Awesome! Not only is there something new to whine about now that the release date isn't a factor of complaint, but apparently no one needs concrete evidence about this new complaint before we all assume that this in in fact, the truth!
Hooray! Disgruntled whiny gamers that actively search for excuses to complain, unite for the cause!!
(sarcasm end.)
Meanwhile... I have a Wii points card that I went out and bought ahead of time that I hadn't used at all. Kinda convenient. That cards come in packs of 2000, that is.
Meaning that anyone that can afford one card can afford the game plus extra points left over. Since it's set to come out monthly, that also makes each episode pretty affordable from a time standpoint.
I'm pretty sure that everyone whether they are grown people with jobs or kids with allowances get paid either weekly or monthly. If you want something each month, plan to pay for it each month. If you don't want some months, don't buy it.
But in all seriousness, you get what you pay for. I took this into account long ago, and i'm prepared for ANY price it could be.
Therefore, I'm going to get it and enjoy it. If someone doesn't think that the price will equal their enjoyment, then by all means, don't get it. But there's no real cause to actively whine about having to pay a decent amount of money for something. This isn't some flawed socialist nation or third world country, and i'm sure that people who complain about the price can still afford it if they really want it.
Regarding the bonus disc, only people who buy the full season of the PC version through Telltale's store are eligible for the disc. (WiiWare is an all-digital channel and no WiiWare games offer disc options.) This is exact the same deal we've been doing through our store starting with Sam & Max Season One.
Is there a possibility of some kind of limited bonus disc for people who buy the WiiWare versions? Like, it would still have all of the bonus features, but not the games themselves? Maybe it wouldn't have to be free because of the stuff that you would have to go through to prove that somebody owns the whole season, but at least some way for WiiWare buyers to see the commentaries and stuff.
I have to pay a couple extra bucks for the lag-free, WiiConnect24-Usin' console version of Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People! Oh, the humanity!
By the way, just out of curiousity - why isn't the same deal offered for the wii version? I mean - something like pre-order the whole season for 5000 wii points and get the free disc at the end? I wouldn't mind even paying a few extra wii points to get the bonus disc...
Is it some kind of technical difficulty? (like - it's hard for the nintendo store to "remember" you pre-ordered the season and give you each episode when it's out)
I just think the "season subscription" deal was one of the best thing about the Sam&Max episodic model and it's too bad that it isn't translated to the wii.
(The deal is good mainly because of the free disc, but also because there's a certain "guilt period" associated with paying for a game, and I liked the fact that for one day of guilt, I could buy myself a whole year (/few months) of playing guilt free! )
Bah I've given up. I'm going to get the Wii episodes as they come out and grab the PC season later so I can get the bonus disc. I'll justify the purchase somehow, perhaps a christmas gift to myself
i've been an advocate for getting the game on wii (ennui?), but this price model coupled with the bonus disc for PC... yeah.
i'm gonna see how well the game runs on my PC then make a decision based on that. hopefully a lot better than sam and max what with all the lower texture thingamajiggers. i'm thinking i'll go with the PC version now instead and spend the 1000 points sitting in my account on something else.
I have to pay a couple extra bucks for the lag-free, WiiConnect24-Usin' console version of Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People! Oh, the humanity!
I get to pay a couple less bucks for the lag-free PC version. Oh,
My point is, that you would need to have a really old computer to suffer from lag. You'd be surprised at how low the required system specs are for games by TTG. To put it in a Nintendo perspective, I would expect they could have made the game run on an Game Cube at the same quality if they had been trying to create the game for that console.
Do you honestly think the people who made that decision would willingly turn their back on the console the game was designed around, just so they have the opportunity to work hard and make a disc for only certain people that isn't even necessary and is just a bonus for buying all the games in the season? I really do not think so.
Am I the only one who read that with Homestar's voice and accent in my head? especially the "I really do not think so."
My point is, that you would need to have a really old computer to suffer from lag. You'd be surprised at how low the required system specs are for games by TTG. To put it in a Nintendo perspective, I would expect they could have made the game run on an Game Cube at the same quality if they had been trying to create the game for that console.
My computer has a hard time with Sam and Max and it is only 2 years old or less... Sure, single core.
It's basically like a Tandy nowadays, I guess... wait...
>c:\ There... That's more like it. To be taken seriously when talking, you HAVE to have green text... And Blue hair...
Oh, man. I need to cwe kjwheuiffc qjhewiofhuibifd cuiohed quihb3d qid duiqgbrfdbe3rf
>Syntax error!
>Abort? Retry? Fail?
>: fhqwhgads?
>Code Excepted!
>World destruction system activated.
>Good Bye...
>Your Head A Splode!
I don't really care that it costs like $1 more or something, and what telltale could do for the bonus disk is have a code on each game (programmed in) and you input all 5 codes to recieve the disk.
I get to pay a couple less bucks for the lag-free PC version. Oh,
My point is, that you would need to have a really old computer to suffer from lag. You'd be surprised at how low the required system specs are for games by TTG. To put it in a Nintendo perspective, I would expect they could have made the game run on an Game Cube at the same quality if they had been trying to create the game for that console.
You would be surprised. Also, when I said lag, I meant small lag too, Not just "Chop-Chop-Chop-Skipping Lines-Chop Chop Chop."
I think it would be a logistic nightmare to figure out who bought all five episodes on WiiWare. Who knows what sort of system Nintendo has for keeping track of bought games, and as far as I know Nintendo has no physical address for the people buying these games. When you buy the PC version, you are able to tie the games to you and your billing account/address.
The only thing I can see TTG being able to do is offer something extra special for Wii users (whether they bought all 5 games or not) for 500 points (same as shipping for the Wii Disc) at the end of the season. lt would be a Wii exclusive channel that may contain similar stuff to the bonus DVD, but is tailored to the Wii experience.
I think it would be a logistic nightmare to figure out who bought all five episodes on WiiWare. Who knows what sort of system Nintendo has for keeping track of bought games, and as far as I know Nintendo has no physical address for the people buying these games. When you buy the PC version, you are able to tie the games to you and your billing account/address.
The only thing I can see TTG being able to do is offer something extra special for Wii users (whether they bought all 5 games or not) for 500 points (same as shipping for the Wii Disc) at the end of the season. lt would be a Wii exclusive channel that may contain similar stuff to the bonus DVD, but is tailored to the Wii experience.
You would be surprised. Also, when I said lag, I meant small lag too, Not just "Chop-Chop-Chop-Skipping Lines-Chop Chop Chop."
Unless you count some short load times between some areas, I didn't experience any lag in Sam and Max Season 1 and 2 with the graphics set to high and the resolution right up. Not even a small shudder. The core of my system was bought in *Feb. 2006 (*just looked it up. Also it was why i was surprised with the earlier post) With older systems, you could have a lag-free experience by just dropping the resolution down, but I can see you finding fault with this statement.
I think it would be a logistic nightmare to figure out who bought all five episodes on WiiWare. Who knows what sort of system Nintendo has for keeping track of bought games, and as far as I know Nintendo has no physical address for the people buying these games. When you buy the PC version, you are able to tie the games to you and your billing account/address.
The only thing I can see TTG being able to do is offer something extra special for Wii users (whether they bought all 5 games or not) for 500 points (same as shipping for the Wii Disc) at the end of the season. lt would be a Wii exclusive channel that may contain similar stuff to the bonus DVD, but is tailored to the Wii experience.
The wii enables one to pretty easily "give a game" as a gift. I think one very simple solution to this problem would be to let people buy the wii subscription here on the site, using their usual telltale account, and then send them the games using this feature.
I also don't think it's very hard to add an item called "the entire strongbad season 1" on the wii store. The store remembers what items your wii console bought anyway (since you can always redownload something you've already bought) so it can use this information to know that it has to let you download each episode for free as it comes out.
Well it's even more silly for Europe as you can subscribe to the entire season on PC for about a quid (around 2 dollars) more than it would cost to get 2 episodes on wiiware! So, I'll be taking the PC route. Hope it doesn't run slowly on my computer.
The wii enables one to pretty easily "give a game" as a gift. I think one very simple solution to this problem would be to let people buy the wii subscription here on the site, using their usual telltale account, and then send them the games using this feature.
I also don't think it's very hard to add an item called "the entire strongbad season 1" on the wii store. The store remembers what items your wii console bought anyway (since you can always redownload something you've already bought) so it can use this information to know that it has to let you download each episode for free as it comes out.
I don't think Nintendo would be happy about this solution, even if the season cost US$50. This would mean that people would pay TTG to buy the Wii points and gift them the game. This means that in regions that Wii points are more expensive, people would get the game at the cheaper US Wii points price. (I'm assuming you can even gift across different regions.)
I don't think Nintendo would be happy about this solution, even if the season cost US$50. This would mean that people would pay TTG to buy the Wii points and gift them the game. This means that in regions that Wii points are more expensive, people would get the game at the cheaper US Wii points price. (I'm assuming you can even gift across different regions.)
I don't think you can gift accross different regions - which means there would probably have to be a different price for the european and american subscriptions (as there is now anyway).
I also didn't mean that telltale would literally buy the wii points and gift you the game - I meant telltale could come to some arrangement with Nintendo, and the gifting system is just a simple solution because it's an existing infrastructure that allows someone to distribute the game in a way independent of the nintendo shop.
I also didn't mean that telltale would literally buy the wii points and gift you the game - I meant telltale could come to some arrangement with Nintendo, and the gifting system is just a simple solution because it's an existing infrastructure that allows someone to distribute the game in a way independent of the nintendo shop.
In which case the situation would no longer be simple. Nintendo would have to set up a structure for purchases to be made through the Telltale store that would be able to either region control the pricing or allow the Telltale store to accept Wii points.
I'm not saying that they couldn't do it. I'm just saying it would be complex to set up, not simple.
In which case the situation would no longer be simple. Nintendo would have to set up a structure for purchases to be made through the Telltale store that would be able to either region control the pricing or allow the Telltale store to accept Wii points.
Region controlling is easy - just have three buttons on the telltale shop
"buy season1 - NTSC, buy season1 - PAL, buy season1 - JNTSC"
The only thing semi-complex here is that telltale would have to cooperate with nintendo to get the permission and capability to give these specific games as gifts to those who bought them at the shop. The region controlling is built in, since the gifting system is separate for the different regions.
I'm not saying that they couldn't do it. I'm just saying it would be complex to set up, not simple.
I'm not saying it's trivial, but it's definitely not very complex (and I'm sure there are probably easier solutions then the one I suggested). In my opinion it's important enough to be worth the effort, as the deal would've been made much sweeter for many people if there was a season bundle and a bonus disc.
My guess is that the reason telltale didn't give a bundle here was a business decision and not a technical difficulty, but if so, I wonder what were the reasons for this decision.
Region controlling is easy - just have three buttons on the telltale shop
"buy season1 - NTSC, buy season1 - PAL, buy season1 - JNTSC"
The pricing of Wii Points isn't that simple. Look under the heading, "Pricing", here. (I'm sure you can link to a specific heading in Wikipedia but wasn't sure how.)
The pricing of Wii Points isn't that simple. Look under the heading, "Pricing", here. (I'm sure you can link to a specific heading in Wikipedia but wasn't sure how.)
I didn't know that... But all that fancy pricing actually doesn't mean anything, because anyone could buy a wii-points card over the internet, right?
All that region control stuff is really weird. I could never really understand why it exists
The short answer is, to exploit high local market prices. But I won't get deeper into it right now. (Unless you ask. )
I'm actually genuinely interested, so I would like to hear what you know, if you feel like sharing
My guess from what you said is that it allows Nintendo to maximize the profit for each country, so that if, for example, people in france are willing to pay $15 for the Strongbad game, they would rather charge them that much. It sounds logical, but evil! I would doubt telltale would take a part in such a scheme!!
(I still don't get why everyone in europe don't just get imported copies of the wii consoles instead of buying them locally)
The wii enables one to pretty easily "give a game" as a gift. I think one very simple solution to this problem would be to let people buy the wii subscription here on the site, using their usual telltale account, and then send them the games using this feature.
But is there an easy way for them to actually gift these? They would have to type in everyone's Wii codes for each order, then sift through their database of names and codes to find who to gift episodes to each month. I don't think this is as simple as we all wish it could be.
I don't think Nintendo would be happy about this solution, even if the season cost US$50. This would mean that people would pay TTG to buy the Wii points and gift them the game. This means that in regions that Wii points are more expensive, people would get the game at the cheaper US Wii points price. (I'm assuming you can even gift across different regions.)
it doesn't matter who pays who, as long as the money goes through the wii shop channel.
edit: plus the gift system is locked in by country. you can't even give a canadian a gift if you're in the U.S.
Is there a possibility of some kind of limited bonus disc for people who buy the WiiWare versions? Like, it would still have all of the bonus features, but not the games themselves? Maybe it wouldn't have to be free because of the stuff that you would have to go through to prove that somebody owns the whole season, but at least some way for WiiWare buyers to see the commentaries and stuff.
We are in the business of making our fans happy, and this is something I'd personally love to do if we could figure out a way to do it. We can do deals like the free disc deal for our customers and not customers of other channels is that we have access to information we wouldn't otherwise. (Sam & Max cusotmers on GameTap or Steam don't get the free disc - WiiWare is the same kind of thing. It's not our channel, so we can't do all the same stuff.)
By the way, just out of curiousity - why isn't the same deal offered for the wii version? I mean - something like pre-order the whole season for 5000 wii points and get the free disc at the end? I wouldn't mind even paying a few extra wii points to get the bonus disc...
As I mentioned earlier in the thread, WiiWare isn't set up to support subscription pricing or disc-based products. The channel only supports buying a single game at a time, as a download (at the moment, anyway). I don't know the whys behind it, I just know that it's not something we can do. (We don't have any control over this stuff or even any insight into it, really, as it's not our channel... )
Well I'm a Mac and Wii owner and I refuse to boot up Windoz on my Mac Book Pro, so I'll go through WiiWare. I'd rather point with the Wiimote then point with a mouse anyway. Frankly I just hope that Telltale gets more money from the WiiWare version and it doesn't all go to Nintendo (they make enough money as it is).
I know its a long ways off, but should we expect Sam and Max Season 1 on the Wii costing more as well?
Probably the usual cost for console games these days, 50 bucks?
It'd probably be a bit cheaper. Maybe like $35 or $40. There is a precedent for games that have been ported to be cheaper on the Wii (Okami, for example).
If that is the case why not do something like ffcc and have the the main game itself as a channel and have an internal shop to get the rest of the episodes so you can control it. kinda like dlc episodes in a season channel for sbcg4ap but at a season rate
We are in the business of making our fans happy, and this is something I'd personally love to do if we could figure out a way to do it. We can do deals like the free disc deal for our customers and not customers of other channels is that we have access to information we wouldn't otherwise. (Sam & Max cusotmers on GameTap or Steam don't get the free disc - WiiWare is the same kind of thing. It's not our channel, so we can't do all the same stuff.)
Well, at least it's good to know there's a possibility of it. I was just thinking that if there was some small cost, it would be sort of a separate product and wouldn't really matter if somebody bought any of the games or not, which gets rids of the problem of proving ownership.
I know Nintendo keeps track of what games you have bought through VC/WiiWare, and you can register your Wii with an account on and it will show you a list. However, it would probably be not worth the effort to work all the stuff out to get Nintendo to somehow let you see who bought all 5 (if they would even allow it, which is doubtful, since they probably have some kind of confidentiality thingy). But doing more work to give stuff away free isn't usually the best business practice.
Hooray! Disgruntled whiny gamers that actively search for excuses to complain, unite for the cause!!
(sarcasm end.)
Meanwhile... I have a Wii points card that I went out and bought ahead of time that I hadn't used at all. Kinda convenient. That cards come in packs of 2000, that is.
Meaning that anyone that can afford one card can afford the game plus extra points left over. Since it's set to come out monthly, that also makes each episode pretty affordable from a time standpoint.
I'm pretty sure that everyone whether they are grown people with jobs or kids with allowances get paid either weekly or monthly. If you want something each month, plan to pay for it each month. If you don't want some months, don't buy it.
But in all seriousness, you get what you pay for. I took this into account long ago, and i'm prepared for ANY price it could be.
Therefore, I'm going to get it and enjoy it. If someone doesn't think that the price will equal their enjoyment, then by all means, don't get it. But there's no real cause to actively whine about having to pay a decent amount of money for something. This isn't some flawed socialist nation or third world country, and i'm sure that people who complain about the price can still afford it if they really want it.
Is there a possibility of some kind of limited bonus disc for people who buy the WiiWare versions? Like, it would still have all of the bonus features, but not the games themselves? Maybe it wouldn't have to be free because of the stuff that you would have to go through to prove that somebody owns the whole season, but at least some way for WiiWare buyers to see the commentaries and stuff.
Is it some kind of technical difficulty? (like - it's hard for the nintendo store to "remember" you pre-ordered the season and give you each episode when it's out)
I just think the "season subscription" deal was one of the best thing about the Sam&Max episodic model and it's too bad that it isn't translated to the wii.
(The deal is good mainly because of the free disc, but also because there's a certain "guilt period" associated with paying for a game, and I liked the fact that for one day of guilt, I could buy myself a whole year (/few months) of playing guilt free!
Now how about a Strong Bad style case file?
i'm gonna see how well the game runs on my PC then make a decision based on that. hopefully a lot better than sam and max what with all the lower texture thingamajiggers. i'm thinking i'll go with the PC version now instead and spend the 1000 points sitting in my account on something else.
or maybe i'll end up getting both. we'll see.
I get to pay a couple less bucks for the lag-free PC version. Oh,
My point is, that you would need to have a really old computer to suffer from lag. You'd be surprised at how low the required system specs are for games by TTG. To put it in a Nintendo perspective, I would expect they could have made the game run on an Game Cube at the same quality if they had been trying to create the game for that console.
Am I the only one who read that with Homestar's voice and accent in my head? especially the "I really do not think so."
My computer has a hard time with Sam and Max and it is only 2 years old or less... Sure, single core.
It's basically like a Tandy nowadays, I guess... wait...
>c:\ There... That's more like it. To be taken seriously when talking, you HAVE to have green text... And Blue hair...
Oh, man. I need to cwe kjwheuiffc qjhewiofhuibifd cuiohed quihb3d qid duiqgbrfdbe3rf
>Syntax error!
>Abort? Retry? Fail?
>: fhqwhgads?
>Code Excepted!
>World destruction system activated.
>Good Bye...
>Your Head A Splode!
That does surprise me.
Do you run any programs in the background at the same time? (My dad blames SpyBot for is computer running slow.)
Oh yeah, forgot about that. Right now I don't have much on my Wii, so I haven't had to face that problem.
The only thing I can see TTG being able to do is offer something extra special for Wii users (whether they bought all 5 games or not) for 500 points (same as shipping for the Wii Disc) at the end of the season. lt would be a Wii exclusive channel that may contain similar stuff to the bonus DVD, but is tailored to the Wii experience.
uh no
Unless you count some short load times between some areas, I didn't experience any lag in Sam and Max Season 1 and 2 with the graphics set to high and the resolution right up. Not even a small shudder. The core of my system was bought in *Feb. 2006 (*just looked it up. Also it was why i was surprised with the earlier post) With older systems, you could have a lag-free experience by just dropping the resolution down, but I can see you finding fault with this statement.
The wii enables one to pretty easily "give a game" as a gift. I think one very simple solution to this problem would be to let people buy the wii subscription here on the site, using their usual telltale account, and then send them the games using this feature.
I also don't think it's very hard to add an item called "the entire strongbad season 1" on the wii store. The store remembers what items your wii console bought anyway (since you can always redownload something you've already bought) so it can use this information to know that it has to let you download each episode for free as it comes out.
I don't think Nintendo would be happy about this solution, even if the season cost US$50. This would mean that people would pay TTG to buy the Wii points and gift them the game. This means that in regions that Wii points are more expensive, people would get the game at the cheaper US Wii points price. (I'm assuming you can even gift across different regions.)
I don't think you can gift accross different regions - which means there would probably have to be a different price for the european and american subscriptions (as there is now anyway).
I also didn't mean that telltale would literally buy the wii points and gift you the game - I meant telltale could come to some arrangement with Nintendo, and the gifting system is just a simple solution because it's an existing infrastructure that allows someone to distribute the game in a way independent of the nintendo shop.
In which case the situation would no longer be simple. Nintendo would have to set up a structure for purchases to be made through the Telltale store that would be able to either region control the pricing or allow the Telltale store to accept Wii points.
I'm not saying that they couldn't do it. I'm just saying it would be complex to set up, not simple.
Region controlling is easy - just have three buttons on the telltale shop
"buy season1 - NTSC, buy season1 - PAL, buy season1 - JNTSC"
The only thing semi-complex here is that telltale would have to cooperate with nintendo to get the permission and capability to give these specific games as gifts to those who bought them at the shop. The region controlling is built in, since the gifting system is separate for the different regions.
I'm not saying it's trivial, but it's definitely not very complex (and I'm sure there are probably easier solutions then the one I suggested). In my opinion it's important enough to be worth the effort, as the deal would've been made much sweeter for many people if there was a season bundle and a bonus disc.
My guess is that the reason telltale didn't give a bundle here was a business decision and not a technical difficulty, but if so, I wonder what were the reasons for this decision.
I didn't know that... But all that fancy pricing actually doesn't mean anything, because anyone could buy a wii-points card over the internet, right?
All that region control stuff is really weird. I could never really understand why it exists
The short answer is, to exploit high local market prices. But I won't get deeper into it right now. (Unless you ask.
I'm actually genuinely interested, so I would like to hear what you know, if you feel like sharing
My guess from what you said is that it allows Nintendo to maximize the profit for each country, so that if, for example, people in france are willing to pay $15 for the Strongbad game, they would rather charge them that much. It sounds logical, but evil! I would doubt telltale would take a part in such a scheme!!
(I still don't get why everyone in europe don't just get imported copies of the wii consoles instead of buying them locally)
But is there an easy way for them to actually gift these? They would have to type in everyone's Wii codes for each order, then sift through their database of names and codes to find who to gift episodes to each month. I don't think this is as simple as we all wish it could be.
it doesn't matter who pays who, as long as the money goes through the wii shop channel.
edit: plus the gift system is locked in by country. you can't even give a canadian a gift if you're in the U.S.
Grrr. Wrote a long reply, but it failed to post and I lost it all. Is their a character limit to posts in this forum?
I might try again tomorrow, but losing text has put me off replying again now.
We are in the business of making our fans happy, and this is something I'd personally love to do if we could figure out a way to do it. We can do deals like the free disc deal for our customers and not customers of other channels is that we have access to information we wouldn't otherwise. (Sam & Max cusotmers on GameTap or Steam don't get the free disc - WiiWare is the same kind of thing. It's not our channel, so we can't do all the same stuff.)
As I mentioned earlier in the thread, WiiWare isn't set up to support subscription pricing or disc-based products. The channel only supports buying a single game at a time, as a download (at the moment, anyway). I don't know the whys behind it, I just know that it's not something we can do. (We don't have any control over this stuff or even any insight into it, really, as it's not our channel...
I know its a long ways off, but should we expect Sam and Max Season 1 on the Wii costing more as well?
I don't think the price for the Wii version of Sam & Max has been announced. It'll be reasonable though.
Probably the usual cost for console games these days, 50 bucks?
Well, at least it's good to know there's a possibility of it. I was just thinking that if there was some small cost, it would be sort of a separate product and wouldn't really matter if somebody bought any of the games or not, which gets rids of the problem of proving ownership.
I know Nintendo keeps track of what games you have bought through VC/WiiWare, and you can register your Wii with an account on and it will show you a list. However, it would probably be not worth the effort to work all the stuff out to get Nintendo to somehow let you see who bought all 5 (if they would even allow it, which is doubtful, since they probably have some kind of confidentiality thingy). But doing more work to give stuff away free isn't usually the best business practice.