.
And if we have to accept without complaint that this is the way Telltale treats their fans, Telltale may in the near future just have to start wondering why they're losing fans.
Telltale just doesn't interact with the community like this. It's nothing new, and not really that outrageous.
Telltale doesn't want to gi… moreve out information without having something 100% solid. Right now, we have information saying that there'll be an announcement sometime after the holidays (which just ended four days ago) and that the next episode will be out during Q1. There's simply nothing else to say that's certain.
If they said they'd have solid information by a certain date and they weren't able to meet that date, people would freak out much more than this. We just have to accept that this is the way that Telltale communicates with their fan base - with long stretches of silence that they only break when they're absolutely certain about something.
Compared to what they'd be getting if they gave out information that was merely expectant rumor and could be subject to pissing off the community? I'm not sure, to be honest. I've never seen them do it.
How is "We'll have it out some time in Q1" not a report of a delay from the original time frame? What is it that you want them to say, exactly? Anyone who's dealt with Telltale knows there are sometimes delays in their episodic releases. It's something to be expected in situations like this. And when there was a delay, they let out information stating the release date in the nearest terms they could manage. When they have more information, I'm sure they'll pass it along.
And idk, is Telltale really losing fans or having their sales drop? I'm sure they've got people who are in charge of telling them if they're seeing drop-offs in sales and whatnot. But they make amazing games, it's worth the wait, and there are plenty of folks who are happy to sign up for a season pass to anything that Telltale releases as long as the games remain high quality. As the word spreads, there are plenty of people who will continue to sign up happily, and the very vocal minority on these forums simply aren't that large of a slice of Telltale's fan base.
And given the rampant cynicism and bitterness evident in this forum, how is that 'don't interact with your community' policy working out for t… morehem?
You don't have to give concrete dates if you don't have them. But if your game is delayed, tell everyone 'the game is delayed', at minimum. What, do they think if they don't use the word 'delay' people won't notice how long its been? If anything, not using it leads to dangerous assumptions, such as that 3+ months is what we should expect as a gap for all future episodes.
And if we have to accept without complaint that this is the way Telltale treats their fans, Telltale may in the near future just have to start wondering why they're losing fans.
It's definitely possible that some folks won't buy the next game, or will buy it later when it's on sale. I just don't see the argument where they're losing people that way faster than they're gaining people by word of mouth because they're developing some of the best stories in video gaming. :P
Compared to what they'd be getting if they gave out information that was merely expectant rumor and could be subject to pissing off the commun… moreity? I'm not sure, to be honest. I've never seen them do it.
How is "We'll have it out some time in Q1" not a report of a delay from the original time frame? What is it that you want them to say, exactly? Anyone who's dealt with Telltale knows there are sometimes delays in their episodic releases. It's something to be expected in situations like this. And when there was a delay, they let out information stating the release date in the nearest terms they could manage. When they have more information, I'm sure they'll pass it along.
And idk, is Telltale really losing fans or having their sales drop? I'm sure they've got people who are in charge of telling them if they're seeing drop-offs in sales and whatnot. But they make amazing games, it's worth the wait, and there are plenty of folks who ar… [view original content]
I wouldn't know whether or not TTG are losing fans faster than they're gaining them, that's a numbers' game. As for the issue of communication, or lack thereof, I think it probably comes down to several factors. The first one (and arguably more important one) relates to how much you've invested in the game. Like I said before, PC gamers were only given the choice to buy all five episodes beforehand. As such, they're keen in seeing their investment bear fruit sooner rather than later. A similar case applies to people who bought the season pass on consoles (although it could be argued they had the better option of just buying the first episode). Another factor is the delivery of the content in the form of episodes what alludes to some form of schedule. Whether it's a TV show or a comic book series episodes tend to follow a tight (known) schedule. In the case of the former it could be argued that the content has already been developed and is simply being released to the public in stages. In the case of TTG, as I understand it, each episode is released to the public as it is developed but with no clear guidelines as to the development time. So, in essence, people have basically pre-ordered a product, for the most part sight unseen, with no known release date. When that happens the trust between consumers and producers becomes of paramount importance and can be easily broken by a lack of communication. Who determines what level of communication is adequate? Arguably the consumers since they're the ones buying your product. They may have even bought it already! How can this issue be resolved? In my opinion, TTG needs to decide whether they want to maintain their season-pass model or not. If the answer's yes, then they need to keep their community (shareholders after a fashion) apprised of the game's development on a regular basis (monthly at least). If not, if they choose a pay-per-episode model, then the degree of accountability diminishes somewhat. Of course, gamers could also simply wait until all episodes are released before buying the actual game. That works too.
It's definitely possible that some folks won't buy the next game, or will buy it later when it's on sale. I just don't see the argumen… moret where they're losing people that way faster than they're gaining people by word of mouth because they're developing some of the best stories in video gaming. :P
They hired George R. R. Martin as their PR guy.
''Episode 2 is on it's way. It's coming, and it'll blow your minds. There's gonna be wieners-a-plenty. That's what you all want isn't it?''
The remaining episodes have not been cancelled. Telltale's PR person @puzzlebox already stated just four days ago in this thread that Telltale have been hard at work on episode two throughout the holiday season, and that they are still working on it now.
@puzzlebox wrote:
Please be assured that the team is hard at work on Episode 2 of The Wolf Among Us (devs were working through the holidays!), and we'll have further news as it becomes available. We know you're waiting eagerly, and really appreciate your patience as we work to get the next chapter to you!
I do agree that it would be neat to get more information about the delay but come on guys, give these developers some space and stop complaining about every little inconvenience. They are doing a fantastic job and they are not being paid to ease your impatience but to produce a great product.
I also can't wait until they finally release the game but most of you guys sound like whiny, spoiled brats who need to be hold by Telltales hand -.-'.
I do agree that it would be neat to get more information about the delay but come on guys, give these developers some space and stop complaini… moreng about every little inconvenience. They are doing a fantastic job and they are not being paid to ease your impatience but to produce a great product.
I also can't wait until they finally release the game but most of you guys sound like whiny, spoiled brats who need to be hold by Telltales hand -.-'.
Be patient, guys
I do agree that it would be neat to get more information about the delay but come on guys, give these developers some space and stop complaini… moreng about every little inconvenience. They are doing a fantastic job and they are not being paid to ease your impatience but to produce a great product.
I also can't wait until they finally release the game but most of you guys sound like whiny, spoiled brats who need to be hold by Telltales hand -.-'.
Be patient, guys
Like asked earlier, is a PR person going to say that the team has been slacking off over the holidays? TTG must believe the old axiom that silence is golden. When was it stated that Episode 2 was in the polishing stages? I appreciate the stress that PB must feel in not giving any info but what I don't understand is WHY she must feel that way. In what way is it good for anyone to not give some form of update unless it's an update of bad news? Do you believe that the people who bought this 3 months ago not have a valid complaint in wanting a little more firm info than the ever-present "soon"? Soon was a month ago. This is becoming glacial.
Please don't construe anything here as any attack on you or anyone else. I just don't why they choose to keep everyone in the dark for so long? Do they feel that the supposed update from a week back with 2 screenshots was adequate to quell the frustration? As of this point, I have no faith that TTG is hard at work at anything other than storyboarding their new projects and milking TWD more than it already has been.
The remaining episodes have not been cancelled. Telltale's PR person @puzzlebox already stated just four days ago in this thread that Telltal… moree have been hard at work on episode two throughout the holiday season, and that they are still working on it now.
@puzzlebox wrote:
Please be assured that the team is hard at work on Episode 2 of The Wolf Among Us (devs were working through the holidays!), and we'll have further news as it becomes available. We know you're waiting eagerly, and really appreciate your patience as we work to get the next chapter to you!
I do agree that it would be neat to get more information about the delay but come on guys, give these developers some space and stop complaini… moreng about every little inconvenience. They are doing a fantastic job and they are not being paid to ease your impatience but to produce a great product.
I also can't wait until they finally release the game but most of you guys sound like whiny, spoiled brats who need to be hold by Telltales hand -.-'.
Be patient, guys
It is returning in February. Everyone can calm down now.
While I do agree it has been quite a long time since the last episode and it would be nice to have more updates, I trust Telltale to deliver. They haven't let me down yet with quality and right now they've got a lot of projects going on - perhaps more time was needed. Maybe they need to learn to interact with their fans more, but we as so called "fans" should try to trust them. Hope this episode turns out to be worth this long wait!
we're downvoting you because you came off snotty with your reply.... the OP isn't being a troll or in any way saying anything that isn't a legitimate concern. If a company promises one thing, but doesn't deliver on said promise and then gives no reason as to why we'd all be upset. It doesn't make any difference that it's a videogame.
It's fine. The down-votes mean they took the time to read it and disagreed, which I'm fine with. I just wanted to throw my point across. Hopefully, even if they disagreed with me; they'll calm down with the complaining.
Now that the games release info has been disclosed I could truly care less why you're down voting me. At least the whining will stop (for the most part). Keep it up.
we're downvoting you because you came off snotty with your reply.... the OP isn't being a troll or in any way saying anything that isn't a leg… moreitimate concern. If a company promises one thing, but doesn't deliver on said promise and then gives no reason as to why we'd all be upset. It doesn't make any difference that it's a videogame.
I bet the update will be: "Here is two pictures of the game, wait a month and we will have another update". :P
I really don't want to sound like a douche but this silence is driving me insane.
No, telltale is better than that. 3 pics
A reason why Telltale didn't release it in December could have been because of Twd 2. I understand how a company wouldn't want to release two games at the same time. However, I still think Telltale should give us more updates.
Four pics, then? :P
5 pics of cats and things we know already and some words if we're lucky.
Naw, 6 pics, another season pass reduction, and a "coming really really soon"
PB ignores request... fusedmass will remember that
Soon = Sometime in the next century
Really Soon = Sometime in the next decade
Really Really Soon = Sometime in the next year.
Thanks for the update about an update puzzle...............................
Is anyone else having a case of Deja Vu? .......
Isn't what where doing now feedback. This seems to be more of a fan community than developer to fan community. There not communicating with us (much) but perhaps they do listen.
It isn't the word 'soon' that people hate on so much as the context in which the word 'soon' is used. 'Soon' is used as a way of interacting with the community in a way which is pretty much void of any actual content, offering no actual details and leaving everyone in the dark. It's generic PR stuff which comes across as more dismissive than comforting. I mean, with all due respect, in your post above you told us:
1) The team is working hard on Episode 2
2) Developers were working through the holidays
3) There is no further news
The first one isn't news; it's what people are probably expecting, and certainly no game developer is about to announce 'Sorry, guys, our developers are slacking off big time.' The second is kinda news, and I appreciate the dedication, but it still feels largely like filler interaction.
What people are asking for is honesty and substantial interaction. The second episode has either been delayed or Telltale has a much longer development schedule now for episodes. We assume the first, but we the customers don't know because Telltale isn't saying anything beyond the generic 'soon' and synonyms for it. After having been told the next update will be in early january, we're now moving on to January 6th without so much as a word beyond the generic info you just gave us.
Not blaming you for the situation, as I would expect you're operating under constraints as to what you can and can't say. But whoever over at Telltale has decided that the best way to treat your customers and soothe ill feelings from an obvious delay is to act like nothing is wrong and pretend your customers don't exist between episodes needs a crash course in basic public relations.
They hired George R. R. Martin as their PR guy.
''Episode 2 is on it's way. It's coming, and it'll blow your minds. There's gonna be wieners-a-plenty. That's what you all want isn't it?''
Haha, awesome South park reference
You hit the nail on the head with that one masamune. +1 - Big part of the problem right there.. Not all of it.. As there is also just a lack of professional foresight and forward planning.. Otherwise there wouldn't be a delay, or at least, very minor.. Especially if that one comment I read about when they actually started this is all true.. it was in another topic.. I think the episode info/discussion thread
Telltale just doesn't interact with the community like this. It's nothing new, and not really that outrageous.
Telltale doesn't want to give out information without having something 100% solid. Right now, we have information saying that there'll be an announcement sometime after the holidays (which just ended four days ago) and that the next episode will be out during Q1. There's simply nothing else to say that's certain.
If they said they'd have solid information by a certain date and they weren't able to meet that date, people would freak out much more than this. We just have to accept that this is the way that Telltale communicates with their fan base - with long stretches of silence that they only break when they're absolutely certain about something.
And given the rampant cynicism and bitterness evident in this forum, how is that 'don't interact with your community' policy working out for them?
You don't have to give concrete dates if you don't have them. But if your game is delayed, tell everyone 'the game is delayed', at minimum. What, do they think if they don't use the word 'delay' people won't notice how long its been? If anything, not using it leads to dangerous assumptions, such as that 3+ months is what we should expect as a gap for all future episodes.
And if we have to accept without complaint that this is the way Telltale treats their fans, Telltale may in the near future just have to start wondering why they're losing fans.
Compared to what they'd be getting if they gave out information that was merely expectant rumor and could be subject to pissing off the community? I'm not sure, to be honest. I've never seen them do it.
How is "We'll have it out some time in Q1" not a report of a delay from the original time frame? What is it that you want them to say, exactly? Anyone who's dealt with Telltale knows there are sometimes delays in their episodic releases. It's something to be expected in situations like this. And when there was a delay, they let out information stating the release date in the nearest terms they could manage. When they have more information, I'm sure they'll pass it along.
And idk, is Telltale really losing fans or having their sales drop? I'm sure they've got people who are in charge of telling them if they're seeing drop-offs in sales and whatnot. But they make amazing games, it's worth the wait, and there are plenty of folks who are happy to sign up for a season pass to anything that Telltale releases as long as the games remain high quality. As the word spreads, there are plenty of people who will continue to sign up happily, and the very vocal minority on these forums simply aren't that large of a slice of Telltale's fan base.
It's definitely possible that some folks won't buy the next game, or will buy it later when it's on sale. I just don't see the argument where they're losing people that way faster than they're gaining people by word of mouth because they're developing some of the best stories in video gaming. :P
Well, since they've already charged PC gamers beforehand for all five episodes it's not like they're going to lose those sales. XD
I wouldn't know whether or not TTG are losing fans faster than they're gaining them, that's a numbers' game. As for the issue of communication, or lack thereof, I think it probably comes down to several factors. The first one (and arguably more important one) relates to how much you've invested in the game. Like I said before, PC gamers were only given the choice to buy all five episodes beforehand. As such, they're keen in seeing their investment bear fruit sooner rather than later. A similar case applies to people who bought the season pass on consoles (although it could be argued they had the better option of just buying the first episode). Another factor is the delivery of the content in the form of episodes what alludes to some form of schedule. Whether it's a TV show or a comic book series episodes tend to follow a tight (known) schedule. In the case of the former it could be argued that the content has already been developed and is simply being released to the public in stages. In the case of TTG, as I understand it, each episode is released to the public as it is developed but with no clear guidelines as to the development time. So, in essence, people have basically pre-ordered a product, for the most part sight unseen, with no known release date. When that happens the trust between consumers and producers becomes of paramount importance and can be easily broken by a lack of communication. Who determines what level of communication is adequate? Arguably the consumers since they're the ones buying your product. They may have even bought it already! How can this issue be resolved? In my opinion, TTG needs to decide whether they want to maintain their season-pass model or not. If the answer's yes, then they need to keep their community (shareholders after a fashion) apprised of the game's development on a regular basis (monthly at least). If not, if they choose a pay-per-episode model, then the degree of accountability diminishes somewhat. Of course, gamers could also simply wait until all episodes are released before buying the actual game. That works too.
Shut up and get working on Winds of Winter! -Everyone.
Isnt it funny how the first Episode is called faith? A lot of people have lost their faith in telltale. ^^
It's a bit ironical, but it'd be even more ironical if it'd been called "Trust."
The last thing they can do to not lose my faith is to release the game this friday or next week. Without telling us - Like a punch in the face!
Would that be enough, I wonder?
I think TTG are going to cancel the remaining games. Just my feeling based on this radio silence and reports of poor sales.
The remaining episodes have not been cancelled. Telltale's PR person @puzzlebox already stated just four days ago in this thread that Telltale have been hard at work on episode two throughout the holiday season, and that they are still working on it now.
"Reports of poor sales"?
I do agree that it would be neat to get more information about the delay but come on guys, give these developers some space and stop complaining about every little inconvenience. They are doing a fantastic job and they are not being paid to ease your impatience but to produce a great product.
I also can't wait until they finally release the game but most of you guys sound like whiny, spoiled brats who need to be hold by Telltales hand -.-'.
Be patient, guys
I might agree about the "whiny, spoiled brats" part if not for the fact that some (if not most) people have already paid for the game.
Stop whining about the whiners then
Whoooyeah, let me see THAT kotaku article.
Like asked earlier, is a PR person going to say that the team has been slacking off over the holidays? TTG must believe the old axiom that silence is golden. When was it stated that Episode 2 was in the polishing stages? I appreciate the stress that PB must feel in not giving any info but what I don't understand is WHY she must feel that way. In what way is it good for anyone to not give some form of update unless it's an update of bad news? Do you believe that the people who bought this 3 months ago not have a valid complaint in wanting a little more firm info than the ever-present "soon"? Soon was a month ago. This is becoming glacial.
Please don't construe anything here as any attack on you or anyone else. I just don't why they choose to keep everyone in the dark for so long? Do they feel that the supposed update from a week back with 2 screenshots was adequate to quell the frustration? As of this point, I have no faith that TTG is hard at work at anything other than storyboarding their new projects and milking TWD more than it already has been.
Bump since I feel that the more threads towards the top, the more likely some response will be given.
LUL Kotaku......
Hey look, news:
It is returning in February. Everyone can calm down now.
While I do agree it has been quite a long time since the last episode and it would be nice to have more updates, I trust Telltale to deliver. They haven't let me down yet with quality and right now they've got a lot of projects going on - perhaps more time was needed. Maybe they need to learn to interact with their fans more, but we as so called "fans" should try to trust them. Hope this episode turns out to be worth this long wait!
we're downvoting you because you came off snotty with your reply.... the OP isn't being a troll or in any way saying anything that isn't a legitimate concern. If a company promises one thing, but doesn't deliver on said promise and then gives no reason as to why we'd all be upset. It doesn't make any difference that it's a videogame.
Now that the games release info has been disclosed I could truly care less why you're down voting me. At least the whining will stop (for the most part). Keep it up.