"It's been 4 days, fucktard. I'm not even sure if it's a boy or a girl." Mary replies.
We are walking down bullfinch on the way to the I Am the Eggman Diner. Mary goes in first, making the little bell on the door ring and the man behind the counter jump up.
"Ah, customers! We are busy today, but we do have ONE table left!" He points to a booth near the window.
"Thanks, sir," I say.
We sit. I'm next to Mary and Jack is across from us. The whole place is loud and bustling with life. Everyone goes here on Saturday morning. We order some food and wait patiently. In the meantime, Mary and Jack talk.
"So, you don't want me to marry you or anything, right?"
Mary spits her coffee,"Hell no! I just want you to suffer."
"Why? It was an accident! I'm sorry for getting you pregnant."
"Yeah, tell me that when I'm pushing it through my cervix."
I shudder. Jack says,"So what do we do? I can't- I'm a horrible father."
"I think if you try hard enough, the kid might not hate you entirely. Just...be there for it's birthday, visit often enough that you're not a stranger. Yada yada yada."
"Uhuh." Jack scratches his head. My attention turns to the booth behind Jack, listening to the waitor.
"Here you go, Mr. Charming."
"Oh, please. Call me Prince Charming. The formality puts up too many walls."
Prince Charming.
"Oh my god," I say aloud, not on purpose.
"What is it?" my friends say simultaneously.
I get up and walk the 4 steps to the booth. There he is. Staring at me. He's with a woman.
"Hello?" The woman says.
"Can I...help you?" Charming asks.
"You...You're....You are..." I stutter. This isn't real.
"I am? I am what, handsome?" The woman slaps his arm.
"Stop flirting. What is it, honey?"
"You're my father."
Jack spits his coffee out, followed by Mary calling him every obscenity in the book.
"What? Your father? I don't remember having you."
"Well, it's not like you were actually around." Sudden anger builds up in me. He left us...How could I have wanted to meet this man?
It was because I was a child and didn't know the truth. He didn't leave because he had to, he left because he didn't want my mother. He didn't want us.
I walk away,"Mary, ask for a container. We're leaving."
"So let me get this straight, Charming is your dad?" Jack asks.
I nod, angrily scooping my eggs into a plastic box. Prince Charming stands up, walking toward me.
"Go away, I don't-" I can't think of what I want to say.
"Hey, listen. What's your name?" He asks.
"Why do you want to know?" I can feel the heat in my cheeks. Charming stands much taller than me, making me feel like a child. Mary gets up, defensively. She may be pregnant but she can probably still kick butt.
He sighs," What's your name?"
I scoff, but give in,"It's Harmony. Harmony Wolf."
"Wolf....Wolf.....Ahah! Your mother was...The North Wind?" He asks.
My face flushes," You do remember her?"
He nods," Yeah. How could I not? Listen, kiddo. If you want to talk with me, we can go somewhere less public. You can bring your friends. Except Jack."
"Hey, why not?" Jack whines.
"Because you're an asshole." Charming replies.
"Why does everyone say that?" Jack questions out loud.
Charming laughs, and we exit the diner.
"Before we go to where I'm staying, I'd like you to meet my Fiancee, Nalayani."
"Nice to meet you," I say. Mary is behind me, tapping her foot impatiently.
Nalayani smiles," Nice to meet you too."
We step into the elevator,"So how long have you been in Fabletown?" I ask.
"A few days. I'm surprised we haven't encountered each other earlier.
"We've been busy," Mary interjects. I can tell she's annoyed.
"So...you and Mary are-"
"We're friends. My boyfriend is at work." I say.
"Ah. Boyfriend...." I can see Charming tense up. Ha, maybe he'll end up being the father I've needed anyway.
The elevator dings and the doors open. We walk down the hall, past a few apartments and reach a door that is labeled 509.
Charming opens it. It's a decent sized apartment, filled with extravagant furniture that all looks like it came from India. Mary sits by me on one couch and we stare at Charming and Nalayani.
"What happened to your eye?" Asks Mary.
"My eye? Oh, it was plucked out. I wear this eye patch all the time now."
My jaw drops,"No way! How?"
He laughs,"It was a sword. A magic one. It's a long, long story." He takes a pause,"So, what else should I know about you?"
"I have 3 brothers. We were the same litter. Er, well, litter is a weird term, I guess. We were born at the same time. But..."
"I'm actually not as old as I look. I mean, yes, I'm an adult. But I wasn't born long ago. My 6th birthday is coming up. My brothers are still little. But I'm not. I'm different, that way."
"So you're six and you have a boyfriend and your own house and a job?"
"Well, that's impressive."
"You should come to the kingdom with me. You can meet them."
"Haha, no."
"You're mother will probably kill me if I go near her. She made it clear 6 years ago that she wanted nothing to do with me after our little...get together."
I frown,"I can convince her. I can!"
"If you can convince her, then I'll see what I can do."
"We better get going," Mary interrupts," I have another appointment."
"Okay, I'll see you around, Harmony," Charming says.
And we exit the apartment.
I've got a lot of plans for down the road. Nothing that will be soon, though. But still, it's a lot. Lot's of plans, but you'll all have to wait! Muahaha! Just kidding, lol. But you still have to wait. I need to organize it all while I'm gone.I hope you liked this chapter, it was interesting, to say the least.
Katie Porgie
Part 3
NOTE: Damn! It didn't post for some reason, so, here we go again. -.-;
'Dancing with danger'
"Katie. You oka… morey?"
I sat there twirling my pencil around. The thought was still flooding my thoughts and images. All I could see was Jersey bringing out the bottle of spray and covering his surroundings with the smell of Dasiy and Sandlewood. Why did this bother me so much? I was nearly falling out of my seat; my teeth grinding against my head, my heart pounding against my chest.
The disturbing feeling deep inside was brewing again. I could feel the anger fluttering about like caged butterflies in a child's room. I cringed in my seat; my hands wrapped firmly around the pencil now and my breathe becoming short. Tim's face said enough; the color in my face was flushed and my palms became clamy. The thought of changing was deep inside. Calm down. Just, stop. 'Why does this bother you, Katie,' I thought to myself. 'Ca… [view original content]
Weapon of Choice: His Bow and Arrow, and his Magic sword.
17 years old currently and enrolled in a high school in New York.
Hobbies: Enjoys looting from wealthy people and taking for himself or giving to those in need.
After his parents died, Robby and his brother Walter went to live with their Uncle in the United States. During his first year of high school he got into trouble often. Beyond school he got into bigger trouble, like breaking into Fort Knox and stealing rare artifacts from wealthy figures. His trouble didn't stop there, by his sophomore year he stole 250,000$ from the Chinese mafia. He was held for ransom but was saved by his older brother Walter.
One day, Robby sat down with Walter and told him why he did all of those things. He told his brother that they are both descendants of Robin Hood the heroic outlaw and we need to figure out our destiny. Walter shook his and left the room disappointed. Robby got up and walked to the balcony and went onto the roof, he is greeted by an old man who gives him a strange sword. Robby took the sword from the old man, and from then on Robby's life changed...
Time to craft a new legend.
* Character name: Robby
* Siblings: 1
* Human Fable
* Descendant of Robin Hood
* Weapon of Choice: His … moreBow and Arrow, and his Magic sword.
* 17 years old currently and enrolled in a high school in New York.
* Hobbies: Enjoys looting from wealthy people and taking for himself or giving to those in need.
After his parents died, Robby and his brother Walter went to live with their Uncle in the United States. During his first year of high school he got into trouble often. Beyond school he got into bigger trouble, like breaking into Fort Knox and stealing rare artifacts from wealthy figures. His trouble didn't stop there, by his sophomore year he stole 250,000$ from the Chinese mafia. He was held for ransom but was saved by his older brother Walter.
One day, Robby sat down with Walter and told him why he did all of those things. He told his brother that they are both descendants of Rob… [view original content]
Liking the sound of things - he's seemingly an already fully formed character, which could make him quite distinct.
Cruisous fact: I live not far from where Robin Hood used to hang out. xD
“It won’t listen to me!” I yelled, starting to build up with anger and frustration. Veronica was teaching me more about how to control my fire - but every time I tried to do one of the gentlest hand movements Veronica was doing, the same burst of angry flames were formed every time. There was a huge hole in the rug and burns on the curtains. “I just want to give up!” Through my anger I stomped my foot and a mini volcano of flames exploded around my feet. I jumped back as I realized what I just done only to burn more holes in Veronica’s expensive carpet.
“Lehava, stop! Just calm down!” Veronica shouted, putting her hand on my shoulder. “Raging and yelling only makes it worst. You know that. Look. Look at yourself in the mirror.”
I caught sight of my reflection in the Venetian glass - and a wave of horror rushed through me. My hair was aglow from all the heat, but it was my eyes that I was shocked at. They were deep red all over so that I barely had pupils. Everytime I blinked, slight bits of ashes trickled down my cheeks.
I looked … evil.
“Do you want to know what it is?” Veronica said quietly. “It’s your power taking control of you. We don’t want that. It takes you one step closer to the consequences.”
One step closer to a pile of burnt, lifeless corpses. I squeezed my eyes shut, not sure if it was ash running down my face - or tears. But I mustn’t cry. I must never cry.
“It’s a curse,” I spat, angrily wiping my eyes. “I hate it and I want to get rid of it.”
“I know you do,” Veronica sighed. “But you do know that’s impossible. It’s a part of you. You were born with it.”
“I didn’t want to be born with it.”
“I’m sorry, but you were,” Veronica said. “And now the only way to fix this is to make it your friend.” I scoffed. “If you ever feel like you’re getting angry, just take deep breaths and count to three. Okay?”
“Whatever,” I scowled.
I was in a bad mood and I didn’t talk to Veronica for the rest of the evening. I felt bad. This was only my first day with her and yet I was already being difficult. I knew it wasn’t her fault - she was only trying to help me - but at this point I was so upset that I needed someone to blame.
Veronica sent me to bed, saying I needed an early night. I looked around the grand, modern bedroom which wasn’t my style at all, wrinkling my nose. Then I felt mean again. She had given me a home. I didn’t have to sleep in the streets anymore. Shouldn’t I be grateful?
I climbed into the bed, not even bothering to put on the white lace nightie Veronica laid out for me on the patchwork chair. I was just so suddenly tired that I fell asleep in an instant.
Something sharp prodded my arm, startling me into awakeness. I looked around, blinking, wondering if I was dreaming. Then a familiar-looking blackbird landed on the bed. “Hey Lehava.”
“Griffon?” I exclaimed, knuckling my eyes. “What are you doing here?”
“Coming to check on you,” he said. “I couldn’t find you anywhere, so I went to find Bigby and Snow but of course the business office was empty.”
“Of course it is,” I said. “They’re asleep.”
“So I checked your file and it said you’re living someone called Veronica.”
I swallowed. “Did my file say anything else?”
“How do you mean?”
“Like …” I then sighed, pushing the subject away. “Just forget it.”
I suddenly remembered our last encounter where I shouted at him for his compassion, and a whealm of guilt plunges through me.
“Um … Griffon?” I started awkwardly. “I’m sorry for raging at you last night …”
“I’m used to it,” he said. “You’ve been raging at me ever since I came across you in the Homelands. God you were a handful. Especially when you burnt both my wings off.”
“Oh,” I said, flushing. “Sorry about that.” I remembered the day Griffon found me young, lonely and passed out in the Homelands and when he took me to his family and cared for me. I’ve never really appreciated him for doing that. Even now after I shouted at him, he’s still here to check on me.
“They grew back,” Griffon said, spreading his small black wings which didn’t even compare to his real ones. “So how was your first day with the witch?”
“Not so good-” I suddenly stopped as I realized what he just said. “Witch?”
“Sorry?” Griffon said. “Oh - I meant Veronica.”
I opened my mouth, confused, about to say something else - when Veronica suddenly came in my bedroom and Griffon instantly flew out of the window.
“Lehava?” Veronica said half-sleepily. “Who are you talking to?”
“Uhm … Myself?” Its not techniqually a lie; I do that a lot.
“Okay,” she whispered. “But try and get some sleep, okay? It’s going to be a busy day tomorrow.”
The next morning Veronica took me to have breakfast in the Egg Man diner which was like the local eating hangout for Fables. I wasn’t used to such rich fried breakfasts. The plate in front of me was crazily overpiled with runny egg, bacon strips (I don‘t know how Colin or Pudsey will react to that), sausage, hash browns and baked beans. I looked at Veronica in amazement.
“Go on,” she smiled whilst she sipped her coffee. “You need feeding up. You’re such a frail skinny-little thing.”
So I picked up my knife and fork and started eating. The food was hot, but surprisingly nice. I ate and ate - and soon the plate was completely cleared and I was left feeling full and surprised.
“It’s good to see you have a healthy appetite,” Veronica said, beaming.
“But Veronica,” I hissed, aware that all the Fables were staring at me and whispering. “I’m not supposed to be here. Snow said that I have to stay in the Woodlands.”
“It’s ridiculous,” Veronica said, an ominous edge in her voice. “They treat you like a grenade about to go off any second. It’s only lack of trust. They know deep down that keeping you within the Woodlands like a prisoner is stupid.”
I didn’t know whenever to agree or disagree with her. Instead I just stayed silent, staring down at my empty plate, chewing my nails.
“You’re doing your nervous habit again,” Veronica said without looking up, and I quickly let my hands drop to my sides.
“You know Veronica …” Something about her has been on my mind ever since I met her, and I wanted to confront her about it. “I don’t really know much about you…”
She laughed lightly. “What do you mean, child?”
“Well,” I continued. “Obviously I’m going to be living with you for quite a while. So I want to know who you really are and I want to know your story.”
Her lips tightened. I wondered if she was going to get angry and lecture me about my inquisitiveness or “nosiness” - but then she smiled. “I was a sorceress once in my time.” I listened, twisting my velvety red hair round my finger. “So you could say I was a villain. I specialized in the most evil doings. I guess all Fables have their dark secrets.” She stirred her coffee, and I waited to hear more. But she was done. I was disappointed; like, how brief was that? Maybe she just has sad things she doesn’t like to talk about. It didn’t matter. Bigby had been a villain as well. And me.
I suddenly noticed Grizelda sitting a few tables away, staring at me coldly with her grey eyes. She was sitting alone; she seems to prefer being a loner and not befriending any Fables. My stomach turned when I saw the bandages on her arm and the plasters on her face.
I didn’t want to be a villain.
“Did you ever do things you regret?” I wondered out loud.
Veronica looked at me hard with her unblinking blue eyes. “All the time,” she replied.
Sorry if this seemed quite short and boring. Just thought I'd get this part out of the way. I promise the next part will be a little more interesting
"So, what names have you picked out?" Jack asks.
"It's been 4 days, fucktard. I'm not even sure if it's a boy or a girl." Mary replies.
… more We are walking down bullfinch on the way to the I Am the Eggman Diner. Mary goes in first, making the little bell on the door ring and the man behind the counter jump up.
"Ah, customers! We are busy today, but we do have ONE table left!" He points to a booth near the window.
"Thanks, sir," I say.
We sit. I'm next to Mary and Jack is across from us. The whole place is loud and bustling with life. Everyone goes here on Saturday morning. We order some food and wait patiently. In the meantime, Mary and Jack talk.
"So, you don't want me to marry you or anything, right?"
Mary spits her coffee,"Hell no! I just want you to suffer."
"Why? It was an accident! I'm sorry for getting you pregnant."
"Yeah, tell me that when I'm pushing it through my cervix."
I shudder. Jack says,"So what do we… [view original content]
Time to craft a new legend.
* Character name: Robby
* Siblings: 1
* Human Fable
* Descendant of Robin Hood
* Weapon of Choice: His … moreBow and Arrow, and his Magic sword.
* 17 years old currently and enrolled in a high school in New York.
* Hobbies: Enjoys looting from wealthy people and taking for himself or giving to those in need.
After his parents died, Robby and his brother Walter went to live with their Uncle in the United States. During his first year of high school he got into trouble often. Beyond school he got into bigger trouble, like breaking into Fort Knox and stealing rare artifacts from wealthy figures. His trouble didn't stop there, by his sophomore year he stole 250,000$ from the Chinese mafia. He was held for ransom but was saved by his older brother Walter.
One day, Robby sat down with Walter and told him why he did all of those things. He told his brother that they are both descendants of Rob… [view original content]
"So, what names have you picked out?" Jack asks.
"It's been 4 days, fucktard. I'm not even sure if it's a boy or a girl." Mary replies.
… more We are walking down bullfinch on the way to the I Am the Eggman Diner. Mary goes in first, making the little bell on the door ring and the man behind the counter jump up.
"Ah, customers! We are busy today, but we do have ONE table left!" He points to a booth near the window.
"Thanks, sir," I say.
We sit. I'm next to Mary and Jack is across from us. The whole place is loud and bustling with life. Everyone goes here on Saturday morning. We order some food and wait patiently. In the meantime, Mary and Jack talk.
"So, you don't want me to marry you or anything, right?"
Mary spits her coffee,"Hell no! I just want you to suffer."
"Why? It was an accident! I'm sorry for getting you pregnant."
"Yeah, tell me that when I'm pushing it through my cervix."
I shudder. Jack says,"So what do we… [view original content]
------ Continued, Part 8
“It won’t listen to me!” I yelled, starting to build up with anger and frustration. Veronica was teaching me mor… moree about how to control my fire - but every time I tried to do one of the gentlest hand movements Veronica was doing, the same burst of angry flames were formed every time. There was a huge hole in the rug and burns on the curtains. “I just want to give up!” Through my anger I stomped my foot and a mini volcano of flames exploded around my feet. I jumped back as I realized what I just done only to burn more holes in Veronica’s expensive carpet.
“Lehava, stop! Just calm down!” Veronica shouted, putting her hand on my shoulder. “Raging and yelling only makes it worst. You know that. Look. Look at yourself in the mirror.”
I caught sight of my reflection in the Venetian glass - and a wave of horror rushed through me. My hair was aglow from all the heat, but it was my eyes that I was shocked at. They were… [view original content]
When I heard the alarm clock ringing, the only thing I could reach for was an empty bottle of beer. I tossed it and soon, the clock was knocked to the ground. I rolled over; the sun was shinning brightly into the room and right in my face. A few birds began to sing and the honking from outside grew louder.
My head was killing me. I sat up and tried reading the numbers on the clock. What time was it? What day is it, for that matter. Felt like I had been asleep for days. I couldn't recall the incident that led me to this point. It was all a blur. Guess when you are asleep for that long, you lose track of time and days.
My head continued pound. I felt like vomitting. I fought back the urge, as I took my first step. The floor was cold and sticky; there was a heavy smell of smoke and dirty laundry in the air. Uh. This club. It caused me so many problems, yet, brought me pleasures and contempment. This was all I knew. Perhaps, all I wanted to know.
I slowly made my way to the restroom, passing by the shards of broken bottles and cigarette butts. I reached for the light switch and as I flipped it, the brightness of the light blinded me for a few seconds. As I tried to sheild the light, I noticed a note taped to the mirror. There was a large heart drawn on the front, with my name in the middle. Mom.
As I opened the note and read what was inside, I could hear a familiar sweet voice outside my door. I tried ignoring her, as I read the letter.
"There is breakfast downstairs. Your father wishes to speak to you. The mail is on the counter and don't forget your doctor's appointment next week. Love you sweetie.-Mom"
Ugh. Gees. Wow. Make me feel like shit. The hell did I do? Then, there she was again. Man, people. Go away!
"Daddy. You okay in here, daddy? I can hear ya' walkin' around up here...."
Good old Felicia. She was always there, no matter what. Others left. Many did. Not her. Why? Fuck, even I have no idea. I stared long and hard at my reflection in the mirror. There was a large gash on my cheek and dried blood in my hair, chest and the right side of my head. Not all of it had to my own blood. The fuck happened last night? Or, whenever. There was dirt on my arms and I smelled like a hobo living under the bridge. Fucks sake.
"Daddy. I know you are in there. Don't make me break down this door-"
"I'M FINE, FELICIA!" God. That hurt my fucking head. I could hear her sigh loudly outside the door. The knob began to rattle but quickly stopped. "Just. Let me take a shower...please."
I turned on the water. The coolness of the water felt good against my skin. I watched as the water turned a dirty brown; it swirled down the drain, as I scrubbed the layers off my skin. It quickly turned into a dark color, as I rinsed the blood out from my hair. The smell was making me nauseous. I hated that nickel smell. Bleh.
I was in there for awhile. The water just felt wonderful against my skin and the headache was slowly going away. I tried to recall what happened but nothing. I kind of remember dad; I could see him yelling at someone but the memory was too blurry. I hated myself for putting him through so much. He was so sick lately; it worried not only mom but us as well. He looked worn out, tired. As my skin began to shrivle up like raisins, I decided now was the time to get out. I dried myself off and decided to blow dry my hair. Twenty minutes later, as I changed my clothes and brushed my teeth, I sprayed two squirts of purfume and walked out. Felicia was still there.
"Daddy. Oh! You are okay! I was-"
"Not now, Felicia. My parents here?"
"Yes. Your mom is in the kitchen and your dad is in the lounge area."
I rushed down the steps. She was trying to catch up; think I heard her call my name twice but business was business. I adored Felicia. She was sith me through the good and the ugliest, darkest moments of my life. Maybe she was the one that told my folks were I had been. Mom and dad learned to leave me be. I was too much like my father and she knew that. Maybe that is the reason why I loved her so much. She understood me.
I walked into the lounge. He was sitting in his chair straight across the stage. Since I had taken over, that chair had become mine but just for laughs, he would sit in it. My father seemed to be lost, as he stared into nothing. As I made my way down the steps, he turned to look at me. To my surprise, he was grinning from ear to ear. Not an ounce of anger or disappointment on his face.
"Emily. Come. Sit by me, love."
As I took a seat by him, I could tell he was hurting again. He continued to rub his knees, as he spoke to me. He looked so exhausted; so worn down, like the rocks in the ocean. The apperance was strong but even then, you could only take so much. He grabbed my hand.
"You okay?" He touched the gash on my face, which caused me to wince in pain. "Yeah. You looked like me back in the day. You fuckin' look like shit."
We both joined in a laugh. Everyone told me that. 'You look just like your father.' Hm. Everyone was so worried about Junior becoming the next 'Georgie Porgie.' Wrong kid. Guess the fruit didn't fall very far. Fucking thing still landed by the tree. It never bothered me, believe it or not. It was a complement, the way I saw it. I loved him dearly, no matter what I heard or stories I was told. He WAS my father. I WAS a Porgie.
"I've had worse." I tried to ignore the extreme pain but the damn gash just wouldn't have it. He pulled away, when he noticed me turn my head.
"Not like this, Emily. You had us worried, you know. We had no fuckin' idea where you went to! Felicia just calls one night, explaining to us you disappered over night! What is going on, Emily? If the club-"
I quickly stood up, knocking my seat the the ground. I could see Felicia rushing to my side. She knew. She could see what was coming next.
"Don't...don't you TAKE away my fuckin' club! This...is....MINE!"
Felicia grabbed my arm, just as I pushed her back. My father, however, didn't flinch. He continued to sit and smile.
"I wasn't going to do that to you, Emily. This is YOUR club. You ARE the owner of the Pudding & Pie. You have done a great job, by the way. Proud of you."
Proud. They always said that to me, even when I know I fucked up. "Sorry, I thought-"
"No. I'm just worried you are becoming....you are becoming-"
"Like you, dad?"
My father hung his head low and looked at the ground. I knew who he used to be. That was the past, however. That never changed my opinion on him. What choice did he have? My sisters, however-fuck. Let me see THEM go through that shit and tell me they wouldn't do it either. He simply smiled and gave me a small pat, as he lifted himself up and walked towards the kitchen.
"Your mother made waffles. Come inside for a plate..."
I walked behind him, Felicia not too far behind. She fixed me a plate, just as my mother walked inside the kitchen, make her way to my side and plant a kiss on my forehead. She was busy examining the wound, as I poured a large amount of syrup onto the waffles.
"Oh, Georgie. You really need to learn to play nicely with the other kids." I laughed, as she gave me another kiss. "Please, Emily. I need you to try harder, love. Last night...that can't happen again. Okay?"
I was having a hard time recalling once more; obviously they thought I remembered. I'd ask Felicia later. Not now. Her eyes looked so sad. So worried. Fuck man. Fuck's sake...
As Felicia opened the mail for me, Hans Junior storms inside; he is panting and trying to fix his left shoe. He looks in my direction, like he's waiting for me to say something. I roll my eyes, as he falls into the broom closet. Yup. Guess I'm not the only fruit to avoid falling too far from the tree.
"Oh, Emily! I'm so sorry! My clock turned off, my phone sucks ass! The traffic is terrible and-"
"Hans! HANS! Relax, okay? Just...relax. I won't say anything...this time. Be here early tomorrow, and we will call it good."
Junior hugged me; uh, that is something we could have avoided, as he grabs his apron and begins washing the dishes. I had only been up for thirty minutes and already it was chaos. The club would open in eight hours; there was that headache again and now, my face hurt like fucking hell again.
------ Continued, Part 8
“It won’t listen to me!” I yelled, starting to build up with anger and frustration. Veronica was teaching me mor… moree about how to control my fire - but every time I tried to do one of the gentlest hand movements Veronica was doing, the same burst of angry flames were formed every time. There was a huge hole in the rug and burns on the curtains. “I just want to give up!” Through my anger I stomped my foot and a mini volcano of flames exploded around my feet. I jumped back as I realized what I just done only to burn more holes in Veronica’s expensive carpet.
“Lehava, stop! Just calm down!” Veronica shouted, putting her hand on my shoulder. “Raging and yelling only makes it worst. You know that. Look. Look at yourself in the mirror.”
I caught sight of my reflection in the Venetian glass - and a wave of horror rushed through me. My hair was aglow from all the heat, but it was my eyes that I was shocked at. They were… [view original content]
Emily Porgie
Part 1
"Like father, like daughter"
When I heard the alarm clock ringing, the only thing I could reach for was an … moreempty bottle of beer. I tossed it and soon, the clock was knocked to the ground. I rolled over; the sun was shinning brightly into the room and right in my face. A few birds began to sing and the honking from outside grew louder.
My head was killing me. I sat up and tried reading the numbers on the clock. What time was it? What day is it, for that matter. Felt like I had been asleep for days. I couldn't recall the incident that led me to this point. It was all a blur. Guess when you are asleep for that long, you lose track of time and days.
My head continued pound. I felt like vomitting. I fought back the urge, as I took my first step. The floor was cold and sticky; there was a heavy smell of smoke and dirty laundry in the air. Uh. This club. It caused me so many problems, yet, brought me pleasures … [view original content]
Emily Porgie
Part 1
"Like father, like daughter"
When I heard the alarm clock ringing, the only thing I could reach for was an … moreempty bottle of beer. I tossed it and soon, the clock was knocked to the ground. I rolled over; the sun was shinning brightly into the room and right in my face. A few birds began to sing and the honking from outside grew louder.
My head was killing me. I sat up and tried reading the numbers on the clock. What time was it? What day is it, for that matter. Felt like I had been asleep for days. I couldn't recall the incident that led me to this point. It was all a blur. Guess when you are asleep for that long, you lose track of time and days.
My head continued pound. I felt like vomitting. I fought back the urge, as I took my first step. The floor was cold and sticky; there was a heavy smell of smoke and dirty laundry in the air. Uh. This club. It caused me so many problems, yet, brought me pleasures … [view original content]
"Oh, please. Call me Prince Charming. The formality puts up too many walls."
That's a great line, and the whole piece is an enlightening read, what with you beginning to implement Harmony's somewhat convoluted family ties. You really portray the characters spot on in your stories, too.
"So, what names have you picked out?" Jack asks.
"It's been 4 days, fucktard. I'm not even sure if it's a boy or a girl." Mary replies.
… more We are walking down bullfinch on the way to the I Am the Eggman Diner. Mary goes in first, making the little bell on the door ring and the man behind the counter jump up.
"Ah, customers! We are busy today, but we do have ONE table left!" He points to a booth near the window.
"Thanks, sir," I say.
We sit. I'm next to Mary and Jack is across from us. The whole place is loud and bustling with life. Everyone goes here on Saturday morning. We order some food and wait patiently. In the meantime, Mary and Jack talk.
"So, you don't want me to marry you or anything, right?"
Mary spits her coffee,"Hell no! I just want you to suffer."
"Why? It was an accident! I'm sorry for getting you pregnant."
"Yeah, tell me that when I'm pushing it through my cervix."
I shudder. Jack says,"So what do we… [view original content]
Another charming read. Your descriptions of Lehava's fire from the start has been vivid and startling - such as the details of her eyes in the mirror - that when combined with her feelings of guilt or worrying about being ungrateful, she becomes believable. That came across many parts ago, however I mention it now as this section does not have a particularly pivotal moment, yet it's just as good as all the others because of how you've written it. So, yeah. I liked it :P
------ Continued, Part 8
“It won’t listen to me!” I yelled, starting to build up with anger and frustration. Veronica was teaching me mor… moree about how to control my fire - but every time I tried to do one of the gentlest hand movements Veronica was doing, the same burst of angry flames were formed every time. There was a huge hole in the rug and burns on the curtains. “I just want to give up!” Through my anger I stomped my foot and a mini volcano of flames exploded around my feet. I jumped back as I realized what I just done only to burn more holes in Veronica’s expensive carpet.
“Lehava, stop! Just calm down!” Veronica shouted, putting her hand on my shoulder. “Raging and yelling only makes it worst. You know that. Look. Look at yourself in the mirror.”
I caught sight of my reflection in the Venetian glass - and a wave of horror rushed through me. My hair was aglow from all the heat, but it was my eyes that I was shocked at. They were… [view original content]
Emily is immediately very different from Katie, which is impressive to get across when it's all in first-person. It works though, and you're creating some really diverse and interesting characters. Nice going!
Emily Porgie
Part 1
"Like father, like daughter"
When I heard the alarm clock ringing, the only thing I could reach for was an … moreempty bottle of beer. I tossed it and soon, the clock was knocked to the ground. I rolled over; the sun was shinning brightly into the room and right in my face. A few birds began to sing and the honking from outside grew louder.
My head was killing me. I sat up and tried reading the numbers on the clock. What time was it? What day is it, for that matter. Felt like I had been asleep for days. I couldn't recall the incident that led me to this point. It was all a blur. Guess when you are asleep for that long, you lose track of time and days.
My head continued pound. I felt like vomitting. I fought back the urge, as I took my first step. The floor was cold and sticky; there was a heavy smell of smoke and dirty laundry in the air. Uh. This club. It caused me so many problems, yet, brought me pleasures … [view original content]
Thank you. Yes, each of the kids have different personalities and as you can see so far in just the two alone. I'm enjoying this style of writing and have decided to keep going like this. Glad you and everyone is enjoying them.
Emily is immediately very different from Katie, which is impressive to get across when it's all in first-person. It works though, and you're creating some really diverse and interesting characters. Nice going!
For those of you who haven't seen his sudden return yet, fellow storyteller Markd4547 is back! He has lots of catching up to do with our stories, haha.
Nordic walking?
Let's hope so, though if Quantum Break is a success I can see the profits from that going towards another Quantum Break, if they sequel it.
Good evening, I'm really quite new to these forums, but I saw this thread while lurking and seeing what peope thought of the newest entry, and I quite liked the idea. I'd like to give it a shot. Not sure if i'll continue it but it was fun to write up.
The Twisted Tale of Delmare
Old tales fade are supposed to fade like sunlight on a horizon; slowly but surely, warmly lit with just an inch of wind blowing in as if to remind people of the warmth they will soon be missing. But I never really shined- in fact, I think I was a relatively small tale told in some area that these mundies never carried on into this era, so I'm not sure why I feel like I deserve that kind of exit. Maybe it's my long life lived speaking, urging me to rise to something, despite my graying hairs. Maybe its me just wishing I could I could rest into nothing- speed up the process.
Can you blame me though? I am supposed to be a demigod.
You don't know that tale? Of course you don't. Don't assume you talked to father much- more on that in a little bit. My name is Delmare, means "Born of the sea," in some old tongue. I washed up on a mediterranean shore as a babe in seaweed rags, sucking on a seasnails shell and a sailor found me. He picked me up, and I remember brushing up against his beard, which grew and rested about his face and chest like ocean foam on the shore, and his breathe was just as salty. His voice sounded all the ways sand feels in ones hands. And what did I look like? Naked as the sea after you took off the rags, paler than a fishes underside, with jet black hair. If only he lived. He'd probably be much more of a help to the community. He'd probably be so powerful as a fable. He should've survived.
But I was the one who lived, who caught on among the mundies for a little bit.
Afterwards, he brought me on board his ship I found that he was the skipper. Every man on deck was to make aquaintences with me, and spread the word of my existance. I was the blessing of the sea that must have came with piracy; the mast always had a fresh breath of wind blowing into it whenever I was on deck, so they assumed that some Son of Neptune was I- a blessing for him and his shipmates! And for many years, into my early adult life I really was. I could swim as fast as any ship could sail, spot other ships for miles, and transform into water or any marine animal at will; I was the Krakken once. My adopted father thanks to me was never hungry, never lost, never sad, but having found me out of his own will, never grateful to those "above" him. He found me and he never thanked any higher power for it. Turns out I was the bastard son of one of Neptune's beloved whores and the North Wind himself. When Neptune found out of my existance, and the subsequent lack of respect as well as the participants, he ordered everyone on my ship suffocated and drowned as a punishment between the parties, and I swam away to escape. Sound travels faster through water though, so I got to hear every last scream that escaped from their lungs before the air was replaced by ocean brine, and even then, I got to hear the crunch of their bones as they imploded from the sudden change in pressure. I swam so far that I landed on a distant shore, so tired that I was knocked unconcious by the next wave that came down on me. People saw me, a grown man bursting from the ocean, they saw me swimming for miles, only to utter my name and drown there out of exhaustion. My father's story eventually came around too. Shame was brought on all of us.
I was the tale mundies used to scare children into submission and self pity in the old old days, Bigby. Even the most amazing gift will be turned against you if you don'y pay respects to your betters. Stupid morals.
You might not like him but our father swept me out of the ocean by rousing a storm. He was impressed I managed to do all that I did without his help and I got to stay with him for a bit. When the invasion started, I figured a new world would be great to start over. But I'm starting to wish he left me there. I left with everyone from the homelands a disgrace and managed to live along the mundies only because they don't know me.
I've come to fabletown to ask you for help Bigby.
And yes, we are related. I can see your face. We're half brothers. But its not like you ever cared. You get all the attention, you'll be forever young... but look at me. Were you even paying attention?
Now, I miss our oceans, err, my ocean. where the water is so clear you could only notice it when it dare moves, and there where water nymphs and spirits existed within them and ta- well, you were a wolf but, you can understand right? Your forests were like my oceans and waterways, except unlike you, I really had nothing but. I have no faith in us returning to our homelands Bigby. My time here is taking its toll, as I am remembered by none...
I just want my time to end.
I want you to end me Bigby. But wait wait wait, not suddenly! Did you not remember what I said when I first got settled? I want to slowly fall into this... To have a glow. To be rememered. We are family Bigby, well, rather new family, but nonetheless please. Please. Kill me right. I don't want to die like this.
Good evening, I'm really quite new to these forums, but I saw this thread while lurking and seeing what peope thought of the newest entry, a… morend I quite liked the idea. I'd like to give it a shot. Not sure if i'll continue it but it was fun to write up.
The Twisted Tale of Delmare
Old tales fade are supposed to fade like sunlight on a horizon; slowly but surely, warmly lit with just an inch of wind blowing in as if to remind people of the warmth they will soon be missing. But I never really shined- in fact, I think I was a relatively small tale told in some area that these mundies never carried on into this era, so I'm not sure why I feel like I deserve that kind of exit. Maybe it's my long life lived speaking, urging me to rise to something, despite my graying hairs. Maybe its me just wishing I could I could rest into nothing- speed up the process.
Can you blame me though? I am supposed to be a demigod.
You don't know that tale? Of… [view original content]
Suddenly, I was aware. Before I was aware, I simply 'was'. I existed, and I use the term loosely, as an entity of mere instinct, driven solely by a hunger that was all-encompassing. The sickly sweet rush of a silent scream, the satisfying snap of bone was all I lived for. Looking back, now, I wish someone would have stopped me. I still don't know how or why I aquired my current state of awareness, but I pray it hasn't been wasted on me. The first thing I remember is an unfortunately detailed account of my previous state. I've done such horrible things.
(More to come, typing without a keyboard on an Xbox One is a pain. Is this worth persuing? Input is always appreciated!)
Suddenly, I was aware. Before I was aware, I simply 'was'. I existed, and I use the term loosely, as an entity of mere instinct, driven sole… morely by a hunger that was all-encompassing. The sickly sweet rush of a silent scream, the satisfying snap of bone was all I lived for. Looking back, now, I wish someone would have stopped me. I still don't know how or why I aquired my current state of awareness, but I pray it hasn't been wasted on me. The first thing I remember is an unfortunately detailed account of my previous state. I've done such horrible things.
(More to come, typing without a keyboard on an Xbox One is a pain. Is this worth persuing? Input is always appreciated!)
For those of you who haven't seen his sudden return yet, fellow storyteller Markd4547 is back! He has lots of catching up to do with our stories, haha.
All I ever say is Thanks, but I mean it each time! I've decided to make Charming actually care that he has kids. As far as I know, Charming doesn't know Jack is his son, but Jack knows Charming is his father. I doubt Jack cares about Charming anyway, but I think he'd be surprised to find out he had (Another) sister, lol.
"Oh, please. Call me Prince Charming. The formality puts up too many walls."
That's a great line, and the whole piece is an enlighte… morening read, what with you beginning to implement Harmony's somewhat convoluted family ties. You really portray the characters spot on in your stories, too.
Lol, yeah. She's making Jack stick around, whether they both like it or not. She believe that if she's gonna have this baby, they're both gonna suffer whatever comes to them. You'll see how things work out as they come.
Thanks, and its okay to feel bad for Jack. Sometimes, lol. I'm kinda mixed on how the next chapter will go, I think Tim will be in it. There's so much I want to do but I can't find the order in which I want it to go.
I enjoyed every minute of it and can't wait for you to return with more information. It was an easy read and very descriptive.
Loved it! Kinds feel bad for Jack....don't know why, though! XD
Today was particularly hot day. Living in a kingdom of ice for most of your life prepares you for the cold, not the fiery depths of hell.
I stood at Wolf Manor's door. Waiting. Not knocking, not yet.
My stomach flipped. I ran the conversation I would have with my mother in my head.
Hey mom, I love your outfit!...No.
Hey, do you wanna know who I ran into the other day?.....Hmm. No.
I couldn't think of a single way to put it. I know how angry she'd get whenever I'd even ask her about him. I was lucky she gave me his name, Prince Charming. Otherwise, I'd never even know who to look for.
My hand made contact with the wood in several swift movements. I heard small steps to the door and my uncle, Ambrose, stood on the other side.
"Harmony! Come in!" He smiled. It's bad to have favorites, but I think he might be mine.
I enter the house cautiously. My mother isn't anywhere to be seen. I head to the kitchen as soon as my growling stomach subsides. I forgot to eat this morning. The sink is full of empty cereal bowls and Snow is clearing the kitchen counters.
"Hey Harm. What's up?" She asks.
"Nothing much." I walk to the counter island and sit on a stool.
"Why didn't you call? I would have prepared something for lunch later, or something."
"I won't be here for long. I don't think so, anyway. I wanted to talk to my mom."
"She's doing some chores. Are you hungry while you're waiting?"
"Yes, please. Anything you have, I'll eat."
Snow opens the refrigerator, pulling out fresh cold-cuts and grabs a loaf of bread on the way to me again.
"Ham and cheese, please."
She laughs,"Alright, honey." She begins making the sandwich.
I wait a for her to finish and give me the sandwich before asking,"Do you know who my father is?"
Snow frowns. She starts putting the food away,"Why do you want to know?"
"Well, I mean. I know what his name is. But what kind of person is he?"
She turns on the sink and starts scrubbing,"He's not someone you want to get involved with."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
She sighs, scrubbing something stuck on one of the dishes,"I was married to him, a long, long, time ago. As far as I know, he hasn't changed since I divorced him. He'll pay attention to you for a little while, and then he'll be gone again. It's how he's always been."
"He seemed nice when I talked to him."
Snow dropped a glass she was drying on the floor, shattering it into a million pieces,"You actually met him? He's back in Fabletown? When?"
"He was at the diner. I talked with him for a while."
Snow walks to a closet and pulls out a broom and dustpan. I get up and help her clean the mess.
"What did you two talk about?"
"Well, he didn't seem the same as my mother described him. He actually seemed.....genuine. Like, he cared that he had a child."
"Anything else?"
"Well, he's engaged to this woman. She was...nice. She didn't speak much. He also had an eye patch."
"He's wearing an eye patch? And he's engaged? Oh brother."
"Yeah. I told him to come to the North Wind Kingdom for my birthday, but he said he can't come because mom will kill him."
"Oh, I believe that. So that's what you came here to do. Convince Winter to let you bring your dad to your birthday."
"Oh brother."
After cleaning the mess, I hear footsteps running down the stairs and my mother enters the kitchen.
"Done with my-....Oh. Hey Harm!" She says.
She looks at me and Snow, confused,"Something wrong?"
Me and Snow look at eachother. I look back at my mother,"Uhm....."
Her eyebrow raises.
"Well," I scratch the back of my head,"Mom. I met Dad the other day."
Her face goes from curious to outright hatred,"You did what?"
She presses her temples, as if she got a headache from the mere mention of my father,"He shouldn't deserve to know he has a daughter, and 3 sons. What did you tell him?"
"That..he has a daughter and 3 sons..."
She sighs, exasperatedly,"Why? Why did you involve yourself with that wretched man?"
"I just wanted to know, Mom! I just wanted to know if I was anything like him! I wanted to know if he'd care!"
"He never cares about anything."
"You're wrong, mom! He cares that I exist. He cares that the boys exist. He wants to see them!"
"He can't come. if that's what you're suggesting."
"No. He cannot see the boys. That's final. It's bad enough that he can see you."
"You are being so unfair!"
"I don't care! I'm your mother, I know whats best!"
Instead of answering back, I run out the kitchen's back door.
"I'm not done talking to you, young lady!" She calls from behind.
I dart into the sky. I can feel the tears rushing down my face from the wind and I go invisible in the sky. My clothes flutter to the ground but I keep going.
Surprise! I wrote another chapter :P I couldn't help it, lol. I liked this one, even though its kinda sad, I guess. Next chapter will feature at least Tim. I usually don't know how things will go until I start writing them. Thanks for reading!
Today was particularly hot day. Living in a kingdom of ice for most of your life prepares you for the cold, not the fiery depths of hell.
… more I stood at Wolf Manor's door. Waiting. Not knocking, not yet.
My stomach flipped. I ran the conversation I would have with my mother in my head.
Hey mom, I love your outfit!...No.
Hey, do you wanna know who I ran into the other day?.....Hmm. No.
I couldn't think of a single way to put it. I know how angry she'd get whenever I'd even ask her about him. I was lucky she gave me his name, Prince Charming. Otherwise, I'd never even know who to look for.
My hand made contact with the wood in several swift movements. I heard small steps to the door and my uncle, Ambrose, stood on the other side.
"Harmony! Come in!" He smiled. It's bad to have favorites, but I think he might be mine.
I enter the house cautiously. My mother isn't anywhere to be seen. I head to the kitchen as soon as my growli… [view original content]
Today was particularly hot day. Living in a kingdom of ice for most of your life prepares you for the cold, not the fiery depths of hell.
… more I stood at Wolf Manor's door. Waiting. Not knocking, not yet.
My stomach flipped. I ran the conversation I would have with my mother in my head.
Hey mom, I love your outfit!...No.
Hey, do you wanna know who I ran into the other day?.....Hmm. No.
I couldn't think of a single way to put it. I know how angry she'd get whenever I'd even ask her about him. I was lucky she gave me his name, Prince Charming. Otherwise, I'd never even know who to look for.
My hand made contact with the wood in several swift movements. I heard small steps to the door and my uncle, Ambrose, stood on the other side.
"Harmony! Come in!" He smiled. It's bad to have favorites, but I think he might be mine.
I enter the house cautiously. My mother isn't anywhere to be seen. I head to the kitchen as soon as my growli… [view original content]
What is this, tag now! lol
Good. I'm actually excited to start her story.
Yeah, I might write one more chapter introducing this info in a way that'll either be shocking or plain funny. Still deciding.
"So, what names have you picked out?" Jack asks.
"It's been 4 days, fucktard. I'm not even sure if it's a boy or a girl." Mary replies.
We are walking down bullfinch on the way to the I Am the Eggman Diner. Mary goes in first, making the little bell on the door ring and the man behind the counter jump up.
"Ah, customers! We are busy today, but we do have ONE table left!" He points to a booth near the window.
"Thanks, sir," I say.
We sit. I'm next to Mary and Jack is across from us. The whole place is loud and bustling with life. Everyone goes here on Saturday morning. We order some food and wait patiently. In the meantime, Mary and Jack talk.
"So, you don't want me to marry you or anything, right?"
Mary spits her coffee,"Hell no! I just want you to suffer."
"Why? It was an accident! I'm sorry for getting you pregnant."
"Yeah, tell me that when I'm pushing it through my cervix."
I shudder. Jack says,"So what do we do? I can't- I'm a horrible father."
"I think if you try hard enough, the kid might not hate you entirely. Just...be there for it's birthday, visit often enough that you're not a stranger. Yada yada yada."
"Uhuh." Jack scratches his head. My attention turns to the booth behind Jack, listening to the waitor.
"Here you go, Mr. Charming."
"Oh, please. Call me Prince Charming. The formality puts up too many walls."
Prince Charming.
"Oh my god," I say aloud, not on purpose.
"What is it?" my friends say simultaneously.
I get up and walk the 4 steps to the booth. There he is. Staring at me. He's with a woman.
"Hello?" The woman says.
"Can I...help you?" Charming asks.
"You...You're....You are..." I stutter. This isn't real.
"I am? I am what, handsome?" The woman slaps his arm.
"Stop flirting. What is it, honey?"
"You're my father."
Jack spits his coffee out, followed by Mary calling him every obscenity in the book.
"What? Your father? I don't remember having you."
"Well, it's not like you were actually around." Sudden anger builds up in me. He left us...How could I have wanted to meet this man?
It was because I was a child and didn't know the truth. He didn't leave because he had to, he left because he didn't want my mother. He didn't want us.
I walk away,"Mary, ask for a container. We're leaving."
"So let me get this straight, Charming is your dad?" Jack asks.
I nod, angrily scooping my eggs into a plastic box. Prince Charming stands up, walking toward me.
"Go away, I don't-" I can't think of what I want to say.
"Hey, listen. What's your name?" He asks.
"Why do you want to know?" I can feel the heat in my cheeks. Charming stands much taller than me, making me feel like a child. Mary gets up, defensively. She may be pregnant but she can probably still kick butt.
He sighs," What's your name?"
I scoff, but give in,"It's Harmony. Harmony Wolf."
"Wolf....Wolf.....Ahah! Your mother was...The North Wind?" He asks.
My face flushes," You do remember her?"
He nods," Yeah. How could I not? Listen, kiddo. If you want to talk with me, we can go somewhere less public. You can bring your friends. Except Jack."
"Hey, why not?" Jack whines.
"Because you're an asshole." Charming replies.
"Why does everyone say that?" Jack questions out loud.
Charming laughs, and we exit the diner.
"Before we go to where I'm staying, I'd like you to meet my Fiancee, Nalayani."
"Nice to meet you," I say. Mary is behind me, tapping her foot impatiently.
Nalayani smiles," Nice to meet you too."
We step into the elevator,"So how long have you been in Fabletown?" I ask.
"A few days. I'm surprised we haven't encountered each other earlier.
"We've been busy," Mary interjects. I can tell she's annoyed.
"So...you and Mary are-"
"We're friends. My boyfriend is at work." I say.
"Ah. Boyfriend...." I can see Charming tense up. Ha, maybe he'll end up being the father I've needed anyway.
The elevator dings and the doors open. We walk down the hall, past a few apartments and reach a door that is labeled 509.
Charming opens it. It's a decent sized apartment, filled with extravagant furniture that all looks like it came from India. Mary sits by me on one couch and we stare at Charming and Nalayani.
"What happened to your eye?" Asks Mary.
"My eye? Oh, it was plucked out. I wear this eye patch all the time now."
My jaw drops,"No way! How?"
He laughs,"It was a sword. A magic one. It's a long, long story." He takes a pause,"So, what else should I know about you?"
"I have 3 brothers. We were the same litter. Er, well, litter is a weird term, I guess. We were born at the same time. But..."
"I'm actually not as old as I look. I mean, yes, I'm an adult. But I wasn't born long ago. My 6th birthday is coming up. My brothers are still little. But I'm not. I'm different, that way."
"So you're six and you have a boyfriend and your own house and a job?"
"Well, that's impressive."
"You should come to the kingdom with me. You can meet them."
"Haha, no."
"You're mother will probably kill me if I go near her. She made it clear 6 years ago that she wanted nothing to do with me after our little...get together."
I frown,"I can convince her. I can!"
"If you can convince her, then I'll see what I can do."
"We better get going," Mary interrupts," I have another appointment."
"Okay, I'll see you around, Harmony," Charming says.
And we exit the apartment.
I've got a lot of plans for down the road. Nothing that will be soon, though. But still, it's a lot. Lot's of plans, but you'll all have to wait! Muahaha! Just kidding, lol. But you still have to wait. I need to organize it all while I'm gone.I hope you liked this chapter, it was interesting, to say the least.
You have really got me wondering about the spraying thing, and the thing with the relic. Great going so far!
Thank you kindly for saying so
and something tells me they will be. Which I probably shouldn't say as it kills the suspense haha.
Time to craft a new legend.
After his parents died, Robby and his brother Walter went to live with their Uncle in the United States. During his first year of high school he got into trouble often. Beyond school he got into bigger trouble, like breaking into Fort Knox and stealing rare artifacts from wealthy figures. His trouble didn't stop there, by his sophomore year he stole 250,000$ from the Chinese mafia. He was held for ransom but was saved by his older brother Walter.
One day, Robby sat down with Walter and told him why he did all of those things. He told his brother that they are both descendants of Robin Hood the heroic outlaw and we need to figure out our destiny. Walter shook his and left the room disappointed. Robby got up and walked to the balcony and went onto the roof, he is greeted by an old man who gives him a strange sword. Robby took the sword from the old man, and from then on Robby's life changed...
What to look forward to:
Liking the sound of things - he's seemingly an already fully formed character, which could make him quite distinct.
Cruisous fact: I live not far from where Robin Hood used to hang out. xD
------ Continued, Part 8
“It won’t listen to me!” I yelled, starting to build up with anger and frustration. Veronica was teaching me more about how to control my fire - but every time I tried to do one of the gentlest hand movements Veronica was doing, the same burst of angry flames were formed every time. There was a huge hole in the rug and burns on the curtains. “I just want to give up!” Through my anger I stomped my foot and a mini volcano of flames exploded around my feet. I jumped back as I realized what I just done only to burn more holes in Veronica’s expensive carpet.
“Lehava, stop! Just calm down!” Veronica shouted, putting her hand on my shoulder. “Raging and yelling only makes it worst. You know that. Look. Look at yourself in the mirror.”
I caught sight of my reflection in the Venetian glass - and a wave of horror rushed through me. My hair was aglow from all the heat, but it was my eyes that I was shocked at. They were deep red all over so that I barely had pupils. Everytime I blinked, slight bits of ashes trickled down my cheeks.
I looked … evil.
“Do you want to know what it is?” Veronica said quietly. “It’s your power taking control of you. We don’t want that. It takes you one step closer to the consequences.”
One step closer to a pile of burnt, lifeless corpses. I squeezed my eyes shut, not sure if it was ash running down my face - or tears. But I mustn’t cry. I must never cry.
“It’s a curse,” I spat, angrily wiping my eyes. “I hate it and I want to get rid of it.”
“I know you do,” Veronica sighed. “But you do know that’s impossible. It’s a part of you. You were born with it.”
“I didn’t want to be born with it.”
“I’m sorry, but you were,” Veronica said. “And now the only way to fix this is to make it your friend.” I scoffed. “If you ever feel like you’re getting angry, just take deep breaths and count to three. Okay?”
“Whatever,” I scowled.
I was in a bad mood and I didn’t talk to Veronica for the rest of the evening. I felt bad. This was only my first day with her and yet I was already being difficult. I knew it wasn’t her fault - she was only trying to help me - but at this point I was so upset that I needed someone to blame.
Veronica sent me to bed, saying I needed an early night. I looked around the grand, modern bedroom which wasn’t my style at all, wrinkling my nose. Then I felt mean again. She had given me a home. I didn’t have to sleep in the streets anymore. Shouldn’t I be grateful?
I climbed into the bed, not even bothering to put on the white lace nightie Veronica laid out for me on the patchwork chair. I was just so suddenly tired that I fell asleep in an instant.
Something sharp prodded my arm, startling me into awakeness. I looked around, blinking, wondering if I was dreaming. Then a familiar-looking blackbird landed on the bed. “Hey Lehava.”
“Griffon?” I exclaimed, knuckling my eyes. “What are you doing here?”
“Coming to check on you,” he said. “I couldn’t find you anywhere, so I went to find Bigby and Snow but of course the business office was empty.”
“Of course it is,” I said. “They’re asleep.”
“So I checked your file and it said you’re living someone called Veronica.”
I swallowed. “Did my file say anything else?”
“How do you mean?”
“Like …” I then sighed, pushing the subject away. “Just forget it.”
I suddenly remembered our last encounter where I shouted at him for his compassion, and a whealm of guilt plunges through me.
“Um … Griffon?” I started awkwardly. “I’m sorry for raging at you last night …”
“I’m used to it,” he said. “You’ve been raging at me ever since I came across you in the Homelands. God you were a handful. Especially when you burnt both my wings off.”
“Oh,” I said, flushing. “Sorry about that.” I remembered the day Griffon found me young, lonely and passed out in the Homelands and when he took me to his family and cared for me. I’ve never really appreciated him for doing that. Even now after I shouted at him, he’s still here to check on me.
“They grew back,” Griffon said, spreading his small black wings which didn’t even compare to his real ones. “So how was your first day with the witch?”
“Not so good-” I suddenly stopped as I realized what he just said. “Witch?”
“Sorry?” Griffon said. “Oh - I meant Veronica.”
I opened my mouth, confused, about to say something else - when Veronica suddenly came in my bedroom and Griffon instantly flew out of the window.
“Lehava?” Veronica said half-sleepily. “Who are you talking to?”
“Uhm … Myself?” Its not techniqually a lie; I do that a lot.
“Okay,” she whispered. “But try and get some sleep, okay? It’s going to be a busy day tomorrow.”
The next morning Veronica took me to have breakfast in the Egg Man diner which was like the local eating hangout for Fables. I wasn’t used to such rich fried breakfasts. The plate in front of me was crazily overpiled with runny egg, bacon strips (I don‘t know how Colin or Pudsey will react to that), sausage, hash browns and baked beans. I looked at Veronica in amazement.
“Go on,” she smiled whilst she sipped her coffee. “You need feeding up. You’re such a frail skinny-little thing.”
So I picked up my knife and fork and started eating. The food was hot, but surprisingly nice. I ate and ate - and soon the plate was completely cleared and I was left feeling full and surprised.
“It’s good to see you have a healthy appetite,” Veronica said, beaming.
“But Veronica,” I hissed, aware that all the Fables were staring at me and whispering. “I’m not supposed to be here. Snow said that I have to stay in the Woodlands.”
“It’s ridiculous,” Veronica said, an ominous edge in her voice. “They treat you like a grenade about to go off any second. It’s only lack of trust. They know deep down that keeping you within the Woodlands like a prisoner is stupid.”
I didn’t know whenever to agree or disagree with her. Instead I just stayed silent, staring down at my empty plate, chewing my nails.
“You’re doing your nervous habit again,” Veronica said without looking up, and I quickly let my hands drop to my sides.
“You know Veronica …” Something about her has been on my mind ever since I met her, and I wanted to confront her about it. “I don’t really know much about you…”
She laughed lightly. “What do you mean, child?”
“Well,” I continued. “Obviously I’m going to be living with you for quite a while. So I want to know who you really are and I want to know your story.”
Her lips tightened. I wondered if she was going to get angry and lecture me about my inquisitiveness or “nosiness” - but then she smiled. “I was a sorceress once in my time.” I listened, twisting my velvety red hair round my finger. “So you could say I was a villain. I specialized in the most evil doings. I guess all Fables have their dark secrets.” She stirred her coffee, and I waited to hear more. But she was done. I was disappointed; like, how brief was that? Maybe she just has sad things she doesn’t like to talk about. It didn’t matter. Bigby had been a villain as well. And me.
I suddenly noticed Grizelda sitting a few tables away, staring at me coldly with her grey eyes. She was sitting alone; she seems to prefer being a loner and not befriending any Fables. My stomach turned when I saw the bandages on her arm and the plasters on her face.
I didn’t want to be a villain.
“Did you ever do things you regret?” I wondered out loud.
Veronica looked at me hard with her unblinking blue eyes. “All the time,” she replied.
Sorry if this seemed quite short and boring. Just thought I'd get this part out of the way. I promise the next part will be a little more interesting
I enjoyed every minute of it and can't wait for you to return with more information. It was an easy read and very descriptive.
Loved it! Kinds feel bad for Jack....don't know why, though! XD
Very eager to see your new story, Stone. I know you won't disappoint.
"It's been 4 days, fucktard." Yep, sounds like good ol' Bloody Mary to me.
Ah fuzz, gotta wait for the next part. Stay strong, Lehava!
Emily Porgie
Part 1
"Like father, like daughter"
When I heard the alarm clock ringing, the only thing I could reach for was an empty bottle of beer. I tossed it and soon, the clock was knocked to the ground. I rolled over; the sun was shinning brightly into the room and right in my face. A few birds began to sing and the honking from outside grew louder.
My head was killing me. I sat up and tried reading the numbers on the clock. What time was it? What day is it, for that matter. Felt like I had been asleep for days. I couldn't recall the incident that led me to this point. It was all a blur. Guess when you are asleep for that long, you lose track of time and days.
My head continued pound. I felt like vomitting. I fought back the urge, as I took my first step. The floor was cold and sticky; there was a heavy smell of smoke and dirty laundry in the air. Uh. This club. It caused me so many problems, yet, brought me pleasures and contempment. This was all I knew. Perhaps, all I wanted to know.
I slowly made my way to the restroom, passing by the shards of broken bottles and cigarette butts. I reached for the light switch and as I flipped it, the brightness of the light blinded me for a few seconds. As I tried to sheild the light, I noticed a note taped to the mirror. There was a large heart drawn on the front, with my name in the middle. Mom.
As I opened the note and read what was inside, I could hear a familiar sweet voice outside my door. I tried ignoring her, as I read the letter.
"There is breakfast downstairs. Your father wishes to speak to you. The mail is on the counter and don't forget your doctor's appointment next week. Love you sweetie.-Mom"
Ugh. Gees. Wow. Make me feel like shit. The hell did I do? Then, there she was again. Man, people. Go away!
"Daddy. You okay in here, daddy? I can hear ya' walkin' around up here...."
Good old Felicia. She was always there, no matter what. Others left. Many did. Not her. Why? Fuck, even I have no idea. I stared long and hard at my reflection in the mirror. There was a large gash on my cheek and dried blood in my hair, chest and the right side of my head. Not all of it had to my own blood. The fuck happened last night? Or, whenever. There was dirt on my arms and I smelled like a hobo living under the bridge. Fucks sake.
"Daddy. I know you are in there. Don't make me break down this door-"
"I'M FINE, FELICIA!" God. That hurt my fucking head. I could hear her sigh loudly outside the door. The knob began to rattle but quickly stopped. "Just. Let me take a shower...please."
I turned on the water. The coolness of the water felt good against my skin. I watched as the water turned a dirty brown; it swirled down the drain, as I scrubbed the layers off my skin. It quickly turned into a dark color, as I rinsed the blood out from my hair. The smell was making me nauseous. I hated that nickel smell. Bleh.
I was in there for awhile. The water just felt wonderful against my skin and the headache was slowly going away. I tried to recall what happened but nothing. I kind of remember dad; I could see him yelling at someone but the memory was too blurry. I hated myself for putting him through so much. He was so sick lately; it worried not only mom but us as well. He looked worn out, tired. As my skin began to shrivle up like raisins, I decided now was the time to get out. I dried myself off and decided to blow dry my hair. Twenty minutes later, as I changed my clothes and brushed my teeth, I sprayed two squirts of purfume and walked out. Felicia was still there.
"Daddy. Oh! You are okay! I was-"
"Not now, Felicia. My parents here?"
"Yes. Your mom is in the kitchen and your dad is in the lounge area."
I rushed down the steps. She was trying to catch up; think I heard her call my name twice but business was business. I adored Felicia. She was sith me through the good and the ugliest, darkest moments of my life. Maybe she was the one that told my folks were I had been. Mom and dad learned to leave me be. I was too much like my father and she knew that. Maybe that is the reason why I loved her so much. She understood me.
I walked into the lounge. He was sitting in his chair straight across the stage. Since I had taken over, that chair had become mine but just for laughs, he would sit in it. My father seemed to be lost, as he stared into nothing. As I made my way down the steps, he turned to look at me. To my surprise, he was grinning from ear to ear. Not an ounce of anger or disappointment on his face.
"Emily. Come. Sit by me, love."
As I took a seat by him, I could tell he was hurting again. He continued to rub his knees, as he spoke to me. He looked so exhausted; so worn down, like the rocks in the ocean. The apperance was strong but even then, you could only take so much. He grabbed my hand.
"You okay?" He touched the gash on my face, which caused me to wince in pain. "Yeah. You looked like me back in the day. You fuckin' look like shit."
We both joined in a laugh. Everyone told me that. 'You look just like your father.' Hm. Everyone was so worried about Junior becoming the next 'Georgie Porgie.' Wrong kid. Guess the fruit didn't fall very far. Fucking thing still landed by the tree. It never bothered me, believe it or not. It was a complement, the way I saw it. I loved him dearly, no matter what I heard or stories I was told. He WAS my father. I WAS a Porgie.
"I've had worse." I tried to ignore the extreme pain but the damn gash just wouldn't have it. He pulled away, when he noticed me turn my head.
"Not like this, Emily. You had us worried, you know. We had no fuckin' idea where you went to! Felicia just calls one night, explaining to us you disappered over night! What is going on, Emily? If the club-"
I quickly stood up, knocking my seat the the ground. I could see Felicia rushing to my side. She knew. She could see what was coming next.
"Don't...don't you TAKE away my fuckin' club! This...is....MINE!"
Felicia grabbed my arm, just as I pushed her back. My father, however, didn't flinch. He continued to sit and smile.
"I wasn't going to do that to you, Emily. This is YOUR club. You ARE the owner of the Pudding & Pie. You have done a great job, by the way. Proud of you."
Proud. They always said that to me, even when I know I fucked up. "Sorry, I thought-"
"No. I'm just worried you are becoming....you are becoming-"
"Like you, dad?"
My father hung his head low and looked at the ground. I knew who he used to be. That was the past, however. That never changed my opinion on him. What choice did he have? My sisters, however-fuck. Let me see THEM go through that shit and tell me they wouldn't do it either. He simply smiled and gave me a small pat, as he lifted himself up and walked towards the kitchen.
"Your mother made waffles. Come inside for a plate..."
I walked behind him, Felicia not too far behind. She fixed me a plate, just as my mother walked inside the kitchen, make her way to my side and plant a kiss on my forehead. She was busy examining the wound, as I poured a large amount of syrup onto the waffles.
"Oh, Georgie. You really need to learn to play nicely with the other kids." I laughed, as she gave me another kiss. "Please, Emily. I need you to try harder, love. Last night...that can't happen again. Okay?"
I was having a hard time recalling once more; obviously they thought I remembered. I'd ask Felicia later. Not now. Her eyes looked so sad. So worried. Fuck man. Fuck's sake...
As Felicia opened the mail for me, Hans Junior storms inside; he is panting and trying to fix his left shoe. He looks in my direction, like he's waiting for me to say something. I roll my eyes, as he falls into the broom closet. Yup. Guess I'm not the only fruit to avoid falling too far from the tree.
"Oh, Emily! I'm so sorry! My clock turned off, my phone sucks ass! The traffic is terrible and-"
"Hans! HANS! Relax, okay? Just...relax. I won't say anything...this time. Be here early tomorrow, and we will call it good."
Junior hugged me; uh, that is something we could have avoided, as he grabs his apron and begins washing the dishes. I had only been up for thirty minutes and already it was chaos. The club would open in eight hours; there was that headache again and now, my face hurt like fucking hell again.
For fuck's sake.
I liked it! Don't see the problem with it! Usually the short, descriptive ones are the best!
Good job! Can't wait to read more!
Mmmm, waffles! Anyways, loved it as usual, man. Who is Felicia again, if I may ask? Unless she's a new character?
I think Felicia is uh, Emily's 'girl.' Right, Pie? Correct me if I'm wrong!
I loved it! Emily is JUST like Georgie was! Can't wait to read more, since Malcom is on his way there!! 0.0
Oh okay, you're probably right! Thanks, Jones!
Yeah. Jones got it right. She is Emily's 'girl.'
She is new, so yeah. New character, too! XD
Thank you. That was what I was trying to aim for. She is like Georgie and does not care what people think of it.
Just the tip with her, though.
Oh-ho-ho, well then! I stand corrected.
That's a great line, and the whole piece is an enlightening read, what with you beginning to implement Harmony's somewhat convoluted family ties. You really portray the characters spot on in your stories, too.
Another charming read. Your descriptions of Lehava's fire from the start has been vivid and startling - such as the details of her eyes in the mirror - that when combined with her feelings of guilt or worrying about being ungrateful, she becomes believable. That came across many parts ago, however I mention it now as this section does not have a particularly pivotal moment, yet it's just as good as all the others because of how you've written it. So, yeah. I liked it :P
Emily is immediately very different from Katie, which is impressive to get across when it's all in first-person. It works though, and you're creating some really diverse and interesting characters. Nice going!
Thank you. Yes, each of the kids have different personalities and as you can see so far in just the two alone. I'm enjoying this style of writing and have decided to keep going like this.
Glad you and everyone is enjoying them.
For those of you who haven't seen his sudden return yet, fellow storyteller Markd4547 is back! He has lots of catching up to do with our stories, haha.
They better not and get started on Alan Wake when they get what they need, or I'm gonna flip my shit.
Good evening, I'm really quite new to these forums, but I saw this thread while lurking and seeing what peope thought of the newest entry, and I quite liked the idea. I'd like to give it a shot. Not sure if i'll continue it but it was fun to write up.
The Twisted Tale of Delmare
Old tales fade are supposed to fade like sunlight on a horizon; slowly but surely, warmly lit with just an inch of wind blowing in as if to remind people of the warmth they will soon be missing. But I never really shined- in fact, I think I was a relatively small tale told in some area that these mundies never carried on into this era, so I'm not sure why I feel like I deserve that kind of exit. Maybe it's my long life lived speaking, urging me to rise to something, despite my graying hairs. Maybe its me just wishing I could I could rest into nothing- speed up the process.
Can you blame me though? I am supposed to be a demigod.
You don't know that tale? Of course you don't. Don't assume you talked to father much- more on that in a little bit. My name is Delmare, means "Born of the sea," in some old tongue. I washed up on a mediterranean shore as a babe in seaweed rags, sucking on a seasnails shell and a sailor found me. He picked me up, and I remember brushing up against his beard, which grew and rested about his face and chest like ocean foam on the shore, and his breathe was just as salty. His voice sounded all the ways sand feels in ones hands. And what did I look like? Naked as the sea after you took off the rags, paler than a fishes underside, with jet black hair. If only he lived. He'd probably be much more of a help to the community. He'd probably be so powerful as a fable. He should've survived.
But I was the one who lived, who caught on among the mundies for a little bit.
Afterwards, he brought me on board his ship I found that he was the skipper. Every man on deck was to make aquaintences with me, and spread the word of my existance. I was the blessing of the sea that must have came with piracy; the mast always had a fresh breath of wind blowing into it whenever I was on deck, so they assumed that some Son of Neptune was I- a blessing for him and his shipmates! And for many years, into my early adult life I really was. I could swim as fast as any ship could sail, spot other ships for miles, and transform into water or any marine animal at will; I was the Krakken once. My adopted father thanks to me was never hungry, never lost, never sad, but having found me out of his own will, never grateful to those "above" him. He found me and he never thanked any higher power for it. Turns out I was the bastard son of one of Neptune's beloved whores and the North Wind himself. When Neptune found out of my existance, and the subsequent lack of respect as well as the participants, he ordered everyone on my ship suffocated and drowned as a punishment between the parties, and I swam away to escape. Sound travels faster through water though, so I got to hear every last scream that escaped from their lungs before the air was replaced by ocean brine, and even then, I got to hear the crunch of their bones as they imploded from the sudden change in pressure. I swam so far that I landed on a distant shore, so tired that I was knocked unconcious by the next wave that came down on me. People saw me, a grown man bursting from the ocean, they saw me swimming for miles, only to utter my name and drown there out of exhaustion. My father's story eventually came around too. Shame was brought on all of us.
I was the tale mundies used to scare children into submission and self pity in the old old days, Bigby. Even the most amazing gift will be turned against you if you don'y pay respects to your betters. Stupid morals.
You might not like him but our father swept me out of the ocean by rousing a storm. He was impressed I managed to do all that I did without his help and I got to stay with him for a bit. When the invasion started, I figured a new world would be great to start over. But I'm starting to wish he left me there. I left with everyone from the homelands a disgrace and managed to live along the mundies only because they don't know me.
I've come to fabletown to ask you for help Bigby.
And yes, we are related. I can see your face. We're half brothers. But its not like you ever cared. You get all the attention, you'll be forever young... but look at me. Were you even paying attention?
Now, I miss our oceans, err, my ocean. where the water is so clear you could only notice it when it dare moves, and there where water nymphs and spirits existed within them and ta- well, you were a wolf but, you can understand right? Your forests were like my oceans and waterways, except unlike you, I really had nothing but. I have no faith in us returning to our homelands Bigby. My time here is taking its toll, as I am remembered by none...
I just want my time to end.
I want you to end me Bigby. But wait wait wait, not suddenly! Did you not remember what I said when I first got settled? I want to slowly fall into this... To have a glow. To be rememered. We are family Bigby, well, rather new family, but nonetheless please. Please. Kill me right. I don't want to die like this.
Welcome to the Telltale forums! Very interesting piece of literature you wrote there as well, Joham!
Suddenly, I was aware. Before I was aware, I simply 'was'. I existed, and I use the term loosely, as an entity of mere instinct, driven solely by a hunger that was all-encompassing. The sickly sweet rush of a silent scream, the satisfying snap of bone was all I lived for. Looking back, now, I wish someone would have stopped me. I still don't know how or why I aquired my current state of awareness, but I pray it hasn't been wasted on me. The first thing I remember is an unfortunately detailed account of my previous state. I've done such horrible things.
(More to come, typing without a keyboard on an Xbox One is a pain. Is this worth persuing? Input is always appreciated!)
Yeah, I would say it's worth pursuing, as you didn't mention the name of your Fable yet. :P
Welcome back, Mark. Hopefully all these new stories from everyone won't be too overwhelming.

Can't wait to read more of your stories, btw.
All I ever say is Thanks, but I mean it each time! I've decided to make Charming actually care that he has kids. As far as I know, Charming doesn't know Jack is his son, but Jack knows Charming is his father. I doubt Jack cares about Charming anyway, but I think he'd be surprised to find out he had (Another) sister, lol.
Lol, yeah. She's making Jack stick around, whether they both like it or not. She believe that if she's gonna have this baby, they're both gonna suffer whatever comes to them. You'll see how things work out as they come.
Thanks, and its okay to feel bad for Jack. Sometimes, lol. I'm kinda mixed on how the next chapter will go, I think Tim will be in it. There's so much I want to do but I can't find the order in which I want it to go.
Today was particularly hot day. Living in a kingdom of ice for most of your life prepares you for the cold, not the fiery depths of hell.
I stood at Wolf Manor's door. Waiting. Not knocking, not yet.
My stomach flipped. I ran the conversation I would have with my mother in my head.
Hey mom, I love your outfit!...No.
Hey, do you wanna know who I ran into the other day?.....Hmm. No.
I couldn't think of a single way to put it. I know how angry she'd get whenever I'd even ask her about him. I was lucky she gave me his name, Prince Charming. Otherwise, I'd never even know who to look for.
My hand made contact with the wood in several swift movements. I heard small steps to the door and my uncle, Ambrose, stood on the other side.
"Harmony! Come in!" He smiled. It's bad to have favorites, but I think he might be mine.
I enter the house cautiously. My mother isn't anywhere to be seen. I head to the kitchen as soon as my growling stomach subsides. I forgot to eat this morning. The sink is full of empty cereal bowls and Snow is clearing the kitchen counters.
"Hey Harm. What's up?" She asks.
"Nothing much." I walk to the counter island and sit on a stool.
"Why didn't you call? I would have prepared something for lunch later, or something."
"I won't be here for long. I don't think so, anyway. I wanted to talk to my mom."
"She's doing some chores. Are you hungry while you're waiting?"
"Yes, please. Anything you have, I'll eat."
Snow opens the refrigerator, pulling out fresh cold-cuts and grabs a loaf of bread on the way to me again.
"Ham and cheese, please."
She laughs,"Alright, honey." She begins making the sandwich.
I wait a for her to finish and give me the sandwich before asking,"Do you know who my father is?"
Snow frowns. She starts putting the food away,"Why do you want to know?"
"Well, I mean. I know what his name is. But what kind of person is he?"
She turns on the sink and starts scrubbing,"He's not someone you want to get involved with."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
She sighs, scrubbing something stuck on one of the dishes,"I was married to him, a long, long, time ago. As far as I know, he hasn't changed since I divorced him. He'll pay attention to you for a little while, and then he'll be gone again. It's how he's always been."
"He seemed nice when I talked to him."
Snow dropped a glass she was drying on the floor, shattering it into a million pieces,"You actually met him? He's back in Fabletown? When?"
"He was at the diner. I talked with him for a while."
Snow walks to a closet and pulls out a broom and dustpan. I get up and help her clean the mess.
"What did you two talk about?"
"Well, he didn't seem the same as my mother described him. He actually seemed.....genuine. Like, he cared that he had a child."
"Anything else?"
"Well, he's engaged to this woman. She was...nice. She didn't speak much. He also had an eye patch."
"He's wearing an eye patch? And he's engaged? Oh brother."
"Yeah. I told him to come to the North Wind Kingdom for my birthday, but he said he can't come because mom will kill him."
"Oh, I believe that. So that's what you came here to do. Convince Winter to let you bring your dad to your birthday."
"Oh brother."
After cleaning the mess, I hear footsteps running down the stairs and my mother enters the kitchen.
"Done with my-....Oh. Hey Harm!" She says.
She looks at me and Snow, confused,"Something wrong?"
Me and Snow look at eachother. I look back at my mother,"Uhm....."
Her eyebrow raises.
"Well," I scratch the back of my head,"Mom. I met Dad the other day."
Her face goes from curious to outright hatred,"You did what?"
She presses her temples, as if she got a headache from the mere mention of my father,"He shouldn't deserve to know he has a daughter, and 3 sons. What did you tell him?"
"That..he has a daughter and 3 sons..."
She sighs, exasperatedly,"Why? Why did you involve yourself with that wretched man?"
"I just wanted to know, Mom! I just wanted to know if I was anything like him! I wanted to know if he'd care!"
"He never cares about anything."
"You're wrong, mom! He cares that I exist. He cares that the boys exist. He wants to see them!"
"He can't come. if that's what you're suggesting."
"No. He cannot see the boys. That's final. It's bad enough that he can see you."
"You are being so unfair!"
"I don't care! I'm your mother, I know whats best!"
Instead of answering back, I run out the kitchen's back door.
"I'm not done talking to you, young lady!" She calls from behind.
I dart into the sky. I can feel the tears rushing down my face from the wind and I go invisible in the sky. My clothes flutter to the ground but I keep going.
Surprise! I wrote another chapter :P I couldn't help it, lol. I liked this one, even though its kinda sad, I guess. Next chapter will feature at least Tim. I usually don't know how things will go until I start writing them. Thanks for reading!
Wow, I wonder what she'll do next! Why must you play with my feels, Em!?
Lol, like you said: I would fit into Telltale perfectly.
Hmmm...THINK I know what is going on but need to wait until the next chapter.
This is brilliant and there were so many feelings and questions from beginning to end. Loved it. Great job!