Don't know about you, but i'm happy.
I come back on the forum after watching a film i bought and find two new screenshots, with an announcement for a trailer next week PLUS a release date for early March. Don't know about you, but I am alright with it. I've got other things to do in the meantime, so i'm all set.
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I'm happy about the news,but a release in early March? B**ch please..
Wait, what? Where'd you find that release date for early March?
How in the world can you possibly be happy about that? EARLY MARCH? Ep 1 CAME OUT IN DECEMBER. That is 2 total months of waiting if it is released on March 1st. We were getting amped because we thought it would be released this week. You know for a company that only produces 2 games, it sure must be fucking hard to work on them and release them. I guess I can't complain, I'm the idiot who shelled out $20 for a season pass, maybe in the next decade I'll have my moneys worth. Ep.1 was good but way too short, not worth 4 bucks though. I have alot of other things to do in the meantine as well but gamers always think about their games so it's hard to not think about wanting to continue the story.
I lost a shitload of excitement because of all this waiting, I'm sure I'll be excited for the game again when we get the trailer next week.. But right now.. meh..
TWAU EP2 wait was much worse.
I'm really sick of people complaining about this. a video game, man! I dunno, there's lots of those! The Last Of Us, free to play games, perhaps play a game from your childhood, 100% some game you didn't before. Maybe read a book, watch the TV series or read the comic book of The Walking Dead, something, anything, there's a thousand options out there for you while waiting for the next episode and you spend those options on complaining about how you have to wait for the next episode, when Telltale literally has shit to do with this, because the other companies are taking their sweet ass time to aunthenticate the next episode. Gasps for breath
Just..spend time on something. If you hate waiting, then go get occupied with something. You don't have to hang around the forum all the time waiting for the episode to come out.
End rant.
When you pay for something you expect to have the product you ordered within a reasonable amount of time. 2-4 weeks is good wait, I'd gladly wait that long. 3 Months is way too much. We on the forums can rant about whatever we want, we are all in the same boat. All of us are pissed gamers who want the episode released. From a multi-million gaming company, is that too much to ask?
Yep I'm happy they kept people updated as much as possible, they hardly just blanked everyone out this time. With screenshots and updates every so often. Honestly for such good content delays happen. Im fine with that.
Also I hope we get an exact day before the trailer, There is no way I'm watching that spoiler fest or being on here after it is released.
Good for you! It's nice to see that some people are not so bummed out by this. I, however, am. TBH though, I don't feel that much of a thing. It's like an expected irritation I had prepared myself for every day while checking their Twitter, so yeah.
Um... 2-4 weeks? Lol they need just abit more time then that if you want a good graphics, great animations and more lengthy episodes.
2-4 Weeks would probably be worth about 30 minutes or 45 minutes to the most probably. So yeah, in conclusion: It takes time to complete these episodes.
Well then sure, if you want it released within 2-4 weeks you might as well expect a buggy boring 30-minute episode.
I want the episode to be released. But I'm not pissed, rather content actually. I still can't comprehend why some one would be angry, it's your own fault for expecting things never promised. Time to grow up kiddies.
I expect... a new lap top on my table. Sunhovabich where it at??!?
"Super soon" meant next month. I am happy, I'm feeling glad, I got sunshine, in a bag...
you are right, it takes 3 months to produce a mere 1 hour 20 minute episode
I agree with Harmsway, I don't really mind, I'm happy we have an estimated release date of Early March, I don't bum Telltale, I'm just happy they are taking their time with the game and making sure bugs are fixed. I'd rather have a good no bugs episode than a laggy piece of shit episode.
I predict right after my comment Vainamoinen will close the thread.
Release date thread - please.