Looky what I made!



  • edited August 2008
    Is that a real tie, or a chunk o' felt?
  • edited August 2008
    ladognome wrote: »
    The tie's out of foam
    There ya go.
  • edited August 2008
    Your Max doll looks adorable. He's just perfect to carry around. "Don't get too close, he might bite!" ^_____^

    But I have to be frank about your costume: it scares me. A lot. ^^;
  • edited August 2008
    I'm going to dress up as the Scout from Team Fortress 2. I already have everything except the bat!
  • Breakman wrote: »
    Your Max doll looks adorable. He's just perfect to carry around. "Don't get too close, he might bite!" ^_____^

    But I have to be frank about your costume: it scares me. A lot. ^^;
    I know... I can't tell which'll bite me first.. the adorable Max, or the were-wolf-like Sam... >_>

    Still, great Costume! Scare the Children! and the Prismatoligists!
  • edited August 2008
    hahaha thanks (i guess)! but isn't that the point of Halloween? to scare people?
    Snocat wrote: »
    Lol i love Salm n' Nax
    haha wow...

    Breakman wrote: »
    Your Max doll looks adorable. He's just perfect to carry around. "Don't get too close, he might bite!" ^_____^
    yeah he is. he's about 2' big. i guess the sam-max height proportion isn't exact, but that's okay (given that i'm about 5'7"). i'm not that much of a perfectionist.
  • edited August 2008
    who has that kind of attention span, anyway?
  • edited August 2008
    ladognome wrote: »
    yeah he is. he's about 2' big. i guess the sam-max height proportion isn't exact, but that's okay (given that i'm about 5'7"). i'm not that much of a perfectionist.

    The cartoon says Max is 3' while I think I read somewhere he's 4. Nevertheless, since you are going to be carrying him around, he should be proportional to your height. So 2' sounds about right.

    Off topic, we are about the same height. I'm a 5'2. XP

    Your plush and Sybil Pandemik's inspired me to create my own. He's nearly done. I can't wait to show you guys what atrociously I created. ^^;
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2008
    Maybe he's 4' when ears are included?
  • edited August 2008
    Since everyone's sharing their Max plushes:
    Excuse the crappiness of the pic, as my cellphone cam blows. ^^; But a friend of mine made him for me, since I lack the sewing skills. :)
  • edited August 2008
    This thread is filled with approximately 5 gallons of win.

    If this thread was an OS, it would be WINdows.
    If it were an actor, it would be Henry WINkler.
    If it were a large vehicle for camping and cross country traveling, it would be a WINnebago.
    If it were a season, it would be WINter.
    If it were a rifle, it would be a WINchester.
  • edited August 2008
    ShaggE wrote: »
    If this thread was an OS, it would be WINdows.
    If it were an actor, it would be Henry WINkler.
    If it were a large vehicle for camping and cross country traveling, it would be a WINnebago.
    If it were a season, it would be WINter.
    If it were a rifle, it would be a WINchester.

    How long have you been waiting to use this? :D
  • edited August 2008
    oh...wow....that is so awesome, i'm gonna improve my lame sewing skills and make a Max!
  • edited August 2008
    I'll try, and probably end up with such an atrocity that you'd expect to see it in a low-to-no budget horror film, taped in Ed Wood's backyard.
  • edited August 2008
    I have connections.... I WILL GET A MAX PLUSH TOY!

    P.S. TTG- you should make max plush toys! i would definatly buy one!:D:D:):)
  • edited August 2008
    How long have you been waiting to use this? :D

    Way, way too long. :P
  • edited August 2008
    Breakman wrote: »
    Your plush and Sybil Pandemik's inspired me to create my own. He's nearly done. I can't wait to show you guys what atrociously I created. ^^;
    awesome!! can't wait to see it!!
    Jake wrote: »
    Maybe he's 4' when ears are included?
    no. his ears make him 2'.
    Since everyone's sharing their Max plushes:
    Excuse the crappiness of the pic, as my cellphone cam blows. ^^; But a friend of mine made him for me, since I lack the sewing skills. :)
    whoa! that is awesome! you have a great friend there...
    splash1 wrote: »
    oh...wow....that is so awesome, i'm gonna improve my lame sewing skills and make a Max!
    you should do it! mine was my first real sewing project. the only other times i've sewn was to like repair things.
  • edited August 2008
    Another freakin email!Another freakin email song!
  • edited August 2008
    THe head looks a little off but other wise, pretty good!
  • edited August 2008
    I want one! Then I can throw little plush Max at everyone and say he's my rabid bunny thing! TTG, now you haves to make costumes, too!
  • edited August 2008
    With season one boxing gloves!
  • edited August 2008
    With season one boxing gloves!

    haha! i should make a boxing glove!!...or buy one.
  • edited August 2008
    Just don't go to the Dicks in Atlantic County New Jersey if your going to buy one. Trust me, it gets pretty weird.
  • edited August 2008
    Just don't go to the Dicks in Atlantic County New Jersey if your going to buy one. Trust me, it gets pretty weird.

    haha okay. thanks for the info.
  • edited August 2008
    I suggest getting it specially made to look exactly like the words on Max-er Jimmy 2-teeth's boxing glove.
  • edited August 2008
    i'm starting to think not to get a boxing glove. I've already made a Vote for Max campaign pin, a badge, and i bought a toy gun at the dollar store. :cool: hehe
  • edited August 2008
    Kashwiggity if I may say.
  • edited August 2008
    Whatever that means! :)
  • edited August 2008
    Now let me add to the Max plush making craze...

    (I have two more photos in my profile album.)

    I drew Max's mouth, eyes, nose, ears, and feet in Adobe Illustrator and printed them on iron-on transfer paper. I kinda like how it came out!

    I'm currently making a larger one. He's about 75% done. He would be nearly 5 feet tall (including his ears).

    I have to say, making a plush isn't cheap...
  • edited August 2008
    ladognome wrote: »
    Whatever that means! :)

    IT MEANS EVERYTHING! When ya can't think of a word to describe something, say kashwiggity! And Max's new smile is just vonderful dahling, VONDERFUL!
  • edited August 2008
    Breakman wrote: »
    Now let me add to the Max plush making craze...

    (I have two more photos in my profile album.)

    I drew Max's mouth, eyes, nose, ears, and feet in Adobe Illustrator and printed them on iron-on transfer paper. I kinda like how it came out!

    I'm currently making a larger one. He's about 75% done. He would be nearly 5 feet tall (including his ears).

    I have to say, making a plush isn't cheap...

    like i mentioned in your profile, this is pure awesomeness.
    the printing idea really worked!

    (and yeah...that's why I haven't had the courage to make a plushy until now! they're so expensive!)

    I can't wait to see the big one though!! are you going with the same iron-on idea?

    IT MEANS EVERYTHING! When ya can't think of a word to describe something, say kashwiggity!
    hey! i have a word like that! it is fun, and much better than cursing! :D
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