That's just horrible! Now *this* on the other hand:
Apologies about the quality... that was taken with a circa 2001 cameraphone. Also, does McDonald's even sell the Big N Tasty anymore? I miss the Arch Deluxe!
that's just horrible! Now *this* on the other hand:
apologies about the quality... That was taken with a circa 2001 cameraphone. Also, does mcdonald's even sell the big n tasty anymore? I miss the arch deluxe!
I sure did.
you forgot
did you try...
Oh. I didn't try that yet though.
then you're in a lot of trouble
Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't specific.Did you try the
*Lols face off*
Apologies about the quality... that was taken with a circa 2001 cameraphone. Also, does McDonald's even sell the Big N Tasty anymore? I miss the Arch Deluxe!
"big and naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaastay."
I'm sure the Did You Try...? list will come in good time, stronggamer.
OMG so coooll!!
You win.