'Seems like all of Fabletown is preparing for my sister's battle against our suddenly power craving aunt. We never suspected Carla but guess that's how people like to sink their claws nice and deep and when no one is looking, rip it from under our feet. As the Sheriff, I'm taking a chance by allowing so many to become involved but guess that's the beauty of family and having so much support. I know Carla is terrified, for my sister Emily has been known to fill the dreams of many to the brim with fright...so begins our War for Fabletown.'
All of Fabletown became a city within the shadows. All no longer spoke of roamed the city at night; there was a terrible feeling over the city and the Fables inside. Little did the mundies see the terror consumed inside and the power that crawled through the dark. Peter and Ethan made their final announcement and broadcast all over to the Fables: No one was to leave their homes or venture onward until the war had been fought and won. Peter and Ethan returned to their apartment; Holly was un certain at first with Ethan's new 'change' and apperance. But when she took notice of Lily's reaction, she knew there was nothing to fear.
Michelle and Erica stayed that night in their apartment and as she and Etahn made passionate love, she knew with her touch, nothing dark dwelled inside her beloved Ethan. He remained the same. Every inch of his skin satisfied her fire building inside; he was the only man to truly sit back and take her beauty, soul and desires.
Her hair drapping over his neck, Ethan lifts Michelle into his thick arms and positions her upon his lap; she kisses his neck, then traces her finger against the many new tattoos he wore on both arms. They seemed fitting to her lover; the girls enjoyed drawing along them and creating
fantasies to their imagination. But right now, Ethan belonged in her own imagination and everything they build and kept as their own.
Pressing Ethan against the headboard, Michelle began to feel his hips thrust and grind against her own; tilting her head back, Michelle allowed Ethan to nibble on her neck, chest and shoulders. His lips were warm to the touch, ever so gentle and caressing. Groaning against his touch, Michelle plants her lips against his own, continuing to grind into his lap and roughly play with his hair. Ethan places his bare palm along Michelle's spin and pulls down. Her back was perfectly arched out, extending her long, slender body frame and perfectly exposing her buttocks.
"I love you, Ethan..." Michelle kisses the tip of Ethan's nose.
"I love ya' more, Michelle." Ethan carefully places Michelle in the sea of sheets. "Just relax. I wanna make ya' feel good. Ya' trust me....right?"
"You know I do, Ethan." She kisses his arms. "I've always trusted you. You'd never hurt me...."
"No..." Ethan starts kissing from Michelle's neck, down her breasts, stomach and ending near her hips. "I'd neva' hurt ya', Michelle. Or Erica..."
His voice drowns out to the sound of the city but Michelle could feel the protection and lust at that very moment. His tongue traces the outside of Michelle's thighs, causing her to shake and quiver beneath. Ethan notices the many scars and wounds both inflicted and caused by Noah and
others that felt the need to destroy such a marvelous masterpiece. She was a mold of clay shapped and created by the hands of God; Ethan was now the final piece to this artwork and he'd leave a rainbow of colors for the world to see. He wanted everyone to view what he did for two years and loved. Pinning his lips to Michelle's stomach, Ethan's right hand cups her face and caresses the smooth, pale flesh. Michelle's hair lining the sheets with golden layers across the pillow and bed.
"Make love to me Ethan." Michelle pulls Ethan towards her. "I want you for myself tonight. Just the heavens themselves as our witness."
"Are ya' sure, love?" Ethan kisses Michelle one last time. "I want ya' ta' be ready when ya'-"
"I am." Michelle places Ethan's hand on her breast. He could feel the scar tissue. The reminders of her past..."I want you to be with me tonight."
"I'll always be with ya', Michelle." Ethan continues to kiss her neck. "I'm neva' leavin' ya'..."
The sincerity in his voice reassured Michelle he was still the same man she fell in love with and there was not another doubt in her mind he'd leave. It would take her time to fully remove the walls and allow Ethan into the most secret of places she kept locked away for so many years but he was willing to take her hand and journey down those roads with her. Ethan would eventually learn all of who she was and could have been.
Gren & Emily's home. Night
"Alright, ya' bouncin' Jelly beans. Time fa' bed."
Viviana and Chloe float in the air, as Seraphina and Liam play with their Legos and figures on the floor. Liam looks up.
"Ah mom, not yet!"
Emily taps her toe, folds her arms and beams. "Ya' little monstas' need ta' sleep. We got a busy day ta'morrorw."
She was worried about the war. Emily would never express this nor would she allow anyone know her fears but they were there. Looking at her children and touching the ones growing in her womb, she had many to protect. Her children. Family. Sanity. Carla thought she had a grasp on everything and anything that dwelled within the walls of Fabletown. Indeed, she was strong and learned various techniques that could come in handy during the battle but she did not have support or backup. They were all determined; Carla crossed a fine line the moment she felt the need to leave her mark on this family for all eternity.
Noah and Joey, despite their loyalty to Carla, did not deserve to die at her hands. Or Mary. John and Nancy did not deserve to have their world torn to bits or the Porgies to become swallowed up in the darkness she felt the need to create. Fabletown's wounds needed to heal, yet they were ripping open day by day. Emily and her family wanted peace and the ability to live 'normal' lives.
As the children brushed their teeth and dressed in their night clothes, Emily knew that day would come the moment Carla's head sat perfectly in her hands. Emily wanted to stare into the eyes of a cold, heartless individual. Thinking about Carla's devilish smile made Emily cringe and the rage grow inside. When she began to notice the Ivy plants and vines growing, Emily self-talked them back into her body and slumber until they were indeed needed. Climbing into bed, she and Gren kiss each of the children and tuck them tightly into the sheets.
Chloe peeks over her blanket. "Mommy, are we fighting that mean old lady tomorrow?"
"Yes love." Emily tries to remain strong. "But I don't want a one of ya' ta' worry 'bout it. Ya' hear me?"
"But Nick and Hades are teaching us. We can help! We can-"
"No!" Emily glares at all four of the children. "I will not lose eitha' of ya' to Carla! Ya' need to stand back, away from the battle and not become involved!"
"You won't lose us, mommy." Seraphina sits up. "We're strong. We're half of you and daddy, with a dash of nana and papa. We got this. Our powers are strong and today, Liam was talking to nature."
Gren looks down at his son. "You....you were?"
Liam nods. "Yeah. We wanted Apples and there was this big, juicy one and I was going to ask for the tree to lower the branch so I could get it but then, the Elves and Grendels came."
"We're strong, mommy and daddy." Viviana peers up and smiles. "I promise you both this, we are strong and nothing will come between us OR you. Carla thinks she's won but she has no IDEA what you guys can do or the people we have on our side! Plus, we have guardian angels, mommy! Vivian is powerful and Nick-"
"-Is in trouble." Emily chuckles, tucking Viviana back into the bed. "Those two are in trouble fa' the time being but we're strong, yes but mommy wants ya' four ta' be careful and let us fight this battle."
The qauds smile. Little did their parents know of the plan secretly created and waiting on the side for the final battle. Kissing each on the head, Emily and Gren leave their rooms and head down the hall. The need to cry became a lump in Emily's throat. There was so much at stake, should Carla rise to the top and conquer the city and Fables alike. Closing the door, Gren begins to peel off his clothes but finds Emily sitting on the edge of the bed. Her eyes are focused on several pictures: one with all four of their children, her mom and dad and siblings alike. Soft whimpers managed to slip past her lips and Emily could no longer contain the emotions inside. Leaning forward and covering her eyes, Emily begins to cry. Gren's stomach began to turn. Even when Emily was a child, he despised hearing her suffer. Sitting between Emily's legs, Gren strokes her face.
"Emily, baby-look at me. What is it?"
Emily tries to look away. "Gren, no. Stop...."
"Nuh uh." Gren grabs Emily's face and forces her to look into his eyes. "I don't want you running from me. You fuckin' know this, Emily. You can tell me anything..."
"I'm scared, Gren." Emily closes her eyes and cries. "I'm so fookin' scared right now. I've neva' felt so alone. Vulnerable. Carla is powerful and she is threatnin' the very thing we all worked so hard to build."
"Carla will never take this away from us. From this town. She can go fuck herself and rot in the pits of hell. I made a vow to always protect you, Emily. Our children."
"I know ya' did, love." Emily looks up, her eyes watery and tears streaming down her cheeks. "I just want this ta' be done with. No more fights, wars. My children deserve ta' live their lives."
"They will, Emily..." Gren leans forward, pressing his lips against Emily's. "I promise you, I'll stop this. We'll end her reign of terror and Fabletown will finally be at peace. You and I can raise our children...have everything we thought was fuckin' out of our reach."
Gren slides his fingers into Emily's dress straps and pulls down her shoulders. Kissing her neck, Gren cups his hands beneath her butt, pulls forward and lies in between her legs. Emily's head tilts back into the pillow; gasping with every warm, gentle touch, Emily slowly begins to remove her clothing. Layer after layer, the couple become naked under the moon's light. Grasping tightly to Gren's arms, Emily coul feel his heavy breathing along her bare chest. The agony both felt subsided; Emily felt safe with Gren and knew his word was true when he promised
to protect this family.
Emily secretly felt as if she had been the one to cause the start of this war. Fuel the hatred inside Carla and allow the woman to sneak undetected for so long. But Gren's love and warm ebrace gave Emily the sense of comfort she was needing that night. They'd fight to the bitter end; knowing they had done some good and protected this town, was all she could ever want.
No longer did Emily feel desperate and afraid but adamant to take Carla down and protect her own. They were stronger then she ever could be....
Fabletown. In the dead of night....
Robert stood outside his brother's home. Trying to fight the urge to trample down the front door and tear apart all that slept inside those walls. He was in a battle with himself; he loved Gren and his family and tried with all his might to fight back Carla's hold on his mind. He wish to assit his brother with the battle and not be the one to cause Gren's demise and broken heart. He knew it would happen; Gren had become Alpha and was indeed a strong bodied Fable but his mind was weak and still vulnerable to losing its way to devestation and a broken heart. Losing Emily would certainly be the final nail to gren's coffin. But try as he might, Robert could not hold back the vile thoughts of killing Emily and bringing Grendel down.
Sneering, Robert paces under the moonlight. "I never wanted to harm you, brother but you should have remained dead. I will get what is mine...."
Before Robert, a ball of light flourished and quickly developed into a Koi Fish. Hanging her head in shame, Calla floats and eyes her eldest son.
"You have choosen to allow Carla victory. Now, you shall allow her strings be your guidance and her voice your concious."
"Fuck off." Robert continues to pace. "You're just a fragment of my imagination. You're not really my mother."
"Your father has perished, Robert. His soul no longer walks the earth but sits beside me. You have but one chance to break these chains Carla has upon you and walk beside your brother. You both have always been the strongest in your own ways. Each of you boys carries an element dear to me. Use this wisely, my son and you shall forever be rewarded."
"I WAS supposed to get that position!" Robert steps before Calla. "Gren is NOT stronger than me! He's weak and should have died centuries ago! I am the one that deserves that title-NOT him!"
"Grendel has proven to be more than just brawns, my son. It takes more than strength to run a clan. Tribe. Family. You were not ready, Robert..."
"FUCK YOU!" Robert swings his hand, causing Calla to vanish. "In THIS town, I am the alpha! Gren will wait and see what it takes to REALLY fight for what you love and want! I promise you, you'll see your mistake in marking Grendel as the leader. I will be the shadow in the night, the nightmare in his mind; the lover to Emily and once those children are dealt with, I'll cleanse her womb with my offspring and SHOW her what she's been missing out and she'll forget about Gren. WE'LL be the powerful couple...Gren does not deserve ANY of this!"
The Earth under Robert's feet shakes. Calla returns; her glow from a yellow to a dark red and sitting beside her, the spirit of Thomas. Beside Thomas, his deceased brothers.
"If this be your decision, you shall never find true happiness, my son. You'll always wander this world alone, full of hate and questions that will never be answered. You're forgetting the blessings you have. To be proud of your brother and all he's managed to claim..."
Robert screams, causing his family to vanish within a trace. The wind blows through his hair, filling his mind with fright. Robert slams into a nearby tree, covers his face and continues to shriek. Carla's voice returns to his mind, collecting her 'secret' weapon.
"I am the only one that knows you are strong, showing you your potential and proving them wrong. In this town, everyone will soon hail their leader. Take the chance, get rid of Gren and become their next creator."
"You are the one with teeth sharp and arms like tree trunks, mind bold, agility quick and here to prove Grendel was always a flunk."
Beaming, Robert stands up. Carla was there in a flash and gone with the shadows of the moon and night. Robert's mind had been made.
So began the battle for Fabletown....
Any questions, you know the drill. And it begins....
Damn, the battle is happening already? Well if you say so, Nick has been dying for some action
Now the scenes with MichellexEthan, and in a way EmilyxGren.... Damn dude, you were pushing it a bit with the level of detail :O I found it to be tasteful at least...
Robert, you're being led astray, you speak like Brandish and you will end up like him: Alone, hated, and worth less than the shit on their boots... I hope Robert comes to his senses soon >:(
Before the Battle.....
'Seems like all of Fabletown is preparing for my sister's battle against our suddenly power craving aunt. We never… more suspected Carla but guess that's how people like to sink their claws nice and deep and when no one is looking, rip it from under our feet. As the Sheriff, I'm taking a chance by allowing so many to become involved but guess that's the beauty of family and having so much support. I know Carla is terrified, for my sister Emily has been known to fill the dreams of many to the brim with fright...so begins our War for Fabletown.'
All of Fabletown became a city within the shadows. All no longer spoke of roamed the city at night; there was a terrible feeling over the city and the Fables inside. Little did the mundies see the terror consumed inside and the power that crawled through the dark. Peter and Ethan made their final announcement and broadcast all over to the Fables: No one was to leave their homes or… [view original content]
Kieron saw that Azaria and Alice were fighting, he along with Nyx and Og were blocked off by a magical wall. Shadow Alice walked up.
"Now I can't have you interfering now can I?" She smiled
Kieron was at his limits. Here he was just standing by as his friends fought each other when not to long ago they were laughing and enjoying each others company. It made him sad to see them this way. He turned around and faced Shadow Alice.
"Stop this...please just leave us be!" Kieron shouted
"And if I don't?" Shadow Alice said
Kieron ignored her question. "I just want to go back. I want to see them smile again." He said
Shadow Alice walked next to Kieron. "Sometimes people don't see eye to eye on things. Azaria also wants what you want, to leave this place as if it never existed. But Alice wants you both to stay, she needs a new king, not Tyrone he did not go through the trials he forced his way to the throne which caused you to be dragged here." Shadow Alice said.
"But you said only one will stand...that means it'll be me and Tyrone..." Kieron said
The others picked up on what he said. "You're not doing it alone Kieron! We'll be by your side till its our time to go." They said
Kieron slammed the magical wall "That is not what I want though!!!" Kieron said tears beginning to flow. "We are all supposed to make it through this together! As friends...as allies...to look towards a brighter day...to say we survived...and now...and now you're all going to die, just so I can live! It...I can't..." He fell to his knee. "For once I have friends who cared for me, for once I had something to look forward to, but what was the point if most of it is taken from me!" Kieron began to sob.
Nyx walked up to Kieron and tried to comfort him. Azaria and Alices fight picked up, they were throwing insults at each other if one hit the other. Azaria looked to have the upper hand but it didn't make Kieron feel any better. Although the tide of the battle turned and went rather one sided when Alice got a good kick in and threw Azaria down and with one quick movement got her hands on a shadow spear and stabbed it straight through Azarias chest...
This sent Kieron into a rage he punched and broke the magical barrier using his blood magic. He ran over to Azaria, she wasn't in good shape. Alice stepped back in horror releasing the shadown spear.
Kieron knelt and lifted Azaria. "Hey you're going to be okay, just...just keep looking at me okay?" He said "Please don't do this...not yet..." He said.
She brought her hand to his cheek. Blood began to form from her mouth. She too began to cry. She then mouthed the words "I'm sorry...I love you."
Kieron began to plead over and over, but he knew there was no point, he could see her life fade from her eyes as he looked into them. He held her in his arms, it gotten to the point where he couldn't scream in agony he tried and he tried, all he could do was breathe in and when he went to scream there was nothing. He set her down and stood there was nothing except he felt sorrow and extreme pain.
"I'm sorry! I didn't-oh gosh I'm so sorry Kieron!" Alice began to tell him over and over.
Kieron couldn't speak, he was speechless at this point. Alice tried over and over but Kieron wouldn't budge. What they didn't notice was that Azaria had opened her eyes, her eye color was bright yellow and she had sprouted angelic wings. She stood and tapped on Kierons shoulder. When he turned he saw Azaria standing there.
"Kieron: Lord of Blood you have my blessing to take the throne, you show a great deal of compassion a king needs this to be succesful." She said
"So it is the wish you desire then." She said.
He grabbed the angel. "I want Azaria back! I know she's there!" He said
"Her spirit has faded already you saw it for yourself Fable." She said
"That's not...It can't be! She's got to be there!" He said
Kieron got the hint. He let go, it was then that he could scream. He lifted his head and saw a Lunar Tear, he went over and picked the flower. These flowers were very rare to find, and almost impossible to cultivate in a farm, story has it that it would grant a wish. Kieron gave the angel the flower.
"Can you at least give her this flower in the afterlife?" He asked
"I can do that Fable." She said grabbing the flower and floated to the sky.
Kieron didn't know what to do. Everything had happened so fast he had lost someone very dear to him in a matter of seconds...and he couldn't do anything...Og and Nyx walked up to him.
"Kieron we...we have to go there's only one commander and the king left, and it'll be all over." Nyx said
"I know we have to go but...I...I don't want to lose you guys! I can't handle it anymore." He said sadly
Alice was losing it. She began talking to herself and mumbling different things. Kieron walked over to Alice and picked her up. When Kieron looked around he saw Wonderland begin to crumble and fall apart behind them. Kieron looked at Azarias pool of blood and wished that he could use his magic to heal others. It killed him inside, that the end was just around the corner...he just wish he'd die instead but he's come to far to do so, he'd decided to fight until the end. For all who has fallen during the wars sake. He'd wish this place back to normal and everyone be restored. The castle wasn't that far off now...
That's it! The final chapters of this part of Kierons story is among us, and it's not looking good. Any questions or comments or anything else let me know.
I have no words for Azaria's death, as I feel only heartbreak and an urge to shed a tear... I hope you understand
I too wish that things had gone differently for Kieron, this life has treated him poorly and now he is doomed for more heartbreak... I wish that Nick could bring the souls of the dead back to the world of the living, but there is a steep price to pay for such a thing, and there is only one Nick.
Where's your goddess now!? Finale
In Wonderland...
Kieron saw that Azaria and Alice were fighting, he along with Nyx and Og were block… moreed off by a magical wall. Shadow Alice walked up.
"Now I can't have you interfering now can I?" She smiled
Kieron was at his limits. Here he was just standing by as his friends fought each other when not to long ago they were laughing and enjoying each others company. It made him sad to see them this way. He turned around and faced Shadow Alice.
"Stop this...please just leave us be!" Kieron shouted
"And if I don't?" Shadow Alice said
Kieron ignored her question. "I just want to go back. I want to see them smile again." He said
Shadow Alice walked next to Kieron. "Sometimes people don't see eye to eye on things. Azaria also wants what you want, to leave this place as if it never existed. But Alice wants you both to stay, she needs a new king, not Tyrone he did not go through the trials he… [view original content]
I'm going to make this quick because the internet is being really stupid and keeps kicking me off. >:(
Yes, the battle is beginning but it's what will follow that will take time to explain and piece everything together. The battle won't happen in one post; I'll have them seperate into several sections.
Well, it was done tastefully. Reminds me of those romance novels my mother reads at the moment. JUST enough to picture.
Robert is caught in the middle at the moment. JJ was worried I'd turn his OC into a bad guy but I assured him all will work out in the end and he's fine with it all now. Robert does remind me of Brandish at the moment....you'll all see when the battle comes.
Damn, the battle is happening already? Well if you say so, Nick has been dying for some action
Now the scenes with MichellexEthan, and i… moren a way EmilyxGren.... Damn dude, you were pushing it a bit with the level of detail :O I found it to be tasteful at least...
Robert, you're being led astray, you speak like Brandish and you will end up like him: Alone, hated, and worth less than the shit on their boots... I hope Robert comes to his senses soon >:(
I await more dude! XD
I'm going to make this quick because the internet is being really stupid and keeps kicking me off. >:(
Yes, the battle is beginning bu… moret it's what will follow that will take time to explain and piece everything together. The battle won't happen in one post; I'll have them seperate into several sections.
Well, it was done tastefully. Reminds me of those romance novels my mother reads at the moment. JUST enough to picture.
Robert is caught in the middle at the moment. JJ was worried I'd turn his OC into a bad guy but I assured him all will work out in the end and he's fine with it all now. Robert does remind me of Brandish at the moment....you'll all see when the battle comes.
Now it wants to work...go home, internet. You're drunk. XD
I know but I also don't want to carry on too much and drag it, especially since after the move and things get back to a routine, when I'll post again and I want to cover AS much of the battle as I can and what happens during and after....
I have and remember those bits. I don't want to go TOO overboard but its a moment between two people that love one another and leave it at that. I recall one time posting a section as such and it was WAAAAY too much....XD
You know how JJ is with his Robert. I'm sure we'd still ask, though.
I figured that much, it just sounded sudden is all
Oh man... You've read TDAU, so you know that if I posted a love scene from that story… more on here, I would get banned! XP
I look forward to it. In a strange way I wouldn't care if someone made Nick a villain, cuz he started life as one before I made him 'good'
Before the Battle.....
'Seems like all of Fabletown is preparing for my sister's battle against our suddenly power craving aunt. We never… more suspected Carla but guess that's how people like to sink their claws nice and deep and when no one is looking, rip it from under our feet. As the Sheriff, I'm taking a chance by allowing so many to become involved but guess that's the beauty of family and having so much support. I know Carla is terrified, for my sister Emily has been known to fill the dreams of many to the brim with fright...so begins our War for Fabletown.'
All of Fabletown became a city within the shadows. All no longer spoke of roamed the city at night; there was a terrible feeling over the city and the Fables inside. Little did the mundies see the terror consumed inside and the power that crawled through the dark. Peter and Ethan made their final announcement and broadcast all over to the Fables: No one was to leave their homes or… [view original content]
Dude I totally understand as writing this hurt even me man, it sucked sadly I have to write more
It only gets worse I'm afraid that would be sweet of Nick but Kieron nor I and probably you wouldn't let Nick do that. Kieron will need a friend after all this.
I have no words for Azaria's death, as I feel only heartbreak and an urge to shed a tear... I hope you understand
I too wish that things… more had gone differently for Kieron, this life has treated him poorly and now he is doomed for more heartbreak... I wish that Nick could bring the souls of the dead back to the world of the living, but there is a steep price to pay for such a thing, and there is only one Nick.
I await more of this grand tale dude! XD
Now it wants to work...go home, internet. You're drunk. XD
I know but I also don't want to carry on too much and drag it, especially sinc… moree after the move and things get back to a routine, when I'll post again and I want to cover AS much of the battle as I can and what happens during and after....
I have and remember those bits. I don't want to go TOO overboard but its a moment between two people that love one another and leave it at that. I recall one time posting a section as such and it was WAAAAY too much....XD
You know how JJ is with his Robert. I'm sure we'd still ask, though.
Oh dear I was actually hinting towards something that will happen in my current story with that 'steep price to pay' but I'm not going to explain it... I've said too much already :O
Dude I totally understand as writing this hurt even me man, it sucked sadly I have to write more
It only gets worse I'm afraid that wou… moreld be sweet of Nick but Kieron nor I and probably you wouldn't let Nick do that. Kieron will need a friend after all this.
After much distractions, the next part is here for you all! More characters will get introduced next chapter, and possibly the chapter after that too!
Enjoy like usual!
Chapter 10: Alternative Transportation
"Wait a minute. You're saying he can turn into a dragon - just like that?"
"No, well, sort of. Damn it, I suck at telling these sorts of things. How about you explain it to her instead, Tezzy?"
Tez sighs. "Very well, Rose." He turns to Fayde. "You haven't shown any tell-tale signs of annihilating us yet, so I'll do the same and reveal my 'curse' to you, Fayde."
She looks at Rose Red, and then back at Tez again. "Curse?"
"Yes, it was given to me through an unfortunate set of events. Let's just say... I technically didn't come to America's Fabletown in the normal sense of things. Whenever I get really angry, or if I lose control of the dragon 'within me' - I become a dragon in return."
"Ah, that explains the dragon eyes I noticed earlier. I'll be smart not to make you furious either."
Tez huffed. "It would be wise."
Nancy joined in their little chat circle. "Sorry to interrupt, but is everything in order? Me and John really need to retreat to bed now. I wasn't joking about us having to get up bright and early tomorrow."
Tez smiles. "Yes, I think everything is in check. Let's vacate the premises for the good woman."
Rose rolls her eyes. "Geez, do you always have to be so formal, Tez?"
"Yes I do."
"In that case - a good evening to you, Madame Smith." Rose mocks a posh woman's curtsey. "I do declare that me and Mister Scales will soon relish having the opportunity to wine and dine in your finest establishment again in the near future."
The dragon thief cringes while Nancy and Harmony attempt to stifle their giggles. "That's insulting."
"Oh, hush. You know you found it hilarious, Tez."
"Oh my gosh," Harmony stands near Rose. "Uncle Tez really did find it funny, I see him smirking!"
"Ah-ha!" Rose points at Tez as if he got a question right on a game show. "I knew you weren't grumpy! Alright, I got my laughs out of this. Let's go, Harm. You included, Fayde."
The four, as well as Nancy and John, walk over to the house entrance. John opens the door, while Nancy stands idly by. "Good night, and have a safe trip back."
"You too, Nance. John. It's been a long day. Tuck in the kids tight and say our goodbyes for us, you hear?"
"I will, Rose, and Fayde?"
She turns. "Yes?"
"I do hope you can visit us again soon, if possible."
"I hope so. All of you have shown me kindness despite what happened earlier. I'll never forget that."
The four say their goodbyes again, only to leave the Smith Settlement to walk into the darkness of night.
"Well, honey." John closes the doors, looking at his wife. "Let's check on our four troublemakers upstairs."
Crickets chirp on a starry night, and more events soon come into play...
"I'll go 'change' out back." Tez takes off his hoodie, carefully handing it to Rose.
"Yeah, this is the part where you guys look away." Rose grins at the two. "I know I can keep looking because, I've seen his hot bod before."
"What? I'm just saying, Tez."
Fayde puts her hand on Harm's shoulder. "Yeah, let's take a little walk before things get hectic again."
Harmony shudders the moment her hand touches her shoulder. Fortunately, she keeps her cool and nods, soon following by Fayde's side. "I concur."
They begin walking on the dirt road leading away from the settlement. "So, I apologize if I scarred you back in the vehicle earlier - when I snuck up on your radio listening."
"I got to admit, you had me good. But no worries, your apology was all I wanted in return. Just... never do that again to me. Or any of my family and friends."
"I can't guarantee anything, but I'll do my best."
"Figures. I'll take it as a 50/50 maybe, then."
They continue walking along the road, both of them halt to make sure they don't stray too far from the house. Fayde rests her back against a tree.
"A Banshee, huh? How does it feel like? Y'know, if you guys have any feelings."
Fayde's smile went to a blank expression the moment Harm asked such a thing. "Do you really want to know?"
"Might as well, it'll help ease my curiosity."
She rubs her eyes to try and stay awake. "It honestly feels like Death. Sometimes, when I hear voices in my head, I hear nearby souls calling to me, begging for a way out - or to give them a second chance somehow. You're a bright one, though. You realize we Banshees only serve as omens to those who have their demise coming to them."
"Yes, indeed I do but-" Harmony paused mid-sentence. "You've killed before, haven't you?"
Tears streamed down her face. "Yes..."
Harm's eyes widened when she sees Fayde fall to the ground in sadness. "Oh! I didn't mean to make you cry, I'm sorry! I'll stop talking if you want me to."
"No, no, it's fine. It's just that, you reminded me of something I don't want to remember. It isn't your fault, however, it's mine."
"Hmmm. Okay, well I'm here if you want to-" ROAR
Fayde and Harm turn their attention to the noise. She looks at Harm confused. "What was that?"
"I dunno, but it sounded like my Uncle Tez. Let's go see!" They get up and hurry through the dark forest.
"Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary..."
"C'mon, my bundle of fire, not now! Fight it!" Rose slumps her torso on his dragon head for comfort. "Please..."
Tezoth blinks and speaks slowly. "Mother? Father? I miss you. Please let me come home."
"Aunty Rose!" The Banshee and Zephyr come into the scene. "Are the visions back for him?"
"Afraid so, Harm. Let's just hope they'll go away on him soon this time. For all our sakes."
"Oh my," Fayde observes the huge black dragon before her. "This is Tezoth?"
"In the scales. Unluckily for you, you caught him at a bad time. Well, second bad time." Rose glares at her.
"Should I go get help from Nancy? Maybe there's something we can do?"
"No, no, there isn't anything they or we can do to help. Besides, they've had enough on their plate for one evening. All we gotta do is wait until his visions end in our part."
"Another curse of his?"
"In a way. You familiar with Bloody Mary at all, Fayde?" Rose slouched over to sit against Tez's side. Harmony did the same.
Fayde still stood up, and pondered about the question. "Only rumors. Haven't came across her in any shape or form in Ireland."
"Lucky you. What you're seeing here is the result of one of her victims."
"How so?"
"She gave my Tez the worst type of 'mental brain cleaning' anyone could possibly have."
"Are the visions permanent for him?"
"I hope not. All I know he keeps on mentioning Bloody Mary and his parents occasionally."
Cough, cough, cough, cough.
"Aunt Rose, I think he's snapping out of it!"
"Ugh," The dragon clears his throat. He looks at Rose, Harm, and then Fayde. "What happened?" He looked at Rose again.
"You were rambling again, with your visions. Amazingly, you recovered quick this time."
"Huh, it must mean it must be going away for me - piece by piece."
"I suppose, but you mentioned your parents again. In your rambling."
"Never mind that, Rose. We've got to get to Fabletown pronto, as you would say. Get on my back, all of you."
"Yeah, yeah, alright." Rose climbs on top of his back.
Harm raises her hand. "I may decline the 'free ride' this time. I feel like flying tonight. If you don't mind me doing so, Uncle Tez."
"By all means, but if you spot a Mundy plane coming, get on my back and I'll evade them."
"Got it." Harmony begins to float, waiting for his go-ahead.
"Well? You coming, Fayde? Not like you have a choice in the matter, anyway." Tez grunts.
"I'm - I'm kind of scared of heights." Fayde scratched her head nervously.
Rose sighs. "This time will be an exception."
Harmony adds in. "If you're scared, you can look at me flying! Or simply imagine that you're in a land made of cotton, and we're just barely skimming the surface."
Fayde sighs. "Alright, I, I'll do it. Let's get this over with." She climbs on.
Tez turns his head to look back.
"If you feel like you're going to fall off, grab on to either of my wings. I assure you, though, you needn't worry about such a thing. I'm a good aviator."
Fayde was still nervous about all this. "Thanks for the tip."
Rose Red slaps her back gently in response. "Don't you worry about a thing, he actually is a good pilot. Besides, he wouldn't want his favorite clothes falling through the air, now would he?" She grinned.
"No, Rose Bud, I would not." He retorted, but smiled afterward.
Harmony grew impatient. "Enough chatting, let's go and see the pretty stars! I bet my roommate's wondering where the heck I am too!"
"Alright, alright, it's about time we'd get going." Tez looked for an open clearing to spread his wings. Finally locating a spot, he flapped and flapped until he gained flight.
The trees began to get smaller and smaller the moment Tezoth gained altitude.
Fayde grabbed onto his left wing really tight. "Ooohhhh..."
Rose Red breathes in the fresh night air. "Wooo! Moments like these make me fucking happy I'm a Fable."
Harmony chimes in, spreading her arms and soaring through the sky in response. "I agree! Except the F-word part. That I don't agree with."
"Sorry, wind child. My bad."
Tez interrupts. "How is our new 'passenger' doing?"
Rose looks. "I think she's scared, but breathing at least."
Fayde stood quiet in shock from the height.
"Hey, Fayde? Remember what I told you, imagine you're in a cotton field and we're barely skimming the surface."
She breathes. "Yeah, yeah, okay. It's just a cotton field, only a cotton field." She lets go, and carefully observes her surroundings. "Hey, this isn't so bad! Reminds me of home a little."
"See? I knew you would come around your fear, at least for now."
"Thank you for that, Harmony. Onward to Fabletown then. Again."
This was really good! And I sense that Fayde and Harmony will be great friends over time, although being a banshee sounds really bad at times but maybe that's just me.
After much distractions, the next part is here for you all! More characters will get introduced next chapter, and possibly the chapter after… more that too!
Enjoy like usual!
Chapter 10: Alternative Transportation
"Wait a minute. You're saying he can turn into a dragon - just like that?"
"No, well, sort of. Damn it, I suck at telling these sorts of things. How about you explain it to her instead, Tezzy?"
Tez sighs. "Very well, Rose." He turns to Fayde. "You haven't shown any tell-tale signs of annihilating us yet, so I'll do the same and reveal my 'curse' to you, Fayde."
She looks at Rose Red, and then back at Tez again. "Curse?"
"Yes, it was given to me through an unfortunate set of events. Let's just say... I technically didn't come to America's Fabletown in the normal sense of things. Whenever I get really angry, or if I lose control of the dragon 'within me' - I become a dragon in return."
"Ah, that explains the dragon ey… [view original content]
Etan and Hati's relationship is understandably very strained; hard to accept Hati's seeming treachery. Interesting to see how things remain … moreafter the dust settles. Meanwhile, Ashlyn has taken the news very well! And Fenrir is going to have one tough fight on his hands! Tempted to go for the 'let him find out the hard way option', but Nick seems like could tell Fenrir who they are in a really sweet way - if only because of the Scottish accent XD - so I'll pick that one!
I've been very much behind but I'm incredibly happy to see Dixa as part of the Avengers! Strapped in for the rest of this tale - the way you write everyone's characters and your own is entertaining to behold, Stone!
After much distractions, the next part is here for you all! More characters will get introduced next chapter, and possibly the chapter after… more that too!
Enjoy like usual!
Chapter 10: Alternative Transportation
"Wait a minute. You're saying he can turn into a dragon - just like that?"
"No, well, sort of. Damn it, I suck at telling these sorts of things. How about you explain it to her instead, Tezzy?"
Tez sighs. "Very well, Rose." He turns to Fayde. "You haven't shown any tell-tale signs of annihilating us yet, so I'll do the same and reveal my 'curse' to you, Fayde."
She looks at Rose Red, and then back at Tez again. "Curse?"
"Yes, it was given to me through an unfortunate set of events. Let's just say... I technically didn't come to America's Fabletown in the normal sense of things. Whenever I get really angry, or if I lose control of the dragon 'within me' - I become a dragon in return."
"Ah, that explains the dragon ey… [view original content]
This song came to my head as I read those moments between EthanxMichelle and Gremily. Those 'love' scenes were done beautifully and never stop. There is so much passion, pie. Poor Michelle and those scars....:( You treat her good, Ethan or so help me! shakes fist
I hope the quads and the rest of the kids just DESTROY Carla! >:D
And my poor, lost, confused Robert. This was tough to read but I know he'll rise to the top and save Gren. He loves Gren and would never hurt his brother, despite the BS they went through.
Before the Battle.....
'Seems like all of Fabletown is preparing for my sister's battle against our suddenly power craving aunt. We never… more suspected Carla but guess that's how people like to sink their claws nice and deep and when no one is looking, rip it from under our feet. As the Sheriff, I'm taking a chance by allowing so many to become involved but guess that's the beauty of family and having so much support. I know Carla is terrified, for my sister Emily has been known to fill the dreams of many to the brim with fright...so begins our War for Fabletown.'
All of Fabletown became a city within the shadows. All no longer spoke of roamed the city at night; there was a terrible feeling over the city and the Fables inside. Little did the mundies see the terror consumed inside and the power that crawled through the dark. Peter and Ethan made their final announcement and broadcast all over to the Fables: No one was to leave their homes or… [view original content]
You've caught on well! I've been trying to slowly establish a friendship between the two throughout this and previous chaps I've made.
You're right on being a little skeptical of her, as I'm still attempting to describe Fayde as a mystery who hasn't been fully solved yet. If you get what I'm saying.
I'm glad you loved it! Whatever I write for Rose, I try to make her 'non-serious' dialogue laughable. Y'know?
I've been waiting for this!
This was really good! And I sense that Fayde and Harmony will be great friends over time, although being a b… moreanshee sounds really bad at times but maybe that's just me.
Rose is absolutely hilarious man! XD
I can't wait for more!
You've caught on well! I've been trying to slowly establish a friendship between the two throughout this and previous chaps I've made.
Yo… moreu're right on being a little skeptical of her, as I'm still attempting to describe Fayde as a mystery who hasn't been fully solved yet. If you get what I'm saying.
I'm glad you loved it! Whatever I write for Rose, I try to make her 'non-serious' dialogue laughable. Y'know?
A summary of what's happened so far will exist eventually, but I feel I need to post more first before I do that.
My story for Fayde is supposed to take place in 1989, so it's way before the horrible thing many people shun Rose Red for in the comics. Whatever it was. (no spoilers please XD)
You'll learn more about Tez as well, it's the least I can do after I abruptly stopped writing for his past story altogether.
I must say dude, I'm mentally kicking myself for not starting this story earlier! It's a very well written chapter!
Rose Red is actually… more likeable, Fayde is really interesting, Tezoth is a dragon I would love to know more about, and Harmony is Harmony :P
You'll need to catch me up on the story and the characters at some point though...
I look forward to more dude! XD
Ah I Gotcha I gotcha!
Yeah I always pictured Rose as a she never took anything serious ever type of character anyways which are my favorite type of characters!
Tez as a dragon sounds like someone Nick doesn't want to fight! :O I may have to wait a bit to see what Dragon Tez can do before I use him in my story...
A summary of what's happened so far will exist eventually, but I feel I need to post more first before I do that.
My story for Fayde is s… moreupposed to take place in 1989, so it's way before the horrible thing many people shun Rose Red for in the comics. Whatever it was. (no spoilers please XD)
You'll learn more about Tez as well, it's the least I can do after I abruptly stopped writing for his past story altogether.
Azaria! Kieron is paying a lot for something he doesn't want; just how is this going to end? Will just have to wait and see, but the poor guy has been through so much. It's intense!
Where's your goddess now!? Finale
In Wonderland...
Kieron saw that Azaria and Alice were fighting, he along with Nyx and Og were block… moreed off by a magical wall. Shadow Alice walked up.
"Now I can't have you interfering now can I?" She smiled
Kieron was at his limits. Here he was just standing by as his friends fought each other when not to long ago they were laughing and enjoying each others company. It made him sad to see them this way. He turned around and faced Shadow Alice.
"Stop this...please just leave us be!" Kieron shouted
"And if I don't?" Shadow Alice said
Kieron ignored her question. "I just want to go back. I want to see them smile again." He said
Shadow Alice walked next to Kieron. "Sometimes people don't see eye to eye on things. Azaria also wants what you want, to leave this place as if it never existed. But Alice wants you both to stay, she needs a new king, not Tyrone he did not go through the trials he… [view original content]
We're already up to Chapter 10? Only feels like 6, or maybe 7, but not 10. It's going so fast!
Anyway, loved the dialogue and banter in this! When it's top, it's like you're in the same place as the characters and they're talking in front of you, and that's how it seemed here.
Tez's flashbacks are alarming; would this be from the time when Mary kidnapped Tez and Snow, and she went into their minds? Either way, it'd be interesting to learn more about Tezoth's parents, his family.
Whenever I hear this, always reminds me of the thread. XD
Rose rolls her eyes. "Geez, do you always have to be so formal, Tez?"
After much distractions, the next part is here for you all! More characters will get introduced next chapter, and possibly the chapter after… more that too!
Enjoy like usual!
Chapter 10: Alternative Transportation
"Wait a minute. You're saying he can turn into a dragon - just like that?"
"No, well, sort of. Damn it, I suck at telling these sorts of things. How about you explain it to her instead, Tezzy?"
Tez sighs. "Very well, Rose." He turns to Fayde. "You haven't shown any tell-tale signs of annihilating us yet, so I'll do the same and reveal my 'curse' to you, Fayde."
She looks at Rose Red, and then back at Tez again. "Curse?"
"Yes, it was given to me through an unfortunate set of events. Let's just say... I technically didn't come to America's Fabletown in the normal sense of things. Whenever I get really angry, or if I lose control of the dragon 'within me' - I become a dragon in return."
"Ah, that explains the dragon ey… [view original content]
Something in my gut told me there would be a death. I was not sure who it would be but sure enough, there it is...Azaria is dead and I have a feeling this will drive Kieron to the breaking point now but I'll have to sit back and wait. He has been through so much already and he was finally getting that little shred of light that was keeping Kieron just above the water. Uh man...and you say I GIVE dem feels! XD
Times like these I wish Viviana and Emily had learned the ability to enter the land of the dead and coax Azaria's soul back to this world but that would be too damn easy.
I love this, dude and look forward to that ending!
Where's your goddess now!? Finale
In Wonderland...
Kieron saw that Azaria and Alice were fighting, he along with Nyx and Og were block… moreed off by a magical wall. Shadow Alice walked up.
"Now I can't have you interfering now can I?" She smiled
Kieron was at his limits. Here he was just standing by as his friends fought each other when not to long ago they were laughing and enjoying each others company. It made him sad to see them this way. He turned around and faced Shadow Alice.
"Stop this...please just leave us be!" Kieron shouted
"And if I don't?" Shadow Alice said
Kieron ignored her question. "I just want to go back. I want to see them smile again." He said
Shadow Alice walked next to Kieron. "Sometimes people don't see eye to eye on things. Azaria also wants what you want, to leave this place as if it never existed. But Alice wants you both to stay, she needs a new king, not Tyrone he did not go through the trials he… [view original content]
Harmony and Fayde becoming BFF's for life remind me of those girls when I was going to high school and they would crowd around one locker and make their way in packs, talking about their hair, shoes, plans for the weekend and the hottest boy in school. XD A zephyr and Banshee hanging around seems like trouble but comical all rolled into one, fun package.
I love Rose in this story and although she is not my favorite for various reasons (will not spoil) I'll look past that to appreciate THIS Rose. The dialouge was humerous and so her. The way she and Tman connect makes it golden all on its own. Also, I love Fayde; her mystery is what makes her an interesting character and after that little mishap at the Smith Settlement, my curiosity radar is going nuts over here.
After much distractions, the next part is here for you all! More characters will get introduced next chapter, and possibly the chapter after… more that too!
Enjoy like usual!
Chapter 10: Alternative Transportation
"Wait a minute. You're saying he can turn into a dragon - just like that?"
"No, well, sort of. Damn it, I suck at telling these sorts of things. How about you explain it to her instead, Tezzy?"
Tez sighs. "Very well, Rose." He turns to Fayde. "You haven't shown any tell-tale signs of annihilating us yet, so I'll do the same and reveal my 'curse' to you, Fayde."
She looks at Rose Red, and then back at Tez again. "Curse?"
"Yes, it was given to me through an unfortunate set of events. Let's just say... I technically didn't come to America's Fabletown in the normal sense of things. Whenever I get really angry, or if I lose control of the dragon 'within me' - I become a dragon in return."
"Ah, that explains the dragon ey… [view original content]
Glad you liked it Lupine! Yeah writing this was rough and at this point I feel like I'm being way way too hard on Kieron. I don't know whether to call the ending a good one or neutral lol XD As soon as I get out of class I will be finishing this.
Azaria! Kieron is paying a lot for something he doesn't want; just how is this going to end? Will just have to wait and see, but the poor guy has been through so much. It's intense!
I'm a little fearful of using so many OC's with their correct personalities etc. in my next story, cuz as much as I try and understand them from what I've read, I'll probably mess up somewhere :P
I think it went something like 'this is too graphic' or something. It happened so long ago. XD I just watch myself now.
It is, especially if it's another OC and I'd hate to mess it up. You know me. XD
I contemplated on whether it should be Azaria or Alice and well this was what I chose. He's trying so hard to hold on but when everything is taken is probably when he snaps and loses control. Lol it had to be done at some point
That would be extremely helpful! But don't forget Kieron has a wish and also the Lunar Tear he gave to the angel may grant a wish. But these things have consequences...
I will probably post it when I get back from this last class that I am in Glad you love the story man!
Something in my gut told me there would be a death. I was not sure who it would be but sure enough, there it is...Azaria is dead and I have … morea feeling this will drive Kieron to the breaking point now but I'll have to sit back and wait. He has been through so much already and he was finally getting that little shred of light that was keeping Kieron just above the water. Uh man...and you say I GIVE dem feels! XD
Times like these I wish Viviana and Emily had learned the ability to enter the land of the dead and coax Azaria's soul back to this world but that would be too damn easy.
I love this, dude and look forward to that ending!
This is payback for all those previous feels, huh? XD Fair enough, my good man.
Ah yes, that is right: I nearly had forgotten about those items but knowing there is a cost makes me wonder if Kieron will be able to THINK straight and take that into consideration or will he even CARE after all this...OH how exciting!!
Awesome, dude! Look forward and I'm in love with this story!
I contemplated on whether it should be Azaria or Alice and well this was what I chose. He's trying so hard to hold on but when everything is… more taken is probably when he snaps and loses control. Lol it had to be done at some point
That would be extremely helpful! But don't forget Kieron has a wish and also the Lunar Tear he gave to the angel may grant a wish. But these things have consequences...
I will probably post it when I get back from this last class that I am in Glad you love the story man!
This is payback for all those previous feels, huh? XD Fair enough, my good man.
Ah yes, that is right: I nearly had forgotten about those… more items but knowing there is a cost makes me wonder if Kieron will be able to THINK straight and take that into consideration or will he even CARE after all this...OH how exciting!!
Awesome, dude! Look forward and I'm in love with this story!
It's probably the way I'm writing it that we're up to this point. There would've been more chapters if I didn't make a couple of previous ones into 2 or 3 parts as a whole. :P
You got it. That's exactly what I'm trying to go for with Tez. I think you're the only one here who still remembers! And concerning his family, I have a few ideas, but since this is mostly a story about Fayde, it may not come until later.
We're already up to Chapter 10? Only feels like 6, or maybe 7, but not 10. It's going so fast!
Anyway, loved the dialogue and banter in t… morehis! When it's top, it's like you're in the same place as the characters and they're talking in front of you, and that's how it seemed here.
Tez's flashbacks are alarming; would this be from the time when Mary kidnapped Tez and Snow, and she went into their minds? Either way, it'd be interesting to learn more about Tezoth's parents, his family.
Whenever I hear this, always reminds me of the thread. XD
Rose rolls her eyes. "Geez, do you always have to be so formal, Tez?"
"Yes I do."
Ahh, that made me chuckle. XD
Going good, dude!
To sate a good amount of your curiosities about Fayde, I have something pretty interesting planned for next chapter. I know that's what I usually say to almost every comment ever (or something similar), but this could be something you guys wouldn't expect me to write!
Only in this thread, I've made Rose Red bearable for some. Glad you all have enjoyed again.
Harmony and Fayde becoming BFF's for life remind me of those girls when I was going to high school and they would crowd around one locker an… mored make their way in packs, talking about their hair, shoes, plans for the weekend and the hottest boy in school. XD A zephyr and Banshee hanging around seems like trouble but comical all rolled into one, fun package.
I love Rose in this story and although she is not my favorite for various reasons (will not spoil) I'll look past that to appreciate THIS Rose. The dialouge was humerous and so her. The way she and Tman connect makes it golden all on its own. Also, I love Fayde; her mystery is what makes her an interesting character and after that little mishap at the Smith Settlement, my curiosity radar is going nuts over here.
I love this and was well worth the wait!
Wonderland was now collapsing around them as Alice had finally snapped. Kieron for all everyone else knew had also lost his mind. Nyx was scared to be around Kieron so he went on Ogs shoulder. The castle was now in sight and the end was near, knowing this Nyx had a flashback.
Nyxs mind...
Nyx found himself to be in an open field, the sky was white and there were no trees, barely any grass. He looked forward and saw Kieron as a little kid, he was running around and had smiles on his face. He began to see Kieron get older he saw him grow sad, and then he aged again to see him look compassionless and cold. This was who he will become, and Nyx felt as if it were his fault since he altered his future so much. When he looked at Kieron again he was back to a kid, Kieron ran up to Nyx and gave him a hug.
"Do you have to die?" Kieron asked
Nyx began to remember things, he was terminally ill teenage fable, he met Kieron one day at the park because he was all alone there and decided to hang out with him in Nyxs final days. He hugged Kieron back. He also took notice that he was now a human but didn't acknowledge it out loud.
"Just think of it as a 'I'll see you again someday' speech okay?" Nyx smiled and patted Kierons head.
"But...what about the days Tyrone doesn't hang out with me?" Kieron said
"I'll be here, you just have to try and find me." Nyx said
"But you'll be dead..." Kieron said sadly
"My spirit will always be with you, you may not see me but I'll be there watching over you." Nyx smiled
And in a flash the older Kieron appeared and he appeared to be crying. Nyx knew he had failed. He brought this child nothing but pain trying to protect him. With that Nyx wished to no longer have this dream, so he forced himself awake.
They had reached the front gate of the castle when Nyx awoke. He didn't know whether to tell Kieron about who he was or not. For the time being he decided to keep quiet, he saw Kieron put the mentally unstable Alice down. But when he did she sprouted dark wings. She looked to Kieron.
"Come with me, we must decide whether you or Tyrone will be king." She said with a maniacle smile
"No. I will push on with my friends. You interfere and I will kill you and just leave." Kieron said
Og tried to but in but Nyx shook his head.
"You dare defy a goddess!?" She said
"And do you dare to defy a potential king?" He said looking at her straight in the eyes.
Alice crossed her arms. "So be it! But make it quick, they're going to die anyways."
Kieron grabbed Alices wing and pulled her close. He gripped her neck. "Speak again and I break your neck." He spoke coldly
Alice nodded leading to Kieron letting go.She then proceeded to fly away. Kieron looked back at the two tried to smile as best as he could and apologized for his behavior. Nyx and Og forgave him and moved into the castle as everything around it was collapsing.
In the real world...
Azarias body had went through the magic teleporter, the doctor checked her pulse but she had no pulse. She did however have the Lunar Tear in her hair. The Doctor realized what was transpiring and ran outside.
"Hans! We need you to come quick!" The doctor said
Hans regained his mental stability. "What's going on?" He said
"Your wife has comepletely lost all mental stability and wonderland is falling apart! There isn't enough time for the others to finish their job on the other side! We need you to help bring Alice back just a bit!" The doctor said
Hans got up without hesitation and rushed to the teleporter. Nick slowly followed from behind just in case anything were to happen.
In Wonderland...
Kieron and the others noticed wonderland was not falling apart for the time being. Kieron opened the door to the next room and noticed the next commander was blocking their path. It looked like a Chimera it had the form of a lion, a goats head on his back with a snake head. Kieron and the others prepared themselves but Og and Nyx pushed Kieron.
"Go on Kieron we can do this." Nyx said
"But I can help! You two could die!" Kieron said
"We're going to die anyways. Might as well have it be useful." Nyx shrugged
"That's stupid we could just-" Kieron was cut off by the Lions roar and wonderlands continuous collapse.
Og then picked Kieron up and threw him through the final set of doors that led him to the Kings chambers. When Kieron looked up he saw Og had a hole in his chest from the snake but somehow he still fought, Og had grabbed the Chimera and stood on a ledge. Kieron then noticed Nyx give the final push to get Og and the Chimera off the ledge. Kieron saw them drop off into nothing. Kieron slammed his fist on the ground. He started to scream in agony. The doors behind him opened up. Tyrone stood behind him.
"What scum." Tyrone said kicking Kieron in the stomach Tyrone began to drag Kieron into the kings chamber by the back of his collar. When they entered the room he threw Kieron across the floor. "People like you make me sick." Tyrone continued. "Those who talk of friends and other such nonsense will go nowhere." He scowled
Kieron got up and noticed Alice was an angel but she looked to be in comeplete agony and sadness. He looked at Tyrone.
"What did you do to her?" Kieron said
"Her husband tried to give back her sanity and ruin my plans. So I took a throwing knife and threw it at him. I didn't kill him though just enough to really get Alice into madness." He smiled
Kieron got up. He drew his sword. Tyrone drew his, and the two charged one another. They clashed swords and Tyrone smiled.
"Do you remember me Kieron? I am your childhood friend after all!" He said
Kieron won the clash and kicked Tyrone away from him. "No I don't, and I don't think I want to either." He said
"Such hatred! I like it!" Tyrone smirked.
Even though Kieron didn't want to remember, memories began to flow through his head of him and Tyrone when they were kids. He noticed that although him and Tyrone were friends, Tyrone would also occasionally bully Kieron. He also saw Tyrone beating on a teenager to which Kieron pulled him off and scolded Kieron for doing so.
"Do you remember now?" Tyrone asked
"Who...who is the teenager?" Kieron asked
"Why that is your precious Nyx back from the dead. It was hard to do but a Lunar Tear can help out a lot." Tyrone said
"Nyx is a human!?" Kieron said in shock.
Tyrone charged again, he and Kieron clashed many times. This time Tyrone winning and punched Kieron into a wall. "Yes you two were quite close, but you see he was terminally ill, he had a timer on his head, and when he died you were gone, you didn't even go to his funeral." Tyrone said
Kieron didn't remember any of this. He was shocked, he charged Tyrone and clashed again. Wonderland has almost comepletely fallen apart all that was left was Alice in the corner and very little floor to stand on. Kieron began to get serious. Tyrone laughed, its as if he knew he won. He snapped his finger. Kieron felt a sharp pain in his chest. He looked down and there were two swords in his chest. He fell to the ground. Tyrone knelt beside him.
"I'm sorry old friend but the weak do not get to survive here." He said
Kieron began to lose consciousness. He looked at Alice and saw her face she smiled maniacally at him. And mouthed the words "It's not over yet." After that Kieron had died...
In the Afterlife...
Kieron walked the afterlife. He always wondered what it looked like. In the distance he saw someone. He began to run toward the figure. The figure turned around and when Kieron noticed it was Azaria he smiled and hugged her and spun around with her in his arms. They both laughed and then her face grew sad.
"Why did you let yourself die?" She said
Kieron couldn't look her in the eyes "I...I don't want to fight anymore...I just want to rest. I want to be with you." He said
Azaria was happy that he wanted to be with her but she still looked sad. "We'll I want you to live a nice life, to be able to experience life's great things that's why..." She said grabbing the Lunar tear. "I wish you back to life, this time try and give it your all okay. As you used to say 'Go for Broke!'" She said.
All of Kierons friends began to show they smiled and began to cheer Kieron on. Kieron didn't want to live again, but he began to think...
Somewhere else...
Kieron woke up on a flat plain there was nothing but white in the sky. Tyrone began to look around, he was furious.
"What the hell!? I was just about to take the throne what-" He looked over and saw Kieron was standing again.
Kieron was drenched in blood, through the blood his hazel eyes shined like a beacon of hope for wonderland. Azarias blood gave him perfect defense, Ogs blood gave him the strength of the strongest of gods, Nyxs blood made him move faster than the eye could see. Fear began to set into Tyrones face, Kierons maniacle smile began to show, he looked to have no control over his body. Kieron charged Tyrone in matter of miliseconds, when Kieron punched him there was a Shockwave with the sound braking bones. Tyrone flew into the sky while Kieron met him mid jump and kicked him back down. When Tyrone hit the ground there was a crater in the flat plain. Tyrone was somehow still alive, Kierons body twitched and moved horrifically toward Tyrone. Tyrone began to scream in fear which caused him to cough up blood. Kieron used Tyrones blood to create great swords and began to impale parts of Tyrones body with his own blood. Kieron began to hiss he pulled all the blood from his body to create spears in one movement fourth spears struck Tyrones body.
Kieron began to get his mental stability back. Alice flew over clapping.
"You have won, what is it you desire?" She said
Kieron began to think he then spoke. "I wish..."
He then saw flashbacks of meeting his friends and everything he's learned, but something felt different...
In the hospital...
The doctor jumped for joy. "They did it! They saved Alice! She has comeplete mental stability! And wonderland has returned to normal!" He said "Also they have all seemed to have been resurrected...which is weird they must have had some consequences of doing so."
Kieron, Azaria and Alice slept for a couple days. Within these days Nick had returned to Luke with info and in turn Luke and Bigby raided the 'hospital' and shut it down, Bigby apologized to Hans for not taking action earlier. Hans then forgave Bigby.
"So what do we tell them when they wake up?" Hans said
"Nothing." Luke said
"What do you mean nothing?" Hans asked
"As of right now Fabletown has no idea anything went on here. We need to keep it that way." Luke said "It sucks but it has to be done."
Hans looked sad...
The next day...
Kieron woke up in his hospital bed his head hurt really bad. He got up and got dressed. He looked outside.
"Hey Kieron C'mon pack your stuff! This place is being shut down!" A doctor said.
Kieron wanted to ask why but shrugged it off. He didn't have much just two outfits and his MP3 Player. He plugged in his headphones. When he walked the halls he saw a woman in a sun dress with who seemed to be her husband and child. He smiled at their happiness, he doesn't even know who his family was, he didn't even have friends. He continued to walk down the hall and noticed a kitten rummaging through garbage cans out the window. The cat seemed familiar but he hasn't seen a kitten in years. He saw an Ogre and a human who looked and acted like they were bros for life. He continued to walk down the corridor. He saw a very tall and intimidating man, he stared at Kieron as he walked down the hall. Kieron looked away and kept walking. Kieron continued to walk down the hall, his MP3 Player was blaring.
Give up your searching I don't want to be found, your gaze would haunt me. I've thrown out reality and it has changed me, I'm not the same don't call my name I'm afraid I'll taint you but if you must see look through your memories. That's where I will live on...
Kieron felt the song was taunting him because he feels like he knows these people but yet at the same time he could not recall any memories of meeting these people. His MP3 Player changed as he saw a beautiful elven woman, who had a Lunar Tear in her hair.
When you walk away you don't hear me say "please oh baby don't go." Simple and Clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight it's hard to let it go...the tune played in a soft music box tune.
The elven woman put the Lunar Tear which had died in the garbage. Kieron didn't know why but he felt a great deal of pain in his chest. As if he'd been thrown out himself, unloved. When he walked out into Fabletown the sun shined bright in his eyes. His chest hurt still, he felt as if he should ask someone but he was never good at talking to people. Luke walked over and handed him a key.
"For the hero, you deserve the best the woodlands has to offer." Luke said
"Hero?" Kieron said
Luke began to realize that Kieron and the others must have lost their memories. "Um you were always called a hero in the hospital." Luke said
Kieron knew he was being lied to but at this point he didn't care, he read the key number and began to head towards the woodlands.
Luke felt bad he wanted to tell Kieron everything that happened but he wanted to keep it confidential. Nick walked by with a look of disgust and began to follow Kieron, Nick wasn't about to let this man be screwed over again. Nick didn't know why but he felt like he needed to help Kieron. But little did Nick know it was too late to help this man his fate was already sealed. Nick knocked on Kierons door and told him everything Kieron and Nick didn't miss a detail. Kieron began to remember everything, the war, the pain, his victory. Tears began to run down his face. Even Nick felt sorry and sadness for Kieron as he lost everything all over again. Nick tried talking Kieron into contacting them but Kieron wouldn't budge. Kieron felt as if they shouldn't have to remember those memories as they were extremely painful for Kieron to recollect, he didn't want the others to feel this way. So Kieron decided to bottle his emotions and memories, and figured all he could do was simply move on...but it he didn't care about how it would hurt him to do so. Nick let Kieron know that if he needed anything to call. Kieron flopped on his bed...he was alone again...he now understood why it hurt him so much when Azaria threw away the Lunar Tear...Was he cursed to live a life full of anguish? Azaria promised him he'd live a happy life but here he was...unhappy...he closed his eyes and began to sleep...Little did Kieron know this was just the beginning of his story and that one day he would live a happy life...
That's it! This is the true ending to this part of his story whether it's good or bad let me know. Also @HazzatheMan let me know if I stepped out of line with Nick, I dont know how he acts when he wants to help people (Except for the one part I read on your last chapter so I gauged what he'd do off of that.) so if what he does is something you disagree with just let me know and I'll make sure to fix it. Any other questions or comments or anything else let me know. :P
Poor Kieron, the consequence was total amnesia, he never made these friends, he never fell in love, he never became a king or a hero, he was just another body in a hospital...
But it was nice to see everyone resurrected that way, I like a happy thing amongst all the sadness :P
Now onto Nick... I'm going to be very honest with you. Nick would need a good reason to tell Kieron the truth, cuz Nick didn't need to tell him the truth, he had no obligation to do so, he's just forced Kieron to remember an adventure he didn't know had even happened. Now unless Kieron knowing the truth of what happened is crucial for the story to move along, then Nick did the right thing, but if Nick simply told Kieron because he felt that Kieron needed a memory jog, then that isn't right.
I hope Nick knows what he's doing regardless though, my guy always has something up his sleeve one way or another...
Also which part with Nick in my last chapter were you referring to?
And they fell...the finale
Wonderland was now collapsing around them as Alice had finally snapped. Kieron for all everyone else knew had … morealso lost his mind. Nyx was scared to be around Kieron so he went on Ogs shoulder. The castle was now in sight and the end was near, knowing this Nyx had a flashback.
Nyxs mind...
Nyx found himself to be in an open field, the sky was white and there were no trees, barely any grass. He looked forward and saw Kieron as a little kid, he was running around and had smiles on his face. He began to see Kieron get older he saw him grow sad, and then he aged again to see him look compassionless and cold. This was who he will become, and Nyx felt as if it were his fault since he altered his future so much. When he looked at Kieron again he was back to a kid, Kieron ran up to Nyx and gave him a hug.
"Do you have to die?" Kieron asked
Nyx began to remember things, he was terminally ill teenage fable, he m… [view original content]
Then I saw when the Lamb broke one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.
Junior could not shrug off this abnormal feeling as he sat in his bed, looking into the mrror beside the window. The curtains blew along the object and walls of his six bedroom apartment in the downtown region of Fabletown; Mary tossed for a moment but returned to her dreams and various thoughts blooming in her mind. Junior stands up and walks towards the mirror. Even the most foul of spirits were silent when Junior poked his head through the glass. They huddled in the corner, their blank eyes glaring at their master. Junior scans the floor, sides and corners. It was all the same. Junior eyes a shadow person gliding along the darkness, head hung low and souless eyes focused on the ground.
"HEY!" Junior, in true form, motions to the shadow. "What is going on in here? Why are all of you shadows down as so?"
"The winds are changing, sire. The ground trembles in fear. We are unsure of these changes. There is evil among us, more powerful then any of us combined. This vile, putrid soul brings the strongest man to his knees, wishing Death with grant mercy and take thy soul from this wretched place...."
Junior knew they spoke heavily of Carla. She managed to keep a shield over any mirrors she was surrounded by and neither Junior or his offspring were capable of seeking her out. Devestated, he could only sit back and pray Carla's next move did not involve his own. This was becoming a routine to the family lately. Junior noticed the screams in the dark growing loudly as the shadows passed him by. They shivered; their black corpses blowing along the brim of the night, avoiding the women so many came to fear within a short amount of time. Carla was a mundy so many became terrified of.
"Stay away from her or the one called 'Hecate'." Junior's eyes glowed a deep crimson red, as he looked around. "Do not allow her access to our worlds. She could be hiding around any corner...."
Neither dared speak to Junior. The shrieks and screams continued but Junior slinked his way back into his apartment. His head became a mess of thoughts and emotions. He was torn. On one side, he had his sister and the battle se was dealing with. Carla would try anything to remove the bow and power from her hands. On the other, his family. Junior had a wife and children to mind to and their safety was at stake now with Carla lurking about. Confused, Junior throws his back to the wall and attempts to comfort the tiny voice beckoning for him to pull back from the war and allow Gren and Emily to battle alone.
The blood poured from his nose, mouth and eyes like water falling from the higest peeks of the mountains. His head began throbbing; there was so many chances he was taking and the thoughts began to trample along his sanity. Mary noticed his beahvior and jumped from beneath the covers. Grabbing her distressed husband, Mary tries to comfort Junior. His wailing caused her heart to break and rage boil inside her heart. Like Gren was to Emily, Mary never liked to feel, hear or know Junior distraught and helpless. There were times she could still transform into her once true form and search the streets for Carla herself. There would never have been a battle but those were her own personal thoughts.
"Junior, look at me!" It terrified Mary to see Junior as such. "Don't let that bitch get to you! We can do this!"
"She has no idea the shit she's doing to this family! The shadows in the mirror...they are scared, Mary! Something evil is waiting! I can't take that chance! I-"
"And YOU can't go in there and take it on yourself! If this is something causing them to shrivel in the corner like children, then we can't take it alone! Your dad and Emily-"
Junior peers up, blood now mixed with tears. "They are NOT ready! My father will DIe if Carla gets the better or him and Emily may have control of the bow but-"
"She is stronger then you ALL think, Junior..." Mary pauses to look over at her once home. The mirror shakes. "Before you kids were born, we were all warned of something that would possibly challenge us ALL, should we become involved with the fate that was given to us. We rolled the dice, took a chance and here we all are. I have no regrets; if you were to ask ANY of us, we'd answer the same! We will beat this bitch to the fucking ground and as she begs for forgivness, give Emily the satisfaction we all have been dreaming of since day one."
Junior nods. He knew the risk but it was something he needed to take. Should Carla win, they were all lining up to meet their maker. Something did not sit right, the further he thought of Carla. Her smile and the many years she seemed 'happy' and content with her life. She played them all for fools but tomorrow, they would leave not a single trace of her existence. Standing up and grasping Mary's hand, Junior leads her to the moon. They bask in the glow and inhale the night air. The shadows within the mirror were not the only ones willing to hide; the world around them seemed to have become hushed and eagerly awaited for the outcome of the secret battle the Fables were consumed with.
Gren and Emily's home. Late night...
"ROBERT!" Gren awakes, screaming into the night air. Gasping, he looks around. "Robert...Robert..."
Gren leaps from his bed; naked and running down the hall, Emily tries looking for her robe in hopes of catching up to her suddenly anguished husband.
"GREN!" Emily reaches in the dark. "STOP! Wait-"
He was gone before another word could be said. Bouncing down the stairs and nearly sliding into the walls, Gren finds himself before a picture of his father. The photo glimmers for a moment before the sound of wind chimes echos around Gren. The floor glows and a gust of wind slides beneath his back. The chill nearly sends Gren out of his skin. Throwing his fist into the picture, Gren begins to call his mother. Or, anyone that would hear him at that moment.
"MOM!" Gren spins against the wind. "Where are you, mom!? You keep Robert out of this, you hear me!? I will NOT fight my own brother!"
There was nothing. Gren rips the photo off the wall and runs out to the front. There was indeed something wating for Gren outside. Robert, still near the trees and shrubs, watched his brother. Gren holds the photo high into the sky; the shadow created by the moon lined the edges, his fist and bare body. He continues to shake and scream into the picture. Emily finds Gren, standing on the deck and screaming like a banshee. She made her way over to Gren. Vivian, gliding behind Emily, was surprised to see this behavior caused by Gren.
"TELL ME!" Gren throws the picture down, causing the glass to break. "YOU tell me about wars and prophecies, yet you keep this information from me!? Is this a fuckin' test you and dad wish for me to tackle!? I will not fuckin' fight Robert! NEVER!"
Emily grabs Gren and pulls him back. "The fook are ya' doin', love!?" She pins him to the wall. "Gren! Look at me!"
"Robert!" Gren grinds his teeth, cotinuing to toss his fists into the walls. "He's in this! Carla! All of it!"
Emily covers her mouth, releasing her grip on Gren's arm. "No..." Her mind became a blurr. "Not...not Robert. But, how....no..."
Gren paces back and forth, running his ingers through his hair. "That dream. Of me and him, fighting on the cliff. It's going to happen, Emily. She's been using my brother."
"No, this can't be." Emily sits on a nearby chair. "He showed no fookin' sign. No ounce of fookin-"
"I knew something was up when you two came out of the kitchen that night and you looked terrified!" Gren kicks a potted plant. "Fuckin' asshole is going to blind side me but I won't let either him OR Carla fuckin' do this to me. Us!"
"Calm down, Gren! We need ta' focus on the battle itself! Robert is a small portion and right now, Carla is the main target. We need ta' figure somehtin' out."
Gren steps on the picture once more. "TALK!" His thundering voice carries into the air. "You have the fuckin' time to 'warn' me and 'train' me for this, why not mention Robert, huh-ANSWER ME!" Gren falls to the ground. "Please...for the love of all of fuckin' God's green Earth...talk to me. I'm begging you..."
"Grendel...." Emily wraps her arms around his body. "Look at me. Breathe. Stop and listen. Ya' need ta' know somethin'-we can do this. I think their time for 'warnings' are through, love. It's all up to us now."
"I won't DO it, Emily." Gren buries is face in her hair. "I can't...I will not fight my brother. I'm tired of that. Fuck...through with it."
"Carla is doin' every fookin' thing she can ta' beat us and now, she's usin' ya' own brotha'. I promise ya', Gren...we'll stop her. Ya' and Robert will neva' hafta' duel eva' again, love...."
Gren begins to cry, soaking Emily's hair in tears. He knew his wife spoke the truth but like emily, he too was scared and worried of the outcome. Even in the years he spent married to Carla, he knew so little of the woman. Now, all those years of pretending were causing the most pain. Gren simply wanted to forget it all and be normal. Live life and never be afraid to turn his back. Holding onto Emily, he knew what this meant. Glaring at the picture of his father, he already had his answer.
Robert, however, continued to hold back Carla's power and the need to kill both Gren and Emily. His love for Gren, however, may have been too late for the Fable and his power to control himself from Carla.
He now understood why Gren was the Alpha....
Viviana, glancing out the window, runs back to her sister's bedroom. Sitting under a fort of blankets, Seraphina and Chloe peek through. Liam carefully closes the door as Viviana joins the others.
"Well..." Chloe turns the flashlight on and points it at her sister. "Anything? What did mommy and daddy say?"
Viviana hangs her head low. "Uncle Robert is going to do something terrible tomorrow. Daddy did not say what but it has to do with that mean old lady they're going to fight."
Seraphina turns and pulls out four straws, all of various shapes and stature. She holds them up under the light and looks at the worried faces around her.
"Well, we know the drill now. We need to tell the others. I have here four straws-shortest has to call the others and rethink our plan. Maybe we can-"
"I have this!" Liam answers, looking at Seraphina. "We don't NEED to change anything! We can take this, no problem!"
"We can't take uncle Robert ourselves, Liam! And even if you COULD do that, he's under her spell! That lady has so many things we've never seen before!"
"Papa Georgie can do it." Viviana raises her hand as she speaks. "I heard that they are going to send him out there. Maybe while they are using their magic, we can sneak in and try to keep uncle Robert away from daddy and-"
"What about Viviana?"
"Vivi?" The others look at Sera. "What....what about Viviana?"
"Look, mommy and daddy are going to be busy fighting off the mean lady. We have enough of us out there, trying to distract her from doing anything dangerous. Maybe Hades can teach her something before the battle We will not be able to this alone. I know Vivian will be with mommy, so we can't rely on her to be there just in case. Hades is our best option right now....unless either of you have a different solution."
"How about uncle Isaiah? Or uncle Junior?"
"Remember-they'll be busy, too."
"Then its settled." Chloe holds out the straws. "We need to contact Hades and we'll go from there..."
Each of the kids takes a straw, leaving Liam the one with the shortest. Looking around, he was confused.
"Why...why did we do this, if Vivi is the one who will-"
"To keep mommy and daddy away while Vivi speaks to the Underworld guy." Seraphina beams. "You know what to do, Viviana."
Nodding, the little blonde girl stands under the window, tugs on the ribbon and allows the purple item to fall to the ground. As she carefully changes into her form, a portal opens before her. Hades, surprised to see Viviana, scans the room. The other children slide from beneath their
fort of sheets and pillows.
"What...what is this, children?"
"We need you to teach Viviana a few things...think you know what that is, Hades."
The God nods. He knew what this was and taking Viviana with him was a risk all was willing to take. Looking back, however, Hades motions to them all.
"I'll need Liam for this, too...."
"Sir..." Liam looks around. "What....what do you-"
"I need to teach you a few things too, my boy. Come-your grandmother believes you're ready now...."
Any questions, you know the drill. My allergies! UGH! XD Other than that, been a really awesome day! Everyone is doing great and we beging our move this Friday!!!
Yeah the consequence of resurrecting his friends was comeplete and total amnesia.
Ah okay i will have to rember this later on. Good thing it's extremely crucial to the story. Kieron will now become very sad and thus become who he was in that future chapter now that he remembers, but I also wanted to establish a friendship between the two as that's also crucial to Kierons story. If that is okay of course!
Nick is always on top of things!
I noticed he had helped the slaves and lyla, figured although not the same scenario, i feel like he would want to help Kieron out.
Oh wow... This was a hard chapter
Poor Kieron, the consequence was total amnesia, he never made these friends, he never fell in love, he… more never became a king or a hero, he was just another body in a hospital...
But it was nice to see everyone resurrected that way, I like a happy thing amongst all the sadness :P
Now onto Nick... I'm going to be very honest with you. Nick would need a good reason to tell Kieron the truth, cuz Nick didn't need to tell him the truth, he had no obligation to do so, he's just forced Kieron to remember an adventure he didn't know had even happened. Now unless Kieron knowing the truth of what happened is crucial for the story to move along, then Nick did the right thing, but if Nick simply told Kieron because he felt that Kieron needed a memory jog, then that isn't right.
I hope Nick knows what he's doing regardless though, my guy always has something up his sleeve one way or another...
Also which part… [view original content]
That's sad, but knowing that everyone is ok relieves the audience
If it's crucial to the story then you did good! Nick isn't always on top of things, that's more Galen's thing, Nick is the sort of guy who would "Have a good idea on what is happening" while Galen would "Know exactly what is happening" XP
That was different, he couldn't just let these people be dehumanised for sport and pleasure, Nick's moral compass on that sort of thing is set in stone. Telling Kieron the truth would only happen if it was crucial for Kieron to know, so that something good may come of it later...
Yeah the consequence of resurrecting his friends was comeplete and total amnesia.
Ah okay i will have to rember this later on. Good thin… moreg it's extremely crucial to the story. Kieron will now become very sad and thus become who he was in that future chapter now that he remembers, but I also wanted to establish a friendship between the two as that's also crucial to Kierons story. If that is okay of course!
Nick is always on top of things!
I noticed he had helped the slaves and lyla, figured although not the same scenario, i feel like he would want to help Kieron out.
Thanks man!
I can't wait to finally leave this shit town and head to San Fran!!!!!!! throws glitter XD
I loved the beginning and the description of the shadows and their obidence to Junior. Plus, Mary. I ship these two so hard: you have this psycho with this handsome, loving, easy going youg man that would do anything for her. Not to mention they are two good looking people together! XD XD
And poor Gren. My heart seriously broke when he had that meltdown. But Emily....awlways there for him.
OH and Hades is going to teach something to both Vivi AND Liam!!!! :0 I can't wait for more, dude!!! This is getting good!
Night before the battle part 2
Then I saw when the Lamb broke one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying… more as with a voice of thunder, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.
Junior could not shrug off this abnormal feeling as he sat in his bed, looking into the mrror beside the window. The curtains blew along the object and walls of his six bedroom apartment in the downtown region of Fabletown; Mary tossed for a moment but returned to her dreams and various thoughts blooming in her mind. Junior stands up and walks towards the mirror. Even the most foul of spirits were silent when Junior poked his head through the glass. They huddled in the corner, their blank eyes glaring at their master. Junior scans the floor, sides and corners. It was all the same. Junior eyes a shadow person gliding along the … [view original content]
Before the Battle.....
'Seems like all of Fabletown is preparing for my sister's battle against our suddenly power craving aunt. We never suspected Carla but guess that's how people like to sink their claws nice and deep and when no one is looking, rip it from under our feet. As the Sheriff, I'm taking a chance by allowing so many to become involved but guess that's the beauty of family and having so much support. I know Carla is terrified, for my sister Emily has been known to fill the dreams of many to the brim with fright...so begins our War for Fabletown.'
All of Fabletown became a city within the shadows. All no longer spoke of roamed the city at night; there was a terrible feeling over the city and the Fables inside. Little did the mundies see the terror consumed inside and the power that crawled through the dark. Peter and Ethan made their final announcement and broadcast all over to the Fables: No one was to leave their homes or venture onward until the war had been fought and won. Peter and Ethan returned to their apartment; Holly was un certain at first with Ethan's new 'change' and apperance. But when she took notice of Lily's reaction, she knew there was nothing to fear.
Michelle and Erica stayed that night in their apartment and as she and Etahn made passionate love, she knew with her touch, nothing dark dwelled inside her beloved Ethan. He remained the same. Every inch of his skin satisfied her fire building inside; he was the only man to truly sit back and take her beauty, soul and desires.
Her hair drapping over his neck, Ethan lifts Michelle into his thick arms and positions her upon his lap; she kisses his neck, then traces her finger against the many new tattoos he wore on both arms. They seemed fitting to her lover; the girls enjoyed drawing along them and creating
fantasies to their imagination. But right now, Ethan belonged in her own imagination and everything they build and kept as their own.
Pressing Ethan against the headboard, Michelle began to feel his hips thrust and grind against her own; tilting her head back, Michelle allowed Ethan to nibble on her neck, chest and shoulders. His lips were warm to the touch, ever so gentle and caressing. Groaning against his touch, Michelle plants her lips against his own, continuing to grind into his lap and roughly play with his hair. Ethan places his bare palm along Michelle's spin and pulls down. Her back was perfectly arched out, extending her long, slender body frame and perfectly exposing her buttocks.
"I love you, Ethan..." Michelle kisses the tip of Ethan's nose.
"I love ya' more, Michelle." Ethan carefully places Michelle in the sea of sheets. "Just relax. I wanna make ya' feel good. Ya' trust me....right?"
"You know I do, Ethan." She kisses his arms. "I've always trusted you. You'd never hurt me...."
"No..." Ethan starts kissing from Michelle's neck, down her breasts, stomach and ending near her hips. "I'd neva' hurt ya', Michelle. Or Erica..."
His voice drowns out to the sound of the city but Michelle could feel the protection and lust at that very moment. His tongue traces the outside of Michelle's thighs, causing her to shake and quiver beneath. Ethan notices the many scars and wounds both inflicted and caused by Noah and
others that felt the need to destroy such a marvelous masterpiece. She was a mold of clay shapped and created by the hands of God; Ethan was now the final piece to this artwork and he'd leave a rainbow of colors for the world to see. He wanted everyone to view what he did for two years and loved. Pinning his lips to Michelle's stomach, Ethan's right hand cups her face and caresses the smooth, pale flesh. Michelle's hair lining the sheets with golden layers across the pillow and bed.
"Make love to me Ethan." Michelle pulls Ethan towards her. "I want you for myself tonight. Just the heavens themselves as our witness."
"Are ya' sure, love?" Ethan kisses Michelle one last time. "I want ya' ta' be ready when ya'-"
"I am." Michelle places Ethan's hand on her breast. He could feel the scar tissue. The reminders of her past..."I want you to be with me tonight."
"I'll always be with ya', Michelle." Ethan continues to kiss her neck. "I'm neva' leavin' ya'..."
The sincerity in his voice reassured Michelle he was still the same man she fell in love with and there was not another doubt in her mind he'd leave. It would take her time to fully remove the walls and allow Ethan into the most secret of places she kept locked away for so many years but he was willing to take her hand and journey down those roads with her. Ethan would eventually learn all of who she was and could have been.
Gren & Emily's home. Night
"Alright, ya' bouncin' Jelly beans. Time fa' bed."
Viviana and Chloe float in the air, as Seraphina and Liam play with their Legos and figures on the floor. Liam looks up.
"Ah mom, not yet!"
Emily taps her toe, folds her arms and beams. "Ya' little monstas' need ta' sleep. We got a busy day ta'morrorw."
She was worried about the war. Emily would never express this nor would she allow anyone know her fears but they were there. Looking at her children and touching the ones growing in her womb, she had many to protect. Her children. Family. Sanity. Carla thought she had a grasp on everything and anything that dwelled within the walls of Fabletown. Indeed, she was strong and learned various techniques that could come in handy during the battle but she did not have support or backup. They were all determined; Carla crossed a fine line the moment she felt the need to leave her mark on this family for all eternity.
Noah and Joey, despite their loyalty to Carla, did not deserve to die at her hands. Or Mary. John and Nancy did not deserve to have their world torn to bits or the Porgies to become swallowed up in the darkness she felt the need to create. Fabletown's wounds needed to heal, yet they were ripping open day by day. Emily and her family wanted peace and the ability to live 'normal' lives.
As the children brushed their teeth and dressed in their night clothes, Emily knew that day would come the moment Carla's head sat perfectly in her hands. Emily wanted to stare into the eyes of a cold, heartless individual. Thinking about Carla's devilish smile made Emily cringe and the rage grow inside. When she began to notice the Ivy plants and vines growing, Emily self-talked them back into her body and slumber until they were indeed needed. Climbing into bed, she and Gren kiss each of the children and tuck them tightly into the sheets.
Chloe peeks over her blanket. "Mommy, are we fighting that mean old lady tomorrow?"
"Yes love." Emily tries to remain strong. "But I don't want a one of ya' ta' worry 'bout it. Ya' hear me?"
"But Nick and Hades are teaching us. We can help! We can-"
"No!" Emily glares at all four of the children. "I will not lose eitha' of ya' to Carla! Ya' need to stand back, away from the battle and not become involved!"
"You won't lose us, mommy." Seraphina sits up. "We're strong. We're half of you and daddy, with a dash of nana and papa. We got this. Our powers are strong and today, Liam was talking to nature."
Gren looks down at his son. "You....you were?"
Liam nods. "Yeah. We wanted Apples and there was this big, juicy one and I was going to ask for the tree to lower the branch so I could get it but then, the Elves and Grendels came."
"We're strong, mommy and daddy." Viviana peers up and smiles. "I promise you both this, we are strong and nothing will come between us OR you. Carla thinks she's won but she has no IDEA what you guys can do or the people we have on our side! Plus, we have guardian angels, mommy! Vivian is powerful and Nick-"
"-Is in trouble." Emily chuckles, tucking Viviana back into the bed. "Those two are in trouble fa' the time being but we're strong, yes but mommy wants ya' four ta' be careful and let us fight this battle."
The qauds smile. Little did their parents know of the plan secretly created and waiting on the side for the final battle. Kissing each on the head, Emily and Gren leave their rooms and head down the hall. The need to cry became a lump in Emily's throat. There was so much at stake, should Carla rise to the top and conquer the city and Fables alike. Closing the door, Gren begins to peel off his clothes but finds Emily sitting on the edge of the bed. Her eyes are focused on several pictures: one with all four of their children, her mom and dad and siblings alike. Soft whimpers managed to slip past her lips and Emily could no longer contain the emotions inside. Leaning forward and covering her eyes, Emily begins to cry. Gren's stomach began to turn. Even when Emily was a child, he despised hearing her suffer. Sitting between Emily's legs, Gren strokes her face.
"Emily, baby-look at me. What is it?"
Emily tries to look away. "Gren, no. Stop...."
"Nuh uh." Gren grabs Emily's face and forces her to look into his eyes. "I don't want you running from me. You fuckin' know this, Emily. You can tell me anything..."
"I'm scared, Gren." Emily closes her eyes and cries. "I'm so fookin' scared right now. I've neva' felt so alone. Vulnerable. Carla is powerful and she is threatnin' the very thing we all worked so hard to build."
"Carla will never take this away from us. From this town. She can go fuck herself and rot in the pits of hell. I made a vow to always protect you, Emily. Our children."
"I know ya' did, love." Emily looks up, her eyes watery and tears streaming down her cheeks. "I just want this ta' be done with. No more fights, wars. My children deserve ta' live their lives."
"They will, Emily..." Gren leans forward, pressing his lips against Emily's. "I promise you, I'll stop this. We'll end her reign of terror and Fabletown will finally be at peace. You and I can raise our children...have everything we thought was fuckin' out of our reach."
Gren slides his fingers into Emily's dress straps and pulls down her shoulders. Kissing her neck, Gren cups his hands beneath her butt, pulls forward and lies in between her legs. Emily's head tilts back into the pillow; gasping with every warm, gentle touch, Emily slowly begins to remove her clothing. Layer after layer, the couple become naked under the moon's light. Grasping tightly to Gren's arms, Emily coul feel his heavy breathing along her bare chest. The agony both felt subsided; Emily felt safe with Gren and knew his word was true when he promised
to protect this family.
Emily secretly felt as if she had been the one to cause the start of this war. Fuel the hatred inside Carla and allow the woman to sneak undetected for so long. But Gren's love and warm ebrace gave Emily the sense of comfort she was needing that night. They'd fight to the bitter end; knowing they had done some good and protected this town, was all she could ever want.
No longer did Emily feel desperate and afraid but adamant to take Carla down and protect her own. They were stronger then she ever could be....
Fabletown. In the dead of night....
Robert stood outside his brother's home. Trying to fight the urge to trample down the front door and tear apart all that slept inside those walls. He was in a battle with himself; he loved Gren and his family and tried with all his might to fight back Carla's hold on his mind. He wish to assit his brother with the battle and not be the one to cause Gren's demise and broken heart. He knew it would happen; Gren had become Alpha and was indeed a strong bodied Fable but his mind was weak and still vulnerable to losing its way to devestation and a broken heart. Losing Emily would certainly be the final nail to gren's coffin. But try as he might, Robert could not hold back the vile thoughts of killing Emily and bringing Grendel down.
Sneering, Robert paces under the moonlight. "I never wanted to harm you, brother but you should have remained dead. I will get what is mine...."
Before Robert, a ball of light flourished and quickly developed into a Koi Fish. Hanging her head in shame, Calla floats and eyes her eldest son.
"You have choosen to allow Carla victory. Now, you shall allow her strings be your guidance and her voice your concious."
"Fuck off." Robert continues to pace. "You're just a fragment of my imagination. You're not really my mother."
"Your father has perished, Robert. His soul no longer walks the earth but sits beside me. You have but one chance to break these chains Carla has upon you and walk beside your brother. You both have always been the strongest in your own ways. Each of you boys carries an element dear to me. Use this wisely, my son and you shall forever be rewarded."
"I WAS supposed to get that position!" Robert steps before Calla. "Gren is NOT stronger than me! He's weak and should have died centuries ago! I am the one that deserves that title-NOT him!"
"Grendel has proven to be more than just brawns, my son. It takes more than strength to run a clan. Tribe. Family. You were not ready, Robert..."
"FUCK YOU!" Robert swings his hand, causing Calla to vanish. "In THIS town, I am the alpha! Gren will wait and see what it takes to REALLY fight for what you love and want! I promise you, you'll see your mistake in marking Grendel as the leader. I will be the shadow in the night, the nightmare in his mind; the lover to Emily and once those children are dealt with, I'll cleanse her womb with my offspring and SHOW her what she's been missing out and she'll forget about Gren. WE'LL be the powerful couple...Gren does not deserve ANY of this!"
The Earth under Robert's feet shakes. Calla returns; her glow from a yellow to a dark red and sitting beside her, the spirit of Thomas. Beside Thomas, his deceased brothers.
"If this be your decision, you shall never find true happiness, my son. You'll always wander this world alone, full of hate and questions that will never be answered. You're forgetting the blessings you have. To be proud of your brother and all he's managed to claim..."
Robert screams, causing his family to vanish within a trace. The wind blows through his hair, filling his mind with fright. Robert slams into a nearby tree, covers his face and continues to shriek. Carla's voice returns to his mind, collecting her 'secret' weapon.
"I am the only one that knows you are strong, showing you your potential and proving them wrong. In this town, everyone will soon hail their leader. Take the chance, get rid of Gren and become their next creator."
"You are the one with teeth sharp and arms like tree trunks, mind bold, agility quick and here to prove Grendel was always a flunk."
Beaming, Robert stands up. Carla was there in a flash and gone with the shadows of the moon and night. Robert's mind had been made.
So began the battle for Fabletown....
Any questions, you know the drill. And it begins....
Damn, the battle is happening already? Well if you say so, Nick has been dying for some action
Now the scenes with MichellexEthan, and in a way EmilyxGren.... Damn dude, you were pushing it a bit with the level of detail :O I found it to be tasteful at least...
Robert, you're being led astray, you speak like Brandish and you will end up like him: Alone, hated, and worth less than the shit on their boots... I hope Robert comes to his senses soon >:(
I await more dude! XD
Where's your goddess now!? Finale
In Wonderland...
Kieron saw that Azaria and Alice were fighting, he along with Nyx and Og were blocked off by a magical wall. Shadow Alice walked up.
"Now I can't have you interfering now can I?" She smiled
Kieron was at his limits. Here he was just standing by as his friends fought each other when not to long ago they were laughing and enjoying each others company. It made him sad to see them this way. He turned around and faced Shadow Alice.
"Stop this...please just leave us be!" Kieron shouted
"And if I don't?" Shadow Alice said
Kieron ignored her question. "I just want to go back. I want to see them smile again." He said
Shadow Alice walked next to Kieron. "Sometimes people don't see eye to eye on things. Azaria also wants what you want, to leave this place as if it never existed. But Alice wants you both to stay, she needs a new king, not Tyrone he did not go through the trials he forced his way to the throne which caused you to be dragged here." Shadow Alice said.
"But you said only one will stand...that means it'll be me and Tyrone..." Kieron said
The others picked up on what he said. "You're not doing it alone Kieron! We'll be by your side till its our time to go." They said
Kieron slammed the magical wall "That is not what I want though!!!" Kieron said tears beginning to flow. "We are all supposed to make it through this together! As friends...as allies...to look towards a brighter day...to say we survived...and now...and now you're all going to die, just so I can live! It...I can't..." He fell to his knee. "For once I have friends who cared for me, for once I had something to look forward to, but what was the point if most of it is taken from me!" Kieron began to sob.
Nyx walked up to Kieron and tried to comfort him. Azaria and Alices fight picked up, they were throwing insults at each other if one hit the other. Azaria looked to have the upper hand but it didn't make Kieron feel any better. Although the tide of the battle turned and went rather one sided when Alice got a good kick in and threw Azaria down and with one quick movement got her hands on a shadow spear and stabbed it straight through Azarias chest...
This sent Kieron into a rage he punched and broke the magical barrier using his blood magic. He ran over to Azaria, she wasn't in good shape. Alice stepped back in horror releasing the shadown spear.
Kieron knelt and lifted Azaria. "Hey you're going to be okay, just...just keep looking at me okay?" He said "Please don't do this...not yet..." He said.
She brought her hand to his cheek. Blood began to form from her mouth. She too began to cry. She then mouthed the words "I'm sorry...I love you."
Kieron began to plead over and over, but he knew there was no point, he could see her life fade from her eyes as he looked into them. He held her in his arms, it gotten to the point where he couldn't scream in agony he tried and he tried, all he could do was breathe in and when he went to scream there was nothing. He set her down and stood there was nothing except he felt sorrow and extreme pain.
"I'm sorry! I didn't-oh gosh I'm so sorry Kieron!" Alice began to tell him over and over.
Kieron couldn't speak, he was speechless at this point. Alice tried over and over but Kieron wouldn't budge. What they didn't notice was that Azaria had opened her eyes, her eye color was bright yellow and she had sprouted angelic wings. She stood and tapped on Kierons shoulder. When he turned he saw Azaria standing there.
"Kieron: Lord of Blood you have my blessing to take the throne, you show a great deal of compassion a king needs this to be succesful." She said
"So it is the wish you desire then." She said.
He grabbed the angel. "I want Azaria back! I know she's there!" He said
"Her spirit has faded already you saw it for yourself Fable." She said
"That's not...It can't be! She's got to be there!" He said
Kieron got the hint. He let go, it was then that he could scream. He lifted his head and saw a Lunar Tear, he went over and picked the flower. These flowers were very rare to find, and almost impossible to cultivate in a farm, story has it that it would grant a wish. Kieron gave the angel the flower.
"Can you at least give her this flower in the afterlife?" He asked
"I can do that Fable." She said grabbing the flower and floated to the sky.
Kieron didn't know what to do. Everything had happened so fast he had lost someone very dear to him in a matter of seconds...and he couldn't do anything...Og and Nyx walked up to him.
"Kieron we...we have to go there's only one commander and the king left, and it'll be all over." Nyx said
"I know we have to go but...I...I don't want to lose you guys! I can't handle it anymore." He said sadly
Alice was losing it. She began talking to herself and mumbling different things. Kieron walked over to Alice and picked her up. When Kieron looked around he saw Wonderland begin to crumble and fall apart behind them. Kieron looked at Azarias pool of blood and wished that he could use his magic to heal others. It killed him inside, that the end was just around the corner...he just wish he'd die instead but he's come to far to do so, he'd decided to fight until the end. For all who has fallen during the wars sake. He'd wish this place back to normal and everyone be restored. The castle wasn't that far off now...
That's it! The final chapters of this part of Kierons story is among us, and it's not looking good. Any questions or comments or anything else let me know.
I have no words for Azaria's death, as I feel only heartbreak and an urge to shed a tear... I hope you understand
I too wish that things had gone differently for Kieron, this life has treated him poorly and now he is doomed for more heartbreak... I wish that Nick could bring the souls of the dead back to the world of the living, but there is a steep price to pay for such a thing, and there is only one Nick.
I await more of this grand tale dude! XD
I'm going to make this quick because the internet is being really stupid and keeps kicking me off. >:(
Yes, the battle is beginning but it's what will follow that will take time to explain and piece everything together. The battle won't happen in one post; I'll have them seperate into several sections.
Well, it was done tastefully.
Reminds me of those romance novels my mother reads at the moment. JUST enough to picture. 
Robert is caught in the middle at the moment. JJ was worried I'd turn his OC into a bad guy but I assured him all will work out in the end and he's fine with it all now. Robert does remind me of Brandish at the moment....you'll all see when the battle comes.
I figured that much, it just sounded sudden is all
Oh man... You've read TDAU, so you know that if I posted a love scene from that story on here, I would get banned! XP
I look forward to it. In a strange way I wouldn't care if someone made Nick a villain, cuz he started life as one before I made him 'good'
Now it wants to work...go home, internet. You're drunk. XD
I know but I also don't want to carry on too much and drag it, especially since after the move and things get back to a routine, when I'll post again and I want to cover AS much of the battle as I can and what happens during and after....
I have and remember those bits. I don't want to go TOO overboard but its a moment between two people that love one another and leave it at that.
I recall one time posting a section as such and it was WAAAAY too much....XD
You know how JJ is with his Robert.
I'm sure we'd still ask, though. 
Yes let the fight begin! Just after you know some quick love making is all XD
I hope the quads sneak in a few punches! Old Liam deserves a good hit or two! >:D
Robert seems to be heading down a very dark path, hopefully Gren can help him come to his senses!
Awesome as always man!
Dude I totally understand as writing this hurt even me man, it sucked sadly I have to write more
It only gets worse I'm afraid
that would be sweet of Nick but Kieron nor I and probably you wouldn't let Nick do that. Kieron will need a friend after all this.
Yeah I understand man
What happened to you with that 'one section'?
Oh yeah it's polite to ask, but I would more than likely say "Yeah sure" :P
I hope you do the right thing...
Oh dear
I was actually hinting towards something that will happen in my current story with that 'steep price to pay' but I'm not going to explain it... I've said too much already :O
After much distractions, the next part is here for you all! More characters will get introduced next chapter, and possibly the chapter after that too!
Enjoy like usual!
Chapter 10: Alternative Transportation
"Wait a minute. You're saying he can turn into a dragon - just like that?"
"No, well, sort of. Damn it, I suck at telling these sorts of things. How about you explain it to her instead, Tezzy?"
Tez sighs. "Very well, Rose." He turns to Fayde. "You haven't shown any tell-tale signs of annihilating us yet, so I'll do the same and reveal my 'curse' to you, Fayde."
She looks at Rose Red, and then back at Tez again. "Curse?"
"Yes, it was given to me through an unfortunate set of events. Let's just say... I technically didn't come to America's Fabletown in the normal sense of things. Whenever I get really angry, or if I lose control of the dragon 'within me' - I become a dragon in return."
"Ah, that explains the dragon eyes I noticed earlier. I'll be smart not to make you furious either."
Tez huffed. "It would be wise."
Nancy joined in their little chat circle. "Sorry to interrupt, but is everything in order? Me and John really need to retreat to bed now. I wasn't joking about us having to get up bright and early tomorrow."
Tez smiles. "Yes, I think everything is in check. Let's vacate the premises for the good woman."
Rose rolls her eyes. "Geez, do you always have to be so formal, Tez?"
"Yes I do."
"In that case - a good evening to you, Madame Smith." Rose mocks a posh woman's curtsey. "I do declare that me and Mister Scales will soon relish having the opportunity to wine and dine in your finest establishment again in the near future."
The dragon thief cringes while Nancy and Harmony attempt to stifle their giggles. "That's insulting."
"Oh, hush. You know you found it hilarious, Tez."
"Oh my gosh," Harmony stands near Rose. "Uncle Tez really did find it funny, I see him smirking!"
"Ah-ha!" Rose points at Tez as if he got a question right on a game show. "I knew you weren't grumpy! Alright, I got my laughs out of this. Let's go, Harm. You included, Fayde."
The four, as well as Nancy and John, walk over to the house entrance. John opens the door, while Nancy stands idly by. "Good night, and have a safe trip back."
"You too, Nance. John. It's been a long day. Tuck in the kids tight and say our goodbyes for us, you hear?"
"I will, Rose, and Fayde?"
She turns. "Yes?"
"I do hope you can visit us again soon, if possible."
"I hope so. All of you have shown me kindness despite what happened earlier. I'll never forget that."
The four say their goodbyes again, only to leave the Smith Settlement to walk into the darkness of night.
"Well, honey." John closes the doors, looking at his wife. "Let's check on our four troublemakers upstairs."
Crickets chirp on a starry night, and more events soon come into play...
"I'll go 'change' out back." Tez takes off his hoodie, carefully handing it to Rose.
"Yeah, this is the part where you guys look away." Rose grins at the two. "I know I can keep looking because, I've seen his hot bod before."
"What? I'm just saying, Tez."
Fayde puts her hand on Harm's shoulder. "Yeah, let's take a little walk before things get hectic again."
Harmony shudders the moment her hand touches her shoulder. Fortunately, she keeps her cool and nods, soon following by Fayde's side. "I concur."
They begin walking on the dirt road leading away from the settlement. "So, I apologize if I scarred you back in the vehicle earlier - when I snuck up on your radio listening."
"I got to admit, you had me good. But no worries, your apology was all I wanted in return. Just... never do that again to me. Or any of my family and friends."
"I can't guarantee anything, but I'll do my best."
"Figures. I'll take it as a 50/50 maybe, then."
They continue walking along the road, both of them halt to make sure they don't stray too far from the house. Fayde rests her back against a tree.
"A Banshee, huh? How does it feel like? Y'know, if you guys have any feelings."
Fayde's smile went to a blank expression the moment Harm asked such a thing. "Do you really want to know?"
"Might as well, it'll help ease my curiosity."
She rubs her eyes to try and stay awake. "It honestly feels like Death. Sometimes, when I hear voices in my head, I hear nearby souls calling to me, begging for a way out - or to give them a second chance somehow. You're a bright one, though. You realize we Banshees only serve as omens to those who have their demise coming to them."
"Yes, indeed I do but-" Harmony paused mid-sentence. "You've killed before, haven't you?"
Tears streamed down her face. "Yes..."
Harm's eyes widened when she sees Fayde fall to the ground in sadness. "Oh! I didn't mean to make you cry, I'm sorry! I'll stop talking if you want me to."
"No, no, it's fine. It's just that, you reminded me of something I don't want to remember. It isn't your fault, however, it's mine."
"Hmmm. Okay, well I'm here if you want to-" ROAR
Fayde and Harm turn their attention to the noise. She looks at Harm confused. "What was that?"
"I dunno, but it sounded like my Uncle Tez. Let's go see!" They get up and hurry through the dark forest.
"Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary..."
"C'mon, my bundle of fire, not now! Fight it!" Rose slumps her torso on his dragon head for comfort. "Please..."
Tezoth blinks and speaks slowly. "Mother? Father? I miss you. Please let me come home."
"Aunty Rose!" The Banshee and Zephyr come into the scene. "Are the visions back for him?"
"Afraid so, Harm. Let's just hope they'll go away on him soon this time. For all our sakes."
"Oh my," Fayde observes the huge black dragon before her. "This is Tezoth?"
"In the scales. Unluckily for you, you caught him at a bad time. Well, second bad time." Rose glares at her.
"Should I go get help from Nancy? Maybe there's something we can do?"
"No, no, there isn't anything they or we can do to help. Besides, they've had enough on their plate for one evening. All we gotta do is wait until his visions end in our part."
"Another curse of his?"
"In a way. You familiar with Bloody Mary at all, Fayde?" Rose slouched over to sit against Tez's side. Harmony did the same.
Fayde still stood up, and pondered about the question. "Only rumors. Haven't came across her in any shape or form in Ireland."
"Lucky you. What you're seeing here is the result of one of her victims."
"How so?"
"She gave my Tez the worst type of 'mental brain cleaning' anyone could possibly have."
"Are the visions permanent for him?"
"I hope not. All I know he keeps on mentioning Bloody Mary and his parents occasionally."
Cough, cough, cough, cough.
"Aunt Rose, I think he's snapping out of it!"
"Ugh," The dragon clears his throat. He looks at Rose, Harm, and then Fayde. "What happened?" He looked at Rose again.
"You were rambling again, with your visions. Amazingly, you recovered quick this time."
"Huh, it must mean it must be going away for me - piece by piece."
"I suppose, but you mentioned your parents again. In your rambling."
"Never mind that, Rose. We've got to get to Fabletown pronto, as you would say. Get on my back, all of you."
"Yeah, yeah, alright." Rose climbs on top of his back.
Harm raises her hand. "I may decline the 'free ride' this time. I feel like flying tonight. If you don't mind me doing so, Uncle Tez."
"By all means, but if you spot a Mundy plane coming, get on my back and I'll evade them."
"Got it." Harmony begins to float, waiting for his go-ahead.
"Well? You coming, Fayde? Not like you have a choice in the matter, anyway." Tez grunts.
"I'm - I'm kind of scared of heights." Fayde scratched her head nervously.
Rose sighs. "This time will be an exception."
Harmony adds in. "If you're scared, you can look at me flying! Or simply imagine that you're in a land made of cotton, and we're just barely skimming the surface."
Fayde sighs. "Alright, I, I'll do it. Let's get this over with." She climbs on.
Tez turns his head to look back.
"If you feel like you're going to fall off, grab on to either of my wings. I assure you, though, you needn't worry about such a thing. I'm a good aviator."
Fayde was still nervous about all this. "Thanks for the tip."
Rose Red slaps her back gently in response. "Don't you worry about a thing, he actually is a good pilot. Besides, he wouldn't want his favorite clothes falling through the air, now would he?" She grinned.
"No, Rose Bud, I would not." He retorted, but smiled afterward.
Harmony grew impatient. "Enough chatting, let's go and see the pretty stars! I bet my roommate's wondering where the heck I am too!"
"Alright, alright, it's about time we'd get going." Tez looked for an open clearing to spread his wings. Finally locating a spot, he flapped and flapped until he gained flight.
The trees began to get smaller and smaller the moment Tezoth gained altitude.
Fayde grabbed onto his left wing really tight. "Ooohhhh..."
Rose Red breathes in the fresh night air. "Wooo! Moments like these make me fucking happy I'm a Fable."
Harmony chimes in, spreading her arms and soaring through the sky in response. "I agree! Except the F-word part. That I don't agree with."
"Sorry, wind child. My bad."
Tez interrupts. "How is our new 'passenger' doing?"
Rose looks. "I think she's scared, but breathing at least."
Fayde stood quiet in shock from the height.
"Hey, Fayde? Remember what I told you, imagine you're in a cotton field and we're barely skimming the surface."
She breathes. "Yeah, yeah, okay. It's just a cotton field, only a cotton field." She lets go, and carefully observes her surroundings. "Hey, this isn't so bad! Reminds me of home a little."
"See? I knew you would come around your fear, at least for now."
"Thank you for that, Harmony. Onward to Fabletown then. Again."
END, of Chapter 10.
I've been waiting for this!
This was really good! And I sense that Fayde and Harmony will be great friends over time, although being a banshee sounds really bad at times but maybe that's just me.
Rose is absolutely hilarious man! XD
I can't wait for more!
I'm glad you've enjoyed the story so far, even though Dixa had a minor roll in it. You might find the suprise at the ending, unexpected
I must say dude, I'm mentally kicking myself for not starting this story earlier! It's a very well written chapter!
Rose Red is actually likeable, Fayde is really interesting, Tezoth is a dragon I would love to know more about, and Harmony is Harmony :P
You'll need to catch me up on the story and the characters at some point though...
I look forward to more dude! XD
I read this earlier but did not have time to comment. My internet was being stupid, too. >:( This wind...the hell did it come from, pie!!! lol
Click here
This song came to my head as I read those moments between EthanxMichelle and Gremily. Those 'love' scenes were done beautifully and never stop. There is so much passion, pie. Poor Michelle and those scars....:( You treat her good, Ethan or so help me! shakes fist
I hope the quads and the rest of the kids just DESTROY Carla! >:D
And my poor, lost, confused Robert. This was tough to read but I know he'll rise to the top and save Gren. He loves Gren and would never hurt his brother, despite the BS they went through.
GREAT chap, dude and can't wait for more!
You've caught on well! I've been trying to slowly establish a friendship between the two throughout this and previous chaps I've made.
You're right on being a little skeptical of her, as I'm still attempting to describe Fayde as a mystery who hasn't been fully solved yet. If you get what I'm saying.
I'm glad you loved it! Whatever I write for Rose, I try to make her 'non-serious' dialogue laughable. Y'know?
Ah I Gotcha I gotcha!
Yeah I always pictured Rose as a she never took anything serious ever type of character anyways which are my favorite type of characters!
A summary of what's happened so far will exist eventually, but I feel I need to post more first before I do that.
My story for Fayde is supposed to take place in 1989, so it's way before the horrible thing many people shun Rose Red for in the comics. Whatever it was. (no spoilers please XD)
You'll learn more about Tez as well, it's the least I can do after I abruptly stopped writing for his past story altogether.
You're absolutely right! Plus, she's got that smartass punk attitude - in which I personally like. ;P
I won't spoil it for you XD
Tez as a dragon sounds like someone Nick doesn't want to fight! :O I may have to wait a bit to see what Dragon Tez can do before I use him in my story...
Her just being there is something. XD It probably will be unexpected! And I look forward to it.
Azaria! Kieron is paying a lot for something he doesn't want; just how is this going to end? Will just have to wait and see, but the poor guy has been through so much. It's intense!
We're already up to Chapter 10? Only feels like 6, or maybe 7, but not 10. It's going so fast!
Anyway, loved the dialogue and banter in this! When it's top, it's like you're in the same place as the characters and they're talking in front of you, and that's how it seemed here.
Tez's flashbacks are alarming; would this be from the time when Mary kidnapped Tez and Snow, and she went into their minds? Either way, it'd be interesting to learn more about Tezoth's parents, his family.
Whenever I hear this, always reminds me of the thread. XD
"Yes I do."
Ahh, that made me chuckle. XD
Going good, dude!
I think it went something like 'this is too graphic' or something. It happened so long ago. XD I just watch myself now.
It is, especially if it's another OC and I'd hate to mess it up. You know me. XD
Something in my gut told me there would be a death. I was not sure who it would be but sure enough, there it is...Azaria is dead and I have a feeling this will drive Kieron to the breaking point now but I'll have to sit back and wait. He has been through so much already and he was finally getting that little shred of light that was keeping Kieron just above the water. Uh man...and you say I GIVE dem feels! XD
Times like these I wish Viviana and Emily had learned the ability to enter the land of the dead and coax Azaria's soul back to this world but that would be too damn easy.
I love this, dude and look forward to that ending!
Harmony and Fayde becoming BFF's for life remind me of those girls when I was going to high school and they would crowd around one locker and make their way in packs, talking about their hair, shoes, plans for the weekend and the hottest boy in school. XD A zephyr and Banshee hanging around seems like trouble but comical all rolled into one, fun package.
I love Rose in this story and although she is not my favorite for various reasons (will not spoil) I'll look past that to appreciate THIS Rose.
The dialouge was humerous and so her. The way she and Tman connect makes it golden all on its own. Also, I love Fayde; her mystery is what makes her an interesting character and after that little mishap at the Smith Settlement, my curiosity radar is going nuts over here.
I love this and was well worth the wait!
Glad you liked it Lupine!
Yeah writing this was rough and at this point I feel like I'm being way way too hard on Kieron. I don't know whether to call the ending a good one or neutral lol XD As soon as I get out of class I will be finishing this.
Fair enough
I'm a little fearful of using so many OC's with their correct personalities etc. in my next story, cuz as much as I try and understand them from what I've read, I'll probably mess up somewhere :P
I contemplated on whether it should be Azaria or Alice and well this was what I chose. He's trying so hard to hold on but when everything is taken is probably when he snaps and loses control. Lol it had to be done at some point
That would be extremely helpful! But don't forget Kieron has a wish and also the Lunar Tear he gave to the angel may grant a wish. But these things have consequences...
I will probably post it when I get back from this last class that I am in
Glad you love the story man! 
This is payback for all those previous feels, huh? XD Fair enough, my good man.
Ah yes, that is right: I nearly had forgotten about those items but knowing there is a cost makes me wonder if Kieron will be able to THINK straight and take that into consideration or will he even CARE after all this...OH how exciting!!
Awesome, dude! Look forward and I'm in love with this story!
Yes Pie! Its payback time! >:D nah that's messed up! Lol Its just that Azaria fit the death bill more than Alice did
I can assure you that Kieron will waver when it comes to his choices
That's awesome to hear man!
It's probably the way I'm writing it that we're up to this point. There would've been more chapters if I didn't make a couple of previous ones into 2 or 3 parts as a whole. :P
You got it. That's exactly what I'm trying to go for with Tez. I think you're the only one here who still remembers! And concerning his family, I have a few ideas, but since this is mostly a story about Fayde, it may not come until later.
To sate a good amount of your curiosities about Fayde, I have something pretty interesting planned for next chapter. I know that's what I usually say to almost every comment ever (or something similar), but this could be something you guys wouldn't expect me to write!
Only in this thread, I've made Rose Red bearable for some.
Glad you all have enjoyed again.
And they fell...the finale
Wonderland was now collapsing around them as Alice had finally snapped. Kieron for all everyone else knew had also lost his mind. Nyx was scared to be around Kieron so he went on Ogs shoulder. The castle was now in sight and the end was near, knowing this Nyx had a flashback.
Nyxs mind...
Nyx found himself to be in an open field, the sky was white and there were no trees, barely any grass. He looked forward and saw Kieron as a little kid, he was running around and had smiles on his face. He began to see Kieron get older he saw him grow sad, and then he aged again to see him look compassionless and cold. This was who he will become, and Nyx felt as if it were his fault since he altered his future so much. When he looked at Kieron again he was back to a kid, Kieron ran up to Nyx and gave him a hug.
"Do you have to die?" Kieron asked
Nyx began to remember things, he was terminally ill teenage fable, he met Kieron one day at the park because he was all alone there and decided to hang out with him in Nyxs final days. He hugged Kieron back. He also took notice that he was now a human but didn't acknowledge it out loud.
"Just think of it as a 'I'll see you again someday' speech okay?" Nyx smiled and patted Kierons head.
"But...what about the days Tyrone doesn't hang out with me?" Kieron said
"I'll be here, you just have to try and find me." Nyx said
"But you'll be dead..." Kieron said sadly
"My spirit will always be with you, you may not see me but I'll be there watching over you." Nyx smiled
And in a flash the older Kieron appeared and he appeared to be crying. Nyx knew he had failed. He brought this child nothing but pain trying to protect him. With that Nyx wished to no longer have this dream, so he forced himself awake.
They had reached the front gate of the castle when Nyx awoke. He didn't know whether to tell Kieron about who he was or not. For the time being he decided to keep quiet, he saw Kieron put the mentally unstable Alice down. But when he did she sprouted dark wings. She looked to Kieron.
"Come with me, we must decide whether you or Tyrone will be king." She said with a maniacle smile
"No. I will push on with my friends. You interfere and I will kill you and just leave." Kieron said
Og tried to but in but Nyx shook his head.
"You dare defy a goddess!?" She said
"And do you dare to defy a potential king?" He said looking at her straight in the eyes.
Alice crossed her arms. "So be it! But make it quick, they're going to die anyways."
Kieron grabbed Alices wing and pulled her close. He gripped her neck. "Speak again and I break your neck." He spoke coldly
Alice nodded leading to Kieron letting go.She then proceeded to fly away. Kieron looked back at the two tried to smile as best as he could and apologized for his behavior. Nyx and Og forgave him and moved into the castle as everything around it was collapsing.
In the real world...
Azarias body had went through the magic teleporter, the doctor checked her pulse but she had no pulse. She did however have the Lunar Tear in her hair. The Doctor realized what was transpiring and ran outside.
"Hans! We need you to come quick!" The doctor said
Hans regained his mental stability. "What's going on?" He said
"Your wife has comepletely lost all mental stability and wonderland is falling apart! There isn't enough time for the others to finish their job on the other side! We need you to help bring Alice back just a bit!" The doctor said
Hans got up without hesitation and rushed to the teleporter. Nick slowly followed from behind just in case anything were to happen.
In Wonderland...
Kieron and the others noticed wonderland was not falling apart for the time being. Kieron opened the door to the next room and noticed the next commander was blocking their path. It looked like a Chimera it had the form of a lion, a goats head on his back with a snake head. Kieron and the others prepared themselves but Og and Nyx pushed Kieron.
"Go on Kieron we can do this." Nyx said
"But I can help! You two could die!" Kieron said
"We're going to die anyways. Might as well have it be useful." Nyx shrugged
"That's stupid we could just-" Kieron was cut off by the Lions roar and wonderlands continuous collapse.
Og then picked Kieron up and threw him through the final set of doors that led him to the Kings chambers. When Kieron looked up he saw Og had a hole in his chest from the snake but somehow he still fought, Og had grabbed the Chimera and stood on a ledge. Kieron then noticed Nyx give the final push to get Og and the Chimera off the ledge. Kieron saw them drop off into nothing. Kieron slammed his fist on the ground. He started to scream in agony. The doors behind him opened up. Tyrone stood behind him.
"What scum." Tyrone said kicking Kieron in the stomach Tyrone began to drag Kieron into the kings chamber by the back of his collar. When they entered the room he threw Kieron across the floor. "People like you make me sick." Tyrone continued. "Those who talk of friends and other such nonsense will go nowhere." He scowled
Kieron got up and noticed Alice was an angel but she looked to be in comeplete agony and sadness. He looked at Tyrone.
"What did you do to her?" Kieron said
"Her husband tried to give back her sanity and ruin my plans. So I took a throwing knife and threw it at him. I didn't kill him though just enough to really get Alice into madness." He smiled
Kieron got up. He drew his sword. Tyrone drew his, and the two charged one another. They clashed swords and Tyrone smiled.
"Do you remember me Kieron? I am your childhood friend after all!" He said
Kieron won the clash and kicked Tyrone away from him. "No I don't, and I don't think I want to either." He said
"Such hatred! I like it!" Tyrone smirked.
Even though Kieron didn't want to remember, memories began to flow through his head of him and Tyrone when they were kids. He noticed that although him and Tyrone were friends, Tyrone would also occasionally bully Kieron. He also saw Tyrone beating on a teenager to which Kieron pulled him off and scolded Kieron for doing so.
"Do you remember now?" Tyrone asked
"Who...who is the teenager?" Kieron asked
"Why that is your precious Nyx back from the dead. It was hard to do but a Lunar Tear can help out a lot." Tyrone said
"Nyx is a human!?" Kieron said in shock.
Tyrone charged again, he and Kieron clashed many times. This time Tyrone winning and punched Kieron into a wall. "Yes you two were quite close, but you see he was terminally ill, he had a timer on his head, and when he died you were gone, you didn't even go to his funeral." Tyrone said
Kieron didn't remember any of this. He was shocked, he charged Tyrone and clashed again. Wonderland has almost comepletely fallen apart all that was left was Alice in the corner and very little floor to stand on. Kieron began to get serious. Tyrone laughed, its as if he knew he won. He snapped his finger. Kieron felt a sharp pain in his chest. He looked down and there were two swords in his chest. He fell to the ground. Tyrone knelt beside him.
"I'm sorry old friend but the weak do not get to survive here." He said
Kieron began to lose consciousness. He looked at Alice and saw her face she smiled maniacally at him. And mouthed the words "It's not over yet." After that Kieron had died...
In the Afterlife...
Kieron walked the afterlife. He always wondered what it looked like. In the distance he saw someone. He began to run toward the figure. The figure turned around and when Kieron noticed it was Azaria he smiled and hugged her and spun around with her in his arms. They both laughed and then her face grew sad.
"Why did you let yourself die?" She said
Kieron couldn't look her in the eyes "I...I don't want to fight anymore...I just want to rest. I want to be with you." He said
Azaria was happy that he wanted to be with her but she still looked sad. "We'll I want you to live a nice life, to be able to experience life's great things that's why..." She said grabbing the Lunar tear. "I wish you back to life, this time try and give it your all okay. As you used to say 'Go for Broke!'" She said.
All of Kierons friends began to show they smiled and began to cheer Kieron on. Kieron didn't want to live again, but he began to think...
Somewhere else...
Kieron woke up on a flat plain there was nothing but white in the sky. Tyrone began to look around, he was furious.
"What the hell!? I was just about to take the throne what-" He looked over and saw Kieron was standing again.
Kieron was drenched in blood, through the blood his hazel eyes shined like a beacon of hope for wonderland. Azarias blood gave him perfect defense, Ogs blood gave him the strength of the strongest of gods, Nyxs blood made him move faster than the eye could see. Fear began to set into Tyrones face, Kierons maniacle smile began to show, he looked to have no control over his body. Kieron charged Tyrone in matter of miliseconds, when Kieron punched him there was a Shockwave with the sound braking bones. Tyrone flew into the sky while Kieron met him mid jump and kicked him back down. When Tyrone hit the ground there was a crater in the flat plain. Tyrone was somehow still alive, Kierons body twitched and moved horrifically toward Tyrone. Tyrone began to scream in fear which caused him to cough up blood. Kieron used Tyrones blood to create great swords and began to impale parts of Tyrones body with his own blood. Kieron began to hiss he pulled all the blood from his body to create spears in one movement fourth spears struck Tyrones body.
Kieron began to get his mental stability back. Alice flew over clapping.
"You have won, what is it you desire?" She said
Kieron began to think he then spoke. "I wish..."
He then saw flashbacks of meeting his friends and everything he's learned, but something felt different...
In the hospital...
The doctor jumped for joy. "They did it! They saved Alice! She has comeplete mental stability! And wonderland has returned to normal!" He said "Also they have all seemed to have been resurrected...which is weird they must have had some consequences of doing so."
Kieron, Azaria and Alice slept for a couple days. Within these days Nick had returned to Luke with info and in turn Luke and Bigby raided the 'hospital' and shut it down, Bigby apologized to Hans for not taking action earlier. Hans then forgave Bigby.
"So what do we tell them when they wake up?" Hans said
"Nothing." Luke said
"What do you mean nothing?" Hans asked
"As of right now Fabletown has no idea anything went on here. We need to keep it that way." Luke said "It sucks but it has to be done."
Hans looked sad...
The next day...
Kieron woke up in his hospital bed his head hurt really bad. He got up and got dressed. He looked outside.
"Hey Kieron C'mon pack your stuff! This place is being shut down!" A doctor said.
Kieron wanted to ask why but shrugged it off. He didn't have much just two outfits and his MP3 Player. He plugged in his headphones. When he walked the halls he saw a woman in a sun dress with who seemed to be her husband and child. He smiled at their happiness, he doesn't even know who his family was, he didn't even have friends. He continued to walk down the hall and noticed a kitten rummaging through garbage cans out the window. The cat seemed familiar but he hasn't seen a kitten in years. He saw an Ogre and a human who looked and acted like they were bros for life. He continued to walk down the corridor. He saw a very tall and intimidating man, he stared at Kieron as he walked down the hall. Kieron looked away and kept walking. Kieron continued to walk down the hall, his MP3 Player was blaring.
Give up your searching I don't want to be found, your gaze would haunt me. I've thrown out reality and it has changed me, I'm not the same don't call my name I'm afraid I'll taint you but if you must see look through your memories. That's where I will live on...
Kieron felt the song was taunting him because he feels like he knows these people but yet at the same time he could not recall any memories of meeting these people. His MP3 Player changed as he saw a beautiful elven woman, who had a Lunar Tear in her hair.
When you walk away you don't hear me say "please oh baby don't go." Simple and Clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight it's hard to let it go...the tune played in a soft music box tune.
The elven woman put the Lunar Tear which had died in the garbage. Kieron didn't know why but he felt a great deal of pain in his chest. As if he'd been thrown out himself, unloved. When he walked out into Fabletown the sun shined bright in his eyes. His chest hurt still, he felt as if he should ask someone but he was never good at talking to people. Luke walked over and handed him a key.
"For the hero, you deserve the best the woodlands has to offer." Luke said
"Hero?" Kieron said
Luke began to realize that Kieron and the others must have lost their memories. "Um you were always called a hero in the hospital." Luke said
Kieron knew he was being lied to but at this point he didn't care, he read the key number and began to head towards the woodlands.
Luke felt bad he wanted to tell Kieron everything that happened but he wanted to keep it confidential. Nick walked by with a look of disgust and began to follow Kieron, Nick wasn't about to let this man be screwed over again. Nick didn't know why but he felt like he needed to help Kieron. But little did Nick know it was too late to help this man his fate was already sealed. Nick knocked on Kierons door and told him everything Kieron and Nick didn't miss a detail. Kieron began to remember everything, the war, the pain, his victory. Tears began to run down his face. Even Nick felt sorry and sadness for Kieron as he lost everything all over again. Nick tried talking Kieron into contacting them but Kieron wouldn't budge. Kieron felt as if they shouldn't have to remember those memories as they were extremely painful for Kieron to recollect, he didn't want the others to feel this way. So Kieron decided to bottle his emotions and memories, and figured all he could do was simply move on...but it he didn't care about how it would hurt him to do so. Nick let Kieron know that if he needed anything to call. Kieron flopped on his bed...he was alone again...he now understood why it hurt him so much when Azaria threw away the Lunar Tear...Was he cursed to live a life full of anguish? Azaria promised him he'd live a happy life but here he was...unhappy...he closed his eyes and began to sleep...Little did Kieron know this was just the beginning of his story and that one day he would live a happy life...
That's it! This is the true ending to this part of his story whether it's good or bad let me know. Also @HazzatheMan let me know if I stepped out of line with Nick, I dont know how he acts when he wants to help people (Except for the one part I read on your last chapter so I gauged what he'd do off of that.) so if what he does is something you disagree with just let me know and I'll make sure to fix it.
Any other questions or comments or anything else let me know. :P
Oh wow... This was a hard chapter
Poor Kieron, the consequence was total amnesia, he never made these friends, he never fell in love, he never became a king or a hero, he was just another body in a hospital...
But it was nice to see everyone resurrected that way, I like a happy thing amongst all the sadness :P
Now onto Nick... I'm going to be very honest with you. Nick would need a good reason to tell Kieron the truth, cuz Nick didn't need to tell him the truth, he had no obligation to do so, he's just forced Kieron to remember an adventure he didn't know had even happened. Now unless Kieron knowing the truth of what happened is crucial for the story to move along, then Nick did the right thing, but if Nick simply told Kieron because he felt that Kieron needed a memory jog, then that isn't right.
I hope Nick knows what he's doing regardless though, my guy always has something up his sleeve one way or another...
Also which part with Nick in my last chapter were you referring to?
I look forward to more dude! XD
Night before the battle part 2
Then I saw when the Lamb broke one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.
Junior could not shrug off this abnormal feeling as he sat in his bed, looking into the mrror beside the window. The curtains blew along the object and walls of his six bedroom apartment in the downtown region of Fabletown; Mary tossed for a moment but returned to her dreams and various thoughts blooming in her mind. Junior stands up and walks towards the mirror. Even the most foul of spirits were silent when Junior poked his head through the glass. They huddled in the corner, their blank eyes glaring at their master. Junior scans the floor, sides and corners. It was all the same. Junior eyes a shadow person gliding along the darkness, head hung low and souless eyes focused on the ground.
"HEY!" Junior, in true form, motions to the shadow. "What is going on in here? Why are all of you shadows down as so?"
"The winds are changing, sire. The ground trembles in fear. We are unsure of these changes. There is evil among us, more powerful then any of us combined. This vile, putrid soul brings the strongest man to his knees, wishing Death with grant mercy and take thy soul from this wretched place...."
Junior knew they spoke heavily of Carla. She managed to keep a shield over any mirrors she was surrounded by and neither Junior or his offspring were capable of seeking her out. Devestated, he could only sit back and pray Carla's next move did not involve his own. This was becoming a routine to the family lately. Junior noticed the screams in the dark growing loudly as the shadows passed him by. They shivered; their black corpses blowing along the brim of the night, avoiding the women so many came to fear within a short amount of time. Carla was a mundy so many became terrified of.
"Stay away from her or the one called 'Hecate'." Junior's eyes glowed a deep crimson red, as he looked around. "Do not allow her access to our worlds. She could be hiding around any corner...."
Neither dared speak to Junior. The shrieks and screams continued but Junior slinked his way back into his apartment. His head became a mess of thoughts and emotions. He was torn. On one side, he had his sister and the battle se was dealing with. Carla would try anything to remove the bow and power from her hands. On the other, his family. Junior had a wife and children to mind to and their safety was at stake now with Carla lurking about. Confused, Junior throws his back to the wall and attempts to comfort the tiny voice beckoning for him to pull back from the war and allow Gren and Emily to battle alone.
The blood poured from his nose, mouth and eyes like water falling from the higest peeks of the mountains. His head began throbbing; there was so many chances he was taking and the thoughts began to trample along his sanity. Mary noticed his beahvior and jumped from beneath the covers. Grabbing her distressed husband, Mary tries to comfort Junior. His wailing caused her heart to break and rage boil inside her heart. Like Gren was to Emily, Mary never liked to feel, hear or know Junior distraught and helpless. There were times she could still transform into her once true form and search the streets for Carla herself. There would never have been a battle but those were her own personal thoughts.
"Junior, look at me!" It terrified Mary to see Junior as such. "Don't let that bitch get to you! We can do this!"
"She has no idea the shit she's doing to this family! The shadows in the mirror...they are scared, Mary! Something evil is waiting! I can't take that chance! I-"
"And YOU can't go in there and take it on yourself! If this is something causing them to shrivel in the corner like children, then we can't take it alone! Your dad and Emily-"
Junior peers up, blood now mixed with tears. "They are NOT ready! My father will DIe if Carla gets the better or him and Emily may have control of the bow but-"
"She is stronger then you ALL think, Junior..." Mary pauses to look over at her once home. The mirror shakes. "Before you kids were born, we were all warned of something that would possibly challenge us ALL, should we become involved with the fate that was given to us. We rolled the dice, took a chance and here we all are. I have no regrets; if you were to ask ANY of us, we'd answer the same! We will beat this bitch to the fucking ground and as she begs for forgivness, give Emily the satisfaction we all have been dreaming of since day one."
Junior nods. He knew the risk but it was something he needed to take. Should Carla win, they were all lining up to meet their maker. Something did not sit right, the further he thought of Carla. Her smile and the many years she seemed 'happy' and content with her life. She played them all for fools but tomorrow, they would leave not a single trace of her existence. Standing up and grasping Mary's hand, Junior leads her to the moon. They bask in the glow and inhale the night air. The shadows within the mirror were not the only ones willing to hide; the world around them seemed to have become hushed and eagerly awaited for the outcome of the secret battle the Fables were consumed with.
Gren and Emily's home. Late night...
"ROBERT!" Gren awakes, screaming into the night air. Gasping, he looks around. "Robert...Robert..."
Gren leaps from his bed; naked and running down the hall, Emily tries looking for her robe in hopes of catching up to her suddenly anguished husband.
"GREN!" Emily reaches in the dark. "STOP! Wait-"
He was gone before another word could be said. Bouncing down the stairs and nearly sliding into the walls, Gren finds himself before a picture of his father. The photo glimmers for a moment before the sound of wind chimes echos around Gren. The floor glows and a gust of wind slides beneath his back. The chill nearly sends Gren out of his skin. Throwing his fist into the picture, Gren begins to call his mother. Or, anyone that would hear him at that moment.
"MOM!" Gren spins against the wind. "Where are you, mom!? You keep Robert out of this, you hear me!? I will NOT fight my own brother!"
There was nothing. Gren rips the photo off the wall and runs out to the front. There was indeed something wating for Gren outside. Robert, still near the trees and shrubs, watched his brother. Gren holds the photo high into the sky; the shadow created by the moon lined the edges, his fist and bare body. He continues to shake and scream into the picture. Emily finds Gren, standing on the deck and screaming like a banshee. She made her way over to Gren. Vivian, gliding behind Emily, was surprised to see this behavior caused by Gren.
"TELL ME!" Gren throws the picture down, causing the glass to break. "YOU tell me about wars and prophecies, yet you keep this information from me!? Is this a fuckin' test you and dad wish for me to tackle!? I will not fuckin' fight Robert! NEVER!"
Emily grabs Gren and pulls him back. "The fook are ya' doin', love!?" She pins him to the wall. "Gren! Look at me!"
"Robert!" Gren grinds his teeth, cotinuing to toss his fists into the walls. "He's in this! Carla! All of it!"
Emily covers her mouth, releasing her grip on Gren's arm. "No..." Her mind became a blurr. "Not...not Robert. But, how....no..."
Gren paces back and forth, running his ingers through his hair. "That dream. Of me and him, fighting on the cliff. It's going to happen, Emily. She's been using my brother."
"No, this can't be." Emily sits on a nearby chair. "He showed no fookin' sign. No ounce of fookin-"
"I knew something was up when you two came out of the kitchen that night and you looked terrified!" Gren kicks a potted plant. "Fuckin' asshole is going to blind side me but I won't let either him OR Carla fuckin' do this to me. Us!"
"Calm down, Gren! We need ta' focus on the battle itself! Robert is a small portion and right now, Carla is the main target. We need ta' figure somehtin' out."
Gren steps on the picture once more. "TALK!" His thundering voice carries into the air. "You have the fuckin' time to 'warn' me and 'train' me for this, why not mention Robert, huh-ANSWER ME!" Gren falls to the ground. "Please...for the love of all of fuckin' God's green Earth...talk to me. I'm begging you..."
"Grendel...." Emily wraps her arms around his body. "Look at me. Breathe. Stop and listen. Ya' need ta' know somethin'-we can do this. I think their time for 'warnings' are through, love. It's all up to us now."
"I won't DO it, Emily." Gren buries is face in her hair. "I can't...I will not fight my brother. I'm tired of that. Fuck...through with it."
"Carla is doin' every fookin' thing she can ta' beat us and now, she's usin' ya' own brotha'. I promise ya', Gren...we'll stop her. Ya' and Robert will neva' hafta' duel eva' again, love...."
Gren begins to cry, soaking Emily's hair in tears. He knew his wife spoke the truth but like emily, he too was scared and worried of the outcome. Even in the years he spent married to Carla, he knew so little of the woman. Now, all those years of pretending were causing the most pain. Gren simply wanted to forget it all and be normal. Live life and never be afraid to turn his back. Holding onto Emily, he knew what this meant. Glaring at the picture of his father, he already had his answer.
Robert, however, continued to hold back Carla's power and the need to kill both Gren and Emily. His love for Gren, however, may have been too late for the Fable and his power to control himself from Carla.
He now understood why Gren was the Alpha....
Viviana, glancing out the window, runs back to her sister's bedroom. Sitting under a fort of blankets, Seraphina and Chloe peek through. Liam carefully closes the door as Viviana joins the others.
"Well..." Chloe turns the flashlight on and points it at her sister. "Anything? What did mommy and daddy say?"
Viviana hangs her head low. "Uncle Robert is going to do something terrible tomorrow. Daddy did not say what but it has to do with that mean old lady they're going to fight."
Seraphina turns and pulls out four straws, all of various shapes and stature. She holds them up under the light and looks at the worried faces around her.
"Well, we know the drill now. We need to tell the others. I have here four straws-shortest has to call the others and rethink our plan. Maybe we can-"
"I have this!" Liam answers, looking at Seraphina. "We don't NEED to change anything! We can take this, no problem!"
"We can't take uncle Robert ourselves, Liam! And even if you COULD do that, he's under her spell! That lady has so many things we've never seen before!"
"Papa Georgie can do it." Viviana raises her hand as she speaks. "I heard that they are going to send him out there. Maybe while they are using their magic, we can sneak in and try to keep uncle Robert away from daddy and-"
"What about Viviana?"
"Vivi?" The others look at Sera. "What....what about Viviana?"
"Look, mommy and daddy are going to be busy fighting off the mean lady. We have enough of us out there, trying to distract her from doing anything dangerous. Maybe Hades can teach her something before the battle We will not be able to this alone. I know Vivian will be with mommy, so we can't rely on her to be there just in case. Hades is our best option right now....unless either of you have a different solution."
"How about uncle Isaiah? Or uncle Junior?"
"Remember-they'll be busy, too."
"Then its settled." Chloe holds out the straws. "We need to contact Hades and we'll go from there..."
Each of the kids takes a straw, leaving Liam the one with the shortest. Looking around, he was confused.
"Why...why did we do this, if Vivi is the one who will-"
"To keep mommy and daddy away while Vivi speaks to the Underworld guy." Seraphina beams. "You know what to do, Viviana."
Nodding, the little blonde girl stands under the window, tugs on the ribbon and allows the purple item to fall to the ground. As she carefully changes into her form, a portal opens before her. Hades, surprised to see Viviana, scans the room. The other children slide from beneath their
fort of sheets and pillows.
"What...what is this, children?"
"We need you to teach Viviana a few things...think you know what that is, Hades."
The God nods. He knew what this was and taking Viviana with him was a risk all was willing to take. Looking back, however, Hades motions to them all.
"I'll need Liam for this, too...."
"Sir..." Liam looks around. "What....what do you-"
"I need to teach you a few things too, my boy. Come-your grandmother believes you're ready now...."
Any questions, you know the drill. My allergies! UGH! XD Other than that, been a really awesome day! Everyone is doing great and we beging our move this Friday!!!
Yeah the consequence of resurrecting his friends was comeplete and total amnesia.
Ah okay i will have to rember this later on. Good thing it's extremely crucial to the story. Kieron will now become very sad and thus become who he was in that future chapter now that he remembers, but I also wanted to establish a friendship between the two as that's also crucial to Kierons story. If that is okay of course!
Nick is always on top of things!
I noticed he had helped the slaves and lyla, figured although not the same scenario, i feel like he would want to help Kieron out.
Thanks man!
That's sad, but knowing that everyone is ok relieves the audience
If it's crucial to the story then you did good! Nick isn't always on top of things, that's more Galen's thing, Nick is the sort of guy who would "Have a good idea on what is happening" while Galen would "Know exactly what is happening" XP
That was different, he couldn't just let these people be dehumanised for sport and pleasure, Nick's moral compass on that sort of thing is set in stone. Telling Kieron the truth would only happen if it was crucial for Kieron to know, so that something good may come of it later...
I can't wait to finally leave this shit town and head to San Fran!!!!!!!
throws glitter XD
I loved the beginning and the description of the shadows and their obidence to Junior. Plus, Mary. I ship these two so hard: you have this psycho with this handsome, loving, easy going youg man that would do anything for her. Not to mention they are two good looking people together! XD XD
And poor Gren. My heart seriously broke when he had that meltdown. But Emily....awlways there for him.
OH and Hades is going to teach something to both Vivi AND Liam!!!! :0 I can't wait for more, dude!!! This is getting good!