This Game is Cruel!!!!
Why did Strong Bad have to roid' up the moles!No he possibly made their species die as a side effect from Steroids!!!!:mad: And Strong Bad kicking The Cheat into the dryer is cruel!The Cheat would suffocate in there!And why did Coach Z use that poor turtle as a hurdle??!?!?!?:( You're cruel Telltale, unstable people will respond to this game and do this sort of cruel deeds!I HATE YOU TELLTALE!:mad::mad::mad:
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Dear Animal Lover,
1.Teh C. dosen't exsist.
2. The moles aren't real!
3. Turtle, not real!
4. It's a game, get over it.
5. Why do you use so manny smiles?
6. Did I mention NONE OF THIS IS REAL!?!
Wow, a biography?
I'm flattered.
ohhh you didn't just say!!!
*puts you in headlock* TAKE IT BACK TAKE IT BACK!!!!!
That's usually frowned upon. If not always frowned upon.