If you have to save the life of kenny or luke in game..which one you save first
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Nice me too
A bit early to decide we don't know much about Luke so I guess Kenny.
Kenny, every time.
Yeah, I agree with Domingez. Still too early to decide.
Kenny his able to make tough decisions and stand up for himself and his loved ones and was able to forgive a person who destroyed everything for him(Ben) and died saving his life a true hero always be honest with you no matter if like it or not and was never sneaky save him everytime
ok, prob kenny, but!!!!
what if kenny is now evilish now? what if he is carver or part of his gang?
Kenny Carver
Yes its only one episode
I would really like that to be honest. Can you imagine? Kenny and Clem leading a group of bandits? How awesome would that be?! On topic though, it's still too early to say. But the way things are standing now, Kenny all the way!
This is no contest. Kenny, every time.
Kenny. Luke is quite cool though, so far. Something suspicious about him to me though.
Luke. At this point, Clem owes Luke more than she owes Kenny. But Christa >>>>>> both of them combined.
You're asking me to choose between my two favorite living characters in the walking dead game (excluding Clem).
I'd have to go with Luke. At this point, Clem still needs to repay Luke by saving his life one time, I already did that with Pete.
But still, that would be one hell of a choice.
Depending on how "stable" Kenny will be.If he's normal Kenny from S1,then him of course.
Luke. Kenny had his time in the spotlight
Kenny, I would trust him much more with clem then luke.
I think the wait is making people go crazy coming up with more conspiracy theory's then 9/11 about Kenny. No one even knows if he's alive or dead, exploring his fate don't mean he's alive. It would be cool if he is alive but i think this conspiracy stuff is really getting crazy.
True as that may be, i dont think this thread is about "if" he will return, its more about, assuming he does return, who would you save.
Agreed. Luke stood up for Clem. Christa would obviously take priority over both though. The two of them stuck together for over a year! Plus she cared for Clem since the day they met.
A character we have seen for 5 episodes vs a character we have only seen in one...the choice is obvious. Kenny.
who wouldn't save him, only the jelly haters
I would save kenny in any situation, no matter what happens.
I need to see more of Luke for make a thinked choice.
That would be interesting to see.
The love affair with Kenny is one of the biggest fandom mysteries to me since Talimancers.
Kenny. Clem, Lee and Kenny was together from very beginning, Luke just a nice guy, thats all.
Wow, this question is too hard and tricky.
hes straight up mc triple dog killa from east side yo THUG LIFE
To me, he's one of the most decent characters in the game.
Luke. Dafuq did Kenny even ever do to save Clementine from any danger?
Words can not describe how much I hate that insipid, feted foreskin of Satan. And I'm not talking about Kenny.
Ugh...Y U MAKE ME DO DIS?This is so difficult,you have no idea...I LOVE Kenny,i mean,look at that godly stache!But i am sensing the start of a great friendship with Luke.Plus,Kenny almost left Clem die...Oh,I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!The series just started,are you cereal,you want us to choose already?!It was hard enough choosing Pete or Nick...So,without further ado,i don't know who to choose.
Luke and Pete are the only season 2 characters I like so far. I saved Pete despite his bite, and I'll save Luke too!
He may have only been in 1 episode but he saved Clem where as Kenny pretty much gave up on Clem when he put Ben out of his misery and 'sacrificed' himself which he didn't need to do. He could have put Ben out of his misery and carried on. (For the record I'm neutral to Kenny but all these Kenny topics popping up are getting real old - not saying this is one just saying they don't help his case and I would prefer if he died sacrificing himself to the hoard rather than SOMEHOW making it out alive.)
Hm. Makes me wonder if Tali had a moustache under the helmet.
Any more words needed?