How long would YOU survive?

So.. You are sat at work/home/at a pub or something else and you suddenly find out on tv that the apocalypse is starting. What are your plans, and of course, how long do you think YOU would survive?
My plans; Keeping secret
How long I reckon I would last; Day 3 - Day 116
Not much longer than S1, really. I might be going abit far but what are you're thoughts on how long YOU will last?
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I'd be too busy on my computer to even realize there was an apocalypse.
IF I reach to survive the first weeks,then I'll probably be good for a while. I can survive by myself.
My plans would be to pack a bag full of stuff and try to contact my good friend, or my brother if he isn't available. I'd then just get on the move, staying out of danger. I'm fairly nimble and I'm good at problem solving, so the walkers probably wouldn't get me for a while. I think I'd die from a lack of food or water after about 3-4 weeks, to be honest.
I'd survive the entire ZA like a boss.
That is a question to debate. Many factors come into account, in situations like those. In wars there are people who are very well trained, but one moment of inattention and BAM they are dead, or the circumstances just align like that, and they just lose their life. On the other hand there were people who are trained very little and they survive through the whole war. So I cannot answer this question, except say: We shall see..
I wouldn't leave my house until I had to. I'm pretty good at keeping quiet so I doubt there'd be much attention from zombies. Looters is another story.
Once I had to go out and forage for food, I'd probably be shit out of luck.
I would probably fare pretty well. First of all, I live out in the middle of nowhere. Secondly, I have a house full of guns and ammunition. Third, the land near my house is full of wildlife. Fourth, I have dogs. Fifth, I haven't much of a moral compass, so I assume that, come the apocalypse, I would have no qualms with taking advantage of the rare survivor I might come across.
I don't know to be honest, I think after a few days of killing zombies i'd go completely psycho and probably end up getting killed for some reason. I can't imagine staying sane is an option after killing a lot of undead people, however on the good side majority of my neighbors are old as hell so these bitch ass zombiez aint got a chance in hell.
Probably not long, some dude in a jeep covered in barbed wire would probably mow me down in a couple of day. I don't really want to live in a zombie apocalypse.
Take car go to mums kill Phil sorry Phil grab liz go to the winchester and wait for this all to blow over or something similar to that
42 seconds.
Seriously, though, I don't know. But I'd probably get killed by some asshole, rather than a zombie. Also, I live in New York City, so yeah.........
I like to think I would last a while but.... I mean I have good wilderness survival and medical training, along with a basic knlowldege of guns and knifes. I don't have any firearms or ammo just a bunch of survival knives. I could probably throw a good bug out bag togther fast. I would probably try to get to the forest and stay there. I don't know about groups, if the ZA happens I m going to seriously freak. I would probably end up being like Ben.
I live in a very remote town, not big for tourism and not highly populated. I live very far from any airports and cities, I'd say I would survive long enough to start losing my humanity but it's really hard to say how long anyone will survive. Shit happens.
European plan:
1.Wait until some walkers are in your yard
2. Call police
3. walkers kill the police
4. Kill walkers with crossbow
5. Take the police officers keys, guns and bullet-proof vests
6. Open their car's luggage case
7. Take the machine gun (they got those since 9/11)
8. Go to the next super market and pretend to be a police officer, saying that many food products are polluted with some kind of drug that causes the walkers effects
9. Load lots of stuff into a truck (drinks, soap/teethbrush/toilet paper/etc., canned food/snacks/sweets and other stuff you might need like batteries, books, and whatever)
10. Go home and barricade it
11. Put a sign with the content "Trespassers shot on sight" on
12. Try to wait for a while until things have calmed a little bit
Of course this doesn't work out in most cases, but it's a plan in which you can improvise a lot when things don't go your way.
You're rising up the list of creepy people on this forum.
Why not come back here?
I'd probably be the first one to get bitten.
I would die like a faggot.I would probably be so worked up with my games i wouldn't even notice hell breaking loose outside.I don't fucking watch news after all...But,i dunno.I DO know a lot of things about survival.I know what plants and animals i can eat,how to make a fire,a shelter,where to go.Most people would probably head straight to the nearest Wallmart.I wouldn't head there.That's where stupid people go,and stupid people die.There is not enough protection there,it is too exposed.I would head to a big building,probably with big fences or some shit like that.First,shelter,then,food.But i would be desperate to find a weapon,i kinda suffer some kinda paralysis if i know i'm vulnerable.And i will never,EVER let that be the cause of my demise.Ever.Hell,i would even bring my mom's ladle to protect my bro.But i would probably just go for my dad's hunting rifle,while he goes for the other,my mom for the other and my little bro for the nerf gun.My dad's being a hunter has its perks.Anyway,i dunno how much i would hold on.I am very emotionally susceptible,and i know i would lose my loved ones in the apocalypse.But,i swear to God,if the apocalypse would ever take place,i would die protecting my little brother,for real.He is a little asshole,and sometimes i just wanna kick him,but i love him,and every one from my family(including my parrots OwO),and i as sure as hell ain't gonna leave him all alone if i can help it,even if i'm just 13.I don't know how much i'd last,but i'd make sure it was all worth it,every single day.Profound Phyre strikes again...I would just love to see someone in the replies going all like:"So how much would you last after all?" or "STFU!!!" after my deep moment,tho...That,presuming somebody actually read through all my blabbering.
Wow.I sure did a long-ass comment...
Damn man that's sadistic, terrible and down right wrong ... I love it!
Don't hate me because I'm rural :P
Also, make sure not to mistake morals for emotions. That seems to be a pretty common error.
Anyways, while I wouldn't currently kill someone just for the sake of survival, we all know what the apocalypse does to society. Right now I might be mildly sociopathic, but who is to say that I won't turn into Joel come the apocalypse? Or even David, for that matter (minus the pedophilia).
***I don't like this comment of mine by the way, I did not explain myself properly.
I'm rural too lol.
I haven't made that mistake
Who were Joel and David?
"I would have no qualms with taking advantage of the rare survivor I might come across," basically you would kill (or at least steal from) other survivors for their stuff. A bandit. Bleh.
Yeah the rural thing is a joke that I basically used to explain the first 4 points.
I know you didn't but I was just putting it out there.
Joel and David ~ The Last Of Us. Assumed you would get the reference since we were talking about it yesterday.
I am being realistic in saying that I probably would be a bandit in some capacity. Not the unrealistically evil sort that are shown in The Walking Dead, but a bandit nonetheless. I am not going to claim that I would be kind and gentle to everyone, nor would I expect kindness from anyone. It's a pessimistic point of view, but nothing I have seen from the zombie apocalypse in any medium would lead me to believe that kindness would get me anything but a bullet in the brain. Of course, I would much more readily steal from a survivor than shoot that same survivor.
It's easy to take the moral high ground when not in the situation, but when you factor in the mental trauma that would ensue from something as catastrophic and permanent as a zombie apocalypse, it isn't so simple. Selfish traits are amplified, and all that makes up one's humanity eventually fades. That, or the person dies. People surviving something like 5 years into the apocalypse would be entirely fucked up, assuming they didn't do so in a safe haven. Just look at soldiers that come back from war. Now imagine they had spent 5+ years in a situation that was exponentially worse.
Oh, I didn't even catch the reference to one of my favorite games, I'm so dumb! lol
Also I have no doubt if I lived that long I would be fucked up and have my flaws amplified as you said, only difference is I wouldn't be going into the entire situation thinking I'm going to be the bad guy.
Wait how can a person die like a faggot?
First, I would get a hatchet from my garage. I'd wait for the chaos of the first days die down and lie low in my house. Next, using a kitchen knife, duct tape, and a broom, I'd create a spear to take those walkers out from a minimal distance. I'd say I would last against walkers, but not against an armed person with a gun. We have several rifles in our home but limited ammo, so I would have to conserve ammo and look for some.
Being 'Rural' doesn't give you an excuse to be a terrible person. Also, 'Take advantage of' can mean a lot of fucked up shit, so care to explain so I can decide how much I should hate you?
But yeah also, 'A survivor' could mean anyone. What if you found Clem? Would you try to rob or kill an 10 year old girl in the apocalypse?
Probably until all the zombies rot to actual death and the whole apocalypse subsides, I hope. But if the zombies are like the ones in 28 days later, then I think i'd pretty much die within the half of the first week.
Anyway, i'd be a stealthy mo'fo and use my best judgement. The only people i'll come in contact with are those who aren't gorked enough to kill me on sight. Otherwise, i'm fu*king dead.
Even worse: wouldn't it suck to die in a car accident or cancer, or a heart attack or something, and be the first person to reanimate.
Yeah, until you run out of food and start starving your ass off. lol
I have no clue how long.. I'd hope as long as possible. I think about a zombie apocalypse a lot though haha. TWDG makes me want a zombie apocalypse to happen so bad! lol
@SKIllVA fuckwit
Your first two sentences are judgmental enough to discourage any sort of thought-out response from me. You also seem to misunderstand a lot of what I wrote. Read my latest reply to Viva, I already elaborated on what I said.
Also, Clementine is 11.
Long enough to see myself become the Villain
What I wrote was a bit blunt and illogical, but I was mad when I wrote that, so you have my apologies.
I thought she was almost 11. Anyway, on more thoughtful note, define what you mean by 'take advantage'. I assume you just mean rob them and then dump them somewhere in the woods to die.
Explanation of why got mad:
Maybe my morality is too idealistic, but I generally view someone as a bad person if they say they will choose banditry as a useful and reasonable method of surviving the apocalypse.
Ill explain what I mean by that point a bit more (though you did write some more since then): the way you said it seemed a lot less like this:
'My mind and morals would probably decay, and I would become a bandit-like person out of desperation or necessity for my own survival, robbing people so I can survive.'
and seemed a lot more like 'In an apocalyptic situation I would choose banditry and rob people that need help because it is handy/easy, even if I am not low on supplies, just in case, to ensure my own survival (and fuck over everyone else)'
It's what it seemed to me at the time when I read it, hence why I got mad, so there you go.
Instead of getting mad I probably just should have said:
"It sounds like you are saying you would choose banditry out of convenience,
rather than saying that you would be forced into it by necessity like some people are."
There I will admit I am still somewhat implying something bad about you due to the question, but at least in this question you can answer it and we can have a discussion, and I'm not painting you to look like a total psychopath.
Want to continue the debate as if I had said that instead?
You have a good point, I wrote something explaining my response below. But yes, as Viva said it a lot better than I did, I somehow think it is worrying to go into the situation assuming I would become some kind of villain.
I know it's only logical to believe that it is highly likely to be transformed by that situation, but yeah for some reason it hits my 'get mad' button. It just seems...bad? To me I guess? To go into a hypothetical assuming you would be a bad person.
I don't know why, but there you go, you have my thought process. Now please, JUDGE IT! JUDGE MEEEEEE!
But yeah TL:DR I see what you mean Riadon
Considering how traumatizing a ZA (and losing everything all of a sudden) is, I'd probably just crawl into a ball and die. So... how long does it take to do that?