I think I'd do alright for myself, Live in Australia so at the first sign of the dead coming back to life I'd take to the bush. Most of Australia isn't even populated especially Western Australia.
Actually I didn't consider how many animals could kill walkers in Australia haha even Koalas' are evil look here from 0:40 onwards http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8oLu7znwQ0
What about Detroit? I'm not from USA so I don't know why it would be that hard. Is there so many people? BTW my great grandmother was born in Detroit and her father worked at Ford factory long time ago xp
I'm from Italy, I live near Venice. The best chance is to take one of the hundreds small islands near the coast, my family could survive fishing (even if I don't really know how to do it), but I don't know how we could get fresh water to drink.
I'm smack in the centre of the UK. Not much chance tbh, nowhere isolated enough to hunker down. I reckon the people best placed for survival in the UK are the Scots. Lots of the Scottish islands could sustain you and have populations low enough that clearing them of walkers wouldn't be impossible. I'd probably head north but I doubt I'd make it.
Bismarck, North Dakota (and ND in general) is well-situated against zombies (and societal collapse in general).
We have food, distance, and firearms aplenty. The only thing I'm worried about are the nutcases who live in the oil fields, but that's a couple hundred miles from us.
It's people I worry about, not unthinking zeds. The people are always worse. Always.
I also live by a gun store but yeah it sucks about the laws in Australia In the ZA we'd have to use shovels or something! I'm pretty good with a gun but I think the store is out of business....
Another Aussie here. Honestly with the gun control laws here I'd be mostly limited to melee combat. There is a gun store near where I live although I'm not sure if they're even in business anymore. I can't even think of a place to hole down.
I live by some shops that nobody goes to and there are plenty of building to hid in. Also my friends have a boat and so do my neighbours so I think I'll be okay......I hope
Plus you said you are an expert at shooting guns!Any zombies comes near your house,they'll regret it.
Well,you better head to macon if you want to find lee and have a chance of surviving
You're no that far...Maybe we can group
Dunno 'bout that...
I think I'd do alright for myself, Live in Australia so at the first sign of the dead coming back to life I'd take to the bush. Most of Australia isn't even populated especially Western Australia.
Actually I didn't consider how many animals could kill walkers in Australia haha even Koalas' are evil look here from 0:40 onwards
What about Detroit? I'm not from USA so I don't know why it would be that hard. Is there so many people? BTW my great grandmother was born in Detroit and her father worked at Ford factory long time ago xp
I live in a rural rea in Protugal but I spend most of my time in Lisbon in college...
I guess we would have to lock ourselves in one of the college buildings until we see it was safe to go get food and supplies and stuff
I live an hour or 2 from London in the suburbs of England. I think I'd be average in my survival.
I'm about 60 miles from Pittsburgh (nearest major city to me). I think I my survival would be average,
I'm from Italy, I live near Venice. The best chance is to take one of the hundreds small islands near the coast, my family could survive fishing (even if I don't really know how to do it), but I don't know how we could get fresh water to drink.
I'm smack in the centre of the UK. Not much chance tbh, nowhere isolated enough to hunker down. I reckon the people best placed for survival in the UK are the Scots. Lots of the Scottish islands could sustain you and have populations low enough that clearing them of walkers wouldn't be impossible. I'd probably head north but I doubt I'd make it.
....The UK is not 'dangerously overpopulated'
Wait... you're not saying... does this mean... the Daily Mail lied to us!
Bismarck, North Dakota (and ND in general) is well-situated against zombies (and societal collapse in general).
We have food, distance, and firearms aplenty. The only thing I'm worried about are the nutcases who live in the oil fields, but that's a couple hundred miles from us.
It's people I worry about, not unthinking zeds. The people are always worse. Always.
I live in Cairo so... Pyramid survival shelter FTW
Spread throughout and entire country though. Those odds are better than spread throughout one city certainly.
I also live by a gun store but yeah it sucks about the laws in Australia
In the ZA we'd have to use shovels or something! I'm pretty good with a gun but I think the store is out of business.... 
I live by some shops that nobody goes to and there are plenty of building to hid in. Also my friends have a boat and so do my neighbours so I think I'll be okay......I hope