You and I will go on, my good man, for Bill knows what he's doing! I have faith!
Last I hear, dudes name was Damien or something but it was something Emily threw out there. She was too busy chasing down a couple of babies and some 5 year olds. XD And yeah, Lyla mentioned Georgie got snipped I believe in the earlier part of Gremily's tale because Mary asked the same question you did.
I will comment on other people's stories but not all the time. #Porgieclan
Awww dude, don't cry, it had a happy ending, one of the best!
I will comment on them... Man this is gonna be weird for me AND you :P And… more if Bill ruins our dreams and keeps BigbyxSnow apart? What then? :O
* Excellent to hear.
* And who is this mystery man that Penny is dating? Poor Johann, he's a nice guy though so he'll strike lucky eventually.
* I didn't know he got the snip... Ignore the question then! XP
* I understand.
Will you continue to comment on other people's stories as well?
#PorgieClanForever Love you man, you did splendid -brofist-
Oh man! I hate being attached to things like this!!! XD
That's awesome! I definitely look forward to that! Special Privelages is nice but I would much rather show as much support as I can! It certainly does!
Damn! That's alright though at least you will do the challenges! Actually one more question, would you mind if I use Chloe? I would of course make sure she stays true to how she grows up and everything unless if you planned on something else!
I'm still crying! I swear, you'd think I just lost my BF! XD -hands you tissue- Damn that Ladybug, I know! I'll join you in that corner, dud… moree!
Yes, I'm going to start a digital comic either in the fall or early next year in the spring. I want to dust off my photoshop and learn the ways of digital work. As of now, it will be viewed publicily through my DA but in time, Ill charge but friends can get special privilages, if you catch my drift. LOL I hate hashtags, too but it seemed fitting. #PorgieClan
And to answer your question, I will not. Sadly, the Porgie clan WAS my final piece and I'm pleased and went out with a smile. I'll do challenges but that is it.
That's me, too. I know they are fictional but you've been THERE since day one! They're like family now! :'0
Awesome man! Either way, I'm glad to know there is support.
I know but I'd like to focus on my art and then some. But a challenge or 2 will not hurt me. Also, go for it, my good man! Everything you see is what you get with Chloe. If you need more info, you know the drill.
Oh man! I hate being attached to things like this!!! XD
That's awesome! I definitely look forward to that! Special Privelages is nice bu… moret I would much rather show as much support as I can! It certainly does!
Damn! That's alright though at least you will do the challenges! Actually one more question, would you mind if I use Chloe? I would of course make sure she stays true to how she grows up and everything unless if you planned on something else!
That's me, too. I know they are fictional but you've been THERE since day one! They're like family now! :'0
Awesome man! Either way, I'm … moreglad to know there is support.
I know but I'd like to focus on my art and then some. But a challenge or 2 will not hurt me. Also, go for it, my good man! Everything you see is what you get with Chloe. If you need more info, you know the drill.
Jersey comes off as a man that suffers alone and those are the ones that need the most saving. He did as he was pleased and could freaking care less but at the same time, still had a lot of learning to do, which is what he's doing now.
I'm sure this is pissing you off and I respect that. However, given I've gone through about 97% of this, you have to look at both sides. Is it fair? No. I'm disgusted with the human race sometimes, that we evolved over millions of years, yet this is still so 'new' and 'scary. There are other issues in this world but my orientation seems to be the dinner conversation of the evening. Plus, we can not control how people raise their children and some create hateful little monsters. They don't know any better. Plus, forgivness for if I'm not moving forward, I'm no better then they are. Jersey is reacting like my father, for example. Some folks need time and when scared, angry or confused, you get this mess.
I know you do. Trust me, she noticed but Lyla has her ways of getting the full answer, according to pie. XD
You better...
Ah no no, Georgie and Gren do deserve those women because they saved them from going down the dark path's; Jersey was alrea… moredy on the dark path and not looking to turn back... He worked for the Crooked Man, Georgie had no say in what happened to him, and Gren was just trying to get by in life, but Jersey? He had everything he needed, and did as he pleased with no regrets.
Look, you don't seem to realise how much this is pissing me off, I understand that this is what happens dude, I do, but it doesn't mean I should feel pity for someone holding onto a belief that is so old-fashioned it should be a crime to be homophobic or racist or whatever else! -sigh- rant over, let's move on, things like this are touchy subjects for me because I cannot stand this type of behaviour, I don't tolerate it from anyone, and if people give me the look and pass it off as a joke, I really couldn't give two shits >:(
Damaged toes, ok
I f… [view original content]
OMG he's dead!? But....why!? I was just making an observation! I didn't actually want Nick to die! :'o I mean, there is still hope. He and Jayne have a tale to challenge together, right? Damn, Isaac. You one sneaky butthole! >:( That ending broke my heart....hides under blankets
Hey! Me and pie are going to see that later! Hope you enjoyed it!!
-sigh- Never again am I writing a chapter from 1am till 3am... I'm tired and I've gotta go to the gym in 3 hours time, lack of sleep makes m… moree really moody, but it's my own fault. I hope you all enjoy the chapter though!
Vampire Challenge Chapter 7 – Conflict
Nick and Jayne reached The Gas Works about 15 minutes before sundown, so long as Nick was inside the club when night fell, then the chances of him killing any humans was reduced. Though it seemed that humans wouldn’t be a problem here, the bouncer refused to let in anyone that wasn’t a Vampire! The bouncer let Jayne in, but stopped Nick in his tracks, Nick glared at the bouncer but it seemed that a fight was more likely right now than a verbal discussion, that is until Jayne whispered in the big and black bouncers ear “He’s my snack for tonight...” The bouncer stared at Nick for a while longer before letting him pass.
Nick leaned down to Jayne’s ear as some punk girl in a shiny … [view original content]
I'm going to get emotional myself because I joined this very site because of the Porgie clan. I feel like I'm saying goodbye to my friends, too. I love your stories. You're a creative person and although I'm devestated to know your mind is made up about continuing to write, I look forward to watching you work on the digital comic of the Porgie Clan. Even though this tale is done, they will carry on. Congrats, dude. You created beauty with characters so little of us enjoyed or wanted to love. I've watched Georgie go from a cold, heartless prick to a loving father and grandfather with some kickass moves! >:D Lyla and her golden heart that warmed my soul every chance she got. The kids; each of them from kids up until now, where life took them in different directions. Katie, Junior, Penny, RJ, Peter, Ethan and Emily. Each special in their own ways. How you turned the results of the game into what we all read. Their connections and how it shaped them all. God I'm going to cry again....
A minute later I loved the Porgie Clan. They are indeed one of my favorite couples on this thread. I look forward to what you have for the future, dude! With you all the way!! I also, have questions for you:
WHO, out of all the Porgie kids, is your personal favorite? I want the honest answer and explain why!
What gave you the insperation to not only write about the Porgies but continue, seeing as they were never to become what they are at this very moment?
I want to know what made you decide to make Carla the villian and why. what went on for you to say she would make the ultimate villian?
What sort of troubles, problems, hurdles, etc have you encountered since creating the Porgie Clan?
Will you stay on this forum or will you be leaving, too?
#PorgieClan Well done, dude. Well done.
Going to be strange for awhile for me not seeing these two but their tale was beautiful and I loved every second of it. Forever Forward indeed, you two. Congrats, pie.
I'm seriously crying right's 4am and I'm crying as I write this but the tears are good and I'll allow them to fall. A year ago, I … morejoined this marvelous forum and took a chance at writing some fanfic. It had been a year since my last actual fanfic for another show, so I was not too sure. I took a chance and I'm pleased to say, no regrets. The Porgie Clan was never meant to go this far, nor mean a whole hell of a lot to me but they have stolen a large slice of my heart and there, they shall always be. No regrets; GeorgiexLyla until the bitter end, along with their rambunctious, seven children with different stories and now, children of their own. We've lost a few on the way but one will forever be with me....Ethan, my good man, you will be missed. I want to thank Dragon for creating this thread and those that have been with me since day one and those that joined later but saw the point I was trying to make with my tale; on this emotio… [view original content]
I still can't believe it, man! This was indeed something I'll take with me and I too, can't wait to start the comic, Now, questions:
I bet you and so many others are expecting me to say Emily. Although she is, the one that I'll always treasure is Georgie Junior, simply because of what he becomes and the reason behind it. Mary claimed him for all eternity and they became friends; he use to sit in front of the mirror as a child (as you'll see in the comic) and talk to her for freaking hours. She use to tuck him in bed, sing him songs like 'My Sunshine' and watched him grow into the young man she loves now. She was going through a period of doubting herself and if she ruined Junior's life by marking him. He took it upon himself to prove to Mary his love would never change, thus, he took her place and now, she's free once more. Because of this, Junior is my favorite Porgie kid. :')
I saw this thread and wanted to give my take on Georgie's life. People hated him and although he was a prick, I felt bad. Like, really bad for him because there had to be a reason that he got from point A to B, Something had to have happened and so, I took the idea and ran with it. Lyla was actually in the making for some time and after nearly a year of tweeking the final project, we have our lovely Lyla Smith. Their story changed, obviously, as to how they connected but I'm honestly please with the results. After the birth of the quads, I wanted to tell THEIR stories and the rest is history.
I wanted to make one of the sister's a villian, just because of what occured between the wolves and Fables. Carla was raised to believe a certain way and although John viewed the world differently, Carla took these leassons to heart. She thought she was doing good but in reality, did more damage then good. Power will make anyone lose self control....she found out about the bow and who had it but by then, Gren was such a mess and desperate for any attention, he'd take even the negative feelings, just to feel something. Carla used everyone to her own advantage; I always say its the ones that know you the most-have seen you at your best & worst-that you have to watch out for.
I had a lot of negative comments; a lot wanted Georgie to 'fuck' off and Lyla deserved better. Someone actually accused Georgie of raping Lyla, getting her pregnant and forcing her to stay. This is nowhere near the truth and this stings, even to this day. I was banned, as you know, one time because someone trashed the Porgie name and insulted my work and myself and I fought back. I've had messages on both tumblr and DA asking if Gren, Jersey, Mary even Johann ever 'touched' the Porgie kids inappropriatly. THAT made me sick to the point where I wanted to cry, vomit and hit something. NO ONE has ever done this but as you've read and so have the others, Carla loved using this excuse. >:'( People were slow to warm up to the idea of Georgie Porgie having 'feelings' but even if no one supported me, I know what I was trying to accomplish and the message I've been portraying since day 1.
This is unknown. For the moment, I will stay but we'll see what happens in the future.
BTW, freaking love this song. And that good times.
I'm going to get emotional myself because I joined this very site because of the Porgie clan. I feel like I'm saying goodbye to my friends, … moretoo. I love your stories. You're a creative person and although I'm devestated to know your mind is made up about continuing to write, I look forward to watching you work on the digital comic of the Porgie Clan. Even though this tale is done, they will carry on. Congrats, dude. You created beauty with characters so little of us enjoyed or wanted to love. I've watched Georgie go from a cold, heartless prick to a loving father and grandfather with some kickass moves! >:D Lyla and her golden heart that warmed my soul every chance she got. The kids; each of them from kids up until now, where life took them in different directions. Katie, Junior, Penny, RJ, Peter, Ethan and Emily. Each special in their own ways. How you turned the results of the game into what we all read. Their connections and how it shape… [view original content]
I tried my hardest, though only you and pie seemed to notice this time around.
She's a little crazy because she can hear voices speaking to her sometimes. However, she isn't at all 'violently crazy' like Daniel - if that makes sense. Anyway, Fayde's definitely more sane when compared to Daniel.
Oh man this was intense! o.o
Ah it's always nice to see another psychotic man and his collection of trophies, however it's even better wh… moreen the psychotic man loses his collectibles and goes on a rampage! XD I like Daniel don't know why lol the dude is a nut job. And he's Faydes brother!? Damn man I'm seeing a lot of twists as of late o.o Is she a couple screws loose like him? I guess we'll have to see!
Feedback wise this was awesome! I look forward to more!
You know, I was actually thinking on including Dixa but the way things are going, it may be a long time until that happens. Especially since I take forever to write and think up a chapter, plus I have to be in the right mood. It's been pretty frustrating as of late.
The jars weren't Banshees at all: they were various body parts, heads, or organs separated from Daniel's victims. I mentioned it briefly above with the (now deceased) minotaur noticing it.
They are sort of like a mafia, actually - just without the fancy suits and ties. Most of them prefer wearing casual clothes such as jackets, cargo pants, jeans, things you would usually see Irishmen wear in those Irish brawl movies. But some do wear actual suits and ties, though, because some feel obligated to dress high-class on whatever job they do. Mostly hits or extortion.
Daniel's pissed off at her, mainly because he knows that -for whatever reason- Fayde slayed her family and him. He wants to 'return' the favor to her.
Fayde escaped quite a while ago, it wasn't because of the jars getting shattered.
I was considering on doing that, as it seems people are losing interest in my story because I don't post frequently like you guys.
I had to go back and read this again because I'm trying to recall the lat chapter. I remember bits and pieces, so hopefully I don't butcher … morethis too much. First off, holy shit. When you described the Minotaur, I was thinking it was Dixa for a minute. Maybe because of the description, until you told me her name. I was sad to see her leave so soon but seems like Daniel is no playing around. So, in those jars, they are all Banshees? Is Daniel, Chris and the the others sort of like 'bounty' hunters in Ireland? After the jars were smashed open, Fayde was able to escape, it would seem like.
Daniel must be in some sort of hunter's club or something. They are seeking out the Banshee and have hitmen. I have a feeling Fayde did something to Daniel or he's just a douche. He does not appear to have the same qualities as Fayde, so I'm wondering if he just hates the creatures and was pissed his sister is one or, as stated before, he's a dick. :P Interes… [view original content]
Lol, he made a good observation, and I challenged it :P
It'll be how some citizens of Fabletown react to his death, some are less sad than others, and Damien doesn't appreciate their tones...
I just saw it. Dude, you will have at least 1,000 adrenalin rushes from that movie!! It was perfect! Violence was brutal, car chases were frequent and extremely dangerous, characters were crazy in their own ways... Sheer perfection :')
Seriously, JJ? I'm going to kick his ass! XD JK JK Wow, man. That's a bold move but I like it. Knowing you'll show what will take place in t… morehe next chap, well, I'll be eager to see it! I was shocked, tbh.....
Looks so freaking good! I was like, what time is it over there!? Like almost 2pm or something. XD
Yeah well your observation struck a silent nerve so I proved your ass wrong No, he's dead in this story, he won't be resurrected... He'll be in other stories of course, but this one? Not anymore.
Death loves his son, and Isaac is a survivalist who will do whatever it takes to win. He and Nick are not so different...
Dude that movie was so fucking epic! I still have a huge adrenalin rush from it! Awesome car chases, brutal fights, variety of weird and wonderful characters... Everything that made Mad Max is in this film and then some!!!! XD
OMG he's dead!? But....why!? I was just making an observation! I didn't actually want Nick to die! :'o I mean, there is still hope. He and J… moreayne have a tale to challenge together, right? Damn, Isaac. You one sneaky butthole! >:( That ending broke my heart....hides under blankets
Hey! Me and pie are going to see that later! Hope you enjoyed it!!
You and I will go on, my good man, for Bill knows what he's doing! I have faith!
Last I hear, dudes name was Damien or something but it w… moreas something Emily threw out there. She was too busy chasing down a couple of babies and some 5 year olds. XD And yeah, Lyla mentioned Georgie got snipped I believe in the earlier part of Gremily's tale because Mary asked the same question you did.
I will comment on other people's stories but not all the time. #Porgieclan
Thanks, my good man.
Easy there, Hman. :P
Jersey comes off as a man that suffers alone and those are the ones that need the most saving. He did as he was plea… moresed and could freaking care less but at the same time, still had a lot of learning to do, which is what he's doing now.
I'm sure this is pissing you off and I respect that. However, given I've gone through about 97% of this, you have to look at both sides. Is it fair? No. I'm disgusted with the human race sometimes, that we evolved over millions of years, yet this is still so 'new' and 'scary. There are other issues in this world but my orientation seems to be the dinner conversation of the evening. Plus, we can not control how people raise their children and some create hateful little monsters. They don't know any better. Plus, forgivness for if I'm not moving forward, I'm no better then they are. Jersey is reacting like my father, for example. Some folks need time and when scared, angry or confused, … [view original content]
Pick up your damn phone, you portagee! XD I want a Mountain Dew, if you read this BEFORE your damn text message! lol
I was actually thinking Katie, tbh but Junior did grow on me, too. The whole idea behind his reasons and what not made me respect him as a man and loving individual to his family. He gave Mary freedom. Something she had taken away, promised to have returned and nothing.....
Glad you went forward with it, dude!
Oh, so you've always had an idea of making ONE sibling evil? Damn. Glad it was Carla, tbh. It seems fitting, what her being so 'sweet' and 'loving.' She's been your best villian yet, man!
Ugh I remember that prick and seriously-someone ASKED you that?! The hell is wrong with people! >:o God that's so stupid!! Glad you never let anyone tell you otherwise! Keep aiming for the stars, man! Looking forward to that comic!!!
Oh, I love these pictures!! (saw them on your DA XD)
I still can't believe it, man! This was indeed something I'll take with me and I too, can't wait to start the comic, Now, questions:
*… more I bet you and so many others are expecting me to say Emily. Although she is, the one that I'll always treasure is Georgie Junior, simply because of what he becomes and the reason behind it. Mary claimed him for all eternity and they became friends; he use to sit in front of the mirror as a child (as you'll see in the comic) and talk to her for freaking hours. She use to tuck him in bed, sing him songs like 'My Sunshine' and watched him grow into the young man she loves now. She was going through a period of doubting herself and if she ruined Junior's life by marking him. He took it upon himself to prove to Mary his love would never change, thus, he took her place and now, she's free once more. Because of this, Junior is my favorite Porgie kid. :')
* I saw this thread and wanted to give my take on Geo… [view original content]
Finally had the chance to sit and read this! Nice to see you're still writing this, although why the sudden change to
Love that Daniel keeps bits of his victims in jars. Nice. As if they are trophies of some sort. He reminds me of Jeffery Dahmer but without the eating people bit. He did come off as a ganster of sorts and its a damn shame. He seemed alright to me the first time we met him. So, he just killed that poor creature? Damn! Is this the reason why Fayde left, because her own brother is after her? I get it that their past was sketchy but wow...lately, family betraying the others is hot, hot, hot this season!
Worked hard on this like usual. Feedback would be appreciated, too. As you all know. Expect some twists if any of you remember what's going… more on in my story. I was thinking on posting this and the rest of my story on Fanfiction to be on the safe side.
Chapter 11, Part 2: Survivor
"HAHAHA, you're going to kill me? Don't make me laugh. Just who do ya think you are?"
The girl smirks. "This." Her clothes began to slowly rip apart, her skin growing tufts of fur all over, and finally - horns and a towering stature adding to her now-intimidating appearance.
"Ah, a minotaur! Explains why you got caught so easily by one of my guys earlier."
The woman roars and pins him against the nearest wall, voice booming in hostility.
"Whoa! Skipping the formalities, aren't we? Very well." He smiles. "Afraid I don't know what you're talking about, love."
She slams his head against the wall. "YOU DO KNOW. DON'T … [view original content]
I didn't post my story there yet, even though I'm highly considering on doing it in the meantime, just so that people can familiarize themselves on what they haven't read or forgotten about my story.
Yep, he indeed did. Cut her eye out for his collection and chainsaw'd her head apart after she purposely broke all his jars to get back at him. She left because she slayed her family. Currently, she doesn't know that Daniel is alive and surprisingly well. And I know, right?
I was, but I'm kind of over it now. Okay at the moment. I'll post something about it later after I finish this vampire movie I was watching earlier.
Finally had the chance to sit and read this! Nice to see you're still writing this, although why the sudden change to
Love that D… moreaniel keeps bits of his victims in jars. Nice. As if they are trophies of some sort. He reminds me of Jeffery Dahmer but without the eating people bit. He did come off as a ganster of sorts and its a damn shame. He seemed alright to me the first time we met him. So, he just killed that poor creature? Damn! Is this the reason why Fayde left, because her own brother is after her? I get it that their past was sketchy but wow...lately, family betraying the others is hot, hot, hot this season!
BTW you seem...tense. You alright, dude?
I didn't post my story there yet, even though I'm highly considering on doing it in the meantime, just so that people can familiarize themse… morelves on what they haven't read or forgotten about my story.
Yep, he indeed did. Cut her eye out for his collection and chainsaw'd her head apart after she purposely broke all his jars to get back at him. She left because she slayed her family. Currently, she doesn't know that Daniel is alive and surprisingly well. And I know, right?
I was, but I'm kind of over it now. Okay at the moment. I'll post something about it later after I finish this vampire movie I was watching earlier.
I found something out today about the feedback I've been getting from someone, not gonna name any names cuz I'm not a prick, but I feel this needs to be said to all of you. I know I write 'action' and 'badassery' and 'tough' in my stories, but when I convey things that I've not really done before like comedy and sadness, can you please give me feedback on those aspects?
I write for fun yes, but I also write so that I can improve and know if I'm doing well or not, now I have been getting the odd bit of praise for Damien and his humour, but if I'm trying to write comedy or emotion or whatever else then don't hold back what you think about! I love all the feedback I get, of course bad feedback hurts but if I have fucked up with say, another author's OC, then tell me so I don't make a fool out of myself and insult you!
Again without naming any names, said person didn't think that I would want feedback like 'Oh man the feels dude, stop it!' and this kinda hurt me because I don't just write action and violence, I am really trying to branch out with the emotion...
I will survive, but not necessarily in happiness if they aren't reunited
Last I hear, dudes name was Damien or something
Jus… moret checking, didn't want to blurt out that it was Damien in case you decided that someone else would work for your tale :P
Why did he get the snip? Is it because he didn't want anymore cursed children??
Well I look forward to your comments when you can give them!
That's me, too.
Nah man. Told you-we are collaborating and Damien stays with Penelope.
To end the curse and both he and Lyla felt that 7 was enough for them.
Zylen had to buy time, he might not be able to take on all four goons at once. So he decided to stall till Justine was here, and he had to time it just right so that he would be get hit by something right as she shows up, that way she's on top of her game. Plus seeing Justine in a cold blooded really amused him. Bloody Mary smiled.
"My boss says you and your partner has been a bit...busy and forthcoming about your demands. However, the Crooked Man doesn't like being backed up in a corner." She said
Zylen crossed his arms. "We don't fuck around Mary. You of all people should know that, I remember when we did a job for you back in the day."
Mary began to laugh. "Oh I know you rounded up a good amount of people too! Took me months to get all the blood off my clothes." She pulled out her gun. "But I'm being payed as a body guard. So that means you need to back off."
Dum came out of the alleyway to his right. Across the street Dee appeared with a submachine gun. And from behind Mary was no other than the Jersey Devil. Justine was close. Zylen walked up to Mary's revolver and grabbed the barrel and pointed it at his forehead. He looked into Mary's eyes.
"You think a gun will upset me? You think death frightens me? I got news for you, you'd just be doing me a favor if it was that easy to kill me. " He said.
Mary pulled the gun back from Zylens grip and hit him with the barrel of the gun. The four began to laugh. Zylen could hear Justines footsteps.
"Hey! Back the fuck off." Justine said a cold tone drawing her handguns.
Zylen stood. "Now if you want to get in a fight I cannot guarantee you'll live. So, you may run now or I'll give my partner to the count of ten to open fire."
Dum began to talk. Zylen however began to count. "1...2...5." He said
Justine began unloading her handguns into both Dum and Dee. Zylen drew his handgun and shot Mary's revolver shot with a bullet of his own, he aimed just past her cheek to nail Jersey in the shoulder. Dee and Dum were riddled with bullets, surprisingly they were still alive. Jersey had a shot in his shoulder and tried to run, Zylen shot him in the kneecaps before he could get away. Justine reloaded her handguns and put them away. She began to crack her knuckles and walk forward. She gave Zylen a hug and kissed him on the cheek.
"Thanks for letting me have fun, they were going to run any second. Now...let me handle this whore." She said with a smile.
"What was that Justine? Sounds like I need to take out the trash." Mary chuckled.
Zylen butted in. "Justine. Do what you want but leave her alive. She's needed." He said.
"Whaaat? Ugh oh well, if I have the chance can I take any limbs?" She asked.
Zylen leaned on a nearby building "You know I don't care."
Justine shrugged "Just figured I'd ask."
Mary was unimpressed "Are you two lovebirds done? you're giving me a fucking headache."
Justines eyes became ferocious and a maniacle smile grew on her face. "You're about to get fucked up."
Justine charged in and slammed her forehead into Marys. Mary held her head and backed up, Justine kneed her in the head while her head was down breaking her nose. Justine began to laugh.
"Look at you! A lonely bitch who talks shit and can't back it up! Talk about lame!" Justine laughed.
Mary took this time to punch Justine in the head. Justines body remained stationary, only her head moved. She began to taste blood in her mouth. She spit it out and smiled.
"For fuck sake! Do you have any strength at all?" Justine said punching her in the gut. She grabbed Mary by the hair, and began to playfully tug her hair.
"Does this hurt you too? C'mon I wanna hear you SQUEAL!!!" She said pulling as hard as she could making Mary collapse to the ground and squeal.
Shards of glass began to show in Mary's skin. Justine watched her transform. Mary stood making hissing noises and cackled. Justine was excited.
"Look at all those pieces of glass! I always loved getting my hands bloody!" She said slamming her fists together.
Transformed Mary began to charge Justine who swiftly moved to the left and pulled out a piece of glass. She threw it at Mary's gut, the monster began to yell. Justine nodded in approval such yells made her even more excited to fight! Mary began making clones. Justine pulled out her handguns and began gunning them down with pure accuracy. The last two bullets went in to her left shoulder and right leg. Mary could barely stand at this point. She transformed back. Justine sighed.
"Done already? C'mon you can do better than that, you're supposed to be one of the baddest women in town! But you're just a shit talker who can't back it up." She said putting her finger in Mary's bullet wound, Mary began to cry out in pain. Justine angled her leg just right, she raised her leg. "Next time sweetheart, just turn around and go home. You aren't worth my time." She said slamming her foot down snapping Mary's right leg crushing her kneecap under her boot. Justine began to walk away but remembered, she always took off a body part if someone hit Zylen! She began to walk back. "So what part of your body do you hate the most." She said with a smile.
Zylen pulled out a smoke and lit it. He heard Mary scream louder than a young girl, and saw Justine spit something out. She must have forgot her trench knife. Justine wiped the blood off her face and looked sad.
"You didn't look right?" She said
Zylen shook his head. "No but I heard enough."
Justine smiled. "Good, I just don't want you to see for...reasons"
Zylen smiled back. "We've been together for who knows how long, and you know I'd never abandon you."
Justine nodded her face was red. "So...where are we headed?" She said
Zylen pulled out a wad of cash. He kissed Justine on the cheek. "To a funeral, you wanna go? I know you find those things boring so you don't have to go."
Justine touched her cheek. For thousands of years Zylen never kissed her, he barely hugged her. "I'll go, but just this once!" She said
Zylen walked by and threw the wad of cash on Jersey. "Take this money and get yourselves patched up." He wrote down an address and handed it to him. "I know some people who know black magic around here, at the corrupt hospital. Get your wounds fixed and hurry."
Jersey nodded and ran over to Mary. She was missing her left ear. Zylen looked back at Justine. "How'd you manage to bite her ear off?" He asked
Justine shrugged "Most things can be done with force Zylen."
Zylen nodded "Fair enough." He watched the Crooked Man's goons run into the night. Zylen and Justine began to walk away. At this point Bigby would beat them there, he could feel Bigbys anger snap.
Things are going to pick up around here...
Oh I loved writing this part! XD But this won't be the last time her and Justine butt heads this was just a warm up! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
This is a non-canon one-shot written in response to one of JJwolf's chapters.
Really tired from last night (stupid me lol) and I think the Vampire Challenge can wait until tomorrow, so please enjoy this!
A Game Of Life And Death
O New York
“I don’t want to hear another fucking lie from you, Jersey!” Nick held the scrawny man against the wall by his throat and squeezed his neck tight enough that Jersey’s breathes became a pitch higher than normal, he tried to claw at Nick’s face but the attempt was futile in itself. Jersey had fucked up big this time, and he knew it, as did Nick. Nick had trusted Jersey with a very expensive diamond and platinum ring that was to be his wedding ring to Bloody Mary.
Nick had known Jersey since the 1940’s and the two had a mutual respect for each other’s power, but their friendship was often strained due to their conflicting personalities. Nick had gone to the Lucky Pawn to collect said ring, and Jersey couldn’t find it anywhere! The Devil could actually say that he was a little fearful of what Nick would do to him, the ring had a lot of meaning and Nick was not to be messed around with when it came to his personal property.
Jersey instantly assumed that Jack Horner must’ve taken the ring for his own purposes, so he would have to concoct a lie in order to avoid a beating... sadly this didn’t work. Nick could tell by Jersey’s body language that something wasn’t right “Jersey, where is my ring?” Jersey felt a bead of sweat trickle down the side of his head and he was struggling to keep still, so he gave up “I can’t find it anywhere, I- I think Jack Horner stole it, but I’ll get it back from him though, I fucking swear!”
Nick glared at Jersey and his eyes turned yellow, he walked behind the counter and towered over the scrawny Jersey, in a flash Nick’s hand wrapped around Jersey’s throat and pinned him to the metal cabinet behind him. Jersey didn’t dare change as that would create even more problems, and he was already having a bad day. It wasn’t helped by the fact that Robert Grendel was trying to convert his dear Brother Frank to the dark side of life, the side of life where men were into men and their own genitals...
After some interrogating and yelling, Nick let Jersey go and stormed out of the shop. Jersey held his throat and coughed, he would skin Horner for this...
O The Trip Trap
Nick needed a drink and the Trip Trap was a good spot to go to right now, plus Damien was likely there. “I’m telling you dude, one of these days I’m gonna get with a fine lady with some curvy titties and a brain to go with em’!” Damien was rambling to Woody about his ‘dream girl’ and how she had to be voluptuous but also smart. Woody just shook his head and sipped on his Midas Gold “But what if you fall for someone who’s skinny or fat? Love isn’t about looks Dame, it’s about the connection” Damien waved his hand “Pfft, I ain’t getting with a woman who’s gonna devour me with her rolls of fat! I’ll find her someday dude, mark my words”
Nick stood behind Damien and smirked “How much weed did you have to smoke to tell the Woodsman about your dream lady this time?” Damien spun around and pointed a finger at Nick “Ah ha! I haven’t smoked anything today; I’ve been a good boy!” Nick chuckled “Well then, be an even better boy and buy me a drink will ya’?” Damien spun around and flashed $10 to Holly “Anything with salt for Nick please Holly” Holly stopped cleaning the bar and reached for a pint glass, filling it with Jim Bean and a tablespoon of salt.
Nick gulped down half the glass before turning to Damien “Have you seen Horner around?” Damien’s face took on that signature sour look whenever his ‘arch-enemy’ was mentioned “Nope, but if I do then please remind me to cut off his ponytail, he’s enough of a girl already. Oh yeah and to kick his nuts into his skull because... well just because” Nick put his hand to Damien’s shoulder “This is serious dude, he’s got my fucking wedding ring-” Right on cue, Jack walked into the bar looking very proud of himself.
“Hello ladies, don’t mind me I’m just walking the town, eyeing the babes, you know, the usual” No one paid any attention to Jack but Damien did stand up to face him, Jack smiled “Oh hey Damien, how goes the hunt for your dream girl, found any winners lately or did the lack of a job and responsibilities turn them away?” Damien crossed his arms “Funny coming from a guy who’s infuriated every woman he’s ever slept with, oh and how goes your search for eternal fortune, Jack?”
Jack’s smile faded into a frown as Damien bumped him on the way past; what Horne didn’t realise was that Damien had fished into his vest pocket and retrieved the blue velvet box with the ring in it. Standing behind Jack, Damien holds up the ring and Nick nods, it was the wedding ring. The 2 men dragged Jack outside and unceremoniously beat him to the ground, but they didn’t put him in a hospital-worthy condition at least. As they walked away from the scene they passed by Rosa’s cafe, and noticed an ambulance taking a heavily beaten Robert Grendel away.
“Jesus, what the hell happened to Robert?” Damien spoke aloud and Nick just shook his head “I don’t know...”
O Later that day
After Swineheart took Robert home, at Robert’s request, and patched him up, Nick decided he would pay him a visit. Nick knew Gren a lot better than he knew Robert, but the two men had always gotten along and Robert knew he could trust Nick with stuff. Nick knocked on the door, and Gren answered it “Oh, hey Nick” Nick looked over Gren’s shoulder at Robert “Hey, so how is he?” Gren just huffed “He’s a fucking mess and being difficult, do you wanna come in?” Nick nodded and was allowed entrance to Robert’s place, Robert looked at Nick and mustered a somewhat forced smile “Oh hey, who told you?”
Nick crouched beside the bed “Me and Damien saw you being taken away in an ambulance; you looked like absolute shit, what happened?” Robert just rested his head on his pillow and sighed “Muggers, they had bats and I didn’t see them coming” Nick nodded, but he knew Robert was hiding something.
“Robert... are you gay?” Robert and Gren both looked at Nick in shock, how the fuck did he figure it out?! Robert chuckled “What?! No man, why would you ask that?” Nick looked at Robert with a great deal of understanding “I’ve seen how you act around guys and girls Robert, and I’ve been alive long enough to know when someone is faking it” Robert wanted to argue, but this was Nick, he didn’t usually make accusations without good evidence, and this was near damning.
Robert just lay there and didn’t say a word, Nick didn’t inquire further as he stood up and went over to Gren “I’m sorry” Gren shook his head “Don’t worry about it Nick, I know we can trust you to keep this a secret... right?” Nick nodded quickly “Of course, I wouldn’t do that to him or anyone else... So, how goes things with Carla?” Gren stared at the ground “More fights and more unhappiness, the usual” Nick patted Gren’s shoulder “I’m sorry about that, but things will get better Gren, just hold onto that for me yeah?”
Gren nodded slightly, and Nick saw himself out of the apartment. One unique trait about being a killer and living for so long meant that Nick had essentially learned how to be a detective without intention; he could tell by the markings and fractures that Robert was attacked with a metal bat, and by a Fable with strength on their side. Damien had seen Frank and Robert getting cosy with each other one night, and Frank worked at Rosa’s as a chef, Nick knew this as he and Mary had both eaten there before and Frank was the one who cooked their exquisite meals. Frank was Jersey’s Brother, and Nick had suspicions that Jersey was not a fan of homosexuals.
Putting the pieces together wasn’t enough to convince nick completely, he had no real proof, but this definitely sounded like something Jersey would do...
O The Lucky Pawn
Nick entered the shop as Jersey was screaming at Jack Horner “I want Nick’s fucking ring back right now you piece of shit!” Jack was getting defensive and caught a glimpse of Nick in the corner of his eye; Jack turned to Nick (still looking a little beaten from earlier) and yelled “He has his stupid ring just like I said!” Nick went over to Jack and placed a strong hand on Horner’s shoulder “Yes he did, it’s all sorted now, Jersey”.
Jersey heaved a sigh of relief as Nick whispered in Jack’s ear “Fuck off right now” Jack obeyed and left the shop very quickly as soon as Nick let go of him. Jersey was so relieved as he allowed Nick behind the counter “Whew, I thought I was gonna have to buy you a fucking new one or get that useless shit Horner to replace it!”
Nick smiled as he glanced down at the bloodied metal bat underneath the counter, Jersey looked at it as well and cursed himself internally, Nick looked back up “Customer too much for you?” Jersey shrugged “Yeah, he was being too difficult and thought he could get away with breaking my ‘cheap knock-offs’ asshole” Nick nodded and inspected the bat “There’s quite a bit of blood on here, how much did you hit him?” Jersey shrugged again “Lost count, he was being a royal pain in my fucking ass”
Nick held the bat firmly and faced Jersey “You know in every war I’ve fought in I’ve known at least one of my men to be homosexual” Jersey brow knitted and he crossed his arms “So what, why should I care?” Nick continued “I’m gonna be straight with you Jersey, do you hate homosexuals?” Jersey was about to laugh it off before Nick’s eyes flashed yellow for the second time that day, this was serious.
Jersey answered “I’m not comfortable with them and their ‘ways’, I don’t like those fag bars they hang out at, I fuck pussy like any normal man should”.
Nick twirled the bat in his hands “Does that include attacking someone you know because you think you’re protecting your Brother?” Jersey realised what this was about, he shoved Nick backwards against the counter “I don’t need you giving me a fucking lesson in life Nick!” Nick shoved Jersey off of him and yelled “And I don’t need a homophobe for a friend either!” Jersey punched Nick across the face, and Nick responded by hitting Jersey around the head with the bat. Jersey slammed headfirst into the wall as Nick repeatedly struck him with the weapon, Jersey screamed and groaned as each hit crippled him and brought him pain.
In the end Nick threw the bat down and picked Jersey up, throwing him over the counter. Jersey struggled to get up as Nick stamped hard on his lower back, Jersey’s spine felt weird and he stopped moving to reduce the immense pain. Nick gripped Jersey’s chin “Listen to me shithead, so long as I’m still breathing you don’t EVER touch Robert Grendel again, if you do then I will kill you very slowly... Do I make myself clear?!” Jersey nodded and Nick slammed his head against the ground as he left the shop. Jersey just lay there thinking about what Nick had said...
That's that... I apologise for getting anything wrong with the OC's that aren't mine, if I did that is. Please Like and leave your comments/questions below! XD
Zylen has no fear. None. And I like that about him. You've created a character that may come off as an 'ass' but I think it's more spunk then anything. He had a freaking gun pointed at his head-by bloody Mary- and he does not flench a freaking muscle. Not one time.
I knew the battle between Justine and Mary would be awesome. I loved Mary's sarcastic tones and her remarks. So her and I'm pleased to see you kept it as so for this fight. Is it wrong that I was turned on while Justine and Mary fought? -looks around- Yup. Think I'll continue to think about these two stunning women fight. Justine also has no fear and balls as hard as freaking stone! she just stuck her freaking finger in a wound on Mary's body! Damn, girl! also, what a bunch of pussies, those goons. Seems like Zylen and Justine are trying to up one on the other and I love it!
Nicely done, my good man! -brofist- Can't wait for more!!
Smoke and Mirrors... Finale
Zylen had to buy time, he might not be able to take on all four goons at once. So he decided to stall till Ju… morestine was here, and he had to time it just right so that he would be get hit by something right as she shows up, that way she's on top of her game. Plus seeing Justine in a cold blooded really amused him. Bloody Mary smiled.
"My boss says you and your partner has been a bit...busy and forthcoming about your demands. However, the Crooked Man doesn't like being backed up in a corner." She said
Zylen crossed his arms. "We don't fuck around Mary. You of all people should know that, I remember when we did a job for you back in the day."
Mary began to laugh. "Oh I know you rounded up a good amount of people too! Took me months to get all the blood off my clothes." She pulled out her gun. "But I'm being payed as a body guard. So that means you need to back off."
Dum came out of the alleyway to his ri… [view original content]
Damn Jack. I swear, you can't be trusted with a single thing. Interesting knowing Jersey and Nick were considered friends or at least had an understanding. I always thought Jersey and Nick would be enemies for some stupid reason. XD
I liked the Trip Trap scene and was pleased to see Damien there. Jack with his low blows and that Jim Bean sounds good, minus the salt. Also, nice that they just take Jack out back and beat the crap out of him but he did have the ring and waves it around like its nothing.
Gren just huffed “He’s a fucking mess and being difficult
So freaking true. -points to JJ- Don't you EVEN tell me otherwise because yes he is! Gren, you can be, too, so shutup.XD
Robert looked at Nick and mustered a somewhat forced smile
Jesus, dude. Well, I'm a mess.
“Robert... are you gay?” Robert and Gren both looked at Nick in shock
As did pie. Damn, just like that! XD But Nick seems like he's a straight to business guy. No beating around the bush with this guy.
I thought he handled Jersey really nicely. I don't like that though, Jersey. No one 'forced' anyone to be on the 'dark' side. >:( I know you change for good in the future but you deserved this. I was expecting worse from Nick but I'm glad he didn't overdue the punishment, either. I thought you did marvelous with this, my good man! -brofist-
This is a non-canon one-shot written in response to one of JJwolf's chapters.
Really tired from last night (stupid me lol) and I think th… moree Vampire Challenge can wait until tomorrow, so please enjoy this!
A Game Of Life And Death
O New York
“I don’t want to hear another fucking lie from you, Jersey!” Nick held the scrawny man against the wall by his throat and squeezed his neck tight enough that Jersey’s breathes became a pitch higher than normal, he tried to claw at Nick’s face but the attempt was futile in itself. Jersey had fucked up big this time, and he knew it, as did Nick. Nick had trusted Jersey with a very expensive diamond and platinum ring that was to be his wedding ring to Bloody Mary.
Nick had known Jersey since the 1940’s and the two had a mutual respect for each other’s power, but their friendship was often strained due to their conflicting personalities. Nick had gone to the Lucky Pawn to collect said ring, and … [view original content]
I think either that part or the final bits of the Justine and Mary fight were my favorite part to write they're very close.
I could never change Mary know matter how hard I would try, her sarcastic and psychotic humor was my favorite thing about her character! XD Lmao! XD Gotta love cat fights man! Justine is hard core my man! Not to mention she tore off Mary's left ear with her teeth as well o.o They were lucky Zylen gave them the tip or else they'd all be bleeding to death! XD They're always competing whether it be showing affection, body count, style kills you name it and they compete with each other! XD
Zylen has no fear. None. And I like that about him. You've created a character that may come off as an 'ass' but I think it's more spunk the… moren anything. He had a freaking gun pointed at his head-by bloody Mary- and he does not flench a freaking muscle. Not one time.
I knew the battle between Justine and Mary would be awesome. I loved Mary's sarcastic tones and her remarks. So her and I'm pleased to see you kept it as so for this fight. Is it wrong that I was turned on while Justine and Mary fought? -looks around- Yup. Think I'll continue to think about these two stunning women fight. Justine also has no fear and balls as hard as freaking stone! she just stuck her freaking finger in a wound on Mary's body! Damn, girl! also, what a bunch of pussies, those goons. Seems like Zylen and Justine are trying to up one on the other and I love it!
Nicely done, my good man! -brofist- Can't wait for more!!
Ugh Jack, why do you have to be a dumbass. Like Pie said interesting to see that Nick and Jersey were acquaintances. The Trip Trap scene was nice, and Damiens got smooth fingers like butter! XD Oh Nick, I love how he's so straightforward and to the point! XP Like Pie said I expected Jersey would get absolutely dominated, but I was glad he didn't pull a Justine lol!
This is a non-canon one-shot written in response to one of JJwolf's chapters.
Really tired from last night (stupid me lol) and I think th… moree Vampire Challenge can wait until tomorrow, so please enjoy this!
A Game Of Life And Death
O New York
“I don’t want to hear another fucking lie from you, Jersey!” Nick held the scrawny man against the wall by his throat and squeezed his neck tight enough that Jersey’s breathes became a pitch higher than normal, he tried to claw at Nick’s face but the attempt was futile in itself. Jersey had fucked up big this time, and he knew it, as did Nick. Nick had trusted Jersey with a very expensive diamond and platinum ring that was to be his wedding ring to Bloody Mary.
Nick had known Jersey since the 1940’s and the two had a mutual respect for each other’s power, but their friendship was often strained due to their conflicting personalities. Nick had gone to the Lucky Pawn to collect said ring, and … [view original content]
Not bad taking a trip down the non canon road. Open up opportunities to try some interesting things with characters and such, for example look what I tried to do with Fabletown High. XD
Jack of Fables, always up to something. I remember him on his journey to Hollywood in the comics. Was hysterical.
Nick handled this just as I expected him would. Now Jersey should learned his lesson by now.
This is a non-canon one-shot written in response to one of JJwolf's chapters.
Really tired from last night (stupid me lol) and I think th… moree Vampire Challenge can wait until tomorrow, so please enjoy this!
A Game Of Life And Death
O New York
“I don’t want to hear another fucking lie from you, Jersey!” Nick held the scrawny man against the wall by his throat and squeezed his neck tight enough that Jersey’s breathes became a pitch higher than normal, he tried to claw at Nick’s face but the attempt was futile in itself. Jersey had fucked up big this time, and he knew it, as did Nick. Nick had trusted Jersey with a very expensive diamond and platinum ring that was to be his wedding ring to Bloody Mary.
Nick had known Jersey since the 1940’s and the two had a mutual respect for each other’s power, but their friendship was often strained due to their conflicting personalities. Nick had gone to the Lucky Pawn to collect said ring, and … [view original content]
I AM so glad your considering doing the comics. I am sure it was suggested many times and I am sure you will knock it out of the park. I can't what to see what you have in stored from the porgies. (especially Vivianna and Emily<3)
I'm seriously crying right's 4am and I'm crying as I write this but the tears are good and I'll allow them to fall. A year ago, I … morejoined this marvelous forum and took a chance at writing some fanfic. It had been a year since my last actual fanfic for another show, so I was not too sure. I took a chance and I'm pleased to say, no regrets. The Porgie Clan was never meant to go this far, nor mean a whole hell of a lot to me but they have stolen a large slice of my heart and there, they shall always be. No regrets; GeorgiexLyla until the bitter end, along with their rambunctious, seven children with different stories and now, children of their own. We've lost a few on the way but one will forever be with me....Ethan, my good man, you will be missed. I want to thank Dragon for creating this thread and those that have been with me since day one and those that joined later but saw the point I was trying to make with my tale; on this emotio… [view original content]
New story already?! I need to revisit to find out more about this. I forgot what happened at the end of your other one. Did Kieron and Co. handle the Prince?
Anyway, this takes place during the TWAU era, Crooked and his right hand man are steering up more trouble for this new character Zylen and from the looks of it, he's ins't showing any fear, I like that. With some attitude! Let's see where this heads.
Smoke and Mirrors... Finale
Zylen had to buy time, he might not be able to take on all four goons at once. So he decided to stall till Ju… morestine was here, and he had to time it just right so that he would be get hit by something right as she shows up, that way she's on top of her game. Plus seeing Justine in a cold blooded really amused him. Bloody Mary smiled.
"My boss says you and your partner has been a bit...busy and forthcoming about your demands. However, the Crooked Man doesn't like being backed up in a corner." She said
Zylen crossed his arms. "We don't fuck around Mary. You of all people should know that, I remember when we did a job for you back in the day."
Mary began to laugh. "Oh I know you rounded up a good amount of people too! Took me months to get all the blood off my clothes." She pulled out her gun. "But I'm being payed as a body guard. So that means you need to back off."
Dum came out of the alleyway to his ri… [view original content]
Yeah sorry I hit a rough spot with Kieron so I'm going on hiatus on it! XD All the chapters should be relatively close together, I can find the start of the story for ya if you want?
Glad you like him! Crooked man is getting his paws dirty. But Zylen has been doing this for thousands of years It'll lead straight to hell! >:D
New story already?! I need to revisit to find out more about this. I forgot what happened at the end of your other one. Did Kieron and Co. h… moreandle the Prince?
Anyway, this takes place during the TWAU era, Crooked and his right hand man are steering up more trouble for this new character Zylen and from the looks of it, he's ins't showing any fear, I like that. With some attitude! Let's see where this heads.
First, I love Minotuars. They are one of my favorite mythos, with Dragons being my first. Seeing one in your story deposited so way made me a little hype I enjoyed decimating those things in the God of War games.
If I recall correctly, Daniel was taking Fables hostage on your previous chapter, breaking knees and such or was the another person? Aside from that, I liked the every scene beginning to the end, especially the beginning. Things escalated quickly as got right down to the point.
Worked hard on this like usual. Feedback would be appreciated, too. As you all know. Expect some twists if any of you remember what's going… more on in my story. I was thinking on posting this and the rest of my story on Fanfiction to be on the safe side.
Chapter 11, Part 2: Survivor
"HAHAHA, you're going to kill me? Don't make me laugh. Just who do ya think you are?"
The girl smirks. "This." Her clothes began to slowly rip apart, her skin growing tufts of fur all over, and finally - horns and a towering stature adding to her now-intimidating appearance.
"Ah, a minotaur! Explains why you got caught so easily by one of my guys earlier."
The woman roars and pins him against the nearest wall, voice booming in hostility.
"Whoa! Skipping the formalities, aren't we? Very well." He smiles. "Afraid I don't know what you're talking about, love."
She slams his head against the wall. "YOU DO KNOW. DON'T … [view original content]
Nick is acquainted with the Porgie's so to an extent he is acquainted with Jersey as well, they don't really have a friendship, more of an understanding based around respect.
Jack is a prick and this sounded like something he would do :P
If Robert wouldn't tell his own Brother what happened then he was definitely not going to tell Nick...
Nick can 'read the signs' if you will, he notices these things but he still needed confirmation
I wasn't gonna kill Jersey cuz then what would Katie do?
Thanks man, I thought I would slip up somewhere with the other OC's -brofist-
Damn Jack. I swear, you can't be trusted with a single thing. Interesting knowing Jersey and Nick were considered friends or at least had an… more understanding. I always thought Jersey and Nick would be enemies for some stupid reason. XD
I liked the Trip Trap scene and was pleased to see Damien there. Jack with his low blows and that Jim Bean sounds good, minus the salt. Also, nice that they just take Jack out back and beat the crap out of him but he did have the ring and waves it around like its nothing.
Gren just huffed “He’s a fucking mess and being difficult
So freaking true. -points to JJ- Don't you EVEN tell me otherwise because yes he is! Gren, you can be, too, so shutup.XD
Robert looked at Nick and mustered a somewhat forced smile
Jesus, dude. Well, I'm a mess.
“Robert... are you gay?” Robert and Gren both looked at Nick in shock
As did pie. Damn, just like that! XD But Nick seems like he's a st… [view original content]
Cuz like Damien, Jack doesn't learn from his mistakes :P
Jersey and Nick have an understanding based around respect as opposed to liking each other; they're too similar in their personalities to truly get along...
Ugh Jack, why do you have to be a dumbass. Like Pie said interesting to see that Nick and Jersey were acquaintances. The Trip Trap scene was… more nice, and Damiens got smooth fingers like butter! XD Oh Nick, I love how he's so straightforward and to the point! XP Like Pie said I expected Jersey would get absolutely dominated, but I was glad he didn't pull a Justine lol!
Awesome stuff man!
Not bad taking a trip down the non canon road. Open up opportunities to try some interesting things with characters and such, for example lo… moreok what I tried to do with Fabletown High. XD
Jack of Fables, always up to something. I remember him on his journey to Hollywood in the comics. Was hysterical.
Nick handled this just as I expected him would. Now Jersey should learned his lesson by now.
Thank you, stone! I'm excited for one of my classes, which coveres photoshop and the basics to making a comic. It was highly requested and I appreciate that, my good man! I'm looking forward to digging deeper into their lives and how could I possibly forget those lovely ladies, expecially Emily?
I AM so glad your considering doing the comics. I am sure it was suggested many times and I am sure you will knock it out of the park. I can't what to see what you have in stored from the porgies. (especially Vivianna and Emily<3)
I honestly figured it had to do with both the Porgi AND an understanding but we all know how Fables are; centuries together, there is bond to have something occur, thus the reasoning behind one's relationship. XD
Jack is an ass. I never liked him, tbh. He had his moments but they were rare for me.
Robert is a stubborn as swamp dwelling beast. 'Nuff said. -points to JJ again- Don't EVEN challenge me on that! XD
And he tries to backpeddle out of it. SMH. OH Robert. Least Nick understood...
-Shudders- I don't like to think of what would happen, if you changed their future....:'(
I thought you did one hell of a job, my good man. These one-shot things are awesome!
Nick is acquainted with the Porgie's so to an extent he is acquainted with Jersey as well, they don't really have a friendship, more of an u… morenderstanding based around respect.
Jack is a prick and this sounded like something he would do :P
If Robert wouldn't tell his own Brother what happened then he was definitely not going to tell Nick...
Nick can 'read the signs' if you will, he notices these things but he still needed confirmation
I wasn't gonna kill Jersey cuz then what would Katie do?
Thanks man, I thought I would slip up somewhere with the other OC's -brofist-
Nick looks out for those close to him, including Katie but from afar. Hope you're ok with that
Yeah Jack will always be my least favourite Fable.
I know he is and I was so close to having him confess to Nick, but I didn't because Robert wouldn't do that!
Nick tries to understand, he doesn't agree with how the world still thinks sometimes...
I CAN'T change their future or else you'll get mad at me :P
I need to think up more, I'm seriously considering doing a Christmas one where Lyla invites Nick and Damien over for dinner, but Damien ends up having numerous encounters with an imp that steals the gifts they brought for the kids
I honestly figured it had to do with both the Porgi AND an understanding but we all know how Fables are; centuries together, there is bond t… moreo have something occur, thus the reasoning behind one's relationship. XD
Jack is an ass. I never liked him, tbh. He had his moments but they were rare for me.
Robert is a stubborn as swamp dwelling beast. 'Nuff said. -points to JJ again- Don't EVEN challenge me on that! XD
And he tries to backpeddle out of it. SMH. OH Robert. Least Nick understood...
-Shudders- I don't like to think of what would happen, if you changed their future....:'(
I thought you did one hell of a job, my good man. These one-shot things are awesome!
I am. I know he looks at Emily and the girls like a 2nd father and their response is the same in return.
Well, at leaset you and I can both agree on that bit. Plus, it's awesome knowing Nick does not tolerate BS like this. He has bigger things to worry about then Robert's love for Frank. :P
LOL Well, that and if you change their fates without their knowledge, its all bad.
OMG that would be a hilarious thing to read! no lie. An imp stealing gifts and DAMIEN brought it!? I can just see all the kids freaking out and parents be like 'DAFUQ....' Oh man, yes! All of that.
Nick looks out for those close to him, including Katie but from afar. Hope you're ok with that
Yeah Jack will always be my least favouri… morete Fable.
I know he is and I was so close to having him confess to Nick, but I didn't because Robert wouldn't do that!
Nick tries to understand, he doesn't agree with how the world still thinks sometimes...
I CAN'T change their future or else you'll get mad at me :P
I need to think up more, I'm seriously considering doing a Christmas one where Lyla invites Nick and Damien over for dinner, but Damien ends up having numerous encounters with an imp that steals the gifts they brought for the kids
Nick needs something to worry about, this is what me and my writing friend were discussing days ago: If Nick has no battles to fight, then WHY does he keep on living? The answer is he protects those close to him and makes their problems his, they may not like it, but Nick looks out for his own and then some...
LOL Well, that and if you change their fates without their knowledge, its all bad.
This confused me
No Damien didn't bring the imp, but he did accidentally release it from the Business Office and it followed him :P I'll have to write this now!!! XD
I am. I know he looks at Emily and the girls like a 2nd father and their response is the same in return.
Well, at leaset you and I can b… moreoth agree on that bit. Plus, it's awesome knowing Nick does not tolerate BS like this. He has bigger things to worry about then Robert's love for Frank. :P
LOL Well, that and if you change their fates without their knowledge, its all bad.
OMG that would be a hilarious thing to read! no lie. An imp stealing gifts and DAMIEN brought it!? I can just see all the kids freaking out and parents be like 'DAFUQ....' Oh man, yes! All of that.
You and I will go on, my good man, for Bill knows what he's doing! I have faith!
Last I hear, dudes name was Damien or something but it was something Emily threw out there. She was too busy chasing down a couple of babies and some 5 year olds. XD And yeah, Lyla mentioned Georgie got snipped I believe in the earlier part of Gremily's tale because Mary asked the same question you did.
I will comment on other people's stories but not all the time.
Thanks, my good man.
Oh man! I hate being attached to things like this!!! XD
That's awesome! I definitely look forward to that!
Special Privelages is nice but I would much rather show as much support as I can!
It certainly does! 
Damn! That's alright though at least you will do the challenges! Actually one more question, would you mind if I use Chloe? I would of course make sure she stays true to how she grows up and everything unless if you planned on something else!
That's me, too. I know they are fictional but you've been THERE since day one! They're like family now! :'0
Awesome man! Either way, I'm glad to know there is support.
I know but I'd like to focus on my art and then some. But a challenge or 2 will not hurt me.
Also, go for it, my good man! Everything you see is what you get with Chloe. If you need more info, you know the drill. 
Exactly! It's nice to see they had a happy ending at least! :')
Hey you gotta do what you gotta do man! Awesome! I'll definitely ask you questions if I have them!
Easy there, Hman. :P
Jersey comes off as a man that suffers alone and those are the ones that need the most saving. He did as he was pleased and could freaking care less but at the same time, still had a lot of learning to do, which is what he's doing now.
I'm sure this is pissing you off and I respect that. However, given I've gone through about 97% of this, you have to look at both sides. Is it fair? No. I'm disgusted with the human race sometimes, that we evolved over millions of years, yet this is still so 'new' and 'scary. There are other issues in this world but my orientation seems to be the dinner conversation of the evening. Plus, we can not control how people raise their children and some create hateful little monsters. They don't know any better. Plus, forgivness for if I'm not moving forward, I'm no better then they are. Jersey is reacting like my father, for example. Some folks need time and when scared, angry or confused, you get this mess.
I know you do. Trust me, she noticed but Lyla has her ways of getting the full answer, according to pie. XD
Sure. Why the hell not, Hman!
OMG he's dead!? But....why!? I was just making an observation! I didn't actually want Nick to die! :'o I mean, there is still hope. He and Jayne have a tale to challenge together, right? Damn, Isaac. You one sneaky butthole! >:( That ending broke my heart....hides under blankets
Hey! Me and pie are going to see that later! Hope you enjoyed it!!
I'm going to get emotional myself because I joined this very site because of the Porgie clan. I feel like I'm saying goodbye to my friends, too. I love your stories. You're a creative person and although I'm devestated to know your mind is made up about continuing to write, I look forward to watching you work on the digital comic of the Porgie Clan. Even though this tale is done, they will carry on. Congrats, dude. You created beauty with characters so little of us enjoyed or wanted to love. I've watched Georgie go from a cold, heartless prick to a loving father and grandfather with some kickass moves! >:D Lyla and her golden heart that warmed my soul every chance she got. The kids; each of them from kids up until now, where life took them in different directions. Katie, Junior, Penny, RJ, Peter, Ethan and Emily. Each special in their own ways. How you turned the results of the game into what we all read. Their connections and how it shaped them all. God I'm going to cry again....
A minute later I loved the Porgie Clan. They are indeed one of my favorite couples on this thread. I look forward to what you have for the future, dude! With you all the way!! I also, have questions for you:
WHO, out of all the Porgie kids, is your personal favorite? I want the honest answer and explain why!
What gave you the insperation to not only write about the Porgies but continue, seeing as they were never to become what they are at this very moment?
I want to know what made you decide to make Carla the villian and why. what went on for you to say she would make the ultimate villian?
What sort of troubles, problems, hurdles, etc have you encountered since creating the Porgie Clan?
Will you stay on this forum or will you be leaving, too?
#PorgieClan Well done, dude. Well done.
Going to be strange for awhile for me not seeing these two but their tale was beautiful and I loved every second of it. Forever Forward indeed, you two. Congrats, pie.
Click here
This was fitting for Georgie and Lyla's love and all they encountered. :')
I still can't believe it, man! This was indeed something I'll take with me and I too, can't wait to start the comic,
Now, questions:
I bet you and so many others are expecting me to say Emily. Although she is, the one that I'll always treasure is Georgie Junior, simply because of what he becomes and the reason behind it. Mary claimed him for all eternity and they became friends; he use to sit in front of the mirror as a child (as you'll see in the comic) and talk to her for freaking hours. She use to tuck him in bed, sing him songs like 'My Sunshine' and watched him grow into the young man she loves now. She was going through a period of doubting herself and if she ruined Junior's life by marking him. He took it upon himself to prove to Mary his love would never change, thus, he took her place and now, she's free once more.
Because of this, Junior is my favorite Porgie kid. :')
I saw this thread and wanted to give my take on Georgie's life. People hated him and although he was a prick, I felt bad. Like, really bad for him because there had to be a reason that he got from point A to B, Something had to have happened and so, I took the idea and ran with it. Lyla was actually in the making for some time and after nearly a year of tweeking the final project, we have our lovely Lyla Smith. Their story changed, obviously, as to how they connected but I'm honestly please with the results. After the birth of the quads, I wanted to tell THEIR stories and the rest is history.
I wanted to make one of the sister's a villian, just because of what occured between the wolves and Fables. Carla was raised to believe a certain way and although John viewed the world differently, Carla took these leassons to heart. She thought she was doing good but in reality, did more damage then good. Power will make anyone lose self control....she found out about the bow and who had it but by then, Gren was such a mess and desperate for any attention, he'd take even the negative feelings, just to feel something. Carla used everyone to her own advantage; I always say its the ones that know you the most-have seen you at your best & worst-that you have to watch out for.
I had a lot of negative comments; a lot wanted Georgie to 'fuck' off and Lyla deserved better. Someone actually accused Georgie of raping Lyla, getting her pregnant and forcing her to stay. This is nowhere near the truth and this stings, even to this day. I was banned, as you know, one time because someone trashed the Porgie name and insulted my work and myself and I fought back. I've had messages on both tumblr and DA asking if Gren, Jersey, Mary even Johann ever 'touched' the Porgie kids inappropriatly. THAT made me sick to the point where I wanted to cry, vomit and hit something. NO ONE has ever done this but as you've read and so have the others, Carla loved using this excuse. >:'( People were slow to warm up to the idea of Georgie Porgie having 'feelings' but even if no one supported me, I know what I was trying to accomplish and the message I've been portraying since day 1.
This is unknown. For the moment, I will stay but we'll see what happens in the future.
BTW, freaking love this song. And that good times.
I tried my hardest, though only you and pie seemed to notice this time around.
She's a little crazy because she can hear voices speaking to her sometimes. However, she isn't at all 'violently crazy' like Daniel - if that makes sense. Anyway, Fayde's definitely more sane when compared to Daniel.
You know, I was actually thinking on including Dixa but the way things are going, it may be a long time until that happens. Especially since I take forever to write and think up a chapter, plus I have to be in the right mood. It's been pretty frustrating as of late.
The jars weren't Banshees at all: they were various body parts, heads, or organs separated from Daniel's victims. I mentioned it briefly above with the (now deceased) minotaur noticing it.
They are sort of like a mafia, actually - just without the fancy suits and ties. Most of them prefer wearing casual clothes such as jackets, cargo pants, jeans, things you would usually see Irishmen wear in those Irish brawl movies. But some do wear actual suits and ties, though, because some feel obligated to dress high-class on whatever job they do. Mostly hits or extortion.
Daniel's pissed off at her, mainly because he knows that -for whatever reason- Fayde slayed her family and him. He wants to 'return' the favor to her.
Fayde escaped quite a while ago, it wasn't because of the jars getting shattered.
I was considering on doing that, as it seems people are losing interest in my story because I don't post frequently like you guys.
Lol, he made a good observation, and I challenged it :P
It'll be how some citizens of Fabletown react to his death, some are less sad than others, and Damien doesn't appreciate their tones...
I just saw it. Dude, you will have at least 1,000 adrenalin rushes from that movie!! It was perfect! Violence was brutal, car chases were frequent and extremely dangerous, characters were crazy in their own ways... Sheer perfection :')
Yeah well your observation struck a silent nerve so I proved your ass wrong
No, he's dead in this story, he won't be resurrected... He'll be in other stories of course, but this one? Not anymore.
Death loves his son, and Isaac is a survivalist who will do whatever it takes to win. He and Nick are not so different...
Dude that movie was so fucking epic! I still have a huge adrenalin rush from it! Awesome car chases, brutal fights, variety of weird and wonderful characters... Everything that made Mad Max is in this film and then some!!!! XD
I will survive, but not necessarily in happiness if they aren't reunited
Why did he get the snip? Is it because he didn't want anymore cursed children??
Well I look forward to your comments when you can give them!
I'm calm... I'm calm.
I see.
-sigh- I understand...
Hmmm, this will turn interesting
Ok then, be prepared
Pick up your damn phone, you portagee! XD I want a Mountain Dew, if you read this BEFORE your damn text message! lol
I was actually thinking Katie, tbh but Junior did grow on me, too. The whole idea behind his reasons and what not made me respect him as a man and loving individual to his family. He gave Mary freedom. Something she had taken away, promised to have returned and nothing.....
Glad you went forward with it, dude!
Oh, so you've always had an idea of making ONE sibling evil? Damn. Glad it was Carla, tbh. It seems fitting, what her being so 'sweet' and 'loving.' She's been your best villian yet, man!
Ugh I remember that prick and seriously-someone ASKED you that?! The hell is wrong with people! >:o God that's so stupid!! Glad you never let anyone tell you otherwise! Keep aiming for the stars, man! Looking forward to that comic!!!
Oh, I love these pictures!!
(saw them on your DA XD)
Finally had the chance to sit and read this! Nice to see you're still writing this, although why the sudden change to
Love that Daniel keeps bits of his victims in jars. Nice. As if they are trophies of some sort. He reminds me of Jeffery Dahmer but without the eating people bit.
He did come off as a ganster of sorts and its a damn shame. He seemed alright to me the first time we met him. So, he just killed that poor creature? Damn! Is this the reason why Fayde left, because her own brother is after her? I get it that their past was sketchy but wow...lately, family betraying the others is hot, hot, hot this season! 
BTW you seem...tense. You alright, dude?
I didn't post my story there yet, even though I'm highly considering on doing it in the meantime, just so that people can familiarize themselves on what they haven't read or forgotten about my story.
Yep, he indeed did. Cut her eye out for his collection and chainsaw'd her head apart after she purposely broke all his jars to get back at him. She left because she slayed her family. Currently, she doesn't know that Daniel is alive and surprisingly well. And I know, right?
I was, but I'm kind of over it now. Okay at the moment. I'll post something about it later after I finish this vampire movie I was watching earlier.
I understand, dude.
Well, seems like that Vampire movie is helping you out and hopefully nothing too serious.
Just a brief thing everyone:
I found something out today about the feedback I've been getting from someone, not gonna name any names cuz I'm not a prick, but I feel this needs to be said to all of you. I know I write 'action' and 'badassery' and 'tough' in my stories, but when I convey things that I've not really done before like comedy and sadness, can you please give me feedback on those aspects?
I write for fun yes, but I also write so that I can improve and know if I'm doing well or not, now I have been getting the odd bit of praise for Damien and his humour, but if I'm trying to write comedy or emotion or whatever else then don't hold back what you think about! I love all the feedback I get, of course bad feedback hurts but if I have fucked up with say, another author's OC, then tell me so I don't make a fool out of myself and insult you!
Again without naming any names, said person didn't think that I would want feedback like 'Oh man the feels dude, stop it!' and this kinda hurt me because I don't just write action and violence, I am really trying to branch out with the emotion...
Rant over
That's me, too.
Nah man. Told you-we are collaborating and Damien stays with Penelope.
To end the curse and both he and Lyla felt that 7 was enough for them.
BigbyxSnow dude, don't think there is a single story I've done for Fables/TWAU where they aren't mentioned as being in love :')
Perfect, nice to know she adores him as well, think Damien might just throw out that bandolier of blunts he has under his bed to impress her! XP
I figured the curse was a major factor, and 7 is one of those magic numbers like 3
Smoke and Mirrors... Finale
Zylen had to buy time, he might not be able to take on all four goons at once. So he decided to stall till Justine was here, and he had to time it just right so that he would be get hit by something right as she shows up, that way she's on top of her game. Plus seeing Justine in a cold blooded really amused him. Bloody Mary smiled.
"My boss says you and your partner has been a bit...busy and forthcoming about your demands. However, the Crooked Man doesn't like being backed up in a corner." She said
Zylen crossed his arms. "We don't fuck around Mary. You of all people should know that, I remember when we did a job for you back in the day."
Mary began to laugh. "Oh I know you rounded up a good amount of people too! Took me months to get all the blood off my clothes." She pulled out her gun. "But I'm being payed as a body guard. So that means you need to back off."
Dum came out of the alleyway to his right. Across the street Dee appeared with a submachine gun. And from behind Mary was no other than the Jersey Devil. Justine was close. Zylen walked up to Mary's revolver and grabbed the barrel and pointed it at his forehead. He looked into Mary's eyes.
"You think a gun will upset me? You think death frightens me? I got news for you, you'd just be doing me a favor if it was that easy to kill me. " He said.
Mary pulled the gun back from Zylens grip and hit him with the barrel of the gun. The four began to laugh. Zylen could hear Justines footsteps.
"Hey! Back the fuck off." Justine said a cold tone drawing her handguns.
Zylen stood. "Now if you want to get in a fight I cannot guarantee you'll live. So, you may run now or I'll give my partner to the count of ten to open fire."
Dum began to talk. Zylen however began to count. "1...2...5." He said
Justine began unloading her handguns into both Dum and Dee. Zylen drew his handgun and shot Mary's revolver shot with a bullet of his own, he aimed just past her cheek to nail Jersey in the shoulder. Dee and Dum were riddled with bullets, surprisingly they were still alive. Jersey had a shot in his shoulder and tried to run, Zylen shot him in the kneecaps before he could get away. Justine reloaded her handguns and put them away. She began to crack her knuckles and walk forward. She gave Zylen a hug and kissed him on the cheek.
"Thanks for letting me have fun, they were going to run any second. Now...let me handle this whore." She said with a smile.
"What was that Justine? Sounds like I need to take out the trash." Mary chuckled.
Zylen butted in. "Justine. Do what you want but leave her alive. She's needed." He said.
"Whaaat? Ugh oh well, if I have the chance can I take any limbs?" She asked.
Zylen leaned on a nearby building "You know I don't care."
Justine shrugged "Just figured I'd ask."
Mary was unimpressed "Are you two lovebirds done? you're giving me a fucking headache."
Justines eyes became ferocious and a maniacle smile grew on her face. "You're about to get fucked up."
Justine charged in and slammed her forehead into Marys. Mary held her head and backed up, Justine kneed her in the head while her head was down breaking her nose. Justine began to laugh.
"Look at you! A lonely bitch who talks shit and can't back it up! Talk about lame!" Justine laughed.
Mary took this time to punch Justine in the head. Justines body remained stationary, only her head moved. She began to taste blood in her mouth. She spit it out and smiled.
"For fuck sake! Do you have any strength at all?" Justine said punching her in the gut. She grabbed Mary by the hair, and began to playfully tug her hair.
"Does this hurt you too? C'mon I wanna hear you SQUEAL!!!" She said pulling as hard as she could making Mary collapse to the ground and squeal.
Shards of glass began to show in Mary's skin. Justine watched her transform. Mary stood making hissing noises and cackled. Justine was excited.
"Look at all those pieces of glass! I always loved getting my hands bloody!" She said slamming her fists together.
Transformed Mary began to charge Justine who swiftly moved to the left and pulled out a piece of glass. She threw it at Mary's gut, the monster began to yell. Justine nodded in approval such yells made her even more excited to fight! Mary began making clones. Justine pulled out her handguns and began gunning them down with pure accuracy. The last two bullets went in to her left shoulder and right leg. Mary could barely stand at this point. She transformed back. Justine sighed.
"Done already? C'mon you can do better than that, you're supposed to be one of the baddest women in town! But you're just a shit talker who can't back it up." She said putting her finger in Mary's bullet wound, Mary began to cry out in pain. Justine angled her leg just right, she raised her leg. "Next time sweetheart, just turn around and go home. You aren't worth my time." She said slamming her foot down snapping Mary's right leg crushing her kneecap under her boot. Justine began to walk away but remembered, she always took off a body part if someone hit Zylen! She began to walk back. "So what part of your body do you hate the most." She said with a smile.
Zylen pulled out a smoke and lit it. He heard Mary scream louder than a young girl, and saw Justine spit something out. She must have forgot her trench knife. Justine wiped the blood off her face and looked sad.
"You didn't look right?" She said
Zylen shook his head. "No but I heard enough."
Justine smiled. "Good, I just don't want you to see for...reasons"
Zylen smiled back. "We've been together for who knows how long, and you know I'd never abandon you."
Justine nodded her face was red. "So...where are we headed?" She said
Zylen pulled out a wad of cash. He kissed Justine on the cheek. "To a funeral, you wanna go? I know you find those things boring so you don't have to go."
Justine touched her cheek. For thousands of years Zylen never kissed her, he barely hugged her. "I'll go, but just this once!" She said
Zylen walked by and threw the wad of cash on Jersey. "Take this money and get yourselves patched up." He wrote down an address and handed it to him. "I know some people who know black magic around here, at the corrupt hospital. Get your wounds fixed and hurry."
Jersey nodded and ran over to Mary. She was missing her left ear. Zylen looked back at Justine. "How'd you manage to bite her ear off?" He asked
Justine shrugged "Most things can be done with force Zylen."
Zylen nodded "Fair enough." He watched the Crooked Man's goons run into the night. Zylen and Justine began to walk away. At this point Bigby would beat them there, he could feel Bigbys anger snap.
Things are going to pick up around here...
Oh I loved writing this part! XD But this won't be the last time her and Justine butt heads this was just a warm up!
Any questions or comments or anything else let me know! 
This is a non-canon one-shot written in response to one of JJwolf's chapters.
Really tired from last night (stupid me lol) and I think the Vampire Challenge can wait until tomorrow, so please enjoy this!
A Game Of Life And Death
O New York
“I don’t want to hear another fucking lie from you, Jersey!” Nick held the scrawny man against the wall by his throat and squeezed his neck tight enough that Jersey’s breathes became a pitch higher than normal, he tried to claw at Nick’s face but the attempt was futile in itself. Jersey had fucked up big this time, and he knew it, as did Nick. Nick had trusted Jersey with a very expensive diamond and platinum ring that was to be his wedding ring to Bloody Mary.
Nick had known Jersey since the 1940’s and the two had a mutual respect for each other’s power, but their friendship was often strained due to their conflicting personalities. Nick had gone to the Lucky Pawn to collect said ring, and Jersey couldn’t find it anywhere! The Devil could actually say that he was a little fearful of what Nick would do to him, the ring had a lot of meaning and Nick was not to be messed around with when it came to his personal property.
Jersey instantly assumed that Jack Horner must’ve taken the ring for his own purposes, so he would have to concoct a lie in order to avoid a beating... sadly this didn’t work. Nick could tell by Jersey’s body language that something wasn’t right “Jersey, where is my ring?” Jersey felt a bead of sweat trickle down the side of his head and he was struggling to keep still, so he gave up “I can’t find it anywhere, I- I think Jack Horner stole it, but I’ll get it back from him though, I fucking swear!”
Nick glared at Jersey and his eyes turned yellow, he walked behind the counter and towered over the scrawny Jersey, in a flash Nick’s hand wrapped around Jersey’s throat and pinned him to the metal cabinet behind him. Jersey didn’t dare change as that would create even more problems, and he was already having a bad day. It wasn’t helped by the fact that Robert Grendel was trying to convert his dear Brother Frank to the dark side of life, the side of life where men were into men and their own genitals...
After some interrogating and yelling, Nick let Jersey go and stormed out of the shop. Jersey held his throat and coughed, he would skin Horner for this...
O The Trip Trap
Nick needed a drink and the Trip Trap was a good spot to go to right now, plus Damien was likely there. “I’m telling you dude, one of these days I’m gonna get with a fine lady with some curvy titties and a brain to go with em’!” Damien was rambling to Woody about his ‘dream girl’ and how she had to be voluptuous but also smart. Woody just shook his head and sipped on his Midas Gold “But what if you fall for someone who’s skinny or fat? Love isn’t about looks Dame, it’s about the connection” Damien waved his hand “Pfft, I ain’t getting with a woman who’s gonna devour me with her rolls of fat! I’ll find her someday dude, mark my words”
Nick stood behind Damien and smirked “How much weed did you have to smoke to tell the Woodsman about your dream lady this time?” Damien spun around and pointed a finger at Nick “Ah ha! I haven’t smoked anything today; I’ve been a good boy!” Nick chuckled “Well then, be an even better boy and buy me a drink will ya’?” Damien spun around and flashed $10 to Holly “Anything with salt for Nick please Holly” Holly stopped cleaning the bar and reached for a pint glass, filling it with Jim Bean and a tablespoon of salt.
Nick gulped down half the glass before turning to Damien “Have you seen Horner around?” Damien’s face took on that signature sour look whenever his ‘arch-enemy’ was mentioned “Nope, but if I do then please remind me to cut off his ponytail, he’s enough of a girl already. Oh yeah and to kick his nuts into his skull because... well just because” Nick put his hand to Damien’s shoulder “This is serious dude, he’s got my fucking wedding ring-” Right on cue, Jack walked into the bar looking very proud of himself.
“Hello ladies, don’t mind me I’m just walking the town, eyeing the babes, you know, the usual” No one paid any attention to Jack but Damien did stand up to face him, Jack smiled “Oh hey Damien, how goes the hunt for your dream girl, found any winners lately or did the lack of a job and responsibilities turn them away?” Damien crossed his arms “Funny coming from a guy who’s infuriated every woman he’s ever slept with, oh and how goes your search for eternal fortune, Jack?”
Jack’s smile faded into a frown as Damien bumped him on the way past; what Horne didn’t realise was that Damien had fished into his vest pocket and retrieved the blue velvet box with the ring in it. Standing behind Jack, Damien holds up the ring and Nick nods, it was the wedding ring. The 2 men dragged Jack outside and unceremoniously beat him to the ground, but they didn’t put him in a hospital-worthy condition at least. As they walked away from the scene they passed by Rosa’s cafe, and noticed an ambulance taking a heavily beaten Robert Grendel away.
“Jesus, what the hell happened to Robert?” Damien spoke aloud and Nick just shook his head “I don’t know...”
O Later that day
After Swineheart took Robert home, at Robert’s request, and patched him up, Nick decided he would pay him a visit. Nick knew Gren a lot better than he knew Robert, but the two men had always gotten along and Robert knew he could trust Nick with stuff. Nick knocked on the door, and Gren answered it “Oh, hey Nick” Nick looked over Gren’s shoulder at Robert “Hey, so how is he?” Gren just huffed “He’s a fucking mess and being difficult, do you wanna come in?” Nick nodded and was allowed entrance to Robert’s place, Robert looked at Nick and mustered a somewhat forced smile “Oh hey, who told you?”
Nick crouched beside the bed “Me and Damien saw you being taken away in an ambulance; you looked like absolute shit, what happened?” Robert just rested his head on his pillow and sighed “Muggers, they had bats and I didn’t see them coming” Nick nodded, but he knew Robert was hiding something.
“Robert... are you gay?” Robert and Gren both looked at Nick in shock, how the fuck did he figure it out?! Robert chuckled “What?! No man, why would you ask that?” Nick looked at Robert with a great deal of understanding “I’ve seen how you act around guys and girls Robert, and I’ve been alive long enough to know when someone is faking it” Robert wanted to argue, but this was Nick, he didn’t usually make accusations without good evidence, and this was near damning.
Robert just lay there and didn’t say a word, Nick didn’t inquire further as he stood up and went over to Gren “I’m sorry” Gren shook his head “Don’t worry about it Nick, I know we can trust you to keep this a secret... right?” Nick nodded quickly “Of course, I wouldn’t do that to him or anyone else... So, how goes things with Carla?” Gren stared at the ground “More fights and more unhappiness, the usual” Nick patted Gren’s shoulder “I’m sorry about that, but things will get better Gren, just hold onto that for me yeah?”
Gren nodded slightly, and Nick saw himself out of the apartment. One unique trait about being a killer and living for so long meant that Nick had essentially learned how to be a detective without intention; he could tell by the markings and fractures that Robert was attacked with a metal bat, and by a Fable with strength on their side. Damien had seen Frank and Robert getting cosy with each other one night, and Frank worked at Rosa’s as a chef, Nick knew this as he and Mary had both eaten there before and Frank was the one who cooked their exquisite meals. Frank was Jersey’s Brother, and Nick had suspicions that Jersey was not a fan of homosexuals.
Putting the pieces together wasn’t enough to convince nick completely, he had no real proof, but this definitely sounded like something Jersey would do...
O The Lucky Pawn
Nick entered the shop as Jersey was screaming at Jack Horner “I want Nick’s fucking ring back right now you piece of shit!” Jack was getting defensive and caught a glimpse of Nick in the corner of his eye; Jack turned to Nick (still looking a little beaten from earlier) and yelled “He has his stupid ring just like I said!” Nick went over to Jack and placed a strong hand on Horner’s shoulder “Yes he did, it’s all sorted now, Jersey”.
Jersey heaved a sigh of relief as Nick whispered in Jack’s ear “Fuck off right now” Jack obeyed and left the shop very quickly as soon as Nick let go of him. Jersey was so relieved as he allowed Nick behind the counter “Whew, I thought I was gonna have to buy you a fucking new one or get that useless shit Horner to replace it!”
Nick smiled as he glanced down at the bloodied metal bat underneath the counter, Jersey looked at it as well and cursed himself internally, Nick looked back up “Customer too much for you?” Jersey shrugged “Yeah, he was being too difficult and thought he could get away with breaking my ‘cheap knock-offs’ asshole” Nick nodded and inspected the bat “There’s quite a bit of blood on here, how much did you hit him?” Jersey shrugged again “Lost count, he was being a royal pain in my fucking ass”
Nick held the bat firmly and faced Jersey “You know in every war I’ve fought in I’ve known at least one of my men to be homosexual” Jersey brow knitted and he crossed his arms “So what, why should I care?” Nick continued “I’m gonna be straight with you Jersey, do you hate homosexuals?” Jersey was about to laugh it off before Nick’s eyes flashed yellow for the second time that day, this was serious.
Jersey answered “I’m not comfortable with them and their ‘ways’, I don’t like those fag bars they hang out at, I fuck pussy like any normal man should”.
Nick twirled the bat in his hands “Does that include attacking someone you know because you think you’re protecting your Brother?” Jersey realised what this was about, he shoved Nick backwards against the counter “I don’t need you giving me a fucking lesson in life Nick!” Nick shoved Jersey off of him and yelled “And I don’t need a homophobe for a friend either!” Jersey punched Nick across the face, and Nick responded by hitting Jersey around the head with the bat. Jersey slammed headfirst into the wall as Nick repeatedly struck him with the weapon, Jersey screamed and groaned as each hit crippled him and brought him pain.
In the end Nick threw the bat down and picked Jersey up, throwing him over the counter. Jersey struggled to get up as Nick stamped hard on his lower back, Jersey’s spine felt weird and he stopped moving to reduce the immense pain. Nick gripped Jersey’s chin “Listen to me shithead, so long as I’m still breathing you don’t EVER touch Robert Grendel again, if you do then I will kill you very slowly... Do I make myself clear?!” Jersey nodded and Nick slammed his head against the ground as he left the shop. Jersey just lay there thinking about what Nick had said...
That's that... I apologise for getting anything wrong with the OC's that aren't mine, if I did that is. Please Like and leave your comments/questions below! XD
Zylen has no fear. None. And I like that about him. You've created a character that may come off as an 'ass' but I think it's more spunk then anything. He had a freaking gun pointed at his head-by bloody Mary- and he does not flench a freaking muscle. Not one time.
I knew the battle between Justine and Mary would be awesome. I loved Mary's sarcastic tones and her remarks. So her and I'm pleased to see you kept it as so for this fight. Is it wrong that I was turned on while Justine and Mary fought? -looks around- Yup. Think I'll continue to think about these two stunning women fight. Justine also has no fear and balls as hard as freaking stone! she just stuck her freaking finger in a wound on Mary's body!
Damn, girl! also, what a bunch of pussies, those goons. Seems like Zylen and Justine are trying to up one on the other and I love it!
Nicely done, my good man! -brofist- Can't wait for more!!
Damn Jack. I swear, you can't be trusted with a single thing. Interesting knowing Jersey and Nick were considered friends or at least had an understanding. I always thought Jersey and Nick would be enemies for some stupid reason. XD
I liked the Trip Trap scene and was pleased to see Damien there. Jack with his low blows and that Jim Bean sounds good, minus the salt. Also, nice that they just take Jack out back and beat the crap out of him but he did have the ring and waves it around like its nothing.
So freaking true. -points to JJ- Don't you EVEN tell me otherwise because yes he is! Gren, you can be, too, so shutup.XD
Jesus, dude. Well, I'm a mess.
As did pie. Damn, just like that! XD But Nick seems like he's a straight to business guy. No beating around the bush with this guy.
I thought he handled Jersey really nicely. I don't like that though, Jersey. No one 'forced' anyone to be on the 'dark' side. >:( I know you change for good in the future but you deserved this. I was expecting worse from Nick but I'm glad he didn't overdue the punishment, either.
I thought you did marvelous with this, my good man! -brofist-
I think either that part or the final bits of the Justine and Mary fight were my favorite part to write they're very close.
I could never change Mary know matter how hard I would try, her sarcastic and psychotic humor was my favorite thing about her character! XD Lmao! XD Gotta love cat fights man! Justine is hard core my man!
Not to mention she tore off Mary's left ear with her teeth as well o.o They were lucky Zylen gave them the tip or else they'd all be bleeding to death! XD They're always competing whether it be showing affection, body count, style kills you name it and they compete with each other! XD
Thanks man! Brofist Awesome!
Ugh Jack, why do you have to be a dumbass. Like Pie said interesting to see that Nick and Jersey were acquaintances. The Trip Trap scene was nice, and Damiens got smooth fingers like butter! XD Oh Nick, I love how he's so straightforward and to the point! XP Like Pie said I expected Jersey would get absolutely dominated, but I was glad he didn't pull a Justine lol!
Awesome stuff man!
Not bad taking a trip down the non canon road. Open up opportunities to try some interesting things with characters and such, for example look what I tried to do with Fabletown High. XD
Jack of Fables, always up to something. I remember him on his journey to Hollywood in the comics. Was hysterical.
Nick handled this just as I expected him would. Now Jersey should learned his lesson by now.
I AM so glad your considering doing the comics. I am sure it was suggested many times and I am sure you will knock it out of the park. I can't what to see what you have in stored from the porgies. (especially Vivianna and Emily<3)
New story already?! I need to revisit to find out more about this. I forgot what happened at the end of your other one. Did Kieron and Co. handle the Prince?
Anyway, this takes place during the TWAU era, Crooked and his right hand man are steering up more trouble for this new character Zylen and from the looks of it, he's ins't showing any fear, I like that. With some attitude! Let's see where this heads.
Yeah sorry I hit a rough spot with Kieron so I'm going on hiatus on it! XD All the chapters should be relatively close together, I can find the start of the story for ya if you want?
Glad you like him! Crooked man is getting his paws dirty. But Zylen has been doing this for thousands of years
It'll lead straight to hell! >:D
First, I love Minotuars. They are one of my favorite mythos, with Dragons being my first. Seeing one in your story deposited so way made me a little hype
I enjoyed decimating those things in the God of War games.
If I recall correctly, Daniel was taking Fables hostage on your previous chapter, breaking knees and such or was the another person? Aside from that, I liked the every scene beginning to the end, especially the beginning. Things escalated quickly as got right down to the point.
Can't wait to see where you take the story next!
Nick is acquainted with the Porgie's so to an extent he is acquainted with Jersey as well, they don't really have a friendship, more of an understanding based around respect.
Jack is a prick and this sounded like something he would do :P
If Robert wouldn't tell his own Brother what happened then he was definitely not going to tell Nick...
Nick can 'read the signs' if you will, he notices these things but he still needed confirmation
I wasn't gonna kill Jersey cuz then what would Katie do?
Thanks man, I thought I would slip up somewhere with the other OC's -brofist-
Cuz like Damien, Jack doesn't learn from his mistakes :P
Jersey and Nick have an understanding based around respect as opposed to liking each other; they're too similar in their personalities to truly get along...
Nick likes to get down to business
Nah, Katie would be all alone if I killed Jersey
Thnx man!! XD
Yeah I also did a non-canon one-shot about Noah if you remember, though this one-shot wasn't as 'bad' as that one was :P
Jack of Fables was pretty good actually, we all hate Jack but he made for quite a protagonist!
I hope Jersey has learned his lesson, Nick doesn't like repeating himself
Thank you, stone! I'm excited for one of my classes, which coveres photoshop and the basics to making a comic.
It was highly requested and I appreciate that, my good man! I'm looking forward to digging deeper into their lives and how could I possibly forget those lovely ladies, expecially Emily?

I honestly figured it had to do with both the Porgi AND an understanding but we all know how Fables are; centuries together, there is bond to have something occur, thus the reasoning behind one's relationship. XD
Jack is an ass. I never liked him, tbh. He had his moments but they were rare for me.
Robert is a stubborn as swamp dwelling beast. 'Nuff said. -points to JJ again- Don't EVEN challenge me on that! XD
And he tries to backpeddle out of it. SMH. OH Robert.
Least Nick understood...
-Shudders- I don't like to think of what would happen, if you changed their future....:'(
I thought you did one hell of a job, my good man. These one-shot things are awesome!
Nick looks out for those close to him, including Katie but from afar. Hope you're ok with that
Yeah Jack will always be my least favourite Fable.
I know he is and I was so close to having him confess to Nick, but I didn't because Robert wouldn't do that!
Nick tries to understand, he doesn't agree with how the world still thinks sometimes...
I CAN'T change their future or else you'll get mad at me :P
I need to think up more, I'm seriously considering doing a Christmas one where Lyla invites Nick and Damien over for dinner, but Damien ends up having numerous encounters with an imp that steals the gifts they brought for the kids
I am. I know he looks at Emily and the girls like a 2nd father and their response is the same in return.
Well, at leaset you and I can both agree on that bit. Plus, it's awesome knowing Nick does not tolerate BS like this. He has bigger things to worry about then Robert's love for Frank. :P
LOL Well, that and if you change their fates without their knowledge, its all bad.
OMG that would be a hilarious thing to read! no lie. An imp stealing gifts and DAMIEN brought it!?
I can just see all the kids freaking out and parents be like 'DAFUQ....' Oh man, yes! All of that.
Glad we understand that
Nick needs something to worry about, this is what me and my writing friend were discussing days ago: If Nick has no battles to fight, then WHY does he keep on living? The answer is he protects those close to him and makes their problems his, they may not like it, but Nick looks out for his own and then some...
This confused me
No Damien didn't bring the imp, but he did accidentally release it from the Business Office and it followed him :P I'll have to write this now!!! XD