Did Anyone Else Find ____'s Return Odd?
While I personally did not like Kenny very much, this is not the reason that I find his return to be odd. I can totally believe his return, had I dropped Ben in Crawford and Kenny had been lost through that hole in the building. However, I did not drop Ben, and I had the luck of seeing Kenny get surrounded in a tight alley on both sides by countless hordes of zombies. By the time Kenny pushes Lee out of the alley and decides to risk himself, he is totally surrounded and the zombies are already upon him - and we even see some portions which might suggest that he was attacked and possibly bitten by a walker (watch this:
and watch at 4:22-23, where you can hear biting sounds and Kenny scream).
I'm not upset about his return - in fact, I'm a bit pleased, since I was wholeheartedly expecting Lilly (who I hate more) or some minor character (which would have been a cop out) - but I just don't find it believable considering my experience in Episode 5.
Well... we can see a sewer entrance and a window in the alleyway, so i assume he climbed into one of those.
But i have to agree with you, him surviving seems much more likely and possible during the " Kenny saves Christas life " ending.
Indeed, while there are plenty of avenues for Kenny to escape, it seems more likely for him to have escaped saving Christa because there is less to visually imply his demise.
I made this gif from Flimsii's "The Walking Feel" video on YouTube. If you look veeeeryy very closely, you can see the top of his head suggesting that he hauled ass outta there.
Tyreese did just fine in the comics; I'm pretty sure he was completely surrounded by walkers in that scene.
@TWDFan86; I did see that, but what is implied through earlier scenes is that they are surrounded and, if the zombies on the right (as per your GIF) made it over to him, the ones on the left also gained ground.
@Ohyoupokedme, Tyreese is a different case... and he died in a pretty lousy way after all was said and done.
Like I said, miracles do happen, but it just found it odd due to the constraints of the scene that Ben-keepers get.
Yeah, that's what bothered me also. What also bothered me is that we never got a more detailed explanation of how he escaped that - all we get is "I got lucky. Very lucky."
Well, maybe that's all there was to it. Maybe he just hauled ass outta there and was lucky to not be bit in the process. It is possible. I'm kind of glad they didn't go into some elaborate explanation. It would have felt too forced, like they needed to justify Kenny's continued existence. I was happy with the explanation. It sounded like he just escaped by the skin of his teeth, which is plausible because we never saw what happened.
My first playthrough I got this very ending because I tried saving Ben and wanted to give him a chance to redeem himself. I figured there was no way Kenny made it out of there from "my" perspective. Surprise, surprise he shows up at the ski lodge. Not really surprised but yeah really Kenny,...Kenny!?
The explanation that he got really lucky did not sit well with me and I actually got very annoyed by that because I felt that ruined the whole moment and how cheap his comeback was. How exactly did Kenny survive either scenario depending on who he saved, Christa or Ben? That is what I wanted to hear, not oh I just had lady luck on my side.
I guess that makes sense. I'm just curious, though.
Lee proved it's possible to fight your way through an entire street of zombies without getting bitten once (possible, but not advisable). Kenny's escape in Ben's scenario is a lot more believable if you take that into account.
I got the Christa version, where it is more believable that he escaped, though the lack of explanation annoyed me as well. "I got lucky" is simply a handwave, even though I'm very glad to have Kenny back. Hopefully, more will be revealed about his escape in future Episodes.
I didn't drop Ben and I agree it seems really unlikely, I didn't see a sewers but its a possibility. it really annoyed me they didn't explain, I guess the writers had to choose one to base his return on. All they did was to give a maybe hint that Kenny had snap like Lilly did. His wife found him at and empty diner. and there was chose to bring up if he had changed -- how will that effect things? break up their relationship?
Walkers are sensitive to the smell of fresh blood and loud noises.
In the Ben scenario, I can see them going for Ben instead of Kenny, since Ben had practically become a walker bait there.
Fresh blood scent + his screaming + the gunshot sound of when Kenny puts him out of his misery = most of the attention is going to be on him
If Kenny escaped through the sewers, I'm pretty sure sewers or "underground" would have been in his explanation, so i'd rule out sewers, hopefully Kenny goes psycho in future episodes and has flashbacks of things we didnt see, like how he got from Savannah to NC, why he went there, what Sarita was doing where ever this restaurant was that kenny was found in, i dont know...
Yeah but point is, we saw exactly how Lee conquered so no questions asked, whereas Kenny's survival is unseen and/or unexplained. So I do not find Kenny's survival really believable. "I just got really lucky." Yeah, sure.
TTG could do a DLC for Kenny, Lily, Molly, anyone else I'm missing.