TWD Forum Comic Series (Icarus Mines Chapter 1-2 Released in Comments Below)



  • RIP doesn't explain alot;D...but thx anyway.

    Just take a look at his profile, he explained it in his bio.

  • Yes!!!

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    Hey guys just a quick notice I plan on releasing Ep2 Part 1 this weekend coming! See you Tomorrow for me to reveal old plot ideas that was scrapped from Ep1. That's all!

  • edited June 2014

    Basically he responded to one of the mods saying ''Heil mein Mod'' in a german thread. He woke up and he was banned for ''Saying Heil crap in a german thread'' in the words of the mod.

    RIP doesn't explain alot;D...but thx anyway.

  • Well...he is an idiot then, lol.

    Since i am from Austria, my main language is german and saying such things, even if it was meant to be funny, is just stupid and offensive.

    Basically he responded to one of the mods saying ''Heil mein Mod'' in a german thread. He woke up and he was banned for ''Saying Heil crap in a german thread'' in the words of the mod.

  • Not this again...

    Azlyn posted: »

  • just because once you become a mod people automatically hate you

    Not everyone.

    no problem. that happens to me all the time. are you enjoying all the hate you're getting now that you're a mod? I gotta say, if they asked me I might say no, just because once you become a mod people automatically hate you.

  • edited June 2014

    As promised I will reveal the scrapped content from Ep1 New Threads.

    PART 1

    In the intro, originally there was meant to be large fight in a street in which Blind arrives with his hammer and Bans all the ones fighting(it was funny but it lacked a good intro). Originally when Tobi, PokedMe, Mustache walk in the streets, they were meant to meet S2 Kenny and talk with him. He was meant to be Mustache's teacher. At the end when the three arrives at Upvote Thread, instead of meeting Azlyn, they were to meet That_1_Guy who's on the roof top(Plus the Thread looked completely different and it was meant to be pirate ship, I scrapped it cuz it didn't make sense to enter the harbor, then into streets, then into harbor again).

    PART 2

    When we first enter inside the Thread we would've seen even more of ruckus, with people brawling, people swinging on ropes, like pirates usually do. In the Mods council meeting scene, a scrapped part was the trial of the Barrager Troll. The order of appearances and who's with who in the introductions was also different(like Tobi follows Azlyn to meet Helloworld and IHateMyCat). Viva-La-Lee was not present in the office. At night, originally Papai leads Tobi/Pokedme to their room and Randomz broke one of the beds so they had to share, which would lead to funny moments (another version had beds on the balcony of the main room where they go to bed and Tobi/Pokedme converse on how homely the place is). Gavin never originally was meant to appear( I did this cuz I realize Tobi was missing his equipment so I made a delivery happen). No dream sequence was meant to happen originally but I couldn't resist to put it in there.

    PART 3

    Orignally PokedMe, Tobi, Nekro, Ellias, and Commenter was not meant to separate and all were meant to fight the Hunter Troll together. Swagguy was originally meant to appear along with Markd and Guilty at the end.

    As you can see Part 2 had the most changes so far. Anyway hoped you enjoy it! :)



    Azlyn posted: »







    Azlyn posted: »



    That_1_Guy posted: »


  • Toy.

    Azlyn posted: »


  • Combo.

    Rafoli posted: »


  • We really did ran out of things to talk about huh?




  • [words]

    We really did ran out of things to talk about huh?


    That_1_Guy posted: »


  • Sadly yes..... BUT NOT TODAY!

    YEAH BABY! (Sorry I was watching Austin Powers last night)

    We really did ran out of things to talk about huh?

  • I calculate that in.... 20 to 30 minutes I'll release the comic. ;)

  • Alt text

    I calculate that in.... 20 to 30 minutes I'll release the comic.

  • Alt text

    I calculate that in.... 20 to 30 minutes I'll release the comic.


    It's finally here! Prepare yourselves for the greatest issue you have ever read yet! Tell me your thoughts, suggestions, and predictions afterwards.

    Also you'll see I made a few changes to the title as well, it's for the expansion for those new to it.


    BRACE YOURSELVES, IT HAS ARRIVED. It's finally here! Prepare yourselves for the greatest issue you have ever read yet! Tell me your thoug


    That_1_Guy posted: »


  • Holy cow! Yet another awesome episode! The decision I-- I mean my character, made turned out to be... Less than positive... I hope I'll be able to make it up to them later on.

    Anyway, amazing work, I love the new style so much!

  • Formidable work, Tobi. I'm thoroughly amazed with what you've been able to do and I enjoy every part more than the last one. Oh, the new style fits right in. I love it! It's unshakable that my presence will just make things better, if that's even possible. Hungry for more.

    Alt text

  • Just had a look at New Threads Part 2:

    Alt text

    I'm completely drunk and looking like a badass. I wouldn't want it any other way xD

    Thanks Tobi :)

  • edited June 2014

    No problem!

    You're pretty far behind though, I just released the 1st part of Ep2! XD

    Just had a look at New Threads Part 2: I'm completely drunk and looking like a badass. I wouldn't want it any other way xD Thanks Tobi

  • Spoiler

    Yes that was quite a big mistake. Even more how you're keeping a secret about it.

    LOL this reminds of me of Luke being so shadowy about things! XD

    How did you handle the ending?

    That_1_Guy posted: »

    Holy cow! Yet another awesome episode! The decision I-- I mean my character, made turned out to be... Less than positive... I hope I'll be able to make it up to them later on. Anyway, amazing work, I love the new style so much!

  • edited June 2014

    First character death, was definetly a shocker.

    Now to the OFFICIAL UNOF-fuck it.

    Pros:Fight scenes. Lots and lots of fight scenes. New villain characters being fleshed out. Artstyle fits. Azlyns backstory. Tons of characters in this one. I have a small cameo. Troll society introduced. Good group dynamic between Tobi, Azie, Coolstorybro, Helloworld and Zed. Especially the last two. Also you put a second title-Tales from the forum. Love it.

    Cons: Well, this is our first death, and it was shocking but, im not sure if it was necessary. Kiwi wasnt fleshed out much so we could actually care about him. His death was pure shock value, but in a way, this is good. I know this is the cons section, but regardless of his death being needed or not, it makes for an awesome cliffhanger.

    P.S Updated the Steam group to "MIND GAMES RELEASED". Doesnt matter because it only has 8 members COME ON PEOPLE JOIN THAT SHIT.
    Tobi. Azlyn. Im looking at you. I can give you easy instructions on how to use steam.

  • edited June 2014

    Yes I really liked how I developed Helloworld and Zed. I almost teared up when I drew them hugging. I added the new title for the expansion idea. my next target is

    And yes I do agree how Kiwi wasn't developed enough too, it felt like Reggie all over. But I will hint that I have a very good reason as to why he died. I may include flashbacks of him for pleasing. I do feel kiwi's gonna be pissed though.

    I don't have that invitation on steam yet(I forgot which page the link is on) and I haven't got it installed to join group chats yet.

    EDIT: Oh I got the group invite and joined now! ;)

  • Finally we make an appearance. And we fucking rock. I am so badass I am getting goosebumps while reading this. Can't wait for more.

  • edited June 2014

    Glad you liked it! But your character complicated to write out, oh well I enjoy this challenge. :3

    I kept my promise in making sure the villains are tough.

    Finally we make an appearance. And we fucking rock. I am so badass I am getting goosebumps while reading this. Can't wait for more.

  • I know. I'll catch up though.

    Keep up the good work :)

    No problem! You're pretty far behind though, I just released the 1st part of Ep2! XD

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