I am terrified that it will be on Clementine to kill Carver. There is another civil war in this group (there are always civil wars in these groups) and one faction decides it's up to Clem to do the deed.
I am scared that Clementine is becoming one of those crazy child soldiers in a third world nation. My Clem told Luke "Let's take them" then "I'll take the big one". My Clem told Kenny to take the shot. She needs time and a place to be a kid, I don't my Clem involved in all of this violence, but what choice does she have?
I'm scared of episode 5, too, just by seeing that image I feel that something really bad is going to happen... But they can't kill Clem... In the Walking Dead universe there are fates worse than death itself... That's what really bothers me. I'm pretty sure that it doesn't matter that she's not an adult, awful things happened and will happen to her, that's just how it is. I anticipated the ending of No time left, I expected it to be just like how it was, but it still hurt a lot to see everything I had feared playing before my eyes. Here, I'm not sure of what to expect... Everything is possible, although I don't think that they're going to simply kill her. At least, not in the way Lee died...
Carver is a bad man that much we already know. I think we are going to see some gruesome deaths by maybe torture by him? I can see most of the characters being killed off before episode 4. I just hope Kenny makes it out alive with Clem and Luke. My 3 fav characters. Be cool if Christa came back too. Would love to see her reaction to Kenny being alive
Carver is a bad man that much we already know. I think we are going to see some gruesome deaths by maybe torture by him? I can see most of t… morehe characters being killed off before episode 4. I just hope Kenny makes it out alive with Clem and Luke. My 3 fav characters. Be cool if Christa came back too. Would love to see her reaction to Kenny being alive
It's really likely that Clem will have to kill Carver. But honestly, I think that would be just a bit too much. I mean - she's surrounded by a bunch of grown-ups yet she gets all the difficult jobs. I get the thing that Clem's really badass and all, but she's still 12. Imo, it just seems like TT's placing a bit too much responsibility on her.
it's not his, if you click and hold and move your mouse left it will scroll to the end of the walkers model and show that the shoes aren't right and something else im pretty sure i just can't remember cause we debunked this lee's skeleton theory a few days after episode 1's release
This theme doesn't really imply "rape" to me. It's kind of unnerving, but there isn't enough depression in it to imply rape. To me, it mig… moreht portray Clementine's deteriorated mental state, probably because she just witnessed some kind of mass torture/murder. Think of something a person might see in a concentration camp during the Holocaust. Instead of completely breaking, she reverts to some kind of deranged child-like state as a defense mechanism. Something like that would be a hell of a lot more disturbing than a rape scene. The only thing a rape scene would do for me is piss me off, more at Telltale than the character who raped her.
The following theme, to me, kind of portrays the depression and self-rejection in the aftermath of "raped and left to die":
Is that how the ep5 slide sounds now?? Before it was more like a windy howl noise with squeaky doors and stuff? If they've changed it to that then yea that shits me up too!
I don't know why, but I have the feeling the ending of Season 2 will go somewhat like this:
Everybody Clem knows dies. Clem is shot and injured, but might be able to survive. It's painful for her to go on, especially being outside in the cold weather. She sits down by a rock. There's a pistol right beside her. The final choice...
[Shoot self] [Don't shoot]
EDIT: Uh.. sorry for whatever I did to piss everybody off...
I don't know why, but I have the feeling the ending of Season 2 will go somewhat like this:
Everybody Clem knows dies. Clem is shot and i… morenjured, but might be able to survive. It's painful for her to go on, especially being outside in the cold weather. She sits down by a rock. There's a pistol right beside her. The final choice...
[Shoot self] [Don't shoot]
EDIT: Uh.. sorry for whatever I did to piss everybody off...
Maybe it has something to do with the weather? Hot or cold, but it can't be both? We know that it looks snowy in episode 5 and it is titled no going back. Who knows.
What if clem is drugged by carvers group to kill people like she thinks she's killing walkers but she is really killing and sacrificing people wouldn't that be fucked up.
What if clem is drugged by carvers group to kill people like she thinks she's killing walkers but she is really killing and sacrificing people wouldn't that be fucked up.
Is this a PC/Mac only thing? Because when I go to choose which episode to play, I don't hear music. Instead, you can only hear the sound of the wind, for example, on the episode 2 slide.
But she's already been alone in a way previously and also has seen plenty of people dear to her killed off. The main people close to her already are gone now. Except for Christa possibly. Kenny not as much I would say. It is still too early to predict the grand finale of the season but, I sure doubt and sort of hope it will not go down like the two scenarios you've given besides the rape scenario as they've all been done before plenty of times. The rape is actually pretty much the only damaging event they haven't done to her thus far. The one arm Clem would be sort of similar to how Lee ended up previously which would in a way be repetitive or history repeating itself for her. Perhaps the only thing she could do I see is maybe go out like a hero like Kenny attempting to save another which again would be like a copy cat like ending for her. Or who knows maybe she will get so emotionally demolished that she may turn evil and then there will be "No Going Back" to the sweet and innocent Clem from the past who has lost all her hope in humanity and all her morals and kindness. Might even have an older Clem with "Governor" like qualities in her and personality in Season 3 I could see this Carver fellow bringing out the absolute darkest spirit in her being possibly but not guaranteed of course. She might even be the next villain which would be a Tell-Tale worthy twist. However my theories are as fruitless as the next at this point in time but like I said, yours aren't bad theories just redundant scenarios that have been witness before not only in this series and media but others as well. But we will all find out in about a year's time or so when they finally bring their sluggish asses quick enough to get around to releasing all the episodes once and for all.
Ken will at least last till ep 4 lets hope the whole season, but if tt decides to kill im im pretty sure he will die as a hero, most likely … moresaving clem and sarita, about the amputation i agree with you ken would do it but i cant imagine a one arm clem x3
Episode 4 slide is even more terrifying than Episode 5. It almost looks like Clem is painting her face in blood much like when Lee drenched her body so that she won't be bitten by walkers. Going Rambo-Ripley mode on this one?
I am terrified that it will be on Clementine to kill Carver. There is another civil war in this group (there are always civil wars in these groups) and one faction decides it's up to Clem to do the deed.
I am scared that Clementine is becoming one of those crazy child soldiers in a third world nation. My Clem told Luke "Let's take them" then "I'll take the big one". My Clem told Kenny to take the shot. She needs time and a place to be a kid, I don't my Clem involved in all of this violence, but what choice does she have?
I think her hairs will get bitten and she have to cut off her hairs
it sounds like someone is screaming in the background could it be Rebecca giving birth?
Here's episode 4's slide music

If Clem goes insane this season, then she's the main antagonist of season 3 and the season ends with us killing her...I will be broken.
Didn't the Episode 2 song change?
It was
And now
I'm scared of episode 5, too, just by seeing that image I feel that something really bad is going to happen... But they can't kill Clem... In the Walking Dead universe there are fates worse than death itself... That's what really bothers me. I'm pretty sure that it doesn't matter that she's not an adult, awful things happened and will happen to her, that's just how it is. I anticipated the ending of No time left, I expected it to be just like how it was, but it still hurt a lot to see everything I had feared playing before my eyes. Here, I'm not sure of what to expect... Everything is possible, although I don't think that they're going to simply kill her. At least, not in the way Lee died...
Clementine will remember this
Carver is a bad man that much we already know. I think we are going to see some gruesome deaths by maybe torture by him? I can see most of the characters being killed off before episode 4. I just hope Kenny makes it out alive with Clem and Luke. My 3 fav characters. Be cool if Christa came back too. Would love to see her reaction to Kenny being alive
@Saad_Akram , what?! lol
i would love to see her reaction. i put money on her fainting!
It's really likely that Clem will have to kill Carver. But honestly, I think that would be just a bit too much. I mean - she's surrounded by a bunch of grown-ups yet she gets all the difficult jobs. I get the thing that Clem's really badass and all, but she's still 12. Imo, it just seems like TT's placing a bit too much responsibility on her.
WTF is Pizza and Ice Cream??
OK now I'm really scared...
Yeah, that's what a lot of other people think too.
Telltale's not playing!
it's not his, if you click and hold and move your mouse left it will scroll to the end of the walkers model and show that the shoes aren't right and something else im pretty sure i just can't remember cause we debunked this lee's skeleton theory a few days after episode 1's release
It's okay man, they'll get what the deserve...
Metro 2033... Real good game but I prefer the book.
Kenny is pizza and Clementine is Ice Cream
Is that how the ep5 slide sounds now?? Before it was more like a windy howl noise with squeaky doors and stuff? If they've changed it to that then yea that shits me up too!
I don't know why, but I have the feeling the ending of Season 2 will go somewhat like this:
Everybody Clem knows dies. Clem is shot and injured, but might be able to survive. It's painful for her to go on, especially being outside in the cold weather. She sits down by a rock. There's a pistol right beside her. The final choice...
[Shoot self] [Don't shoot]
EDIT: Uh.. sorry for whatever I did to piss everybody off...
Don't give Telltale ideas :P
That would make me lose it.
Where is this music played? on the episode slides? when I go on the slides there is just background noises like wind and wildlife etc.
Maybe it has something to do with the weather? Hot or cold, but it can't be both? We know that it looks snowy in episode 5 and it is titled no going back. Who knows.
What if clem is drugged by carvers group to kill people like she thinks she's killing walkers but she is really killing and sacrificing people wouldn't that be fucked up.
yeah thats not cheesy at all
I don't see you coming up with any better ideas.
I'm crying right now just listening to that music.Please clem,dont die
play nice
Come on you know my idea sounds interesting he's just jealous he didn't come up with it first.
Is this a PC/Mac only thing? Because when I go to choose which episode to play, I don't hear music. Instead, you can only hear the sound of the wind, for example, on the episode 2 slide.
But she's already been alone in a way previously and also has seen plenty of people dear to her killed off. The main people close to her already are gone now. Except for Christa possibly. Kenny not as much I would say. It is still too early to predict the grand finale of the season but, I sure doubt and sort of hope it will not go down like the two scenarios you've given besides the rape scenario as they've all been done before plenty of times. The rape is actually pretty much the only damaging event they haven't done to her thus far. The one arm Clem would be sort of similar to how Lee ended up previously which would in a way be repetitive or history repeating itself for her. Perhaps the only thing she could do I see is maybe go out like a hero like Kenny attempting to save another which again would be like a copy cat like ending for her. Or who knows maybe she will get so emotionally demolished that she may turn evil and then there will be "No Going Back" to the sweet and innocent Clem from the past who has lost all her hope in humanity and all her morals and kindness. Might even have an older Clem with "Governor" like qualities in her and personality in Season 3 I could see this Carver fellow bringing out the absolute darkest spirit in her being possibly but not guaranteed of course. She might even be the next villain which would be a Tell-Tale worthy twist. However my theories are as fruitless as the next at this point in time but like I said, yours aren't bad theories just redundant scenarios that have been witness before not only in this series and media but others as well. But we will all find out in about a year's time or so when they finally bring their sluggish asses quick enough to get around to releasing all the episodes once and for all.
I think I won't sleep tonight...
Don't be scared...there will be Pizza and ice cream! (and hobo beards!)
Episode 4 slide is even more terrifying than Episode 5. It almost looks like Clem is painting her face in blood much like when Lee drenched her body so that she won't be bitten by walkers. Going Rambo-Ripley mode on this one?
Pfft! I'd go with pizza
Welli was hoping for a happy ending but that's the kind of stuff that just doesn't happen anymore