The 10 best bosses
List 10 of your favorite video game bosses and explain why you like them.
vyperspit's Favorite Bosses
1. Pyramid Head in SH2: He's scary as hell:eek:! He also is a great representive of self punishment and repressed feelings that is common in most emotionally damaged human beings.
2. Gannondorf: He is really intimidating and powerful.
3. Mugshot from Sly Cooper: I like the way he talks, and he is funny.
4. Phantom Gannon from Zelda and the Orcarina of Time: He is Gannondorf's ghostly clone with a demonic face. He was pretty awesome as he floats around and tried to kill Link with his lightning attacks.
5. Bowser: I love the classics. He also gains more tricks as the Mario games evolve.
6. Nemesis from RE3: He kicks @$$!
7. Meta Ridley from Super Metroid Prime: I just love any monster that looks like a dragon.
8. The T-rex from Turok360: Well, I am a dinosaur lover.
9. The Giant Twilit Aquatic Morpheel from Zelda: Twilight Princess: He looks like a dragon mixed with a sea anemone and a prehistoric sea serpent.
10. Dark Ansem from Kindom Hearts: I think he's handsom, for an evil villian.
vyperspit's Favorite Bosses
1. Pyramid Head in SH2: He's scary as hell:eek:! He also is a great representive of self punishment and repressed feelings that is common in most emotionally damaged human beings.
2. Gannondorf: He is really intimidating and powerful.
3. Mugshot from Sly Cooper: I like the way he talks, and he is funny.
4. Phantom Gannon from Zelda and the Orcarina of Time: He is Gannondorf's ghostly clone with a demonic face. He was pretty awesome as he floats around and tried to kill Link with his lightning attacks.
5. Bowser: I love the classics. He also gains more tricks as the Mario games evolve.
6. Nemesis from RE3: He kicks @$$!
7. Meta Ridley from Super Metroid Prime: I just love any monster that looks like a dragon.
8. The T-rex from Turok360: Well, I am a dinosaur lover.
9. The Giant Twilit Aquatic Morpheel from Zelda: Twilight Princess: He looks like a dragon mixed with a sea anemone and a prehistoric sea serpent.
10. Dark Ansem from Kindom Hearts: I think he's handsom, for an evil villian.
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9.Bowser:I love the fact that he changes and changes.And he adapts, I mean, beat the first bowser out of them all, and you only have to run behind him and get the axe.Now play the finale of Super Mario Galaxy.
8.Robotnik/ Eggman:Seriously, I think that big mecha robo at he end of Sonic 2 was AWESOME.
7.Smithy from Super Mario RPG:He makes monsters in the form of weapons to destroy the hopes and wishes of the world.He can freaking transform into a tank.A TANK.
6.Your Master's True Form from Ninja Golf.He's a dragon that shoots fire at you that you kill with shurikens in order to approach the hole.IT'S NINJA FREAKING GOLF.
5.Lou from Guitar Hero III:Any boss I kill by playing The Devil Went Down To Georgia is awesome.
4.That...Thing from the end of SPLATTERHOUSE 1:Meet the new crest spokesman!
3.Bass in Mega Man 8:That's either extremely hilarious or extremely awesome.
2.True Last Boss in Contra III:Freaking bad awesome.
1.Super Punch Out-crap I forgot his name.:You know, the guy who's brother lost only to him, and could break your hands and introduction was "......".That guy.
Honorable Mention: Lavos from Chrono Trigger: It has the DNA of all living creatures, from all timelines, and is laying in the crust of the earth, gaining power, waiting to bust out and cause the Conga of the Apocalypse.
Ridley near the start of Metroid Prime 3 (Shame the rest of the game didn't live up to that)
That Voodoo alligator in the first Sly Racoon.
metroid prime or super metroid?
mine are
1 saren - mass effect
2 galcian - skies of arcadia
3 jack of knives - fable
4 malak - kotor
5 dodongo - zelda oot
fill the rest of the list with ninja gaiden black and 2 bosses of your choice
2 - Dr Robotnik
3 - Dr Robotnik
4 - Dr Robotnik
5 - Dr Robotnik
6 - Dr Robotnik
7 - Dr Robotnik
8 - Dr Robotnik
9 - Dr Robotnik
10 - Evil the Cat
Here's we go:
10. Dr. M in Sly 3. IDK why, but I kept dying on him. He was hard!
9. Bowser. That guy just keeps coming back. As a skeleton, as an Ally... he's cool. ^_^
8. Dimentio from Super Paper Mario. His character was awesome. I don't know why. It just was!
7. Tabuu, from the Subspace Emmisary. I liked fighting him, it was hard and fun.... but the guy has BUTTERFLY wings. If it weren't for that, he'd be #2 on my list.
6. Gannondorf... or as I call him, Gannondork. *is decapitated by Gannon*
4. Xemnas from Kingdom Hearts 2. Hard, but fun battle. Cool character.
3. The Renegade Unicorn from Eishusplates. Awesome Game. You've probably never played it... btw, the Renegade Unicorn is a Huge Tank opereated by a... Unicorn.
2. Hugh Bliss. Nuff said.
1. The Shambling Corporate Presence!!! He was... beyond words. Beyond Words. Awesome!
I've spoiled it again! anyways, sorry, I'll hide it
1. Shadow Lugia (Pokemon: Gale of Darkness): Although it was a corrupted Lugia, it was still majestic. It gave me one heck of a fight, but my faithful Manelectric won in the end.
2. The Evil Master Computer (Kingdom Hearts 2; Tron stage): I loved Tron since I was a kid, and the Master Computer guy did scare me; so it felt good when I crashed his hardrive:D.
3. The Shadow Queen (Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door): She was beautiful but tough as nails. Her attacks were hard to dodge.
Yeah it was hard for me to. especially with that masterball I threw at him and made him on MY side:p
9. Tutankoopa (Paper Mario N64) - A fun boss and a bad scary-voice imitator.
8. Tubba Blubba (Paper Mario N64) - One of the first bad guys I felt sorry for.
7. Demyx (Kingdom Hearts II) - I found a bad guy in a Square game with a surfer accent funny. He was also pretty difficult fight.
6. Bowser (Mario series) - I just find him interesting and how he changes through different games.
5. Kor (Jak II) - How he was able to disguise himself as an old man is beyond me...
4. Clockwork (Sly Cooper) - A true definition of evil.
3. Ripto (Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage) - Please note that I'm talking about Ripto from the original Spyro games; not the new ones.
2. Specter (Ape Escape series) - Evil monkeys are awesome.
1. Xemnas (Kingdom Hearts II) - And I thought no KH villain could beat Ansem!
She always killed me when she was at 56...
1.)Bowser from Mario, cos he's an inspiration to many fire-breathing turtles *go Gamera go!*
2.)Clockwerk from the Sly games since monsters created by hate are truly great villains indeed.
3.)Jurgen because emos are truly the evilest of all.
4.)Wart because he is just plain out rediculus."Oh how you die?" "Oh I was killed by vegetables."
5.)Coach Olly Ander from Psychonauts because insane villains burdened by past demons are always good for a laugh.
6.)Mother Brain since she was the one who started small but ended up becoming the mother of all Metroids! Good for her!
7.)Wario since anti-heroes are the coolest!
8.)Luigi(yeah that's right) he has great potential to be evil being in Mario's shadow for so long.
9.)Dr.Wily, & NOT Mr.Wily from the Battle Network games, those are freaking awful!
Have you by chance heard of Mr. L?
Same here...freakin' shadow queen...
1. snake boxer 5
2.bowser from supermario 64
3.Tom Marello from GH3
7. the T-Rex from king Kong ps2 from halo3
9. the helicopter at the end of Battlefield: Bad Company
10. ganondorf Ocarina of time
I technically beat Paper Mario 64 with my bro since I was helping him the whole time but we both know different.
1. The Cyberdemon from Doom. One of the first "OHSHI-" moments in FPS history.
2. The Nemesis from Resident Evil 3. It was like a Friday the 13th film every time he showed up.
3. NME from Rise of The Triad. "Wow, this room is big... what's that, some sort of robot? *slicesliceboom* Load game."
4.Mecha-Hitler from Wolfenstein 3D. It's a frickin' Mecha-Hitler.
5. Cerberus from Blood. "Oh, hi doggy. ... RUN AWAY!"
6. Psycho Mantis from Metal Gear Solid. No further comment necessary.
7. The demon presence from Phantasmagoria. Even if you defeat him, Don's head still gets sliced in half.
8. Jumbo Cactuar from Final Fantasy 8. Seriously. Look at the guy.
9. Pyramid Head from Silent Hill 2. His head is pointy. Pointy heads equal win.
10. Your Own Insanity, from Sanitarium. Not really a boss fight, but close enough.
PC. It's a very hard to find adventure-horror game. I highly, HIGHLY recommend it if you ever find a copy.
Heh, I meant his coming out of nowhere and walking toward you and being unstoppable, large and deformed.
Does he hold freddy's blinking severed head?
Have we covered it all yet? Shall we move on to nitpicking why I chose NME or Pyramid Head, perhaps?
Let me think.. other "Bosses"... hmmmm.
Alessa in SH3 was rather freaky, especially given she had the same sodding inventory as you but with FULL AMMO! (dude, she had a freaking machine gun or something!)
No, I think it was Super Mario Galaxy.Here is some proof!
Wait, no I'm wrong.
If you're talking about "The Memory of Alessa", the dark and spoocky version of Heather, than yes she was one tough cookie. Of course, I found the nightmare mery-go-round much more disturbing.
2. The Evil Queen Pulsating, Bloated, Festering, Sweaty, Pus-filled, Malformed, Slug-for-a-Butt (Earthworm Jim) -- Her name says it all.
3. Your own head (Gameboy Camera) -- Seriously, what could be better than fighting a giant floating picture of your own head??
4. GLaDOS (Portal) -- She promises you cake, then tries to kill you instead. She's delightfully evil and a pathological liar. Plus she looks cool.
5. Hugh Bliss (Sam and Max) -- Hohoho! Hehehe!
6. Dagoth Ur (Morrowind) -- Immortal, cunning, creepy, and all-powerful. It's a shame he can be defeated by using Sunder and Keening.
7. Brady Culture (Sam and Max) -- Attack the dog!!
8. Sharpei (Space Quest 6) -- You kill her by feeding her a rotten fish. Seriously.
9. The Great Peach Mountain Battleship Balberra (Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon) -- You're in a giant robot, and you're fighting a spaceship shaped like a giant peach. Need I say more?
10. The Death Star (Star Wars: X-Wing) -- You could consider the Death Star a boss, right? I mean, in this mission, there's an infinite stretch of its surface all around you, bristling with laser turrets, TIE hangers, and other nasty things that can kill you. To beat the mission, you have to fly down the trench (at extremely high speed, so its difficult to avoid crashing into things), and launch a proton torpedo into the exhaust port, which is small, and cannot be locked onto. Oh, you also have a limited time to do this in, so if you fail your first run, you're pretty much doomed to fail the mission.
Funny, they have to change the spell holy which kills evil,but make a game where the plot is you're assassinating GOD.I admit a corrupt one, but still.
Is that the end boss? Im almost done with the game! The Tank was pretty awesome too....from the 1st level.....ummm...maybe I should stop talkin I think this is spoilers and no one really cares....ok im
Im not completly sure but I got the very end boss from Resident Evil Outbreak (It took me a while before I realized that you just have to escape.) Sephiroth from FF7 (Best end boss ever.) and im not completly sure about the rest.
9. Trogdor(Peasent's Quest)
8. Grinning Collosus(You have to burn the rope)
7. Master Hand(Smash Bros. 64)
6. Bowser(Super Mario 64)
5. Debt(Animal Crossing)
4. Grunillda Wikibunion(Banjo-Kazooie)
3. Barbaros(Zach&Wiki)
2. GUILT(Trama Center)
1. Getting a girlfriend(Life)