Why do people want to support Carver?



  • I liked the TV Governor more. At least I can be sympathetic of him.

    ViralType posted: »

    The comic governor is about as one dimensional as you can get. The novels barely added any depth to him. And even then, it wasn't depth, it

  • He was definitely more well written, but still sadistic. But at least he wasn't a twirly moustache, Snidely Whiplash sort of villain.

    I liked the TV Governor more. At least I can be sympathetic of him.

  • He's willing to travel days just to forcibly kidnap the pregnant woman he has an obsession with, and presumably raped

    Also this means he probably left his settlement unattended.

  • In Episode 5, te«here is gonna be a fight between Carver and Kenny, to decide who is the king of godlike moustaches.

    When pure stache' met pure stache'...Kenny V Carver...battle of the facial godlyhood!

  • edited March 2014

    Yea, my name speaks more than a thousands words :D...anyway, the point is anyone who isn't totally insane would choose Kenny over Lilly. You don't necessarily have to like him, it's just the best and most logical thing to do.

  • Not necessarily. Carver's group consists of him, Bonnie, Trevor, and another guy. That's what 4 people? I doubt a settlement that large (seen in the 'next time' bit) is only for four to 11 people. There's bound to be many more people guarding it.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    He's willing to travel days just to forcibly kidnap the pregnant woman he has an obsession with, and presumably raped Also this means he probably left his settlement unattended.

  • I don't trust Carver one bit, fucking maniac! I don't trust cabin group either, and i don't trust Kenny... yet. Something's going on with these posses.

  • I think the most important thing to remember in all of this is what one of the major themes of this season is - trust. Who can you trust in a world in which the laws and social morals of the world we once knew are all but gone, if not gone completely? Also, how can you gain the trust of others without leaving yourself vunderable to attack or manipulation?

    Also important to remember is the world of the Walking Dead is a grey one without clear black and white choices, and no wholly good or evil people. Even the worst of the worst has shown some justification of what they do - see the St. Johns as an example. The whole thing is more of a sliding scale than absolute two-sided coin. Carver may just be on the darker side of the scale than the Cabin group, but that doesn't mean that Cabin group is innocent - they may have just done things in the name of survival that they are now regretful for and are reluctant to tell an outsider (like Clem) about worried about what they might think.

    The closest thing to a innocent person this season would have to be Sarah. Clem, even as a fairly decent person still, has seen and done too much to be even remotely innocent. That is a good thing, as being wary is a key to survival. I laugh at those that insinuate that the way to survive in the world like the Walking Dead basically amounts to being an asshole to everyone. The true secret to survival (in the Walking Dead or the real world) is to know who to trust and who not too, and to show to others you are one to be trusted, but not underestimated or fooled with.

  • So your basically saying you don't trust anyone? That's kinda harsh.

    I don't trust Carver one bit, fucking maniac! I don't trust cabin group either, and i don't trust Kenny... yet. Something's going on with these posses.

  • edited March 2014

    I like him in terms of that I like a villain. He's dead first chance I get but that doesnt mean you cant enjoy his charcater for what it is. A good villan

  • Thank you. :)

    As painful as that is to watch, I cant help but giggle at the text.

  • But we still don't know if it's actually his child

    We still don't know everything about him, this discussion would be best held after ep 3 is released. He's willing to travel days just

  • So you made the gif?

    Thank you.

  • Its arguements like this that make me believe kenny fans would rather pick Kenny, who just murdered 20 innocent people for no good reason, over someone who absoutlely means well and is only looking out for clem, just like Lee.. :/

  • edited March 2014

    Hey! you said you'd shave his beard and mustache infront of clem to tourture her. Don't start defending it now! blasphemer!

    You evil maniac! Kennys Mustache is to powerfull and godlike to be ever fully cut!

  • May I add. He BROKE a mans fingers infront of this guy's daughter just to FORCE people to come out. The same person who he's been hunting down for week for persuembly selfish reasons,... Why are you guys forgetting that?

    Wookra posted: »

    Well if she doesn't want to be with him that is entirely her own choice though.

  • I said Carver will shave it, not save it...anyway, Touche!

    stevean2 posted: »

    Hey! you said you'd shave his beard and mustache infront of clem to tourture her. Don't start defending it now! blasphemer!

  • Dammit mispell..! DAMN YOU TO HELL

    I said Carver will shave it, not save it...anyway, Touche!

  • That makes it worse.

    But we still don't know if it's actually his child

  • 1 reason. Michael Madsen is a badass

  • Yep.

    So you made the gif?

  • edited March 2014

    You are awesome!

    Alt text


  • edited March 2014

    Are you sure we can assume he raped her? I recall her saying she was trying with Alvin and it just wasn't working out...something along those lines. I have a feeling it was not rape at all. Its never implied, to be honest. You can hate someone you've slept with without it being rape. Things probably happened afterwards..besides, people can cheat can regret it. And most people can see Carver is a pretty nasty guy.

    Anyway, I am one of the few I guess who doesn't like him. He reminds me too much of the governor. Nasty guy. I hope he ends up being a good guy and that it was all perceived the wrong way, but how can anyone mistake a murderer for someone misunderstood?

  • Alt text

    You are awesome!

  • Carver cravers lol XD. Anyway you explained it perfectly and i agree :).

  • edited March 2014

    Carver's a hardened man and he'd go out of his way to get what he wants. I can only imagine that he'll do the same for those that he cares about and he'll do what he can to make sure they're safe.

  • When you put it like that, it actually makes me like him a little bit.

    Carver's a hardened man and he'd go out of his way to get what he wants. I can only imagine that he'll do the same for those that he cares about and he'll do what he can to make sure they're safe.

  • My point exactly.

    Alt text

    sayakamiki posted: »

    When you put it like that, it actually makes me like him a little bit.

  • I hate Carver -_- But I do have to admit, he is a great villain like you said.

  • You mean Troy?

    Zurrdroid posted: »

    Not necessarily. Carver's group consists of him, Bonnie, Trevor, and another guy. That's what 4 people? I doubt a settlement that large (seen in the 'next time' bit) is only for four to 11 people. There's bound to be many more people guarding it.

  • Same. And if it makes sense, I made fan art for him because I like to hate him! Like Nate or Handsome Jack. :P

    "Where's Rebecca?"

    Alt text

    Deceptio posted: »

    I hate Carver -_- But I do have to admit, he is a great villain like you said.

  • :O!!! Very nice! That's amazing! Oh and I didn't know you were CoolStoryBro! You changed your profile picture, what's up dude?

    Same. And if it makes sense, I made fan art for him because I like to hate him! Like Nate or Handsome Jack. :P "Where's Rebecca?"

  • Yeah, I figured that it was time for a change. ;)

    And nothin' much is up, bro. How about yourself?

    Deceptio posted: »

    :O!!! Very nice! That's amazing! Oh and I didn't know you were CoolStoryBro! You changed your profile picture, what's up dude?

  • I saw the Harlem Globetrotters at my school last night!

    Yeah, I figured that it was time for a change. And nothin' much is up, bro. How about yourself?

  • Damn! You lucky sumbitch!

    Deceptio posted: »

    I saw the Harlem Globetrotters at my school last night!

  • Eh, it made sense to me. But TV Gov is much more, comic purists whine that he isn't anything compared to comic Gov, yet he's so much more. He actually falls as Philip the brutal venting but mostly caring leader and becomes the Governor, instead of just being psycho in his introduction. David Morrissey helped lots :3

    ViralType posted: »

    The comic governor is about as one dimensional as you can get. The novels barely added any depth to him. And even then, it wasn't depth, it

  • He is voiced by Michael Madsen what not to like about Carver.

  • Because they think he's a good guy.

  • ........Coz he's like, totally hot and stuff?

  • Definitely.

    Kryik posted: »

    Eh, it made sense to me. But TV Gov is much more, comic purists whine that he isn't anything compared to comic Gov, yet he's so much more. H

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