How long would YOU survive?



  • Such a terrible irony to be using something designed to make it effortless to communicate and yet I would probably look out my window one morning to find a street full of walkers and wonder how long they've been there.

    Hopefully this doesn't happen before I get laser eye surgery, because if it did, I wouldn't last long as a few fights would likely break my glasses, and then I'd be screwed. If it does, however, I think I'd do pretty well considering I have some military training and a good amount of literature on survival, much of which I've practiced over the years. It also helps that I'm in shape, so fending off the dead won't wear me out too quickly, and I can climb very well, so escapes won't be much of an issue as long as there's something to get over.

    Coinsidering the craziness that would ensue in the beginning, it'd be pretty useless to make definitive plans so I'd put more stock in learning how to deal with things immediately rather than assume certain things will happen and just sit back and wait. Of course, there are obvious things like food and water shortages, but where I live, it wouldn't be that bad of a place to survive for a while.

    Interestingly, the last time there was a crisis in the States, a lot of flights were diverted to where I'm from so that just might make a unique graveyard of planes and a hotbed of infection to begin with, but eventually I think once those walkers are culled, things would be manageable afterwards. It also helps to have a sword, according to the TV series.

    Hershel posted: »

    I'd be too busy on my computer to even realize there was an apocalypse.

  • edited February 2014

    Yeah I am just trying to be realistic rather than idealistic, especially given that I have trouble empathizing with people that I haven't acquainted myself with. However, for people I know and care about, I could definitely see myself falling even deeper into the bandit lifestyle because I basically assign a much higher value to them, despite the common belief that all lives are equal in value. If it benefits myself and the few people I care about (not necessarily blood family), I can justify it pretty easily.

    I don't lack morals in the sense that I can just kill someone for no reason and not feel a thing, I am just less moral than most people as a result of my empathy "problem". Most of my posts in this thread were badly worded. I would reword them if it wouldn't make the replies totally confusing. By take advantage, I basically meant steal, yeah. But as I said, this wouldn't be something I would likely do at the start of the apocalypse. Desperation and fear would cause a lot of people to do fucked up things, and I would no doubt be one of them. Those without the luxury of a stable group would have no real choice.

    I would probably be like a Kenny post-Katjaa/Duck that dabbled in banditry. This is assuming I never found a group.

    Qipoi posted: »

    What I wrote was a bit blunt and illogical, but I was mad when I wrote that, so you have my apologies. I thought she was almost 11. Any

  • edited February 2014

    Serious answer: I don't think I would make it further than the outbreak. I have no special survival skills, I know no-one with those skills, I live in a heavily urban area, and something like 90% of humanity is wiped out in the first week, so I'd probably become a statistic.

  • Consider the Dunning-Kruger effect and you'll understand why Riadon thinks he's well prepared, like most of us probably do, too.

    What can happen in these scenarios is pretty abstract to us at the moment, so if anything we'd be more motivated to try and keep things as they were before the apocalypse occurred as opposed to adjusting to it temporarily. And as safe as a gun can make someone feel, it doesn't care whose side you're on, so being kind or opportunistic won't stop someone who only cares about what you have to take from doing just that the easy way.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Oh, I didn't even catch the reference to one of my favorite games, I'm so dumb! lol Also I have no doubt if I lived that long I would be fu

  • I don't think I'd be able to survive my first encounter. If I had to hide, I could 'cause I don't talk very much, but if I was being chased, I wouldn't be able to because I have bad knees, I'm a bit overweight, and I can't run fast. I also need more food than a lot of people (no, I'm not greedy, I just have a larger stomach), so that could very well cause a problem. I don't know how to shoot, either (I'm thinking about learning how to, though). I dunno. Maybe a month max. A day minimum.

  • Likely a couple of days. I'd do the same thing, so you're not alone on that. :(

    Considering how traumatizing a ZA (and losing everything all of a sudden) is, I'd probably just crawl into a ball and die. So... how long does it take to do that?

  • edited February 2014

    I don't necessarily think that I am "well-prepared" in the sense that I consider myself to have a high chance of survival in this theoretical situation. There are several aspects of my life and personality that would translate positively in an apocalyptic situation, but I am not going to pretend that this secures my safety during the event. Removing the aspect of randomness, I think that I would have a better chance of survival in such a situation because all of my five bulletpoints listed in the original response support my survival.

    In the end, something like 95% of the population is going to be dead within a few months. You could be the most prepared person in the world (within reason), and you might die on the first day. Or you could be a Ben and last until the end. It is all luck.

    Katalept posted: »

    Consider the Dunning-Kruger effect and you'll understand why Riadon thinks he's well prepared, like most of us probably do, too. What can h

  • edited February 2014

    I think you mean empathizing (feeling bits of other peoples feelings) instead of emphasizing (deliberately placing value in something, usually a word, EGThis is for EMPHASIS, BITCH!). But yeah on to my actual point.

    In your first comment, it never occurred to me that it might have been the kind of joking, semi-serious self depreciating humor that gets around on this forum for some reason.

    It seems I caught the dumb that day.

    But to your point: Indeed.

    Not to mention the group-minded sort of pressure can cause a lot of banditry type behavior; developing large amounts of empathy for people in your group, and very little for outsiders, is a habit of almost everyone, and is the main motivator of banditry; caring about yourself and your group, prioritizing over strangers. Everyone has been in school, for example, so they know how that example goes. Winston's style of banditry would be very common behavior in the late-game of the Kirkman apocalypse.

    Good talk man, I'm glad you stopped my mad.

    Riadon posted: »

    Yeah I am just trying to be realistic rather than idealistic, especially given that I have trouble empathizing with people that I haven't acqu

  • Yeah I meant empathizing. I think I originally misspelled it and my browser suggested the wrong word. I fixed it.

    Qipoi posted: »

    I think you mean empathizing (feeling bits of other peoples feelings) instead of emphasizing (deliberately placing value in something, usually

  • I'd bite the dust 'soon' after, so ~4 months.

  • Well. I'm overweight, but somehow agile, I can shoot somewhat well, and I have the benefit of living in Mississippi. So I'd probably live for a year. Though I'd probably turn into a complete psychopath by then. But you never know, I reckon.

  • You make a good point with how the zombie apocalypse could change a lot of people, but it wouldn't necessarily turn everyone into Nate from 400 days. Many people would probably have groups which they would trust, and as such they probably probably wouldn't be very mean. Though most people would probably become very untrusting, manipulative or both, at least.

    Riadon posted: »

    Yeah the rural thing is a joke that I basically used to explain the first 4 points. I know you didn't but I was just putting it out there.

  • edited February 2014

    First i would come here and make a new thread called: we wanted twd s2 ep2? There we have it, now seriously, i dunno how long i would last but i would stay home for a few days, i bet everybody would rush to get out of the city so leaving while everybody is trying to do it would be stupid, would call my gf and tell her to do the same, when things settle a little bit i would go get her make a group with my family and her family and friends and we would head to the mountains, its easy to say it though but i would stick to that plan

  • _kosamja__kosamja_ Banned
    edited February 2014


  • I think I would last a while. Considering I don't find it too hard to aim a gun at a target as big as a zombie would probably be, I'm decent at making weapons out of random junk, I can run pretty fast and climb decently, I'm very good at running through a place like a forest or some woods so if I'm around that kind of area I could probably lose most if not all pursuers easily.

    I also know a lot of tricks for survival situations....I've watched a lot of YouTube videos and tv shows about that shit, I like it lol.

  • _kosamja__kosamja_ Banned
    edited February 2014


    I think I would last a while. Considering I don't find it too hard to aim a gun at a target as big as a zombie would probably be, I'm decent

  • Children really? One thing is shooting walkers, but children even if he/she is a walker? Honestly idc about downvotes or if I'm being rude but thats just so freakin sick, i bet you wouldn't say that if your children were those walkers.

  • [removed]

    darky07 posted: »

    Children really? One thing is shooting walkers, but children even if he/she is a walker? Honestly idc about downvotes or if I'm being rude but thats just so freakin sick, i bet you wouldn't say that if your children were those walkers.

  • Keep trolling, gimcrack.

  • edited February 2014

    I know a lot of survival skills, but I don't trust the people in these suburbs to not shoot me now so that'd probably be a problem. Assuming I survive the first week I think I could last quite a while. Can shoot and farm, so I'd be ok in those regards. I'd be more afraid of other survivors than walkers, and I know my friends would be the same way. Assuming I don't run into many strangers I'd be well off, but that's not very likely.

  • If I survived the first few days, I think I could survive a good long while, so long as my family friends survived. They got a lot of guns :3

    Legal, illegal... Makes no difference to them.

  • I'd barricade my house with a high steel cage and that should get me through to the end of the apocalypse.

  • Also, I've seen enough Survivorman to just head to the Sierra Nevadas and be ok.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    If I survived the first few days, I think I could survive a good long while, so long as my family friends survived. They got a lot of guns Legal, illegal... Makes no difference to them.

  • edited February 2014

    Unless I get shot, I wouldn't die, and i'd live in my home abit depressed but physically unbothered, would fill jugs of water up, go to the nearby walmart (This is probably where i'd die) and get as many cup-noodles as possible, aswell as other things, and go back to my home, if my family is still alive, i'd probably try to reach a nearby military base, (This is probably where i'd die) and if they are already dead, i'd be staying right where I am, in my home,

    the good thing about the south in the united states, is zombies wouldn't last long down here with the firepower people have stocked up, every house pretty much has a gun and plenty of ammo, and i'll tell you now, noone native here is going to leave their home behind, zombies or not, some people will leave but the countrymen, hunters, and otherwise aren't stepping a foot out of town except to hunt get food or go even more south, and aren't likely to go bandit unless they absolutely have to, and if people around are still alive and I found them, me and my family wouldn't be leaving town, maybe we'd go even more south, down to louisiana, but thats as far as we'd go, except to maybe get to a military base but as I said, thats not likely, its just not how southerners work.

    If things go to hell down here, we'd stay where home was and sort it out ourselves if the Government didn't, admittedly i've never shot a ACTUAL gun before, but I wouldn't need to, my father is a mechanic so I have plenty of big metal blunt objects laying around, notably crowbars, for walkers i'd use a knife or blunt object, i'm rather weak but I don't need to be strong to crack a skull,

    right now I have issues not going hungry because i've taught my body to survive on so little so I cant even tell when i'm hungry, so food wouldn't be a issue, and I can survive on any one thing for any amount of time because of how well... content I am when it comes to such things, I could eat oatmeal for months or even years if i had to, just would have to prepare it in different ways to freshen it up,

    but I WOULD get tired of it, would just never go hungry if I had it, I don't know anyone around my home but I know people around here aren't dangerous, they have family to look after just like me, and we'd find common ground on that subject, my biggest issue would be my bipolar disorder, but I'm good at controlling it seeing as i've probably had it for my whole life, just undiagnosed, and that is un-medicated too.

    Something else that could be a problem is i'm sort of a moral extremist and a half-pacifist, even if I did want to hurt something/someone, I would only put half my strength into the hit because of how...caring? I am, I suck at boxing/wrestling because of this, which is how I know I do this... I don't know if that would get me killed or not, it might.

    Heh, Zombies walking the streets and i'm worrying about my mood disorder and heart...

    So, pretty much

    "Family dead = Stay"
    "Neighbors alive = Stay"
    "Family alive and neighbors dead = Leave"
    "Family alive and neighbors alive = Stay"
    "Neighbors and Family form group = Leave"
    "Neighbors refuse to leave = Stay"

    I'd wager the majority of southerners who didnt leave town would form a sort of community, rather than any sort of bandit group, i'd think cities and the like, already being very inhospitable, is where bandit groups would come from.

    Small southern/northern country towns are the safest bets for nice groups/communities, thus I elect Christa/Omid as the smartest two characters on the Walking Dead.

  • I started reading it and suddenly Duck's voice took over T_T.

    Interestingly kids tend to adjust to really terrible situations better then adults do as was evidenced in World War II.

    Phyre posted: »

    Wow.I sure did a long-ass comment...

  • As long as it takes to die of thirst. I'd hide in the ceiling hoping that almost everyone gets eaten up quickly.

    Every house where I live has walls, spikes on walls, barb wire is common enough on walls, most properties have 2 dogs, every house has bars on all the windows, all the houses are made from bricks, no attic's and no basements unless it's a bigger building (shopping mall or some such). Already no one trusts anyone else. It's a dry country so water would be the biggest problem.

  • I live near the water, hopefully there will be some boats.

  • edited February 2014

    There's a shop 50m away from where I live , where they have Katanas , Baseball Bats , Hunter Knives and all sorts of melee equipment. That's probably the first place where I'd go when zombies start lurking around. Then I'd probably get on top of my building and wait there for 24hours , see how things evolve. I wouldn't go to a supermarket for food since it's too crowded with zombies , I'd rather loot the apartments nearby. I'd preferably go looting at night , since zombies are less likely to see you , and I have a pretty good "Night Vision" myself. I live in a pretty crowded city , I don't think I'd be staying there for long. Probably head to a suburban area , it's safer there.

  • Well, considering it's real life, I am not such a fucking idiot to get bitten or hurt like the bullshit that happens to characters in the T.V show or comics, I am totally different, not to brag but I would survive all of it.

  • Pretty much this. I mean most of shown Zombies in Media are easy to avoid, if a Brain and the right Behaviour is present. Especially the Ones which doesn't even run. A bigger Problem are those of the Dawn of the Dead Remake. They are after you like there's no tomorrow.

    Web Head posted: »

    Well, considering it's real life, I am not such a fucking idiot to get bitten or hurt like the bullshit that happens to characters in the T.V show or comics, I am totally different, not to brag but I would survive all of it.

  • Man WTF,Duck's voice?XD

    Saemunder posted: »

    I started reading it and suddenly Duck's voice took over T_T. Interestingly kids tend to adjust to really terrible situations better then adults do as was evidenced in World War II.

  • You wouldn't go to a grocery store becuase it'd be too crowded, but you'd make for a weapon shop right away? I think you might have things backwards...
    Seriously, though, having a building rooftop is a great advantage, though it might be an idea to try and get to know your neighbours so that so-operating with each other would be easier.

    And how would you get out of the city with all those blocked roads? Not an easy journey when traffic consists of vehicles, bodies, and walkers.

    HeartLocker posted: »

    There's a shop 50m away from where I live , where they have Katanas , Baseball Bats , Hunter Knives and all sorts of melee equipment. That's p

  • Seeing as I live in the middle of a city of over 20,000,000 people, I'm going to guess two hours tops.

  • edited February 2014

    Frankly I think I'd live for a while, unfortunately that would mean I would see everyone I love die before, making me go insane. Seriously, having no mother my whole life and my Grandma died in my teens and people using me so much, I start to go crazy seeing chaos and despair, and I laugh about it, right now I'm partially insane with all that happened to me.

  • I would survive until i die.

  • edited February 2014

    For real. A lot depends on luck. When and where zombie apocalypse breaks in. If you are caught by suprise everyone would die quickly or when you are sleeping or something. If it breaks while i am awake and at safe place and see what i am dealing with i would survive for a long long time.

  • My plans; If im home i would get down with a lot of food to my garage. I would tell my dad to take his gun ( he has a license and we are both trained in shooting, he can also shoot sniper) I would use my crowbar if shit goes down but we can barricade the living hell out of that place. If my family is still out there i would go get them, even if im die i dont care but my family just gotta live. Im close to water and shops, i would just kind off raid them, take especially the tobacco. And canned food of course. I would look for good people to join our group and just kind off make the city zombie free. Then i would take a area and just kind off build walls with some experienced people, having people on watch all day. Then just kind off let the work world again but then without electricity. Then just build it all again making the area a safe place. I think i will die tough. Not by a zombie, but by a human. I would probally get shot by somebody that gone crazy, or maybe i go crazy. I think i would survive long tough.

    How long I reckon I would last; Day 1- Natural death- Like 1,5/2 years

  • You are the most down-to-earth logical individual in this thread.

    Sarangholic posted: »

    Seeing as I live in the middle of a city of over 20,000,000 people, I'm going to guess two hours tops.

  • edited February 2014

    Just, if you can come the apocalypse, try not to go 'out of your way' to be a sociopath for storytelling purposes, LOL!

    Oh, and its worth mentioning, you can't survive as a human being alone for too long, humans always need company, your dogs would cut it but whos to say they themselves wouldn't die? if you got in such a situation of consistent loneliness your going to need another human being, so finding someone who isn't out to kill you and helping them wouldn't be such a bad idea.

    TBH the Euphoria effect of doing something good is very beneficial to your overall mood.

    And another thing to add in with a edit: If your home is as you give it credit for, you will definitely end up with a 'Roman' situation (400 days) where you either let someone join you, let them go, or kill them, i'd always consider letting them join me unless they are obviously part of a group, a example being, no bags, no supplies, just weapons, they obviously have a group in that case.

    Should they have supplies, bags, and were obviously trying to travel, its safe to assume they are alone and without a group, no ties and danger (Aside from them, themselves) to considering their stay.

    I don't think I could really kill anyone no matter what kind of situation I ever got in, unless it was literally to save someone else, but I attempt to be a moral extremist in everything I do, minus forcing my ways on others which i'm firmly against, but in a roman situation if it came to letting someone go, i'd hold them prisoner for atleast a week or two before doing so, (Assuming I had abundance of supplies) because usually in a week or two, no 'group' is going to still be in the area or a threat, and this kind of situation would seriously be the death of me.

    This may sound...hateful, but as a agnostic saying it, it shouldn't, depending on the religion of said people, that factors into their willingness to do harmful things, if a devout priest of any sort shows up to my group, i'm not going to be scared of him, and would definitely keep him around.

    Riadon posted: »

    Don't hate me because I'm rural :P Also, make sure not to mistake morals for emotions. That seems to be a pretty common error. Anyways,

  • I actually had this discussion the other day with 2 of my buddies...if a zombie outbreak happened...what would we do?

    If I were still living in my home country-Canada-it wouldn't be impossible to survive for a long time, I think. Huge country and not many people. I'd ditch everyone and everything and head for the nearest camp site with my car and hold up there. Lake near by, not TOO far away from a small town/city so making excursions for food wouldn't be much of a thang. Generator for the cold canadian winters....ya...i think I could last months...maybe years.

    But, I currently live in China..where there is someone EVERYWHERE, at EVERY time. Surviving for more than a week seems unlikely...where ciuld I even GO to survive that's at least SOMEWHAT empty-nowhere. I chose to hold up in my home...but supplies would run out...even so, theres a convenience store RIGHT across from my maybe I could get food. I dunno...

    My bud thinks we should raid the police station for guns, steal a car then head for the countryside...i don't think we'd survive even making it to the's a better question! How the HELL would you survive for more than a month living somewhere like China. I have no ideas-none.

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