I am glad that you became a part of it too! And, to be honest, this thread probably wouldn't have lasted long if it weren't for a lot of loyal, avid users that continue to post their stories here, they're the ones I have to thank.
Thanks fellas! pudding_pie. Just wanted to say that I've been watching this thread the past couple of days and have followed your story. You… morers is extremely well written, and I do enjoy the graphics that you've drawn!
DragonButter, it's great you created this thread to further enrapture the community into the Fables-verse. I am glad/honored to be a part of it!
I'm rather grateful for such a kind description! And particularly pleased you're content with what I did with Tezoth. Without a doubt I look forward to seeing you're next chapter.
Damn, that was... amazing. No, far from amazing, it was excellent, fantastic, superb, extraordinary! You've really outdone yourself this tim… moree, Noir - and you've really brought my character to life, good show!
Fun fact: I actually was going to include Rose in my next chapter for Tez, too. :P
EDIT: Happy Birthday to you! I wish the absolute best for you.
I couldn't leave it without referencing Colin's plant one last time :P I'm pleased to hear it's helped in some manner - when the homework and essays start piling up things stop being fun.
Thank you for reading it and finding it fun! And thanks for the happy birthday
Bigby's final sentence made me chuckle. Could picture him being serious! This was a great read and this helped calm my nerves over the stor… morem of homework and essays I've been consumed with.
It was a fun adventure. Very detailed and excellent, Noir.
Oh, its your birthday! Happy birthday to you!
I'm rather grateful for such a kind description! And particularly pleased you're content with what I did with Tezoth. Without a doubt I look forward to seeing you're next chapter.
And thanks for the happy birthday, man
I couldn't leave it without referencing Colin's plant one last time :P I'm pleased to hear it's helped in some manner - when the homework an… mored essays start piling up things stop being fun.
Thank you for reading it and finding it fun! And thanks for the happy birthday
Thanks fellas! pudding_pie. Just wanted to say that I've been watching this thread the past couple of days and have followed your story. You… morers is extremely well written, and I do enjoy the graphics that you've drawn!
DragonButter, it's great you created this thread to further enrapture the community into the Fables-verse. I am glad/honored to be a part of it!
Thanks, JJ. I was going to after highschool but didn't have the funds to attend art school. This has just become a hobby of mine. In the future, I might take a crack at it. Who knows.
As I finished applying my last layer of masscara onto my lashes, the phone began to ring. The music echoed along the walls, bouncing every which way. I looked down and noticed Katie's name pop up.
'Ey Shake! Con los terroristas! Now do the Harlem Shake.'
God. I hated this song. I'm still trying to figure out why she would want this as her tune. Everytime the damn thing went off, either Chad or Dice would begin to thrash and randomly hump the walls. Yeah. No thank you. I answered the phone. For fuck's sake.
"Hello Katie."
"Wow! You sound SO cheery! Its no wonder you have SO many friends!"
"Cut the shit out, Katie. I know you didn't call me to give me a hard time."
"No, you're right. I can do that tonight at mom and dad's. You ARE going, right?"
The thunderous noises of the constant honking and voices from random strangers were giving me a headache. I couldn't stand when people called me while they were outside and in the depths of the city.
"What do you want, Katie?"
"Man! You are Miss grumpy pants today! Everything okay?"
"I've had worse..."
To be honest, I was telling the truth. There was a lot my family didn't know about, especially when it came to Oliver. They didn't know about the time he was involved in a drug heist gone very wrong; I spent all night by his side, as the doctors furiously tried to save his life. Another time, he was ran down by a rivial gang and left to die. Thank god Dice was with him at the time. Then, last week when he left the marks and bruises on my face. I tried to cover those but I think mom was catching on. He didn't mean those.
"Look, Katie. I need to get ready. You need something?"
"Yeah, actually. Could you swing by the Lucky Pawn and pick me up? Just honk when you get here. I'll be in the back doing homework."
"Does Jersey KNOW you'll be there?"
"Well, duh silly! How do you think I got in?"
"Fine. I'll be there around six."
As I ended the call, my phone began to ring once more.
Ey Shake! Con los terroristas. Do the Harlem Shake.
This continued for another three seconds before the song came to an end. I looked down and saw a text message; I opened and saw what Katie had sent to me. 'Know how much that song bugs you. xo Feel like being an a$$ today!'
Cute. Real, fucking cute. As I turned to get my shoes on, there he stood. Oliver was swaying back and forth, as he grasped the door knob and focused his attention on me. To my surprise, he was smiling; his face, however, was as white as my sheets.
"You look awful, boss. Why are you not in bed?"
"'Cause you ain't in there, Penelope..." Really? Smooth, Oliver.
"Well, you should really try and rest. I'm leaving here in a bit. Remember? Dinner with my folks?"
"Yeah. I know..."
As he continued to stand by my doorway, his trembling fits came to a hault. It was unfortunate to watch a man that had so much end up in a place like this. Oliver used to be very wealthy; he had power, woman, money-anything a Fable, Folker or mundy wished they had half of. Unlike my father, he continued to stay in the shady work and try his hand at a few more other 'jobs' he could pull off. Your luck eventually runs out; now, he was the owner of Fabletown's most repugnant strip club. Yeah. and here I was, working for that disgusting man.
"I'm sorry, Penelope. I...I fooked up bad..."
"What do you mean?"
"I neva' meant to hurt ya' like I did. Please. You know that I would neva' hurt ya', right Penelope?"
I finished spraying my hair, dabbed my lips and said nothing to him. All I could do was plant a kiss on his cheek and walk out the door. I was not his babysitter or his punching bag; I cared very much for Oliver. Hell. Guess you can say I loved him enough to stay and try to 'fix' what I could. I got in my car, sent Katie a text and soon, I was on my way.
The Lucky Pawn. It had been years since I stepped foot into that repulsive place. Dad would come in every so often but it was only because of Katie. WHY she wants to work here, I would never fully comprehend. She was a wild child, that one. As I pulled off and parked on the sidewalk, I noticed Jack. He was whistling a tune and eating a hot dog. He was pressed against the building and cocked a shit-eating-grin when he saw me walk up.
"Well, hello Miss Penelope. You are looking marvelous today. May I say this...you are just one tall glass of bea-"
"Cut that shit off, Jack. Is my sister here or not?"
"Well, actually, she is. In the back with Jersey. But like i was saying, you-"
"Well, can you please let her know I'm here so we can go?"
"See, the thing is, I'm eating and I don't think Jersey would-"
I didn't have time for this. I shoved Jack to the side and walked into the pawn shop. Ew. This place gave me the creeps. The lights in the room were feeble. The air smelled heavily of old wood and smoke. The back door had a light peering through the crack, so I assumed that was the back room she was talking about. As I turned the knob, I began calling Katie's name.
"Hello! Katie! I'm here. Did you not get me-OH FUCK!!"
Before I could say another word, my ass was running out to the front and back into my car. I didn't even noticed Jack pounding my windows, trying to get my attention. Before long, Katie opened the passenger door, took a seat and said nothing. I cleared my throat, turned the ignition and headed down to mom and dad's. The car ride was awkward; fuck's sake man! That would NOT go away anythime soon.
"What, Penny?!"
"Soooo...you and Jersey, huh?"
"You said you'd honk..."
"I SENT you a message, silly. Should have just stuck to the honking...."
As if things couldn't get worse, that stupid song came blaring through my speakers. 'Con los terroristas! Ey, tat, ta, ta! Shake! Do the Harlem Shake.' To make the car ride less uncomfortable, I began thrashing and dancing in my seat; I was trying to remember the videos and Dice's dance moves. Guess Katie had the same idea; soon, we were two Porgie girls dancing to the Harlem Shake.
Psh. wouldn't be the first time they've seen a Porgie doing something stupid. Oh man.
For fuck's sake.
End of Penelope's story. On to Junior's tale. I did a lot of changing with him; the ages for the children have also changed, considering I had no idea how young I actually made them! The quads should have been 25, while the twins were 20. Hopefully you enjoy the next section.
Penelope Porgie
Part 3
The Fabletown shake
As I finished applying my last layer of masscara onto my lashes, the phone began to ring… more. The music echoed along the walls, bouncing every which way. I looked down and noticed Katie's name pop up.
'Ey Shake! Con los terroristas! Now do the Harlem Shake.'
God. I hated this song. I'm still trying to figure out why she would want this as her tune. Everytime the damn thing went off, either Chad or Dice would begin to thrash and randomly hump the walls. Yeah. No thank you. I answered the phone. For fuck's sake.
"Hello Katie."
"Wow! You sound SO cheery! Its no wonder you have SO many friends!"
"Cut the shit out, Katie. I know you didn't call me to give me a hard time."
"No, you're right. I can do that tonight at mom and dad's. You ARE going, right?"
The thunderous noises of the constant honking and voices from random strangers were giving me a headac… [view original content]
NOTE: I changed Junior's story A LOT, so if you like it, great. If not, let me know and I will change it back to the original. Enjoy.
I finally closed my eyes and leaned against the couch cushions. My insomnia returned and with a vengance. These past few days were a blur. My boss, Holly from the Trip Trap, gave me a week's paid vacation.
'Junior, sweetie, I KNOW you have kids, bills and rent. But look at you! Take the week off. Spend time with the kids. Go see your family. SLEEP!'
I think my uncle Gren had something to do with that. He and my aunt Carla were at the bar last week and they both had to take a second glance at me. Yeah. I looked THAT bad. That night, my mom calls and asks if everything is alright. Believe it or not, everything WAS okay. I was just exhausted. My daughter had colic for a week now and my son discovered his 'powers.' I'm not going to head into that oncoming traffic. To make matters worse, dad was leaving envelopes of money to 'help' with the rent and food. No, that dosen't shoot me down a few pegs. I appreciated the gesture; really, I did but I wanted to do this MY way. I already owed them over a thousands dollars and although mom said to forget paying them back, I still wanted to. It was only right.
I leaned deeper into the couch and exhaled deeply. The apartment was silent except for a few honking cars and voices coming from the apartment upstairs. Both the kids were sound asleep; Sheila , like myself, couldn't remember the last time they slept through the night. George was a rock. Got that from his grandfather. Kid could sleep through anything.
There was an unsettling feeling in my stomach, however. Indeed, Sheila was quiet. Too quiet, even for an 8 month old. I quickly stood up and headed into their room. As I turned the knob, the door began to creek. 'Fuck's sake! I swear, you wake them up...' I gently peeked over in George's crib. He was sound asleep, sucking on his thumb. Really wish he would stop that shit; he was going to turn two in three weeks. I walked over to Sheila's crib and began to panic-she was missing.
I ran back out into the living room, grabbed my phone and began to dial my mom's cell phone number. Of course, it was turned off; damn thing went straight to voicemail. "REALLY?! Every fuckin' time!"
Before I could punch in the numbers to my father's cell, the kids' room began to glow red. I tried to cover my eyes, as I entered. 'Thank god for George and his ability to sleep through it all.' The mirror was a crimson red, as I drew near. My reflection appeared, as I grabbed the sides and began to shake the mirror. 'C'mon...c'mon...' Sure enough, there she was; all smiles and holding Sheila. She stepped outside the mirror and began to chuckle when she saw my horrified face.
"Awww, lookie', sweetie. It's daddy. Say hi daddy-"
"For fuck's sake, Mary! Why do you always do this shit?!"
"Hmmm. Sounds like someone is cranky-"
"You took her AGAIN into the mirror. How many times do I have to say it!?"
Mary kissed the top of Sheila's head and placed her back into the crib. She ran her fingers through the baby's dark black hair, as she began to laugh again. She was irritating me. "MARY...."
"Oh you Porgies are so easy to infuriate. She was crying again, Junior. Taking her inside the mirror helps calm her down. You can't IGNORE who she's becoming, dear. Just like George-"
"They have to conceal it, Mary. We can't have them lifting furniture or hiding in mirrors! Someone could see them and-"
"You see that, sweetie. Daddy does not want you to have fun..."
"DON'T twist my words, Mary! There is a HUGE difference between fun and the rules..."
Mary had a twinkle in her eyes as she walked to my direction. She leaned against the door and motioned for me. As I followed her out into the living room, she took a seat on the counter, grabbed a bottle of wine and began drinking from it.
"What are you doing, Mary?"
"You need to relax, Junior. Take it easy. I'd like to take the kids and let them just have fun. Use their powers; lift things, hide in mirrors-SCARE mundies!"
I had heard the stories growing up: Bloody Mary and the game that surrounded her name. It was my cousin Gren Junior's birthday party. Think it was his thirtenth, if I'm not mistaking. He dared ME of all people, to go into the bathroom and say her name five times. After a few tauntings from the guests, I gave in and decided to give it a chance. We lit a single candle and I was left in the dark, quiet bathroom. I stared into the mirror for a long time; my heart was thumping against my chest and I could feel the sweat forming against my head.
I discontinued to repeat her name; this was stupid. WHY was I the one to do this? But before I could finish, I turned to head out and there she was-shards of broken glass stuck to her sides, blood dripping from her eyes. Fangs like knives, claws ready to slash my throat open. She hissed at me, as I backed into the corner.
"Please! Oh my god, no! Please! It was a dare, a joke!" Her growls and hisses continued, even with my pleas.
"Fuck! It was a dare!" I began to cry. I was certain this bitch was going to rip my heart out and eat it before my eyes. Feast on my flesh and burn my blood. Or, so I heard. But she never did. Instead, she stood there and watched this pathetic teenager cry and beg for his life. Before I could do anything, she was gone. My dad was furious when he found out WHO I brought into the house.
She eventually returned, only because I called her back. Guess she was expecting it this time; she didn't look too upset but instead, pleased to see me. "Georgie Porgie Junior...so, it was true...."
"I have to work, Mary...you know that."
"Psh. I know that, Porgie. But you also need to just chill."
She took another long drink from the bottle then tossed it to the side. It shattered into a million pieces. Really...
"I hope you are going to clean that up..."
"SEE?! No fun, what so ever! Need to take that stick out of your ass and let loose. You ARE a Porgie. As I recall, your dad was quite the party going guy-"
"That's nice, Mary! Please..."
Like the first day, my pleas seem to stop her right in her tracks. Was it pity? Annoyance? Sadness? Eh, who knew.
"Look, I'm tired and should really get some sleep. My boss gave me a week off, so if you want, we can hang out then. Later this evening, though, going to my folk's place for dinner. I just...just can you PLEASE tell me, IF you do take them with you?"
Mary chuckled, as she knocked my bowler hat off my head and passionatly kissed me. God. I hated myself for loving her so much. Think she felt the same way at times.
"You are such a whiny little bitch, you know that?"
Sleep. Guess that wasn't going to happen anytime soon, as we headed back to the bedroom.
I HATE that song, dude! But I love how Penny agrees-its stupid! This was a fun read and could picture it all! The hell WAS Jersey and Katie doing, huh?! XD Good job like always, dude!
Penelope Porgie
Part 3
The Fabletown shake
As I finished applying my last layer of masscara onto my lashes, the phone began to ring… more. The music echoed along the walls, bouncing every which way. I looked down and noticed Katie's name pop up.
'Ey Shake! Con los terroristas! Now do the Harlem Shake.'
God. I hated this song. I'm still trying to figure out why she would want this as her tune. Everytime the damn thing went off, either Chad or Dice would begin to thrash and randomly hump the walls. Yeah. No thank you. I answered the phone. For fuck's sake.
"Hello Katie."
"Wow! You sound SO cheery! Its no wonder you have SO many friends!"
"Cut the shit out, Katie. I know you didn't call me to give me a hard time."
"No, you're right. I can do that tonight at mom and dad's. You ARE going, right?"
The thunderous noises of the constant honking and voices from random strangers were giving me a headac… [view original content]
Oh yeah, wow. I LOVE this so much better than the original story. Uh, that pic! She looks so seductive! Junior is in for a wild ride. So, I take it George has his powers and Sheila is like her mother? Terrific! More!! Good job like always, Georgie!!!
Georgie Junior Porgie
Part 1
'I dare ya...'
NOTE: I changed Junior's story A LOT, so if you like it, great. If not, let me know and… more I will change it back to the original. Enjoy.
I finally closed my eyes and leaned against the couch cushions. My insomnia returned and with a vengance. These past few days were a blur. My boss, Holly from the Trip Trap, gave me a week's paid vacation.
'Junior, sweetie, I KNOW you have kids, bills and rent. But look at you! Take the week off. Spend time with the kids. Go see your family. SLEEP!'
I think my uncle Gren had something to do with that. He and my aunt Carla were at the bar last week and they both had to take a second glance at me. Yeah. I looked THAT bad. That night, my mom calls and asks if everything is alright. Believe it or not, everything WAS okay. I was just exhausted. My daughter had colic for a week now and my son discovered his 'powers.' I'm not going to head into that on… [view original content]
When I touched the artifact it unlocked memories that I never knew about. Robin Hood is actually my father, and me and my brother is actually over a hundred years old. Is this who we really are, if so then what happened to my parents? I was told they died in an accident and their bodies were cremated and scatted into the ocean... My memories, someone did something to me to made me forgot the truth..
This is to much.. All I wanted was to bring justice to my community and make those who responsible pay, but then I was bombarded with this and it's too much. I need to know what really happened and why I lost my memory. Redd and Bluebeard can wait, I need to know what happened to my parents.
I got up from my bed, was Walter asleep. He must of been exhausted from carrying me out of the museum. I wonder if he knows....but I should let him rest. I then go down stairs to look for my uncle, perhaps he have the answers that I am looking for, he has to.
He's cooking dinner while watching TV. He ask me how I'm enjoying my summer break and I tell him that its peachy. I immediately ask him are my parent really dead or was he lying to me again. He stops what he doing and looks down, he turns off the tv and tells me everything...
My Uncle is a lifelong friend of my father. He knew my father for years. He then told me about my mother and how she met my father long ago in the homelands before the Adversary invasion. During that time my brother Walter was born 9 months later and then a year from that I was. By that time the Adversary armies manage to conquer the kingdom. My mother put me and my brother on a ship to the mundy world with my uncle while my father remained and fought back.
My mother was killed by the Adversaries forces before she could board the ship. To spare me and my brother then pain, my uncle hide the truth from us in order to protect us. I don't blame him, now i know. However, my uncle is unsure if my father is alive. He still believes he is fighting the Adversary forces.
This is deep, I wish I could change the past but its no use. I must live on and be thankful that my parents gave their lives so that me and my brother could carry on their legacy. That only leaves the 2 things Bluebeard and Redd.
I told my uncle what happened at the museum and he drops his glass of scotch. He tells me that bad things are going to happen if Redd gets his hand on the other artifact. He then writes something down and hands it to me. He mentions the name 'King Cole' and tells me that I need to speak with immediately him. "Fable town is in danger, and the Black Dog Ghost is planning something."
The Black Dog Ghost? So that what Redd is. What does he want with Fabletown ? I need to speak with this Cole person and find out why..and without a doubt I will run into that Bluebeard again..
“I feel sick,” I moaned, clutching my stomach, as me and Veronica left the diner. “You shouldn’t have made me eat those two muffins.”
“We need you full of energy, Lehava, because today’s going to be a different sort of lesson,” Veronica said. “I was going to teach you until a week or so, but you have the potential –”
“Potential to do what?” I frowned.
She stopped to face me, her blue eyes serious. “Lehava,” she began. “You must know that there are many Fables around who want you dead.”
The panic was only there for a second before quickly subsiding. “I’m aware of that.”
“So,” she continued. “You need to know how to defend yourself. Properly.”
“What, are you going to teach me how to fight or something?” I laughed, not taking her seriously. When I saw her face stayed straight, I stopped giggling. “You’re joking.”
“No I’m not,” Veronica said. “It will also teach your fire obedience. If you can control it when you fight, then you can control it when your emotions get high as well.”
I-” I still wasn’t convinced. In fact, this whole thing seemed ridiculous. Me fighting? If I ever fought anyone, the fire would just come in strong explosions depending on how I angry I was and then just burn everything around me. There was no chance of making it fight in specific ways, if that’s what Veronica meant.
“All right, let’s go back to your apartment then,” I said to Veronica sarcastically. “Then I can set fire to your whole apartment and destroy it, then destroy the whole Woodlands, and then destroy New York. Sounds legit to me.”
Veronica chuckled. “That’s not exactly what I had in mind,” she said. “No, we’re going to be going somewhere that is safe and well secured.”
I snorted a very unladylike noise. “It’d have to be really well-secured then.”
I moaned throughout the whole short journey. We took a ten-minute cab and then walked for another five minutes whilst I endlessly complained, dragging my feet after Veronica. “Where are we going?” I grumbled and before she could reply, I moaned some more. “This is the dumbest idea ever. And frankly the most dangerous. Do you even know what this curse can actually do?” As I brought my hand up to demonstrate, a fireball shot out of my hand and went straight for the pavement, exploding into a pile of flames. Whilst I folded my arms, Veronica sent out a shot of water which put the fire out. Then she spun round to me, her eyes blazing. I was taken back.
She looked different when she was angry. Her eyes looked sinister, her face creased and her teeth clenched. It was almost frightening.
“Will you stop being so difficult?” she hissed. “I’m teaching you something that will keep you safe. You’re one of the most hated Fables out there …”
“Gee, thanks a lot,” I snapped, turning away from her and scowling.
“I’m stating the truth,” Veronica argued. “You’re never going to get anywhere if you keep on using your power THIS way!”
“I can’t help it!” I was almost shrieking.
“I know you can’t.” Veronica’s voice abruptly softened. “That’s why I want to help you. I-”
What is it with my name always being called out of the blue? Startled, I turned round, expecting it to be Snow ready to give me another lecture for being out in public. Yesterday when we came back from Cindy’s place, she had given me a deadly, icy look. I wasn't sure if it was aimed at me or Veronica, but anyhow it was stuck to my brain. I feared that I might have lost her and Bigby’s trust.
But instead three familiar-looking Mundies were waving at me like crazy and calling my name like birds. A smile broke out on my face as I waved back.
“What on earth …” Veronica frowned as Kate, Ben and Toby came running over.
“They’re my friends,” I told her proudly. “I met them yesterday.”
They practically charged into me, almost knocking me on the ground, all cheeriness and grins and laughs which was something I needed right now. “Hey Lehava,” Kate smiled, giving Veronica a brief glance. She brought her hand up and opened her palm. I blinked, puzzled.
“It’s a high-five!” she laughed. When I still failed to understand, she said, “You just slap it with your own palm.”
“Oh,” I said, feeling incredibly stupid. Kate didn’t seem to mind. I “high-fived” her enthusiastically whilst Veronica raised her eyebrows, amused. Ben and Toby “fist-bumped” me.
“Hello,” Kate said politely to Veronica. “We’re friends of your daughter-”
“Veronica’s not my mum,” I said quickly. “She’s more like my … um…”
“Carer,” Veronica finished. Kate, Ben and Toby exchanged rapid glances and I couldn’t tell what they were thinking.
“Well, Veronica,” Kate said. “Is it okay if Lehava hangs out with us for a bit?”
Veronica’s face clouded. “Ten minutes?” Ben chipped in.
Veronica’s mouth instantly formed into a No shape. I suddenly felt angry. She wasn’t my mum. She wasn’t in charge of me and she didn’t decide for me either. All she was here to do is teach me temper lessons. Did she honestly expect me to listen to every word she said?
“I’m going to hang out with my friends,” I told her firmly. “I’ll be back soon.”
“Lehava.” Veronica’s voice was cold and as sharp as needles - but I was already off. When we were soon out of her sight, Kate whispered to me anxiously, “I hope she isn’t angry with us.”
I shrugged. “She’s not my mum so I don’t have to do what she says.”
Kate was silent. After some time, we stopped outside some tall, metal gates that seemed to just appear out of nowhere. Toby tried to open them but they were locked. “Damn,” he said. “I was ready to claim this place.”
“Well, it looks easy to climb,” Kate said thoughtfully.
Quick as a wink, Toby spat on his hands and jumped up to reach the first bar, clambering effortlessly up the gate. He soon made it to the top, shooting smug smiles down at us.
“Show-off,” Ben said.
Toby stuck his tongue out. “Only because you’re useless at climbing.”
“Who says?” Ben said indignantly, and he seized the bars to prove Toby wrong.
“You wouldn’t even climb the tree in my back garden.” He put on a fake, little-boy lispy imitation of Toby. ““What if I fell and broke my leg?””
“Oh, shut up.”
“So ... Where is your mum?” Kate asked me quietly as Ben’s foot instantly slipped on the first bar and he fell onto the grass, cursing, whilst Toby roared with laughter.
I opened my mouth to answer - to tell her I didn’t have the faintest idea if she was alive, dead, in another country or whatever - but my throat stayed dry as dust. I swallowed but no sound came out. I opted to stay silent.
I wasn’t even supposed to tell them anything about Fables or the homelands, of course. I was warned about it enough times even though I didn’t even talk to Mundies at that time. I did my best to avoid them, for safety purposes.
“I’m sorry,” Kate said quickly, noticing my silence. “It’s none of our business.”
“It’s all right,” I mumbled.
“Well, as we’re friends, we ought to tell you a little bit about ourselves,” Kate smiled.
“As you can see, Kate is very formal,” Toby said.
Kate stuck her middle finger up at him, making us laugh until we cracked our ribs. Then she switched to seriousness and started telling me about her ill sister and divorced parents. Her eyes went teary at one point and I stood there awkwardly, not knowing how to comfort her. Ben patted her on the shoulder and then told me he had been bullied when he was younger for being the cleverest in his year.
“Toby used to be one of the bullies,” he said.
“Too right,” Toby said. “Kate used to stick up for him, so I’d have a girl on my back every day. It wasn’t half embarrassing.”
He told me there was nothing interesting about him whatsoever.
“You picked up a tarantula once at this youth club we went to when it was Pet’s Night,” Ben reminded him. “You always do pretty brave things-”
“Oh yes, so amazing and impressive,” Toby said sarcastically. “It’s not like you couldn’t do it. Kate certainly could. You were just too pussy.”
“Now listen here-” Determinedly, Ben had another fierce attempt of climbing the gate so he could get to the other side and give Toby a slapping, but his hands slipped and he fell.
“Ben, you suck,” Toby taunted. “I bet the girls could even climb better than you.”
“You bet we could,” Kate said, and she immediately jumped and grabbed the first bar. She hurled herself upwards and climbed to the top as swiftly as a monkey. I watched, impressed. She made it to the top in about two seconds and jumped down, landing neatly on her feet, sticking her tongue out at Toby. “Beat that, sucker.”
“That was quite good climbing, but I was better,” Toby shrugged.
“Oh, get over yourself,” Ben snapped, rolling his eyes. I waited until he had climbed the gate as well - though it took him ages as he did it carefully and cautiously, yelping constantly if his foot slipped. Eventually he made it up and over. I scrambled up the gate afterwards, gripping the bars to tightly that I nearly burnt them. Even though I was only on a stupid gate, it felt weird, as if I was climbing a really tall ladder.
“Well Lehava, Kate, Ben,” Toby said as I leapt down onto the grass. “This is our new hangout now.”
We tried to look satisfied with this small, scrubby park in the middle of nowhere. A black plastic rubbish bag flew in the wind over our heads.
“Is anyone cold or is it just me?” Ben shivered and zipped up his jacket.
I was freezing. There were huge white goosepumps on my arms to prove it. Yet it had been neutral a few minutes ago, so I have no idea why the air had suddenly turned icy. It made my skin crawl with uneasiness. At every bush rustle and bird squawk I jumped.
“I’m not cold,” Toby said, but his teeth were chattering. “Ben, come on, stop that stupid shivering.” He whipped out a tennis ball from his pocket and chucked it at me. “Catch!”
It hit me hard on the forehead, causing me to stumble and step back. For a second, I stood dazed, clutching my head, my hearing vanishing so that I could only hear an endless ring. Ben and Toby and Kate gathered around me, looking as if they were yelling - but all I could hear was heavy breathing in the distance and slow footsteps getting closer.
“Guys,” I said slowly. My hearing was coming back. “Get out of here. Now.”
“What?” Kate said. “Why? Lehava, you’re scaring us...”
“JUST GO!” I suddenly shrieked at them.
They stepped back as if I was the enemy. Then, after a slight pause, they were off. As they were over the gate and out of sight, I turned to go after them. Then -
My Fable would be a guy with superhuman powers like Bigby, he would be able to produce glowing heat balls from his hand so when you hit someone with it it hurts. Also he wold be able to fly and turn invisible, he also will be able to get shot and not die like Bigby. He will be like anyone trying to protect earth and protect those from people who kill, he would have a friend that he will protect like Snow and keep her from danger. He like a superhero he goes and fight crime and protect earth
Dear Diary: I have no idea what time it is. The sun has not risen, so I'm assuming I have time to sleep. Mary showed up again tonight. Its nice seeing her, even if she only stays for awhile. Better than nothing, right? Holly gave me a week off; my other job did the same. I'm pretty sure my uncle Gren had some involvment now. Should call him up and thank him, though. Can't remember what sleep even was! Going to my parents place tonight. This should be interesting. Heard Emily got arrested AGAIN and I'm surprised Peter is showing up. I really hope the girls don't give him shit cause I won't stand by and watch it this time! Well, better get going-hear Sheila crying again
Later that morning
By the time I woke up, the birds were singing their delightful tunes outside the window. The sun was shining through the curtains and slightly warming up the bedroom. The humming from the fan continued, as I rose out of bed and stretched. I anxiously searched the sheets, hoping to find her wrapped up tightly and sound asleep. No. Like always, she had vanished into the night. It always bummed me out when shit like this happened. For once, I'd love it if she STAYED the night after we just had sex.
I understood though; she was not much for the 'cuddles' but least she could do was humor me. For awhile, I stood on the highest peak of the mountain, looking out into the rising sun and thick layer of clouds. Now, I was tumbling down that very same mountain, gathering pebbles and sticks the further I tumbled. I took one more minute to stretch my lower back, then I headed into the shower. Hopefully the warm shower would perk up my spirits.
Like rain fall, the water droplets trickled down my skin and seem to dance, as they swirled around the drain. The warm water indeed was helping; I stood perfectly still, as it hit my face and neck. Reaching for the soap, I could hear tiny feet shuffling against the wooden floors. I knew it was George. He was figuring out little ways to 'escape' his crib.
"In here, sweetie. Daddy is taking a shower. Don't wake sissy, okay?"
I heard them stop, then start up again, as George pulled back the curtains and smiled. His piercing blue eyes watched me, as I rinsed the soap from my arms and shoulders. He began to chuckle. Oh this kid.
"What's so funny, huh?"
"Nothin', daddy. Sissy not here!"
"Mommy come. Take sissy into the mirror."
I turned the water off, grabbed a towel and ran out back into the bedroom. George seemed confused, for he followed behind, dragging his favorite teddy bear given by my parents. I didn't care that there was a large puddle of water forming around me. I just wanted my daughter.
"When George-when did mommy take sissy into the mirror? How come you are not with-"
"'Member, daddy. Can't go inside. Mommy sat with me and read me story, then, she take sissy." That was right. Only Sheila could go into the mirror. George was too much like me; the mirror would reject him like a bad date. I tried to remain focused on the mirror and began chanting her name.
The mirror began to vibrate and glow red, as I watched her reflection walk towards my calls. Sure enough, she was holding Sheila; the baby's eyes were dark, except for her pupils. She was laughing and kicking, as Mary stepped out and back into our world. Sheila reached towards me, as I snatched her away from Mary.
"There is my sweet lil' pudding and pie-"
Sheila in hand, I turned and headed back into the living room. I could hear Mary's boots pressing forcefully against the floor, as she followed me into the kitchen. I had Sheila in her high chair, as I handed her a bottle and a bowl of Cherrios. Mary switched the channel to cartoons and soon, George was too busy watching a dancing Duck talk to a magical Beaver.
"Hm. That kid. So easily distracted like you are."
She could tell I was ignoring her. I was not very happy at that moment and didn't want to say something I'd later regret. Mary leaned against the table, watching me try to clean up the broken bottle SHE decided to leave on the floor. George could have cut himself.
"What's wrong with you, Porgie? You look like you just lost your cat to the dog next door-"
"I'd really appreciate it, if you'd stop doing that, Mary!"
"Oh what, the mirror again? Do you even know what time she began screaming this morning? I didn't want her waking you up-"
We noticed George looking over. Calm down, Georgie. Just, calm down...
"You need to relax, Porgie. Get some coffee and then, we can talk-"
Soon, the toaster came at Mary full charge and nearly missed her. It was glowing white, as she turned to see me. My entire body was glowing white; my eye as black as the night sky, the urge to pick up more items growing stronger.
"Oh, a challenge. See that, sweetie-daddy wants to rumble! Well then, daddy-LET'S DANCE!"
Mary turned into her 'true' self, the same one I saw years ago and began tossing bits of broken glass at me. I ordered George to go to his room. Mary cackled, as a piece of mirror lodged itself into my arm. I yanked it out, trails of blood pouring from the wound. I arched my hand up, as the dinning room chairs flew towards the ceiling and began circling around Mary. The blinding glow of the light grew.
"You Porgies are all the same! You talk big but when the big kids come to play, you run away!"
"STOP! Stop saying that!"
With a quick motion from my hands, the chairs dispensed themselves onto Mary and within seconds, she was on her feet, pushing me into a corner. Her eyes, too, were black; the pupils red and bleeding. She hissed and bared her teeth down into my shoulder; she drew blood and withing seconds, my right shoulder was layered in the stuff. It was making me nauseous; the smell of blood always did.
"Ah, what is the matter-too much for you to handle? Just like the first time we met, Junior. Remember? You almost pissed your pants when you saw me like this..."
I doubled over, as Mary joined in the laughing riot. Sheila, too, was kicking around again and chuckling. What a sick, twisted child we had. Too much like your mother, I thought. Mary turned back and picked up Sheila.
"Come on back, George. Mommy and daddy are done talking..." I hated doing that infront of him. He was too sensitive like me. REALLY needed to control this anger, though. Blame my father's lack of patience. My papa, too. It's that wolf mentality, I believe. George sccuried across the floor and into Mary's arms. He cuddled against her neck, as she kissed the tops of their heads. not
To tell you the truth, I did not have an answer for this odd but special relationship. Mary indeed got her jolly's off with my emotions and how I reacted to certain things. I did care for her, that was no secret. I remember telling my parents WHO the mother of my child was; mom said nothing, as dad ordered me to get out of his sight. We didn't speak to eachother for two weeks; mom finally made us sit down and talk. He was over it all, the minute he held George; not even a year later, Sheila would be born. That was tough; Business Offices twenty-four seven. NOW I understood why my parents kept certain things to themselves. I'd deal with them, yes, but only if that meant my family was safe.
Did Mary love me? I know she CARED and was very loyal to me but love...I can't tell you that. She won't say the word to me. It use to bother me but what can you do? YOU try forcing a deranged killer to say something she doesn't want to. One day, though....maybe....because, I knew I loved her. Think she knew that, too.
"You look good with a couple of kids, Bloody Mary..."
"Hmm. I'd watch yourself, Junior. I DO know where you sleep and it would be a shame if you woke up, dangling from the ceiling and a me just sitting there-waiting. Simply waiting."
George and Sheila were left in the play pen, as Mary and I sat on the bed.
"You still remember the first time we met, Mary?"
"Oh please, Porgie. Who COULDN'T miss a shivering corpse against the shower, rivers of tears, begging me to spare their wretched life? Not to mention, WHO you are...thought they were just rumors..."
"What...what did you think, when I called you again?"
"That maybe you DO have a pair and they must be bowling balls because no one is that stupid to try a second time. Usually, your blood would have been splattered all over the wall, your insides out and your head on a silver platter. But, there was something about you..."
"Duh. We got two kids out of it-"
"What? What are you talking about-"
Mary dug into her jacket and pulled out a pregnancy test. It was positive.
"I took it two nights ago. There are six more of these discarded somewhere in the trash. I was going to Swineheart tomorrow. I didn't want to say anything, especially since you are going to your parent's house later."
I was surprised but not shocked; Mary KNEW how to get her way and somewhere deep down inside, think she wanted this. Would make sense, you know, the story behind her and all. All I could do was smile.
"Huh...another Porgie..."
"Yeah. As if this town wasn't fucked up enough, then your dad fucks your mom, has you and here we are-the circle of life. Awww! So sweet!"
"You're not going to scare me in the bathroom for this, are you?"
"Not if you don't throw anymore goddamn toasters at me."
"Sorry 'bout that...hate doing that shit with you..."
"Why? We are Fables. Its what we do, kid."
I gave her a small punch in the arm, as I kissed her on the cheek. "Huh, now what?"
"Same thing we always do, Porgie. Same thing. I gotta get going. 'Call' me when you get back tonight, okay? This was fun and we should do it again some time. No, really-had a blast. Those Hasbro brothers have NOTHING on our family game nights." She chuckled, kissed me on the lips, gave each of the kids love and soon, was gone into the mirror. I sat back down into the couch, turned the television on and watched, as the kids wrestled in the play pen.
"Same thing, huh Mary? Hmm. Good call."
Couldn't wait to see the folks but first, my coffee was getting cold.
Can I just tell you-I'm loving this version better! The picture, though...LOVE it! They do make an odd adorable couple, huh? I secretly ship them! There it goes-sailing away! lol
I feel bad for both Mary AND Junior. It obvious they LOVE eachother but seems like something is holding them back. The fight scene in the kitchen was intense and damn...she preggers! XD
Good job like always, Pie! Can't wait to see where this goes next!!
Georgie Porgie Junior
Part 2
Dear Diary: I have no idea what time it is. The sun has not risen, so I'm assuming I have… more time to sleep. Mary showed up again tonight. Its nice seeing her, even if she only stays for awhile. Better than nothing, right? Holly gave me a week off; my other job did the same. I'm pretty sure my uncle Gren had some involvment now. Should call him up and thank him, though. Can't remember what sleep even was! Going to my parents place tonight. This should be interesting. Heard Emily got arrested AGAIN and I'm surprised Peter is showing up. I really hope the girls don't give him shit cause I won't stand by and watch it this time! Well, better get going-hear Sheila crying again
Later that morning
By the time I woke up, the birds were singing their delightful tunes outside the window. The sun was shining through the curtains and slightly warming up the bedroom. The humming from the fan continu… [view original content]
Can I just tell you-I'm loving this version better! The picture, though...LOVE it! They do make an odd adorable couple, huh? I secretly ship… more them! There it goes-sailing away! lol
I feel bad for both Mary AND Junior. It obvious they LOVE eachother but seems like something is holding them back. The fight scene in the kitchen was intense and damn...she preggers! XD
Good job like always, Pie! Can't wait to see where this goes next!!
Hey, pie, do you mind giving me the page where the supposed first version of Junior's story is on? I do like this second version though, Mary does add a lot of spunk to things. :P
Georgie Porgie Junior
Part 2
Dear Diary: I have no idea what time it is. The sun has not risen, so I'm assuming I have… more time to sleep. Mary showed up again tonight. Its nice seeing her, even if she only stays for awhile. Better than nothing, right? Holly gave me a week off; my other job did the same. I'm pretty sure my uncle Gren had some involvment now. Should call him up and thank him, though. Can't remember what sleep even was! Going to my parents place tonight. This should be interesting. Heard Emily got arrested AGAIN and I'm surprised Peter is showing up. I really hope the girls don't give him shit cause I won't stand by and watch it this time! Well, better get going-hear Sheila crying again
Later that morning
By the time I woke up, the birds were singing their delightful tunes outside the window. The sun was shining through the curtains and slightly warming up the bedroom. The humming from the fan continu… [view original content]
Yeah sure. No problem. Never actually STARTED his story till now but from what I had in his first description, I'm having more fun with this. Maybe that whole thing at the end of ep. 5 was a good thing for me! XD She does add some spunk into his life.
Hey, pie, do you mind giving me the page where the supposed first version of Junior's story is on? I do like this second version though, Mary does add a lot of spunk to things. :P
Yeah sure. No problem. Never actually STARTED his story till now but from what I had in his first description, I'm having more fun with this… more. Maybe that whole thing at the end of ep. 5 was a good thing for me! XD She does add some spunk into his life.
I did what my uncle said and went back to the Woodlands in search of King Cole. This symbol that my uncle drew, I am not sure what its suppose to mean exactly but hopefully King Cole will know.
I arrive at the front gate of the Woodlands, and this time I use the front door. I enter the building and see the security officer sleeping. I wake him up and request a audience with King Cole. "Uhhh" he says and then he looks at the man walking over towards us. It's the wolf man that I saw outside of Bluebeard apartment. He ask me what business that i have here and how did I find out about this place.
I dare not lie to this wolf man so I get to the point. I explain to him everything that happened in the past few days except mentioning my encounter with Bluebeard... I then show him the picture my uncle drew. He drops his cigarette from his mouth and mutters, impossible..
I ask the wolf man what does it mean, and he tells me it belong to someone from his old case years ago and he needs to investigate this at once. Before he leaves he sends me to 'Snow's' office to discuss everything mentioned here, as he walk out of the door I ask what his name is and replies Sheriff Bigby.
I enter Ms. White office, and sat then explaining everything to her. Then I show her the picture and she mentions the Crooked Man. Who is this crooked man and what does he have to do with Redd I asked. She explained to me that he was a crime boss in Fable Town and was thrown down the Witching Well. She don't understand what exactly this mean, but she needs to speak with Bigby as she calls over the flying monkey named Bufkin.
I interrupt their conversation, and tell them that he already left. She looks pissed off after that. She then grabs her coat and tell me to stay with the flying monkey....
A hour has passed, Ms White and Sheriff Bigby have returned, they tell me to go home and remind me if I find out more about Redd please contact them, this is serious and they didn't want to involve outsiders. I guess this make me part of the... team? Anyway, I acknowledged their request and went back home learning about this 'Crooked Man' person. Who is he and what does Redd got do with this? And what does Redd want with that artifact he stole from the museum? My Uncle said Redd is after another one too, I better ask him before Redd gets to it first.
I arrive back home, greeted by Uncle. I tell him what happened back at Fabletown and he is relieved that they decided to investigate. I then ask him about what he said earlier about not letting Redd get his hands on another artifact. He told me that the artifact contains magical powers, it was crafted by a string from the 'witching cloak'. If it falls into the wrong hands it call kills Fables in a single touch. He also explain to me that it was supposed to be destroyed but instead it was stolen and was taken to a museum in New Jersey.
New Jersey huh, I heard some kind of devil or whatever suppose to hang around there but that's not my concern. I ask my uncle what museum the artifact is being held. "Trenton, New Jersey" he says and then I walk upstairs to find Walter, but he's gone.
Where did Walter go? My uncle tell me that he went to Trenton several hours ago, he wanted me not to be involved this time. I am frustrated that he went without and he knows Redd is en route to retrieve that artifact. I need to get there before he gets himself killed, but how....wait I know.! Uncle can transport me there with some kind of magic, he's good with that kind of stuff.
I turn around and ask my uncle to transport to Trenton but he is fast asleep on the couch.... goddamn it. Looks like I have to do it myself...
I hope i don't turn myself into a toad or a dragon or something...
Talk about leaving the reader in suspense! Veronica isn't going to be happy, however it sounds like Lehava might have bigger problems. Either way, another great read
------ Continued, Part 9
“I feel sick,” I moaned, clutching my stomach, as me and Veronica left the diner. “You shouldn’t have made me ea… moret those two muffins.”
“We need you full of energy, Lehava, because today’s going to be a different sort of lesson,” Veronica said. “I was going to teach you until a week or so, but you have the potential –”
“Potential to do what?” I frowned.
She stopped to face me, her blue eyes serious. “Lehava,” she began. “You must know that there are many Fables around who want you dead.”
The panic was only there for a second before quickly subsiding. “I’m aware of that.”
“So,” she continued. “You need to know how to defend yourself. Properly.”
“What, are you going to teach me how to fight or something?” I laughed, not taking her seriously. When I saw her face stayed straight, I stopped giggling. “You’re joking.”
“No I’m not,” Veronica said. “It will also teach your fire obedience. If you can cont… [view original content]
Great description, and I particularly like the mounatain analogy at the beginning and how you wrote about the shower water. They make for a great odd couple! You're on a fantastic roll at the moment, what with the other tales of the quads and the twins too.
Georgie Porgie Junior
Part 2
Dear Diary: I have no idea what time it is. The sun has not risen, so I'm assuming I have… more time to sleep. Mary showed up again tonight. Its nice seeing her, even if she only stays for awhile. Better than nothing, right? Holly gave me a week off; my other job did the same. I'm pretty sure my uncle Gren had some involvment now. Should call him up and thank him, though. Can't remember what sleep even was! Going to my parents place tonight. This should be interesting. Heard Emily got arrested AGAIN and I'm surprised Peter is showing up. I really hope the girls don't give him shit cause I won't stand by and watch it this time! Well, better get going-hear Sheila crying again
Later that morning
By the time I woke up, the birds were singing their delightful tunes outside the window. The sun was shining through the curtains and slightly warming up the bedroom. The humming from the fan continu… [view original content]
Chapter 8 Warned
I did what my uncle said and went back to the Woodlands in search of King Cole. This symbol that my uncle drew, I am not… more sure what its suppose to mean exactly but hopefully King Cole will know.
I arrive at the front gate of the Woodlands, and this time I use the front door. I enter the building and see the security officer sleeping. I wake him up and request a audience with King Cole. "Uhhh" he says and then he looks at the man walking over towards us. It's the wolf man that I saw outside of Bluebeard apartment. He ask me what business that i have here and how did I find out about this place.
I dare not lie to this wolf man so I get to the point. I explain to him everything that happened in the past few days except mentioning my encounter with Bluebeard... I then show him the picture my uncle drew. He drops his cigarette from his mouth and mutters, impossible..
I ask the wolf man what does it mean, and he tells m… [view original content]
Well thank you. Was worried for a bit on how well people would take the changes but so far, nothing but positive feed back. Having a blast creating a Fable story surrounding the Porgie kids.
Great description, and I particularly like the mounatain analogy at the beginning and how you wrote about the shower water. They make for a… more great odd couple! You're on a fantastic roll at the moment, what with the other tales of the quads and the twins too.
OOOH! CM! Love how these so called 'villians' never die! This was a great read and can't wait to see where this goes! I too hope, he does not turn into a toad! XD
Chapter 8 Warned
I did what my uncle said and went back to the Woodlands in search of King Cole. This symbol that my uncle drew, I am not… more sure what its suppose to mean exactly but hopefully King Cole will know.
I arrive at the front gate of the Woodlands, and this time I use the front door. I enter the building and see the security officer sleeping. I wake him up and request a audience with King Cole. "Uhhh" he says and then he looks at the man walking over towards us. It's the wolf man that I saw outside of Bluebeard apartment. He ask me what business that i have here and how did I find out about this place.
I dare not lie to this wolf man so I get to the point. I explain to him everything that happened in the past few days except mentioning my encounter with Bluebeard... I then show him the picture my uncle drew. He drops his cigarette from his mouth and mutters, impossible..
I ask the wolf man what does it mean, and he tells m… [view original content]
Tezoth is back! (well, kind of) You can view my last chapter of his story back on page 18 of this thread.
Chapter 8: Sudden Awakening
7:09 P.M. - among the hallways of the Woodlands:
"Listen, Snow, are you going to be alright? I mean, with the whole Crooked Man situation we're dealing with here, and--" Bigby felt a growl leave his throat. "--Bloody Mary."
Snow sighed. "Don't worry about me, Sheriff, I'll be fine. I'm just exhausted with all that has been going on, especially when yesterday's 'predicament' happened." She looked at him with kind eyes. "I'm going to turn in for the night, okay? We'll discuss the matter tomorrow."
"Sounds good, Snow." Bigby inhaled the last of his cigarette, throwing it the floor. She couldn't help but be annoyed at the way he still stuck with that habit of his, but, she simply ignored the matter and motioned toward the elevators.
Bigby did the same too - he pressed the buttons to the two elevators as they both waited in front of each entrance. The atmosphere of the hallway contributed to their silence. Then, a ding is heard, and another ding after that. Snow went inside first and pressed the button to the 6th floor. Bigby stayed still and tried to take a glance at Snow before her elevator closed, Bigby sighed. He finally went inside his to push the button to the Woodlands lobby.
A catchy tune starts to play as the elevator begins to descend, a pack of Huff and Puffs is taken out of his right pocket. The elevator door opens and there, stood a girl with a rose imprinted on the front of her shirt. Bigby dropped his pack, he was startled by the sudden appearance of Rose Red, by which she hadn’t visited the Woodlands for a long, long time.
"And hello to you too, Bigby." Rose responded, feeling the need to be cocky. "Say, you would want to probably pick those up. I don't think it would bode well for you if the Big Bad Wolf just so happened to burn down the Woodlands."
"Right... out of thin air, the cigarettes just light themselves and poof goes the Woodlands." Bigby had pondered the thought while he picked up the pack, stuffing it back in his pocket. "Hi, by the way."
Rose rolled her eyes. "Well, someone is happy to see me."
His eyes widened as he quickly responded to his defense. "Hey, I didn't mean it like that, Rose. I'm happy to see you, it's just that I haven't seen you - for what? Months, years?"
"Years, ever since me and Snow had that huge argument back in the seventies."
"Oh, right, come to finally visit your sister, then?"
"Yeah, you could say that. Is she around?"
"Yes, in fact: she retired back to her apartment to rest, you can go visit her if you want. I was going to check with Dr. Swineheart to see how our new resident is doing."
"The dragon, correct?" Rose had a hint of interest in her voice.
"Correct, wait, how'd you know?"
"Sheriff, c'mon, really? About half of Fabletown knows what you did to get my sister and that thief back. Besides, I'm coming with you to see him."
"I suppose I wasn't very subtle abo- hold on, say what now?
"I said, I'm coming with you, whether you like it or not. I never actually met the damn dragon anyway, should be fun."
The wolf got a little annoyed at Rose's comment, but at the same time - he was amused. "Five minutes, only that."
"Rad." Rose remarked. Bigby turned around and walked down a hallway away from the lobby, eventually they came about a staircase and continued down toward the basement of the Woodlands.
"So, um, Bigby, is my sis doing alright? I mean, with what has happened and all. I'm kind of worried for her."
"She's doing exceptionally well, given the recent events. Besides, Snow misses you every day, Rose." Bigby turned around to Rose and frowned. "You know, you do have a place to stay should you ever need to get away from Jack."
She scoffed. "Yeah, that wouldn't work out at all, we'd end up fighting again and I want to avoid that as much as possible."
"Fair enough, I guess." They both walked up to a heavily-armored door. "We're here."
Bigby opened the vault-like cell door, while Rose stood waiting until the Sheriff waved for her to come in. It didn't take long for the two to see Tezoth laying on the cell cot whilst Swineheart was examining him. Swineheart heard the clamor of footsteps enter, he stopped what he was doing and turned to the two.
"Sheriff Bigby, and... Miss Rose."
"Yeah, it's me, S-Heart. How are you doing?" Rose rubbed her arm out of nervousness.
"Fine, Rose, fine."
"So, Swineheart," Bigby butted in. "How's Tez doing?"
"Well, he's doing better than before, to say the very least. However, he is still traumatized about... whatever Bloody Mary did to his brain last night. You said he had some sort of vision?"
"Yes, the dragon claimed to have a vision, during when Bloody Mary had 'possessed' him. Snow too." Rose eyes widened but she had stayed quiet, calmly waiting to hear what else they had to say.
"Hmm, normally I would suggest some food, drink, maybe even some hot tea to help victims like these to deal with traumatic experiences like these, but it appears that all he needs is some rest."
"That isn't going to happen,” The Sheriff exclaimed. “The Woodlands doesn’t have any available residences for the time-being, perhaps..."
"I can take him back to my apartment." Rose suddenly interrupted, feeling a little bit of pride in her words.
Bigby and Swineheart looked at each other. "No, Rose, it's too risky. Whenever he gets angry, he'll most likely grow into his dragon form, in which it won't bode well if Mundies start seeing a... a dragon tail swinging from your apartment window or something."
"So? What, you get a free pass back when you turned near the Pudding 'N Pie, and at that factory you saved them from? A Mundy could have easily saw you then, too!"
Bigby rubbed his temples out of annoyance. "That was different, I don't see how-"
"Then it's settled, he gets to crash at my place."
"I said NO, ROSE. We already have enough on our plate as is! We don't need another petty thing like this to worry about! Understand?!"
Rose glared at Bigby. "You sounded just like my sister there for a minute there, fucking typical. Whatever. There's no use arguing with you."
"Rose, wait, I didn't mean to-"
"Save it, I can see I'm not wanted here. ...Tell Snow I said hi." After that, Rose had stormed out of the cell and quickly went up the stairs, leaving the 3 to their business. Swineheart finally got up when he was done with Tezoth and looked at Bigby.
"Well, Sheriff, I'm no psychiatrist, but I recommend that you would soon have to make right on what you said to Rose. I know that she didn't appreciate your little 'outburst' on her one bit, Snow probably won't either."
"Yeah, I know, I didn't mean to. I will make it right."
"Good. Now, if that's all, I am done here. Just let Tezoth rest and he should be fine in a few days."
"Thanks, doc." Swineheart nodded to him and left the cell, Bigby did too.
A loud, hulking noise was made as Bigby shut the cell door closed. This had awoken the thief from his medicated sleep, and now, how he will approach the situation, is something to read about next chapter.
Your first premise for Georgie Junior was good, and I think Vivian would have been fine. Bloody Mary is a much more iconic though, she's a loveable villain, and you've put the story together so sharply that the original idea is forgotten.
Also, I wanted to mention that, when playing Episode 5, as soon as I saw Georgie in the Crooked Man's lair, I couldn't take him seriously as a bad guy because of reading your stories. I just kept wondering how Lyla and the kids were, and that he's just had a bad time in life and is misunderstood. It's completely changed the character for me xD
Well thank you. Was worried for a bit on how well people would take the changes but so far, nothing but positive feed back. Having a blast creating a Fable story surrounding the Porgie kids.
I wanted to try something different. IF it didn't work, I'd go back to the original idea but so far, everyone seems to be enjoying it.
You are not the first person to tell me that after playing episode 5. I never saw him as a bad guy. He DID what he had to do to survive and I'd like to think since he's a Fable, he lived and thats where I go from there.
Your first premise for Georgie Junior was good, and I think Vivian would have been fine. Bloody Mary is a much more iconic though, she's a l… moreoveable villain, and you've put the story together so sharply that the original idea is forgotten.
Also, I wanted to mention that, when playing Episode 5, as soon as I saw Georgie in the Crooked Man's lair, I couldn't take him seriously as a bad guy because of reading your stories. I just kept wondering how Lyla and the kids were, and that he's just had a bad time in life and is misunderstood. It's completely changed the character for me xD
Tezoth is back! (well, kind of) You can view my last chapter of his story back on page 18 of this thread.
Chapter 8: Sudden Awakening
… more 7:09 P.M. - among the hallways of the Woodlands:
"Listen, Snow, are you going to be alright? I mean, with the whole Crooked Man situation we're dealing with here, and--" Bigby felt a growl leave his throat. "--Bloody Mary."
Snow sighed. "Don't worry about me, Sheriff, I'll be fine. I'm just exhausted with all that has been going on, especially when yesterday's 'predicament' happened." She looked at him with kind eyes. "I'm going to turn in for the night, okay? We'll discuss the matter tomorrow."
"Sounds good, Snow." Bigby inhaled the last of his cigarette, throwing it the floor. She couldn't help but be annoyed at the way he still stuck with that habit of his, but, she simply ignored the matter and motioned toward the elevators.
Bigby did the same too - he pressed the buttons to the two eleva… [view original content]
Tez is back! and you, sir, are back to great writing. The characterisation is just spot on - Bibgy's line about the cigarettes sparking up by themselves sounded straight out of the games/comics; and the way Rose acts and her words, such as 'rad' is exactly like her. The transition between scenes is nice and smooth, you feel like you're behind them. I love it - possibly because they're some of my favourite characters, and because I feel oddly invested after writing about Tezoth and Rose xD - and I can't wait for chapter 8. Because, in fairness, Tez never actually got to say anything.
Tezoth is back! (well, kind of) You can view my last chapter of his story back on page 18 of this thread.
Chapter 8: Sudden Awakening
… more 7:09 P.M. - among the hallways of the Woodlands:
"Listen, Snow, are you going to be alright? I mean, with the whole Crooked Man situation we're dealing with here, and--" Bigby felt a growl leave his throat. "--Bloody Mary."
Snow sighed. "Don't worry about me, Sheriff, I'll be fine. I'm just exhausted with all that has been going on, especially when yesterday's 'predicament' happened." She looked at him with kind eyes. "I'm going to turn in for the night, okay? We'll discuss the matter tomorrow."
"Sounds good, Snow." Bigby inhaled the last of his cigarette, throwing it the floor. She couldn't help but be annoyed at the way he still stuck with that habit of his, but, she simply ignored the matter and motioned toward the elevators.
Bigby did the same too - he pressed the buttons to the two eleva… [view original content]
I believe you mean chapter 9, and that was because he was sleeping peacefully after Swineheart gave him some pills and stuff! ;P I promise to make Tez have plentiful dialogue in the next few chapters, since I'm aware I haven't really been making him say anything in the recent installments.
Tez is back! and you, sir, are back to great writing. The characterisation is just spot on - Bibgy's line about the cigarettes sparking up … moreby themselves sounded straight out of the games/comics; and the way Rose acts and her words, such as 'rad' is exactly like her. The transition between scenes is nice and smooth, you feel like you're behind them. I love it - possibly because they're some of my favourite characters, and because I feel oddly invested after writing about Tezoth and Rose xD - and I can't wait for chapter 8. Because, in fairness, Tez never actually got to say anything.
After I finished shaving, picking out my outfit and contacting my parents, I was ready to go. The only problem was this-who would watch the kids while I was gone?
"No, its fine, Snow. i don't need you guys to handle anymore than you can."
"Junior, we have dealt with worse before..."
"Yeah well, Peter would kill me if he found out I-"
"Is he still upset? I saw him earlier with Winter..."
"I...I have no idea. I haven't had a chance to call him. He should be there tonight."
"Well, if you do change your mind, call me back."
After I hung up the phone, I took a second to try and think. Who else would be able and willing to watch two demon spawn children? Sheila alone was a hassle and required a lot of patience and love. My parents wouldn't mind but I really needed time away from the kids.
"Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary." The mirror began to vibrate and glow once more and within seconds, Mary was in my bedroom; her hands folded and hips cocked to the side. God. She looked spectacular.
"Yes...you rang?"
"Are you busy doing...whatever it is you do?"
"Oh no, sweet Porgie puddin' pie. I'm ALWAYS here fo you! What do you need?"
"I'm leaving and I can't find a babysitter-"
"Huh. No one ready for a challenge in babysitting the offspring of Porgie and Bloody Mary?"
"That's not it at all..."
"Please, Junior. I HEAR what people say."
You DO?! Are they bad?"
"No. Just the truth."
I picked up George, who was currently chewing on his rubber duck. The beak and head were covered in drool. He clung to my shirt, as I watched Mary pick up Sheila. She was gurggling and laughing, as Mary gently placed her beneath her chin.
"What do they say, Mary?"
"Does it matter, Porgie? Don't worry your pretty little bald head off. Trust me. They change their thoughts realy quick, when I show up to carve their face like a halloween pumpkin."
"I don't want that to be an answer, Mary. I..I want to do this the right way."
"Hm. The RIGHT way? And what is that, Porgie? Letting this pathetic lonley town grab you by the collar and drag you through the dirt? I've seen what this town did to your father and it wasn't-"
She stopped the second she noticed my face. I was shocked and surprised; dad never spoke about his past and what I couldn't decide, was what and why? We knew SOME but not enough. Even this world I lived in was a closed book.
"Forget I said anything, Porgie. I'll watch the kids. If not, I'm sure your uncle and aunt will..."
"You saw them? You're going to get in trouble again..."
"Its fine, Porgie.You worry way too much. You're getting those freaky neck veins again." She chuckled, as she poked them.
"You sure you want to watch them both?"
"Yes, Porgie. They are BABIES! I carried them for nine months then pushed their big ass heads out, so yeah-think I can handle them." She laughed; soon, the kids joined in. George had no idea what his mother was speaking about but it was nice to hear them giggle.
"Well then. If anything goes wrong-"
"Tell your father I said hi and uh...no offense taken for all those years ago." I didn't like the smile she gave me; it looked sneaky, conniving and covering something up. Maybe tonight I'd find out more. I was curious; we deserved to know, especially with Fabletown 'accidentaly' letting certain things slip.
I jumped into the car, kissed the kids goodbye, then gave one to Mary."Good luck, Junior. 'Call' me if you need an escape route." I drove away, turning on the radio and singing to 'Californication' by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. 'Its understood, that Hollywood, sells Californication.' Yeah. Sounds about right. I drove past all the various buildings; they seem to blend together, the faster I drove down the street. I passed by the Pudding n Pie; all I could think about was my sister and what that club meant to us. The foundation it stood on alone and yet, we knew nothing.
I pulled up nect to the apartment complex, turned off the car and walked to the front. I entered the elevator, pushed the button and waited. A catchy tune was above my head, the flickering of a light about to burn out. When I reached the door, I knocked; my heart began to beat faster and louder. Mom answered thr door.
"There is my mini Georgie. Come here, sweetie."
I embraced her, as dad walked up slowly and gave me a pat on the head.
"There is my boy. Come in, Junior. We are just waiting on Ethan."
I walked into the living room and there they all were; Emily looked awful, Katie on her phone, Penny had a bruise (again) and Peter stood in the corner. "Have a seat, son. Dinner should be ready soon."
"Ethan on his way?"
"He called and said he was. Hopefully he didn't get stuck in traffic."
"Maybe he overdosed on glitter. Damn kid uses enough..." Fucking Emily. Never knew when to stop.
"Enough, Emily!"
"Where the kids?"
"Mary has them."
"Think that is wise?"
"Leaving them with their mother? Oh yeah no. They are is danger, Emily."
"Well, you can come back and their heads sliced open with their-"
"EMILY! Enough!" As dad finished speaking, he began to cough.
Fuck. Here we go. Now I regret not bringing the kids. Ready to go find a mirror and summon Mary.
End of junior's story. On to Ethan's. Hope you enjoyed.
Georgie Porgie Junior
Part 3
Happy Porging
After I finished shaving, picking out my outfit and contacting my parents, I was ready t… moreo go. The only problem was this-who would watch the kids while I was gone?
"No, its fine, Snow. i don't need you guys to handle anymore than you can."
"Junior, we have dealt with worse before..."
"Yeah well, Peter would kill me if he found out I-"
"Is he still upset? I saw him earlier with Winter..."
"I...I have no idea. I haven't had a chance to call him. He should be there tonight."
"Well, if you do change your mind, call me back."
After I hung up the phone, I took a second to try and think. Who else would be able and willing to watch two demon spawn children? Sheila alone was a hassle and required a lot of patience and love. My parents wouldn't mind but I really needed time away from the kids.
"Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary." The mirror began to… [view original content]
I am glad that you became a part of it too! And, to be honest, this thread probably wouldn't have lasted long if it weren't for a lot of loyal, avid users that continue to post their stories here, they're the ones I have to thank.
Either way, I appreciate the compliment!
Now, now, Lyla doesn't want you eating that junk food. Gotta eat healthy!
I'm rather grateful for such a kind description! And particularly pleased you're content with what I did with Tezoth. Without a doubt I look forward to seeing you're next chapter.
And thanks for the happy birthday, man
Thanks for saying so
I appreciate you taking the time to read it.
I couldn't leave it without referencing Colin's plant one last time :P I'm pleased to hear it's helped in some manner - when the homework and essays start piling up things stop being fun.
Thank you for reading it and finding it fun! And thanks for the happy birthday
Anytime, buddy! I really liked the part where you had Rose hug Tezoth. That was such a sweet moment.
Anytime, dude.
I enjoy reading your work. Its very well done and yes, it has helped my sanity. XD
Well thank you. I try.
Glad you could be a part of the thread and hopefully, we see more of your work.
"Don't fuckin' tell her!!!" XD
Thanks, JJ.
I was going to after highschool but didn't have the funds to attend art school. This has just become a hobby of mine. In the future, I might take a crack at it. Who knows. 
Penelope Porgie
Part 3
The Fabletown shake
As I finished applying my last layer of masscara onto my lashes, the phone began to ring. The music echoed along the walls, bouncing every which way. I looked down and noticed Katie's name pop up.
'Ey Shake! Con los terroristas! Now do the Harlem Shake.'
God. I hated this song. I'm still trying to figure out why she would want this as her tune. Everytime the damn thing went off, either Chad or Dice would begin to thrash and randomly hump the walls. Yeah. No thank you. I answered the phone. For fuck's sake.
"Hello Katie."
"Wow! You sound SO cheery! Its no wonder you have SO many friends!"
"Cut the shit out, Katie. I know you didn't call me to give me a hard time."
"No, you're right. I can do that tonight at mom and dad's. You ARE going, right?"
The thunderous noises of the constant honking and voices from random strangers were giving me a headache. I couldn't stand when people called me while they were outside and in the depths of the city.
"What do you want, Katie?"
"Man! You are Miss grumpy pants today! Everything okay?"
"I've had worse..."
To be honest, I was telling the truth. There was a lot my family didn't know about, especially when it came to Oliver. They didn't know about the time he was involved in a drug heist gone very wrong; I spent all night by his side, as the doctors furiously tried to save his life. Another time, he was ran down by a rivial gang and left to die. Thank god Dice was with him at the time. Then, last week when he left the marks and bruises on my face. I tried to cover those but I think mom was catching on. He didn't mean those.
"Look, Katie. I need to get ready. You need something?"
"Yeah, actually. Could you swing by the Lucky Pawn and pick me up? Just honk when you get here. I'll be in the back doing homework."
"Does Jersey KNOW you'll be there?"
"Well, duh silly! How do you think I got in?"
"Fine. I'll be there around six."
As I ended the call, my phone began to ring once more.
Ey Shake! Con los terroristas. Do the Harlem Shake.
This continued for another three seconds before the song came to an end. I looked down and saw a text message; I opened and saw what Katie had sent to me. 'Know how much that song bugs you.
xo Feel like being an a$$ today!'
Cute. Real, fucking cute. As I turned to get my shoes on, there he stood. Oliver was swaying back and forth, as he grasped the door knob and focused his attention on me. To my surprise, he was smiling; his face, however, was as white as my sheets.
"You look awful, boss. Why are you not in bed?"
"'Cause you ain't in there, Penelope..." Really? Smooth, Oliver.
"Well, you should really try and rest. I'm leaving here in a bit. Remember? Dinner with my folks?"
"Yeah. I know..."
As he continued to stand by my doorway, his trembling fits came to a hault. It was unfortunate to watch a man that had so much end up in a place like this. Oliver used to be very wealthy; he had power, woman, money-anything a Fable, Folker or mundy wished they had half of. Unlike my father, he continued to stay in the shady work and try his hand at a few more other 'jobs' he could pull off. Your luck eventually runs out; now, he was the owner of Fabletown's most repugnant strip club. Yeah. and here I was, working for that disgusting man.
"I'm sorry, Penelope. I...I fooked up bad..."
"What do you mean?"
"I neva' meant to hurt ya' like I did. Please. You know that I would neva' hurt ya', right Penelope?"
I finished spraying my hair, dabbed my lips and said nothing to him. All I could do was plant a kiss on his cheek and walk out the door. I was not his babysitter or his punching bag; I cared very much for Oliver. Hell. Guess you can say I loved him enough to stay and try to 'fix' what I could. I got in my car, sent Katie a text and soon, I was on my way.
The Lucky Pawn. It had been years since I stepped foot into that repulsive place. Dad would come in every so often but it was only because of Katie. WHY she wants to work here, I would never fully comprehend. She was a wild child, that one. As I pulled off and parked on the sidewalk, I noticed Jack. He was whistling a tune and eating a hot dog. He was pressed against the building and cocked a shit-eating-grin when he saw me walk up.
"Well, hello Miss Penelope. You are looking marvelous today. May I say this...you are just one tall glass of bea-"
"Cut that shit off, Jack. Is my sister here or not?"
"Well, actually, she is. In the back with Jersey. But like i was saying, you-"
"Well, can you please let her know I'm here so we can go?"
"See, the thing is, I'm eating and I don't think Jersey would-"
I didn't have time for this. I shoved Jack to the side and walked into the pawn shop. Ew. This place gave me the creeps. The lights in the room were feeble. The air smelled heavily of old wood and smoke. The back door had a light peering through the crack, so I assumed that was the back room she was talking about. As I turned the knob, I began calling Katie's name.
"Hello! Katie! I'm here. Did you not get me-OH FUCK!!"
Before I could say another word, my ass was running out to the front and back into my car. I didn't even noticed Jack pounding my windows, trying to get my attention. Before long, Katie opened the passenger door, took a seat and said nothing. I cleared my throat, turned the ignition and headed down to mom and dad's. The car ride was awkward; fuck's sake man! That would NOT go away anythime soon.
"What, Penny?!"
"Soooo...you and Jersey, huh?"
"You said you'd honk..."
"I SENT you a message, silly. Should have just stuck to the honking...."
As if things couldn't get worse, that stupid song came blaring through my speakers. 'Con los terroristas! Ey, tat, ta, ta! Shake! Do the Harlem Shake.' To make the car ride less uncomfortable, I began thrashing and dancing in my seat; I was trying to remember the videos and Dice's dance moves. Guess Katie had the same idea; soon, we were two Porgie girls dancing to the Harlem Shake.
Psh. wouldn't be the first time they've seen a Porgie doing something stupid. Oh man.
For fuck's sake.
End of Penelope's story. On to Junior's tale.
I did a lot of changing with him; the ages for the children have also changed, considering I had no idea how young I actually made them! The quads should have been 25, while the twins were 20. Hopefully you enjoy the next section.
What an ending, I bet Katie and Penny were head-banging in the car! XD Ecstatic to see the next part!
Georgie Junior Porgie
Part 1
'I dare ya...'
NOTE: I changed Junior's story A LOT, so if you like it, great. If not, let me know and I will change it back to the original.
I finally closed my eyes and leaned against the couch cushions. My insomnia returned and with a vengance. These past few days were a blur. My boss, Holly from the Trip Trap, gave me a week's paid vacation.
'Junior, sweetie, I KNOW you have kids, bills and rent. But look at you! Take the week off. Spend time with the kids. Go see your family. SLEEP!'
I think my uncle Gren had something to do with that. He and my aunt Carla were at the bar last week and they both had to take a second glance at me. Yeah. I looked THAT bad. That night, my mom calls and asks if everything is alright. Believe it or not, everything WAS okay. I was just exhausted. My daughter had colic for a week now and my son discovered his 'powers.' I'm not going to head into that oncoming traffic. To make matters worse, dad was leaving envelopes of money to 'help' with the rent and food. No, that dosen't shoot me down a few pegs. I appreciated the gesture; really, I did but I wanted to do this MY way. I already owed them over a thousands dollars and although mom said to forget paying them back, I still wanted to. It was only right.
I leaned deeper into the couch and exhaled deeply. The apartment was silent except for a few honking cars and voices coming from the apartment upstairs. Both the kids were sound asleep; Sheila , like myself, couldn't remember the last time they slept through the night. George was a rock. Got that from his grandfather. Kid could sleep through anything.
There was an unsettling feeling in my stomach, however. Indeed, Sheila was quiet. Too quiet, even for an 8 month old. I quickly stood up and headed into their room. As I turned the knob, the door began to creek. 'Fuck's sake! I swear, you wake them up...' I gently peeked over in George's crib. He was sound asleep, sucking on his thumb. Really wish he would stop that shit; he was going to turn two in three weeks. I walked over to Sheila's crib and began to panic-she was missing.
"FUCK! Fuck, fuck, fuck! Sheila, sweetie! SHEILA!"
I ran back out into the living room, grabbed my phone and began to dial my mom's cell phone number. Of course, it was turned off; damn thing went straight to voicemail. "REALLY?! Every fuckin' time!"
Before I could punch in the numbers to my father's cell, the kids' room began to glow red. I tried to cover my eyes, as I entered. 'Thank god for George and his ability to sleep through it all.' The mirror was a crimson red, as I drew near. My reflection appeared, as I grabbed the sides and began to shake the mirror. 'C'mon...c'mon...' Sure enough, there she was; all smiles and holding Sheila. She stepped outside the mirror and began to chuckle when she saw my horrified face.
"Awww, lookie', sweetie. It's daddy. Say hi daddy-"
"For fuck's sake, Mary! Why do you always do this shit?!"
"Hmmm. Sounds like someone is cranky-"
"You took her AGAIN into the mirror. How many times do I have to say it!?"
Mary kissed the top of Sheila's head and placed her back into the crib. She ran her fingers through the baby's dark black hair, as she began to laugh again. She was irritating me. "MARY...."
"Oh you Porgies are so easy to infuriate. She was crying again, Junior. Taking her inside the mirror helps calm her down. You can't IGNORE who she's becoming, dear. Just like George-"
"They have to conceal it, Mary. We can't have them lifting furniture or hiding in mirrors! Someone could see them and-"
"You see that, sweetie. Daddy does not want you to have fun..."
"DON'T twist my words, Mary! There is a HUGE difference between fun and the rules..."
Mary had a twinkle in her eyes as she walked to my direction. She leaned against the door and motioned for me. As I followed her out into the living room, she took a seat on the counter, grabbed a bottle of wine and began drinking from it.
"What are you doing, Mary?"
"You need to relax, Junior. Take it easy. I'd like to take the kids and let them just have fun. Use their powers; lift things, hide in mirrors-SCARE mundies!"
I had heard the stories growing up: Bloody Mary and the game that surrounded her name. It was my cousin Gren Junior's birthday party. Think it was his thirtenth, if I'm not mistaking. He dared ME of all people, to go into the bathroom and say her name five times. After a few tauntings from the guests, I gave in and decided to give it a chance. We lit a single candle and I was left in the dark, quiet bathroom. I stared into the mirror for a long time; my heart was thumping against my chest and I could feel the sweat forming against my head.
"Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloo-"
I discontinued to repeat her name; this was stupid. WHY was I the one to do this? But before I could finish, I turned to head out and there she was-shards of broken glass stuck to her sides, blood dripping from her eyes. Fangs like knives, claws ready to slash my throat open. She hissed at me, as I backed into the corner.
"Please! Oh my god, no! Please! It was a dare, a joke!" Her growls and hisses continued, even with my pleas.
"Fuck! It was a dare!" I began to cry. I was certain this bitch was going to rip my heart out and eat it before my eyes. Feast on my flesh and burn my blood. Or, so I heard. But she never did. Instead, she stood there and watched this pathetic teenager cry and beg for his life. Before I could do anything, she was gone. My dad was furious when he found out WHO I brought into the house.
She eventually returned, only because I called her back. Guess she was expecting it this time; she didn't look too upset but instead, pleased to see me. "Georgie Porgie Junior...so, it was true...."
"I have to work, Mary...you know that."
"Psh. I know that, Porgie. But you also need to just chill."
She took another long drink from the bottle then tossed it to the side. It shattered into a million pieces. Really...
"I hope you are going to clean that up..."
"SEE?! No fun, what so ever! Need to take that stick out of your ass and let loose. You ARE a Porgie. As I recall, your dad was quite the party going guy-"
"That's nice, Mary! Please..."
Like the first day, my pleas seem to stop her right in her tracks. Was it pity? Annoyance? Sadness? Eh, who knew.
"Look, I'm tired and should really get some sleep. My boss gave me a week off, so if you want, we can hang out then. Later this evening, though, going to my folk's place for dinner. I just...just can you PLEASE tell me, IF you do take them with you?"
Mary chuckled, as she knocked my bowler hat off my head and passionatly kissed me. God. I hated myself for loving her so much. Think she felt the same way at times.
"You are such a whiny little bitch, you know that?"
Sleep. Guess that wasn't going to happen anytime soon, as we headed back to the bedroom.
I HATE that song, dude! But I love how Penny agrees-its stupid! This was a fun read and could picture it all! The hell WAS Jersey and Katie doing, huh?! XD Good job like always, dude!
Oh yeah, wow. I LOVE this so much better than the original story. Uh, that pic! She looks so seductive! Junior is in for a wild ride. So, I take it George has his powers and Sheila is like her mother? Terrific!
More!! Good job like always, Georgie!!!
Chapter 7 Who I am
When I touched the artifact it unlocked memories that I never knew about. Robin Hood is actually my father, and me and my brother is actually over a hundred years old. Is this who we really are, if so then what happened to my parents? I was told they died in an accident and their bodies were cremated and scatted into the ocean... My memories, someone did something to me to made me forgot the truth..
This is to much.. All I wanted was to bring justice to my community and make those who responsible pay, but then I was bombarded with this and it's too much. I need to know what really happened and why I lost my memory. Redd and Bluebeard can wait, I need to know what happened to my parents.
I got up from my bed, was Walter asleep. He must of been exhausted from carrying me out of the museum. I wonder if he knows....but I should let him rest. I then go down stairs to look for my uncle, perhaps he have the answers that I am looking for, he has to.
He's cooking dinner while watching TV. He ask me how I'm enjoying my summer break and I tell him that its peachy. I immediately ask him are my parent really dead or was he lying to me again. He stops what he doing and looks down, he turns off the tv and tells me everything...
My Uncle is a lifelong friend of my father. He knew my father for years. He then told me about my mother and how she met my father long ago in the homelands before the Adversary invasion. During that time my brother Walter was born 9 months later and then a year from that I was. By that time the Adversary armies manage to conquer the kingdom. My mother put me and my brother on a ship to the mundy world with my uncle while my father remained and fought back.
My mother was killed by the Adversaries forces before she could board the ship. To spare me and my brother then pain, my uncle hide the truth from us in order to protect us. I don't blame him, now i know. However, my uncle is unsure if my father is alive. He still believes he is fighting the Adversary forces.
This is deep, I wish I could change the past but its no use. I must live on and be thankful that my parents gave their lives so that me and my brother could carry on their legacy. That only leaves the 2 things Bluebeard and Redd.
I told my uncle what happened at the museum and he drops his glass of scotch. He tells me that bad things are going to happen if Redd gets his hand on the other artifact. He then writes something down and hands it to me. He mentions the name 'King Cole' and tells me that I need to speak with immediately him. "Fable town is in danger, and the Black Dog Ghost is planning something."
The Black Dog Ghost? So that what Redd is. What does he want with Fabletown ? I need to speak with this Cole person and find out why..and without a doubt I will run into that Bluebeard again..
To be continued
------ Continued, Part 9
“I feel sick,” I moaned, clutching my stomach, as me and Veronica left the diner. “You shouldn’t have made me eat those two muffins.”
“We need you full of energy, Lehava, because today’s going to be a different sort of lesson,” Veronica said. “I was going to teach you until a week or so, but you have the potential –”
“Potential to do what?” I frowned.
She stopped to face me, her blue eyes serious. “Lehava,” she began. “You must know that there are many Fables around who want you dead.”
The panic was only there for a second before quickly subsiding. “I’m aware of that.”
“So,” she continued. “You need to know how to defend yourself. Properly.”
“What, are you going to teach me how to fight or something?” I laughed, not taking her seriously. When I saw her face stayed straight, I stopped giggling. “You’re joking.”
“No I’m not,” Veronica said. “It will also teach your fire obedience. If you can control it when you fight, then you can control it when your emotions get high as well.”
I-” I still wasn’t convinced. In fact, this whole thing seemed ridiculous. Me fighting? If I ever fought anyone, the fire would just come in strong explosions depending on how I angry I was and then just burn everything around me. There was no chance of making it fight in specific ways, if that’s what Veronica meant.
“All right, let’s go back to your apartment then,” I said to Veronica sarcastically. “Then I can set fire to your whole apartment and destroy it, then destroy the whole Woodlands, and then destroy New York. Sounds legit to me.”
Veronica chuckled. “That’s not exactly what I had in mind,” she said. “No, we’re going to be going somewhere that is safe and well secured.”
I snorted a very unladylike noise. “It’d have to be really well-secured then.”
I moaned throughout the whole short journey. We took a ten-minute cab and then walked for another five minutes whilst I endlessly complained, dragging my feet after Veronica. “Where are we going?” I grumbled and before she could reply, I moaned some more. “This is the dumbest idea ever. And frankly the most dangerous. Do you even know what this curse can actually do?” As I brought my hand up to demonstrate, a fireball shot out of my hand and went straight for the pavement, exploding into a pile of flames. Whilst I folded my arms, Veronica sent out a shot of water which put the fire out. Then she spun round to me, her eyes blazing. I was taken back.
She looked different when she was angry. Her eyes looked sinister, her face creased and her teeth clenched. It was almost frightening.
“Will you stop being so difficult?” she hissed. “I’m teaching you something that will keep you safe. You’re one of the most hated Fables out there …”
“Gee, thanks a lot,” I snapped, turning away from her and scowling.
“I’m stating the truth,” Veronica argued. “You’re never going to get anywhere if you keep on using your power THIS way!”
“I can’t help it!” I was almost shrieking.
“I know you can’t.” Veronica’s voice abruptly softened. “That’s why I want to help you. I-”
What is it with my name always being called out of the blue? Startled, I turned round, expecting it to be Snow ready to give me another lecture for being out in public. Yesterday when we came back from Cindy’s place, she had given me a deadly, icy look. I wasn't sure if it was aimed at me or Veronica, but anyhow it was stuck to my brain. I feared that I might have lost her and Bigby’s trust.
But instead three familiar-looking Mundies were waving at me like crazy and calling my name like birds. A smile broke out on my face as I waved back.
“What on earth …” Veronica frowned as Kate, Ben and Toby came running over.
“They’re my friends,” I told her proudly. “I met them yesterday.”
They practically charged into me, almost knocking me on the ground, all cheeriness and grins and laughs which was something I needed right now. “Hey Lehava,” Kate smiled, giving Veronica a brief glance. She brought her hand up and opened her palm. I blinked, puzzled.
“It’s a high-five!” she laughed. When I still failed to understand, she said, “You just slap it with your own palm.”
“Oh,” I said, feeling incredibly stupid. Kate didn’t seem to mind. I “high-fived” her enthusiastically whilst Veronica raised her eyebrows, amused. Ben and Toby “fist-bumped” me.
“Hello,” Kate said politely to Veronica. “We’re friends of your daughter-”
“Veronica’s not my mum,” I said quickly. “She’s more like my … um…”
“Carer,” Veronica finished. Kate, Ben and Toby exchanged rapid glances and I couldn’t tell what they were thinking.
“Well, Veronica,” Kate said. “Is it okay if Lehava hangs out with us for a bit?”
Veronica’s face clouded. “Ten minutes?” Ben chipped in.
Veronica’s mouth instantly formed into a No shape. I suddenly felt angry. She wasn’t my mum. She wasn’t in charge of me and she didn’t decide for me either. All she was here to do is teach me temper lessons. Did she honestly expect me to listen to every word she said?
“I’m going to hang out with my friends,” I told her firmly. “I’ll be back soon.”
“Lehava.” Veronica’s voice was cold and as sharp as needles - but I was already off. When we were soon out of her sight, Kate whispered to me anxiously, “I hope she isn’t angry with us.”
I shrugged. “She’s not my mum so I don’t have to do what she says.”
Kate was silent. After some time, we stopped outside some tall, metal gates that seemed to just appear out of nowhere. Toby tried to open them but they were locked. “Damn,” he said. “I was ready to claim this place.”
“Well, it looks easy to climb,” Kate said thoughtfully.
Quick as a wink, Toby spat on his hands and jumped up to reach the first bar, clambering effortlessly up the gate. He soon made it to the top, shooting smug smiles down at us.
“Show-off,” Ben said.
Toby stuck his tongue out. “Only because you’re useless at climbing.”
“Who says?” Ben said indignantly, and he seized the bars to prove Toby wrong.
“You wouldn’t even climb the tree in my back garden.” He put on a fake, little-boy lispy imitation of Toby. ““What if I fell and broke my leg?””
“Oh, shut up.”
“So ... Where is your mum?” Kate asked me quietly as Ben’s foot instantly slipped on the first bar and he fell onto the grass, cursing, whilst Toby roared with laughter.
I opened my mouth to answer - to tell her I didn’t have the faintest idea if she was alive, dead, in another country or whatever - but my throat stayed dry as dust. I swallowed but no sound came out. I opted to stay silent.
I wasn’t even supposed to tell them anything about Fables or the homelands, of course. I was warned about it enough times even though I didn’t even talk to Mundies at that time. I did my best to avoid them, for safety purposes.
“I’m sorry,” Kate said quickly, noticing my silence. “It’s none of our business.”
“It’s all right,” I mumbled.
“Well, as we’re friends, we ought to tell you a little bit about ourselves,” Kate smiled.
“As you can see, Kate is very formal,” Toby said.
Kate stuck her middle finger up at him, making us laugh until we cracked our ribs. Then she switched to seriousness and started telling me about her ill sister and divorced parents. Her eyes went teary at one point and I stood there awkwardly, not knowing how to comfort her. Ben patted her on the shoulder and then told me he had been bullied when he was younger for being the cleverest in his year.
“Toby used to be one of the bullies,” he said.
“Too right,” Toby said. “Kate used to stick up for him, so I’d have a girl on my back every day. It wasn’t half embarrassing.”
He told me there was nothing interesting about him whatsoever.
“You picked up a tarantula once at this youth club we went to when it was Pet’s Night,” Ben reminded him. “You always do pretty brave things-”
“Oh yes, so amazing and impressive,” Toby said sarcastically. “It’s not like you couldn’t do it. Kate certainly could. You were just too pussy.”
“Now listen here-” Determinedly, Ben had another fierce attempt of climbing the gate so he could get to the other side and give Toby a slapping, but his hands slipped and he fell.
“Ben, you suck,” Toby taunted. “I bet the girls could even climb better than you.”
“You bet we could,” Kate said, and she immediately jumped and grabbed the first bar. She hurled herself upwards and climbed to the top as swiftly as a monkey. I watched, impressed. She made it to the top in about two seconds and jumped down, landing neatly on her feet, sticking her tongue out at Toby. “Beat that, sucker.”
“That was quite good climbing, but I was better,” Toby shrugged.
“Oh, get over yourself,” Ben snapped, rolling his eyes. I waited until he had climbed the gate as well - though it took him ages as he did it carefully and cautiously, yelping constantly if his foot slipped. Eventually he made it up and over. I scrambled up the gate afterwards, gripping the bars to tightly that I nearly burnt them. Even though I was only on a stupid gate, it felt weird, as if I was climbing a really tall ladder.
“Well Lehava, Kate, Ben,” Toby said as I leapt down onto the grass. “This is our new hangout now.”
We tried to look satisfied with this small, scrubby park in the middle of nowhere. A black plastic rubbish bag flew in the wind over our heads.
“Is anyone cold or is it just me?” Ben shivered and zipped up his jacket.
I was freezing. There were huge white goosepumps on my arms to prove it. Yet it had been neutral a few minutes ago, so I have no idea why the air had suddenly turned icy. It made my skin crawl with uneasiness. At every bush rustle and bird squawk I jumped.
“I’m not cold,” Toby said, but his teeth were chattering. “Ben, come on, stop that stupid shivering.” He whipped out a tennis ball from his pocket and chucked it at me. “Catch!”
It hit me hard on the forehead, causing me to stumble and step back. For a second, I stood dazed, clutching my head, my hearing vanishing so that I could only hear an endless ring. Ben and Toby and Kate gathered around me, looking as if they were yelling - but all I could hear was heavy breathing in the distance and slow footsteps getting closer.
“Guys,” I said slowly. My hearing was coming back. “Get out of here. Now.”
“What?” Kate said. “Why? Lehava, you’re scaring us...”
“JUST GO!” I suddenly shrieked at them.
They stepped back as if I was the enemy. Then, after a slight pause, they were off. As they were over the gate and out of sight, I turned to go after them. Then -
“Well. Well. Well.”
I stopped.
“What do we have here?”
My Fable would be a guy with superhuman powers like Bigby, he would be able to produce glowing heat balls from his hand so when you hit someone with it it hurts. Also he wold be able to fly and turn invisible, he also will be able to get shot and not die like Bigby. He will be like anyone trying to protect earth and protect those from people who kill, he would have a friend that he will protect like Snow and keep her from danger. He like a superhero he goes and fight crime and protect earth
Georgie Porgie Junior
Part 2
Dear Diary: I have no idea what time it is. The sun has not risen, so I'm assuming I have time to sleep. Mary showed up again tonight. Its nice seeing her, even if she only stays for awhile. Better than nothing, right? Holly gave me a week off; my other job did the same. I'm pretty sure my uncle Gren had some involvment now. Should call him up and thank him, though. Can't remember what sleep even was! Going to my parents place tonight. This should be interesting. Heard Emily got arrested AGAIN and I'm surprised Peter is showing up. I really hope the girls don't give him shit cause I won't stand by and watch it this time! Well, better get going-hear Sheila crying again
Later that morning
By the time I woke up, the birds were singing their delightful tunes outside the window. The sun was shining through the curtains and slightly warming up the bedroom. The humming from the fan continued, as I rose out of bed and stretched. I anxiously searched the sheets, hoping to find her wrapped up tightly and sound asleep. No. Like always, she had vanished into the night. It always bummed me out when shit like this happened. For once, I'd love it if she STAYED the night after we just had sex.
I understood though; she was not much for the 'cuddles' but least she could do was humor me. For awhile, I stood on the highest peak of the mountain, looking out into the rising sun and thick layer of clouds. Now, I was tumbling down that very same mountain, gathering pebbles and sticks the further I tumbled. I took one more minute to stretch my lower back, then I headed into the shower. Hopefully the warm shower would perk up my spirits.
Like rain fall, the water droplets trickled down my skin and seem to dance, as they swirled around the drain. The warm water indeed was helping; I stood perfectly still, as it hit my face and neck. Reaching for the soap, I could hear tiny feet shuffling against the wooden floors. I knew it was George. He was figuring out little ways to 'escape' his crib.
"In here, sweetie. Daddy is taking a shower. Don't wake sissy, okay?"
I heard them stop, then start up again, as George pulled back the curtains and smiled. His piercing blue eyes watched me, as I rinsed the soap from my arms and shoulders. He began to chuckle. Oh this kid.
"What's so funny, huh?"
"Nothin', daddy. Sissy not here!"
"Mommy come. Take sissy into the mirror."
I turned the water off, grabbed a towel and ran out back into the bedroom. George seemed confused, for he followed behind, dragging his favorite teddy bear given by my parents. I didn't care that there was a large puddle of water forming around me. I just wanted my daughter.
"When George-when did mommy take sissy into the mirror? How come you are not with-"
"'Member, daddy. Can't go inside. Mommy sat with me and read me story, then, she take sissy." That was right. Only Sheila could go into the mirror. George was too much like me; the mirror would reject him like a bad date. I tried to remain focused on the mirror and began chanting her name.
"Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary-"
The mirror began to vibrate and glow red, as I watched her reflection walk towards my calls. Sure enough, she was holding Sheila; the baby's eyes were dark, except for her pupils. She was laughing and kicking, as Mary stepped out and back into our world. Sheila reached towards me, as I snatched her away from Mary.
"There is my sweet lil' pudding and pie-"
Sheila in hand, I turned and headed back into the living room. I could hear Mary's boots pressing forcefully against the floor, as she followed me into the kitchen. I had Sheila in her high chair, as I handed her a bottle and a bowl of Cherrios. Mary switched the channel to cartoons and soon, George was too busy watching a dancing Duck talk to a magical Beaver.
"Hm. That kid. So easily distracted like you are."
She could tell I was ignoring her. I was not very happy at that moment and didn't want to say something I'd later regret. Mary leaned against the table, watching me try to clean up the broken bottle SHE decided to leave on the floor. George could have cut himself.
"What's wrong with you, Porgie? You look like you just lost your cat to the dog next door-"
"I'd really appreciate it, if you'd stop doing that, Mary!"
"Oh what, the mirror again? Do you even know what time she began screaming this morning? I didn't want her waking you up-"
We noticed George looking over. Calm down, Georgie. Just, calm down...
"You need to relax, Porgie. Get some coffee and then, we can talk-"
Soon, the toaster came at Mary full charge and nearly missed her. It was glowing white, as she turned to see me. My entire body was glowing white; my eye as black as the night sky, the urge to pick up more items growing stronger.
"Oh, a challenge. See that, sweetie-daddy wants to rumble! Well then, daddy-LET'S DANCE!"
Mary turned into her 'true' self, the same one I saw years ago and began tossing bits of broken glass at me. I ordered George to go to his room. Mary cackled, as a piece of mirror lodged itself into my arm. I yanked it out, trails of blood pouring from the wound. I arched my hand up, as the dinning room chairs flew towards the ceiling and began circling around Mary. The blinding glow of the light grew.
"You Porgies are all the same! You talk big but when the big kids come to play, you run away!"
"STOP! Stop saying that!"
With a quick motion from my hands, the chairs dispensed themselves onto Mary and within seconds, she was on her feet, pushing me into a corner. Her eyes, too, were black; the pupils red and bleeding. She hissed and bared her teeth down into my shoulder; she drew blood and withing seconds, my right shoulder was layered in the stuff. It was making me nauseous; the smell of blood always did.
"Ah, what is the matter-too much for you to handle? Just like the first time we met, Junior. Remember? You almost pissed your pants when you saw me like this..."
I doubled over, as Mary joined in the laughing riot. Sheila, too, was kicking around again and chuckling. What a sick, twisted child we had. Too much like your mother, I thought. Mary turned back and picked up Sheila.
"Come on back, George. Mommy and daddy are done talking..." I hated doing that infront of him. He was too sensitive like me. REALLY needed to control this anger, though. Blame my father's lack of patience. My papa, too. It's that wolf mentality, I believe. George sccuried across the floor and into Mary's arms. He cuddled against her neck, as she kissed the tops of their heads. not
To tell you the truth, I did not have an answer for this odd but special relationship. Mary indeed got her jolly's off with my emotions and how I reacted to certain things. I did care for her, that was no secret. I remember telling my parents WHO the mother of my child was; mom said nothing, as dad ordered me to get out of his sight. We didn't speak to eachother for two weeks; mom finally made us sit down and talk. He was over it all, the minute he held George; not even a year later, Sheila would be born. That was tough; Business Offices twenty-four seven. NOW I understood why my parents kept certain things to themselves. I'd deal with them, yes, but only if that meant my family was safe.
Did Mary love me? I know she CARED and was very loyal to me but love...I can't tell you that. She won't say the word to me. It use to bother me but what can you do? YOU try forcing a deranged killer to say something she doesn't want to. One day, though....maybe....because, I knew I loved her. Think she knew that, too.
"You look good with a couple of kids, Bloody Mary..."
"Hmm. I'd watch yourself, Junior. I DO know where you sleep and it would be a shame if you woke up, dangling from the ceiling and a me just sitting there-waiting. Simply waiting."
George and Sheila were left in the play pen, as Mary and I sat on the bed.
"You still remember the first time we met, Mary?"
"Oh please, Porgie. Who COULDN'T miss a shivering corpse against the shower, rivers of tears, begging me to spare their wretched life? Not to mention, WHO you are...thought they were just rumors..."
"What...what did you think, when I called you again?"
"That maybe you DO have a pair and they must be bowling balls because no one is that stupid to try a second time. Usually, your blood would have been splattered all over the wall, your insides out and your head on a silver platter. But, there was something about you..."
"Duh. We got two kids out of it-"
"What? What are you talking about-"
Mary dug into her jacket and pulled out a pregnancy test. It was positive.
"I took it two nights ago. There are six more of these discarded somewhere in the trash. I was going to Swineheart tomorrow. I didn't want to say anything, especially since you are going to your parent's house later."
I was surprised but not shocked; Mary KNEW how to get her way and somewhere deep down inside, think she wanted this. Would make sense, you know, the story behind her and all. All I could do was smile.
"Huh...another Porgie..."
"Yeah. As if this town wasn't fucked up enough, then your dad fucks your mom, has you and here we are-the circle of life. Awww! So sweet!"
"You're not going to scare me in the bathroom for this, are you?"
"Not if you don't throw anymore goddamn toasters at me."
"Sorry 'bout that...hate doing that shit with you..."
"Why? We are Fables. Its what we do, kid."
I gave her a small punch in the arm, as I kissed her on the cheek. "Huh, now what?"
"Same thing we always do, Porgie. Same thing. I gotta get going. 'Call' me when you get back tonight, okay? This was fun and we should do it again some time. No, really-had a blast. Those Hasbro brothers have NOTHING on our family game nights." She chuckled, kissed me on the lips, gave each of the kids love and soon, was gone into the mirror. I sat back down into the couch, turned the television on and watched, as the kids wrestled in the play pen.
"Same thing, huh Mary? Hmm. Good call."
Couldn't wait to see the folks but first, my coffee was getting cold.
Can I just tell you-I'm loving this version better! The picture, though...LOVE it! They do make an odd adorable couple, huh? I secretly ship them! There it goes-sailing away! lol
I feel bad for both Mary AND Junior. It obvious they LOVE eachother but seems like something is holding them back. The fight scene in the kitchen was intense and damn...she preggers! XD
Good job like always, Pie! Can't wait to see where this goes next!!
Thank you. Was worried it wouldn't work but it seems to be doing just fine.
Two troubled souls...you KNOW how I work! XD
Hey, pie, do you mind giving me the page where the supposed first version of Junior's story is on? I do like this second version though, Mary does add a lot of spunk to things. :P
Yeah sure. No problem. Never actually STARTED his story till now but from what I had in his first description, I'm having more fun with this. Maybe that whole thing at the end of ep. 5 was a good thing for me! XD She does add some spunk into his life.
I would have to say great call on your part! Bloody Mary is a fantastic replacement for Vivian within Junior's story.
Well good.
Glad its working out for the best.
Chapter 8 Warned
I did what my uncle said and went back to the Woodlands in search of King Cole. This symbol that my uncle drew, I am not sure what its suppose to mean exactly but hopefully King Cole will know.
I arrive at the front gate of the Woodlands, and this time I use the front door. I enter the building and see the security officer sleeping. I wake him up and request a audience with King Cole. "Uhhh" he says and then he looks at the man walking over towards us. It's the wolf man that I saw outside of Bluebeard apartment. He ask me what business that i have here and how did I find out about this place.
I dare not lie to this wolf man so I get to the point. I explain to him everything that happened in the past few days except mentioning my encounter with Bluebeard... I then show him the picture my uncle drew. He drops his cigarette from his mouth and mutters, impossible..
I ask the wolf man what does it mean, and he tells me it belong to someone from his old case years ago and he needs to investigate this at once. Before he leaves he sends me to 'Snow's' office to discuss everything mentioned here, as he walk out of the door I ask what his name is and replies Sheriff Bigby.
I enter Ms. White office, and sat then explaining everything to her. Then I show her the picture and she mentions the Crooked Man. Who is this crooked man and what does he have to do with Redd I asked. She explained to me that he was a crime boss in Fable Town and was thrown down the Witching Well. She don't understand what exactly this mean, but she needs to speak with Bigby as she calls over the flying monkey named Bufkin.
I interrupt their conversation, and tell them that he already left. She looks pissed off after that. She then grabs her coat and tell me to stay with the flying monkey....
A hour has passed, Ms White and Sheriff Bigby have returned, they tell me to go home and remind me if I find out more about Redd please contact them, this is serious and they didn't want to involve outsiders. I guess this make me part of the... team? Anyway, I acknowledged their request and went back home learning about this 'Crooked Man' person. Who is he and what does Redd got do with this? And what does Redd want with that artifact he stole from the museum? My Uncle said Redd is after another one too, I better ask him before Redd gets to it first.
I arrive back home, greeted by Uncle. I tell him what happened back at Fabletown and he is relieved that they decided to investigate. I then ask him about what he said earlier about not letting Redd get his hands on another artifact. He told me that the artifact contains magical powers, it was crafted by a string from the 'witching cloak'. If it falls into the wrong hands it call kills Fables in a single touch. He also explain to me that it was supposed to be destroyed but instead it was stolen and was taken to a museum in New Jersey.
New Jersey huh, I heard some kind of devil or whatever suppose to hang around there but that's not my concern. I ask my uncle what museum the artifact is being held. "Trenton, New Jersey" he says and then I walk upstairs to find Walter, but he's gone.
Where did Walter go? My uncle tell me that he went to Trenton several hours ago, he wanted me not to be involved this time. I am frustrated that he went without and he knows Redd is en route to retrieve that artifact. I need to get there before he gets himself killed, but how....wait I know.! Uncle can transport me there with some kind of magic, he's good with that kind of stuff.
I turn around and ask my uncle to transport to Trenton but he is fast asleep on the couch.... goddamn it. Looks like I have to do it myself...
I hope i don't turn myself into a toad or a dragon or something...
To be continued
Talk about leaving the reader in suspense! Veronica isn't going to be happy, however it sounds like Lehava might have bigger problems. Either way, another great read
Great description, and I particularly like the mounatain analogy at the beginning and how you wrote about the shower water. They make for a great odd couple! You're on a fantastic roll at the moment, what with the other tales of the quads and the twins too.
The Crooked Man returns! Possibly. Interested to see what happens in Trenton - nice job.
Well thank you.
Was worried for a bit on how well people would take the changes but so far, nothing but positive feed back. Having a blast creating a Fable story surrounding the Porgie kids. 
OOOH! CM! Love how these so called 'villians' never die! This was a great read and can't wait to see where this goes! I too hope, he does not turn into a toad! XD
Tezoth is back! (well, kind of) You can view my last chapter of his story back on page 18 of this thread.
Chapter 8: Sudden Awakening
7:09 P.M. - among the hallways of the Woodlands:
"Listen, Snow, are you going to be alright? I mean, with the whole Crooked Man situation we're dealing with here, and--" Bigby felt a growl leave his throat. "--Bloody Mary."
Snow sighed. "Don't worry about me, Sheriff, I'll be fine. I'm just exhausted with all that has been going on, especially when yesterday's 'predicament' happened." She looked at him with kind eyes. "I'm going to turn in for the night, okay? We'll discuss the matter tomorrow."
"Sounds good, Snow." Bigby inhaled the last of his cigarette, throwing it the floor. She couldn't help but be annoyed at the way he still stuck with that habit of his, but, she simply ignored the matter and motioned toward the elevators.
Bigby did the same too - he pressed the buttons to the two elevators as they both waited in front of each entrance. The atmosphere of the hallway contributed to their silence. Then, a ding is heard, and another ding after that. Snow went inside first and pressed the button to the 6th floor. Bigby stayed still and tried to take a glance at Snow before her elevator closed, Bigby sighed. He finally went inside his to push the button to the Woodlands lobby.
A catchy tune starts to play as the elevator begins to descend, a pack of Huff and Puffs is taken out of his right pocket. The elevator door opens and there, stood a girl with a rose imprinted on the front of her shirt. Bigby dropped his pack, he was startled by the sudden appearance of Rose Red, by which she hadn’t visited the Woodlands for a long, long time.
"And hello to you too, Bigby." Rose responded, feeling the need to be cocky. "Say, you would want to probably pick those up. I don't think it would bode well for you if the Big Bad Wolf just so happened to burn down the Woodlands."
"Right... out of thin air, the cigarettes just light themselves and poof goes the Woodlands." Bigby had pondered the thought while he picked up the pack, stuffing it back in his pocket. "Hi, by the way."
Rose rolled her eyes. "Well, someone is happy to see me."
His eyes widened as he quickly responded to his defense. "Hey, I didn't mean it like that, Rose. I'm happy to see you, it's just that I haven't seen you - for what? Months, years?"
"Years, ever since me and Snow had that huge argument back in the seventies."
"Oh, right, come to finally visit your sister, then?"
"Yeah, you could say that. Is she around?"
"Yes, in fact: she retired back to her apartment to rest, you can go visit her if you want. I was going to check with Dr. Swineheart to see how our new resident is doing."
"The dragon, correct?" Rose had a hint of interest in her voice.
"Correct, wait, how'd you know?"
"Sheriff, c'mon, really? About half of Fabletown knows what you did to get my sister and that thief back. Besides, I'm coming with you to see him."
"I suppose I wasn't very subtle abo- hold on, say what now?
"I said, I'm coming with you, whether you like it or not. I never actually met the damn dragon anyway, should be fun."
The wolf got a little annoyed at Rose's comment, but at the same time - he was amused. "Five minutes, only that."
"Rad." Rose remarked. Bigby turned around and walked down a hallway away from the lobby, eventually they came about a staircase and continued down toward the basement of the Woodlands.
"So, um, Bigby, is my sis doing alright? I mean, with what has happened and all. I'm kind of worried for her."
"She's doing exceptionally well, given the recent events. Besides, Snow misses you every day, Rose." Bigby turned around to Rose and frowned. "You know, you do have a place to stay should you ever need to get away from Jack."
She scoffed. "Yeah, that wouldn't work out at all, we'd end up fighting again and I want to avoid that as much as possible."
"Fair enough, I guess." They both walked up to a heavily-armored door. "We're here."
Bigby opened the vault-like cell door, while Rose stood waiting until the Sheriff waved for her to come in. It didn't take long for the two to see Tezoth laying on the cell cot whilst Swineheart was examining him. Swineheart heard the clamor of footsteps enter, he stopped what he was doing and turned to the two.
"Sheriff Bigby, and... Miss Rose."
"Yeah, it's me, S-Heart. How are you doing?" Rose rubbed her arm out of nervousness.
"Fine, Rose, fine."
"So, Swineheart," Bigby butted in. "How's Tez doing?"
"Well, he's doing better than before, to say the very least. However, he is still traumatized about... whatever Bloody Mary did to his brain last night. You said he had some sort of vision?"
"Yes, the dragon claimed to have a vision, during when Bloody Mary had 'possessed' him. Snow too." Rose eyes widened but she had stayed quiet, calmly waiting to hear what else they had to say.
"Hmm, normally I would suggest some food, drink, maybe even some hot tea to help victims like these to deal with traumatic experiences like these, but it appears that all he needs is some rest."
"That isn't going to happen,” The Sheriff exclaimed. “The Woodlands doesn’t have any available residences for the time-being, perhaps..."
"I can take him back to my apartment." Rose suddenly interrupted, feeling a little bit of pride in her words.
Bigby and Swineheart looked at each other. "No, Rose, it's too risky. Whenever he gets angry, he'll most likely grow into his dragon form, in which it won't bode well if Mundies start seeing a... a dragon tail swinging from your apartment window or something."
"So? What, you get a free pass back when you turned near the Pudding 'N Pie, and at that factory you saved them from? A Mundy could have easily saw you then, too!"
Bigby rubbed his temples out of annoyance. "That was different, I don't see how-"
"Then it's settled, he gets to crash at my place."
"I said NO, ROSE. We already have enough on our plate as is! We don't need another petty thing like this to worry about! Understand?!"
Rose glared at Bigby. "You sounded just like my sister there for a minute there, fucking typical. Whatever. There's no use arguing with you."
"Rose, wait, I didn't mean to-"
"Save it, I can see I'm not wanted here. ...Tell Snow I said hi." After that, Rose had stormed out of the cell and quickly went up the stairs, leaving the 3 to their business. Swineheart finally got up when he was done with Tezoth and looked at Bigby.
"Well, Sheriff, I'm no psychiatrist, but I recommend that you would soon have to make right on what you said to Rose. I know that she didn't appreciate your little 'outburst' on her one bit, Snow probably won't either."
"Yeah, I know, I didn't mean to. I will make it right."
"Good. Now, if that's all, I am done here. Just let Tezoth rest and he should be fine in a few days."
"Thanks, doc." Swineheart nodded to him and left the cell, Bigby did too.
A loud, hulking noise was made as Bigby shut the cell door closed. This had awoken the thief from his medicated sleep, and now, how he will approach the situation, is something to read about next chapter.
END, of Chapter 8.
Your first premise for Georgie Junior was good, and I think Vivian would have been fine. Bloody Mary is a much more iconic though, she's a loveable villain, and you've put the story together so sharply that the original idea is forgotten.
Also, I wanted to mention that, when playing Episode 5, as soon as I saw Georgie in the Crooked Man's lair, I couldn't take him seriously as a bad guy because of reading your stories. I just kept wondering how Lyla and the kids were, and that he's just had a bad time in life and is misunderstood. It's completely changed the character for me xD
I wanted to try something different. IF it didn't work, I'd go back to the original idea but so far, everyone seems to be enjoying it.
You are not the first person to tell me that after playing episode 5. I never saw him as a bad guy. He DID what he had to do to survive and I'd like to think since he's a Fable, he lived and thats where I go from there.
Welcome back, Tezoth! Great story! I love Rose Red and am very pleased to see her in your story!
Tez is back!
and you, sir, are back to great writing. The characterisation is just spot on - Bibgy's line about the cigarettes sparking up by themselves sounded straight out of the games/comics; and the way Rose acts and her words, such as 'rad' is exactly like her. The transition between scenes is nice and smooth, you feel like you're behind them. I love it - possibly because they're some of my favourite characters, and because I feel oddly invested after writing about Tezoth and Rose xD - and I can't wait for chapter 8. Because, in fairness, Tez never actually got to say anything.
Haha, thanks pudding. I don't think I have ever asked you this, have you been reading the comics recently after the TWAU finale?
I believe you mean chapter 9, and that was because he was sleeping peacefully after Swineheart gave him some pills and stuff! ;P I promise to make Tez have plentiful dialogue in the next few chapters, since I'm aware I haven't really been making him say anything in the recent installments.
Georgie Porgie Junior
Part 3
Happy Porging
After I finished shaving, picking out my outfit and contacting my parents, I was ready to go. The only problem was this-who would watch the kids while I was gone?
"No, its fine, Snow. i don't need you guys to handle anymore than you can."
"Junior, we have dealt with worse before..."
"Yeah well, Peter would kill me if he found out I-"
"Is he still upset? I saw him earlier with Winter..."
"I...I have no idea. I haven't had a chance to call him. He should be there tonight."
"Well, if you do change your mind, call me back."
After I hung up the phone, I took a second to try and think. Who else would be able and willing to watch two demon spawn children? Sheila alone was a hassle and required a lot of patience and love. My parents wouldn't mind but I really needed time away from the kids.
"Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary." The mirror began to vibrate and glow once more and within seconds, Mary was in my bedroom; her hands folded and hips cocked to the side. God. She looked spectacular.
"Yes...you rang?"
"Are you busy doing...whatever it is you do?"
"Oh no, sweet Porgie puddin' pie. I'm ALWAYS here fo you! What do you need?"
"I'm leaving and I can't find a babysitter-"
"Huh. No one ready for a challenge in babysitting the offspring of Porgie and Bloody Mary?"
"That's not it at all..."
"Please, Junior. I HEAR what people say."
You DO?! Are they bad?"
"No. Just the truth."
I picked up George, who was currently chewing on his rubber duck. The beak and head were covered in drool. He clung to my shirt, as I watched Mary pick up Sheila. She was gurggling and laughing, as Mary gently placed her beneath her chin.
"What do they say, Mary?"
"Does it matter, Porgie? Don't worry your pretty little bald head off. Trust me. They change their thoughts realy quick, when I show up to carve their face like a halloween pumpkin."
"I don't want that to be an answer, Mary. I..I want to do this the right way."
"Hm. The RIGHT way? And what is that, Porgie? Letting this pathetic lonley town grab you by the collar and drag you through the dirt? I've seen what this town did to your father and it wasn't-"
She stopped the second she noticed my face. I was shocked and surprised; dad never spoke about his past and what I couldn't decide, was what and why? We knew SOME but not enough. Even this world I lived in was a closed book.
"Forget I said anything, Porgie. I'll watch the kids. If not, I'm sure your uncle and aunt will..."
"You saw them? You're going to get in trouble again..."
"Its fine, Porgie.You worry way too much. You're getting those freaky neck veins again." She chuckled, as she poked them.
"You sure you want to watch them both?"
"Yes, Porgie. They are BABIES! I carried them for nine months then pushed their big ass heads out, so yeah-think I can handle them." She laughed; soon, the kids joined in. George had no idea what his mother was speaking about but it was nice to hear them giggle.
"Well then. If anything goes wrong-"
"Tell your father I said hi and uh...no offense taken for all those years ago." I didn't like the smile she gave me; it looked sneaky, conniving and covering something up. Maybe tonight I'd find out more. I was curious; we deserved to know, especially with Fabletown 'accidentaly' letting certain things slip.
I jumped into the car, kissed the kids goodbye, then gave one to Mary."Good luck, Junior. 'Call' me if you need an escape route." I drove away, turning on the radio and singing to 'Californication' by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. 'Its understood, that Hollywood, sells Californication.' Yeah. Sounds about right. I drove past all the various buildings; they seem to blend together, the faster I drove down the street. I passed by the Pudding n Pie; all I could think about was my sister and what that club meant to us. The foundation it stood on alone and yet, we knew nothing.
I pulled up nect to the apartment complex, turned off the car and walked to the front. I entered the elevator, pushed the button and waited. A catchy tune was above my head, the flickering of a light about to burn out. When I reached the door, I knocked; my heart began to beat faster and louder. Mom answered thr door.
"There is my mini Georgie. Come here, sweetie."
I embraced her, as dad walked up slowly and gave me a pat on the head.
"There is my boy. Come in, Junior. We are just waiting on Ethan."
I walked into the living room and there they all were; Emily looked awful, Katie on her phone, Penny had a bruise (again) and Peter stood in the corner. "Have a seat, son. Dinner should be ready soon."
"Ethan on his way?"
"He called and said he was. Hopefully he didn't get stuck in traffic."
"Maybe he overdosed on glitter. Damn kid uses enough..." Fucking Emily. Never knew when to stop.
"Enough, Emily!"
"Where the kids?"
"Mary has them."
"Think that is wise?"
"Leaving them with their mother? Oh yeah no. They are is danger, Emily."
"Well, you can come back and their heads sliced open with their-"
"EMILY! Enough!" As dad finished speaking, he began to cough.
Fuck. Here we go. Now I regret not bringing the kids. Ready to go find a mirror and summon Mary.
End of junior's story. On to Ethan's. Hope you enjoyed.
That was awesome. Glad you changed it. Can't wait to see Ethan's story. Good work like always!